ClubFloyd Transcript:
Vain Empires by Thomas Mack and Xavid
As played on ifMUD on November 8-15, 2020

The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.

Below is a transcript of Vain Empires written by Thomas Mack and Xavid. Vain Empires was originally released as part of the 2020 IFComp, in which it took third place. It also took third place in the Miss Congeniality contest. You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting IFDB.

WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played this game, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page.

ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion

DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "load sleepmask vainempires"
CF ] Casino Entrance 0/0
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a mistake to anthropomorphize humans. For all their rationality
CF | and free will, they won't do anything if left to their own devices.
CF | Instead, it falls to my organization to push them in the right, or
CF | more often wrong, direction. We operate with secrecy and subtlety: a
CF | hint here, a nudge there, and eventually an empire collapses.
CF |
CF | A few situations require more direct intervention. Recently, a station
CF | in the town of ������������������������ in the earthly realm suddenly
CF | went silent.
CF | It's probably nothing serious; the most likely explanation is that its
CF | cover was compromised, and the officer in charge had to abandon it.
CF | The day before, we intercepted a highly encrypted communiqu�� from the
CF | Other Side sent to one of their agents in the area. Again, it's
CF | probably nothing; they send a lot of messages.
CF |
CF | "Probably" isn't good enough for me, though. Our rival organization is
CF | also engaged in a complex war of manipulation, and we both have
CF | elaborate systems of measures and countermeasures to ensure that the
CF | other side plays fairly. Officially, I'm here to look over the station
CF | and make sure the place is clean. Unofficially, I'm here to make sure
CF | the Other Side isn't cheating at the Great Game.
CF |
CF | You can't trust angels.
CF |
CF | Vain Empires
CF | An interactive memoir by Thomas Mack and Xavid
CF | Release 1 / Serial number 201003 / Inform 7 build 6M62 (I6/v6.33 lib
CF | 6/12N)
CF | Type about for information about this game, help for
CF | general tips on playing interactive fiction, or hint for an
CF | interactive hint menu.
CF |
CF | Casino Entrance
CF | The casino complex looming before me is a converted seaside chateau.
CF | Only the most discreet glimpses of opulence are visible through the
CF | windows: checkerboard marble floors, liveried valets roaming the
CF | hallways, tiny but undoubtedly very expensive objets d'art sitting on
CF | oversized tables, and so on. As a warm breeze from the beach ruffles
CF | the palm trees, humans in formalwear stride through the grounds,
CF | staring longingly at the casino's beckoning entrance to the north.
CF |
CF | A suspiciously large quantity of salt forms an arc around the doorway.
CF |
CF | A bouncer kicks idly at the pile of salt.
CF |
CF | A thief watches, hoping for the bouncer to get distracted.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Uh, salt repels us?"
DavidW says, "Salt repels slugs. I think we're more the demon type."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x me"
CF ] Casino Entrance 0/1
CF | >
CF | > X ME
CF |
CF | Me? There's not much to say, really. My name is Sidewinder.
CF |
CF | (That's a lie. "Sidewinder" is a cryptonym; my real name is
CF | classified.)
CF |
CF | I'm a legal counsel to Hell's Office of Mortal Trade and Economic
CF | Development.
CF |
CF | (That's also a lie, or more accurately a cover. I'm an
CF | intelligence officer, or more accurately a spy.)
CF |
CF | My job is to build peaceful, productive relations with mortals and to
CF | prevent my opposite number from expanding their influence in the
CF | mortal realm.
CF |
CF | (That one's true, although the methods by which I go about it are
CF | far outside the ambit of my cover job.)
CF |
CF | I am, of course, a demon. Rather than the slavering mass of fangs and
CF | claws humans tend to expect, though, I'm a noncorporeal entity who
CF | moves in the spiritual realm and has some ability to influence humans
CF | in the physical realm.
CF |
CF | (Also true, although I could probably have the research department
CF | whip me up some fangs and claws if I really needed them.)
CF |
CF | To put it simply: I'm from Hell, and I'm here to help.
CF |
CF | (Absolutely true, though I'm not going to say whom I'm going to
CF | help.)
CF |
CF | The bouncer greets a well-dressed visitor.
CF |
CF | The thief watches, hoping for the bouncer to get distracted.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x salt"
CF ] Casino Entrance 0/2
CF | >
CF |
CF | The mostly likely explanation of the salt is that it's just a random,
CF | unremarkable accident, probably spilled by someone delivering kitchen
CF | supplies. The most worrying possibility is that it was placed here
CF | deliberately, probably by some useful idiot on the casino's staff who
CF | managed to dredge up some bit of folklore about demons and was trying
CF | to be helpful.
CF |
CF | The bouncer shuffles from foot to foot.
CF |
CF | The thief watches, hoping for the bouncer to get distracted.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x bouncer"
CF ] Casino Entrance 0/3
CF | >
CF |
CF | A burly, ill-tempered human standing next to the door. Even if it is
CF | an exclusive place, the casino doesn't benefit from turning too many
CF | people away; the role of the bouncer is to keep an eye out for
CF | troublemakers.
CF |
CF | The bouncer slowly surveys the crowd.
CF |
CF | The thief sidles up to the bouncer and has an animated conversation
CF | with it, but to no avail.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x thief"
CF ] Casino Entrance 0/4
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's wearing a black-and-white striped shirt and a domino mask. It
CF | doesn't fit in.
CF |
CF | The thief has an intent to
CF | the casino.
CF |
CF | It goes without saying that my kind have certain affordances when it
CF | comes to dealing with mortals. We may not be much for the shuffling
CF | around of physical objects, but when it comes to humans' intentions,
CF | we can pluck them out, give them to others, and generally treat them
CF | as playthings.
CF |
CF | The bouncer leans against the doorway, idly watching the thief.
CF |
CF | The thief watches, hoping for the bouncer to get distracted.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "Intent? Affordances. Is this inspired by Delightful Wallpaper?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take enter"
CF ] Casino Entrance 0/5
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the enter intent from the thief.
CF |
CF | The bouncer leans against the doorway, idly watching the thief.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put enter on bouncer"
CF ] Casino Entrance 0/6
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the enter intent to the bouncer, who now intends to enter the
CF | casino.
CF |
CF | The bouncer sighs, looks at its watch, and decides to duck into the
CF | casino for a quick break. As it shuffles inside, it conveniently kicks
CF | aside enough of the salt to break the barrier. The thief gamely
CF | follows after it.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "in"
CF ] Casino Floor 0/6
CF | >
CF | > IN
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The thief sidles toward the door, but a guard notices and glares
CF | menacingly. The thief slinks back to the casino floor.
CF |
CF | The bouncer disappears further into the casino and is soon lost in the
CF | crowd.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "...huh! That's an interesting mechanic."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x door"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/7
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's an enormous door of brass and wood. It's probably locked
CF | (footnote 1).
CF |
CF | The thief sidles toward the door, but the guard notices and glares
CF | menacingly. The thief slinks back to the casino floor.
CF |
CF | [Your score has just gone up by one point.]
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "It's distracting that demons "it" people."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "footnote 1"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/7
CF | >
CF |
CF | (1) ...probably locked.: Not that a locked door is an
CF | obstacle to me.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x guard"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/8
CF | >
CF |
CF | A somberly dressed human posted to guard the door. Despite the boredom
CF | of its job, it's focused and professional.
CF |
CF | The guard has an intent to
CF | entry into the vault.
CF |
CF | The thief tries to subtly watch the guard.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x thief"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/9
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's wearing a black-and-white striped shirt and a domino mask. It
CF | doesn't fit in.
CF |
CF | The thief looks longingly at the guarded door.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x machines"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/10
CF | >
CF |
CF | The machines attract a steady stream of humans with their incessant
CF | noise and lights. The humans drawn in don't look like they're enjoying
CF | themselves, though; their expressions are flat or even mildly annoyed.
CF |
CF | The thief sidles toward the door, but the guard notices and glares
CF | menacingly. The thief slinks back to the casino floor.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x humans"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/11
CF | >
CF |
CF | Awash in an amorphous mass of greed and bedazzlement.
CF |
CF | The thief sidles toward the door, but the guard notices and glares
CF | menacingly. The thief slinks back to the casino floor.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take block"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/12
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the block intent from the guard.
CF |
CF | The thief inches toward the door, but the guard notices and glares
CF | aggressively. Apparently it's more alert than I thought.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/12
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the block intent
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x detector"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/13
CF | >
CF |
CF | The device is a convenient detector attuned to items tagged by demons
CF | from my home office, such as the chief of station here. When spun, it
CF | indicates how many of those items are in my present location (but not
CF | yet in my possession) and how many are in the same portion of the
CF | compound.
CF |
CF | The thief inches toward the door, but the guard notices and glares
CF | aggressively. Apparently it's more alert than I thought.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Read the communique?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "read communique"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/14
CF | >
CF |
CF | 42734 72880 40921 46480 44946 04845 62628 73048 74615 96248 47576
CF | 45953 40297 62029 31368 02666 18580 63211 79260 67549 07135 14066
CF | 43999 10698 03659 31802 08678 65629 67043 24095 85994
CF |
CF | The thief inches toward the door, but the guard notices and glares
CF | aggressively. Apparently it's more alert than I thought.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I suppose that could be telephone code."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "turn on detector"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/15
CF | >
CF |
CF | It isn't something I can switch.
CF |
CF | The thief watches hopefully for the guard to get distracted.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "use detector"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/16
CF | >
CF |
CF | The detector produces three high whistles, indicating three unattained
CF | codebooks in this region of the compound, but none in this specific
CF | location.
CF |
CF | The thief watches hopefully for the guard to get distracted.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/16
CF | >
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The thief is skulking nearby, trying unsucessfully to avoid looking
CF | suspicious.
CF |
CF | The guard is watching the door.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/17
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Poker Tables
CF | If the rest of the casino is a place of leisure, this lair is a place
CF | of business. Shark-faced humans in formal attire loom over tables
CF | playing some incomprehensible card game, accepting both wins and
CF | losses with aloof detachment. Aside from a desultory appreciative or
CF | sympathetic murmur from onlookers following a particularly involved
CF | hand, the room has the quiet intensity of an art museum. Whorls of
CF | cigarette smoke drift across the glaring lights overhead.
CF |
CF | The main area of the of the casino lies to the east.
CF |
CF | A gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | A card sharp is watching the other gamblers.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Can we pass through the door?"
MoyTW says, "I thought we were, like, incorporeal."
Knight_Otu says, "We can."
Knight_Otu says, "Unless it's warded somehow."
MoyTW asks, "...try?"
DavidW asks, "hm?"
DavidW says (to MoyTW), "did you want to drive? Go ahead."
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/17
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go east.
CF |
CF | Of course, as a disembodied force made of spiritual energy rather than
CF | physical matter, I can theoretically go to and fro in the earth
CF | wherever I please. As in any business involving demons, though, terms
CF | and conditions apply. The particular summoning spell that I used to
CF | access the mortal plane ties my presence here to the premises of the
CF | casino, and I can't wander too far away from it. It also requires me
CF | to begrudgingly respect the human fiction of its walls.
CF |
CF | Besides, I take the responsibilities of my position seriously. It
CF | might be nice to wander away from the casino and the nagging problems
CF | of its humans, float out to some deserted island, and spend a
CF | well-deserved vacation alone on the beach; but ultimately, I've got a
CF | job to do, and I don't have time to waste idly drifting around the
CF | mortal realm.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Oh. Okay, we have to "begrudgingly respect the human fiction of its walls""
MoyTW says, "RIP"
DavidW says, "The door is to the room to the east."
Knight_Otu says, "Walls, but apparently not doors, from the earlier footnote."
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "x door"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/17
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see the imposing door here. It was on the casino floor.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "look"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/17
CF | >
CF |
CF | Poker Tables
CF | If the rest of the casino is a place of leisure, this lair is a place
CF | of business. Shark-faced humans in formal attire loom over tables
CF | playing some incomprehensible card game, accepting both wins and
CF | losses with aloof detachment. Aside from a desultory appreciative or
CF | sympathetic murmur from onlookers following a particularly involved
CF | hand, the room has the quiet intensity of an art museum. Whorls of
CF | cigarette smoke drift across the glaring lights overhead.
CF |
CF | The main area of the of the casino lies to the east.
CF |
CF | The card sharp is watching the other gamblers.
CF |
CF | I can also see the gambler here.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "...oh, I missed when we moved in the scroll. Sorry, go 'head David, unless you don't want to drive."
DavidW says, "I went west to here but I didn't examine these people yet."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/18
CF | >
CF |
CF | The well-dressed guest hovers around the poker tables with evident
CF | curiosity. It also carries an attach�� case that is sparkling with
CF | faint spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | The gambler has an intent to
CF | the poker tables without getting sucked in.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take explore"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/19
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the explore intent from the gambler.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | The card sharp looks at the bunch of unobservant, unwary gamblers in
CF | the casino optimistically.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/20
CF | >
CF |
CF | A wily human wearing a green visor and a charcoal suit. It looks like
CF | it's been here for quite a while, and it watches the other gamblers
CF | with a predatory manner.
CF |
CF | The card sharp has an intent to
CF | up at poker.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take clean"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/21
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the clean up intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | The card sharp looks around the room predatorily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/21
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the explore intent
CF | the block intent
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/22
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The thief inches toward the door, but the guard notices and glares
CF | aggressively. Apparently it's more alert than I thought.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Ballroom 1/23
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is playing
CF | some forgettable piece of classical music energetically. A breeze from
CF | the nearby sea occasionally rustles the curtains around the French
CF | doors leading outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the
CF | summer heat. The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor
CF | lies to the west.
CF |
CF | Some musicians play an intricate fugue.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x musicians"
CF ] Ballroom 1/24
CF | >
CF |
CF | A string quartet is stationed in the upper reaches of the hall to
CF | entertain the humans dancing below.
CF |
CF | The musicians have an intent to
CF | music.
CF |
CF | The musicians play a lively scherzo.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take play"
CF ] Ballroom 1/25
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the play intent from the musicians.
CF |
CF | The musicians take the opportunity to drink some water.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x humans"
CF ] Ballroom 1/26
CF | >
CF |
CF | (the musicians)
CF | A string quartet is stationed in the upper reaches of the hall to
CF | entertain the humans dancing below.
CF |
CF | The musicians rosin their bows.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Bar 1/27
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Bar
CF | The casino's bar is a lively retreat for the dancers in the ballroom,
CF | with a steady stream of patrons drifting in and out. The bar itself is
CF | a giant mahogany beast with a bewildering array of decanters, bottles,
CF | and vials set against the mirror behind it. Floor-length windows fill
CF | the room with orange light.
CF |
CF | The ballroom is south of here.
CF |
CF | A bartender folds some towels at the bar.
CF |
CF | A waiter sweeps through the room and attends to the guests.
CF |
CF | It occurs to me that I should clarify that what I'm glossing as moving
CF | from place to place is actually a complicated warping of my spiritual
CF | probability field to move the mean of the distribution to another
CF | point in space while preserving the decay rate of the tails. I'm told
CF | that humans use muscles and tendons for their locomotion, and I
CF | suppose that works too. Most of my experience, however, is completely
CF | alien to humans' frame of reference, and I'm trying to meet you
CF | halfway. If I mention, say, that I have a headache, I don't mean to
CF | imply that I have a literal head that literally hurts; I'm referring
CF | to some part of my non-human non-physical non-anatomy that would make
CF | absolutely no sense to you, so I've put it in terms of the closest
CF | human equivalent. Similarly, I can't pick up and hold even a spiritual
CF | object such as an intention; I don't have hands (or, despite the
CF | unflattering paintings you may have seen, horns and a tail). Instead,
CF | to keep something like that nearby, I'm doing something impossibly
CF | complex that nevertheless has the same effect as your holding a teacup
CF | with your grubby, meaty human hands. To avoid confusion, I'm just
CF | going to describe myself as, say, holding the communiqu��, and I'll
CF | leave it to you to wonder about how a spiritual being such as myself
CF | navigates the physical realm.
CF |
CF | That having been said, I do wonder how you all manage with only five
CF | basic senses, and not particularly well-developed ones at that. Birds
CF | can see more colors than you, and they even get to fly. I don't think
CF | humans are any good at flying (though I have confirmed that humans are
CF | great at falling), which strikes me as a major design flaw. If you're
CF | stuck in only three spatial dimensions, you might as well get the most
CF | out of them.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "ha."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x bartender"
CF ] Bar 1/28
CF | >
CF |
CF | A human who's dressed tidily but unobtrusively to look respectable and
CF | approachable.
CF |
CF | The bartender has an intent to
CF | napkins.
CF |
CF | The bartender folds some linen napkins at the bar.
CF |
CF | The waiter sweeps through the room and attends to the guests.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take fold"
CF ] Bar 1/29
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the fold intent from the bartender.
CF |
CF | The waiter sweeps through the room and attends to the guests.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "We are very great at falling, thanks for noticing."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x waiter"
CF ] Bar 1/30
CF | >
CF |
CF | The waiter's uniform includes a half-apron with a pocket, in which
CF | rests a small notepad.
CF |
CF | The waiter has an intent to
CF | on the various guests.
CF |
CF | The waiter sweeps through the room and attends to the guests.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take wait"
CF ] Bar 1/31
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the wait intent from the waiter.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x notepad"
CF ] Bar 1/32
CF | >
CF |
CF | If I understand the procedure correctly, the notepad is something the
CF | waiter uses to take customers' orders. It therefore holds no interest
CF | to me; I give orders to humans, not take them.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Bar 1/32
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go south.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Ballroom 1/33
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | The musicians are chatting quietly among themselves and setting up for
CF | the next piece.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/34
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The thief inches toward the door, but the guard notices and glares
CF | aggressively. Apparently it's more alert than I thought.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Counting House 1/35
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Counting House
CF | Unlike the rest of the casino, this small room is refreshingly severe
CF | and empty. Bookshelves filled with identical logbooks line the
CF | windowless walls, occasionally broken up by racks of electronic
CF | equipment. The only exit is an imposing door to the south.
CF |
CF | An elaborate laser grid encloses a metal strongbox, which is sparkling
CF | with faint spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x strongbox"
CF ] Counting House 1/36
CF | >
CF |
CF | A heavy metal strongbox designed for storing valuables. It's sparkling
CF | with faint spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | As I approach, I feel an odd kind of tension or humming in the air. I
CF | gingerly tap the strongbox, and my curiosity is punished with a
CF | painful surge of energy. I grit my teeth and push through it, but the
CF | strongbox is completely sealed shut. It's like the surface is coated
CF | in something dense and completely smooth, without any handholds or
CF | purchase. I'm not sure what could be causing���
CF |
CF | Ah! I remember my colleague Whiptail mentioning developing some sort
CF | of protective device like this in a briefing a few centuries back. It
CF | functions as the spiritual equivalent of a diplomatic pouch: It makes
CF | the thing inside completely inaccessible to spiritual entities such as
CF | angels or my kind. Humans, being entirely corporeal, should be
CF | unaffected.
CF |
CF | I don't know how exactly the barrier works, and I've never seen it
CF | deployed in the field before. I have heard rumors that they're
CF | starting to be used at embassies and other diplomatic posts, so it's
CF | not unreasonable to assume that Krait, the officer in charge here,
CF | would have had one. He must have had to stash something important in
CF | the complex; maybe he had to escape through enemy territory and didn't
CF | want to keep it on his person, or maybe this post was suddenly
CF | compromised and had to find a safe hiding place at a moment's notice.
CF | Regardless, if Krait considered something important enough to keep out
CF | of the greedy claws of the Other Side's agents even as he was under
CF | attack or forced to abandon this station, then I consider it important
CF | too.
CF |
CF | Inside the strongbox are a confidential codebook and some stacks of
CF | banknotes. As long as it's closed, though, I can't get inside.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x codebook"
CF ] Counting House 1/37
CF | >
CF |
CF | Cryptographic information that is useful in deciphering the
CF | communiqu��. As a metaphysical item, it is is invisible to humans but
CF | tangible to me, or at least it would be if I could get it out of that
CF | mystically sealed container.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "So, we need to somehow get somebody (probably the thief) in here to open the thing."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/38
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The thief inches toward the door, but the guard notices and glares
CF | aggressively. Apparently it's more alert than I thought.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/38
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the wait intent
CF | the fold intent
CF | the play intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the explore intent
CF | the block intent
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on guard"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/39
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the guard, who now vaguely intends to
CF | explore.
CF |
CF | The thief inches toward the door, but the guard notices and glares
CF | aggressively. Apparently it's more alert than I thought.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on guard"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/40
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the guard, taking the explore intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to play some casino games.
CF |
CF | The thief inches toward the door. The guard is apparently not
CF | completely engrossed in the game, though, and pulls itself away long
CF | enough to bark at the thief.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put clean on guard"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/41
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the clean up intent to the guard, taking the play intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to clean up.
CF |
CF | The thief watches hopefully for the guard to get distracted.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take clean"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/42
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the clean up intent from the guard.
CF |
CF | The thief inches toward the door, but the guard notices and glares
CF | aggressively. Apparently it's more alert than I thought.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/43
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Poker Tables
CF | If the rest of the casino is a place of leisure, this lair is a place
CF | of business. Shark-faced humans in formal attire loom over tables
CF | playing some incomprehensible card game, accepting both wins and
CF | losses with aloof detachment. Aside from a desultory appreciative or
CF | sympathetic murmur from onlookers following a particularly involved
CF | hand, the room has the quiet intensity of an art museum. Whorls of
CF | cigarette smoke drift across the glaring lights overhead.
CF |
CF | The main area of the of the casino lies to the east.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | The card sharp is watching the other gamblers.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put fold on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/44
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the fold intent to the gambler, who now intends to fold in the
CF | poker game.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | The card sharp sizes up its fellow players.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/45
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take fold"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/46
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the fold intent from the gambler.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | The card sharp looks at the bunch of unobservant, unwary gamblers in
CF | the casino optimistically.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/47
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the gambler, who now intends to play poker.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x cards"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/48
CF | >
CF |
CF | Cards shuffle across the felt as the onlookers rap on the tabletop,
CF | make inscrutable gestures to the dealer, and grimly flick chips into a
CF | small pile in the center.
CF |
CF | The fine details of the game are alien to me. The fine details of
CF | human nature are not, though; and judging from its expression, I'd say
CF | that the gambler has quite a good hand.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the gambler thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/48
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the fold intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the explore intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the block intent
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "Do we want him to clean up or wait or fold?"
MoyTW asks, "I idea. What are we even trying to do here?"
DavidW says, "I'm not sure."
Knight_Otu asks, "Good question. Promote gambling?"
DavidW says, "I want the thief at the strongbox, but manipulating the guard directly isn't working."
DavidW says, "So one of these other characters, like the gambler, must be used instead."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put clean up on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/49
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the clean up intent to the gambler, taking the play intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to clean up its act and avoid gambling.
CF |
CF | The gambler raises. The card sharp stares at its opponent's face for a
CF | moment, then tosses its cards onto the table.
CF |
CF | The gambler happily takes the pile of chips from the table and becomes
CF | marginally richer. Despite its loss, the card sharp still has quite a
CF | bit of money remaining, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu asks, "If we make the gambler win highly, the guard might investigate?"
MoyTW says, "...huuuuh."
MoyTW says, "I guess? Good a plan as any."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/50
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the gambler, taking the clean up intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to play poker.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/51
CF | >
CF |
CF | The well-dressed guest hovers around the poker tables with evident
CF | curiosity. It also carries an attach�� case that is sparkling with
CF | faint spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | The gambler has an intent to
CF | poker.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put fold on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/52
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the fold intent to the card sharp, who now intends to fold in
CF | the poker game.
CF |
CF | The card sharp quickly folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler happily takes the pile of chips from the table and becomes
CF | marginally richer. Despite its loss, the card sharp still has quite a
CF | bit of money remaining, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take fold"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/53
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the fold intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/54
CF | >
CF |
CF | A wily human wearing a green visor and a charcoal suit. It looks like
CF | it's been here for quite a while, and it watches the other gamblers
CF | with a predatory manner.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "play fold on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/54
CF | >
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put fold on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/55
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the fold intent to the card sharp, who now intends to fold in
CF | the poker game.
CF |
CF | The card sharp summarily folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler happily takes the pile of chips from the table and becomes
CF | marginally richer. Despite its loss, the card sharp still has quite a
CF | bit of money remaining, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take fold"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/56
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the fold intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take clean up"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/57
CF | >
CF |
CF | I already have that.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take play"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/58
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the play intent from the gambler.
CF |
CF | The gambler loses its nerve and folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler watches its opponent take the pile of chips. Despite the
CF | gambler's glum expression, the loss was only a small fraction of its
CF | total money, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I think I need a better strategy here or work on someone else."
Knight_Otu asks, "Maybe making the waiter clean up does something?"
DavidW asks, "What if we played explore on the musicians?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/59
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The thief inches toward the door, but the guard notices and glares
CF | aggressively. Apparently it's more alert than I thought.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Ballroom 1/60
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | The musicians look through their sheet music.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Bar 1/61
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Bar
CF | The casino's bar is a lively retreat for the dancers in the ballroom,
CF | with a steady stream of patrons drifting in and out. The bar itself is
CF | a giant mahogany beast with a bewildering array of decanters, bottles,
CF | and vials set against the mirror behind it. Floor-length windows fill
CF | the room with orange light.
CF |
CF | The ballroom is south of here.
CF |
CF | The bartender stands behind the bar.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "play clean up on waiter"
CF ] Bar 1/61
CF | >
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put clean up on waiter"
CF ] Bar 1/62
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the clean up intent to the waiter, who now intends to clean up
CF | the general area.
CF |
CF | The waiter dusts a spot with a rag.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Bar 1/63
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The waiter straightens some furniture.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Seems unhelpful to us."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take clean up"
CF ] Bar 1/64
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the clean up intent from the waiter.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Ballroom 1/65
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | The musicians are chatting quietly among themselves and setting up for
CF | the next piece.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Sadly so."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on musicians"
CF ] Ballroom 1/66
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the musicians, who now vaguely intend to
CF | explore.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Ballroom 1/67
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Ballroom 1/68
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Ballroom 1/68
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | I can see the musicians here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take explore"
CF ] Ballroom 1/69
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the explore intent from the musicians.
CF |
CF | The musicians take the opportunity to drink some water.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Ballroom 1/69
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the explore intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the play intent
CF | the fold intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the block intent
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x block"
CF ] Ballroom 1/70
CF | >
CF |
CF | The abstract will-composite of the intention to block.
CF |
CF | The musicians look through their sheet music.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "I guess "vaguely intend" is not helpful in general."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "use detector"
CF ] Ballroom 1/71
CF | >
CF |
CF | The detector produces three high whistles, indicating three unattained
CF | codebooks in this region of the compound, but none in this specific
CF | location.
CF |
CF | The musicians are chatting quietly among themselves and setting up for
CF | the next piece.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/72
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The thief inches toward the door, but the guard notices and glares
CF | aggressively. Apparently it's more alert than I thought.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "use detector"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/73
CF | >
CF |
CF | The detector produces three high whistles, indicating three unattained
CF | codebooks in this region of the compound, but none in this specific
CF | location.
CF |
CF | The thief watches hopefully for the guard to get distracted.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/74
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Poker Tables
CF | If the rest of the casino is a place of leisure, this lair is a place
CF | of business. Shark-faced humans in formal attire loom over tables
CF | playing some incomprehensible card game, accepting both wins and
CF | losses with aloof detachment. Aside from a desultory appreciative or
CF | sympathetic murmur from onlookers following a particularly involved
CF | hand, the room has the quiet intensity of an art museum. Whorls of
CF | cigarette smoke drift across the glaring lights overhead.
CF |
CF | The main area of the of the casino lies to the east.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | The card sharp looks around the room predatorily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "use detector"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/75
CF | >
CF |
CF | The detector produces one low thud, indicating one unattained codebook
CF | in this specific location, and two high whistles, indicating two
CF | additional unattained codebooks in this region of the compound.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "oh, one codebook is here."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x tables"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/76
CF | >
CF |
CF | Cards shuffle across the felt as the onlookers rap on the tabletop,
CF | make inscrutable gestures to the dealer, and grimly flick chips into a
CF | small pile in the center.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "I assume in the atache case the gambler has there's one?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x case"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/77
CF | >
CF |
CF | A thin, leather-bound case used for transporting private documents.
CF | It's more effective when onlookers can only see in three dimensions.
CF |
CF | The attach�� case is mystically sealed, presumably to protect its
CF | contents from the opposition. The barrier is also keeping me from
CF | accessing its contents, a confidential codebook, as long as it's
CF | closed.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | The card sharp looks at the bunch of unobservant, unwary gamblers in
CF | the casino optimistically.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu asks, "So maybe if the gambler loses everything...?"
DavidW says (to Knight), "Feel free to drive."
DavidW says, "I'm a bit puzzled what to do."
Knight_Otu says, "I can try..."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/78
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the gambler, who now intends to play poker.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/79
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the gambler thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put wait on card sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/80
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the wait intent to the card sharp, who now vaguely intends to
CF | wait around idly.
CF |
CF | The gambler raises. The card sharp studies its opponent's face for a
CF | moment, then tosses its cards onto the table.
CF |
CF | The gambler happily takes the pile of chips from the table and becomes
CF | marginally richer. Despite its loss, the card sharp still has quite a
CF | bit of money remaining, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get wait"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/81
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the wait intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/81
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the wait intent
CF | the explore intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the fold intent
CF | the block intent
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put block on card sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/82
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the block intent to the card sharp, who now vaguely intends to
CF | block.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get block"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/83
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the block intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | The gambler cautiously throws another batch of chips into the pot.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put clean up on cardsharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/83
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any cardsharp here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put clean up on card sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/84
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the clean up intent to the card sharp, who now intends to clean
CF | up at poker.
CF |
CF | The gambler loses its nerve and folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler watches its opponent take the pile of chips. Despite the
CF | gambler's glum expression, the loss was only a small fraction of its
CF | total money, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/84
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Poker Tables
CF | If the rest of the casino is a place of leisure, this lair is a place
CF | of business. Shark-faced humans in formal attire loom over tables
CF | playing some incomprehensible card game, accepting both wins and
CF | losses with aloof detachment. Aside from a desultory appreciative or
CF | sympathetic murmur from onlookers following a particularly involved
CF | hand, the room has the quiet intensity of an art museum. Whorls of
CF | cigarette smoke drift across the glaring lights overhead.
CF |
CF | The main area of the of the casino lies to the east.
CF |
CF | The card sharp is watching the other gamblers.
CF |
CF | I can also see the gambler here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/85
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The thief inches toward the door, but the guard notices and glares
CF | aggressively. Apparently it's more alert than I thought.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "The "only a small portion" is making it hard to tell if that's actually helpful."
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah."
DavidW says, "agreed"
DavidW asks, "also, did I miss any intent anywhere?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Ballroom 1/86
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | The musicians are chatting quietly among themselves and setting up for
CF | the next piece.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "spin detector"
CF ] Ballroom 1/87
CF | >
CF |
CF | The detector produces three high whistles, indicating three unattained
CF | codebooks in this region of the compound, but none in this specific
CF | location.
CF |
CF | The musicians are chatting quietly among themselves and setting up for
CF | the next piece.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Terrace 1/88
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn. A sword cane has been
CF | left on it.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "oh. I missed this location."
Knight_Otu says, "Easy to miss."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x bench"
CF ] Terrace 1/89
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's a ponderous bulk of white marble, with lion's heads carved into
CF | its armrests.
CF |
CF | On the marble bench is a sword cane.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x cane"
CF ] Terrace 1/90
CF | >
CF |
CF | A weapon for people who like looking smart more than being smart.
CF | Nevertheless, I've seen them put to good use once or twice.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get it"
CF ] Terrace 1/90
CF | >
CF |
CF | As a demon, I can only manipulate spiritual objects, not physical
CF | ones.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Thought so."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/91
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Hedge Maze
CF | The tall hedges filling this part of the grounds have been
CF | meticulously cut into a network of crisscrossing channels. Presumably
CF | the effect is disorienting to humans, but I have no trouble making out
CF | the open area to the north, nestled in the center of the maze. The
CF | gravel pathways snake around it, warm in the heavy evening air.
CF |
CF | The rest of the casino grounds lie to the south.
CF |
CF | A magpie perches, looking for something shiny to abscond with.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x magpie"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/92
CF | >
CF |
CF | Magpies are not quite up to the level of ravens, but they're still
CF | solidly respectable corvids. They're not as evil as ravens, sadly, but
CF | they're actually a bit more acquisitive and mischievous.
CF |
CF | The magpie has an intent to
CF | something shiny.
CF |
CF | The magpie perches, looking for something shiny to abscond with.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get take"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/93
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the take intent from the magpie.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Peristyle 1/94
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Peristyle
CF | This small garden lies at the center of the hedge maze. Moss grows
CF | optimistically through cracks in the mosaic floor, and vines wrap
CF | around the columns ringing the open area. A fountain in the center,
CF | flowing but full of vegetation and other flotsam, breaks the summer
CF | humidity. A torturous (footnote 2) path to the south heads back into
CF | the maze.
CF |
CF | A stone statue of some sort of classical figure stands in the center
CF | of the area, sparkling with faint spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "footnote 2"
CF ] Peristyle 1/94
CF | >
CF |
CF | (2) ...A torturous path to the south: My editor suggests that
CF | I meant tortuous here, but I'm a hopeless optimist.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x statue"
CF ] Peristyle 1/95
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't know what sort of figure it's supposed to represent; it may
CF | not even be intended to be anyone at all. The statue is also hollow
CF | and sparkling with faint spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | The statue is mystically sealed, presumably to protect its contents
CF | from the opposition. The barrier is also keeping me from accessing its
CF | contents, a confidential codebook, as long as it's closed.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "There's the third one."
Knight_Otu says, "Number 3."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/96
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hedge Maze
CF | The tall hedges filling this part of the grounds have been
CF | meticulously cut into a network of crisscrossing channels. Presumably
CF | the effect is disorienting to humans, but I have no trouble making out
CF | the open area to the north, nestled in the center of the maze. The
CF | gravel pathways snake around it, warm in the heavy evening air.
CF |
CF | The rest of the casino grounds lie to the south.
CF |
CF | A magpie is perched here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Terrace 1/97
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn. A sword cane has been
CF | left on it.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "And east of here?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Colonnade 1/98
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Colonnade
CF | This cobblestone trail runs from the casino to the hotel on the
CF | complex. Box trees flank the path, interspersed with a variety of
CF | colorful ornamental plants I don't recognize. The hotel it leads to is
CF | a sprawling villa of orange bricks with towers sprouting around its
CF | perimeter. A stone archway leads east into the hotel, and the trail
CF | winds to the west.
CF |
CF | A tarnished silver mirror hangs over the archway leading east.
CF |
CF | On the silver mirror is some holly.
CF |
CF | A kid stands off to one side, looking bored.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x kid"
CF ] Colonnade 1/99
CF | >
CF | > X KID
CF |
CF | One of those young humans there seem to keep being more of. I wouldn't
CF | normally expect to see one in a place like this, but perhaps away from
CF | the actual gambling humans deem it appropriate.
CF |
CF | I've never understood the point of children. My kind, and as far as I
CF | know those of my opposite number as well, are created ex nihilo for a
CF | specific purpose. We're ideally suited for that purpose, and we have
CF | all the talent and drive needed to fulfill it. I haven't always been
CF | the efficient and accomplished lawyer I am now, for example, but I've
CF | always wanted to be, and I've had millennia to hone my craft. Humans
CF | are just thrown into a world they don't understand without any
CF | explanation, and they're expected to find something meaningful to do,
CF | figure out how to do it, and find an opportunity to do it���all on
CF | their
CF | own, and with a time limit of less than a century. It's hardly
CF | surprising that humanity is so receptive to the influences of my
CF | organization and the Other Side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x mirror"
CF ] Colonnade 1/100
CF | >
CF |
CF | The mirror is so badly tarnished as to be almost black. This is
CF | partially disguised by the prickly-leaved, festive, and inconvenient
CF | holly on it. It hangs over a stone archway that I'd ordinarily be able
CF | to easily pass through.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x holly"
CF ] Colonnade 1/101
CF | >
CF |
CF | A festive garland of holly in an inconvenient location. It reminds me
CF | of the salt at the casino entrance; if that was happenstance, then the
CF | holly is at least coincidence.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "...holly repels us?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Colonnade 1/101
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the take intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the explore intent
CF | the fold intent
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on kid"
CF ] Colonnade 1/102
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the kid, who now intends to explore for
CF | somewhere fun to play.
CF |
CF | The kid wanders off to the west.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Terrace 1/103
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn. A sword cane has been
CF | left on it.
CF |
CF | The kid runs excitedly into the maze.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/104
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Hedge Maze
CF | The tall hedges filling this part of the grounds have been
CF | meticulously cut into a network of crisscrossing channels. Presumably
CF | the effect is disorienting to humans, but I have no trouble making out
CF | the open area to the north, nestled in the center of the maze. The
CF | gravel pathways snake around it, warm in the heavy evening air.
CF |
CF | The rest of the casino grounds lie to the south.
CF |
CF | The kid gets completely confused and ends up running right out of the
CF | maze.
CF |
CF | A magpie is perched here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Terrace 1/105
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn. A sword cane has been
CF | left on it.
CF |
CF | The kid runs excitedly into the maze.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/106
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Hedge Maze
CF | The tall hedges filling this part of the grounds have been
CF | meticulously cut into a network of crisscrossing channels. Presumably
CF | the effect is disorienting to humans, but I have no trouble making out
CF | the open area to the north, nestled in the center of the maze. The
CF | gravel pathways snake around it, warm in the heavy evening air.
CF |
CF | The rest of the casino grounds lie to the south.
CF |
CF | The kid gets completely confused and ends up running right out of the
CF | maze.
CF |
CF | A magpie is perched here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/107
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The kid runs into the maze and immediately gets turned around here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/108
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The kid gets completely confused and ends up running right out of the
CF | maze.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/109
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The kid runs into the maze and immediately gets turned around here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/110
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The kid gets completely confused and ends up running right out of the
CF | maze.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/111
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The kid runs into the maze and immediately gets turned around here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/112
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The kid gets completely confused and ends up running right out of the
CF | maze.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/113
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The kid runs into the maze and immediately gets turned around here.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "oops."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get explore"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/114
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the explore intent from the kid.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/114
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Hedge Maze
CF | The tall hedges filling this part of the grounds have been
CF | meticulously cut into a network of crisscrossing channels. Presumably
CF | the effect is disorienting to humans, but I have no trouble making out
CF | the open area to the north, nestled in the center of the maze. The
CF | gravel pathways snake around it, warm in the heavy evening air.
CF |
CF | The rest of the casino grounds lie to the south.
CF |
CF | The kid shuffles around nearby.
CF |
CF | A magpie is perched here.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "If the kid had something shiny..."
Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "give explore to kid"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/115
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the kid, who now intends to explore for
CF | somewhere fun to play.
CF |
CF | The kid gets completely confused and ends up running right out of the
CF | maze.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Terrace 1/116
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn. A sword cane has been
CF | left on it.
CF |
CF | The kid runs excitedly into the maze.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Terrace 1/117
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The kid runs out of the maze, sees that it's back at the terrace, and
CF | sighs sadly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "give take to kid"
CF ] Terrace 1/118
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the take intent to the kid, taking the explore intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to take something to play with.
CF |
CF | The kid picks up the sword cane and starts swinging it around
CF | experimentally.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "I do not feel comfortable..."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "give explore to kid"
CF ] Terrace 1/119
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the kid, taking the take intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to explore for somewhere fun to play.
CF |
CF | The kid runs excitedly into the maze.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/120
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Hedge Maze
CF | The tall hedges filling this part of the grounds have been
CF | meticulously cut into a network of crisscrossing channels. Presumably
CF | the effect is disorienting to humans, but I have no trouble making out
CF | the open area to the north, nestled in the center of the maze. The
CF | gravel pathways snake around it, warm in the heavy evening air.
CF |
CF | The rest of the casino grounds lie to the south.
CF |
CF | The kid gets completely confused and ends up running right out of the
CF | maze.
CF |
CF | A magpie is perched here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/120
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the take intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the fold intent
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/121
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The kid runs into the maze and immediately gets turned around here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/122
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The kid gets completely confused and ends up running right out of the
CF | maze.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I noticed that the kid still has the sword."
MoyTW asks, "Let's get him to the guard somehow?"
DavidW says, "I don't see how."
Knight_Otu says, "I was thinking the kid may use it, perhaps to mark a path..."
MoyTW says, "Yeah"
MoyTW says, "I have no idea what to do with the kid either."
Knight_Otu says, "I think the kid'll run into the maze as long as they explore."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/123
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The kid runs into the maze and immediately gets turned around here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get explore"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/124
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the explore intent from the kid.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Terrace 1/125
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "We can also retake the play intent from the gambler."
MoyTW says, "Yeah, though, that doesn't seem to get us much."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Ballroom 1/126
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | The musicians are chatting quietly among themselves and setting up for
CF | the next piece.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, " with sword cane. What can go wrong."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/127
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The thief watches hopefully for the guard to get distracted.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "What indeed."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/128
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Poker Tables
CF | If the rest of the casino is a place of leisure, this lair is a place
CF | of business. Shark-faced humans in formal attire loom over tables
CF | playing some incomprehensible card game, accepting both wins and
CF | losses with aloof detachment. Aside from a desultory appreciative or
CF | sympathetic murmur from onlookers following a particularly involved
CF | hand, the room has the quiet intensity of an art museum. Whorls of
CF | cigarette smoke drift across the glaring lights overhead.
CF |
CF | The main area of the of the casino lies to the east.
CF |
CF | The gambler loses its nerve and folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler watches its opponent take the pile of chips. Despite the
CF | gambler's glum expression, the loss was only a small fraction of its
CF | total money, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | The card sharp is watching the other gamblers.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get play"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/129
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the play intent from the gambler.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/130
CF | >
CF |
CF | A wily human wearing a green visor and a charcoal suit. It looks like
CF | it's been here for quite a while, and it watches the other gamblers
CF | with a predatory manner.
CF |
CF | The card sharp has an intent to
CF | up at poker.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get clean"
CF ] Poker Tables 1/131
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the clean up intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | The card sharp sizes up its fellow players.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Casino Floor 1/132
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The thief inches toward the door, but the guard notices and glares
CF | aggressively. Apparently it's more alert than I thought.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Ballroom 1/133
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | The musicians take the opportunity to drink some water.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Terrace 1/134
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/135
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Hedge Maze
CF | The tall hedges filling this part of the grounds have been
CF | meticulously cut into a network of crisscrossing channels. Presumably
CF | the effect is disorienting to humans, but I have no trouble making out
CF | the open area to the north, nestled in the center of the maze. The
CF | gravel pathways snake around it, warm in the heavy evening air.
CF |
CF | The rest of the casino grounds lie to the south.
CF |
CF | The kid shuffles around nearby.
CF |
CF | A magpie is perched here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "give play to kid"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/136
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the kid, who now intends to play around with
CF | the sword cane.
CF |
CF | The kid swings the cane around wildly, slashing at unseen enemies.
