Chandelier, Grand Central Baker, Pioneer Square, Seattle, WA.
Photo Essay: Pioneer Square, Seattle, WA

First posted in April, 2012

I have no excuse for not posting in forever. Well, I have some excuses, I guess, as it's been a busy winter of blessings and tragedy, high highs and low lows. But life is generally interesting, fun, filled with friends and new endeavors...

I should probably be writing about it, but I haven't really had it in me to do so for whatever reason. Sometimes it's been due to sadness, but mostly due to being more active, more creative, more social. Maybe I'll write again soon.

I mostly came by to tell you I'm okay. But so long as I'm here: among the interesting things in my life as of late, I guess, is that I took a photography class on light and metering yesterday. I took the class because I live in a city now and such things are offered in cities. (I've been in the big city for six months now, can you believe it?) Anyway, I also took the class because I was guessing a lot more with my camera than I needed to; I wanted to be more in control of the way my photographs come out.

After the class was over I was understandably in a photo-taking sort of mood. So I'll share how my very nice day went yesterday. Not so much because I feel up for writing, but because I can mostly just show you the photos I took, such as the one seen above.

Pictures, are, after all, worth lots and lots of words.

Thick vines on brick, Pioneer Square

Ivy growing horizontally, Pioneer Square

Grand Central Bakery sign, Pioneer Square

A cookie and coffee, next to the fireplace
Grand Central Bakery, Pioneer Square
(Best seat in Seattle, honestly.)

An arched doorway, Grand Central Baker, Pioneer Square

Daffodil in bloom, Pioneer Square

Andromeda* in bloom, Pioneer Square
* Japanese Andromeda? Possibly? Not at all sure!

Skyline from Occidental Square

Waterfall Park, Pioneer Square

Corner building detail, Pioneer Square

Water beneath a peer, Seattle waterfront

The aptly-named Bookstore Bar, Pioneer Square