CF | After a dramatic charge, it hits a sturdy trunk, hard, and the outer
CF | cane shatters, revealing the blade. The kid squeals in excitement.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Uh oh."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/137
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The kid hacks its way through the maze with the sword, easily cutting
CF | a way to the north. It excitedly charges in that direction.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Peristyle 1/138
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Peristyle
CF | This small garden lies at the center of the hedge maze. Moss grows
CF | optimistically through cracks in the mosaic floor, and vines wrap
CF | around the columns ringing the open area. A fountain in the center,
CF | flowing but full of vegetation and other flotsam, breaks the summer
CF | humidity. A torturous path to the south heads back into the maze.
CF |
CF | A stone statue of some sort of classical figure stands in the center
CF | of the area, sparkling with faint spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | The kid runs around wildly, swinging the sword. In its enthusiasm, it
CF | bumps into the statue, which rocks slightly but does not fall.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "sweet"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Peristyle 1/139
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The kid runs around wildly, swinging the sword. In its enthusiasm, it
CF | bumps into the statue, which rocks quite a bit but does not fall.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW exclaims, "progress!"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Peristyle 1/140
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The kid runs around wildly, swinging the sword. In its enthusiasm, it
CF | bumps into the statue, which rocks precariously but does not fall.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Peristyle 1/140
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the explore intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the fold intent
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "No, I think waiting's not the answer. What happens if we extracct the play?"
DavidW says, "Something new for the kid, I think."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put block on kid"
CF ] Peristyle 1/141
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the block intent to the kid, taking the play intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to block.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "Take again?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put take on kid"
CF ] Peristyle 1/142
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the take intent to the kid, taking the block intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to take something to play with.
CF |
CF | The kid picks up the sword cane and starts swinging it around
CF | experimentally.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "hm, no."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put clean up on kid"
CF ] Peristyle 1/143
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the clean up intent to the kid, taking the take intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to clean up.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I don't see how fold would help either."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore up on kid"
CF ] Peristyle 1/143
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't have any explore up in my possession.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on kid"
CF ] Peristyle 1/144
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the kid, taking the clean up intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to explore for somewhere fun to play.
CF |
CF | The kid wanders off to the south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Peristyle 1/143
CF |
CF |
CF | Peristyle
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "We probably want the kid here."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x kid"
CF ] Peristyle 1/144
CF | >
CF | > X KID
CF |
CF | One of those young humans there seem to keep being more of. I wouldn't
CF | normally expect to see one in a place like this, but perhaps away from
CF | the actual gambling humans deem it appropriate.
CF |
CF | The kid is holding the clean up intent and a sword cane.
CF |
CF | The kid has a vague intent to
CF | up.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get clean up"
CF ] Peristyle 1/145
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the clean up intent from the kid.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Peristyle 1/145
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the play intent
CF | the explore intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the fold intent
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/146
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hedge Maze
CF | The tall hedges filling this part of the grounds have been
CF | meticulously cut into a network of crisscrossing channels. Presumably
CF | the effect is disorienting to humans, but I have no trouble making out
CF | the open area to the north, nestled in the center of the maze. The
CF | gravel pathways snake around it, warm in the heavy evening air.
CF |
CF | The rest of the casino grounds lie to the south.
CF |
CF | A magpie is perched here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "give explore to magpie"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/147
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the magpie, who now intends to explore in
CF | search of something shiny.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/148
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The magpie hops up and flies off to the south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Terrace 1/149
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | A magpie is perched here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Terrace 1/150
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The magpie hops up and flies off to the east.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Colonnade 1/151
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Colonnade
CF | This cobblestone trail runs from the casino to the hotel on the
CF | complex. Box trees flank the path, interspersed with a variety of
CF | colorful ornamental plants I don't recognize. The hotel it leads to is
CF | a sprawling villa of orange bricks with towers sprouting around its
CF | perimeter. A stone archway leads east into the hotel, and the trail
CF | winds to the west.
CF |
CF | A tarnished silver mirror hangs over the archway leading east.
CF |
CF | On the silver mirror is some holly.
CF |
CF | A magpie is perched here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get explore"
CF ] Colonnade 1/152
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the explore intent from the magpie.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "take?"
DavidW asks, "hm, maybe?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "give take to magpie"
CF ] Colonnade 1/153
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the take intent to the magpie, who now intends to take
CF | something shiny.
CF |
CF | The magpie perches across from the archway, but it doesn't see
CF | anything shiny enough to attract its interest.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "...shiny. drat."
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah."
DavidW says, "The mirror needs to be cleaned up somehow."
Knight_Otu asks, "Would the kid have wanted to clean up the mirror?"
DavidW says, "I don't know how to get the kid to the mirror now."
MoyTW asks, "Worth a try...? But what would that do?"
MoyTW says, "Explore again and I bet he'll make a circuit."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Colonnade 1/154
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | As I try to pass through the archway, I bump my nonexistent head on a
CF | nonexistent wall. Looking around in confusion, I find the culprit:
CF | There's a sprig of holly on the mirror over the archway.
CF |
CF | Humans have a lot of folk tales about fending off my kind (and,
CF | perversely, attracting agents from the Other Side). Most of it is
CF | superstitious nonsense. The folklore about holly's keeping demons
CF | away, though, actually is true (footnote 3). It's embarrassing to
CF | admit, but something as simple as bit of holly over a doorway does in
CF | fact create a barrier that's difficult for demons to pass through. The
CF | effect is like running into a glass door, except that I can pass
CF | effortlessly through closed doors, so it's more like running into an
CF | archway that has holly stuck onto it.
CF |
CF | I'm not very good with metaphors. The point is that the holly is going
CF | to prevent me from passing through the archway as long as it's up
CF | there.
CF |
CF | The magpie perches across from the archway, but it doesn't see
CF | anything shiny enough to attract its interest.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Terrace 1/155
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/156
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Hedge Maze
CF | The tall hedges filling this part of the grounds have been
CF | meticulously cut into a network of crisscrossing channels. Presumably
CF | the effect is disorienting to humans, but I have no trouble making out
CF | the open area to the north, nestled in the center of the maze. The
CF | gravel pathways snake around it, warm in the heavy evening air.
CF |
CF | The rest of the casino grounds lie to the south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Peristyle 1/157
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Peristyle
CF | This small garden lies at the center of the hedge maze. Moss grows
CF | optimistically through cracks in the mosaic floor, and vines wrap
CF | around the columns ringing the open area. A fountain in the center,
CF | flowing but full of vegetation and other flotsam, breaks the summer
CF | humidity. A torturous path to the south heads back into the maze.
CF |
CF | A stone statue of some sort of classical figure stands in the center
CF | of the area, sparkling with faint spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | The kid shuffles around nearby.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "But I dunno if kid + clean means wander to clean."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on kid"
CF ] Peristyle 1/158
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the kid, who now intends to explore for
CF | somewhere fun to play.
CF |
CF | The kid wanders off to the south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/159
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hedge Maze
CF | The tall hedges filling this part of the grounds have been
CF | meticulously cut into a network of crisscrossing channels. Presumably
CF | the effect is disorienting to humans, but I have no trouble making out
CF | the open area to the north, nestled in the center of the maze. The
CF | gravel pathways snake around it, warm in the heavy evening air.
CF |
CF | The rest of the casino grounds lie to the south.
CF |
CF | The kid gets completely confused and ends up running right out of the
CF | maze.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Terrace 1/160
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | The kid runs excitedly into the maze.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "No, I guess the kid's stuck in this area."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Terrace 1/161
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The kid runs out of the maze, sees that it's back at the terrace, and
CF | sighs sadly.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "With explore, yes."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put clean up on kid"
CF ] Terrace 1/162
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the clean up intent to the kid, taking the explore intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to clean up.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "kid, east"
CF ] Terrace 1/163
CF | >
CF |
CF | Our carefully negotiated treaties with the Other Side prohibit me from
CF | talking directly to humans.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Terrace 1/163
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the explore intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the play intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the fold intent
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put fold on kid"
CF ] Terrace 1/164
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the fold intent to the kid, taking the clean up intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to fold.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put block on kid"
CF ] Terrace 1/165
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the block intent to the kid, taking the fold intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to block.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get block"
CF ] Terrace 1/166
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the block intent from the kid.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Ballroom 1/167
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | The musicians look through their sheet music.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Bar 1/168
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Bar
CF | The casino's bar is a lively retreat for the dancers in the ballroom,
CF | with a steady stream of patrons drifting in and out. The bar itself is
CF | a giant mahogany beast with a bewildering array of decanters, bottles,
CF | and vials set against the mirror behind it. Floor-length windows fill
CF | the room with orange light.
CF |
CF | The ballroom is south of here.
CF |
CF | The bartender stands behind the bar.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x bar"
CF ] Bar 1/169
CF | >
CF | > X BAR
CF |
CF | Presumably it's intended to make the room feel larger. Humans have a
CF | thing for illusions.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "One of these two must have a cleaning towel."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "give clean up to bartender"
CF ] Bar 1/170
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the clean up intent to the bartender, who now vaguely intends
CF | to clean up.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "What if the waiter explores?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "give explore to waiter"
CF ] Bar 1/171
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the waiter, who now intends to explore
CF | the casino in search of work to do.
CF |
CF | The waiter walks purposefully off to the south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Ballroom 1/172
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | The musicians are chatting quietly among themselves and setting up for
CF | the next piece.
CF |
CF | I can see the waiter here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Ballroom 1/173
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The musicians look through their sheet music.
CF |
CF | The waiter walks purposefully off to the east.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Terrace 1/174
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | The kid shuffles around nearby.
CF |
CF | I can also see the waiter here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Terrace 1/175
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The waiter walks purposefully off to the east.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Colonnade 1/176
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Colonnade
CF | This cobblestone trail runs from the casino to the hotel on the
CF | complex. Box trees flank the path, interspersed with a variety of
CF | colorful ornamental plants I don't recognize. The hotel it leads to is
CF | a sprawling villa of orange bricks with towers sprouting around its
CF | perimeter. A stone archway leads east into the hotel, and the trail
CF | winds to the west.
CF |
CF | A tarnished silver mirror garlanded with holly hangs over the archway
CF | leading east.
CF |
CF | The magpie perches across from the archway, but it doesn't see
CF | anything shiny enough to attract its interest.
CF |
CF | I can also see the waiter here.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "yes! take explore"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put clean up on waiter"
CF ] Colonnade 1/176
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't have the clean up intent in my possession. I last saw it in
CF | the bartender's possession.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get explore"
CF ] Colonnade 1/177
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the explore intent from the waiter.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | The magpie perches across from the archway, but it doesn't see
CF | anything shiny enough to attract its interest.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "Unfortunately clean up is back with the bartender. Go get it."
CF ] Colonnade 1/177
CF | >
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Forgot that the bartender had it."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Terrace 1/178
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | The kid shuffles around nearby.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Ballroom 1/179
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | The musicians rosin their bows.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Bar 1/180
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Bar
CF | The casino's bar is a lively retreat for the dancers in the ballroom,
CF | with a steady stream of patrons drifting in and out. The bar itself is
CF | a giant mahogany beast with a bewildering array of decanters, bottles,
CF | and vials set against the mirror behind it. Floor-length windows fill
CF | the room with orange light.
CF |
CF | The ballroom is south of here.
CF |
CF | The bartender stands behind the bar.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get clean up"
CF ] Bar 1/181
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the clean up intent from the bartender.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ss"
CF ] Bar 1/181
CF | >
CF | > SS
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Ballroom 1/182
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | The musicians are chatting quietly among themselves and setting up for
CF | the next piece.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Terrace 1/183
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | The kid shuffles around nearby.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Colonnade 1/184
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Colonnade
CF | This cobblestone trail runs from the casino to the hotel on the
CF | complex. Box trees flank the path, interspersed with a variety of
CF | colorful ornamental plants I don't recognize. The hotel it leads to is
CF | a sprawling villa of orange bricks with towers sprouting around its
CF | perimeter. A stone archway leads east into the hotel, and the trail
CF | winds to the west.
CF |
CF | A tarnished silver mirror garlanded with holly hangs over the archway
CF | leading east.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | The magpie perches across from the archway, but it doesn't see
CF | anything shiny enough to attract its interest.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put clean up on waiter"
CF ] Colonnade 1/185
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the clean up intent to the waiter, who now intends to clean up
CF | the general area.
CF |
CF | The waiter, noticing the state of the silver mirror, applies some
CF | silver polish and elbow grease. Soon, the mirror is shiny again.
CF |
CF | The magpie, seeing the mirror reflecting light onto the holly,
CF | immediately swoops down and grabs it in its talons. Yanking hard on
CF | it, it dislodges the holly and flies off with it back towards the
CF | terrace.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Sweet."
DavidW says, "yes! Holly is gone."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get clean up"
CF ] Colonnade 1/186
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the clean up intent from the waiter.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Terrace 1/187
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | The kid shuffles around nearby.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/188
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Hedge Maze
CF | The tall hedges filling this part of the grounds have been
CF | meticulously cut into a network of crisscrossing channels. Presumably
CF | the effect is disorienting to humans, but I have no trouble making out
CF | the open area to the north, nestled in the center of the maze. The
CF | gravel pathways snake around it, warm in the heavy evening air.
CF |
CF | The rest of the casino grounds lie to the south.
CF |
CF | The magpie perches in a rough nest of holly, looking for something
CF | shiny to abscond with.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get take"
CF ] Hedge Maze 1/189
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the take intent from the magpie.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Terrace 1/190
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | The kid stands off to one side, looking bored.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Colonnade 1/191
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Colonnade
CF | This cobblestone trail runs from the casino to the hotel on the
CF | complex. Box trees flank the path, interspersed with a variety of
CF | colorful ornamental plants I don't recognize. The hotel it leads to is
CF | a sprawling villa of orange bricks with towers sprouting around its
CF | perimeter. A stone archway leads east into the hotel, and the trail
CF | winds to the west.
CF |
CF | A shiny silver mirror hangs over the archway leading east.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Hotel Reception 5/192
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Hotel Reception
CF | I'm at the hotel's reception, a small entryway with a gleaming marble
CF | floor and lamps made of dark green glass. The reception desk itself is
CF | a massive thing of oak, with a plush red carpet in front of it and a
CF | few potted chrysanthemums on top of it making it more inviting. A safe
CF | has been set into the wall behind it. A ceiling fan slowly spins above
CF | a passage farther into the hotel to the east. The exit from the hotel,
CF | flanked by ferns in massive clay pots, lies to the west.
CF |
CF | A hotel clerk stands behind the desk.
CF |
CF | A wealthy dowager is sitting in a plush leather chair.
CF |
CF | [Your score has just gone up by four points.]
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "spin detector"
CF ] Hotel Reception 5/193
CF | >
CF |
CF | The detector produces one low thud, indicating one unattained codebook
CF | in this specific location, and two high whistles, indicating two
CF | additional unattained codebooks in this region of the compound.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Three more."
DavidW says, "gosh"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x clerk"
CF ] Hotel Reception 5/194
CF | >
CF |
CF | A harried-looking human, dressed neatly in hotel livery.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x dowager"
CF ] Hotel Reception 5/195
CF | >
CF |
CF | An elderly human, dressed in the conspicuous finery of one who has
CF | more money than taste.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x desk"
CF ] Hotel Reception 5/196
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's a massive thing, at least by human standards. These things are de
CF | rigueur in hotels, though I don't know why. Perhaps they're a mystery
CF | of human behavior that, like hats, will forever remain unsolved.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x safe"
CF ] Hotel Reception 5/197
CF | >
CF |
CF | A standard, unimpressive hotel desk safe. It's good enough for the
CF | sorts of ordinary valuables humans care about, I suppose. As for
CF | actually valuable valuables, I notice that the safe is glowing with
CF | spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | The safe is mystically sealed, presumably to protect its contents from
CF | the opposition. The barrier is also keeping me from accessing its
CF | contents, a jewel collection and a secret codebook, as long as it's
CF | closed.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Hats: The Musical by Andrew Lloyd Haberdasher"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x jewel"
CF ] Hotel Reception 5/198
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't care about worthless shiny rocks myself, of course, but the
CF | greed humans have for such things can be quite useful.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Now that'd be a heck of a musical."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Hotel Reception 5/198
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the take intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the explore intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the fold intent
CF | the play intent
CF | the wait intent
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put take on clerk"
CF ] Hotel Reception 5/199
CF | >
CF |
CF | Some odd freezing, feathery barrier stops me, like an angry swan made
CF | of ice is getting in my way.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x clerk"
CF ] Hotel Reception 5/200
CF | >
CF |
CF | A harried-looking human, dressed neatly in hotel livery.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "x livery?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x livery"
CF ] Hotel Reception 5/200
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see the valets here. They were at Casino Entrance.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x hotel livery"
CF ] Hotel Reception 5/200
CF | >
CF |
CF | I only understood you as far as wanting to examine the hotel clerk.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put take on dowager"
CF ] Hotel Reception 5/201
CF | >
CF |
CF | Some odd freezing, feathery barrier stops me, like an angry swan made
CF | of ice is getting in my way. I haven't encountered this sort of
CF | obstacle before, and it's clearly spiritual in nature. While I try be
CF | reasonably au fait with security measures in the field myself, my
CF | division has an entire research branch devoted to unusual and
CF | cutting-edge technology. I've worked with them before, and I even know
CF | one of their top scientists. The best option here would be for me to
CF | give my friend Whiptail a call and ask him if he knows anything about
CF | this apparently new bit of technology. Due to the abruptness of my
CF | assignment here, I don't have any sophisticated means of contacting
CF | headquarters. Instead, I'll have to fall back on the old standby of a
CF | bell, book, and candle.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "The clerk must be protected somehow."
MoyTW says, "...a bell, book, and candle. Ok."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x potted"
CF ] Hotel Reception 5/201
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any potted here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x chrysanthemums"
CF ] Hotel Reception 5/202
CF | >
CF |
CF | Poofy yellow flowers. They're nice, I suppose, if you like flowers. I
CF | do not.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x fan"
CF ] Hotel Reception 5/203
CF | >
CF | > X FAN
CF |
CF | As befitting a place used by the Other Side, the ceilings fans here go
CF | around in circles without accomplishing much.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Hotel Reception 5/203
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go east and west.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 5/204
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A gigantic ice sculpture of a swan sits prominently on a pedestal.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | A bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | A guest complains to no one in particular about the temperature of the
CF | room and looks meaningfully at the thermostat.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x guest"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 5/205
CF | >
CF |
CF | Wearing shorts and a gaudy-print t-shirt.
CF |
CF | The guest has an intent to
CF | itself up.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest complains to no one in particular about the temperature of
CF | the room and looks meaningfully at the thermostat.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get warm"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 5/206
CF | >
CF |
CF | Some odd freezing, feathery barrier stops me, like an angry swan made
CF | of ice is getting in my way. I don't think I'll be able to do much
CF | about this problem myself.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest shivers exaggeratedly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x bellhop"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 5/207
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's wearing a red uniform with one of those ridiculous hats.
CF |
CF | The bellhop has an intent to
CF | the sculpture.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest shivers exaggeratedly.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "That swan itself seems to be the problem."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x sculpture"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 5/208
CF | >
CF |
CF | It is very big, and surprisingly good at not melting. (The unusually
CF | low room temperature is probably a contributing factor.) At this close
CF | distance, I can feel some sort of numinous field radiating from it
CF | that's blocking my ability to manipulate these humans.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest looks pointedly at the thermostat.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "So it would appear."
MoyTW asks, "Can we turn the AC off or something?"
Knight_Otu asks, "I'm not sure we can do anything here yet?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x thermostat"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 5/209
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's currently set to an unusually low temperature.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest complains to no one in particular about the temperature of
CF | the room and looks meaningfully at the thermostat.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Lounge 5/210
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | A drunk burps loudly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x drunk"
CF ] Lounge 5/211
CF | >
CF |
CF | The drunk has disheveled, stained clothes and an unpleasant odor. I'm
CF | not sure how it's managed to avoid getting kicked out of here by some
CF | sort of respectable environment operative.
CF |
CF | The drunk is holding a bottle of vodka.
CF |
CF | The drunk has an intent to
CF | from a bottle of vodka.
CF |
CF | The drunk burps loudly.
CF |
CF | My editor has informed me that for legal reasons, I'm supposed to
CF | refer to the drunk human as "tired and emotional." I don't get it, but
CF | you can't argue with lawyers.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get drink"
CF ] Lounge 5/212
CF | >
CF |
CF | (the drink intent)
CF | Some odd freezing, feathery barrier stops me, like an angry swan made
CF | of ice is getting in my way. I don't think I'll be able to do much
CF | about this problem myself.
CF |
CF | The tired and emotional human exhales contentedly.
CF |
CF | I have informed my editor that demons don't care about human laws, and
CF | humans can't sue Hell anyway. Besides, if we had to defend our case,
CF | there's no shortage of lawyers here. I'm going to keep referring to
CF | the drunk human as a drunk.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I don't remember seeing any bells, books, or candles yet."
DavidW says, "Unless the dowager was reading a book."
Knight_Otu says, "Neither."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 5/213
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A gigantic ice sculpture of a swan sits prominently on a pedestal.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest complains to no one in particular about the temperature of
CF | the room and looks meaningfully at the thermostat.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Same."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Reception 5/214
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Reception
CF | I'm at the hotel's reception, a small entryway with a gleaming marble
CF | floor and lamps made of dark green glass. The reception desk itself is
CF | a massive thing of oak, with a plush red carpet in front of it and a
CF | few potted chrysanthemums on top of it making it more inviting. A safe
CF | has been set into the wall behind it. A ceiling fan slowly spins above
CF | a passage farther into the hotel to the east. The exit from the hotel,
CF | flanked by ferns in massive clay pots, lies to the west.
CF |
CF | The hotel clerk stands behind the desk.
CF |
CF | The wealthy dowager is sitting in a plush leather chair.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x dowager"
CF ] Hotel Reception 5/215
CF | >
CF |
CF | An elderly human, dressed in the conspicuous finery of one who has
CF | more money than taste.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x finery"
CF ] Hotel Reception 5/215
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any finery here.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "nope. Just sitting there."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Colonnade 5/216
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Colonnade
CF | This cobblestone trail runs from the casino to the hotel on the
CF | complex. Box trees flank the path, interspersed with a variety of
CF | colorful ornamental plants I don't recognize. The hotel it leads from
CF | is a sprawling villa of orange bricks with towers sprouting around its
CF | perimeter. A stone archway leads east into the hotel, and the trail
CF | winds to the west.
CF |
CF | A shiny silver mirror hangs over the archway leading east.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x villa"
CF ] Colonnade 5/217
CF | >
CF |
CF | The hotel sits comfortably out of the glare of the lights from within
CF | the casino.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Terrace 5/218
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | The kid stands off to one side, looking bored.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on kid"
CF ] Terrace 5/219
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the kid, who now intends to explore for
CF | somewhere fun to play.
CF |
CF | The kid runs excitedly into the maze.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Hedge Maze 5/220
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Hedge Maze
CF | The tall hedges filling this part of the grounds have been
CF | meticulously cut into a network of crisscrossing channels. Presumably
CF | the effect is disorienting to humans, but I have no trouble making out
CF | the open area to the north, nestled in the center of the maze. The
CF | gravel pathways snake around it, warm in the heavy evening air.
CF |
CF | The rest of the casino grounds lie to the south.
CF |
CF | The kid gets completely confused and ends up running right out of the
CF | maze.
CF |
CF | The magpie is sitting in a nest made of holly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Hedge Maze 5/221
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The kid runs into the maze and immediately gets turned around here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on kid"
CF ] Hedge Maze 5/222
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the kid, taking the explore intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to play around with the sword cane.
CF |
CF | The kid hacks its way through the maze with the sword, enlarging the
CF | way to the north. It excitedly charges in that direction.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Peristyle 5/223
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Peristyle
CF | This small garden lies at the center of the hedge maze. Moss grows
CF | optimistically through cracks in the mosaic floor, and vines wrap
CF | around the columns ringing the open area. A fountain in the center,
CF | flowing but full of vegetation and other flotsam, breaks the summer
CF | humidity. A torturous path to the south heads back into the maze.
CF |
CF | A stone statue of some sort of classical figure stands in the center
CF | of the area, sparkling with faint spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | The kid runs around, swinging the sword frantically. Apparently
CF | spotting a mighty foe in the form of the statue, it takes a powerful
CF | swing. The statue falls over and shatters into a thousand pieces,
CF | revealing a codebook.
CF |
CF | The kid looks around sheepishly. Seeing no one, it resumes its play.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Maybe waiting was the answer after all."
DavidW says, "yay! Take the codebook!"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get codebook"
CF ] Peristyle 7/224
CF | >
CF |
CF | I pick up the confidential codebook and page through it. The cipher on
CF | the communiqu�� is at a much higher classification level than the
CF | confidential codebook, but I can still decipher some of its header
CF | information and basic format. The cipher is apparently one used by
CF | high-level angelic operatives; it's something that the Other Side
CF | reserves for particularly sensitive missions involving particularly
CF | important assets. Each five-digit number corresponds to a word or
CF | phrase; 12345, for example, could mean anything from "demon" to
CF | "eliminate" to "next Thursday afternoon." The association is also
CF | one-to-many, so the same plaintext word or phrase could have (and, if
CF | it's a common one, certainly does have) multiple ciphertext numbers
CF | corresponding to it. In short, this isn't something I can break by
CF | myself.
CF |
CF | This codebook contains a portion of the code, at least the part of it
CF | that's available at the confidential classification level. With it, I
CF | can start to decrypt some of the communiqu��:
CF |
CF | 42734 72880 of 46480 44946 04845 62628 73048 74615 in the 47576 45953
CF | 40297 62029 31368 02666 and 63211 79260 67549 07135 14066 43999 is
CF | 03659 31802 08678 65629 67043 24095 85994
CF |
CF | The kid swings the sword around, carefully avoiding stepping on the
CF | shattered statue pieces.
CF |
CF | [Your score has just gone up by two points.]
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "hooray, progress"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hedge Maze 7/225
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hedge Maze
CF | The tall hedges filling this part of the grounds have been
CF | meticulously cut into a network of crisscrossing channels. Presumably
CF | the effect is disorienting to humans, but I have no trouble making out
CF | the open area to the north, nestled in the center of the maze. The
CF | gravel pathways snake around it, warm in the heavy evening air.
CF |
CF | The rest of the casino grounds lie to the south.
CF |
CF | The magpie is sitting in a nest made of holly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hedge Maze 7/225
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF | The maze is uninteresting to me, either as a diversion or as an
CF | obstacle. I might as well just walk through the hedges to the north or
CF | south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Terrace 7/226
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Ballroom 7/227
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | The musicians look through their sheet music.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Ballroom 7/227
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the explore intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the fold intent
CF | the wait intent
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | one confidential codebook
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put clean up on musicians"
CF ] Ballroom 7/228
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the clean up intent to the musicians, who now vaguely intend to
CF | clean up.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get clean up"
CF ] Ballroom 7/229
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the clean up intent from the musicians.
CF |
CF | The musicians look through their sheet music.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/230
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The thief inches toward the door, but the guard notices and glares
CF | aggressively. Apparently it's more alert than I thought.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Poker Tables 7/231
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Poker Tables
CF | If the rest of the casino is a place of leisure, this lair is a place
CF | of business. Shark-faced humans in formal attire loom over tables
CF | playing some incomprehensible card game, accepting both wins and
CF | losses with aloof detachment. Aside from a desultory appreciative or
CF | sympathetic murmur from onlookers following a particularly involved
CF | hand, the room has the quiet intensity of an art museum. Whorls of
CF | cigarette smoke drift across the glaring lights overhead.
CF |
CF | The main area of the of the casino lies to the east.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | The card sharp looks around the room predatorily.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/232
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The thief inches toward the door, but the guard notices and glares
CF | aggressively. Apparently it's more alert than I thought.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Ballroom 7/233
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | The musicians are chatting quietly among themselves and setting up for
CF | the next piece.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Terrace 7/234
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Hedge Maze 7/235
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Hedge Maze
CF | The tall hedges filling this part of the grounds have been
CF | meticulously cut into a network of crisscrossing channels. Presumably
CF | the effect is disorienting to humans, but I have no trouble making out
CF | the open area to the north, nestled in the center of the maze. The
CF | gravel pathways snake around it, warm in the heavy evening air.
CF |
CF | The rest of the casino grounds lie to the south.
CF |
CF | The magpie is sitting in a nest made of holly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Peristyle 7/236
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Peristyle
CF | This small garden lies at the center of the hedge maze. Moss grows
CF | optimistically through cracks in the mosaic floor, and vines wrap
CF | around the columns ringing the open area. A fountain in the center,
CF | flowing but full of vegetation and other flotsam, breaks the summer
CF | humidity. A torturous path to the south heads back into the maze.
CF |
CF | The kid swings the sword around, carefully avoiding stepping on the
CF | shattered statue pieces.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get play"
CF ] Peristyle 7/237
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the play intent from the kid.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Peristyle 7/237
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Peristyle
CF | This small garden lies at the center of the hedge maze. Moss grows
CF | optimistically through cracks in the mosaic floor, and vines wrap
CF | around the columns ringing the open area. A fountain in the center,
CF | flowing but full of vegetation and other flotsam, breaks the summer
CF | humidity. A torturous path to the south heads back into the maze.
CF |
CF | The kid shuffles around nearby.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hedge Maze 7/238
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hedge Maze
CF | The tall hedges filling this part of the grounds have been
CF | meticulously cut into a network of crisscrossing channels. Presumably
CF | the effect is disorienting to humans, but I have no trouble making out
CF | the open area to the north, nestled in the center of the maze. The
CF | gravel pathways snake around it, warm in the heavy evening air.
CF |
CF | The rest of the casino grounds lie to the south.
CF |
CF | The magpie is sitting in a nest made of holly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Terrace 7/239
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Ballroom 7/240
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | The musicians are chatting quietly among themselves and setting up for
CF | the next piece.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/241
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The thief inches toward the door, but the guard notices and glares
CF | aggressively. Apparently it's more alert than I thought.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Casino Entrance 7/242
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Entrance
CF | The casino complex looming before me is a converted seaside chateau.
CF | Only the most discreet glimpses of opulence are visible through the
CF | windows: checkerboard marble floors, liveried valets roaming the
CF | hallways, tiny but undoubtedly very expensive objets d'art sitting on
CF | oversized tables, and so on. As a warm breeze from the beach ruffles
CF | the palm trees, humans in formalwear stride through the grounds,
CF | staring longingly at the casino's beckoning entrance to the north.
CF |
CF | A suspiciously large quantity of salt is no longer blocking the
CF | doorway.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/243
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The thief inches toward the door, but the guard notices and glares
CF | aggressively. Apparently it's more alert than I thought.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Counting House 7/244
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Counting House
CF | Unlike the rest of the casino, this small room is refreshingly severe
CF | and empty. Bookshelves filled with identical logbooks line the
CF | windowless walls, occasionally broken up by racks of electronic
CF | equipment. The only exit is an imposing door to the south.
CF |
CF | An elaborate laser grid encloses a metal strongbox, which is sparkling
CF | with faint spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/245
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The thief inches toward the door, but the guard notices and glares
CF | aggressively. Apparently it's more alert than I thought.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/245
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the play intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the explore intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the fold intent
CF | the wait intent
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | one confidential codebook
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put take on thief"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/246
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the take intent to the thief, who now intends to take something
CF | valuable.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put wait on thief"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/247
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the wait intent to the thief, taking the take intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to wait patiently until a solid opportunity
CF | for thievery arises.
CF |
CF | The thief is waiting patiently, paying attention to the guard.
CF |
CF | The guard loafs idly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on guard"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/248
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the guard, who now vaguely intends to
CF | explore.
CF |
CF | The thief is waiting patiently, watching the surrounding area.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on guard"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/249
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the guard, taking the explore intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to play some casino games.
CF |
CF | The thief is waiting patiently, looking up at the security cameras.
CF |
CF | The guard sits down at a nearby slot machine and begins to play, still
CF | keeping an eye on the door.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/250
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The thief is waiting patiently, listening carefully to the sounds of
CF | the casino.
CF |
CF | The guard gets more distracted by the slot machine.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/251
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The thief is waiting patiently, looking up at the security cameras.
CF |
CF | The guard gets even more distracted by the slot machine.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/252
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The thief is waiting patiently, paying attention to the guard.
CF |
CF | The guard continues to play the slots, intent on the false allure of
CF | riches.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/253
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The thief is waiting patiently, looking up at the security cameras.
CF |
CF | The guard continues to play the slots, intent on the false allure of
CF | riches.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "take wait"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/254
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the wait intent from the thief.
CF |
CF | The thief picks the lock of the counting house door and slips through,
CF | gently closing it behind it.
CF |
CF | The guard continues to play the slots, intent on the false allure of
CF | riches.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Counting House 7/255
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Counting House
CF | Unlike the rest of the casino, this small room is refreshingly severe
CF | and empty. Bookshelves filled with identical logbooks line the
CF | windowless walls, occasionally broken up by racks of electronic
CF | equipment. The only exit is an imposing door to the south.
CF |
CF | An elaborate laser grid encloses a metal strongbox, which is sparkling
CF | with faint spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | The thief sidles over to the strongbox and peers at it intently.
CF |
CF | The thief is skulking nearby, trying unsucessfully to avoid looking
CF | suspicious.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Nice."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "give take to thief"
CF ] Counting House 7/256
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the take intent to the thief, who now intends to take something
CF | valuable.
CF |
CF | The thief tinkers with the strongbox. Despite its obvious skill, its
CF | hand grazes one of the laser beams as it attempts to break inside. It
CF | hesitates briefly but, sweating nervously, continues its delicate
CF | work.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Counting House 7/257
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | As the thief continues to poke at the strongbox, I hear muffled
CF | footsteps outside approaching the door. A security team furiously
CF | rushes inside, grabs the thief, and abruptly hauls it out of the room
CF | amid a series of curses and threats. After the door slams shut again,
CF | another set of impatient footsteps issues from the opposite side. As
CF | they recede, though, I suddenly hear something heavy fall, followed by
CF | the sound of someone frantically running. It would seem the thief
CF | managed to escape after all.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/258
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The guard continues to play the slots, intent on the false allure of
CF | riches.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Casino Entrance 7/259
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Entrance
CF | The casino complex looming before me is a converted seaside chateau.
CF | Only the most discreet glimpses of opulence are visible through the
CF | windows: checkerboard marble floors, liveried valets roaming the
CF | hallways, tiny but undoubtedly very expensive objets d'art sitting on
CF | oversized tables, and so on. As a warm breeze from the beach ruffles
CF | the palm trees, humans in formalwear stride through the grounds,
CF | staring longingly at the casino's beckoning entrance to the north.
CF |
CF | A suspiciously large quantity of salt is no longer blocking the
CF | doorway.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/260
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The guard continues to play the slots, intent on the false allure of
CF | riches.
CF |
CF | The thief creeps in from the east.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Ah there they are."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Counting House 7/261
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Counting House
CF | Unlike the rest of the casino, this small room is refreshingly severe
CF | and empty. Bookshelves filled with identical logbooks line the
CF | windowless walls, occasionally broken up by racks of electronic
CF | equipment. The only exit is an imposing door to the south.
CF |
CF | An elaborate laser grid encloses a metal strongbox, which is sparkling
CF | with faint spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "Did the thief get the mirror?"
Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Counting House 7/262
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Counting House 7/263
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/264
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The thief is skulking nearby, trying unsucessfully to avoid looking
CF | suspicious.
CF |
CF | The guard continues to play the slots, intent on the false allure of
CF | riches.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x thief"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/265
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's wearing a black-and-white striped shirt and a domino mask. It
CF | doesn't fit in.
CF |
CF | The thief has an intent to
CF | something valuable.
CF |
CF | The guard continues to play the slots, intent on the false allure of
CF | riches.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/266
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The guard continues to play the slots, intent on the false allure of
CF | riches.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get take"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/267
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the take intent from the thief.
CF |
CF | The thief picks the lock of the counting house door and slips through,
CF | gently closing it behind it.
CF |
CF | The guard continues to play the slots, intent on the false allure of
CF | riches.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Counting House 7/268
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Counting House
CF | Unlike the rest of the casino, this small room is refreshingly severe
CF | and empty. Bookshelves filled with identical logbooks line the
CF | windowless walls, occasionally broken up by racks of electronic
CF | equipment. The only exit is an imposing door to the south.
CF |
CF | An elaborate laser grid encloses a metal strongbox, which is sparkling
CF | with faint spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | The thief sidles over to the strongbox and peers at it intently.
CF |
CF | The thief is skulking nearby, trying unsucessfully to avoid looking
CF | suspicious.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Counting House 7/268
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the take intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the explore intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the fold intent
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | one confidential codebook
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "give take to thief"
CF ] Counting House 7/269
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the take intent to the thief, who now intends to take something
CF | valuable.
CF |
CF | The thief tinkers with the strongbox. Despite its obvious skill, its
CF | hand grazes one of the laser beams as it attempts to break inside. It
CF | hesitates briefly but, sweating nervously, continues its delicate
CF | work.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/270
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The guard continues to play the slots, intent on the false allure of
CF | riches.
CF |
CF | Unnoticed by the crowd, a half-dozen humans in sleek black suits mix
CF | through the room and arrive at the door. Ignoring the guard, they
CF | unlock the door and quickly close it behind them. In my line of work,
CF | I've come to recognize the look a person, or even a human, has when
CF | he's carrying a weapon he intends to use. Even if I hadn't been able
CF | to see them reaching inside their jackets, it's clear from their faces
CF | that they're preparing to handle the burglar with supererogatory
CF | viciousness. After a couple of heavy thumps from inside, the security
CF | team emerges with the would-be thief securely held in the center of
CF | their formation. They close and relock the door, then march the
CF | burglar down the maze of machines, away from the densest groups of
CF | players.
CF |
CF | As they begin to recede into the distance in the cavernous hall, I
CF | hear the thud of something hitting the floor, some muttered curses,
CF | and the sound of someone running frantically. It would seem that the
CF | thief escaped after all.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "block?"
DavidW says, "The thief needs to block the laser."
Knight_Otu says, "That may work."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Ballroom 7/271
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | The musicians are chatting quietly among themselves and setting up for
CF | the next piece.
CF |
CF | The thief creeps in from the east.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "No, I think - how about we put the guard back outside and make him obstructive?"
Knight_Otu says, "Also a possibility."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/272
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The guard continues to play the slots, intent on the false allure of
CF | riches.
CF |
CF | The thief creeps in from the east.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Can try both."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get take"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/273
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the take intent from the thief.
CF |
CF | The thief picks the lock of the counting house door and slips through,
CF | gently closing it behind it.
CF |
CF | The guard continues to play the slots, intent on the false allure of
CF | riches.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "But I also think block requires the mirror to be successful."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get play"
CF ] Casino Floor 7/274
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the play intent from the guard.
CF |
CF | The guard loafs idly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Counting House 7/275
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Counting House
CF | Unlike the rest of the casino, this small room is refreshingly severe
CF | and empty. Bookshelves filled with identical logbooks line the
CF | windowless walls, occasionally broken up by racks of electronic
CF | equipment. The only exit is an imposing door to the south.
CF |
CF | An elaborate laser grid encloses a metal strongbox, which is sparkling
CF | with faint spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | The thief tinkers with the strongbox. Despite its obvious skill, its
CF | hand grazes one of the laser beams as it attempts to break inside. It
CF | hesitates briefly but, sweating nervously, continues its delicate
CF | work.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put block on thief"
CF ] Counting House 7/276
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the block intent to the thief, who now intends to block the
CF | door.
CF |
CF | The thief pushes a shelf against the door, blocking it from the
CF | inside.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "oh"
MoyTW says, "...huh."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Counting House 7/277
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | As the thief pokes at the strongbox, I hear muffled footsteps outside
CF | approaching the door. Something heavy collides with the door, but the
CF | bookshelves braced against it keep it closed. The thief continues its
CF | desperate lockpicking even as the bookcases shake under the force from
CF | the door. Eventually the thief succeeds, crying out triumphantly as it
CF | pries open the box and plucks a wad of banknotes from inside it. Its
CF | glee is short-lived, though, as the door flies open and a contingent
CF | of stone-faced security guards rushes in to seize it. While they
CF | search it, one member of the team splits off to inspect the open
CF | strongbox. It grabs the banknotes from the burglar and returns it to
CF | its former place of safekeeping, though I deftly fish out the codebook
CF | inside and lay it aside before the guard reseals the box. The same
CF | guard pauses to clear away the exit and move the bookshelves back into
CF | position. With the room now secure, the security detail hauls the
CF | thief outside and relocks the door. I pluck the intention from the
CF | thief as it leaves; judging from the guards' expressions, I don't
CF | think the thief will be of much use to me for quite a while.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Nice."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get codebook"
CF ] Counting House 9/278
CF | >
CF |
CF | I pick up the confidential codebook and page through it. A few of the
CF | code sequences from the communiqu�� are in it, and I decrypt some more
CF | of it:
CF |
CF | 42734 72880 of 46480. There is no 62628 73048 74615 in the 47576 45953
CF | has been 62029 31368 02666 and 63211 79260 67549 07135 14066 43999 is
CF | 03659 31802 08678 65629 67043 on the 85994
CF |
CF | [Your score has just gone up by two points.]
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Counting House 9/278
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the block intent
CF | the play intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the explore intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the fold intent
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | two confidential codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Casino Floor 9/279
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The guard is being distracted by the flashing games.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "That leaves the poker game. No idea how that one could play out though."
DavidW says, "It's also after 4, if that's an issue."
Knight_Otu says, "Also, got to take a quick break. If someone else wants to drive in the meantime..."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/280
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Poker Tables
CF | If the rest of the casino is a place of leisure, this lair is a place
CF | of business. Shark-faced humans in formal attire loom over tables
CF | playing some incomprehensible card game, accepting both wins and
CF | losses with aloof detachment. Aside from a desultory appreciative or
CF | sympathetic murmur from onlookers following a particularly involved
CF | hand, the room has the quiet intensity of an art museum. Whorls of
CF | cigarette smoke drift across the glaring lights overhead.
CF |
CF | The main area of the of the casino lies to the east.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the Knight_Otu says, "I can go for another hour."
CF | side.
CF |
CF | The card sharp is watching the other gamblers.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/281
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the gambler, who now intends to play poker.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/282
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/283
CF | >
CF |
CF | A wily human wearing a green visor and a charcoal suit. It looks like
CF | it's been here for quite a while, and it watches the other gamblers
CF | with a predatory manner.
CF |
CF | The gambler cautiously throws another batch of chips into the pot.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Which one of these are we trying to bankrupt?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/284
CF | >
CF |
CF | The well-dressed guest hovers around the poker tables with evident
CF | curiosity. It also carries an attach�� case that is sparkling with
CF | faint spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | The gambler has an intent to
CF | poker.
CF |
CF | The gambler loses its nerve and folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler watches its opponent take the pile of chips. Despite the
CF | gambler's glum expression, the loss was only a small fraction of its
CF | total money, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I'm not sure."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/284
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Poker Tables
CF | If the rest of the casino is a place of leisure, this lair is a place
CF | of business. Shark-faced humans in formal attire loom over tables
CF | playing some incomprehensible card game, accepting both wins and
CF | losses with aloof detachment. Aside from a desultory appreciative or
CF | sympathetic murmur from onlookers following a particularly involved
CF | hand, the room has the quiet intensity of an art museum. Whorls of
CF | cigarette smoke drift across the glaring lights overhead.
CF |
CF | The main area of the of the casino lies to the east.
CF |
CF | The card sharp is watching the other gamblers.
CF |
CF | I can also see the gambler here.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Well, I guess we just have to pick one. I doubt it's mean enough to make it unrecoverable if we pick the wrong one. Gambler?"
DavidW says, "There's a case here but I don't know whose it is."
MoyTW says, "I thought the case was the gambler's."
MoyTW says, "Since they're carrying it."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x case"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/285
CF | >
CF |
CF | A thin, leather-bound case used for transporting private documents.
CF | It's more effective when onlookers can only see in three dimensions.
CF |
CF | The attach�� case is mystically sealed, presumably to protect its
CF | contents from the opposition. The barrier is also keeping me from
CF | accessing its contents, a confidential codebook, as long as it's
CF | closed.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "Where does it say the gambler is carrying it?"
MoyTW asks, "x gambler?"
DavidW says, "ok, I see it now."
DavidW asks, "So we probably want to make the gambler lose?"
MoyTW says, "Yeah probably."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/286
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put wait on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/287
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the wait intent to the card sharp, who now vaguely intends to
CF | wait around idly.
CF |
CF | The gambler cautiously throws another batch of chips into the pot.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take wait"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/288
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the wait intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | The gambler loses its nerve and folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler watches its opponent take the pile of chips. Despite the
CF | gambler's glum expression, the loss was only a small fraction of its
CF | total money, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | The card sharp looks around the room predatorily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/289
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/290
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the gambler thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put fold on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/291
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the fold intent to the card sharp, who now intends to fold in
CF | the poker game.
CF |
CF | The card sharp quickly folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler happily takes the pile of chips from the table and becomes
CF | marginally richer. Despite its loss, the card sharp still has quite a
CF | bit of money remaining, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/292
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take fold"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/293
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the fold intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put clean up on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/294
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the clean up intent to the card sharp, who now intends to clean
CF | up at poker.
CF |
CF | The gambler cautiously throws another batch of chips into the pot.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/295
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler loses its nerve and folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler watches its opponent take the pile of chips. Despite the
CF | gambler's glum expression, the loss was only a small fraction of its
CF | total money, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/296
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/297
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the gambler thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/298
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler raises. The card sharp scrutinizes its opponent's face for
CF | a moment, then tosses its cards onto the table.
CF |
CF | The gambler happily takes the pile of chips from the table and becomes
CF | marginally richer. Despite its loss, the card sharp still has quite a
CF | bit of money remaining, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | The card sharp looks around the room predatorily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/299
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/300
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the gambler thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/301
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler raises. The card sharp stares at its opponent's face for a
CF | moment, then tosses its cards onto the table.
CF |
CF | The gambler happily takes the pile of chips from the table and becomes
CF | marginally richer. Despite its loss, the card sharp still has quite a
CF | bit of money remaining, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | The card sharp looks at the bunch of unobservant, unwary gamblers in
CF | the casino optimistically.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x gamblers"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/301
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see the gamblers here. They were on the casino floor.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Casino Floor 9/302
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The guard is being distracted by the flashing games.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x gamblers"
CF ] Casino Floor 9/303
CF | >
CF |
CF | Awash in an amorphous mass of greed and bedazzlement.
CF |
CF | The guard loafs idly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on gamblers"
CF ] Casino Floor 9/304
CF | >
CF |
CF | The gamblers are too vague for me to manipulate. Crowds are more
CF | trouble than they're worth.
CF |
CF | The guard loafs idly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/305
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Poker Tables
CF | If the rest of the casino is a place of leisure, this lair is a place
CF | of business. Shark-faced humans in formal attire loom over tables
CF | playing some incomprehensible card game, accepting both wins and
CF | losses with aloof detachment. Aside from a desultory appreciative or
CF | sympathetic murmur from onlookers following a particularly involved
CF | hand, the room has the quiet intensity of an art museum. Whorls of
CF | cigarette smoke drift across the glaring lights overhead.
CF |
CF | The main area of the of the casino lies to the east.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take clean"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/306
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the clean up intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the gambler thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put fold on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/307
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the fold intent to the gambler, taking the play intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to fold in the poker game.
CF |
CF | The gambler summarily folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler watches its opponent take the pile of chips. Despite the
CF | gambler's glum expression, the loss was only a small fraction of its
CF | total money, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/308
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the gambler, taking the fold intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to play poker.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/309
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put clean up on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/310
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the clean up intent to the gambler, taking the play intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to clean up its act and avoid gambling.
CF |
CF | The gambler loses its nerve and folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler watches its opponent take the pile of chips. Despite the
CF | gambler's glum expression, the loss was only a small fraction of its
CF | total money, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Back and caught up."
DavidW says, "put play on gambler"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/311
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the gambler, taking the clean up intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to play poker.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/312
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/313
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler cautiously throws another batch of chips into the pot.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/314
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler loses its nerve and folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler watches its opponent take the pile of chips. Despite the
CF | gambler's glum expression, the loss was only a small fraction of its
CF | total money, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | The card sharp looks around the room predatorily.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I want to have the gambler make a big bet, but I don't know how to do it."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/314
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the fold intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the explore intent
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | two confidential codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "Should one of them explore?"
Knight_Otu says, "I'm not really seeing a possible intend, beyond maybe clean up? Butthat didn't seem last time..."
MoyTW asks, "Can't hurt?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/315
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the gambler, taking the play intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to explore the poker tables without getting
CF | sucked in.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | The card sharp looks at the bunch of unobservant, unwary gamblers in
CF | the casino optimistically.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/316
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take explore"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/317
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the explore intent from the gambler.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Oh right we got explore off the gambler in the first place."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/318
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the card sharp, who now vaguely intends
CF | to explore.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/319
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take explore"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/320
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the explore intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put clean up on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/321
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the clean up intent to the gambler, who now intends to clean up
CF | its act and avoid gambling.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | The card sharp looks at the bunch of unobservant, unwary gamblers in
CF | the casino optimistically.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put take on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/322
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the take intent to the card sharp, who now vaguely intends to
CF | take something.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/323
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the gambler, taking the clean up intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to play poker.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/324
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/325
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler cautiously throws another batch of chips into the pot.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/326
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler loses its nerve and folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler watches its opponent take the pile of chips. Despite the
CF | gambler's glum expression, the loss was only a small fraction of its
CF | total money, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take take"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/327
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the take intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/328
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put wait on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/329
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the wait intent to the card sharp, who now vaguely intends to
CF | wait around idly.
CF |
CF | The gambler cautiously throws another batch of chips into the pot.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put clean up on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/330
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the clean up intent to the card sharp, taking the wait intent
CF | in exchange. It now intends to clean up at poker.
CF |
CF | The gambler loses its nerve and folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler watches its opponent take the pile of chips. Despite the
CF | gambler's glum expression, the loss was only a small fraction of its
CF | total money, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | The card sharp sizes up its fellow players.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take clean"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/331
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the clean up intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/332
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/332
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the explore intent
CF | the fold intent
CF | the block intent
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | two confidential codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put block on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/333
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the block intent to the card sharp, who now vaguely intends to
CF | block.
CF |
CF | The gambler cautiously throws another batch of chips into the pot.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take block"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/334
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the block intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | The gambler loses its nerve and folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler watches its opponent take the pile of chips. Despite the
CF | gambler's glum expression, the loss was only a small fraction of its
CF | total money, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/335
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/336
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the gambler thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put fold on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/337
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the fold intent to the gambler, taking the play intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to fold in the poker game.
CF |
CF | The gambler abruptly folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler watches its opponent take the pile of chips. Despite the
CF | gambler's glum expression, the loss was only a small fraction of its
CF | total money, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/338
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the gambler, taking the fold intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to play poker.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/339
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put wait on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/340
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the wait intent to the gambler, taking the play intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to wait around idly.
CF |
CF | The gambler loses its nerve and folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler watches its opponent take the pile of chips. Despite the
CF | gambler's glum expression, the loss was only a small fraction of its
CF | total money, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hrm."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take wait"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/341
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the wait intent from the gambler.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "Ideas?"
MoyTW says, "Yeah I don't think it's a matter of repeating."
MoyTW asks, "Hmm, can we check our intents?"
DavidW asks, "Should I try to make the gambler win?"
DavidW says, "We can examine intents."
Knight_Otu says, "I'd guess it's a matter of sequencing, but I have no idea what the sequence would be."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x intents"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/341
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any intents here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/341
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the wait intent
CF | the play intent
CF | the fold intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the explore intent
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | two confidential codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x wait"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/342
CF | >
CF |
CF | The abstract will-composite of the intention to wait.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I'm gonna try and make the gambler win this time."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/343
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the gambler, who now intends to play poker.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/344
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put fold on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/345
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the fold intent to the card sharp, who now intends to fold in
CF | the poker game.
CF |
CF | The card sharp abruptly folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler happily takes the pile of chips from the table and becomes
CF | marginally richer. Despite its loss, the card sharp still has quite a
CF | bit of money remaining, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | The card sharp sizes up its fellow players.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/345
CF | >
CF |
CF | Unfortunately, as a spiritual being, I'm not equipped for manipulating
CF | physical objects that lack any spiritual aspect.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take fold"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/346
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the fold intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/347
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the gambler thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put clean on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/348
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the clean up intent to the card sharp, who now intends to clean
CF | up at poker.
CF |
CF | The gambler raises. The card sharp scrutinizes its opponent's face for
CF | a moment, then tosses its cards onto the table.
CF |
CF | The gambler happily takes the pile of chips from the table and becomes
CF | marginally richer. Despite its loss, the card sharp still has quite a
CF | bit of money remaining, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take clean"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/349
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the clean up intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/350
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put clean on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/351
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the clean up intent to the card sharp, who now intends to clean
CF | up at poker.
CF |
CF | The gambler cautiously throws another batch of chips into the pot.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put fold on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/352
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the fold intent to the card sharp, taking the clean up intent
CF | in exchange. It now intends to fold in the poker game.
CF |
CF | The card sharp quickly folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler happily takes the pile of chips from the table and becomes
CF | marginally richer. Despite its loss, the card sharp still has quite a
CF | bit of money remaining, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take fold"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/353
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the fold intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/354
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put fold on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/355
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the fold intent to the card sharp, who now intends to fold in
CF | the poker game.
CF |
CF | The card sharp abruptly folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler happily takes the pile of chips from the table and becomes
CF | marginally richer. Despite its loss, the card sharp still has quite a
CF | bit of money remaining, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take fold"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/356
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the fold intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/357
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put fold on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/358
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the fold intent to the card sharp, who now intends to fold in
CF | the poker game.
CF |
CF | The card sharp quickly folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler happily takes the pile of chips from the table and becomes
CF | marginally richer. Despite its loss, the card sharp still has quite a
CF | bit of money remaining, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | The card sharp looks around the room predatorily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take fold"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/359
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the fold intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/360
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put fold on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/361
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the fold intent to the card sharp, who now intends to fold in
CF | the poker game.
CF |
CF | The card sharp abruptly folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler happily takes the pile of chips from the table and becomes
CF | marginally richer. Despite its loss, the card sharp still has quite a
CF | bit of money remaining, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "I don't think early folding is the way to victory, but I don't think the game goes much longer without it."
DavidW says, "I can't tell if I'm making any progress or not."
MoyTW says, "Yeah this is incredibly frustrating."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take fold"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/362
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the fold intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/363
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put clean up on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/364
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the clean up intent to the card sharp, who now intends to clean
CF | up at poker.
CF |
CF | The gambler cautiously throws another batch of chips into the pot.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put fold on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/365
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the fold intent to the card sharp, taking the clean up intent
CF | in exchange. It now intends to fold in the poker game.
CF |
CF | The card sharp quickly folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler happily takes the pile of chips from the table and becomes
CF | marginally richer. Despite its loss, the card sharp still has quite a
CF | bit of money remaining, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/366
CF | >
CF |
CF | A wily human wearing a green visor and a charcoal suit. It looks like
CF | it's been here for quite a while, and it watches the other gamblers
CF | with a predatory manner.
CF |
CF | The card sharp has an intent to
CF | in the poker game.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x money"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/366
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see the stacks of banknotes here. I last saw them in the
CF | strongbox in the laser grid at Counting House.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Can I try driving?"
DavidW says, "sure"
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "take all"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/367
CF | >
CF |
CF | play intent: I extract the play intent from the gambler.
CF | fold intent: I extract the fold intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the gambler thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "x sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/368
CF | >
CF |
CF | A wily human wearing a green visor and a charcoal suit. It looks like
CF | it's been here for quite a while, and it watches the other gamblers
CF | with a predatory manner.
CF |
CF | The gambler raises. The card sharp studies its opponent's face for a
CF | moment, then tosses its cards onto the table.
CF |
CF | The gambler happily takes the pile of chips from the table and becomes
CF | marginally richer. Despite its loss, the card sharp still has quite a
CF | bit of money remaining, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "x gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/369
CF | >
CF |
CF | The well-dressed guest hovers around the poker tables with evident
CF | curiosity. It also carries an attach�� case that is sparkling with
CF | faint spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | The card sharp looks at the bunch of unobservant, unwary gamblers in
CF | the casino optimistically.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/370
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the gambler, who now intends to play poker.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "take all"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/371
CF | >
CF |
CF | play intent: I extract the play intent from the gambler.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the gambler thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/372
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler raises. The card sharp stares at its opponent's face for a
CF | moment, then tosses its cards onto the table.
CF |
CF | The gambler happily takes the pile of chips from the table and becomes
CF | marginally richer. Despite its loss, the card sharp still has quite a
CF | bit of money remaining, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/373
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the gambler, who now intends to play poker.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "take all"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/374
CF | >
CF |
CF | play intent: I extract the play intent from the gambler.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the gambler thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "put fold on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/375
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the fold intent to the gambler, who now intends to fold in the
CF | poker game.
CF |
CF | The gambler quickly folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler watches its opponent take the pile of chips. Despite the
CF | gambler's glum expression, the loss was only a small fraction of its
CF | total money, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | The card sharp looks at the bunch of unobservant, unwary gamblers in
CF | the casino optimistically.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/376
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the gambler, taking the fold intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to play poker.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "take all"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/377
CF | >
CF |
CF | play intent: I extract the play intent from the gambler.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/377
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the play intent
CF | the fold intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the explore intent
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | two confidential codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/378
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the card sharp, who now intends to play
CF | poker for high stakes.
CF |
CF | The gambler loses its nerve and folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler watches its opponent take the pile of chips. Despite the
CF | gambler's glum expression, the loss was only a small fraction of its
CF | total money, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "x chips"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/379
CF | >
CF |
CF | With a game not currently in play, there aren't any chips being
CF | wagered.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | The card sharp looks at the bunch of unobservant, unwary gamblers in
CF | the casino optimistically.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "take all"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/380
CF | >
CF |
CF | play intent: I extract the play intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | The card sharp looks around the room predatorily.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "oh, interesting about the high stakes part."
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah."
MoyTW says, "Yeah but it doesn't seem to change the "total money" thing."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/381
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the gambler, who now intends to play poker.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/382
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the play intent from the gambler)
CF | I give the play intent to the gambler, who now intends to play poker.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Oops, sorry."
MoyTW says, "nah I'm good"
MoyTW says, "you go 'head"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/383
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the play intent from the gambler)
CF | I give the play intent to the card sharp, who now intends to play
CF | poker for high stakes.
CF |
CF | The gambler loses its nerve and folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler watches its opponent take the pile of chips. Despite the
CF | gambler's glum expression, the loss was only a small fraction of its
CF | total money, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "We don't have enough time to put something on both do we?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/384
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the play intent from the card sharp)
CF | I give the play intent to the gambler, who now intends to play poker.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/385
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the play intent from the gambler)
CF | I give the play intent to the card sharp, who now intends to play
CF | poker for high stakes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/386
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler loses its nerve and folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler watches its opponent take the pile of chips. Despite the
CF | gambler's glum expression, the loss was only a small fraction of its
CF | total money, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | The card sharp looks around the room predatorily.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Is there something we have that will make the gambler raise?"
Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/386
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the fold intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the explore intent
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | two confidential codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Clean up makes him not take to win...take does what?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put take on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/387
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the take intent to the gambler, who now vaguely intends to take
CF | something.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on gambler and sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/387
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any gambler and sharp here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/388
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the play intent from the card sharp)
CF | I give the play intent to the gambler, taking the take intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to play poker.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Maybe: 1. sharp has winning hand 2. sharp has "play" 3. gambler has [???] <- possibly take?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/389
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the card sharp thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/390
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the play intent from the gambler)
CF | I give the play intent to the card sharp, who now intends to play
CF | poker for high stakes.
CF |
CF | The gambler loses its nerve and folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler watches its opponent take the pile of chips. Despite the
CF | gambler's glum expression, the loss was only a small fraction of its
CF | total money, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get play"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/391
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the play intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | The card sharp sizes up its fellow players.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "What does "take" do on gambler when he's at the poker table?"
DavidW says, "dunno"
Knight_Otu says, "I suspect nothing, but we can try."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/392
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the gambler, who now intends to play poker.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "we've never tried block at the poker game either."
MoyTW says, "oh, yeah."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put take on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/393
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the take intent to the gambler, taking the play intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to take something.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the gambler thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put block on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/394
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the block intent to the gambler, taking the take intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to block.
CF |
CF | The gambler raises. The card sharp studies its opponent's face for a
CF | moment, then tosses its cards onto the table.
CF |
CF | The gambler happily takes the pile of chips from the table and becomes
CF | marginally richer. Despite its loss, the card sharp still has quite a
CF | bit of money remaining, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW exclaims, "Wait. A raise!"
DavidW says, "The gambler will raise if he thinks he's got a good hand."
Knight_Otu says, "The gambler had the better hand this time."
MoyTW says, "oh, drat."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/395
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the gambler, taking the block intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to play poker.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/396
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the gambler thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/397
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the play intent from the gambler)
CF | I give the play intent to the card sharp, who now intends to play
CF | poker for high stakes.
CF |
CF | The gambler, awkwardly trying to suppress a smug grin, raises. The
CF | card sharp frowns and raises as well. The pile of chips on the table
CF | is now substantial.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "...huh. Ok."
DavidW says, "oooo"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put fold on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/398
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the fold intent to the gambler, who now intends to fold in the
CF | poker game.
CF |
CF | The gambler abruptly folds.
CF |
CF | The gambler watches its opponent take the pile of chips. Despite the
CF | gambler's glum expression, the loss was only a small fraction of its
CF | total money, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Okay, probably too early."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/399
CF | >
CF |
CF | fold intent: I extract the fold intent from the gambler.
CF | play intent: I extract the play intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | The card sharp looks at the bunch of unobservant, unwary gamblers in
CF | the casino optimistically.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "I feel like we should save, but I bet we can get them to raise each other."
DavidW says, "probably shouldn't fold"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/400
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the play intent to the gambler, who now intends to play poker.
CF |
CF | With evident trepidation, the gambler approaches the poker table and
CF | starts a game.
CF |
CF | The cards are dealt, and the gambler and the card sharp toss some
CF | chips onto the table and look at each other warily.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/401
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler and the card sharp study their cards intently. I don't
CF | know the details of the game, but based on its expression and bearing,
CF | the gambler thinks it has the better hand.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put play on sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/402
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the play intent from the gambler)
CF | I give the play intent to the card sharp, who now intends to play
CF | poker for high stakes.
CF |
CF | The gambler, putting its elbows on the table in a transparent attempt
CF | to appear nonchalant, raises. The card sharp hesitantly raises as
CF | well. The pile of chips on the table is now substantial.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/403
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler, twitching nervously, raises. The card sharp grimaces
CF | slightly and raises as well. The pile of chips on the table is now
CF | large.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "I feel like we should save the game"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "cf12"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to write:
CF ] Poker Tables 9/403
CF | > SAVEOk.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/404
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The gambler, keeping its eyes resolutely on the table and its face
CF | expressionless, raises. It counts its stack of chips, looking
CF | worriedly at its briefcase, and then shoves both its pile of chips and
CF | the case into the center of the table. The look of careless
CF | malevolence it gives the card sharp is impressive even by the lofty
CF | standards of my kind; I'll have to remember it for my next
CF | departmental review. The card sharp is also impressed and hesitates,
CF | but ultimately raises as well.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu asks, "Now?"
DavidW says, "finally the case is in play."
MoyTW asks, "Yeah, probably put fold on gambler?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put fold on gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 9/405
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the fold intent to the gambler, who now intends to fold in the
CF | poker game.
CF |
CF | The gambler summarily folds.
CF |
CF | The card sharp rakes in the chips from the table. As it attempts to
CF | grab the attach�� case, the gambler snaps it up and cradles it
CF | possessively. After a few very short words from a very tall security
CF | guard, it reluctantly hands over the case to its opponent. As the card
CF | sharp opens it up to examine its new prize, a codebook falls out onto
CF | the floor.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get codebook"
CF ] Poker Tables 11/406
CF | >
CF |
CF | I pick up the confidential codebook and page through it. A few of the
CF | code sequences from the communiqu�� are in it, and I decrypt some more
CF | of it:
CF |
CF | Confirmed 72880 of 46480. There is no significant 73048 74615 in the
CF | 47576 45953 has been 62029 31368 02666 and 63211 79260 67549 07135
CF | 14066 43999 is 03659. We will 65629 67043 on the 85994
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | [Your score has just gone up by two points.]
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Okay. Wow that's a confusingly written puzzle."
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Finally!"
MoyTW says, "Yeah. Nice work."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "cf13"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to write:
CF ] Poker Tables 11/406
CF | > SAVEOk.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I don't know what to do about the ice swan."
MoyTW says, "If we get the candle book and bell we can call a friend! But yeah I got no ideas."
MoyTW asks, "I feel like now is a reasonable stopping point?"
Knight_Otu says, "We'll need to find at least a bell and a candle. Who knows if the codebooks count for book."
DavidW asks, "Did we explore the hotel fully?"
MoyTW says, "Uh, I hope you've been mapping David 'cuz I ain't."
DavidW says, "I stopped mapping a while ago."
Knight_Otu says, "We didn't fully explore it. There was a crossroads and a stair that we haven't taken."
DavidW says, "I didn't map the hotel at all."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Casino Floor 11/407
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The guard is being distracted by the flashing games.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Ballroom 11/408
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | The musicians take the opportunity to drink some water.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Terrace 11/409
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Colonnade 11/410
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Colonnade
CF | This cobblestone trail runs from the casino to the hotel on the
CF | complex. Box trees flank the path, interspersed with a variety of
CF | colorful ornamental plants I don't recognize. The hotel it leads to is
CF | a sprawling villa of orange bricks with towers sprouting around its
CF | perimeter. A stone archway leads east into the hotel, and the trail
CF | winds to the west.
CF |
CF | A shiny silver mirror hangs over the archway leading east.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Hotel Reception 11/411
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Hotel Reception
CF | I'm at the hotel's reception, a small entryway with a gleaming marble
CF | floor and lamps made of dark green glass. The reception desk itself is
CF | a massive thing of oak, with a plush red carpet in front of it and a
CF | few potted chrysanthemums on top of it making it more inviting. A safe
CF | has been set into the wall behind it. A ceiling fan slowly spins above
CF | a passage farther into the hotel to the east. The exit from the hotel,
CF | flanked by ferns in massive clay pots, lies to the west.
CF |
CF | The hotel clerk stands behind the desk.
CF |
CF | The wealthy dowager is sitting in a plush leather chair.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "exits"
CF ] Hotel Reception 11/411
CF | >
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go east and west.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "I'd think there should be a bell on the hotel desk, but I don't think there was."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x bell"
CF ] Hotel Reception 11/411
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any bell here.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Oh, hey, exits works."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 11/412
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A gigantic ice sculpture of a swan sits prominently on a pedestal.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest shivers exaggeratedly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "exits"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 11/412
CF | >
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go north, south, east, and west.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Lounge 11/413
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk burps loudly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "exits"
CF ] Lounge 11/413
CF | >
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go north, south, east, west, and up.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Oh, I only saw the north exit."
Knight_Otu says, "From the sculpture."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Library 11/414
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Library
CF | Bookshelves line the walls of this small, wood-paneled room, mixing
CF | the smell of paper with that of cigarette smoke. There are some
CF | high-backed chairs arranged in front of the shelves, clustered around
CF | tables topped with small but bright wrought-iron lamps. A passageway,
CF | above which sits an oil painting of a tropical seascape, leads south.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x painting"
CF ] Library 11/415
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's not a masterpiece, but it's a reasonably compelling and
CF | well-executed oil painting of a lagoon or beach. The puzzling thing is
CF | why the humans here want a modestly competent representation of a
CF | tropical seascape when there's a real one right outside. There's
CF | probably some sort of metaphor for humanity there; I just think it's a
CF | waste of the artist's time.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x books"
CF ] Library 11/416
CF | >
CF |
CF | Various novels written by and for humans. As physical objects in the
CF | mortal realm, they're not even useful in summoning Whiptail.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Library 11/416
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go south.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "...uh. So we need, like, a metaphorical book or something?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Lounge 11/417
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk takes a swig from its bottle.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "A bible, typically, is the book."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x trolley"
CF ] Lounge 11/418
CF | >
CF |
CF | Arrayed on the trolley are a variety of bottles and drinking
CF | implements.
CF |
CF | The drunk takes a swig from its bottle.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "The ritual is to ring a bell, close the book, and blow out the candle."
DavidW says, "At least in Zork."
MoyTW says, "Huh. Well, fair 'nuff."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Auction House 11/419
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | An auctioneer looks intently at potential bidders.
CF |
CF | A tourist considers bidding, but it decides against it.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x auctioneer"
CF ] Auction House 11/420
CF | >
CF |
CF | Grey-haired but with a voice like a megaphone.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer is holding a circlet.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer has an intent to
CF | the circlet.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer sets the circlet aside, unsold. One of the workers
CF | carries it back to the storage room to the north.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x circlet"
CF ] Auction House 11/420
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see the circlet here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x tourist"
CF ] Auction House 11/421
CF | >
CF |
CF | The tourist watches the auction keenly, its fingers twitching.
CF |
CF | The tourist has an intent to
CF | > BUY
CF | something impressive.
CF |
CF | One of the staffers hands the auctioneer a ring.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x ring"
CF ] Auction House 11/422
CF | >
CF |
CF | A simple golden ring. Humans are all over these sorts of things.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer solicits bids for the ring, naming a very high starting
CF | price.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Lounge 11/423
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk takes a swig from its bottle.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x drunk"
CF ] Lounge 11/424
CF | >
CF |
CF | The drunk has disheveled, stained clothes and an unpleasant odor. I'm
CF | not sure how it's managed to avoid getting kicked out of here by some
CF | sort of respectable environment operative.
CF |
CF | The drunk is holding a bottle of vodka.
CF |
CF | The drunk has an intent to
CF | from a bottle of vodka.
CF |
CF | The drunk takes a swig from its bottle.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "There was a room to the north."
DavidW says, "Library"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Art Gallery 11/425
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Art Gallery
CF | This gallery is a small, stark alcove adjoining the lounge to the
CF | west. The walls are bare and white, and the carpet is a deep brown. An
CF | exhibit at the far end of the room shows off a few brightly colored
CF | pieces of pottery, protected by a velvet rope in front of the display.
CF |
CF | A bell with a large crack is displayed on a plinth here.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "From the auction I mean."
DavidW asks, "oh?"
Knight_Otu says, "Oh, hello bell."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x bell"
CF ] Art Gallery 11/426
CF | >
CF |
CF | According to the rushed briefing I had before the mission, this
CF | particular bell used to be part of a church that was on the property
CF | long before this chateau was built. It glows with a faint
CF | greenish-yellow light, presumably from accreted spiritual residue. In
CF | fact, the bell has enough of a presence in the spiritual realm for me
CF | to interact with it.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "ring bell"
CF ] Art Gallery 11/427
CF | >
CF |
CF | Not much use in the bell without the almanach and the candle.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Yeah, the circlet was put back there."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "exits"
CF ] Art Gallery 11/427
CF | >
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go west.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Lounge 11/428
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk takes a swig from its bottle.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Auction House 11/429
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer solicits bids for a circlet, naming a very high
CF | starting price.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Storage Room 11/430
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Storage Room
CF | An almost endless mass of crates, chests, and pallets fills this small
CF | room. They reach the ceiling, yet an array of humans in black uniforms
CF | manages to glide through narrow openings in the debris, shuttling
CF | items into the larger room to the south. There's no apparent
CF | organization to the clutter, or even visible labels on the various
CF | boxes, but the humans have no difficulty in finding whatever objects
CF | they're looking for.
CF |
CF | A large golden chest, glowing with spiritual energy, catches the eye
CF | off to one side.
CF |
CF | A picker listens to the auction in the next room, waiting for a new
CF | item to be needed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x chest"
CF ] Storage Room 11/431
CF | >
CF |
CF | The chest is actually made of oak; its surface is covered in gold
CF | foil. It's glowing with spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | The golden chest is mystically sealed, presumably to protect its
CF | contents from the opposition. The barrier is also keeping me from
CF | accessing its contents, a secret codebook, as long as it's closed.
CF |
CF | The picker listens to the auction in the next room, waiting for a new
CF | item to be needed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x picker"
CF ] Storage Room 11/432
CF | >
CF |
CF | A tall, wiry human that resembles a rodent.
CF |
CF | The picker has an intent to
CF | something light for the auction.
CF |
CF | The picker listens to the auction in the next room, waiting for a new
CF | item to be needed.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Ah, codebook."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x boxes"
CF ] Storage Room 11/433
CF | >
CF |
CF | They're filled with human artifacts that are presumably valuable to
CF | them but worthless to me.
CF |
CF | The picker listens to the auction in the next room, waiting for a new
CF | item to be needed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "exits"
CF ] Storage Room 11/433
CF | >
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go south.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Auction House 11/434
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer sets the circlet aside, unsold. One of the workers
CF | carries it back to the storage room to the north.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "exits"
CF ] Auction House 11/434
CF | >
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go north and east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Lounge 11/435
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk takes a swig from its bottle.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Hotel Room 11/436
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF | I make my way to my predecessor's room, ignoring the frivolous rooms
CF | of the human guests.
CF |
CF | Hotel Room
CF | My predecessor, Krait, used this hotel room as a temporary base of
CF | operations for his role as chief of station. Of course, he had no use
CF | for its amenities. Thus the bed and dining table were both employed,
CF | judging from the papers scattered across them, as makeshift desks. A
CF | smaller but bona fide desk sits in the corner, with an artless
CF | landscape in watercolors hanging above it. The liquor cabinet lurks
CF | untouched in the corner, and the ashtray on top of it is completely
CF | empty. The stark white carpet here is plush and spotless.
CF |
CF | The only exit from the room is to the south.
CF |
CF | An almanach sits obtrusively on the center of the desk.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x almanach"
CF ] Hotel Room 11/437
CF | >
CF |
CF | This almanach is a directory the demon intelligence services compiled
CF | on the known operatives working on our side or on the Other Side. Of
CF | course, it's heavily redacted even at the ������������������������
CF | classification
CF | level, and the entities and organizations in it are listed by codeword
CF | rather than real name (if they even have real names). Looking up an
CF | angel in it might give you his official cover, but don't expect to
CF | find any state secrets.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take it"
CF ] Hotel Room 11/438
CF | >
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x cabinet"
CF ] Hotel Room 11/439
CF | >
CF |
CF | The cabinet's contents are untouched. The small niceties of human
CF | existence are beneath the notice of my kind.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look under bed"
CF ] Hotel Room 11/440
CF | >
CF |
CF | I find nothing of interest.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Lounge 11/441
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF | I make my way back down to the lounge, past rows of uninteresting
CF | guest rooms.
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk exhales contentedly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 11/442
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A gigantic ice sculpture of a swan sits prominently on a pedestal.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest looks pointedly at the thermostat.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Botanical Garden 11/443
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "exits"
CF ] Botanical Garden 11/443
CF | >
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go northeast, east, and west.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "That is one sprawling hotel."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Botanical Garden 11/444
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | I could go in, but I'd rather prefer not to. I still haven't
CF | gotten the stains out from last time I had to visit a chapel.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Bet Whiptail will say we _will_ have to visit the chapel."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF ] Lawn 11/445
CF | >
CF | > NE
CF |
CF |
CF | Lawn
CF | This small lawn runs between the hotel toward the southwest and a
CF | squat building to the east. It is trim and spartan, with no
CF | ornamentation aside from the tall hedges forming its boundary. They
CF | also block the breeze coming in off the sea, so the air here is warm
CF | and still.
CF |
CF | There's a set of double doors here blocking the way east, the carvings
CF | of which form a pentagram.
CF |
CF | An agent stands next to the doors.
CF |
CF | A reporter inches towards the door, but the agent refuses.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Of course they will."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x agent"
CF ] Lawn 11/446
CF | >
CF |
CF | A human in a sharp black suit.
CF |
CF | The reporter calmly shows the agent its press pass, but the agent
CF | ignores it placidly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x reporter"
CF ] Lawn 11/447
CF | >
CF |
CF | A human carrying a notebook and wearing a press pass.
CF |
CF | The reporter has an intent to
CF | the way into the conference.
CF |
CF | The reporter asks politely to be let in, but the agent curtly refuses
CF | to let it through.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x pentagram"
CF ] Lawn 11/448
CF | >
CF |
CF | Heavy carved oak doors with a dark varnish. Disguised to unobservant
CF | humans, but obvious to me, is the pattern of a pentagram, which
CF | unfortunately serves as a barrier to my kind.
CF |
CF | It's a clich��, but pentagrams do repel demons. That fact isn't
CF | classified; we actually disseminate it ourselves. The trick is that a
CF | pentagram has to be constructed with absolute, mathematical precision
CF | to be effective, and it's extraordinarily rare for humans to possess
CF | that level of skill. We want humans to try making pentagrams; it's
CF | much better if they have a worthless defense but not realize it than
CF | if they have no defense at all. This particular pentagram, however, is
CF | the real stuff. With the double doors closed, the faint etchings over
CF | their flush surfaces create a pentagram with the exact measurements to
CF | constitute an effective ward.
CF |
CF | The reporter calmly shows the agent its press pass, but the agent
CF | ignores it placidly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Lawn 11/449
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The inexorable geometric forces of the pentagram block my path. I
CF | can't go through the doors until it's disrupted.
CF |
CF | The reporter calmly shows the agent its press pass, but the agent
CF | curtly refuses to let it through.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x doors"
CF ] Lawn 11/450
CF | >
CF |
CF | Heavy carved oak doors with a dark varnish. Disguised to unobservant
CF | humans, but obvious to me, is the pattern of a pentagram, which
CF | unfortunately serves as a barrier to my kind.
CF |
CF | The reporter asks politely to be let in, but the agent ignores it
CF | placidly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "exits"
CF ] Lawn 11/450
CF | >
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go southwest and east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "sw"
CF ] Botanical Garden 11/451
CF | >
CF | > SW
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 11/452
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A gigantic ice sculpture of a swan sits prominently on a pedestal.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest complains to no one in particular about the temperature of
CF | the room and looks meaningfully at the thermostat.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Restaurant 11/453
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Restaurant
CF | The hotel's restaurant is a tediously chic affair, full of spindly
CF | tables and blobby oil paintings. In addition to the artfully placed
CF | mirrors, the emptiness of the hall also makes it seem cavernous; there
CF | are few patrons this evening. Nevertheless, there are fresh hydrangeas
CF | in the delicate glass epergnes at the precise center of each table,
CF | and the electric lights have been dimmed in favor of the soft evening
CF | light coming from the open doors to the north. Another swinging door
CF | lies to the east.
CF |
CF | A diner looks thoughtfully at the dessert menu.
CF |
CF | The server walks in from the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "exits"
CF ] Restaurant 11/453
CF | >
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go north and east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x epergnes"
CF ] Restaurant 11/454
CF | >
CF |
CF | I know that they're instruments involved in the ritual of human
CF | dining, but I don't know how exactly they're used.
CF |
CF | The diner looks thoughtfully at the dessert menu.
CF |
CF | The server looks to see if the diner wants to order anything.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x diner"
CF ] Restaurant 11/455
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's wearing a light jacket and sitting by itself at a table.
CF |
CF | The diner has an intent to
CF | all the options on the dessert menu.
CF |
CF | The diner considers getting another drink with dessert.
CF |
CF | The server walks off to the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x server"
CF ] Restaurant 11/455
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see the server here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Kitchen 11/456
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | Even at this hour, the kitchen is a frenzy of activity. At rows of
CF | steel tables, cooks go through whatever laborious tasks are necessary
CF | to make food for humans. I'm not sure exactly what they are, but they
CF | apparently involve a lot of fire and yelling. The cramped room is
CF | filled with smoke and the aromas of spices. A swinging door leads west
CF | into the restaurant, and a heavy steel door is to the south.
CF |
CF | The server looks around vaguely.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x server"
CF ] Kitchen 11/457
CF | >
CF |
CF | Impeccably dressed in the manner of one who's used to its tips
CF | depending on it.
CF |
CF | The server has an intent to
CF | food to the restaurant patrons.
CF |
CF | The server walks off to the west.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "exits"
CF ] Kitchen 11/457
CF | >
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go south, west, and inside.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Walk-In Freezer 11/458
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Walk-In Freezer
CF | This small room is cluttered with tins, crates, and boxes of human
CF | foodstuffs. The air is cold and dry, and the shelves along the walls
CF | are covered in a faint rime of frost. The only exit is a heavy steel
CF | door to the north.
CF |
CF | Two cartons of ice cream, one old and one new, sit next to the door.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x old ice cream"
CF ] Walk-In Freezer 11/459
CF | >
CF |
CF | There is a noticeable hoar of frost on the waxy substance inside the
CF | container. Beyond that, I can't tell you much; food is not my area of
CF | expertise. There's a cow on the carton; maybe it's cow-flavored ice
CF | cream.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x new ice cream"
CF ] Walk-In Freezer 11/460
CF | >
CF |
CF | The ice cream in it is green with little black specks. Insects,
CF | perhaps? More importantly, the carton is glowing with spiritual
CF | energy.
CF |
CF | The new carton of ice cream is mystically sealed, presumably to
CF | protect its contents from the opposition. The barrier is also keeping
CF | me from accessing its contents, a secret codebook, as long as it's
CF | closed.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Icy the codebook."
DavidW says, "Lovely. We have to get the diner to order mint chocolate ice cream for dessert."
DavidW asks, "Did I miss a candle anywhere?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Kitchen 11/461
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | Even at this hour, the kitchen is a frenzy of activity. At rows of
CF | steel tables, cooks go through whatever laborious tasks are necessary
CF | to make food for humans. I'm not sure exactly what they are, but they
CF | apparently involve a lot of fire and yelling. The cramped room is
CF | filled with smoke and the aromas of spices. A swinging door leads west
CF | into the restaurant, and a heavy steel door is to the south.
CF |
CF | The server walks off to the west.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "I haven't seen it. There was an inside direction from the kitchen though."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "in"
CF ] Walk-In Freezer 11/462
CF | >
CF | > IN
CF |
CF |
CF | Walk-In Freezer
CF | This small room is cluttered with tins, crates, and boxes of human
CF | foodstuffs. The air is cold and dry, and the shelves along the walls
CF | are covered in a faint rime of frost. The only exit is a heavy steel
CF | door to the north.
CF |
CF | Two cartons of ice cream, one old and one new, sit next to the door.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "out"
CF ] Kitchen 11/463
CF | >
CF | > OUT
CF |
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | Even at this hour, the kitchen is a frenzy of activity. At rows of
CF | steel tables, cooks go through whatever laborious tasks are necessary
CF | to make food for humans. I'm not sure exactly what they are, but they
CF | apparently involve a lot of fire and yelling. The cramped room is
CF | filled with smoke and the aromas of spices. A swinging door leads west
CF | into the restaurant, and a heavy steel door is to the south.
CF |
CF | The server walks in from the west.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "in = south"
Knight_Otu says, "Hrm. Same direction."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Restaurant 11/464
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Restaurant
CF | The hotel's restaurant is a tediously chic affair, full of spindly
CF | tables and blobby oil paintings. In addition to the artfully placed
CF | mirrors, the emptiness of the hall also makes it seem cavernous; there
CF | are few patrons this evening. Nevertheless, there are fresh hydrangeas
CF | in the delicate glass epergnes at the precise center of each table,
CF | and the electric lights have been dimmed in favor of the soft evening
CF | light coming from the open doors to the north. Another swinging door
CF | lies to the east.
CF |
CF | The diner considers getting another drink with dessert.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x candle"
CF ] Restaurant 11/464
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any candle here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x hydrangeas"
CF ] Restaurant 11/465
CF | >
CF |
CF | Large and colorful ornamental flowers, out of place in the otherwise
CF | somber restaurant.
CF |
CF | The diner looks back and forth between two possible desserts.
CF |
CF | The server walks in from the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x menu"
CF ] Restaurant 11/465
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any menu here.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Two possible desserts?"
MoyTW asks, "Like, say, ice cream and...something else?"
DavidW says, "Two ice creams."
MoyTW says, "oh"
DavidW says, "Cow and hoarfrost flavour and mint chocolate."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take read"
CF ] Restaurant 11/466
CF | >
CF |
CF | Some odd freezing, feathery barrier stops me, like an angry swan made
CF | of ice is getting in my way. I don't think I'll be able to do much
CF | about this problem myself.
CF |
CF | The diner considers getting another drink with dessert.
CF |
CF | The server looks to see if the diner wants to order anything.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 11/467
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A gigantic ice sculpture of a swan sits prominently on a pedestal.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest complains to no one in particular about the temperature of
CF | the room and looks meaningfully at the thermostat.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x candle"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 11/467
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any candle here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "exits"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 11/467
CF | >
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go north, south, east, and west.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Lounge 11/468
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk takes a swig from its bottle.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x candle"
CF ] Lounge 11/468
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any candle here.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu asks, "The chapek seems like a place for a candle. Maybe we need a few tries to enter?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 11/469
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A gigantic ice sculpture of a swan sits prominently on a pedestal.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest complains to no one in particular about the temperature of
CF | the room and looks meaningfully at the thermostat.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Botanical Garden 11/470
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "*chapel"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Botanical Garden 11/471
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | Really? I suppose it's for a good cause, but...
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Chapel 11/472
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | ...Fine. Let's get this over with.
CF |
CF | Chapel
CF | The interior of the chapel is exactly what you'd expect: A
CF | ������������������������������������������������ in front of a
CF | ������������������������������������ without the
CF | ������������������������ and
CF | ������������������������������������������������������������. The whole
CF | place ���������������������������������, but that's hardly
CF | surprising, given ������������������������������������������. It's a
CF | ������������������������ place, for obvious
CF | reasons, and the ������������������������������������������ doesn't
CF | make it any less ��������������� or
CF | ��������������������������� to those of my kind, the
CF | ��������������������������� notwithstanding. Even
CF | though humans would undoubtedly love to know that
CF | ������������������������������������������������������,
CF | it's simply ������������������������������������ and
CF | ������������������������������������������, which neatly explains the
CF | meaning of life. An unobtrusive stairway at the back of the room leads
CF | upward, and the much more inviting exit from the chapel is to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | A hatrack stands to one side of the doors.
CF |
CF | I can also see a candle here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take candle"
CF ] Chapel 11/473
CF | >
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | I hear faint movement from above.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "...I wonder what that is in the original text."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x hatrack"
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's a little-known fact that humans sometimes wear hats, though
CF | nobody knows why. When they're not being worn, hats are often placed
CF | on a hatrack like this one. Not exactly like this one, of
CF | course, because this one is a spiritual object. The principle is the
CF | same, though.
CF |
CF | An angel glides down the stairs, and I realize with a start that I
CF | recognize him. My department doesn't know his real name; we've given
CF | him the codename Kingfisher. Even by the standards of my opposite
CF | number, he's a monster. If you've ever heard about the
CF | ���������������������������
CF | disaster, or the breakdown of the ������������������ Agreement, or even
CF | the
CF | incident in ������������������������������������������ just last
CF | millennium, you've come across
CF | his handiwork. Everyone in our profession bends the rules a little
CF | bit, but Kingfisher has a psychopathic contempt for both his
CF | adversaries and his colleagues. He's effective, at least if you
CF | measure effectiveness by his kill count, but brute force is the last
CF | refuge of the incompetent. Both my side and his have spent centuries
CF | cleaning up his bloody missions, trying desperately to avoid
CF | disrupting the delicate peace between the two sides and escalating the
CF | cold war. We've managed to succeed so far, but it's been as much
CF | through luck as through our skill. Kingfisher is reckless,
CF | thoughtless, and completely remorseless. Those are fine attributes for
CF | an assassin, but we're in the part of the clandestine services that
CF | handles metaphorically and sometimes literally world-shaking matters.
CF | He's a feckless amateur who covers up his incompetence with lazy charm
CF | and violence.
CF |
CF | He's thus notorious in my business, and so I recognize him immediately
CF | from descriptions in briefings I've read. His outer teleological field
CF | is amplified to���well, let me put it in roughly equivalent terms
CF | humans
CF | can understand. He's wearing an inordinately expensive suit with a tie
CF | from some boarding school whose entry fee costs as much as several
CF | large planets. He's smiling at me���or, at least, showing me his
CF | teeth���superciliously and uninterestedly. In a different era, he would
CF | have been wearing an eyepatch or a monocle just for effect. As it
CF | stands, he just gives me a bovine yet predatory stare, twitching the
CF | cuffs of his suit with disdain.
CF |
CF | I instantly hate him. I hated him before, of course; he's directly or
CF | indirectly responsible for the termination of several of my
CF | colleagues. It's different, though, when you see the thing directly in
CF | front of you. He doesn't seem to recognize me, or maybe the insight
CF | hasn't gotten through his bloated, stupid skull yet. I'm probably
CF | beneath his notice, but I've had to deal with him before. I spent two
CF | entire centuries cleaning up his blundering in just the matter of the
CF | ������������������ Agreement. Do you know how long it takes to file
CF | petitions with
CF | the interplanar courts to revoke an agreement when you aren't allowed
CF | to mention the name of the agreement, the parties involved in the
CF | agreement, or what the agreement was even about? Well, I do:
CF | seventy-four years. The entire thing was several thousand pages long
CF | and completely redacted, beginning to end. I started out filling an
CF | entire room in my department with black highlighters, and I had to
CF | borrow some more from the Accounting department to finish it off. And
CF | you can't just borrow something from Accounting; they want a
CF | signed contact in blood saying that you'll pay them interest in
CF | perpetuity. I don't even have blood. I wound up finding a
CF | couple of convenient humans on the department's Take a Child to Work
CF | Day, but that's three months I'm never going to get back.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Chapel 11/474
CF | >
CF | Hang on, I'm not done yet.
CF |
CF | I spent an entire century dealing with the fallout from that bout of
CF | idiocy. I spent another century dealing with literal fallout when
CF | Kingfisher decided that one particular human in Pompeii wasn't
CF | treating his organization with enough respect. I spent two centuries
CF | covering up a rain of spiders, another two covering up a rain of fish,
CF | and three covering up a rain of rain, which wouldn't have been
CF | remarkable if it hadn't been falling upward; apparently Kingfisher
CF | made a sign error in his calculations. I suppose I should be glad that
CF | his meteorological escapades didn't cause any lasting damage beyond
CF | giving me some billable hours doing extra paperwork, but my job is not
CF | to clean up his messes while he blunders his way through the human
CF | world. I'm not naive enough to think that we can always avoid
CF | collateral damage, but he's not even trying. To lose one hundred
CF | humans may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose one hundred thousand
CF | humans looks like carelessness. I've wasted millennia trying to ensure
CF | that his assassinations, unsubtle displays of powers, and outright
CF | threats don't disrupt the balance of power and ignite what has been up
CF | until now a cold war. This is a delicate business for professionals,
CF | not a clumsy, bloodthirsty amateur who's too stupid to bother wiping
CF | that stupid smirk off his stupid face. Four millennia of paperwork for
CF | one stupid, murderous, stupid git! And I'm not even on his side! I
CF | spent four millennia babysitting someone I had never met and
CF | am actively working to oppose, and the only recognition from him I get
CF | is a stupid, vacant smirk on his stupid, vacant face. And now he's
CF | standing there again, doing nothing but staring at me with the same
CF | stupid, vacant expression. Stupid stupid stupid stupid.
CF |
CF | He's a horrible person, and I hate him.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Oh man."
MoyTW says, "hahahahaha"
MoyTW says, "Okay, that one obtuse gambling puzzle aside, I love this game."
DavidW asks, "Should we, uh, talk to him?"
MoyTW says, "YES"
Knight_Otu says, "Probably not, but sure."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to kingfisher"
CF ] Chapel 11/475
CF | >
CF |
CF | I suppose I shouldn't delay the inevitable. One of us is going to have
CF | to say something, and Kingfisher's still just starting at me blankly.
CF |
CF | "Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Agama," I say,
CF | suppressing my revulsion and giving him a polite nod and an alias.
CF | "I'm part of a delegation assisting with some exercises in the area,
CF | and our treaties require that I meet to inform you of my presence
CF | here." I can cite regulations for my purpose.
CF |
CF | "Of course," says Kingfisher, with unctuous contempt oozing through
CF | his voice. He continues reading from the script both our sides have
CF | memorized. "On behalf of both my organization and myself, let me
CF | formally extend my greeting to you. This is a neutral area with
CF | unaligned humans, and I'm sure that we can put aside the differences
CF | between our two organizations and work peaceably together here."
CF |
CF | "Of course," I agree tepidly.
CF |
CF | "On behalf of the Kingdom of Heaven, let me express my gratitude for
CF | your diligence in proactively reaching out to us and keeping us in the
CF | loop on these developments. We are, of course, always happy to grow
CF | our organizations' ability to work together and avoid any breakdowns
CF | in communication that might negatively impact our security."
CF |
CF | "Of course," I say again. It's not like Kingfisher's listening to me
CF | anyway.
CF |
CF | He continues with the formal words of introduction our diplomats have
CF | worked out in countless meetings over countless centuries. "And, going
CF | forward, I'm sure we can achieve a productive synergy with what common
CF | interests we have and align our values to vector toward a mutually
CF | beneficial working relationship."
CF |
CF | I nod, because there's not really any response to that.
CF |
CF | "As we build a roadmap to a peaceful resolution of our organizations'
CF | conflict, I hope that you will keep me informed of any further
CF | exercises or events that would add value to our mutual goal, as
CF | clarified by our extensive prior treaties and memoranda of
CF | understanding, of establishing a paradigm conducive to peace and
CF | prosperity."
CF |
CF | Having given a desultory recitation of the required boilerplate,
CF | Kingfisher summarily retreats upstairs, probably to plan to do to the
CF | human world what he's done to language.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "exits"
CF ] Chapel 11/475
CF | >
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go west and up.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Buzzword heaven."
MoyTW says, "We should go up."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Sacristy 11/476
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Sacristy
CF | Against my better judgment, I'm in Kingfisher's inner sanctum. It's
CF | more mundane than I would have expected; it could have easily passed
CF | for the office of a mid-level human bureaucrat, except for the glowing
CF | telex on his desk (and, of course, for the state secrets of the
CF | universe that are undoubtedly kept securely locked away in its
CF | drawers). I would have expected the walls to be filled with propaganda
CF | posters and his bookshelves with plundered artifacts, but the room is
CF | neat and spartan and grey. The sole color comes from a stained-glass
CF | window that throws blotchy, irregular patterns onto the floor. A
CF | stairway leads back down into the main chapel.
CF |
CF | I can see Kingfisher here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x telex"
CF ] Sacristy 11/477
CF | >
CF |
CF | Obviously it's not literally a telex; that's just the closest human
CF | equivalent. It's a device for handling classified communication
CF | between the Other Place and the human realm. Describing the exact
CF | mechanisms involved would make your head hurt, both from their
CF | complexity and the fact that the penalty for receiving unauthorized
CF | classified information involves sticking your head in a vise. Let's
CF | just say that it's a fax machine made of magic.
CF |
CF | The telex is closed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x window"
CF ] Sacristy 11/478
CF | >
CF |
CF | Even in the feeble light of the sunset, the stained glass window
CF | creates splotches of iridiscent light on the office floor.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I say go use the bell."
MoyTW says, "Yep seems legit."
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Chapel 11/479
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF |
CF | Chapel
CF | The interior of the chapel is exactly what you'd expect: A
CF | ������������������������������������������������ in front of a
CF | ������������������������������������ without the
CF | ������������������������ and
CF | ������������������������������������������������������������. The whole
CF | place ���������������������������������, but that's hardly
CF | surprising, given ������������������������������������������. It's a
CF | ������������������������ place, for obvious
CF | reasons, and the ������������������������������������������ doesn't
CF | make it any less ��������������� or
CF | ��������������������������� to those of my kind, the
CF | ��������������������������� notwithstanding. Even
CF | though humans would undoubtedly love to know that
CF | ������������������������������������������������������,
CF | it's simply ������������������������������������ and
CF | ������������������������������������������, which neatly explains the
CF | meaning of life. An unobtrusive stairway at the back of the room leads
CF | upward, and the much more inviting exit from the chapel is to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | A hatrack stands to one side of the doors.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Botanical Garden 11/480
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 11/481
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A gigantic ice sculpture of a swan sits prominently on a pedestal.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest complains to no one in particular about the temperature of
CF | the room and looks meaningfully at the thermostat.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Lounge 11/482
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk exhales contentedly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Art Gallery 11/483
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Art Gallery
CF | This gallery is a small, stark alcove adjoining the lounge to the
CF | west. The walls are bare and white, and the carpet is a deep brown. An
CF | exhibit at the far end of the room shows off a few brightly colored
CF | pieces of pottery, protected by a velvet rope in front of the display.
CF |
CF | A bell with a large crack is displayed on a plinth here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "ring bell"
CF ] Art Gallery 11/484
CF | >
CF |
CF | I ring the bell, producing an uncanny tone.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "close book"
CF ] Art Gallery 11/485
CF | >
CF |
CF | It isn't something I can close.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open book"
CF ] Art Gallery 11/486
CF | >
CF |
CF | It isn't something I can open.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x book"
CF ] Art Gallery 11/487
CF | >
CF |
CF | This almanach is a directory the demon intelligence services compiled
CF | on the known operatives working on our side or on the Other Side. Of
CF | course, it's heavily redacted even at the ������������������������
CF | classification
CF | level, and the entities and organizations in it are listed by codeword
CF | rather than real name (if they even have real names). Looking up an
CF | angel in it might give you his official cover, but don't expect to
CF | find any state secrets.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "call whiptail"
CF ] Art Gallery 11/487
CF | >
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x bell"
CF ] Art Gallery 11/488
CF | >
CF |
CF | According to the rushed briefing I had before the mission, this
CF | particular bell used to be part of a church that was on the property
CF | long before this chateau was built. It glows with a faint
CF | greenish-yellow light, presumably from accreted spiritual residue. In
CF | fact, the bell has enough of a presence in the spiritual realm for me
CF | to interact with it.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x read book"
CF ] Art Gallery 11/488
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any read book here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "read book"
CF ] Art Gallery 11/489
CF | >
CF |
CF | I skip to a random entry in the almanach and read it aloud. Going
CF | through the minor biographical details of a well-placed angelic
CF | official whose entry is almost entirely redacted is tedious, but it
CF | should be sufficient for the ritual.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "light candle"
CF ] Art Gallery 11/490
CF | >
CF |
CF | I hesitate before lighting the candle. The ritual and ensuing
CF | conversation would go completely unnoticed by humans, but I want to
CF | keep far away from Kingfisher during them. I'd better find a more
CF | private location.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "which would be where?"
MoyTW says, "I mean the furthest point is just walk back out onto the beach? but..."
Knight_Otu asks, "Hedge maze?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Lounge 11/491
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk takes a swig from its bottle.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 11/492
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A gigantic ice sculpture of a swan sits prominently on a pedestal.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest shivers exaggeratedly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Reception 11/493
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Reception
CF | I'm at the hotel's reception, a small entryway with a gleaming marble
CF | floor and lamps made of dark green glass. The reception desk itself is
CF | a massive thing of oak, with a plush red carpet in front of it and a
CF | few potted chrysanthemums on top of it making it more inviting. A safe
CF | has been set into the wall behind it. A ceiling fan slowly spins above
CF | a passage farther into the hotel to the east. The exit from the hotel,
CF | flanked by ferns in massive clay pots, lies to the west.
CF |
CF | The hotel clerk stands behind the desk.
CF |
CF | The wealthy dowager is sitting in a plush leather chair.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Colonnade 11/494
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Colonnade
CF | This cobblestone trail runs from the casino to the hotel on the
CF | complex. Box trees flank the path, interspersed with a variety of
CF | colorful ornamental plants I don't recognize. The hotel it leads from
CF | is a sprawling villa of orange bricks with towers sprouting around its
CF | perimeter. A stone archway leads east into the hotel, and the trail
CF | winds to the west.
CF |
CF | A shiny silver mirror hangs over the archway leading east.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "This is new region. Might be far enough."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "light candle"
CF ] Colonnade 11/495
CF | >
CF |
CF | I hesitate before lighting the candle. The ritual and ensuing
CF | conversation would go completely unnoticed by humans, but I want to
CF | keep far away from Kingfisher during them. I'd better find a more
CF | private location.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Terrace 11/496
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Ballroom 11/497
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | The musicians are chatting quietly among themselves and setting up for
CF | the next piece.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Casino Floor 11/498
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The guard is being distracted by the flashing games.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Counting House 11/499
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Counting House
CF | Unlike the rest of the casino, this small room is refreshingly severe
CF | and empty. Bookshelves filled with identical logbooks line the
CF | windowless walls, occasionally broken up by racks of electronic
CF | equipment. The only exit is an imposing door to the south.
CF |
CF | An elaborate laser grid encloses a metal strongbox.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "light candle"
CF ] Counting House 11/500
CF | >
CF |
CF | I hesitate before lighting the candle. The ritual and ensuing
CF | conversation would go completely unnoticed by humans, but I want to
CF | keep far away from Kingfisher during them. I'd better find a more
CF | private location.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "This isn't private?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Casino Floor 11/501
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The guard is being distracted by the flashing games.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Ballroom 11/502
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | The musicians take the opportunity to drink some water.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Terrace 11/503
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Not to the beings above and below."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Hedge Maze 11/504
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Hedge Maze
CF | The tall hedges filling this part of the grounds have been
CF | meticulously cut into a network of crisscrossing channels. Presumably
CF | the effect is disorienting to humans, but I have no trouble making out
CF | the open area to the north, nestled in the center of the maze. The
CF | gravel pathways snake around it, warm in the heavy evening air.
CF |
CF | The rest of the casino grounds lie to the south.
CF |
CF | The magpie is sitting in a nest made of holly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Peristyle 11/505
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Peristyle
CF | This small garden lies at the center of the hedge maze. Moss grows
CF | optimistically through cracks in the mosaic floor, and vines wrap
CF | around the columns ringing the open area. A fountain in the center,
CF | flowing but full of vegetation and other flotsam, breaks the summer
CF | humidity. A torturous path to the south heads back into the maze.
CF |
CF | The kid stands off to one side, looking bored.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "light candle"
CF ] Peristyle 11/506
CF | >
CF |
CF | I hesitate before lighting the candle. The ritual and ensuing
CF | conversation would go completely unnoticed by humans, but I want to
CF | keep far away from Kingfisher during them. I'd better find a more
CF | private location.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Maybe the hotel room our pre used."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hedge Maze 11/507
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hedge Maze
CF | The tall hedges filling this part of the grounds have been
CF | meticulously cut into a network of crisscrossing channels. Presumably
CF | the effect is disorienting to humans, but I have no trouble making out
CF | the open area to the north, nestled in the center of the maze. The
CF | gravel pathways snake around it, warm in the heavy evening air.
CF |
CF | The rest of the casino grounds lie to the south.
CF |
CF | The magpie is sitting in a nest made of holly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Terrace 11/508
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Colonnade 11/509
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Colonnade
CF | This cobblestone trail runs from the casino to the hotel on the
CF | complex. Box trees flank the path, interspersed with a variety of
CF | colorful ornamental plants I don't recognize. The hotel it leads to is
CF | a sprawling villa of orange bricks with towers sprouting around its
CF | perimeter. A stone archway leads east into the hotel, and the trail
CF | winds to the west.
CF |
CF | A shiny silver mirror hangs over the archway leading east.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Hotel Reception 11/510
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Hotel Reception
CF | I'm at the hotel's reception, a small entryway with a gleaming marble
CF | floor and lamps made of dark green glass. The reception desk itself is
CF | a massive thing of oak, with a plush red carpet in front of it and a
CF | few potted chrysanthemums on top of it making it more inviting. A safe
CF | has been set into the wall behind it. A ceiling fan slowly spins above
CF | a passage farther into the hotel to the east. The exit from the hotel,
CF | flanked by ferns in massive clay pots, lies to the west.
CF |
CF | The hotel clerk stands behind the desk.
CF |
CF | The wealthy dowager is sitting in a plush leather chair.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 11/511
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A gigantic ice sculpture of a swan sits prominently on a pedestal.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest shivers exaggeratedly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Lounge 11/512
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk burps loudly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Hotel Room 11/513
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF | I make my way to my predecessor's room, ignoring the frivolous rooms
CF | of the human guests.
CF |
CF | Hotel Room
CF | My predecessor, Krait, used this hotel room as a temporary base of
CF | operations for his role as chief of station. Of course, he had no use
CF | for its amenities. Thus the bed and dining table were both employed,
CF | judging from the papers scattered across them, as makeshift desks. A
CF | smaller but bona fide desk sits in the corner, with an artless
CF | landscape in watercolors hanging above it. The liquor cabinet lurks
CF | untouched in the corner, and the ashtray on top of it is completely
CF | empty. The stark white carpet here is plush and spotless.
CF |
CF | The only exit from the room is to the south.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "close door"
CF ] Hotel Room 11/513
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see the double doors here. They were at Lawn.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "light candle"
CF ] Hotel Room 14/514
CF | >
CF |
CF | I light the candle with a snap of my fingers, completing the ritual.
CF |
CF | With the ritual components in place, I chant
CF | ������������������������������������ (footnote 4)
CF | and open a secure line to headquarters. A hazy image of a weedy demon
CF | in a lab coat appears before me. We quickly exchange signs and
CF | countersigns, and I explain my problem.
CF |
CF | "So, Whiptail, any ideas about what could be going on?"
CF |
CF | "Does it hurt when you do this?" he asks, twisting his claw
CF | in a way that would undoubtedly be painful if we weren't wearing
CF | functional anatomy like Halloween costumes. I repeat the gesture and
CF | shrug.
CF |
CF | "But your influence just bounces off humans?"
CF |
CF | "It's more like hitting a wall."
CF |
CF | "Hmm. It sounds like it could be a thaumatic force dampener."
CF |
CF | "What's that?"
CF |
CF | "They've been in development for years, but we never���wait, have you
CF | been cleared for Project ���������������?"
CF |
CF | "No."
CF |
CF | "Ah. Then they haven't been in development for years. It must be
CF | something else."
CF |
CF | "I don't really care what it is; I just want to shut it off."
CF |
CF | "Well, thaumatic force dampeners aren't a thing, of course���"
CF |
CF | "Of course."
CF |
CF | "���but if they were a thing, then shutting one off would
CF | easy.
CF | It has to be tied in to a corporeal object in the human realm to
CF | function. Get rid of that, and you'll get rid of the dampener too."
CF |
CF | "But how am I supposed to do that when I can't influence humans?"
CF |
CF | "Ah! I've got just the thing for that. Hang on!" he says brightly,
CF | then disappears from view. Whiptail runs the research and development
CF | team for my department, and his office is an unorganized mass of
CF | brilliant inventions, half-finished prototypes, and complete junk.
CF | Even through the tinny secure line, I can hear him rummaging through
CF | heavy piles of equipment. Eventually he shows up in person again,
CF | bearing some sort of incomprehensible widget, as well a few fresh
CF | scars from bits of jagged metal.
CF |
CF | "So, Sidewinder, the thing that is definitely not a thaumatic force
CF | dampener is going to stop you from influencing humans' intents. I can
CF | help you influence their manners, though."
CF |
CF | "Good. Humans are revolting."
CF |
CF | "Not that kind of manners. With this device, you should be able to
CF | influence how humans do something, even if you can't directly
CF | influence what they're doing. So, for example, I can't help
CF | you make a human run or make it stop running, but I can help you make
CF | it run quickly or slowly."
CF |
CF | "That sounds useful."
CF |
CF | He nods. "I'll arrange for someone to drop it into the field. I don't
CF | know where exactly, but you should be able to find it. Hopefully it'll
CF | be enough for you to shut down the device." He passes off the widget
CF | to someone off to the side whom I can't see. "Let me know if you need
CF | anything else. I always need test subjects for my inventions, and
CF | there's less paperwork afterward if the test subjects are immortal."
CF |
CF | I quickly thank him for his help and shut down the portal.
CF |
CF | [Your score has just gone up by three points.]
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Sweet."
MoyTW says, "Unfortunately the "not sure where to pick it up" seems like it'll be a pain."
DavidW says, "yeah, it could show up as an auction item."
Knight_Otu says, "That is probably a good stopping point though."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "footnote 4"
CF ] Hotel Room 14/514
CF | >
CF |
CF | (4) ...and chant ������������������������������: My original
CF | draft had an
CF | unredacted but useless incarnation here���the infernal equivalent of a
CF | "555-" telephone number. Invoking it summons a horde of imps to flay
CF | the invoker with scorpions filled with bees. It would have been a
CF | hilarious prank, but the lawyers made me censor it. If you want to try
CF | it out, though, just light a candle and chant ������������������
CF | (footnote 5).
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "footnote 5"
CF ] Hotel Room 14/514
CF | >
CF |
CF | (5) ...and chant ������������������: Looks like they read the
CF | footnotes
CF | too. Oh well.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Lounge 14/515
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF | I make my way back down to the lounge, past rows of uninteresting
CF | guest rooms.
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk exhales contentedly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Auction House 14/516
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer surveys the audience expectantly.
CF |
CF | The tourist starts at the the stage as if contemplating a bid, but it
CF | decides against it.
CF |
CF | The detector vibrates faintly in my hand, and a magnetic force is
CF | pulling it east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Lounge 14/517
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk takes a swig from its bottle.
CF |
CF | The detector vibrates faintly in my hand, and a magnetic force is
CF | pulling it south.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 14/518
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A gigantic ice sculpture of a swan sits prominently on a pedestal.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest complains to no one in particular about the temperature of
CF | the room and looks meaningfully at the thermostat.
CF |
CF | The detector vibrates faintly in my hand, and a magnetic force is
CF | pulling it west.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Reception 14/519
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Reception
CF | I'm at the hotel's reception, a small entryway with a gleaming marble
CF | floor and lamps made of dark green glass. The reception desk itself is
CF | a massive thing of oak, with a plush red carpet in front of it and a
CF | few potted chrysanthemums on top of it making it more inviting. A safe
CF | has been set into the wall behind it. A ceiling fan slowly spins above
CF | a passage farther into the hotel to the east. The exit from the hotel,
CF | flanked by ferns in massive clay pots, lies to the west.
CF |
CF | The hotel clerk stands behind the desk.
CF |
CF | The wealthy dowager is sitting in a plush leather chair.
CF |
CF | The detector vibrates faintly in my hand, and a magnetic force is
CF | pulling it west.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Colonnade 14/520
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Colonnade
CF | This cobblestone trail runs from the casino to the hotel on the
CF | complex. Box trees flank the path, interspersed with a variety of
CF | colorful ornamental plants I don't recognize. The hotel it leads from
CF | is a sprawling villa of orange bricks with towers sprouting around its
CF | perimeter. A stone archway leads east into the hotel, and the trail
CF | winds to the west.
CF |
CF | A shiny silver mirror hangs over the archway leading east.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | The detector vibrates faintly in my hand, and a magnetic force is
CF | pulling it west.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Terrace 14/521
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | Shoved unobtrusively under the marble bench is an oblong package.
CF |
CF | The detector buzzes insistently.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take package"
CF ] Terrace 14/522
CF | >
CF |
CF | I tear into the package. Inside it is the odd device Whiptail showed
CF | me earlier. I gingerly reach out to touch it, and I suddenly seize up
CF | with a painful jolt as my thaumatic field realigns. I don't feel that
CF | different afterwards, but I definitely notice some extra sharpness
CF | around the outer edge of the field. Hopefully that did the trick;
CF | there's only one way to find out.
CF |
CF | The package and the device itself obligingly self-destruct, leaving no
CF | evidence of the home office's intervention.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Terrace 14/522
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the block intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the explore intent
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Colonnade 14/523
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Colonnade
CF | This cobblestone trail runs from the casino to the hotel on the
CF | complex. Box trees flank the path, interspersed with a variety of
CF | colorful ornamental plants I don't recognize. The hotel it leads to is
CF | a sprawling villa of orange bricks with towers sprouting around its
CF | perimeter. A stone archway leads east into the hotel, and the trail
CF | winds to the west.
CF |
CF | A shiny silver mirror hangs over the archway leading east.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x waiter"
CF ] Colonnade 14/524
CF | >
CF |
CF | The waiter's uniform includes a half-apron with a pocket, in which
CF | rests a small notepad.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "So what command do we use to change someone's manner?"
Knight_Otu says, "We probably have to look someone with intent first."
Knight_Otu says, "*look at"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Hotel Reception 14/525
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Hotel Reception
CF | I'm at the hotel's reception, a small entryway with a gleaming marble
CF | floor and lamps made of dark green glass. The reception desk itself is
CF | a massive thing of oak, with a plush red carpet in front of it and a
CF | few potted chrysanthemums on top of it making it more inviting. A safe
CF | has been set into the wall behind it. A ceiling fan slowly spins above
CF | a passage farther into the hotel to the east. The exit from the hotel,
CF | flanked by ferns in massive clay pots, lies to the west.
CF |
CF | The hotel clerk stands behind the desk.
CF |
CF | The wealthy dowager is sitting in a plush leather chair.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 14/526
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A gigantic ice sculpture of a swan sits prominently on a pedestal.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest complains to no one in particular about the temperature of
CF | the room and looks meaningfully at the thermostat.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x guest"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 14/527
CF | >
CF |
CF | Wearing shorts and a gaudy-print t-shirt.
CF |
CF | The guest has an intent to
CF | itself up.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest complains to no one in particular about the temperature of
CF | the room and looks meaningfully at the thermostat.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "influence guest"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 14/527
CF | >
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take warm"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 14/528
CF | >
CF |
CF | Some odd freezing, feathery barrier stops me, like an angry swan made
CF | of ice is getting in my way.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest complains to no one in particular about the temperature of
CF | the room and looks meaningfully at the thermostat.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "how"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 14/528
CF | >
CF | > HOW
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "manner"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 14/528
CF | >
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "help"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 14/528
CF | >
CF |
CF | This is a work of interactive fiction. You tell me what you want to
CF | do, and I tell you what happens. Some commands you might find useful:
CF |
CF | north/south/east/west/up/down
CF | /northeast/northwest/southeast/southwest
CF | (or
CF | n/s/e/w/u/d/ne/nw</
CF | i>/se/sw):
CF | go that direction.
CF | examine something (or x something): look at an object or
CF | person.
CF | look (or l): look at your current location.
CF | inventory (or i): check what you are holding.
CF | take something: pick up an object.
CF | give something to someone
CF | put something on something
CF | remove something from someone
CF | wait
CF | footnote number: read a footnote
CF | spin something
CF | ring something
CF | read something
CF | light something
CF | consult something about something
CF | set something to something
CF | type something on something
CF |
CF | You can save your game, quit, and restore later.
CF | If all else fails, feel free to ask for a hint, which gives you
CF | an interactive menu. You can also undo your last move if you
CF | find yourself filled with regret. The about will display the
CF | credits and contact information for the game.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I don't know what command to use for this."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "warm swan"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 14/528
CF | >
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "spin guest"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 14/528
CF | >
CF |
CF | I'm a noncorporeal entity, and so I can't interact directly with
CF | purely physical objects.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "guest, warm swan"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 14/529
CF | >
CF |
CF | Some odd freezing, feathery barrier stops me, like an angry swan made
CF | of ice is getting in my way.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest complains to no one in particular about the temperature of
CF | the room and looks meaningfully at the thermostat.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x thermostat"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 14/530
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's currently set to an unusually low temperature.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest looks pointedly at the thermostat.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 14/530
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the block intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the explore intent
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x bellhop"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 14/531
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's wearing a red uniform with one of those ridiculous hats.
CF |
CF | The bellhop has an intent to aggressively
CF | the sculpture.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest shivers exaggeratedly.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "...huh."
MoyTW asks, "take aggressively?"
Knight_Otu says, "Hm. But how to ... maybe."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "take aggressively"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 14/532
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the aggressively manner from the bellhop.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest complains to no one in particular about the temperature of
CF | the room and looks meaningfully at the thermostat.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "oh!"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put aggressively on guest"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 14/533
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the aggressively manner to the guest, who now intends to
CF | aggressively warm itself up.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, attempting to look professional.
CF |
CF | The guest goes right up to the thermostat and boldly turns it up. The
CF | room begins to warm.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "hooray"
Knight_Otu says, "Whew."
DavidW asks, "And now wait?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 14/534
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The temperature grows steadily warmer.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 14/535
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The temperature grows steadily warmer.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 18/536
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | There's a loud crack, and the neck of the sculpture breaks and falls
CF | to the floor. The rest of the sculpture is rapidly melting, forming a
CF | puddle on the floor. The bellhop runs over, but it's too late.
CF |
CF | I feel a shift in the astral energies of this place. My ability to
CF | manipulate intentions seems to have returned.
CF |
CF | [Your score has just gone up by four points.]
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "cf14"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to write:
CF ] Hotel Lobby 18/536
CF | > SAVEOk.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "We be in business again."
DavidW asks, "so, uh, we can grab all the intents and manners we fit and ... I don't remember where all the new codebooks are. One in the ice cream and one in the auction chest and the third is...?"
Knight_Otu says, "Hotel safe."
DavidW says, "righ."
DavidW says, "right"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take defend"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 18/537
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the defend intent from the bellhop.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take warm"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 18/538
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the warm intent from the guest, along with the aggressively
CF | manner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Lounge 18/539
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk burps loudly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x drunk"
CF ] Lounge 18/540
CF | >
CF |
CF | The drunk has disheveled, stained clothes and an unpleasant odor. I'm
CF | not sure how it's managed to avoid getting kicked out of here by some
CF | sort of respectable environment operative.
CF |
CF | The drunk is holding a bottle of vodka.
CF |
CF | The drunk has an intent to recklessly
CF | from a bottle of vodka.
CF |
CF | The drunk takes a swig from its bottle.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take drink"
CF ] Lounge 18/541
CF | >
CF |
CF | (the drink intent)
CF | I extract the drink intent from the drunk, along with the recklessly
CF | manner.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Auction House 18/542
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer takes a deep breath.
CF |
CF | The tourist starts at the the stage as if contemplating a bid, but it
CF | decides against it.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x tourist"
CF ] Auction House 18/543
CF | >
CF |
CF | The tourist watches the auction keenly, its fingers twitching.
CF |
CF | The tourist has an intent to seriously
CF | > BUY
CF | something impressive.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer looks intently at potential bidders.
CF |
CF | The tourist hesitantly begins to raise its hand to make a bid, but it
CF | decides against it.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take buy"
CF ] Auction House 18/544
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the buy intent from the tourist, along with the seriously
CF | manner.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer surveys the audience expectantly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x auctioneer"
CF ] Auction House 18/545
CF | >
CF |
CF | Grey-haired but with a voice like a megaphone.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer is holding a necklace.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer has an intent to greedily
CF | the necklace.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer surveys the audience expectantly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take sell"
CF ] Auction House 18/546
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the sell intent from the auctioneer, along with the greedily
CF | manner.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Storage Room 18/547
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Storage Room
CF | An almost endless mass of crates, chests, and pallets fills this small
CF | room. They reach the ceiling, yet an array of humans in black uniforms
CF | manages to glide through narrow openings in the debris, shuttling
CF | items into the larger room to the south. There's no apparent
CF | organization to the clutter, or even visible labels on the various
CF | boxes, but the humans have no difficulty in finding whatever objects
CF | they're looking for.
CF |
CF | A large golden chest, glowing with spiritual energy, catches the eye
CF | off to one side.
CF |
CF | The picker listens to the auction in the next room, waiting for a new
CF | item to be needed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x picker"
CF ] Storage Room 18/548
CF | >
CF |
CF | A tall, wiry human that resembles a rodent.
CF |
CF | The picker has an intent to lazily
CF | something light for the auction.
CF |
CF | The picker listens to the auction in the next room, waiting for a new
CF | item to be needed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take select"
CF ] Storage Room 18/549
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the select intent from the picker, along with the lazily
CF | manner.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Storage Room 18/549
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the select intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the explore intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the lazily manner
CF | the greedily manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the aggressively manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Auction House 18/550
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see the auctioneer here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Lounge 18/551
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 18/552
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Reception 18/553
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Reception
CF | I'm at the hotel's reception, a small entryway with a gleaming marble
CF | floor and lamps made of dark green glass. The reception desk itself is
CF | a massive thing of oak, with a plush red carpet in front of it and a
CF | few potted chrysanthemums on top of it making it more inviting. A safe
CF | has been set into the wall behind it. A ceiling fan slowly spins above
CF | a passage farther into the hotel to the east. The exit from the hotel,
CF | flanked by ferns in massive clay pots, lies to the west.
CF |
CF | The hotel clerk stands behind the desk.
CF |
CF | The wealthy dowager is sitting in a plush leather chair.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x clerk"
CF ] Hotel Reception 18/554
CF | >
CF |
CF | A harried-looking human, dressed neatly in hotel livery.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x dowager"
CF ] Hotel Reception 18/555
CF | >
CF |
CF | An elderly human, dressed in the conspicuous finery of one who has
CF | more money than taste.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "f e"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 18/556
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Restaurant 18/557
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Restaurant
CF | The hotel's restaurant is a tediously chic affair, full of spindly
CF | tables and blobby oil paintings. In addition to the artfully placed
CF | mirrors, the emptiness of the hall also makes it seem cavernous; there
CF | are few patrons this evening. Nevertheless, there are fresh hydrangeas
CF | in the delicate glass epergnes at the precise center of each table,
CF | and the electric lights have been dimmed in favor of the soft evening
CF | light coming from the open doors to the north. Another swinging door
CF | lies to the east.
CF |
CF | The diner looks thoughtfully at the dessert menu.
CF |
CF | The server walks in from the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x diner"
CF ] Restaurant 18/558
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's wearing a light jacket and sitting by itself at a table.
CF |
CF | The diner has an intent to slowly
CF | all the options on the dessert menu.
CF |
CF | The diner considers getting another drink with dessert.
CF |
CF | The server looks to see if the diner wants to order anything.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take read"
CF ] Restaurant 18/559
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the read intent from the diner, along with the slowly
CF | manner.
CF |
CF | The server walks off to the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Kitchen 18/560
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | Even at this hour, the kitchen is a frenzy of activity. At rows of
CF | steel tables, cooks go through whatever laborious tasks are necessary
CF | to make food for humans. I'm not sure exactly what they are, but they
CF | apparently involve a lot of fire and yelling. The cramped room is
CF | filled with smoke and the aromas of spices. A swinging door leads west
CF | into the restaurant, and a heavy steel door is to the south.
CF |
CF | The server looks around vaguely.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x server"
CF ] Kitchen 18/561
CF | >
CF |
CF | Impeccably dressed in the manner of one who's used to its tips
CF | depending on it.
CF |
CF | The server has an intent to generously
CF | food to the restaurant patrons.
CF |
CF | The server walks off to the west.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Restaurant 18/562
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Restaurant
CF | The hotel's restaurant is a tediously chic affair, full of spindly
CF | tables and blobby oil paintings. In addition to the artfully placed
CF | mirrors, the emptiness of the hall also makes it seem cavernous; there
CF | are few patrons this evening. Nevertheless, there are fresh hydrangeas
CF | in the delicate glass epergnes at the precise center of each table,
CF | and the electric lights have been dimmed in favor of the soft evening
CF | light coming from the open doors to the north. Another swinging door
CF | lies to the east.
CF |
CF | The server looks to see if the diner wants to order anything.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take serve"
CF ] Restaurant 18/563
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the serve intent from the server, along with the generously
CF | manner.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Restaurant 18/563
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go north and east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 18/564
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Botanical Garden 18/565
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF ] Lawn 18/566
CF | >
CF | > NE
CF |
CF |
CF | Lawn
CF | This small lawn runs between the hotel toward the southwest and a
CF | squat building to the east. It is trim and spartan, with no
CF | ornamentation aside from the tall hedges forming its boundary. They
CF | also block the breeze coming in off the sea, so the air here is warm
CF | and still.
CF |
CF | There's a set of double doors here blocking the way east, the carvings
CF | of which form a pentagram.
CF |
CF | The agent stands next to the doors.
CF |
CF | The reporter asks politely to be let in, but the agent curtly refuses
CF | to let it through.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x agent"
CF ] Lawn 18/567
CF | >
CF |
CF | A human in a sharp black suit.
CF |
CF | The reporter calmly shows the agent its press pass, but the agent
CF | refuses.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x reporter"
CF ] Lawn 18/568
CF | >
CF |
CF | A human carrying a notebook and wearing a press pass.
CF |
CF | The reporter has an intent to
CF | the way into the conference.
CF |
CF | The reporter calmly shows the agent its press pass, but the agent
CF | ignores it placidly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take open"
CF ] Lawn 18/569
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the open intent from the reporter.
CF |
CF | The reporter attempts to peer through a window.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "sw"
CF ] Botanical Garden 18/570
CF | >
CF | > SW
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 18/571
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "f w"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 18/571
CF | >
CF | > F W
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Reception 18/572
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Reception
CF | I'm at the hotel's reception, a small entryway with a gleaming marble
CF | floor and lamps made of dark green glass. The reception desk itself is
CF | a massive thing of oak, with a plush red carpet in front of it and a
CF | few potted chrysanthemums on top of it making it more inviting. A safe
CF | has been set into the wall behind it. A ceiling fan slowly spins above
CF | a passage farther into the hotel to the east. The exit from the hotel,
CF | flanked by ferns in massive clay pots, lies to the west.
CF |
CF | The hotel clerk stands behind the desk.
CF |
CF | The wealthy dowager is sitting in a plush leather chair.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put open on dowager"
CF ] Hotel Reception 18/573
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the open intent to the wealthy dowager, who now intends to open
CF | the safe to check on its jewels.
CF |
CF | The wealthy dowager demands to check that its jewels are safe in the
CF | safe, but the clerk doesn't bother complying.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put greedily on dowager"
CF ] Hotel Reception 18/574
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the greedily manner to the wealthy dowager, who now intends to
CF | greedily open the safe to check on its jewels.
CF |
CF | The wealthy dowager demands to check that its jewels are safe in the
CF | safe, but the clerk doesn't bother complying.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take greedily"
CF ] Hotel Reception 18/575
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the greedily manner from the wealthy dowager.
CF |
CF | The wealthy dowager demands to check that its jewels are safe in the
CF | safe, but the clerk doesn't bother complying.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Hotel Reception 18/575
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the serve intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the explore intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the greedily manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the aggressively manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "serve?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put serve on clerk"
CF ] Hotel Reception 18/576
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the serve intent to the hotel clerk, who now intends to serve
CF | in its role at the hotel desk.
CF |
CF | The hotel clerk gives a cursory look around the hotel reception.
CF |
CF | The wealthy dowager demands to check that its jewels are safe in the
CF | safe. The clerk, grumbling to itself, opens it for a split second but
CF | shuts its again too quickly for me to grab the codebook.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "lazily"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put lazily on clerk"
CF ] Hotel Reception 18/577
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the lazily manner to the hotel clerk, who now intends to lazily
CF | serve in its role at the hotel desk.
CF |
CF | The hotel clerk gives a cursory look around the hotel reception.
CF |
CF | The wealthy dowager demands to check that its jewels are safe in the
CF | safe. The clerk grudgingly opens it for a split second but shuts its
CF | again too quickly for me to grab the codebook.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu asks, "Slowly?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put slowly on clerk"
CF ] Hotel Reception 18/578
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the slowly manner to the hotel clerk, taking the lazily manner
CF | in exchange. It now intends to slowly serve in its role at the hotel
CF | desk.
CF |
CF | The hotel clerk keenly surveys the hotel reception.
CF |
CF | The wealthy dowager demands to check that its jewels are safe in the
CF | safe. The clerk grudgingly obliges, slowly opening the safe for
CF | inspection.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take codebook"
CF ] Hotel Reception 22/579
CF | >
CF |
CF | (the secret codebook)
CF | I pick up the secret codebook and page through it. The cipher on the
CF | communiqu�� is at a much higher classification level than the secret
CF | codebook, but I can still decipher some of its header information and
CF | basic format. This particular cipher is used by a research division in
CF | the Other Side's clandestine intelligence services. Most of its work
CF | is unclear to my side, but they're extremely ambitious and kept under
CF | tight wraps; some are still classified even millennia after their
CF | conceptions. The coded information on the communiqu�� indicates that it
CF | was sent to an operative on site, presumably Kingfisher.
CF |
CF | With the part of the cipher in the codebook, I can decrypt some more
CF | of the communiqu��:
CF |
CF | Confirmed 72880 of 46480. There is no significant 73048 remaining in
CF | the 47576 45953 has been 62029 31368 02666 and ensure that 79260 67549
CF | 07135 14066 43999 is 03659. We will act 67043 on the 85994
CF |
CF | The hotel clerk closes the safe again.
CF |
CF | [Your score has just gone up by four points.]
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take serve"
CF ] Hotel Reception 22/580
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the serve intent from the hotel clerk, along with the slowly
CF | manner.
CF |
CF | The wealthy dowager demands to check that its jewels are safe in the
CF | safe, but the clerk doesn't bother complying.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take open"
CF ] Hotel Reception 22/581
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the open intent from the wealthy dowager.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 22/582
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Restaurant 22/583
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Restaurant
CF | The hotel's restaurant is a tediously chic affair, full of spindly
CF | tables and blobby oil paintings. In addition to the artfully placed
CF | mirrors, the emptiness of the hall also makes it seem cavernous; there
CF | are few patrons this evening. Nevertheless, there are fresh hydrangeas
CF | in the delicate glass epergnes at the precise center of each table,
CF | and the electric lights have been dimmed in favor of the soft evening
CF | light coming from the open doors to the north. Another swinging door
CF | lies to the east.
CF |
CF | I can see the server and the diner here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Restaurant 22/583
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the open intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the explore intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF | the greedily manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the aggressively manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | one secret codebook
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put buy on diner"
CF ] Restaurant 22/584
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the buy intent to the diner, who now vaguely intends to buy.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take buy"
CF ] Restaurant 22/585
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the buy intent from the diner.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take drink on diner"
CF ] Restaurant 22/585
CF | >
CF |
CF | I only understood you as far as wanting to take the drink intent.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put drink on diner"
CF ] Restaurant 22/586
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the drink intent to the diner, who now vaguely intends to
CF | drink.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take drink"
CF ] Restaurant 22/587
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the drink intent from the diner.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put select on diner"
CF ] Restaurant 22/588
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the select intent to the diner, who now intends to select a
CF | dessert.
CF |
CF | The diner looks thoughtfully at the dessert menu.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x menu"
CF ] Restaurant 22/588
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any menu here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put greedily on diner"
CF ] Restaurant 22/589
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the greedily manner to the diner, who now intends to greedily
CF | select a dessert.
CF |
CF | The diner calls over the server and orders a bowl of ice cream.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put serve on server"
CF ] Restaurant 22/590
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the serve intent to the server, who now intends to serve food
CF | to the restaurant patrons.
CF |
CF | The diner calls over the server and orders a bowl of ice cream.
CF |
CF | The server walks off to the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Kitchen 22/591
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | Even at this hour, the kitchen is a frenzy of activity. At rows of
CF | steel tables, cooks go through whatever laborious tasks are necessary
CF | to make food for humans. I'm not sure exactly what they are, but they
CF | apparently involve a lot of fire and yelling. The cramped room is
CF | filled with smoke and the aromas of spices. A swinging door leads west
CF | into the restaurant, and a heavy steel door is to the south.
CF |
CF | The server walks into the walk-in freezer.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Walk-In Freezer 22/592
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Walk-In Freezer
CF | This small room is cluttered with tins, crates, and boxes of human
CF | foodstuffs. The air is cold and dry, and the shelves along the walls
CF | are covered in a faint rime of frost. The only exit is a heavy steel
CF | door to the north.
CF |
CF | Two cartons of ice cream, one old and one new, sit next to the door.
CF |
CF | The server carefully scoops a bowl of ice cream from the ice-covered
CF | old carton.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take serve"
CF ] Walk-In Freezer 22/593
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the serve intent from the server.
CF |
CF | The server carefully carries a bowl of ice cream out of the walk-in
CF | freezer.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Kitchen 22/594
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | Even at this hour, the kitchen is a frenzy of activity. At rows of
CF | steel tables, cooks go through whatever laborious tasks are necessary
CF | to make food for humans. I'm not sure exactly what they are, but they
CF | apparently involve a lot of fire and yelling. The cramped room is
CF | filled with smoke and the aromas of spices. A swinging door leads west
CF | into the restaurant, and a heavy steel door is to the south.
CF |
CF | The server carefully carries a bowl of ice cream off to the west.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Restaurant 22/595
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Restaurant
CF | The hotel's restaurant is a tediously chic affair, full of spindly
CF | tables and blobby oil paintings. In addition to the artfully placed
CF | mirrors, the emptiness of the hall also makes it seem cavernous; there
CF | are few patrons this evening. Nevertheless, there are fresh hydrangeas
CF | in the delicate glass epergnes at the precise center of each table,
CF | and the electric lights have been dimmed in favor of the soft evening
CF | light coming from the open doors to the north. Another swinging door
CF | lies to the east.
CF |
CF | The server gracefully gives the bowl of ice cream to the diner.
CF |
CF | The diner eats its ice cream.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Restaurant 22/595
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the serve intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the open intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the explore intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the aggressively manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | one secret codebook
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put warm intent on server"
CF ] Restaurant 22/596
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the warm intent to the server, who now vaguely intends to warm.
CF |
CF | The diner calls over the server and orders a bowl of ice cream.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put generously on server"
CF ] Restaurant 22/597
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the generously manner to the server, but it doesn't have much
CF | effect.
CF |
CF | The diner calls over the server and orders a bowl of ice cream.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put serve on server"
CF ] Restaurant 22/598
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the serve intent to the server, taking the warm intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to generously serve food to the restaurant
CF | patrons.
CF |
CF | The diner calls over the server and orders a bowl of ice cream.
CF |
CF | The server walks off to the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Kitchen 22/599
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | Even at this hour, the kitchen is a frenzy of activity. At rows of
CF | steel tables, cooks go through whatever laborious tasks are necessary
CF | to make food for humans. I'm not sure exactly what they are, but they
CF | apparently involve a lot of fire and yelling. The cramped room is
CF | filled with smoke and the aromas of spices. A swinging door leads west
CF | into the restaurant, and a heavy steel door is to the south.
CF |
CF | The server walks into the walk-in freezer.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Walk-In Freezer 22/600
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Walk-In Freezer
CF | This small room is cluttered with tins, crates, and boxes of human
CF | foodstuffs. The air is cold and dry, and the shelves along the walls
CF | are covered in a faint rime of frost. The only exit is a heavy steel
CF | door to the north.
CF |
CF | Two cartons of ice cream, one old and one new, sit next to the door.
CF |
CF | The server carefully scoops a bowl of ice cream from the ice-covered
CF | old carton.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put open on server"
CF ] Walk-In Freezer 22/601
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the open intent to the server, taking the serve intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to generously open something.
CF |
CF | The server carefully carries a bowl of ice cream out of the walk-in
CF | freezer.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Walk-In Freezer 22/601
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go north and outside.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Kitchen 22/602
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | Even at this hour, the kitchen is a frenzy of activity. At rows of
CF | steel tables, cooks go through whatever laborious tasks are necessary
CF | to make food for humans. I'm not sure exactly what they are, but they
CF | apparently involve a lot of fire and yelling. The cramped room is
CF | filled with smoke and the aromas of spices. A swinging door leads west
CF | into the restaurant, and a heavy steel door is to the south.
CF |
CF | The server carefully carries a bowl of ice cream off to the west.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Restaurant 22/603
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Restaurant
CF | The hotel's restaurant is a tediously chic affair, full of spindly
CF | tables and blobby oil paintings. In addition to the artfully placed
CF | mirrors, the emptiness of the hall also makes it seem cavernous; there
CF | are few patrons this evening. Nevertheless, there are fresh hydrangeas
CF | in the delicate glass epergnes at the precise center of each table,
CF | and the electric lights have been dimmed in favor of the soft evening
CF | light coming from the open doors to the north. Another swinging door
CF | lies to the east.
CF |
CF | The server gracefully gives the bowl of ice cream to the diner.
CF |
CF | The diner eats its ice cream.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "drat, I'm not getting this one right."
Knight_Otu asks, "Recklessly serve so they make a mistake, perhaps?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put recklessly on server"
CF ] Restaurant 22/604
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the recklessly manner to the server, taking the generously
CF | manner in exchange.
CF |
CF | The diner calls over the server and orders a bowl of ice cream.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put serve on server"
CF ] Restaurant 22/605
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the serve intent to the server, taking the open intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to recklessly serve food to the restaurant
CF | patrons.
CF |
CF | The diner calls over the server and orders a bowl of ice cream.
CF |
CF | The server walks off to the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Kitchen 22/606
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | Even at this hour, the kitchen is a frenzy of activity. At rows of
CF | steel tables, cooks go through whatever laborious tasks are necessary
CF | to make food for humans. I'm not sure exactly what they are, but they
CF | apparently involve a lot of fire and yelling. The cramped room is
CF | filled with smoke and the aromas of spices. A swinging door leads west
CF | into the restaurant, and a heavy steel door is to the south.
CF |
CF | The server walks into the walk-in freezer.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Walk-In Freezer 22/607
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Walk-In Freezer
CF | This small room is cluttered with tins, crates, and boxes of human
CF | foodstuffs. The air is cold and dry, and the shelves along the walls
CF | are covered in a faint rime of frost. The only exit is a heavy steel
CF | door to the north.
CF |
CF | Two cartons of ice cream, one old and one new, sit next to the door.
CF |
CF | The server hurriedly picks up the ice-covered old carton, but it slips
CF | from its grasp and lands face down. It grimaces at the waste but opens
CF | the new carton and quickly scoops a bowl of ice cream from there.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take codebook"
CF ] Walk-In Freezer 26/608
CF | >
CF |
CF | (the secret codebook)
CF | I pick up the secret codebook and page through it. A few of the code
CF | sequences from the communiqu�� are in it, and I decrypt some more of
CF | it:
CF |
CF | Confirmed 72880 of 46480. There is no significant opposition remaining
CF | in the target area. The action has been authorized. Assist 02666 and
CF | ensure that 79260 67549 successfully as quickly as possible 43999 is
CF | standing by. We will act 67043 on the 85994
CF |
CF | The server carefully carries a bowl of ice cream out of the walk-in
CF | freezer.
CF |
CF | [Your score has just gone up by four points.]
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu exclaims, "Hey, that worked!"
MoyTW exclaims, "Nice!"
DavidW says, "yes! thank you!"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Kitchen 26/609
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | Even at this hour, the kitchen is a frenzy of activity. At rows of
CF | steel tables, cooks go through whatever laborious tasks are necessary
CF | to make food for humans. I'm not sure exactly what they are, but they
CF | apparently involve a lot of fire and yelling. The cramped room is
CF | filled with smoke and the aromas of spices. A swinging door leads west
CF | into the restaurant, and a heavy steel door is to the south.
CF |
CF | The server carefully carries a bowl of ice cream off to the west.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Restaurant 26/610
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Restaurant
CF | The hotel's restaurant is a tediously chic affair, full of spindly
CF | tables and blobby oil paintings. In addition to the artfully placed
CF | mirrors, the emptiness of the hall also makes it seem cavernous; there
CF | are few patrons this evening. Nevertheless, there are fresh hydrangeas
CF | in the delicate glass epergnes at the precise center of each table,
CF | and the electric lights have been dimmed in favor of the soft evening
CF | light coming from the open doors to the north. Another swinging door
CF | lies to the east.
CF |
CF | The server gracefully gives the bowl of ice cream to the diner.
CF |
CF | The diner eats its ice cream.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take serve"
CF ] Restaurant 26/611
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the serve intent from the server, along with the recklessly
CF | manner.
CF |
CF | The diner calls over the server and orders a bowl of ice cream.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take select"
CF ] Restaurant 26/612
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the select intent from the diner, along with the greedily
CF | manner.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Restaurant 26/612
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go north and east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 26/613
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Lounge 26/614
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Auction House 26/615
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see the auctioneer here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Storage Room 26/616
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Storage Room
CF | An almost endless mass of crates, chests, and pallets fills this small
CF | room. They reach the ceiling, yet an array of humans in black uniforms
CF | manages to glide through narrow openings in the debris, shuttling
CF | items into the larger room to the south. There's no apparent
CF | organization to the clutter, or even visible labels on the various
CF | boxes, but the humans have no difficulty in finding whatever objects
CF | they're looking for.
CF |
CF | A large golden chest, glowing with spiritual energy, catches the eye
CF | off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see the picker here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put open on picker"
CF ] Storage Room 26/617
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the open intent to the picker, who now vaguely intends to open
CF | something.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Storage Room 26/617
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the select intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the explore intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the greedily manner
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the aggressively manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | two secret codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put seriously on picker"
CF ] Storage Room 26/618
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the seriously manner to the picker, but it doesn't have much
CF | effect.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put greedily on picker"
CF ] Storage Room 26/619
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the greedily manner to the picker, taking the seriously manner
CF | in exchange.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Storage Room 26/620
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put lazily on picker"
CF ] Storage Room 26/621
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the lazily manner to the picker, taking the greedily manner in
CF | exchange.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "I don't think they'll open the chest that easily."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take lazily"
CF ] Storage Room 26/622
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the lazily manner from the picker.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Still, open seems the correct action here."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Auction House 26/623
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see the auctioneer here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Auction House 26/623
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the select intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the explore intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the lazily manner
CF | the greedily manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the aggressively manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | two secret codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Seems like it should, but the game said "vaguely opening""
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Storage Room 26/624
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Storage Room
CF | An almost endless mass of crates, chests, and pallets fills this small
CF | room. They reach the ceiling, yet an array of humans in black uniforms
CF | manages to glide through narrow openings in the debris, shuttling
CF | items into the larger room to the south. There's no apparent
CF | organization to the clutter, or even visible labels on the various
CF | boxes, but the humans have no difficulty in finding whatever objects
CF | they're looking for.
CF |
CF | A large golden chest, glowing with spiritual energy, catches the eye
CF | off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see the picker here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put aggressively on picker"
CF ] Storage Room 26/625
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the aggressively manner to the picker, but it doesn't have much
CF | effect.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put lazily on picker"
CF ] Storage Room 26/626
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the lazily manner to the picker, taking the aggressively manner
CF | in exchange.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x picker"
CF ] Storage Room 26/627
CF | >
CF |
CF | A tall, wiry human that resembles a rodent.
CF |
CF | The picker has a vague intent to lazily
CF | something.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Auction House 26/628
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see the auctioneer here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put sell on auctioneer"
CF ] Auction House 26/629
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the sell intent to the auctioneer, who now intends to sell the
CF | necklace.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer sets the necklace aside, unsold. One of the workers
CF | carries it back to the storage room to the north.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put buy on tourist"
CF ] Auction House 26/630
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the buy intent to the tourist, who now intends to buy something
CF | impressive.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Storage Room 26/631
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Storage Room
CF | An almost endless mass of crates, chests, and pallets fills this small
CF | room. They reach the ceiling, yet an array of humans in black uniforms
CF | manages to glide through narrow openings in the debris, shuttling
CF | items into the larger room to the south. There's no apparent
CF | organization to the clutter, or even visible labels on the various
CF | boxes, but the humans have no difficulty in finding whatever objects
CF | they're looking for.
CF |
CF | A large golden chest, glowing with spiritual energy, catches the eye
CF | off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see the picker here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x picker"
CF ] Storage Room 26/632
CF | >
CF |
CF | A tall, wiry human that resembles a rodent.
CF |
CF | The picker has a vague intent to lazily
CF | something.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Storage Room 26/633
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Auction House 26/634
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see the auctioneer here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put aggressively on auctioneer"
CF ] Auction House 26/635
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the aggressively manner to the auctioneer, who now intends to
CF | aggressively sell various items.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Have we ever seen anything get bought?"
DavidW says, "no"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Auction House 26/635
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the select intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the explore intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the greedily manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | two secret codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "I think we need to trigger something getting bought via the tourist which makes the picker open the chest to get it."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put seriously on tourist"
CF ] Auction House 26/636
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the seriously manner to the tourist, who now intends to
CF | seriously buy something impressive.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put greedily on tourist"
CF ] Auction House 26/637
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the greedily manner to the tourist, taking the seriously manner
CF | in exchange. It now intends to greedily buy something impressive.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Storage Room 26/638
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Storage Room
CF | An almost endless mass of crates, chests, and pallets fills this small
CF | room. They reach the ceiling, yet an array of humans in black uniforms
CF | manages to glide through narrow openings in the debris, shuttling
CF | items into the larger room to the south. There's no apparent
CF | organization to the clutter, or even visible labels on the various
CF | boxes, but the humans have no difficulty in finding whatever objects
CF | they're looking for.
CF |
CF | A large golden chest, glowing with spiritual energy, catches the eye
CF | off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see the picker here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put seriously on picker"
CF ] Storage Room 26/639
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the seriously manner to the picker, taking the lazily manner in
CF | exchange.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Storage Room 26/639
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Storage Room
CF | An almost endless mass of crates, chests, and pallets fills this small
CF | room. They reach the ceiling, yet an array of humans in black uniforms
CF | manages to glide through narrow openings in the debris, shuttling
CF | items into the larger room to the south. There's no apparent
CF | organization to the clutter, or even visible labels on the various
CF | boxes, but the humans have no difficulty in finding whatever objects
CF | they're looking for.
CF |
CF | A large golden chest, glowing with spiritual energy, catches the eye
CF | off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see the picker here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Auction House 26/640
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see the auctioneer here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Auction House 26/641
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Auction House 26/642
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x tourist"
CF ] Auction House 26/643
CF | >
CF |
CF | The tourist watches the auction keenly, its fingers twitching.
CF |
CF | The tourist has an intent to greedily
CF | > BUY
CF | something impressive.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Is the auctioneer even, like, auctioning?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x auctioneer"
CF ] Auction House 26/644
CF | >
CF |
CF | Grey-haired but with a voice like a megaphone.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer has an intent to aggressively
CF | various items.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu asks, "I guess the picker needs the select or take intent?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Storage Room 26/645
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Storage Room
CF | An almost endless mass of crates, chests, and pallets fills this small
CF | room. They reach the ceiling, yet an array of humans in black uniforms
CF | manages to glide through narrow openings in the debris, shuttling
CF | items into the larger room to the south. There's no apparent
CF | organization to the clutter, or even visible labels on the various
CF | boxes, but the humans have no difficulty in finding whatever objects
CF | they're looking for.
CF |
CF | A large golden chest, glowing with spiritual energy, catches the eye
CF | off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see the picker here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put take on picker"
CF ] Storage Room 26/646
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the take intent to the picker, taking the open intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to seriously take something valuable to be
CF | auctioned.
CF |
CF | With great effort, the picker carries the golden chest off to the
CF | south.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "...huh."
Knight_Otu says, "Oh."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Auction House 26/647
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer solicits bids for the golden chest, naming a high
CF | starting price.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
CF ] Auction House 26/647
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go north and east.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Okay apparently auctions work differently than I thought."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put greedily on tourist"
CF ] Auction House 26/648
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the greedily manner from the tourist)
CF | I give the greedily manner to the tourist, who now intends to greedily
CF | buy something impressive.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer looks intently at potential bidders.
CF |
CF | The tourist pores over the contents of its wallet. It starts to raise
CF | its hand to bid, but rechecks its wallet, sighs, and decides against
CF | it.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu asks, "Reckless buying?"
MoyTW exclaims, "Reckessly!"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put recklessly on tourist"
CF ] Auction House 26/649
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the recklessly manner to the tourist, taking the greedily
CF | manner in exchange. It now intends to recklessly buy something
CF | impressive.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer surveys the audience expectantly.
CF |
CF | The tourist pores over the contents of its wallet. It starts to raise
CF | its hand to bid, but it checks its wallet again and decides against
CF | it.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put recklessly on auctioneer"
CF ] Auction House 26/650
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the recklessly manner from the tourist)
CF | I give the recklessly manner to the auctioneer, taking the
CF | aggressively manner in exchange. It now intends to recklessly sell the
CF | golden chest.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer surveys the audience expectantly.
CF |
CF | The tourist starts at the the stage as if contemplating a bid, but it
CF | decides against it.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put greedily on tourist"
CF ] Auction House 26/651
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the greedily manner to the tourist, who now intends to greedily
CF | buy something impressive.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer looks intently at potential bidders.
CF |
CF | The tourist pores over the contents of its wallet. It starts to raise
CF | its hand to bid, but its mouth moves for a moment in silent
CF | calculation, and it decides against it.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hrm."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put open on auctioneer"
CF ] Auction House 26/652
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the open intent to the auctioneer, taking the sell intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to recklessly open something.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Storage Room 26/653
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Storage Room
CF | An almost endless mass of crates, chests, and pallets fills this small
CF | room. They reach the ceiling, yet an array of humans in black uniforms
CF | manages to glide through narrow openings in the debris, shuttling
CF | items into the larger room to the south. There's no apparent
CF | organization to the clutter, or even visible labels on the various
CF | boxes, but the humans have no difficulty in finding whatever objects
CF | they're looking for.
CF |
CF | The picker listens to the auction in the next room, waiting for a new
CF | item to be needed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take take"
CF ] Storage Room 26/654
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the take intent from the picker, along with the seriously
CF | manner.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Auction House 26/655
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see the auctioneer here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x chest"
CF ] Auction House 26/656
CF | >
CF |
CF | The chest is actually made of oak; its surface is covered in gold
CF | foil. It's glowing with spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | The golden chest is mystically sealed, presumably to protect its
CF | contents from the opposition. The barrier is also keeping me from
CF | accessing its contents, a secret codebook, as long as it's closed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Auction House 26/656
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the take intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the explore intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the aggressively manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | two secret codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put generously on auctioneer"
CF ] Auction House 26/657
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the generously manner to the auctioneer, taking the recklessly
CF | manner in exchange.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put recklessly on tourist"
CF ] Auction House 26/658
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the recklessly manner to the tourist, taking the greedily
CF | manner in exchange. It now intends to recklessly buy something
CF | impressive.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Auction House 26/658
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see the auctioneer here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put sell on auctioneer"
CF ] Auction House 26/659
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the sell intent to the auctioneer, taking the open intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to generously sell the golden chest.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer sets the golden chest aside, unsold. One of the workers
CF | carries it back to the storage room to the north.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "dammit"
DavidW says, "I can't continue with this as driver right now."
Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Storage Room 26/660
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Storage Room
CF | An almost endless mass of crates, chests, and pallets fills this small
CF | room. They reach the ceiling, yet an array of humans in black uniforms
CF | manages to glide through narrow openings in the debris, shuttling
CF | items into the larger room to the south. There's no apparent
CF | organization to the clutter, or even visible labels on the various
CF | boxes, but the humans have no difficulty in finding whatever objects
CF | they're looking for.
CF |
CF | A large golden chest, glowing with spiritual energy, catches the eye
CF | off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see the picker here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Storage Room 26/660
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the open intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the explore intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the greedily manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the aggressively manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | two secret codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put take on picker"
CF ] Storage Room 26/661
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the take intent to the picker, who now intends to take
CF | something arbitrary to be auctioned.
CF |
CF | The picker selects an arbitrary item, a circlet, and carries it south
CF | to the Auction Hall.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Storage Room 26/662
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The picker listens to the auction in the next room, waiting for a new
CF | item to be needed.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "The picker had 'take' and 'seriously'"
Knight_Otu asks, "Yeah, but I think I needed to put take first?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Auction House 26/663
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer looks intently at potential bidders.
CF |
CF | The tourist begins to pore over the contents of its wallet, but it
CF | shrugs and boldly bids on the circlet.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get buy"
CF ] Auction House 26/664
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the buy intent from the tourist, along with the recklessly
CF | manner.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer says, "Going once..."
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get sell"
CF ] Auction House 26/665
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the sell intent from the auctioneer, along with the
CF | generously manner.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Storage Room 26/666
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Storage Room
CF | An almost endless mass of crates, chests, and pallets fills this small
CF | room. They reach the ceiling, yet an array of humans in black uniforms
CF | manages to glide through narrow openings in the debris, shuttling
CF | items into the larger room to the south. There's no apparent
CF | organization to the clutter, or even visible labels on the various
CF | boxes, but the humans have no difficulty in finding whatever objects
CF | they're looking for.
CF |
CF | A large golden chest, glowing with spiritual energy, catches the eye
CF | off to one side.
CF |
CF | The picker listens to the auction in the next room, waiting for a new
CF | item to be needed.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put serious on picker"
CF ] Storage Room 26/666
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't have any serious in my possession.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Auction House 26/667
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see the auctioneer here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Storage Room 26/668
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Storage Room
CF | An almost endless mass of crates, chests, and pallets fills this small
CF | room. They reach the ceiling, yet an array of humans in black uniforms
CF | manages to glide through narrow openings in the debris, shuttling
CF | items into the larger room to the south. There's no apparent
CF | organization to the clutter, or even visible labels on the various
CF | boxes, but the humans have no difficulty in finding whatever objects
CF | they're looking for.
CF |
CF | A large golden chest, glowing with spiritual energy, catches the eye
CF | off to one side.
CF |
CF | The picker listens to the auction in the next room, waiting for a new
CF | item to be needed.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put seriously on picker"
CF ] Storage Room 26/669
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the seriously manner to the picker, who now intends to
CF | seriously take something valuable to be auctioned.
CF |
CF | The picker listens to the auction in the next room, waiting for a new
CF | item to be needed.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Auction House 26/670
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see the auctioneer here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put greedily on auctioneer"
CF ] Auction House 26/671
CF | >
CF |
CF | The auctioneer doesn't intend to do anything in particular right now;
CF | doing nothing greedily is a bit much to ask.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Do we actually want the auctioneer to try and sell high?"
MoyTW says, "Maybe we want him to sell low so the tourist feels he can afford it."
DavidW says, "no, the tourist can't afford it high."
Knight_Otu says, "I'm not sure we want the tourist to buy anything but the chest."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put buy and recklessly on tourist"
CF ] Auction House 26/672
CF | >
CF |
CF | buy intent: I give the buy intent to the tourist, who now intends to
CF | buy something impressive.
CF | recklessly manner: I give the recklessly manner to the tourist, who
CF | now intends to recklessly buy something impressive.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put sell and greedily on auctioneer"
CF ] Auction House 26/673
CF | >
CF |
CF | sell intent: I give the sell intent to the auctioneer, who now intends
CF | to sell the circlet.
CF | greedily manner: I give the greedily manner to the auctioneer, who now
CF | intends to greedily sell the circlet.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer says, "Going twice..."
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Auction House 26/674
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer says, "Sold!"
CF |
CF | The tourist pays the auctioneer and receives the circlet in exchange.
CF | With an eager look toward the storage room to the north, it returns to
CF | its seat.
CF |
CF | One of the staffers hands the auctioneer a golden chest.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put generously on auctioneer"
CF ] Auction House 26/675
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the generously manner to the auctioneer, taking the greedily
CF | manner in exchange. It now intends to generously sell the golden
CF | chest.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer solicits bids for the golden chest, naming a low
CF | starting price.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Auction House 26/676
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer surveys the audience expectantly.
CF |
CF | The tourist begins to pore over the contents of its wallet, but it
CF | shrugs and boldly bids on the golden chest.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Auction House 26/677
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer says, "Going once..."
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Auction House 26/678
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer says, "Going twice..."
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Auction House 26/679
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer says, "Sold!"
CF |
CF | The tourist pays the auctioneer and receives the golden chest in
CF | exchange. Delighted, it staggers off to the east with its new prize.
CF |
CF | One of the staffers hands the auctioneer a bracelet.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "follow him"
MoyTW asks, "...follow him?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Lounge 26/680
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The tourist admires its purchase.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, ""
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put open on tourist"
CF ] Lounge 26/681
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the open intent to the tourist, taking the buy intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to recklessly open its newly won chest.
CF |
CF | The tourist shakes the chest around with great abandon, to no apparent
CF | effect. It's good there isn't any glass in there.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "take the codebook"
MoyTW says, "tourist that's not how you open things"
DavidW says, "oh wait, he didn't open it."
Knight_Otu says, "It sure isn't."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put slowly on tourist"
CF ] Lounge 26/682
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the slowly manner to the tourist, taking the recklessly manner
CF | in exchange. It now intends to slowly open its newly won chest.
CF |
CF | The tourist tugs casually on the lid of the chest, but it remains
CF | stuck.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Lounge 26/682
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the buy intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the explore intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the greedily manner
CF | the aggressively manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | two secret codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "aggressively?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put aggressively on tourist"
CF ] Lounge 26/683
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the aggressively manner to the tourist, taking the slowly
CF | manner in exchange. It now intends to aggressively open its newly won
CF | chest.
CF |
CF | The tourist gives the chest several hard knocks to break its hinges
CF | open. Those hinges are apparently stronger than the tourist, though,
CF | and it fails.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "aggressively...? Also we left some stuff behind that we might wanna sweep up afterwards."
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Auction House 26/684
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer looks intently at potential bidders.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "yeah, get the sell generously"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Auction House 26/685
CF | >
CF |
CF | generously manner: I extract the generously manner from the
CF | auctioneer.
CF | sell intent: I extract the sell intent from the auctioneer.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Storage Room 26/686
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Storage Room
CF | An almost endless mass of crates, chests, and pallets fills this small
CF | room. They reach the ceiling, yet an array of humans in black uniforms
CF | manages to glide through narrow openings in the debris, shuttling
CF | items into the larger room to the south. There's no apparent
CF | organization to the clutter, or even visible labels on the various
CF | boxes, but the humans have no difficulty in finding whatever objects
CF | they're looking for.
CF |
CF | The picker listens to the auction in the next room, waiting for a new
CF | item to be needed.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "And the picker?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all" DavidW says, "And the take seriously"
CF ] Storage Room 26/687
CF | >
CF |
CF | seriously manner: I extract the seriously manner from the picker.
CF | take intent: I extract the take intent from the picker.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Auction House 26/688
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | I can see the auctioneer here.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Maybe seriously?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Lounge 26/689
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The tourist gives the chest several hard knocks to break its hinges
CF | open. Those hinges are apparently stronger than the tourist, though,
CF | and it fails. DavidW asks, "open seriously?"
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "uuuuuh"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put seriously on tourist"
CF ] Lounge 26/690
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the seriously manner to the tourist, taking the aggressively
CF | manner in exchange. It now intends to seriously open its newly won
CF | chest.
CF |
CF | The tourist attempts to open the chest but fails. It carefully tinkers
CF | with the lock but fails. It searches the exterior of the chest for
CF | another means of entry but fails. The tourist steps back and seriously
CF | ponders the chest. With an abstracted frown, it returns to the chest,
CF | methodically inspects each face and seam of it, and then gives it a
CF | solid kick. That must have been just the right spot, because the chest
CF | grudgingly creaks open. Unfortunately for the tourist, it looks inside
CF | to find it empty, at least to its limited senses.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "hah."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get codebook"
CF ] Lounge 30/691
CF | >
CF |
CF | (the secret codebook)
CF | I pick up the secret codebook and page through it. A few of the code
CF | sequences from the communiqu�� are in it, and I decrypt some more of
CF | it:
CF |
CF | Confirmed neutralization of 46480. There is no significant opposition
CF | remaining in the target area. The action has been authorized. Assist
CF | 02666 and ensure that 79260 concludes successfully as quickly as
CF | possible 43999 is standing by. We will act immediately on the 85994
CF |
CF | The tourist gingerly taps the side and bottom of the chest but fails
CF | to find any secret compartment.
CF |
CF | [Your score has just gone up by four points.]
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Lounge 30/692
CF | >
CF |
CF | seriously manner: I extract the seriously manner from the tourist.
CF | open intent: I extract the open intent from the tourist.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Okay what did we have left?"
Knight_Otu says, "At least one more codebook."
DavidW asks, "There's a fourth here?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 30/693
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "What's our beeper say?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "spin detector"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 30/694
CF | >
CF |
CF | The detector is silent. There must not be any unattained codebooks
CF | nearby.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Botanical Garden 30/695
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF ] Lawn 30/696
CF | >
CF | > NE
CF |
CF |
CF | Lawn
CF | This small lawn runs between the hotel toward the southwest and a
CF | squat building to the east. It is trim and spartan, with no
CF | ornamentation aside from the tall hedges forming its boundary. They
CF | also block the breeze coming in off the sea, so the air here is warm
CF | and still.
CF |
CF | There's a set of double doors here blocking the way east, the carvings
CF | of which form a pentagram.
CF |
CF | The agent stands next to the doors.
CF |
CF | The reporter looks at the agent appraisingly.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "There's that pentagram door."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put open on agent"
CF ] Lawn 30/697
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the open intent to the agent, who now intends to open its eyes
CF | and keep careful watch.
CF |
CF | The agent keeps its eyes wide open, looking for anyone up to no good.
CF | It's rare, but humans occasionally have strong enough internal
CF | motivations to ignore or subvert my influence, at least for certain
CF | specific actions. Oh well.
CF |
CF | The reporter attempts to peer through a window.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Where was that?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put lazily on agent"
CF ] Lawn 30/698
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the lazily manner to the agent, who now intends to lazily open
CF | its eyes and keep careful watch.
CF |
CF | The agent keeps its eyes wide open, looking for anyone up to no good.
CF |
CF | The reporter looks at the agent appraisingly.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "the door is here."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Lawn 30/699
CF | >
CF |
CF | lazily manner: I extract the lazily manner from the agent.
CF | open intent: I extract the open intent from the agent.
CF |
CF | The reporter skulks toward the door, but the agent rebuffs it.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Oh man, I am sometimes not good at reading. Ha."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put open on reporter"
CF ] Lawn 30/700
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the open intent to the reporter, who now intends to open the
CF | way into the conference.
CF |
CF | The reporter asks politely to be let in, but the agent refuses.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put aggressively on reporter"
CF ] Lawn 30/701
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the aggressively manner to the reporter, who now intends to
CF | aggressively open the way into the conference.
CF |
CF | The reporter demands to be let into the conference, but the agent
CF | moves to block the agent's path.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "put serve on agent"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put serve on agent"
CF ] Lawn 30/702
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the serve intent to the agent, who now vaguely intends to
CF | serve.
CF |
CF | The reporter demands to be let into the conference, but the agent
CF | moves to block the agent's path.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Lawn 30/702
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the take intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the explore intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the lazily manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the greedily manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | three secret codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "eeeexplore?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on guard"
CF ] Lawn 30/702
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see the guard here. I last saw it on the casino floor.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on agent"
CF ] Lawn 30/703
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the agent, taking the serve intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to explore.
CF |
CF | The reporter demands to be let into the conference, but the agent
CF | moves to block the agent's path.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "What happens if we put explore on reporter?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on reporter"
CF ] Lawn 30/704
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the explore intent from the agent)
CF | I give the explore intent to the reporter, taking the open intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to aggressively explore the conference.
CF |
CF | The reporter demands to be let into the conference, but the agent
CF | moves to block the agent's path.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "rip"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put lazily and block on agent"
CF ] Lawn 30/705
CF | >
CF |
CF | lazily manner: The agent doesn't intend to do anything in particular
CF | right now; doing nothing lazily is a bit much to ask.
CF | block intent: I give the block intent to the agent, who now intends to
CF | block the way into the next area.
CF |
CF | The reporter demands to be let into the conference, but the agent
CF | angrily shoves it back, clearly outmatching the agent.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put lazily on agent"
CF ] Lawn 30/706
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the lazily manner to the agent, who now intends to lazily block
CF | the way into the next area.
CF |
CF | The reporter demands to be let into the conference, but the agent
CF | angrily shoves it back, clearly outmatching the agent.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "uh."
Knight_Otu asks, "Uh, some naming trouble there?"
MoyTW asks, "typo?"
DavidW says, "It's not good enough to open the door; we need to damage the pentagram."
DavidW says, "yes there's a typo in the message."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put defend on agent"
CF ] Lawn 30/707
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the defend intent to the agent, taking the block intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to lazily defend the political conference.
CF |
CF | The reporter demands to be let into the conference, but the agent
CF | angrily shoves it back, clearly outmatching the agent.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put wait on agent"
CF ] Lawn 30/708
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the wait intent to the agent, taking the defend intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to lazily wait around idly.
CF |
CF | The reporter demands to be let into the conference, but the agent
CF | moves to block the agent's path.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Try drink."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put drink on agent"
CF ] Lawn 30/709
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the drink intent to the agent, taking the wait intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to lazily drink.
CF |
CF | The reporter demands to be let into the conference, but the agent
CF | moves to block the agent's path.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "serve?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put serve on agent"
CF ] Lawn 30/710
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the serve intent to the agent, taking the drink intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to lazily serve.
CF |
CF | The reporter demands to be let into the conference, but the agent
CF | moves to block the agent's path.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "already tried that"
DavidW says, "oh"
DavidW says, "Maybe we need to get the drunk to explore and barf on the agent."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put take on agent"
CF ] Lawn 30/711
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the take intent to the agent, taking the serve intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to lazily take something.
CF |
CF | The reporter demands to be let into the conference, but the agent
CF | moves to block the agent's path.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Maybe."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "sw"
CF ] Botanical Garden 30/712
CF | >
CF | > SW
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 30/713
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Lounge 30/714
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on drunk"
CF ] Lounge 30/714
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't have the explore intent in my possession. I last saw it in the
CF | reporter's possession.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Oh, right."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 30/715
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Botanical Garden 30/716
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF ] Lawn 30/717
CF | >
CF | > NE
CF |
CF |
CF | Lawn
CF | This small lawn runs between the hotel toward the southwest and a
CF | squat building to the east. It is trim and spartan, with no
CF | ornamentation aside from the tall hedges forming its boundary. They
CF | also block the breeze coming in off the sea, so the air here is warm
CF | and still.
CF |
CF | There's a set of double doors here blocking the way east, the carvings
CF | of which form a pentagram.
CF |
CF | The agent stands next to the doors.
CF |
CF | The reporter demands to be let into the conference, but the agent
CF | moves to block the agent's path.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Lawn 30/718
CF | >
CF |
CF | take intent: I extract the take intent from the agent, along with the
CF | lazily manner.
CF | lazily manner: I already have that.
CF | explore intent: I extract the explore intent from the reporter, along
CF | with the aggressively manner.
CF | aggressively manner: I already have that.
CF |
CF | The reporter looks at the agent appraisingly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "sw"
CF ] Botanical Garden 30/719
CF | >
CF | > SW
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 30/720
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Lounge 30/721
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on drunk"
CF ] Lounge 30/722
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the drunk, who now intends to explore,
CF | for lack of something better to do.
CF |
CF | The drunk looks blearily around.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Lounge 30/723
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The drunk stumbles off to the south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 30/724
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The drunk stumbles off to the east.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Botanical Garden 30/725
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | The drunk stumbles off to the northeast.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "It occurs to me that the library location hasn't been used in any puzzle."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF ] Lawn 30/726
CF | >
CF | > NE
CF |
CF |
CF | Lawn
CF | This small lawn runs between the hotel toward the southwest and a
CF | squat building to the east. It is trim and spartan, with no
CF | ornamentation aside from the tall hedges forming its boundary. They
CF | also block the breeze coming in off the sea, so the air here is warm
CF | and still.
CF |
CF | There's a set of double doors here blocking the way east, the carvings
CF | of which form a pentagram.
CF |
CF | The drunk staggers unsteadily.
CF |
CF | The agent stands next to the doors.
CF |
CF | The reporter skulks toward the door, but the agent rebuffs it.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "True."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put open on reporter"
CF ] Lawn 30/727
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the open intent to the reporter, who now intends to open the
CF | way into the conference.
CF |
CF | The drunk staggers about drunkenly.
CF |
CF | The reporter asks politely to be let in, but the agent just shakes its
CF | head.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "but neat. The drunk did come here."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put aggressively on reporter"
CF ] Lawn 30/728
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the aggressively manner to the reporter, who now intends to
CF | aggressively open the way into the conference.
CF |
CF | The drunk stumbles off to the southwest.
CF |
CF | The reporter demands to be let into the conference, but the agent
CF | moves to block the agent's path.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Dangit."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put block and lazily on guard"
CF ] Lawn 30/728
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't have any block and lazily in my possession.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x guatd"
CF ] Lawn 30/728
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any guatd here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x guard"
CF ] Lawn 30/728
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see the guard here. I last saw it on the casino floor.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "not a guard"
Knight_Otu says, "I keep forgetting."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Lawn 30/728
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the take intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the lazily manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the greedily manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | three secret codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put block and lazily on agent"
CF ] Lawn 30/729
CF | >
CF |
CF | block intent: I give the block intent to the agent, who now intends to
CF | block the way into the next area.
CF | lazily manner: I give the lazily manner to the agent, who now intends
CF | to lazily block the way into the next area.
CF |
CF | The reporter demands to be let into the conference, but the agent
CF | angrily shoves it back, clearly outmatching the agent.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "oo, the read intent."
Knight_Otu asks, "For whom?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "sw"
CF ] Botanical Garden 30/730
CF | >
CF | > SW
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | The drunk stumbles off to the west.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "We should get someone into the library and read there."
MoyTW asks, "For what dark purpose?"
DavidW asks, "Darned if I know who or why?"
Knight_Otu says, "Oh, yeah, but who would go there..."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 30/731
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The drunk stumbles off to the north.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW exclaims, "True Adventure Game logic!"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Lounge 30/732
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk ponders its next move.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Lounge 30/733
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The drunk gives a loud sigh.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Lounge 30/734
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The drunk staggers about drunkenly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Lounge 30/735
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The drunk stumbles off to the south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 30/736
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The drunk stumbles off to the east.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "It's an unused intent and an unused location."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Botanical Garden 30/737
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | The drunk lumbers toward the chapel, but stops itself at the last
CF | moment.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put recklessly on drunk"
CF ] Botanical Garden 30/738
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the recklessly manner to the drunk, who now intends to
CF | recklessly explore, for lack of something better to do.
CF |
CF | The drunk stumbles off to the northeast.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF ] Lawn 30/739
CF | >
CF | > NE
CF |
CF |
CF | Lawn
CF | This small lawn runs between the hotel toward the southwest and a
CF | squat building to the east. It is trim and spartan, with no
CF | ornamentation aside from the tall hedges forming its boundary. They
CF | also block the breeze coming in off the sea, so the air here is warm
CF | and still.
CF |
CF | There's a set of double doors here blocking the way east, the carvings
CF | of which form a pentagram.
CF |
CF | The drunk staggers about drunkenly.
CF |
CF | The agent stands next to the doors.
CF |
CF | The reporter demands to be let into the conference, but the agent
CF | angrily shoves it back, clearly outmatching the agent.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Lawn 30/739
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the take intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the greedily manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | three secret codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu��
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put generously on agent"
CF ] Lawn 30/740
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the generously manner to the agent, taking the lazily manner in
CF | exchange. It now intends to generously block the way into the next
CF | area.
CF |
CF | The drunk staggers unsteadily.
CF |
CF | The reporter demands to be let into the conference, but the agent
CF | angrily shoves it back, clearly outmatching the agent.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put read on drunk"
CF ] Lawn 30/741
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the read intent to the drunk, taking the explore intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to recklessly read.
CF |
CF | The reporter demands to be let into the conference, but the agent
CF | angrily shoves it back, clearly outmatching the agent.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "exits"
CF ] Lawn 30/741
CF | >
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go southwest and east.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Lawn 30/742
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The reporter demands to be let into the conference, but the agent
CF | angrily shoves it back, clearly outmatching the agent.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Lawn 30/742
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Lawn
CF | This small lawn runs between the hotel toward the southwest and a
CF | squat building to the east. It is trim and spartan, with no
CF | ornamentation aside from the tall hedges forming its boundary. They
CF | also block the breeze coming in off the sea, so the air here is warm
CF | and still.
CF |
CF | There's a set of double doors here blocking the way east, the carvings
CF | of which form a pentagram.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | The agent stands next to the doors.
CF |
CF | The reporter is looking around and taking notes.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "open on drunk?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put open on drunk"
CF ] Lawn 30/743
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the open intent from the reporter, along with the
CF | aggressively manner)
CF | I give the open intent to the drunk, taking the read intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to recklessly open something.
CF |
CF | The reporter skulks toward the door, but the agent rebuffs it.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore and aggressively on reporter"
CF ] Lawn 30/744
CF | >
CF |
CF | explore intent: I give the explore intent to the reporter, who now
CF | intends to explore the conference.
CF | aggressively manner: I give the aggressively manner to the reporter,
CF | who now intends to aggressively explore the conference.
CF |
CF | The reporter demands to be let into the conference, but the agent
CF | angrily shoves it back, clearly outmatching the agent.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put defend on drunk"
CF ] Lawn 30/745
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the defend intent to the drunk, taking the open intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to recklessly defend.
CF |
CF | The reporter demands to be let in. The agent threatens throw the
CF | reporter thrown out. The drunk steps up to intervene, but the agent
CF | turns to it and starts ranting at the the drunk about something. The
CF | details of its harangue are outside the scope of my knowledge of the
CF | human language, but the general thrust of the argument is clear
CF | enough. The drunk tries to defend its honor, gesturing wildly with its
CF | bottle. The agent responds by grabbing the drunk's arm. A brief and
CF | comically inept scuffle ensues. In the ensuing commotion, the reporter
CF | pushes open the doors and slips through.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Nice"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/746
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The reporter explores the gallery, spying on various notables.
CF |
CF | A burglar stands off to one side of the room, looking around
CF | carefully.
CF |
CF | A brute lounges against one wall.
CF |
CF | [Your score has just gone up by five points.]
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "let's gooo"
DavidW says, "how"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "cf15"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to write:
CF ] Long Gallery 35/746
CF | > SAVEOk.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "I am unsure about the how."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Lawn 35/747
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Lawn
CF | This small lawn runs between the hotel toward the southwest and the
CF | squat building to the east. It is trim and spartan, with no
CF | ornamentation aside from the tall hedges forming its boundary. They
CF | also block the breeze coming in off the sea, so the air here is warm
CF | and still.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading east.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | The agent stands next to the doors.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Lawn 35/748
CF | >
CF |
CF | defend intent: I extract the defend intent from the drunk, along with
CF | the recklessly manner.
CF | recklessly manner: I already have that.
CF | generously manner: I extract the generously manner from the agent.
CF | block intent: I extract the block intent from the agent.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/749
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The reporter explores the gallery, spying on various notables.
CF |
CF | The burglar stands off to one side of the room, looking around
CF | carefully.
CF |
CF | The brute lounges against one wall.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "spin detector"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/750
CF | >
CF |
CF | The detector produces two high whistles, indicating two unattained
CF | codebooks in this region of the compound, but none in this specific
CF | location.
CF |
CF | The reporter explores the gallery, spying on various notables.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Two books. It may take a bit to get them, and I really should log off."
MoyTW says, "Yeah this one went really long."
DavidW says, "I suspect drink is useful here, but yes, let's stop for tonight."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "save"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to write: DavidW asks, "cfvain?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "cfvaingallery"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/750
CF | > SAVEOk.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "okay. Thanks everyone. This was a long one, but very interesting."
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah."
MoyTW exclaims, "Yeah, we can wrap it up next week. Thanks all!"
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Good night, and stay safe!"
DavidW says, "I expect we may be continuing Vain Empires today."
DavidW says, "But I'll have to see if Knight or you or anyone else who shows up has other ideas."
Knight_Otu has arrived. Knight_Otu says, "Hey."
DavidW says, "hey Knight"
Knight_Otu says, "I did want to continue Vain Empires."
DavidW says, "My notes for Vain Empires is temporarily here: [LINK]"
Knight_Otu says, "Though depending on how quick those last two books are, we may need a second game."
DavidW says, "yeah, I imagine me might need a second game, but I bet there's one more task after these last two books."
DavidW says, "er we"
DavidW says, "Once we read the communique in full, I suspect we'll need to act on that."
Knight_Otu says, "Probably."
MoyTW says, "Probably. I have some suggestions for next game, but let's see how long this takes."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/750
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The reporter is looking around and taking notes.
CF |
CF | The burglar stands off to one side of the room, looking around
CF | carefully.
CF |
CF | The brute lounges against one wall.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/750
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the block intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the open intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the generously manner
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the greedily manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | three secret codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu??
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "look up sidewinder in almanach"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/751
CF | >
CF |
CF | With self-indulgent curiosity, I look up my own entry in the almanach:
CF |
CF | "Sidewinder is a renowned, almost legendary demon who epitomizes the
CF | competence, judgment, and honor we all strive for. His cleverness and
CF | devotion to duty put the 'intelligence' and 'services' in
CF | 'intelligence services'. He's received every award our organization
CF | has to give, including some that were created just for him. He's had a
CF | meteoric rise in the department that's still continuing. He's our most
CF | valuable asset in our war against the Other Side, and every demon
CF | looks up to him and wants to be his best friend (footnote 6)."
CF |
CF | The reporter explores the gallery, spying on various notables.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "yes, you can look up any of the angels or demons in there."
DavidW says, "Kingfisher, Whiptail, and Krait are the other names we know of."
Knight_Otu says, "We never did that. I thought we may want to."
MoyTW asks, "How do we look up footnotes again?"
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "footnote 6"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/751
CF | >
CF |
CF | (6) be his best friend.: The question is, was I lying
CF | to the editors to the almanach, or am I lying to you now? The answer
CF | is yes.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Footnote X"
MoyTW says, "Ha. Anyways, sure, let's look everybody up."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "look up whiptail in almanach"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/752
CF | >
CF |
CF | I look up Whiptail in the almanach, but his entry doesn't tell me
CF | anything I don't already know. We've been friends for centuries, and
CF | his research department has worked enough with mine that I'm familiar
CF | with his r??sum??. He's a brilliant scientist, with all the
CF | absent-mindedness and sloppy cleverness that entails.
CF |
CF | The reporter explores the gallery, asking sudden, pointed questions.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "look up kingfisher in almanach"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/753
CF | >
CF |
CF | Kingfisher certainly has an extensive entry, but it's not anything I
CF | don't already know.
CF |
CF | The reporter explores the gallery, spying on various notables.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "look up krait in almanach"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/754
CF | >
CF |
CF | Krait's entry in the almanach is brief. It describes him as a cultural
CF | attach?? involved in some low-stakes missions in friendly posts. That's
CF | complete nonsense, of course, but it's about the almanach can say at
CF | its classification level. Krait is an amateur poet, having edited a
CF | few poetry journals and done a bit of writing himself, and I suspect
CF | that that flimsy cover is an excuse for him to scratch that itch.
CF |
CF | The reporter explores the gallery, asking sudden, pointed questions.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "We gave Kingfisher another name, but I don't quite recall it."
DavidW says, "Agama, I think it was"
Touchy has arrived. Knight_Otu says, "Ah, I was thinking Agara. Close."
Touchy says, "hello"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "look up agama in almanach"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/755
CF | >
CF |
CF | I page through the almanach, but I don't find anything relevant, at
CF | least under that name.
CF |
CF | The reporter explores the gallery, taking notes on overheard
CF | conversations.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "hi Touchy"
Knight_Otu says, "Hey."
MoyTW exclaims, "Hello!"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x burglar"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/756
CF | >
CF |
CF | I can tell it's a burglar because it's wearing one of those masks.
CF |
CF | The reporter explores the gallery, spying on various notables.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "No intentions yet. Odd."
Knight_Otu says, "I'm still disoriented by demons "it"ing people."
Touchy asks, "i am still an.hour late..?"
DavidW says, "We just started"
MoyTW says, "No, we're continuing a game from last session."
Touchy says, "when do you guys have dst switch? x)"
Knight_Otu says, "No, we're continuing a game from last week."
Touchy says, "ah ok :D"
Knight_Otu says, "I think the world is in sync again now."
DavidW says (to Touchy), "My notes from last session are here: [LINK]"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x brute"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/757
CF | >
CF |
CF | Muscles the size of excessively large muscles.
CF |
CF | The brute is holding nothing.
CF |
CF | The reporter explores the gallery, spying on various notables.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "So the brute will eventually carry *something*."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x flutes"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/758
CF | >
CF |
CF | The humans in the room are dutifully carrying glasses of champagne.
CF | Both the humans and the glasses are half-drunk.
CF |
CF | The reporter explores the gallery, taking notes on overheard
CF | conversations.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hm, neither of the new characters has any intentions. Interesting. The reporter is probably still aggressively exploring from last week."
MoyTW says, "Did we take all before we ended last week or are they -"
Knight_Otu says, ""Both the humans and the glasses are half-drunk.""
MoyTW says, "ha."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x reporter"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/759
CF | >
CF |
CF | A human carrying a notebook and wearing a press pass.
CF |
CF | The reporter has an intent to aggressively
CF | the conference.
CF |
CF | The reporter explores the gallery, taking notes on overheard
CF | conversations.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "The brute and burglar are new. We took nothing from them."
DavidW says, "The reporter does still have explore and aggressively."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get explore"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/760
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the explore intent from the reporter, along with the
CF | aggressively manner.
CF |
CF | The reporter surveils the crowd.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Not anymore, they don't."
DavidW says, "We should explore the conference ourselves, see the rest of the place. East or south."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Conference Room 35/761
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Conference Room
CF | Diplomats fill this crowded room, sitting impatiently at a gigantic
CF | ring-shaped table. In front of each human is a miniature flag and a
CF | white placard bearing its name and title. A map of the world,
CF | elaborately drawn but completely devoid of any cities or borders or
CF | other political features, covers the far wall. The only exit from the
CF | room is to the north.
CF |
CF | A bottle of champagne, shining brightly with spiritual energy, sits to
CF | one side in a bucket of ice.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat gazes at the other diplomats, perhaps expecting one
CF | of them to enter a proposal for consideration.
CF |
CF | I can also see the tall diplomat and the medium diplomat here.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "oh, that's gotta be one, huh."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x short"
CF ] Conference Room 35/762
CF | >
CF |
CF | Short, stocky, with excessive amounts of hair.
CF |
CF | The medium diplomat gazes at the other diplomats, perhaps expecting
CF | one of them to enter a proposal for consideration.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Short, tall, and medium diplomats, ha."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x medium"
CF ] Conference Room 35/763
CF | >
CF |
CF | Non-distinctive, with rounded edges.
CF |
CF | The tall diplomat gazes at the other diplomats, perhaps expecting one
CF | of them to enter a proposal for consideration.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x tall"
CF ] Conference Room 35/764
CF | >
CF |
CF | Tall, thin, with awkward angles.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat glances at its notes.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Is this a towers of hanoi puzzle, somehow?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x map"
CF ] Conference Room 35/765
CF | >
CF | > X MAP
CF |
CF | The map is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional
CF | slice of a four-dimensional part of an inordinately complicated
CF | multiverse.
CF |
CF | The medium diplomat glances at its notes.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x notes"
CF ] Conference Room 35/765
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any notes here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x bottle"
CF ] Conference Room 35/766
CF | >
CF |
CF | A bottle of Taittinger Brut from what I assume is a good vintage.
CF |
CF | The bottle of champagne is mystically sealed, presumably to protect
CF | its contents from the opposition. The barrier is also keeping me from
CF | accessing its contents, a top secret codebook, as long as it's closed.
CF |
CF | The tall diplomat gazes at the other diplomats, perhaps expecting one
CF | of them to enter a proposal for consideration.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x bucket"
CF ] Conference Room 35/767
CF | >
CF |
CF | Humans have quite specific opinions about the temperatures of their
CF | beverages.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat gazes at the other diplomats, perhaps expecting one
CF | of them to enter a proposal for consideration.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "I guess they'll break out the bottle when they reach an agreement?"
DavidW says, "I don't know."
MoyTW says, "On whatever non-specific thing it is they're negotiating."
Knight_Otu says, "I would assume so."
DavidW says, "We have a drink intent from the drunk. Also an open intent."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Conference Room 35/767
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the explore intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the open intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the aggressively manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the greedily manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | three secret codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu??
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "Can we take the bottle?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put drink on medium"
CF ] Conference Room 35/768
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the drink intent to the medium diplomat, who now intends to
CF | drink champagne when this is all resolved.
CF |
CF | The medium diplomat solicits suggestions from the other diplomats.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get bottle"
CF ] Conference Room 35/768
CF | >
CF |
CF | I'm a purely spiritual being, and thus I can't manipulate objects in
CF | the physical realm.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Not this one."
DavidW says, "I want to check the hatrack in the chapel eventually. Its description was suspicious."
Knight_Otu asks, "Spiritually sealed, rather than, what were the objects we could take? Charged?"
DavidW asks, "I guess?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x candle"
CF ] Conference Room 35/769
CF | >
CF |
CF | A simple wax candle with a spiritual aura, enabling me to interact
CF | with it. I could instantly relight it with my demonic powers (footnote
CF | 7), if I were so inclined.
CF |
CF | The tall diplomat gazes at the other diplomats, perhaps expecting one
CF | of them to enter a proposal for consideration.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Aura for the candle."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "footnote 7"
CF ] Conference Room 35/769
CF | >
CF |
CF | (7) ...with my demonic powers: Many of the powers you ascribe
CF | to my kind are just paranoid delusions, but this one is actually
CF | accurate: Rudimentary fire-starting ability is part of the standard
CF | onboarding package for the infernal intelligence services. It's little
CF | more than a parlor trick, especially considering that the thermostat
CF | in my office building is set to the temperature of the surface of the
CF | sun.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hot day in hell."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put read on medium"
CF ] Conference Room 35/770
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the read intent to the medium diplomat, taking the drink intent
CF | in exchange. It now intends to read a proposal when one is available.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat solicits suggestions from the other diplomats.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "We need a proposal, it seems."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put read on short"
CF ] Conference Room 35/771
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the read intent from the medium diplomat)
CF | I give the read intent to the short diplomat, who now intends to read
CF | a proposal when one is available.
CF |
CF | The medium diplomat gazes at the other diplomats, perhaps expecting
CF | one of them to enter a proposal for consideration.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put drink on tall"
CF ] Conference Room 35/772
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the drink intent to the tall diplomat, who now intends to drink
CF | champagne when this is all resolved.
CF |
CF | The tall diplomat gazes at the other diplomats, perhaps expecting one
CF | of them to enter a proposal for consideration.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "The verb ENTER was suggested, but we haven't seen the bouncer with ENTER since the start of the game."
MoyTW says, "Don't we have another pathway to explore? We might get a new intent."
DavidW says, "East of long gallery, yes"
Knight_Otu says, "There's still east of... right."
Knight_Otu says, "There may be a third intent needed, so that each diplomat has an intent that gets a resolution."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on medium"
CF ] Conference Room 35/773
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the medium diplomat, who now intends to
CF | explore the possibilities of the next proposal.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat glances at its notes.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put open on medium"
CF ] Conference Room 35/774
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the open intent to the medium diplomat, taking the explore
CF | intent in exchange. It now intends to open discussions on expanding
CF | trade.
CF |
CF | The medium diplomat proposes a cryptic trade deal with imports of
CF | wheat taxed at 2%.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "yeah, I bet we need three intentions, one per diplomat, so they act as a unit for some dramatic event."
DavidW says, "oh. open helped."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 35/775
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The tall diplomat sighs, makes a few concessions, and suggests signing
CF | this and calling it a day.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat rejects the suggestion out of hand due to the
CF | complexity of the language.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "put explore on short?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on short"
CF ] Conference Room 35/776
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the short diplomat, taking the read
CF | intent in exchange. It now intends to explore the possibilities of the
CF | proposal.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat makes some edits to the proposed deal, increasing
CF | the tariff on wheat to 4%.
CF |
CF | > Touchy says, "or open to be more open to the idea"
Knight_Otu says, "The medium diplomat has open. Not sure they still need it though..."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 35/777
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The medium diplomat extols the virtues of its trade deal.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 35/778
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The tall diplomat sighs, makes a few concessions, and suggests signing
CF | this and calling it a day.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat rejects the suggestion out of hand due to the
CF | complexity of the language.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Conference Room 35/778
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the read intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the aggressively manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the greedily manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | three secret codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu??
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put select on short"
CF ] Conference Room 35/779
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the select intent to the short diplomat, taking the explore
CF | intent in exchange. It now intends to select its words.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat seems unhappy with the proposal, but isn't sure how
CF | to express it.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put take on short"
CF ] Conference Room 35/780
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the take intent to the short diplomat, taking the select intent
CF | in exchange. It now intends to take all possible circumstances into
CF | account.
CF |
CF | The medium diplomat extols the virtues of its trade deal.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW goes home. DavidW says, "Perhaps select with a manner."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put greedily on short"
CF ] Conference Room 35/781
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the greedily manner to the short diplomat, who now intends to
CF | greedily take all possible circumstances into account.
CF |
CF | The tall diplomat sighs, makes a few concessions, and suggests signing
CF | this and calling it a day.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat rejects the suggestion out of hand due to the
CF | complexity of the language.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put select on short"
CF ] Conference Room 35/782
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the select intent to the short diplomat, taking the take intent
CF | in exchange. It now intends to greedily select its words.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat makes some edits to the proposed deal, increasing
CF | the tariff on wheat to 9%.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW has arrived.
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put open on short"
CF ] Conference Room 35/783
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the open intent from the medium diplomat)
CF | I give the open intent to the short diplomat, taking the select intent
CF | in exchange. It now intends to greedily open discussions on expanding
CF | trade.
CF |
CF | The medium diplomat looks at the proposed trade deal, and nods
CF | approvingly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 35/784
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The tall diplomat sighs, makes a few concessions, and suggests signing
CF | this and calling it a day.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat rejects the suggestion out of hand due to the
CF | complexity of the language.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put seriously on short"
CF ] Conference Room 35/785
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the seriously manner to the short diplomat, taking the greedily
CF | manner in exchange. It now intends to seriously open discussions on
CF | expanding trade.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat mutters that they should all move on to a more
CF | serious proposal.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I think we really should see the other branch of the conference space."
Knight_Otu says, "Maybe."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "take all"
CF ] Conference Room 35/786
CF | >
CF |
CF | drink intent: I extract the drink intent from the tall diplomat.
CF | seriously manner: I extract the seriously manner from the short
CF | diplomat.
CF | open intent: I extract the open intent from the short diplomat.
CF |
CF | The medium diplomat looks at the proposed trade deal, and nods
CF | approvingly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Conference Room 35/786
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Conference Room
CF | Diplomats fill this crowded room, sitting impatiently at a gigantic
CF | ring-shaped table. In front of each human is a miniature flag and a
CF | white placard bearing its name and title. A map of the world,
CF | elaborately drawn but completely devoid of any cities or borders or
CF | other political features, covers the far wall. The only exit from the
CF | room is to the north.
CF |
CF | The diplomats are considering a trade deal.
CF |
CF | A bottle of champagne, shining brightly with spiritual energy, sits to
CF | one side in a bucket of ice.
CF |
CF | I can also see the tall diplomat, the short diplomat, and the medium
CF | diplomat here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/787
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The reporter makes some notes.
CF |
CF | The burglar stands off to one side of the room, looking around
CF | carefully.
CF |
CF | The brute lounges against one wall.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Rotunda 35/788
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x chandelier"
CF ] Rotunda 35/789
CF | >
CF |
CF | An elaborate creation of brass and crystal.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x keypad"
CF ] Rotunda 35/790
CF | >
CF |
CF | This gadget is part of the mechanism of the archway, allowing my
CF | cohorts on the Other Side to control access to whatever they're
CF | planning in the deeper recesses of the complex. It's a sophisticated
CF | device; they must have been planning things for a while. It has a
CF | clear spiritual aura, so I could interact with it if I knew the code
CF | to type in.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x archway"
CF ] Rotunda 35/791
CF | >
CF |
CF | The archway leads east deeper into the complex. Bands of spiritual
CF | energy roil across the opening, perfectly harmless to humans but
CF | lethal to those in my line of business. I'm immortal, but even
CF | immortality has limits.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Mail Room 35/792
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Mail Room
CF | Judging from the pigeon-hole boxes filling the walls, I'm in the
CF | conference's mail room. The cubbyholes are mostly empty; I doubt
CF | anything important would be left out in the open anyway. For that, a
CF | metal storage locker stands in the corner, gleaming in the harsh
CF | fluorescent lights overhead. The only exit from the room is to the
CF | south.
CF |
CF | A hacker looks toward the doorway with suspension.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x locker"
CF ] Mail Room 35/793
CF | >
CF |
CF | A secure metal locker with some sort of electronic lock.
CF |
CF | In the storage locker is a leather briefcase.
CF |
CF | The hacker looks toward the doorway with suspension.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "huh. What's this guy's deal, huh?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x briefcase"
CF ] Mail Room 35/794
CF | >
CF |
CF | As a diplomat and a demon, I've worked with quite a few lawyers. Most
CF | of them carried briefcases like this one: smart and ludicrously
CF | expensive. Like the lawyers themselves, really. Unlike the lawyers,
CF | the briefcase is shining brightly with spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | The leather briefcase is mystically sealed, presumably to protect its
CF | contents from the opposition. The barrier is also keeping me from
CF | accessing its contents, some launch codes and a top secret codebook,
CF | as long as it's closed.
CF |
CF | The hacker looks toward the doorway with suspension.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x hacker"
CF ] Mail Room 35/795
CF | >
CF |
CF | The hacker carries a variety of bulky electronic devices on its
CF | person.
CF |
CF | The hacker looks toward the doorway with suspension.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x devices"
CF ] Mail Room 35/796
CF | >
CF |
CF | The devices are presumably bits of human technology decided to
CF | interact with other bits of human technology in some way advantageous
CF | to the hacker. Their exact details are uninteresting to me.
CF |
CF | The hacker looks toward the doorway with suspension.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "No intents."
Knight_Otu says, "What an unintentional place."
DavidW says, "That seems to be the twist in this region. Use the intents you already have."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Rotunda 35/797
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/798
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Mechanical Room
CF | This stuffy closet is filled with a variety of stark metal equipment,
CF | undoubtedly very important and very dangerous to humans. A maze of
CF | wiring creeps over the walls, sinking into the further recess of the
CF | complex. There's an electrical hum throughout the room and a faint
CF | metallic smell in the dusty air. The single exit from the room leads
CF | north.
CF |
CF | A large steel cage blocks access to high-voltage equipment.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x cage"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/799
CF | >
CF |
CF | I suppose it's here for safety, what with the "danger, high voltage"
CF | signs, but it'd also do a bang-up job as a dungeon cell.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x equipment"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/800
CF | >
CF |
CF | The equipment keeps the electricity in, or something. Look, I'm a
CF | lawyer and diplomat. My expertise is in the spiritual realm. The
CF | grubby business of electrons and photons and second quantization
CF | (footnote 8) is better left to humans.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "footnote 8"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/800
CF | >
CF |
CF | (8) ...and second quantization: Well, maybe I know a
CF | bit about it.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x wiring"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/801
CF | >
CF |
CF | From what I can gather, the wiring connects and powers the building's
CF | lighting system. Human eyes require light to see. Instead of fixing
CF | that obvious problem, humans have decided to install artificial lights
CF | in every corner of their world. There's probably some sort of metaphor
CF | for humanity there; I just think it's wasted effort.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Yeah, we need to use what we have here."
DavidW says, "weird"
Knight_Otu says, "And we know where the codebooks are."
DavidW says, "yes"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Rotunda 35/802
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Mail Room 35/803
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Mail Room
CF | Judging from the pigeon-hole boxes filling the walls, I'm in the
CF | conference's mail room. The cubbyholes are mostly empty; I doubt
CF | anything important would be left out in the open anyway. For that, a
CF | metal storage locker stands in the corner, gleaming in the harsh
CF | fluorescent lights overhead. The only exit from the room is to the
CF | south.
CF |
CF | The hacker looks toward the doorway with suspension.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Explore hacker? Open hacker?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on hacker"
CF ] Mail Room 35/804
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the hacker, who now intends to explore
CF | the possibilities of the mail room.
CF |
CF | The hacker looks toward the doorway with suspension.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Mail Room 35/805
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The hacker looks toward the doorway with suspension.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put aggressively on hacker"
CF ] Mail Room 35/806
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the aggressively manner to the hacker, who now intends to
CF | aggressively explore the possibilities of the mail room.
CF |
CF | The hacker looks toward the doorway with suspension.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "nooope."
DavidW asks, "Did the author mean suspicion?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put seriously on hacker"
CF ] Mail Room 35/807
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the seriously manner to the hacker, taking the aggressively
CF | manner in exchange. It now intends to seriously explore the
CF | possibilities of the mail room.
CF |
CF | The hacker looks toward the doorway with suspension.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Probably suspicion, yes."
DavidW says, "Try open"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put open on hacker"
CF ] Mail Room 35/808
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the open intent to the hacker, taking the explore intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to seriously open the secure locker.
CF |
CF | Spotting an opportunity, the hacker connects some sort of device to
CF | the secure locker and begins fiddling with it, paying close attention
CF | both to the task and to the doorway. After some painstaking work, the
CF | locker slides open.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x locker"
CF ] Mail Room 35/809
CF | >
CF |
CF | A secure metal locker with some sort of electronic lock.
CF |
CF | In the storage locker is a leather briefcase.
CF |
CF | The hacker gingerly reaches into the locker and takes the glowing
CF | briefcase.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Mail Room 35/810
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The hacker, clutching the glowing briefcase, slowly makes its way
CF | south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Rotunda 35/811
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | The hacker gives the briefcase a thorough inspection, but apparently
CF | it's less adroit with physical locks than electronic ones.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x hacker"
CF ] Rotunda 35/812
CF | >
CF |
CF | The hacker carries a variety of bulky electronic devices on its
CF | person.
CF |
CF | The hacker is holding a leather briefcase, inside which are some
CF | launch codes and a top secret codebook.
CF |
CF | The hacker has an intent to seriously
CF | something it shouldn't.
CF |
CF | The hacker gives the briefcase a thorough inspection, but apparently
CF | it's less adroit with physical locks than electronic ones.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "...get the reporter to the hacker?"
DavidW says, "Or the brute."
DavidW says, "Or the burglar."
Knight_Otu says, "Maybe, but explore didn't move the reporter more."
MoyTW says, "Burglar seems like a good bet."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/813
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The reporter surveils the crowd.
CF |
CF | The burglar stands off to one side of the room, looking around
CF | carefully.
CF |
CF | The brute lounges against one wall.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on burglar"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/814
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the burglar, who now intends to explore
CF | the area.
CF |
CF | The reporter surveils the crowd.
CF |
CF | The burglar wanders off to the east.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Rotunda 35/815
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling. A leather briefcase,
CF | shining brightly with spiritual energy, has somehow managed to hook
CF | itself onto it in my absence.
CF |
CF | The burglar wanders off to the west.
CF |
CF | The hacker stares pensively at the briefcase above it, but it takes no
CF | action to retrieve it.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Well."
MoyTW says, "Wait for him to path back."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Rotunda 35/816
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar wanders in from the west.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges nonchalantly.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "The briefcase is now on the chandelier?"
MoyTW says, "lol. wait. it is. I missed that. wtf."
MoyTW says, "Hahahahaha."
Knight_Otu asks, "I guess the hacker threw it to make sure the burglar didn't get it?"
Knight_Otu says, "We missed how it happened."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Rotunda 35/817
CF | >
CF |
CF | explore intent: I extract the explore intent from the burglar.
CF | open intent: I extract the open intent from the hacker, along with the
CF | seriously manner.
CF | seriously manner: I already have that.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges nonchalantly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put take on hacker"
CF ] Rotunda 35/818
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the take intent to the hacker, who now vaguely intends to take
CF | something.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges nonchalantly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put take on burglar"
CF ] Rotunda 35/819
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the take intent from the hacker)
CF | I give the take intent to the burglar, who now intends to take
CF | something valuable.
CF |
CF | The burglar's eyes alight on the briefcase.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges nonchalantly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Rotunda 35/820
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks up at the briefcase, but then looks over at the
CF | hacker and turns away, trying to look nonchalant.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges nonchalantly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put greedily on burglar"
CF ] Rotunda 35/821
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the greedily manner to the burglar, who now intends to greedily
CF | take something valuable.
CF |
CF | The burglar's eyes alight on the briefcase.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges nonchalantly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Rotunda 35/822
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks up at the briefcase, but then looks over at the
CF | hacker and turns away, trying to look nonchalant.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges nonchalantly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on hacker"
CF ] Rotunda 35/823
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the hacker, who now intends to explore in
CF | search of another opportunity.
CF |
CF | The burglar's eyes alight on the briefcase.
CF |
CF | The hacker wanders morosely back to the north.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Looks like the burglar is unwilling to act while the hacker is here."
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Rotunda 35/824
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar takes out a grappling hook.
CF |
CF | The hacker walks in from the north.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Rotunda 35/825
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks up at the briefcase, but then looks over at the
CF | hacker and turns away, trying to look nonchalant.
CF |
CF | The hacker wanders morosely back to the north.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Gotta leave the hacker in the mailroom."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Mail Room 35/826
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Mail Room
CF | Judging from the pigeon-hole boxes filling the walls, I'm in the
CF | conference's mail room. The cubbyholes are mostly empty; I doubt
CF | anything important would be left out in the open anyway. For that, a
CF | metal storage locker stands in the corner, gleaming in the harsh
CF | fluorescent lights overhead. The only exit from the room is to the
CF | south.
CF |
CF | The hacker walks off to the south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Mail Room 35/827
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The hacker wanders morosely in from the south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Mail Room 35/828
CF | >
CF |
CF | explore intent: I extract the explore intent from the hacker.
CF |
CF | The hacker mopes around dejectedly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Rotunda 35/829
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling. A leather briefcase,
CF | shining brightly with spiritual energy, has somehow managed to hook
CF | itself onto it in my absence.
CF |
CF | The burglar takes out a grappling hook.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Rotunda 35/830
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar throws the grappling hook up to catch on the chandelier.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF ] Rotunda 35/831
CF | >
CF | > G
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar starts climbing up its rope with powerful yanks.
CF | Unfortunately, one yank is too many, and the hook slips off and it
CF | falls to the ground with a crash. Panicking, the burglar then scampers
CF | off to the west.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "...huh."
MoyTW asks, "Look again?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x briefcase"
CF ] Rotunda 35/832
CF | >
CF |
CF | As a diplomat and a demon, I've worked with quite a few lawyers. Most
CF | of them carried briefcases like this one: smart and ludicrously
CF | expensive. Like the lawyers themselves, really. Unlike the lawyers,
CF | the briefcase is shining brightly with spiritual energy.
CF |
CF | The leather briefcase is mystically sealed, presumably to protect its
CF | contents from the opposition. The barrier is also keeping me from
CF | accessing its contents, some launch codes and a top secret codebook,
CF | as long as it's closed.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Rotunda 35/832
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling. A leather briefcase,
CF | shining brightly with spiritual energy, has somehow managed to hook
CF | itself onto it in my absence.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "Did he leave the hook?"
MoyTW says, "Apparently not. Maybe we need him to climb cautiously or something."
MoyTW asks, "Carefully?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/833
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The burglar stands off to one side of the room, looking around
CF | carefully.
CF |
CF | The reporter surveils the crowd.
CF |
CF | The brute lounges against one wall.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "We have a slowly."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore and carefully on burglar"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/833
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't have any explore and carefully in my possession.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore and slowly on burglar"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/834
CF | >
CF |
CF | explore intent: I give the explore intent to the burglar, taking the
CF | take intent in exchange. It now intends to greedily explore the area.
CF | slowly manner: I give the slowly manner to the burglar, taking the
CF | greedily manner in exchange. It now intends to slowly explore the
CF | area.
CF |
CF | The reporter makes some notes.
CF |
CF | The burglar wanders off to the east.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Rotunda 35/835
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling. A leather briefcase,
CF | shining brightly with spiritual energy, has somehow managed to hook
CF | itself onto it in my absence.
CF |
CF | The burglar wanders off to the west.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Rotunda 35/836
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar wanders in from the west.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put take on burglar"
CF ] Rotunda 35/837
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the take intent to the burglar, taking the explore intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to slowly take something valuable.
CF |
CF | The burglar's eyes alight on the briefcase.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Rotunda 35/838
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar takes out a grappling hook.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Rotunda 35/839
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar throws the grappling hook up to catch on the chandelier.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Rotunda 35/840
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar starts carefully climbing up the rope. After it gets a few
CF | feet up, however, the rope starts swinging wildly, and it climbs back
CF | down and reconsiders.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Rotunda 35/840
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the explore intent
CF | the open intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the greedily manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the aggressively manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | three secret codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu??
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Rotunda 35/841
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar starts carefully climbing up the rope. After it gets a few
CF | feet up, however, the rope starts swinging wildly, and it climbs back
CF | down and reconsiders.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "where did slowly go?"
Knight_Otu says, "On the burglar."
MoyTW says, "He has it."
MoyTW asks, "Seriously?"
DavidW says, "oh okay"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put seriously on burglar"
CF ] Rotunda 35/842
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the seriously manner to the burglar, taking the slowly manner
CF | in exchange. It now intends to seriously take something valuable.
CF |
CF | The burglar starts carefully climbing up the rope. After it gets a few
CF | feet up, however, the rope starts swinging wildly, and it climbs back
CF | down and reconsiders.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu asks, "Recklessly?"
DavidW asks, "lazily? recklessly?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put recklessly on burglar"
CF ] Rotunda 35/843
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the recklessly manner to the burglar, taking the seriously
CF | manner in exchange. It now intends to recklessly take something
CF | valuable.
CF |
CF | The burglar quickly climbs up its rope without regard to its wild
CF | swinging back and forth. It grabs the briefcase and quickly swings
CF | back down.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "hooray"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put open on burglar"
CF ] Rotunda 35/844
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the open intent to the burglar, taking the take intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to recklessly open something.
CF |
CF | The burglar struggles with the lock on the briefcase.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "seriously"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put seriously on burglar"
CF ] Rotunda 35/845
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the seriously manner to the burglar, taking the recklessly
CF | manner in exchange.
CF |
CF | The burglar struggles with the lock on the briefcase.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Rotunda 35/846
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar struggles with the lock on the briefcase.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "Do we need the brute for this?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put aggressively on burglar"
CF ] Rotunda 35/847
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the aggressively manner to the burglar, taking the seriously
CF | manner in exchange.
CF |
CF | The burglar struggles with the lock on the briefcase.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Prolly."
Knight_Otu says, "Maybe."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/848
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The reporter makes some notes.
CF |
CF | The brute lounges against one wall.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on brute"
CF ] Long Gallery 35/849
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the brute, who now intends to explore the
CF | area.
CF |
CF | The reporter makes some notes.
CF |
CF | The brute trundles off to the east.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Rotunda 35/850
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | The brute trundles off to the north.
CF |
CF | The burglar struggles with the lock on the briefcase.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Rotunda 35/851
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar struggles with the lock on the briefcase.
CF |
CF | The brute trundles in from the north.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get explore"
CF ] Rotunda 35/852
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the explore intent from the brute.
CF |
CF | The burglar sees the brute and flees to the south, clutching its
CF | briefcase.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "This may be a while."
MoyTW asks, "lol, the first couple of times the brute passed through didn't trigger that?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on brute"
CF ] Rotunda 35/853
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the brute, who now intends to explore the
CF | area.
CF |
CF | The brute trundles off to the south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/854
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Mechanical Room
CF | This stuffy closet is filled with a variety of stark metal equipment,
CF | undoubtedly very important and very dangerous to humans. A maze of
CF | wiring creeps over the walls, sinking into the further recess of the
CF | complex. There's an electrical hum throughout the room and a faint
CF | metallic smell in the dusty air. The single exit from the room leads
CF | north.
CF |
CF | A large steel cage blocks access to high-voltage equipment.
CF |
CF | The brute trundles off to the north.
CF |
CF | The burglar tries to figure out the combination on the locked
CF | briefcase, but it isn't having much luck.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/855
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar tries to figure out the combination on the locked
CF | briefcase, but it isn't having much luck.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/856
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar tries to figure out the combination on the locked
CF | briefcase, but it isn't having much luck.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/857
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar tries to figure out the combination on the locked
CF | briefcase, but it isn't having much luck.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/858
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar tries to figure out the combination on the locked
CF | briefcase, but it isn't having much luck.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/859
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar tries to figure out the combination on the locked
CF | briefcase, but it isn't having much luck.
CF |
CF | The brute trundles in from the north.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get explore"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/860
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the explore intent from the brute.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks up from its briefcase and sees the brute. Thinking
CF | quickly, it slips the briefcase through the bars of the cage and
CF | wanders nonchalantly north.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "wow this one's a lotta steps"
Knight_Otu says, "Apparently it's only when the brute isn't exploring."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put take on brute"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/861
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the take intent to the brute, who now intends to take something
CF | of value.
CF |
CF | The brute's eye catches on the briefcase in the cage.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/862
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The brute reaches for the briefcase, but the bars are too close
CF | together.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put open on brute"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/862
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't have the open intent in my possession. I last saw it in the
CF | burglar's possession.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Rotunda 35/863
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Rotunda 35/864
CF | >
CF |
CF | aggressively manner: I extract the aggressively manner from the
CF | burglar.
CF | open intent: I extract the open intent from the burglar.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/865
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Mechanical Room
CF | This stuffy closet is filled with a variety of stark metal equipment,
CF | undoubtedly very important and very dangerous to humans. A maze of
CF | wiring creeps over the walls, sinking into the further recess of the
CF | complex. There's an electrical hum throughout the room and a faint
CF | metallic smell in the dusty air. The single exit from the room leads
CF | north.
CF |
CF | A large steel cage blocks access to high-voltage equipment, as well as
CF | the leather briefcase.
CF |
CF | The brute's eye catches on the briefcase in the cage.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put open on brute"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/866
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the open intent to the brute, taking the take intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to open something.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x cage"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/867
CF | >
CF |
CF | I suppose it's here for safety, what with the "danger, high voltage"
CF | signs, but it'd also do a bang-up job as a dungeon cell.
CF |
CF | In the steel cage is a leather briefcase.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/867
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the take intent
CF | the explore intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the aggressively manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the greedily manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | three secret codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu??
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put take and aggressively on brute"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/868
CF | >
CF |
CF | take intent: I give the take intent to the brute, taking the open
CF | intent in exchange. It now intends to take something of value.
CF | aggressively manner: I give the aggressively manner to the brute, who
CF | now intends to aggressively take something of value.
CF |
CF | The brute reaches for the briefcase, but the bars are too close
CF | together.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "aggressively?"
Knight_Otu says, "And what intent? Open didn't seem to help."
MoyTW asks, "I'm unsure on whether or not the brute is the right person - I wonder if the hacker will explore down here?"
Knight_Otu says, "That's another angle."
DavidW says, "I'm thinking take aggressively on brute."
MoyTW says, "Though...then once the hacker gets it they can't open it. So we need to somehow get it to the brute."
DavidW says, "oh, but you tried that."
MoyTW says, "Wait isn't take aggressively on him already? though we can wait."
MoyTW says, "Bars still too close, though."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/869
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The brute hurriedly grips two bars, one with each hand.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "oh?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/870
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The brute puts the enduring force of its passion into bending the
CF | bars, and it soon has bent them enough to grab the briefcase.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/871
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The brute clutches the glowing briefcase.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "ooooh, nice."
DavidW says, "Hooray"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put open on brute"
CF ] Mechanical Room 35/872
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the open intent to the brute, taking the take intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to aggressively open the briefcase.
CF |
CF | The brute, grunting, rips open the locked and glowing briefcase.
CF | Seeing the launch codes, it touches a concealed earpiece and makes
CF | some sort of report.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get codebook"
CF ] Mechanical Room 46/873
CF | >
CF |
CF | (the top secret codebook)
CF | I pick up the top secret codebook and page through it. The cipher on
CF | the communiqu?? is at an extraordinarily high classification level, and
CF | even the top secret codebook doesn't cover all of it. I can still
CF | decipher some of its header information and basic format, though. This
CF | particular cipher is used in very rare circumstances to give immediate
CF | orders to agents in the field when a completely secure method of
CF | communication isn't available. It's effectively one step below a
CF | one-time pad, used when logistics or circumstances prevent that from
CF | being an option, and it's almost as secure; this code isn't one that
CF | I'm going to be able to break on my own. Its use by the Other Side
CF | suggests that there was an urgent, probably unexpected order they had
CF | to give to one of their agents. The mere presence of agent isn't a
CF | huge secret; neither my side nor my opponents are naive or arrogant
CF | enough to think that we're the only one in this business. This coded
CF | communiqu?? suggests, however, that the agent was doing something that
CF | would cause a serious escalation if we found out about it???violating
CF | one of our treaties, for example, or taking direct action against one
CF | of our agents.
CF |
CF | With the part of the cipher in the codebook, I can decrypt the rest of
CF | the communiqu??:
CF |
CF | Confirmed neutralization of Krait. There is no significant opposition
CF | remaining in the target area. The action has been authorized. Assist
CF | the delegations and ensure that the conference concludes successfully
CF | as quickly as possible. Cardinal is standing by. We will act
CF | immediately on the broadcast.
CF |
CF | This is definitely cause for alarm. If only I knew something more
CF | about this "Cardinal," then maybe Whiptail and I could figure out what
CF | to do about it. That takes priority over finding the rest of the
CF | codebooks; there's now a clear, imminent threat to us.
CF |
CF | The brute mutters something into its earpiece.
CF |
CF | [Your score has just gone up by eleven points.]
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "look up cardinal"
CF ] Mechanical Room 46/873
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any cardinal here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "look up cardinal in almanach"
CF ] Mechanical Room 46/874
CF | >
CF |
CF | I search through the almanach and find the sparse entry for Cardinal.
CF | It's listed as operating under the Advanced Research Directive, but
CF | there's no further description; it doesn't even indicate whether
CF | Cardinal is the name of an angel, or a highly classified research
CF | group, or a codeword for a specific project. The only other
CF | information provided is a reference to a node on the Other Side's
CF | communications network: LN-199. That could be anything from a data
CF | feed with public information to the personal line of the director of
CF | the research department. Whiptail would probably know how to get more
CF | information on it.
CF |
CF | The brute mutters something into its earpiece.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Do we need [in alm -"
MoyTW says, "ha."
Knight_Otu says, "Yes, we need. :)"
MoyTW asks, "Grab all our stuff and talk to Whiptail?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Mechanical Room 46/875
CF | >
CF |
CF | open intent: I extract the open intent from the brute, along with the
CF | aggressively manner.
CF | aggressively manner: I already have that.
CF |
CF | The brute mutters something into its earpiece.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "yes. Bell, book, and candle again."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Rotunda 46/876
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Long Gallery 46/877
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The reporter makes some notes.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Lawn 46/878
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Lawn
CF | This small lawn runs between the hotel toward the southwest and the
CF | squat building to the east. It is trim and spartan, with no
CF | ornamentation aside from the tall hedges forming its boundary. They
CF | also block the breeze coming in off the sea, so the air here is warm
CF | and still.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading east.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | The agent stands next to the doors.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "sw"
CF ] Botanical Garden 46/879
CF | >
CF | > SW
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Botanical Garden 46/879
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go northeast, east, and west.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 46/880
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Lounge 46/881
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Art Gallery 46/882
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Art Gallery
CF | This gallery is a small, stark alcove adjoining the lounge to the
CF | west. The walls are bare and white, and the carpet is a deep brown. An
CF | exhibit at the far end of the room shows off a few brightly colored
CF | pieces of pottery, protected by a velvet rope in front of the display.
CF |
CF | A bell with a large crack is displayed on a plinth here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ring bell"
CF ] Art Gallery 46/883
CF | >
CF |
CF | I ring the bell, producing an uncanny tone.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "read almanach"
CF ] Art Gallery 46/884
CF | >
CF |
CF | I skip to a random entry in the almanach and read it aloud. Going
CF | through the minor biographical details of a functionary who seems to
CF | have done nothing but attend meetings for seven consecutive millennia
CF | is tedious, but it should be sufficient for the ritual.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Lounge 46/885
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Hotel Room 46/886
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF | I make my way to my predecessor's room, ignoring the frivolous rooms
CF | of the human guests.
CF |
CF | Hotel Room
CF | My predecessor, Krait, used this hotel room as a temporary base of
CF | operations for his role as chief of station. Of course, he had no use
CF | for its amenities. Thus the bed and dining table were both employed,
CF | judging from the papers scattered across them, as makeshift desks. A
CF | smaller but bona fide desk sits in the corner, with an artless
CF | landscape in watercolors hanging above it. The liquor cabinet lurks
CF | untouched in the corner, and the ashtray on top of it is completely
CF | empty. The stark white carpet here is plush and spotless.
CF |
CF | The only exit from the room is to the south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "light candle"
CF ] Hotel Room 46/887
CF | >
CF |
CF | "I quickly invoke the ritual again and conjure up a hazy image of
CF | Whiptail.
CF |
CF | "Hey, Sidewinder. Did you have any luck with the thing that definitely
CF | wasn't a thaumatic force dampener?"
CF |
CF | "Things have escalated here. There's more involvement from the Other
CF | Side than I suspected, and I'm dealing with a hostile operative." The
CF | portal isn't a secure line, so I can't go into the full details, but I
CF | give him a summary of what I read from the intercepted communiqu??.
CF |
CF | Whiptail snaps to attention and looks at me sharply. "Do you need
CF | reinforcements?"
CF |
CF | "There's no one else nearby. That's the only reason I'm here in the
CF | first place. What I really need is information on this Cardinal that's
CF | in the communiqu??."
CF |
CF | "Do you know anything about them?"
CF |
CF | "Very little. I don't even know if Cardinal is an asset, or an angel,
CF | or a group of angels, or a project codeword, or what. I suspect it's
CF | that it's the superior officer of that hostile operative I ran into,
CF | but that's just a guess. Can you get me any intel on them?"
CF |
CF | "It would be tricky; if you're right about this operation being more
CF | serious than we expected, anyone involved in it is going to be
CF | well-protected. I could start organizing an infiltration team, setting
CF | up a cover???"
CF |
CF | "We don't have time for that. The summit is going on right now; I need
CF | something faster."
CF |
CF | "I could try to tap into their communication network."
CF |
CF | "We don't know whether Cardinal's even an enemy operative. If they're
CF | not even an angel, then we're a signatory to treaties that would
CF | restrict-"
CF |
CF | "Sidewinder, I'm a demonic scientist. I break the laws of physics
CF | every day; do you think I care about breaking the actual law?" He
CF | shrugged. "But we'd need physical access to some sort of relay in
CF | their network, and that has the same problem as a direct assault."
CF |
CF | "Wait, I've seen something like that here." I describe the telex in
CF | Kingfisher's office to Whiptail.
CF |
CF | "Perfect! I've got just the thing." He begins digging through the
CF | drawers of his desk, casually tossing discarded bits of machinery over
CF | his shoulder into the mass of spare parts piled around his office. He
CF | then emerges into my field of view triumphantly holding a tiny metal
CF | flange.
CF |
CF | "Here, this should work," he says, showing me the object and then
CF | passing it off to a subordinate. "I'll arrange a drop at your location
CF | and send this to you. Use it to tap into that angel's telex. You'll
CF | need to locate Cardinal's line, but it should handle the decryption
CF | for you."
CF |
CF | "Thanks, Whiptail. I owe you one." I pause and reconsider. "That was
CF | just a turn of phrase, and as such it does not constitute a legally
CF | binding notice of obligation or commitment, whether implicit or
CF | explicit, for services that may or may not have been rendered, in part
CF | or in full, throughout the execution of actions that would be
CF | considered in a court of law to follow from the commission of either
CF | party's normal duties, nor to actions in preparation for such actions;
CF | and any such assistance does not require either party to guarantee
CF | continuation of prior assistance, nor further effort toward
CF | establishing new assistance, except as it falls with the usual and
CF | established ambit of their duties acting as officers of the demonic
CF | intelligence services, as well as organizations controlled in whole or
CF | in part by the aforementioned services, their delegated agents and
CF | recognized attorneys-in-fact, their usufructuary interests, and any
CF | subsidiaries or similar organizations in which they have a controlling
CF | interest."
CF |
CF | I don't have time to give the full disclaimer (footnote 9), so I
CF | quickly shut down the portal.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "This is a very charming game."
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "footnote 9"
CF ] Hotel Room 46/887
CF | >
CF |
CF | (9) ...the full disclaimer: You can never be too careful. As
CF | I know from personal experience (albeit on the other side of things),
CF | making a deal with a devil???even an inadvertent one???never ends well.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "I suppose the drop will be in the Terrace again?"
Knight_Otu says, "Could be."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Lounge 46/888
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF | I make my way back down to the lounge, past rows of uninteresting
CF | guest rooms.
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 46/889
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | The detector vibrates faintly in my hand, and a magnetic force is
CF | pulling it east.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "oh, the detector will home in on it."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Botanical Garden 46/890
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | The detector vibrates faintly in my hand, and a magnetic force is
CF | pulling it northeast.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "oh, somewhere new."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF ] Lawn 46/891
CF | >
CF | > NE
CF |
CF |
CF | Lawn
CF | This small lawn runs between the hotel toward the southwest and the
CF | squat building to the east. It is trim and spartan, with no
CF | ornamentation aside from the tall hedges forming its boundary. They
CF | also block the breeze coming in off the sea, so the air here is warm
CF | and still.
CF |
CF | Lying at the base of one of the bushes is a small package.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading east.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | The agent stands next to the doors.
CF |
CF | The detector buzzes insistently.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x package"
CF ] Lawn 46/892
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's an unmarked package with some sort of nondescript wrapping. Of
CF | course, it wouldn't be a problem if it were descript; the package is a
CF | spiritual object, so humans wouldn't be able to notice it anyway.
CF |
CF | The detector buzzes insistently.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get it"
CF ] Lawn 46/893
CF | >
CF |
CF | I shred open the package, revealing the wiretap that Whiptail showed
CF | me earlier. I deftly pocket the item, and the remains of the package
CF | helpfully self-destruct.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "sw"
CF ] Botanical Garden 46/894
CF | >
CF | > SW
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "cf16"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to write:
CF ] Botanical Garden 46/894
CF | > SAVEOk.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "uh, how are we going to use a wiretap with Kingfisher right there?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x wiretap" Knight_Otu says, "That's the question."
CF ] Botanical Garden 46/895
CF | >
CF |
CF | The device we've nicknamed an "egg tooth" is the spiritual equivalent
CF | of a wiretap, designed to pierce the thin security layer around
CF | certain parts of the Other Side's communications network. It's not
CF | going to give us access to their deepest secrets, but it's a quick and
CF | dirty way of getting some basic signals intelligence. The inner
CF | workings of the egg tooth are complicated, but its operation is simple
CF | enough: Just set it to the address you're targeting and put it on a
CF | convenient communications relay. The trick is getting access to that
CF | relay, of course.
CF |
CF | The device is currently set to AA-000.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Let's go take a look and see."
MoyTW asks, "Uh, do we need to set it to the node?"
DavidW says, "oh. Set the device to LN-199. Maybe we don't need to enter the sanc-whatever."
MoyTW asks, "Was LN-199?"
Knight_Otu says, "LN-199 was mentioned in regards to Cardinal."
DavidW says, "yes, that's the one."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "set wiretap to LN-199"
CF ] Botanical Garden 46/896
CF | >
CF |
CF | Done.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Chapel 46/897
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Chapel
CF | The interior of the chapel is exactly what you'd expect: A
CF | ???????????????????????????????????????????????? in front of a
CF | ???????????????????????????????????? without the
CF | ???????????????????????? and
CF | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. The whole
CF | place ?????????????????????????????????, but that's hardly
CF | surprising, given ??????????????????????????????????????????. It's a
CF | ???????????????????????? place, for obvious
CF | reasons, and the ?????????????????????????????????????????? doesn't
CF | make it any less ??????????????? or
CF | ??????????????????????????? to those of my kind, the
CF | ??????????????????????????? notwithstanding. Even
CF | though humans would undoubtedly love to know that
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????,
CF | it's simply ???????????????????????????????????? and
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????, which neatly explains the
CF | meaning of life. An unobtrusive stairway at the back of the room leads
CF | upward, and the much more inviting exit from the chapel is to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | A hatrack stands to one side of the doors.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x hatrack"
CF ] Chapel 46/898
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's a little-known fact that humans sometimes wear hats, though
CF | nobody knows why. When they're not being worn, hats are often placed
CF | on a hatrack like this one. Not exactly like this one, of
CF | course, because this one is a spiritual object. The principle is the
CF | same, though.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get it"
CF ] Chapel 46/899
CF | >
CF |
CF | That's fixed in place.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Sacristy 46/900
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Sacristy
CF | Against my better judgment, I'm in Kingfisher's inner sanctum. It's
CF | more mundane than I would have expected; it could have easily passed
CF | for the office of a mid-level human bureaucrat, except for the glowing
CF | telex on his desk (and, of course, for the state secrets of the
CF | universe that are undoubtedly kept securely locked away in its
CF | drawers). I would have expected the walls to be filled with propaganda
CF | posters and his bookshelves with plundered artifacts, but the room is
CF | neat and spartan and grey. The sole color comes from a stained-glass
CF | window that throws blotchy, irregular patterns onto the floor. A
CF | stairway leads back down into the main chapel.
CF |
CF | I can see Kingfisher here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "cf17"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to write:
CF ] Sacristy 46/900
CF | > SAVEOk.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "(Why am I saving, we have undo, right?)"
DavidW says, "yes"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to kingfisher"
CF ] Sacristy 46/901
CF | >
CF |
CF | I'd rather boil my eyeballs than engage in unnecessary conversation
CF | with that idiot.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "kingfisher be scary, that's why."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put wiretap on telex"
CF ] Sacristy 46/902
CF | >
CF |
CF | I shouldn't show him that I've got the wiretap. It's highly classified
CF | equipment, and Kingfisher is literally the worst person to have access
CF | to it.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x kingfisher"
CF ] Sacristy 46/903
CF | >
CF |
CF | Kingfisher is a dangerous, stupid, smug idiot, and he looks exactly
CF | like you'd expect him to look.
CF |
CF | My editor has informed me that that isn't a useful description, so let
CF | me try to elaborate in terms humans are familiar with. Like me, he's
CF | not a physical entity, but the manner in which he's composed his
CF | metaphysical substance is analogous to wearing an impossibly expensive
CF | suit in order to impress or intimidate onlookers. His aristocratic,
CF | condescending demeanor combines the oiliness of an elected politician
CF | with the thoughtless obstinacy of an appointed commissar. He speaks
CF | at people rather than to them, and certainly not
CF | with them. He considers me to a spectator in some elaborate
CF | performance he's starring in, and he expects me to play the role of a
CF | grateful audience who's dazzled by him.
CF |
CF | Beneath that veneer of vague professional courtesy is a stupid,
CF | bumbling hitman who has no ideas beyond unfocused violence. He's a
CF | dangerous, incompetent, vicious lunatic who thinks that a superficial
CF | layer of charm makes him clever and deep. My only explanation for why
CF | he's been allowed on a mission in the mortal realm is that his
CF | superiors hate having him around as much as I do.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "I don't suppose we can put explore on him?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on kingfisher"
CF ] Sacristy 46/904
CF | >
CF |
CF | It would just slide off. Kingfisher isn't a mortal; I can't give him
CF | intentions???or vice versa, fortunately.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Worth a try."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Sacristy 46/904
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go down.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Sacristy 46/904
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Sacristy
CF | Against my better judgment, I'm in Kingfisher's inner sanctum. It's
CF | more mundane than I would have expected; it could have easily passed
CF | for the office of a mid-level human bureaucrat, except for the glowing
CF | telex on his desk (and, of course, for the state secrets of the
CF | universe that are undoubtedly kept securely locked away in its
CF | drawers). I would have expected the walls to be filled with propaganda
CF | posters and his bookshelves with plundered artifacts, but the room is
CF | neat and spartan and grey. The sole color comes from a stained-glass
CF | window that throws blotchy, irregular patterns onto the floor. A
CF | stairway leads back down into the main chapel.
CF |
CF | I can see Kingfisher here.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "What if we open the telex?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "open telex"
CF ] Sacristy 46/905
CF | >
CF |
CF | "Hands off, demon!"
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x desk"
CF ] Sacristy 46/906
CF | >
CF |
CF | There's nothing useful in the desk. That bit about "state secrets" was
CF | just a joke. If Kingfisher's desk is anything like mine, it's full of
CF | centuries-old memoranda, spare pencils and decoy white papers to
CF | entrap the gullible. We don't keep actual state secrets out in the
CF | open; we keep them some place safe, like in a safe.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x telex"
CF ] Sacristy 46/907
CF | >
CF |
CF | Obviously it's not literally a telex; that's just the closest human
CF | equivalent. It's a device for handling classified communication
CF | between the Other Place and the human realm. Describing the exact
CF | mechanisms involved would make your head hurt, both from their
CF | complexity and the fact that the penalty for receiving unauthorized
CF | classified information involves sticking your head in a vise. Let's
CF | just say that it's a fax machine made of magic.
CF |
CF | The telex is closed.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "hm. I kinda think we want to give him a distracting toy to play with."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Sacristy 46/907
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the open intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the explore intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the aggressively manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the greedily manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | three secret codebooks
CF | one top secret codebook
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu??
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF | a wiretap
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "drop candle"
CF ] Sacristy 46/908
CF | >
CF |
CF | Dropped.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Sacristy 46/909
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get candle"
CF ] Sacristy 46/910
CF | >
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put almanach on desk"
CF ] Sacristy 46/910
CF | >
CF |
CF | As a spiritual being, I'm unable to manipulate physical objects.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "drop almanach"
CF ] Sacristy 46/911
CF | >
CF |
CF | Dropped.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Sacristy 46/912
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get it."
CF ] Sacristy 46/913
CF | >
CF | > GET IT.
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
DavidW says, "Maybe get the drunk drunk on long gallery booze and explore the drunk up here."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Chapel 46/914
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF |
CF | Chapel
CF | The interior of the chapel is exactly what you'd expect: A
CF | ???????????????????????????????????????????????? in front of a
CF | ???????????????????????????????????? without the
CF | ???????????????????????? and
CF | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. The whole
CF | place ?????????????????????????????????, but that's hardly
CF | surprising, given ??????????????????????????????????????????. It's a
CF | ???????????????????????? place, for obvious
CF | reasons, and the ?????????????????????????????????????????? doesn't
CF | make it any less ??????????????? or
CF | ??????????????????????????? to those of my kind, the
CF | ??????????????????????????? notwithstanding. Even
CF | though humans would undoubtedly love to know that
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????,
CF | it's simply ???????????????????????????????????? and
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????, which neatly explains the
CF | meaning of life. An unobtrusive stairway at the back of the room leads
CF | upward, and the much more inviting exit from the chapel is to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | A hatrack stands to one side of the doors.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Botanical Garden 46/915
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF ] Lawn 46/916
CF | >
CF | > NE
CF |
CF |
CF | Lawn
CF | This small lawn runs between the hotel toward the southwest and the
CF | squat building to the east. It is trim and spartan, with no
CF | ornamentation aside from the tall hedges forming its boundary. They
CF | also block the breeze coming in off the sea, so the air here is warm
CF | and still.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading east.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | The agent stands next to the doors.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on drunk"
CF ] Lawn 46/917
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the drunk, who now intends to explore,
CF | for lack of something better to do.
CF |
CF | The drunk scratches itself absently.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Lawn 46/918
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The drunk gives a loud sigh.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Lawn 46/919
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The drunk stumbles off to the southwest.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "sw"
CF ] Botanical Garden 46/920
CF | >
CF | > SW
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | The drunk scratches itself absently.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Botanical Garden 46/921
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The drunk scratches itself absently.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Botanical Garden 46/922
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The drunk stumbles off to the west.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "drat. He's going back the way he came."
Knight_Otu says, "I don't think the drunk goes to the chapel."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 46/923
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The drunk stumbles off to the north.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Lounge 46/924
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk looks blearily around.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Lounge 46/925
CF | >
CF |
CF | explore intent: I extract the explore intent from the drunk.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Who else might go to the chapel..."
DavidW asks, "I dunno. Tourist? Agent?"
MoyTW asks, "Not the agent he seems immovable. Tourist...?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on tourist"
CF ] Lounge 46/926
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the tourist, who now vaguely intends to
CF | explore.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Lounge 46/927
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Lounge 46/928
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Not the tourist I guess."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Lounge 46/929
CF | >
CF |
CF | explore intent: I extract the explore intent from the tourist.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Tourist doesn't wanna tour."
DavidW says, "FAILURE"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Library 46/930
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Library
CF | Bookshelves line the walls of this small, wood-paneled room, mixing
CF | the smell of paper with that of cigarette smoke. There are some
CF | high-backed chairs arranged in front of the shelves, clustered around
CF | tables topped with small but bright wrought-iron lamps. A passageway,
CF | above which sits an oil painting of a tropical seascape, leads south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Lounge 46/931
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Auction House 46/932
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | I can see the auctioneer here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Storage Room 46/933
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Storage Room
CF | An almost endless mass of crates, chests, and pallets fills this small
CF | room. They reach the ceiling, yet an array of humans in black uniforms
CF | manages to glide through narrow openings in the debris, shuttling
CF | items into the larger room to the south. There's no apparent
CF | organization to the clutter, or even visible labels on the various
CF | boxes, but the humans have no difficulty in finding whatever objects
CF | they're looking for.
CF |
CF | I can see the picker here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on picker"
CF ] Storage Room 46/934
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the picker, who now vaguely intends to
CF | explore.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Storage Room 46/935
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Storage Room 46/936
CF | >
CF |
CF | explore intent: I extract the explore intent from the picker.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Auction House 46/937
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | I can see the auctioneer here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Lounge 46/938
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 46/939
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "vaguely intends is usually a bad sign."
Knight_Otu says, "Usually yes. I think it wasn't with the drunk vaguely defending though."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on bellhop"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 46/940
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the bellhop, who now vaguely intends to
CF | explore.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 46/941
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on guest"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 46/942
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the explore intent from the bellhop)
CF | I give the explore intent to the guest, who now vaguely intends to
CF | explore.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 46/943
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 46/944
CF | >
CF |
CF | explore intent: I extract the explore intent from the guest.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Reception 46/945
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Reception
CF | I'm at the hotel's reception, a small entryway with a gleaming marble
CF | floor and lamps made of dark green glass. The reception desk itself is
CF | a massive thing of oak, with a plush red carpet in front of it and a
CF | few potted chrysanthemums on top of it making it more inviting. A safe
CF | has been set into the wall behind it. A ceiling fan slowly spins above
CF | a passage farther into the hotel to the east. The exit from the hotel,
CF | flanked by ferns in massive clay pots, lies to the west.
CF |
CF | The hotel clerk stands behind the desk.
CF |
CF | The wealthy dowager is sitting in a plush leather chair.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on dowager"
CF ] Hotel Reception 46/946
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the wealthy dowager, who now vaguely
CF | intends to explore.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Hotel Reception 46/947
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on clerk"
CF ] Hotel Reception 46/948
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the explore intent from the wealthy dowager)
CF | I give the explore intent to the hotel clerk, who now vaguely intends
CF | to explore.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Does modifying with seriously do anything?"
DavidW says, "Sometimes."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put seriously on clerk"
CF ] Hotel Reception 46/949
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the seriously manner to the hotel clerk, but it doesn't have
CF | much effect.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "I mean, for explore. But the answer seems "no not really"."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Hotel Reception 46/950
CF | >
CF |
CF | seriously manner: I extract the seriously manner from the hotel clerk.
CF | explore intent: I extract the explore intent from the hotel clerk.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Colonnade 46/951
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Colonnade
CF | This cobblestone trail runs from the casino to the hotel on the
CF | complex. Box trees flank the path, interspersed with a variety of
CF | colorful ornamental plants I don't recognize. The hotel it leads from
CF | is a sprawling villa of orange bricks with towers sprouting around its
CF | perimeter. A stone archway leads east into the hotel, and the trail
CF | winds to the west.
CF |
CF | A shiny silver mirror hangs over the archway leading east.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on waiter"
CF ] Colonnade 46/952
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the waiter, who now intends to explore
CF | the casino in search of work to do.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Colonnade 46/953
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The waiter walks purposefully off to the west.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Terrace 46/954
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | I can also see the waiter here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Terrace 46/955
CF | >
CF |
CF | explore intent: I extract the explore intent from the waiter.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "yeah, waiter stays in the casino region."
Knight_Otu says, "Can't think of anyone else who'd wander."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Colonnade 46/956
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Colonnade
CF | This cobblestone trail runs from the casino to the hotel on the
CF | complex. Box trees flank the path, interspersed with a variety of
CF | colorful ornamental plants I don't recognize. The hotel it leads to is
CF | a sprawling villa of orange bricks with towers sprouting around its
CF | perimeter. A stone archway leads east into the hotel, and the trail
CF | winds to the west.
CF |
CF | A shiny silver mirror hangs over the archway leading east.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Hotel Reception 46/957
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Hotel Reception
CF | I'm at the hotel's reception, a small entryway with a gleaming marble
CF | floor and lamps made of dark green glass. The reception desk itself is
CF | a massive thing of oak, with a plush red carpet in front of it and a
CF | few potted chrysanthemums on top of it making it more inviting. A safe
CF | has been set into the wall behind it. A ceiling fan slowly spins above
CF | a passage farther into the hotel to the east. The exit from the hotel,
CF | flanked by ferns in massive clay pots, lies to the west.
CF |
CF | The hotel clerk stands behind the desk.
CF |
CF | The wealthy dowager is sitting in a plush leather chair.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 46/958
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Botanical Garden 46/959
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Chapel 46/960
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Chapel
CF | The interior of the chapel is exactly what you'd expect: A
CF | ???????????????????????????????????????????????? in front of a
CF | ???????????????????????????????????? without the
CF | ???????????????????????? and
CF | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. The whole
CF | place ?????????????????????????????????, but that's hardly
CF | surprising, given ??????????????????????????????????????????. It's a
CF | ???????????????????????? place, for obvious
CF | reasons, and the ?????????????????????????????????????????? doesn't
CF | make it any less ??????????????? or
CF | ??????????????????????????? to those of my kind, the
CF | ??????????????????????????? notwithstanding. Even
CF | though humans would undoubtedly love to know that
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????,
CF | it's simply ???????????????????????????????????? and
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????, which neatly explains the
CF | meaning of life. An unobtrusive stairway at the back of the room leads
CF | upward, and the much more inviting exit from the chapel is to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | A hatrack stands to one side of the doors.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Sacristy 46/961
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Sacristy
CF | Against my better judgment, I'm in Kingfisher's inner sanctum. It's
CF | more mundane than I would have expected; it could have easily passed
CF | for the office of a mid-level human bureaucrat, except for the glowing
CF | telex on his desk (and, of course, for the state secrets of the
CF | universe that are undoubtedly kept securely locked away in its
CF | drawers). I would have expected the walls to be filled with propaganda
CF | posters and his bookshelves with plundered artifacts, but the room is
CF | neat and spartan and grey. The sole color comes from a stained-glass
CF | window that throws blotchy, irregular patterns onto the floor. A
CF | stairway leads back down into the main chapel.
CF |
CF | I can see Kingfisher here.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "Did we see anyone with a hat on?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x window"
CF ] Sacristy 46/962
CF | >
CF |
CF | Even in the feeble light of the sunset, the stained glass window
CF | creates splotches of iridiscent light on the office floor.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "I don't particularly recall."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "open window"
CF ] Sacristy 46/962
CF | >
CF |
CF | As a demon, I can only manipulate spiritual objects, not physical
CF | ones.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I don't recall any hats."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "show communique to kingfisher"
CF ] Sacristy 46/963
CF | >
CF |
CF | I'm not letting Kingfisher anywhere near the intercepted communiqu??.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Likewise. I wonder if the code to the door will help, somehow?"
Knight_Otu says, "Though so, but had to try."
MoyTW asks, "Stupid suggestion but what if we enter LN-199 on the keypad?"
Knight_Otu says, "I'd assume we get the door code from the wiretap."
Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Chapel 46/964
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF |
CF | Chapel
CF | The interior of the chapel is exactly what you'd expect: A
CF | ???????????????????????????????????????????????? in front of a
CF | ???????????????????????????????????? without the
CF | ???????????????????????? and
CF | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. The whole
CF | place ?????????????????????????????????, but that's hardly
CF | surprising, given ??????????????????????????????????????????. It's a
CF | ???????????????????????? place, for obvious
CF | reasons, and the ?????????????????????????????????????????? doesn't
CF | make it any less ??????????????? or
CF | ??????????????????????????? to those of my kind, the
CF | ??????????????????????????? notwithstanding. Even
CF | though humans would undoubtedly love to know that
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????,
CF | it's simply ???????????????????????????????????? and
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????, which neatly explains the
CF | meaning of life. An unobtrusive stairway at the back of the room leads
CF | upward, and the much more inviting exit from the chapel is to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | A hatrack stands to one side of the doors.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Oh, probably."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF ] Chapel 46/964
CF | >
CF | > NE
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go west and up.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Botanical Garden 46/965
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF ] Lawn 46/966
CF | >
CF | > NE
CF |
CF |
CF | Lawn
CF | This small lawn runs between the hotel toward the southwest and the
CF | squat building to the east. It is trim and spartan, with no
CF | ornamentation aside from the tall hedges forming its boundary. They
CF | also block the breeze coming in off the sea, so the air here is warm
CF | and still.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading east.
CF |
CF | The agent stands next to the doors.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "We might check on the brute."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Long Gallery 46/967
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The reporter asks one of the dignitaries some pointed questions.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Rotunda 46/968
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Mechanical Room 46/969
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Mechanical Room
CF | This stuffy closet is filled with a variety of stark metal equipment,
CF | undoubtedly very important and very dangerous to humans. A maze of
CF | wiring creeps over the walls, sinking into the further recess of the
CF | complex. There's an electrical hum throughout the room and a faint
CF | metallic smell in the dusty air. The single exit from the room leads
CF | north.
CF |
CF | A large steel cage blocks access to high-voltage equipment.
CF |
CF | The brute mutters something into its earpiece.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x brute"
CF ] Mechanical Room 46/970
CF | >
CF |
CF | Muscles the size of excessively large muscles.
CF |
CF | The brute is holding a leather briefcase, inside which are some launch
CF | codes.
CF |
CF | The brute mutters something into its earpiece.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "listen to brute"
CF ] Mechanical Room 46/971
CF | >
CF |
CF | I hear nothing unexpected.
CF |
CF | The brute mutters something into its earpiece.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x launch codes"
CF ] Mechanical Room 46/972
CF | >
CF |
CF | Yes, these are nuclear launch codes, one of the most prized secrets in
CF | the human world. That's about I'm allowed to say here; after all, a
CF | nuclear strike is in the interests of neither my organization nor the
CF | Other Place's. My editor said I can tell you one of the digits, which
CF | is 0. Hope that helps.
CF |
CF | The brute mutters something into its earpiece.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Rotunda 46/973
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x keypad"
CF ] Rotunda 46/974
CF | >
CF |
CF | This gadget is part of the mechanism of the archway, allowing my
CF | cohorts on the Other Side to control access to whatever they're
CF | planning in the deeper recesses of the complex. It's a sophisticated
CF | device; they must have been planning things for a while. It has a
CF | clear spiritual aura, so I could interact with it if I knew the code
CF | to type in.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "type ln-199"
CF ] Rotunda 46/974
CF | >
CF | > TYPE LN-199
CF |
CF | I didn't understand that number.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "type 199"
CF ] Rotunda 46/975
CF | >
CF | > TYPE 199
CF |
CF | (on the keypad)
CF | Nothing happens.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "rip"
DavidW says, "I suppose we could try for the last codebook again."
MoyTW asks, "It can't...hurt?"
DavidW says, "I dunno!"
MoyTW says, "Sure."
Knight_Otu says, "Well, not us, but maybe Sidewinder."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Long Gallery 46/976
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The reporter eavesdrops on a nearby conversation.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Conference Room 46/977
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Conference Room
CF | Diplomats fill this crowded room, sitting impatiently at a gigantic
CF | ring-shaped table. In front of each human is a miniature flag and a
CF | white placard bearing its name and title. A map of the world,
CF | elaborately drawn but completely devoid of any cities or borders or
CF | other political features, covers the far wall. The only exit from the
CF | room is to the north.
CF |
CF | The diplomats are considering a trade deal.
CF |
CF | A bottle of champagne, shining brightly with spiritual energy, sits to
CF | one side in a bucket of ice.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat looks at the proposed trade deal, but seems to be
CF | having trouble understanding the details.
CF |
CF | I can also see the tall diplomat and the medium diplomat here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Conference Room 46/977
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the explore intent
CF | the open intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the aggressively manner
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the greedily manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | three secret codebooks
CF | one top secret codebook
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu??
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF | a wiretap
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore and generously on short"
CF ] Conference Room 46/978
CF | >
CF |
CF | explore intent: I give the explore intent to the short diplomat, who
CF | now intends to explore the possibilities of the proposal.
CF | generously manner: I give the generously manner to the short diplomat,
CF | who now intends to generously explore the possibilities of the
CF | proposal.
CF |
CF | The medium diplomat looks at the proposed trade deal, and nods
CF | approvingly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 46/979
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The tall diplomat looks at the proposed trade deal, and nods
CF | approvingly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 46/980
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat makes some edits to the proposed deal, increasing
CF | the tariff on wheat to 12%.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 46/981
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The medium diplomat looks at the proposed trade deal, and nods
CF | approvingly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 46/982
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The tall diplomat looks at the proposed trade deal, and nods
CF | approvingly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 46/983
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat makes some edits to the proposed deal, increasing
CF | the tariff on wheat to 15%.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Conference Room 46/983
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the open intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the warm intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the aggressively manner
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the greedily manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | three secret codebooks
CF | one top secret codebook
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu??
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF | a wiretap
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "how high is this tariff going to go?"
MoyTW says, "lol is he just gonna keep editing, what do we gotta put to get them to wrap it up."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put take on short"
CF ] Conference Room 46/984
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the take intent to the short diplomat, taking the explore
CF | intent in exchange. It now intends to generously take all possible
CF | circumstances into account.
CF |
CF | The medium diplomat looks at the proposed trade deal, but frowns at
CF | the tariff on wheat.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 46/985
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The tall diplomat looks at the proposed trade deal, and nods
CF | approvingly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 46/986
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat closes a few loopholes, resulting in a simplistic
CF | proposal.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 46/987
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The medium diplomat looks at the proposed trade deal, but frowns at
CF | the tariff on wheat.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 46/988
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The tall diplomat looks at the proposed trade deal, and nods
CF | approvingly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 46/989
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat smiles at the wording of the simplistic proposal.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "I think we overshot on the wheat tariffs."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 46/990
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The medium diplomat looks at the proposed trade deal, but frowns at
CF | the tariff on wheat.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "edit, uh, what's the opposite of generously?"
Knight_Otu asks, "Seems so, but how to reduce it?"
MoyTW asks, "greedily?"
DavidW asks, "clean up?"
MoyTW says, "Oooh clean up's an interesting one."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put clean up and greedily on medium"
CF ] Conference Room 46/991
CF | >
CF |
CF | clean up intent: I give the clean up intent to the medium diplomat,
CF | who now intends to clean up the language of the proposal.
CF | greedily manner: I give the greedily manner to the medium diplomat,
CF | who now intends to greedily clean up the language of the proposal.
CF |
CF | The tall diplomat looks at the proposed trade deal, and nods
CF | approvingly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 46/992
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat smiles at the wording of the simplistic proposal.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 46/993
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The medium diplomat smiles at the wording of the simplistic proposal
CF | but frowns at the tariff on wheat.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put take on medium"
CF ] Conference Room 46/994
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the take intent from the short diplomat, along with the
CF | generously manner)
CF | I give the take intent to the medium diplomat, taking the clean up
CF | intent in exchange. It now intends to greedily take all possible
CF | circumstances into account.
CF |
CF | The tall diplomat looks at the proposed trade deal, and nods
CF | approvingly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 46/995
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat looks at the proposed trade deal, and nods
CF | approvingly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 46/996
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The medium diplomat smiles at their contributions to the simplistic
CF | proposal but frowns at the tariff on wheat.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, " do we reset this whole thing."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put drink on medium"
CF ] Conference Room 46/997
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the drink intent to the medium diplomat, taking the take intent
CF | in exchange. It now intends to greedily drink champagne when this is
CF | all resolved.
CF |
CF | The tall diplomat looks at the proposed trade deal, and nods
CF | approvingly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 46/998
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat looks at the proposed trade deal, and nods
CF | approvingly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Conference Room 46/999
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The medium diplomat sighs, makes a few concessions, and suggests
CF | signing this and calling it a day.
CF |
CF | The other diplomats give the proposal one final look, then sign it.
CF | There are cheers and excitement!
CF |
CF | The medium diplomat pops open the bottle of champagne, and they all
CF | drink enthusiastically.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Oh, nice."
Knight_Otu says, "Whew."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get codebook"
CF ] Conference Room 52/1000
CF | >
CF |
CF | (the top secret codebook)
CF | I pick up the top secret codebook and page through it. I've deciphered
CF | the entirety of the communiqu??, but a codebook from the Other Side is
CF | certainly an impressive prize. If the opposition hasn't noticed that
CF | it's now in our possession, it's invaluable. Even if they have,
CF | though, we can use it to decrypt old communications, and our research
CF | department might be able to reverse engineer some of their
CF | cryptographic systems with the extra data.
CF |
CF | The tall diplomat proposes another clich?? toast.
CF |
CF | [Your score has just gone up by six points.]
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Anything else in the room?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Conference Room 52/1000
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Conference Room
CF | Diplomats fill this crowded room, sitting impatiently at a gigantic
CF | ring-shaped table. In front of each human is a miniature flag and a
CF | white placard bearing its name and title. A map of the world,
CF | elaborately drawn but completely devoid of any cities or borders or
CF | other political features, covers the far wall. The only exit from the
CF | room is to the north.
CF |
CF | The diplomats are considering a trade deal.
CF |
CF | A bottle of champagne sits to one side in a bucket of ice.
CF |
CF | I can also see the tall diplomat, the short diplomat, and the medium
CF | diplomat here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Conference Room 52/1001
CF | >
CF |
CF | drink intent: I extract the drink intent from the medium diplomat,
CF | along with the greedily manner.
CF | greedily manner: I already have that.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat sniffs its champagne appreciatively.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW exclaims, "Grab everything and now we gotta figure out how to tap the scary angel's secure device. Which seems a real tall order!"
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1002
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The reporter eavesdrops on a nearby conversation.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Lawn 52/1003
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Lawn
CF | This small lawn runs between the hotel toward the southwest and the
CF | squat building to the east. It is trim and spartan, with no
CF | ornamentation aside from the tall hedges forming its boundary. They
CF | also block the breeze coming in off the sea, so the air here is warm
CF | and still.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading east.
CF |
CF | The agent stands next to the doors. MoyTW says, "Like even if we get him outta the office I'd assume he has, like...a camera. But let's see."
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "sw"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1004
CF | >
CF | > SW
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1005
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Lounge 52/1006
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Art Gallery 52/1007
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Art Gallery
CF | This gallery is a small, stark alcove adjoining the lounge to the
CF | west. The walls are bare and white, and the carpet is a deep brown. An
CF | exhibit at the far end of the room shows off a few brightly colored
CF | pieces of pottery, protected by a velvet rope in front of the display.
CF |
CF | A bell with a large crack is displayed on a plinth here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x bell"
CF ] Art Gallery 52/1008
CF | >
CF |
CF | According to the rushed briefing I had before the mission, this
CF | particular bell used to be part of a church that was on the property
CF | long before this chateau was built. It glows with a faint
CF | greenish-yellow light, presumably from accreted spiritual residue. In
CF | fact, the bell has enough of a presence in the spiritual realm for me
CF | to interact with it.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get it"
CF ] Art Gallery 52/1009
CF | >
CF |
CF | Excellent, now I have everything I need to call down below: bell,
CF | book, and candle.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "We never tried to take it."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Lounge 52/1010
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1011
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1012
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Chapel 52/1013
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Chapel
CF | The interior of the chapel is exactly what you'd expect: A
CF | ???????????????????????????????????????????????? in front of a
CF | ???????????????????????????????????? without the
CF | ???????????????????????? and
CF | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. The whole
CF | place ?????????????????????????????????, but that's hardly
CF | surprising, given ??????????????????????????????????????????. It's a
CF | ???????????????????????? place, for obvious
CF | reasons, and the ?????????????????????????????????????????? doesn't
CF | make it any less ??????????????? or
CF | ??????????????????????????? to those of my kind, the DavidW says, "oh, I didn't think the bell was takeable."
CF | ??????????????????????????? notwithstanding. Even
CF | though humans would undoubtedly love to know that
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????,
CF | it's simply ???????????????????????????????????? and
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????, which neatly explains the
CF | meaning of life. An unobtrusive stairway at the back of the room leads
CF | upward, and the much more inviting exit from the chapel is to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | A hatrack stands to one side of the doors.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ring bell"
CF ] Chapel 52/1014
CF | >
CF |
CF | I ring the bell, producing an uncanny tone.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1015
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Sacristy
CF | Against my better judgment, I'm in Kingfisher's inner sanctum. It's
CF | more mundane than I would have expected; it could have easily passed
CF | for the office of a mid-level human bureaucrat, except for the glowing
CF | telex on his desk (and, of course, for the state secrets of the
CF | universe that are undoubtedly kept securely locked away in its
CF | drawers). I would have expected the walls to be filled with propaganda
CF | posters and his bookshelves with plundered artifacts, but the room is
CF | neat and spartan and grey. The sole color comes from a stained-glass
CF | window that throws blotchy, irregular patterns onto the floor. A
CF | stairway leads back down into the main chapel.
CF |
CF | I can see Kingfisher here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ring bell"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1016
CF | >
CF |
CF | I ring the bell, producing an uncanny tone.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "...if we call Whiptail will he give us a hint?"
Knight_Otu says, "Doesn't seem like kingfisher minds..."
DavidW says, "We can't call Whiptail where Kingfisher will notice. That's why we retreat to the Hotel Room."
MoyTW asks, "Yeah. I mean, can we phone a friend, now, since I have zero ideas?"
Knight_Otu says, "I was hoping to distract Kingfisher with ringing."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Chapel 52/1017
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF |
CF | Chapel
CF | The interior of the chapel is exactly what you'd expect: A
CF | ???????????????????????????????????????????????? in front of a
CF | ???????????????????????????????????? without the
CF | ???????????????????????? and
CF | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. The whole
CF | place ?????????????????????????????????, but that's hardly
CF | surprising, given ??????????????????????????????????????????. It's a
CF | ???????????????????????? place, for obvious
CF | reasons, and the ?????????????????????????????????????????? doesn't
CF | make it any less ??????????????? or
CF | ??????????????????????????? to those of my kind, the
CF | ??????????????????????????? notwithstanding. Even
CF | though humans would undoubtedly love to know that
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????,
CF | it's simply ???????????????????????????????????? and
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????, which neatly explains the
CF | meaning of life. An unobtrusive stairway at the back of the room leads
CF | upward, and the much more inviting exit from the chapel is to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | A hatrack stands to one side of the doors.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1018
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1019
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Lounge 52/1020
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1021
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF | I make my way to my predecessor's room, ignoring the frivolous rooms
CF | of the human guests.
CF |
CF | Hotel Room
CF | My predecessor, Krait, used this hotel room as a temporary base of
CF | operations for his role as chief of station. Of course, he had no use
CF | for its amenities. Thus the bed and dining table were both employed,
CF | judging from the papers scattered across them, as makeshift desks. A
CF | smaller but bona fide desk sits in the corner, with an artless
CF | landscape in watercolors hanging above it. The liquor cabinet lurks
CF | untouched in the corner, and the ashtray on top of it is completely
CF | empty. The stark white carpet here is plush and spotless.
CF |
CF | The only exit from the room is to the south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ring bell"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1022
CF | >
CF |
CF | I ring the bell, producing an uncanny tone.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "read almanach"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1023
CF | >
CF |
CF | I skip to a random entry in the almanach and read it aloud. Going
CF | through the minor biographical details of a well-placed angelic
CF | official whose entry is almost entirely redacted is tedious, but it
CF | should be sufficient for the ritual.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Maybe pulling the hatrack opens a secret door. I dunno."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "light candle"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1024
CF | >
CF |
CF | I consider summoning Whiptail again but decide against it. He already
CF | gave me the wiretap, and it's unwise to use the portal unless it's
CF | absolutely necessary. It would be ironic if I were comprised because
CF | of an unsecure communication channel while trying to tap someone
CF | else's unsecure communication channel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Lounge 52/1025
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF | I make my way back down to the lounge, past rows of uninteresting
CF | guest rooms.
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1026
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1027
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Chapel 52/1028
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Chapel
CF | The interior of the chapel is exactly what you'd expect: A
CF | ???????????????????????????????????????????????? in front of a
CF | ???????????????????????????????????? without the
CF | ???????????????????????? and
CF | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. The whole
CF | place ?????????????????????????????????, but that's hardly
CF | surprising, given ??????????????????????????????????????????. It's a
CF | ???????????????????????? place, for obvious
CF | reasons, and the ?????????????????????????????????????????? doesn't
CF | make it any less ??????????????? or
CF | ??????????????????????????? to those of my kind, the
CF | ??????????????????????????? notwithstanding. Even
CF | though humans would undoubtedly love to know that
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????,
CF | it's simply ???????????????????????????????????? and
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????, which neatly explains the
CF | meaning of life. An unobtrusive stairway at the back of the room leads
CF | upward, and the much more inviting exit from the chapel is to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | A hatrack stands to one side of the doors.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "pull hatrack"
CF ] Chapel 52/1029
CF | >
CF |
CF | It is fixed in place.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "push hatrack"
CF ] Chapel 52/1030
CF | >
CF |
CF | It is fixed in place.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "break it"
CF ] Chapel 52/1031
CF | >
CF |
CF | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "climb hatrack"
CF ] Chapel 52/1032
CF | >
CF |
CF | Little is to be achieved by that.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put candle on hatrack"
CF ] Chapel 52/1033
CF | >
CF |
CF | The hatrack is the wrong shape for that.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on hatrack"
CF ] Chapel 52/1034
CF | >
CF |
CF | I put the explore intent on the hatrack.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Wait, what. You can do that?"
Knight_Otu says, "Huh."
MoyTW says, "hahaha"
DavidW says, "That might be a bug."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put take on hatrack"
CF ] Chapel 52/1035
CF | >
CF |
CF | I put the take intent on the hatrack.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Chapel 52/1036
CF | >
CF |
CF | take intent: Taken.
CF | explore intent: Taken.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Yeah that's a bug."
Knight_Otu says, "We may have to search for a spiritual hat."
DavidW says, "Cardinal's mitre should do."
MoyTW asks, "Is there any particular reason we think the hatrack is the way to go?"
Knight_Otu asks, "But where is Cardinal?"
DavidW says, "In the Sin Room."
Knight_Otu says (to Moy), "Mostly that we have few other ideas, I guess."
MoyTW says, "Well fair enough."
Knight_Otu says, "It is specifically called out as spiritual."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x hatrack"
CF ] Chapel 52/1037
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's a little-known fact that humans sometimes wear hats, though
CF | nobody knows why. When they're not being worn, hats are often placed
CF | on a hatrack like this one. Not exactly like this one, of
CF | course, because this one is a spiritual object. The principle is the
CF | same, though.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Chapel 52/1037
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the explore intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the open intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the warm intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the greedily manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the aggressively manner
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | three secret codebooks
CF | two top secret codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu??
CF | a bell
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF | a wiretap
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put open on hatrack"
CF ] Chapel 52/1038
CF | >
CF |
CF | I put the open intent on the hatrack.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Worth a try."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Chapel 52/1039
CF | >
CF |
CF | open intent: Taken.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1040
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF ] Lawn 52/1041
CF | >
CF | > NE
CF |
CF |
CF | Lawn
CF | This small lawn runs between the hotel toward the southwest and the
CF | squat building to the east. It is trim and spartan, with no
CF | ornamentation aside from the tall hedges forming its boundary. They
CF | also block the breeze coming in off the sea, so the air here is warm
CF | and still.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading east.
CF |
CF | The agent stands next to the doors.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x agent"
CF ] Lawn 52/1042
CF | >
CF |
CF | A human in a sharp black suit.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1043
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The reporter surveils the crowd.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x reporter"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1044
CF | >
CF |
CF | A human carrying a notebook and wearing a press pass.
CF |
CF | The reporter asks one of the dignitaries some pointed questions.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x pass"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1045
CF | >
CF |
CF | Although the human press (footnote 10) is often useful to us, I don't
CF | have much respect for its competence. This human, for example, has
CF | decided to wear a conspicuous badge declaring itself to be a reporter.
CF | The first rule of finding out secrets is to not wear a sign saying
CF | that you're trying to find out secrets.
CF |
CF | The reporter asks one of the dignitaries some pointed questions.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Conference Room 52/1046
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Conference Room
CF | Diplomats fill this crowded room, sitting impatiently at a gigantic
CF | ring-shaped table. In front of each human is a miniature flag and a
CF | white placard bearing its name and title. A map of the world,
CF | elaborately drawn but completely devoid of any cities or borders or
CF | other political features, covers the far wall. The only exit from the
CF | room is to the north.
CF |
CF | The diplomats are considering a trade deal.
CF |
CF | A bottle of champagne sits to one side in a bucket of ice.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat takes another sip of champagne.
CF |
CF | I can also see the tall diplomat and the medium diplomat here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "footnote 10"
CF ] Conference Room 52/1046
CF | >
CF |
CF | (10) ...the human press: Human journalists, that is, not the
CF | machine we have to???well, use your imagination.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Ew."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x short"
CF ] Conference Room 52/1047
CF | >
CF |
CF | Short, stocky, with excessive amounts of hair.
CF |
CF | The medium diplomat sniffs its champagne appreciatively.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "medium"
CF ] Conference Room 52/1047
CF | >
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x medium"
CF ] Conference Room 52/1048
CF | >
CF |
CF | Non-distinctive, with rounded edges.
CF |
CF | The tall diplomat takes another sip of champagne.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x tall"
CF ] Conference Room 52/1049
CF | >
CF |
CF | Tall, thin, with awkward angles.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat takes another sip of champagne.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1050
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The reporter asks one of the dignitaries some pointed questions.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1051
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "What if we put the drink intent on the reporter?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x burglar"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1052
CF | >
CF |
CF | I can tell it's a burglar because it's wearing one of those masks.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x mask"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1053
CF | >
CF |
CF | The mask isn't subtle. In fairness to the burglar, though, it's almost
CF | certain that both the group he's working for and the group he's
CF | working against are aware of its presence here and are watching it
CF | closely.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1054
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The reporter surveils the crowd.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put drink on reporter"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1055
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the drink intent to the reporter, who now vaguely intends to
CF | drink.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1056
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1057
CF | >
CF |
CF | drink intent: I extract the drink intent from the reporter.
CF |
CF | The reporter asks one of the dignitaries some pointed questions.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1058
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Mechanical Room 52/1059
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Mechanical Room
CF | This stuffy closet is filled with a variety of stark metal equipment,
CF | undoubtedly very important and very dangerous to humans. A maze of
CF | wiring creeps over the walls, sinking into the further recess of the
CF | complex. There's an electrical hum throughout the room and a faint
CF | metallic smell in the dusty air. The single exit from the room leads
CF | north.
CF |
CF | A large steel cage blocks access to high-voltage equipment.
CF |
CF | The brute mutters something into its earpiece.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x brute"
CF ] Mechanical Room 52/1060
CF | >
CF |
CF | Muscles the size of excessively large muscles.
CF |
CF | The brute is holding a leather briefcase, inside which are some launch
CF | codes.
CF |
CF | The brute mutters something into its earpiece.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x earpiece"
CF ] Mechanical Room 52/1061
CF | >
CF |
CF | Some sort of miniaturized technology that humans find impressive.
CF |
CF | The brute mutters something into its earpiece.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1062
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Mail Room 52/1063
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Mail Room
CF | Judging from the pigeon-hole boxes filling the walls, I'm in the
CF | conference's mail room. The cubbyholes are mostly empty; I doubt
CF | anything important would be left out in the open anyway. For that, a
CF | metal storage locker stands in the corner, gleaming in the harsh
CF | fluorescent lights overhead. The only exit from the room is to the
CF | south.
CF |
CF | The hacker mopes around dejectedly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x hacker"
CF ] Mail Room 52/1064
CF | >
CF |
CF | The hacker carries a variety of bulky electronic devices on its
CF | person.
CF |
CF | The hacker mopes around dejectedly.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "We've done nothing with the power equipment."
Knight_Otu says, "I don't think there's a hat here, and if it were earlier, we could have it too early."
Knight_Otu says, "I'm not sure we can do anyhing with the equipment."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1065
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Mechanical Room 52/1066
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Mechanical Room
CF | This stuffy closet is filled with a variety of stark metal equipment,
CF | undoubtedly very important and very dangerous to humans. A maze of
CF | wiring creeps over the walls, sinking into the further recess of the
CF | complex. There's an electrical hum throughout the room and a faint
CF | metallic smell in the dusty air. The single exit from the room leads
CF | north.
CF |
CF | A large steel cage blocks access to high-voltage equipment.
CF |
CF | The brute mutters something into its earpiece.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x equipment"
CF ] Mechanical Room 52/1067
CF | >
CF |
CF | The equipment keeps the electricity in, or something. Look, I'm a
CF | lawyer and diplomat. My expertise is in the spiritual realm. The
CF | grubby business of electrons and photons and second quantization is
CF | better left to humans.
CF |
CF | The brute mutters something into its earpiece.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "open it"
CF ] Mechanical Room 52/1067
CF | >
CF |
CF | As a spiritual being, I'm unable to manipulate physical objects.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu asks, "Anyone want to take over?"
MoyTW says, "I don't have any ideas."
DavidW says, "It's not like I have any definite ideas here."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1068
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Mail Room 52/1069
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Mail Room
CF | Judging from the pigeon-hole boxes filling the walls, I'm in the
CF | conference's mail room. The cubbyholes are mostly empty; I doubt
CF | anything important would be left out in the open anyway. For that, a
CF | metal storage locker stands in the corner, gleaming in the harsh
CF | fluorescent lights overhead. The only exit from the room is to the
CF | south.
CF |
CF | The hacker mopes around dejectedly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on hacker"
CF ] Mail Room 52/1070
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the hacker, who now intends to explore in
CF | search of another opportunity.
CF |
CF | The hacker walks off to the south.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1071
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | The hacker wanders morosely back to the north.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1072
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | The hacker walks in from the north.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take explore"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1073
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the explore intent from the hacker.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges aimlessly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put open on hacker"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1074
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the open intent to the hacker, who now intends to open
CF | something it shouldn't.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges aimlessly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put seriously on hacker"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1075
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the seriously manner to the hacker, who now intends to
CF | seriously open something it shouldn't.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges aimlessly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1076
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges aimlessly.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "We go through the entire game interacting with the world via "put intents on humans" and the final? task is "wiretap this angel, who you can't put intents on, and who appears to be isolated from the rest of the game world". I have no ideas here."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take all"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1077
CF | >
CF |
CF | seriously manner: I extract the seriously manner from the hacker.
CF | open intent: I extract the open intent from the hacker.
CF |
CF | The burglar looks around with an appraising eye.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges aimlessly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on burglar"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1078
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the burglar, who now intends to explore
CF | the area.
CF |
CF | The burglar wanders off to the west.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges aimlessly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w" Knight_Otu says, "Yeah, it's odd."
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1079
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The burglar wanders off to the east.
CF |
CF | The reporter asks one of the dignitaries some pointed questions.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1080
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The reporter surveils the crowd.
CF |
CF | The burglar wanders in from the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take all"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1081
CF | >
CF |
CF | explore intent: I extract the explore intent from the burglar.
CF |
CF | The reporter surveils the crowd.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1082
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges aimlessly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1083
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The burglar stands off to one side of the room, looking around
CF | carefully.
CF |
CF | The reporter makes some notes.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put drink and recklessly on reporter"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1084
CF | >
CF |
CF | drink intent: I give the drink intent to the reporter, who now vaguely
CF | intends to drink.
CF | recklessly manner: I give the recklessly manner to the reporter, but
CF | it doesn't have much effect.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1085
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take all"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1086
CF | >
CF |
CF | recklessly manner: I extract the recklessly manner from the reporter.
CF | drink intent: I extract the drink intent from the reporter.
CF |
CF | The reporter asks one of the dignitaries some pointed questions.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x paintings"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1087
CF | >
CF |
CF | I'm aware of the contradiction in describing them as nondescript, but
CF | it's the best I can do. They're unambitious portraits of unambitious
CF | humans.
CF |
CF | The reporter asks one of the dignitaries some pointed questions.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Lawn 52/1088
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Lawn
CF | This small lawn runs between the hotel toward the southwest and the
CF | squat building to the east. It is trim and spartan, with no
CF | ornamentation aside from the tall hedges forming its boundary. They
CF | also block the breeze coming in off the sea, so the air here is warm
CF | and still.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading east.
CF |
CF | The agent stands next to the doors.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on agent"
CF ] Lawn 52/1089
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the agent, who now vaguely intends to
CF | explore.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put seriously on agent"
CF ] Lawn 52/1090
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the seriously manner to the agent, but it doesn't have much
CF | effect.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put recklessly on agent"
CF ] Lawn 52/1091
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the recklessly manner to the agent, taking the seriously manner
CF | in exchange.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x agent"
CF ] Lawn 52/1092
CF | >
CF |
CF | A human in a sharp black suit.
CF |
CF | The agent has a vague intent to recklessly
CF | .
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Lawn 52/1093
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Lawn 52/1094
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take all"
CF ] Lawn 52/1095
CF | >
CF |
CF | recklessly manner: I extract the recklessly manner from the agent.
CF | explore intent: I extract the explore intent from the agent.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Lawn 52/1095
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the explore intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the open intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the warm intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the greedily manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the aggressively manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | three secret codebooks
CF | two top secret codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu??
CF | a bell
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF | a wiretap
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put defend on agent"
CF ] Lawn 52/1096
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the defend intent to the agent, who now intends to defend the
CF | political conference.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put recklessly on agent"
CF ] Lawn 52/1097
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the recklessly manner to the agent, who now intends to
CF | recklessly defend the political conference.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Lawn 52/1098
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take all"
CF ] Lawn 52/1099
CF | >
CF |
CF | recklessly manner: I extract the recklessly manner from the agent.
CF | defend intent: I extract the defend intent from the agent.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put serve on agent"
CF ] Lawn 52/1100
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the serve intent to the agent, who now vaguely intends to
CF | serve.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put clean up on agent"
CF ] Lawn 52/1101
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the clean up intent to the agent, taking the serve intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to clean up.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "It sounds like hail is hitting my window."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take clean"
CF ] Lawn 52/1102
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the clean up intent from the agent.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hopefully not too big grains."
DavidW says, "It suddenly stopped."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Lawn 52/1102
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go southwest and east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "sw"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1103
CF | >
CF | > SW
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1104
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x puddle"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1105
CF | >
CF |
CF | The ice sculpture has melted into a large and mystically ineffective
CF | puddle.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take puddle"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1105
CF | >
CF |
CF | As a demon, I can only manipulate spiritual objects, not physical
CF | ones.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x bellhop"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1106
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's wearing a red uniform with one of those ridiculous hats.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x hat"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1106
CF | >
CF | > X HAT
CF |
CF | I don't see any hat here.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Maybe check out Kingfisher's office again?"
DavidW says, "sorry, I'm really unsure what to try. But sure."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1107
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Chapel 52/1108
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Chapel
CF | The interior of the chapel is exactly what you'd expect: A
CF | ???????????????????????????????????????????????? in front of a
CF | ???????????????????????????????????? without the
CF | ???????????????????????? and
CF | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. The whole
CF | place ?????????????????????????????????, but that's hardly
CF | surprising, given ??????????????????????????????????????????. It's a
CF | ???????????????????????? place, for obvious
CF | reasons, and the ?????????????????????????????????????????? doesn't
CF | make it any less ??????????????? or
CF | ??????????????????????????? to those of my kind, the
CF | ??????????????????????????? notwithstanding. Even
CF | though humans would undoubtedly love to know that
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????,
CF | it's simply ???????????????????????????????????? and
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????, which neatly explains the
CF | meaning of life. An unobtrusive stairway at the back of the room leads
CF | upward, and the much more inviting exit from the chapel is to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | A hatrack stands to one side of the doors.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1109
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Sacristy
CF | Against my better judgment, I'm in Kingfisher's inner sanctum. It's
CF | more mundane than I would have expected; it could have easily passed
CF | for the office of a mid-level human bureaucrat, except for the glowing
CF | telex on his desk (and, of course, for the state secrets of the
CF | universe that are undoubtedly kept securely locked away in its
CF | drawers). I would have expected the walls to be filled with propaganda
CF | posters and his bookshelves with plundered artifacts, but the room is
CF | neat and spartan and grey. The sole color comes from a stained-glass
CF | window that throws blotchy, irregular patterns onto the floor. A
CF | stairway leads back down into the main chapel.
CF |
CF | I can see Kingfisher here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x drawers"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1110
CF | >
CF |
CF | There's nothing useful in the desk. That bit about "state secrets" was
CF | just a joke. If Kingfisher's desk is anything like mine, it's full of
CF | centuries-old memoranda, spare pencils and decoy white papers to
CF | entrap the gullible. We don't keep actual state secrets out in the
CF | open; we keep them some place safe, like in a safe.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "I have no ideas either. Uh, can I drive for a bit I guess?"
DavidW says, "sure"
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "x kingfisher"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1111
CF | >
CF |
CF | Kingfisher is a dangerous, stupid, smug idiot, and he looks exactly
CF | like you'd expect him to look.
CF |
CF | My editor has informed me that that isn't a useful description, so let
CF | me try to elaborate in terms humans are familiar with. Like me, he's
CF | not a physical entity, but the manner in which he's composed his
CF | metaphysical substance is analogous to wearing an impossibly expensive
CF | suit in order to impress or intimidate onlookers. His aristocratic,
CF | condescending demeanor combines the oiliness of an elected politician
CF | with the thoughtless obstinacy of an appointed commissar. He speaks
CF | at people rather than to them, and certainly not
CF | with them. He considers me to a spectator in some elaborate
CF | performance he's starring in, and he expects me to play the role of a
CF | grateful audience who's dazzled by him.
CF |
CF | Beneath that veneer of vague professional courtesy is a stupid,
CF | bumbling hitman who has no ideas beyond unfocused violence. He's a
CF | dangerous, incompetent, vicious lunatic who thinks that a superficial
CF | layer of charm makes him clever and deep. My only explanation for why
CF | he's been allowed on a mission in the mortal realm is that his
CF | superiors hate having him around as much as I do.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "insult kingfisher"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1111
CF | >
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "attack kingfisher"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1112
CF | >
CF |
CF | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "ask kingfisher about"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1112
CF | >
CF |
CF | I didn't understand that sentence.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "x telex"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1113
CF | >
CF |
CF | Obviously it's not literally a telex; that's just the closest human
CF | equivalent. It's a device for handling classified communication
CF | between the Other Place and the human realm. Describing the exact
CF | mechanisms involved would make your head hurt, both from their
CF | complexity and the fact that the penalty for receiving unauthorized
CF | classified information involves sticking your head in a vise. Let's
CF | just say that it's a fax machine made of magic.
CF |
CF | The telex is closed.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1113
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the explore intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the open intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the warm intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the greedily manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the aggressively manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | three secret codebooks
CF | two top secret codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu??
CF | a bell
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF | a wiretap
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "show candle to kingfisher"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1114
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's a violation of my organization's charter, as well as several
CF | important treaties, to offer any assistance to Kingfisher.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "yeah, definitely hail. Tiny little ice rocks, though."
MoyTW asks, "Oh, that sucks. You get hail on the regular?"
DavidW says, "no"
MoyTW says, "f throw candle at kingfisher"
DavidW says, "We get a mix of everything."
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "throw candle at kingfisher"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1115
CF | >
CF |
CF | There are better ways of attacking Kingfisher. I should know; if
CF | there's one thing Hell's good at, it's retributive violence. It's
CF | practically in our charter.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "ring bell at kingfisher"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1115
CF | >
CF |
CF | I only understood you as far as wanting to ring the bell.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "maybe light the hatrack on fire."
Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "light kingfisher on fire"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1115
CF | >
CF |
CF | I only understood you as far as wanting to light Kingfisher.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "light kingfisher"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1116
CF | >
CF |
CF | Aside from the geopolitical risks that brawling with Kingfisher would
CF | invite, trying to attack him with my rudimentary fire-starting
CF | abilities would be like trying to burn down a mountain with a match.
CF | If he's on a mission from the Other Side, he's undoubtedly heavily
CF | armed.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "You know...that's an idea."
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Chapel 52/1117
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF |
CF | Chapel
CF | The interior of the chapel is exactly what you'd expect: A
CF | ???????????????????????????????????????????????? in front of a
CF | ???????????????????????????????????? without the
CF | ???????????????????????? and
CF | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. The whole
CF | place ?????????????????????????????????, but that's hardly
CF | surprising, given ??????????????????????????????????????????. It's a
CF | ???????????????????????? place, for obvious
CF | reasons, and the ?????????????????????????????????????????? doesn't
CF | make it any less ??????????????? or
CF | ??????????????????????????? to those of my kind, the
CF | ??????????????????????????? notwithstanding. Even
CF | though humans would undoubtedly love to know that
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????,
CF | it's simply ???????????????????????????????????? and
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????, which neatly explains the
CF | meaning of life. An unobtrusive stairway at the back of the room leads
CF | upward, and the much more inviting exit from the chapel is to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | A hatrack stands to one side of the doors.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "light hatrack"
CF ] Chapel 52/1118
CF | >
CF |
CF | I toss a couple of smoky flames at the hatrack, to little effect.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Hmm. Okay. So there's a "better way" to attack kingfisher, possibly?"
MoyTW says, "(Hopefully that wasn't just flavor)"
Knight_Otu says, "Why is the hatrack spiritual, if not to take it or otherwise interact with it..."
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "attack hatrack"
CF ] Chapel 52/1119
CF | >
CF |
CF | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I think someone will put a hat on it."
DavidW says, "We just haven't seen the hat yet."
Knight_Otu says, "One would think so."
MoyTW says, "Nobody seems to have a hat, much less a spiritual one though..."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x stairs"
CF ] Chapel 52/1120
CF | >
CF |
CF | I see nothing unexpected in that direction.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put wiretap on hatrack"
CF ] Chapel 52/1121
CF | >
CF |
CF | The hatrack is the wrong shape for that.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "put candle on hatrack"
CF ] Chapel 52/1122
CF | >
CF |
CF | The hatrack is the wrong shape for that.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "put detector on hatrack"
CF ] Chapel 52/1123
CF | >
CF |
CF | The hatrack is the wrong shape for that.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "burn hatrack"
CF ] Chapel 52/1124
CF | >
CF |
CF | I toss a couple of spiteful flames at the hatrack, to little effect.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF ] Chapel 52/1125
CF | >
CF | > G
CF |
CF | I toss a couple of smoky flames at the hatrack, to little effect.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF ] Chapel 52/1126
CF | >
CF | > G
CF |
CF | I toss a couple of sputtering flames at the hatrack, to little effect.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "light candle"
CF ] Chapel 52/1127
CF | >
CF |
CF | I hesitate before lighting the candle. The ritual and ensuing
CF | conversation would go completely unnoticed by humans, but I want to
CF | keep far away from Kingfisher during them. I'd better find a more
CF | private location.
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "burn hatrack with candle"
CF ] Chapel 52/1127
CF | >
CF |
CF | I only understood you as far as wanting to burn the hatrack.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "To be fair burning a hatrack with a candle wouldn't be, like, trivial."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x pews"
CF ] Chapel 52/1127
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any pews here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x communique"
CF ] Chapel 52/1128
CF | >
CF |
CF | Confirmed neutralization of Krait. There is no significant opposition
CF | remaining in the target area. The action has been authorized. Assist
CF | the delegations and ensure that the conference concludes successfully
CF | as quickly as possible. Cardinal is standing by. We will act
CF | immediately on the broadcast.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1129
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Sacristy
CF | Against my better judgment, I'm in Kingfisher's inner sanctum. It's
CF | more mundane than I would have expected; it could have easily passed
CF | for the office of a mid-level human bureaucrat, except for the glowing
CF | telex on his desk (and, of course, for the state secrets of the
CF | universe that are undoubtedly kept securely locked away in its
CF | drawers). I would have expected the walls to be filled with propaganda
CF | posters and his bookshelves with plundered artifacts, but the room is
CF | neat and spartan and grey. The sole color comes from a stained-glass
CF | window that throws blotchy, irregular patterns onto the floor. A
CF | stairway leads back down into the main chapel.
CF |
CF | I can see Kingfisher here.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Let's re-check Krait's office?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ask kingfisher about cardinal"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1130
CF | >
CF |
CF | I'd rather boil my eyeballs than engage in unnecessary conversation
CF | with that idiot.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Chapel 52/1131
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF |
CF | Chapel
CF | The interior of the chapel is exactly what you'd expect: A
CF | ???????????????????????????????????????????????? in front of a
CF | ???????????????????????????????????? without the
CF | ???????????????????????? and
CF | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. The whole
CF | place ?????????????????????????????????, but that's hardly
CF | surprising, given ??????????????????????????????????????????. It's a
CF | ???????????????????????? place, for obvious
CF | reasons, and the ?????????????????????????????????????????? doesn't
CF | make it any less ??????????????? or
CF | ??????????????????????????? to those of my kind, the
CF | ??????????????????????????? notwithstanding. Even
CF | though humans would undoubtedly love to know that
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????,
CF | it's simply ???????????????????????????????????? and
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????, which neatly explains the
CF | meaning of life. An unobtrusive stairway at the back of the room leads
CF | upward, and the much more inviting exit from the chapel is to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | A hatrack stands to one side of the doors.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1132
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1133
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Lounge 52/1134
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "yeah, maybe there's a button under the bed or something."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1135
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF | I make my way to my predecessor's room, ignoring the frivolous rooms
CF | of the human guests.
CF |
CF | Hotel Room
CF | My predecessor, Krait, used this hotel room as a temporary base of
CF | operations for his role as chief of station. Of course, he had no use
CF | for its amenities. Thus the bed and dining table were both employed,
CF | judging from the papers scattered across them, as makeshift desks. A
CF | smaller but bona fide desk sits in the corner, with an artless
CF | landscape in watercolors hanging above it. The liquor cabinet lurks
CF | untouched in the corner, and the ashtray on top of it is completely
CF | empty. The stark white carpet here is plush and spotless.
CF |
CF | The only exit from the room is to the south.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "spin detector"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1136
CF | >
CF |
CF | The detector is silent. There must not be any unattained codebooks
CF | nearby.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look under bed"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1137
CF | >
CF |
CF | I find nothing of interest.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x bed"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1138
CF | >
CF | > X BED
CF |
CF | It must be frustrating for mortals to spend a third of their limited
CF | life span unconscious.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search bed"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1139
CF | >
CF |
CF | It must be frustrating for mortals to spend a third of their limited
CF | life span unconscious.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x desk"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1140
CF | >
CF |
CF | An ordinary hotel desk with a dark veneer.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search desk"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1141
CF | >
CF |
CF | An ordinary hotel desk with a dark veneer.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x veneer"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1141
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any veneer here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1141
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Hotel Room
CF | My predecessor, Krait, used this hotel room as a temporary base of
CF | operations for his role as chief of station. Of course, he had no use
CF | for its amenities. Thus the bed and dining table were both employed,
CF | judging from the papers scattered across them, as makeshift desks. A
CF | smaller but bona fide desk sits in the corner, with an artless
CF | landscape in watercolors hanging above it. The liquor cabinet lurks
CF | untouched in the corner, and the ashtray on top of it is completely
CF | empty. The stark white carpet here is plush and spotless.
CF |
CF | The only exit from the room is to the south.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x table"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1142
CF | >
CF |
CF | The dining table is overflowing with papers.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x papers"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1143
CF | >
CF |
CF | I've made a desultory search through the papers, but anything of
CF | actual importance would have been removed by my opposite number
CF | already. Indeed, the papers are just scribbled notes from otiose
CF | bureaucratic meetings, drafts of meaningless verbiage for status
CF | reports, and other bits of minutiae.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search papers"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1144
CF | >
CF |
CF | I've made a desultory search through the papers, but anything of
CF | actual importance would have been removed by my opposite number
CF | already. Indeed, the papers are just scribbled notes from otiose
CF | bureaucratic meetings, drafts of meaningless verbiage for status
CF | reports, and other bits of minutiae.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search table"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1145
CF | >
CF |
CF | The dining table is overflowing with papers.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "liquor cabinet?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x cabinet"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1146
CF | >
CF |
CF | The cabinet's contents are untouched. The small niceties of human
CF | existence are beneath the notice of my kind.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open cabinet"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1146
CF | >
CF |
CF | I'm a purely spiritual being, and thus I can't manipulate objects in
CF | the physical realm.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search cabinet"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1147
CF | >
CF |
CF | The cabinet's contents are untouched. The small niceties of human
CF | existence are beneath the notice of my kind.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x carpet"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1147
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see the plush red carpet here. It was at Hotel Reception.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x wall"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1147
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any wall here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x door"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1147
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see the double doors here. They were at Lawn.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1147
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Hotel Room
CF | My predecessor, Krait, used this hotel room as a temporary base of
CF | operations for his role as chief of station. Of course, he had no use
CF | for its amenities. Thus the bed and dining table were both employed,
CF | judging from the papers scattered across them, as makeshift desks. A
CF | smaller but bona fide desk sits in the corner, with an artless
CF | landscape in watercolors hanging above it. The liquor cabinet lurks
CF | untouched in the corner, and the ashtray on top of it is completely
CF | empty. The stark white carpet here is plush and spotless.
CF |
CF | The only exit from the room is to the south.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x landscape"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1148
CF | >
CF |
CF | As far as its artistic merit goes, it is a creative work executed by a
CF | human and thus technically qualifies as art.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search landscape"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1149
CF | >
CF |
CF | As far as its artistic merit goes, it is a creative work executed by a
CF | human and thus technically qualifies as art.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "move it"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1149
CF | >
CF |
CF | As a demon, I can only manipulate spiritual objects, not physical
CF | ones.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x desk"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1150
CF | >
CF |
CF | An ordinary hotel desk with a dark veneer.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "burn it"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1151
CF | >
CF |
CF | Unfortunately, my fire-starting abilities only apply to spiritual
CF | objects.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x ashtray"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1152
CF | >
CF |
CF | Unsurprisingly, the ashtray is clean and empty.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Welp I'm throwing up my hands here."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1152
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Hotel Room
CF | My predecessor, Krait, used this hotel room as a temporary base of
CF | operations for his role as chief of station. Of course, he had no use
CF | for its amenities. Thus the bed and dining table were both employed,
CF | judging from the papers scattered across them, as makeshift desks. A
CF | smaller but bona fide desk sits in the corner, with an artless
CF | landscape in watercolors hanging above it. The liquor cabinet lurks
CF | untouched in the corner, and the ashtray on top of it is completely
CF | empty. The stark white carpet here is plush and spotless.
CF |
CF | The only exit from the room is to the south.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Lounge 52/1153
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF | I make my way back down to the lounge, past rows of uninteresting
CF | guest rooms.
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x tourist"
CF ] Lounge 52/1154
CF | >
CF |
CF | The tourist watches the auction keenly, its fingers twitching.
CF |
CF | The tourist is holding a golden chest.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Auction House 52/1155
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Auction House
CF | Humans crowd this room, sitting nervously on folding chairs and
CF | clutching lorgnettes. They face a dais piled with paintings,
CF | furniture, and small sculptures, continually fed by humans in black
CF | uniforms carrying in works of art from a smaller room to the north.
CF | The rest of the room is starkly utilitarian, with bare walls and
CF | overly bright lights. A passage to the east leads back into the rest
CF | of the hotel.
CF |
CF | I can see the auctioneer here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x auctioneer"
CF ] Auction House 52/1156
CF | >
CF |
CF | Grey-haired but with a voice like a megaphone.
CF |
CF | The auctioneer is holding a bracelet.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x bracelet"
CF ] Auction House 52/1157
CF | >
CF |
CF | Red gems on a silver band.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Lounge 52/1158
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1159
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Restaurant 52/1160
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Restaurant
CF | The hotel's restaurant is a tediously chic affair, full of spindly
CF | tables and blobby oil paintings. In addition to the artfully placed
CF | mirrors, the emptiness of the hall also makes it seem cavernous; there
CF | are few patrons this evening. Nevertheless, there are fresh hydrangeas
CF | in the delicate glass epergnes at the precise center of each table,
CF | and the electric lights have been dimmed in favor of the soft evening
CF | light coming from the open doors to the north. Another swinging door
CF | lies to the east.
CF |
CF | I can see the server and the diner here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x server"
CF ] Restaurant 52/1161
CF | >
CF |
CF | Impeccably dressed in the manner of one who's used to its tips
CF | depending on it.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x diner"
CF ] Restaurant 52/1162
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's wearing a light jacket and sitting by itself at a table.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Kitchen 52/1163
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | Even at this hour, the kitchen is a frenzy of activity. At rows of
CF | steel tables, cooks go through whatever laborious tasks are necessary
CF | to make food for humans. I'm not sure exactly what they are, but they
CF | apparently involve a lot of fire and yelling. The cramped room is
CF | filled with smoke and the aromas of spices. A swinging door leads west
CF | into the restaurant, and a heavy steel door is to the south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Walk-In Freezer 52/1164
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Walk-In Freezer
CF | This small room is cluttered with tins, crates, and boxes of human
CF | foodstuffs. The air is cold and dry, and the shelves along the walls
CF | are covered in a faint rime of frost. The only exit is a heavy steel
CF | door to the north.
CF |
CF | Two cartons of ice cream, one old and one new, sit next to the door.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Kitchen 52/1165
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | Even at this hour, the kitchen is a frenzy of activity. At rows of
CF | steel tables, cooks go through whatever laborious tasks are necessary
CF | to make food for humans. I'm not sure exactly what they are, but they
CF | apparently involve a lot of fire and yelling. The cramped room is
CF | filled with smoke and the aromas of spices. A swinging door leads west
CF | into the restaurant, and a heavy steel door is to the south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Restaurant 52/1166
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Restaurant
CF | The hotel's restaurant is a tediously chic affair, full of spindly
CF | tables and blobby oil paintings. In addition to the artfully placed
CF | mirrors, the emptiness of the hall also makes it seem cavernous; there
CF | are few patrons this evening. Nevertheless, there are fresh hydrangeas
CF | in the delicate glass epergnes at the precise center of each table,
CF | and the electric lights have been dimmed in favor of the soft evening
CF | light coming from the open doors to the north. Another swinging door
CF | lies to the east.
CF |
CF | I can see the server and the diner here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1167
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1168
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Chapel 52/1169
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Chapel
CF | The interior of the chapel is exactly what you'd expect: A
CF | ???????????????????????????????????????????????? in front of a
CF | ???????????????????????????????????? without the
CF | ???????????????????????? and
CF | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. The whole
CF | place ?????????????????????????????????, but that's hardly
CF | surprising, given ??????????????????????????????????????????. It's a
CF | ???????????????????????? place, for obvious
CF | reasons, and the ?????????????????????????????????????????? doesn't
CF | make it any less ??????????????? or
CF | ??????????????????????????? to those of my kind, the
CF | ??????????????????????????? notwithstanding. Even
CF | though humans would undoubtedly love to know that
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????,
CF | it's simply ???????????????????????????????????? and
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????, which neatly explains the
CF | meaning of life. An unobtrusive stairway at the back of the room leads
CF | upward, and the much more inviting exit from the chapel is to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | A hatrack stands to one side of the doors.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "The wind is scattering all our garbage bins."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "push hatrack west"
CF ] Chapel 52/1170
CF | >
CF |
CF | The hatrack cannot be pushed from place to place.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1171
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Sacristy
CF | Against my better judgment, I'm in Kingfisher's inner sanctum. It's
CF | more mundane than I would have expected; it could have easily passed
CF | for the office of a mid-level human bureaucrat, except for the glowing
CF | telex on his desk (and, of course, for the state secrets of the
CF | universe that are undoubtedly kept securely locked away in its
CF | drawers). I would have expected the walls to be filled with propaganda
CF | posters and his bookshelves with plundered artifacts, but the room is
CF | neat and spartan and grey. The sole color comes from a stained-glass
CF | window that throws blotchy, irregular patterns onto the floor. A
CF | stairway leads back down into the main chapel.
CF |
CF | I can see Kingfisher here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get telex"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1172
CF | >
CF |
CF | "Hands off, demon!"
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "burn telex"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1173
CF | >
CF |
CF | I toss a couple of spiteful flames at the telex, to little effect.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ignore kingfisher"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1173
CF | >
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ring bell"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1174
CF | >
CF |
CF | I ring the bell, producing an uncanny tone.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "read almanach"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1175
CF | >
CF |
CF | I skip to a random entry in the almanach and read it aloud. Going
CF | through the minor biographical details of a junior undersecretary who
CF | left the organization three millennia before I joined is tedious, but
CF | it should be sufficient for the ritual.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "light candle"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1176
CF | >
CF |
CF | I hesitate before lighting the candle. The ritual and ensuing
CF | conversation would go completely unnoticed by humans, but I want to
CF | keep far away from Kingfisher during them. I'd better find a more
CF | private location.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Of course not."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "light communique"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1177
CF | >
CF |
CF | I toss a couple of smoky flames at the intercepted communiqu??, to
CF | little effect.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x kingfisher"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1178
CF | >
CF |
CF | Kingfisher is a dangerous, stupid, smug idiot, and he looks exactly
CF | like you'd expect him to look.
CF |
CF | My editor has informed me that that isn't a useful description, so let
CF | me try to elaborate in terms humans are familiar with. Like me, he's
CF | not a physical entity, but the manner in which he's composed his
CF | metaphysical substance is analogous to wearing an impossibly expensive
CF | suit in order to impress or intimidate onlookers. His aristocratic,
CF | condescending demeanor combines the oiliness of an elected politician
CF | with the thoughtless obstinacy of an appointed commissar. He speaks
CF | at people rather than to them, and certainly not
CF | with them. He considers me to a spectator in some elaborate
CF | performance he's starring in, and he expects me to play the role of a
CF | grateful audience who's dazzled by him.
CF |
CF | Beneath that veneer of vague professional courtesy is a stupid,
CF | bumbling hitman who has no ideas beyond unfocused violence. He's a
CF | dangerous, incompetent, vicious lunatic who thinks that a superficial
CF | layer of charm makes him clever and deep. My only explanation for why
CF | he's been allowed on a mission in the mortal realm is that his
CF | superiors hate having him around as much as I do.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x patterns"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1179
CF | >
CF |
CF | Even in the feeble light of the sunset, the stained glass window
CF | creates splotches of iridiscent light on the office floor.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "focus patterns"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1179
CF | >
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "burn patterns"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "light kingfisher"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1180
CF | >
CF |
CF | Unfortunately, my fire-starting abilities only apply to spiritual
CF | objects.
CF |
CF | >
CF ] Sacristy 52/1181
CF | >
CF |
CF | Aside from the geopolitical risks that brawling with Kingfisher would
CF | invite, trying to attack him with my rudimentary fire-starting
CF | abilities would be like trying to burn down a mountain with a match.
CF | If he's on a mission from the Other Side, he's undoubtedly heavily
CF | armed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "light papers"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1181
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see newspaper here. It was at Lounge.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "push kingfisher"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1182
CF | >
CF |
CF | Kingfisher might not like that.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Chapel 52/1183
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF |
CF | Chapel
CF | The interior of the chapel is exactly what you'd expect: A
CF | ???????????????????????????????????????????????? in front of a
CF | ???????????????????????????????????? without the
CF | ???????????????????????? and
CF | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. The whole
CF | place ?????????????????????????????????, but that's hardly
CF | surprising, given ??????????????????????????????????????????. It's a
CF | ???????????????????????? place, for obvious
CF | reasons, and the ?????????????????????????????????????????? doesn't
CF | make it any less ??????????????? or
CF | ??????????????????????????? to those of my kind, the
CF | ??????????????????????????? notwithstanding. Even
CF | though humans would undoubtedly love to know that
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????,
CF | it's simply ???????????????????????????????????? and
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????, which neatly explains the
CF | meaning of life. An unobtrusive stairway at the back of the room leads
CF | upward, and the much more inviting exit from the chapel is to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | A hatrack stands to one side of the doors.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1184
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I think, maybe, some distraction that will force Kingfisher to investigate."
Knight_Otu asks, "Yeah, but if destroying the ice swan wasn't distracting, what is?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x placard"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1184
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see the white placards here. It was at Conference Room.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1185
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x guest"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1186
CF | >
CF |
CF | Wearing shorts and a gaudy-print t-shirt.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Reception 52/1187
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Reception
CF | I'm at the hotel's reception, a small entryway with a gleaming marble
CF | floor and lamps made of dark green glass. The reception desk itself is
CF | a massive thing of oak, with a plush red carpet in front of it and a
CF | few potted chrysanthemums on top of it making it more inviting. A safe
CF | has been set into the wall behind it. A ceiling fan slowly spins above
CF | a passage farther into the hotel to the east. The exit from the hotel,
CF | flanked by ferns in massive clay pots, lies to the west.
CF |
CF | The hotel clerk stands behind the desk.
CF |
CF | The wealthy dowager is sitting in a plush leather chair.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x dowager"
CF ] Hotel Reception 52/1188
CF | >
CF |
CF | An elderly human, dressed in the conspicuous finery of one who has
CF | more money than taste.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x clerk"
CF ] Hotel Reception 52/1189
CF | >
CF |
CF | A harried-looking human, dressed neatly in hotel livery.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Colonnade 52/1190
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Colonnade
CF | This cobblestone trail runs from the casino to the hotel on the
CF | complex. Box trees flank the path, interspersed with a variety of
CF | colorful ornamental plants I don't recognize. The hotel it leads from
CF | is a sprawling villa of orange bricks with towers sprouting around its
CF | perimeter. A stone archway leads east into the hotel, and the trail
CF | winds to the west.
CF |
CF | A shiny silver mirror hangs over the archway leading east.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Terrace 52/1191
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Ballroom 52/1192
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | The musicians look through their sheet music.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Casino Floor 52/1193
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The guard is being distracted by the flashing games.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Poker Tables 52/1194
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Poker Tables
CF | If the rest of the casino is a place of leisure, this lair is a place
CF | of business. Shark-faced humans in formal attire loom over tables
CF | playing some incomprehensible card game, accepting both wins and
CF | losses with aloof detachment. Aside from a desultory appreciative or
CF | sympathetic murmur from onlookers following a particularly involved
CF | hand, the room has the quiet intensity of an art museum. Whorls of
CF | cigarette smoke drift across the glaring lights overhead.
CF |
CF | The main area of the of the casino lies to the east.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | The card sharp is watching the other gamblers.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x sharp"
CF ] Poker Tables 52/1195
CF | >
CF |
CF | A wily human wearing a green visor and a charcoal suit. It looks like
CF | it's been here for quite a while, and it watches the other gamblers
CF | with a predatory manner.
CF |
CF | The card sharp has an intent to
CF | poker for high stakes.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | The card sharp looks around the room predatorily.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get play"
CF ] Poker Tables 52/1196
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the play intent from the card sharp.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x gambler"
CF ] Poker Tables 52/1197
CF | >
CF |
CF | The gambler is disheveled and distraught at its change in fortunes.
CF |
CF | The gambler has an intent to
CF | in the poker game.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "Check the entrance. Is the bouncer back?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get fold"
CF ] Poker Tables 52/1198
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the fold intent from the gambler.
CF |
CF | The gambler looks longingly at a poker table but remains off to the
CF | side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Casino Floor 52/1199
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The guard is being distracted by the flashing games.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Casino Entrance 52/1200
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Entrance
CF | The casino complex looming before me is a converted seaside chateau.
CF | Only the most discreet glimpses of opulence are visible through the
CF | windows: checkerboard marble floors, liveried valets roaming the
CF | hallways, tiny but undoubtedly very expensive objets d'art sitting on
CF | oversized tables, and so on. As a warm breeze from the beach ruffles
CF | the palm trees, humans in formalwear stride through the grounds,
CF | staring longingly at the casino's beckoning entrance to the north.
CF |
CF | A suspiciously large quantity of salt is no longer blocking the
CF | doorway.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "No."
DavidW says, "drat."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Casino Floor 52/1201
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Casino Floor
CF | The center floor is a pandemonium of human activity. Machines flash a
CF | garish array of lights to beckon them closer, competing with barkers
CF | calling out the inscrutable results of their games. Crowds fed from
CF | the main entrance to the south swarm over the floor, peeling off to
CF | join games or just to socialize in the cacophony. A less crowded area
CF | of the floor lies to the west, and a hallway leads east.
CF |
CF | At the north end of the room, kept apart from the gaming tables, is an
CF | imposing door.
CF |
CF | The guard is being distracted by the flashing games.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x guard"
CF ] Casino Floor 52/1202
CF | >
CF |
CF | A somberly dressed human posted to guard the door. Despite its job,
CF | it's become distracted by the enticing game and wandered away from its
CF | task.
CF |
CF | The guard loafs idly.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "It would be nice to get that ENTER back."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Ballroom 52/1203
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | The musicians look through their sheet music.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x musician"
CF ] Ballroom 52/1204
CF | >
CF |
CF | A string quartet is stationed in the upper reaches of the hall to
CF | entertain the humans dancing below.
CF |
CF | The musicians take the opportunity to drink some water.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Bar 52/1205
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Bar
CF | The casino's bar is a lively retreat for the dancers in the ballroom,
CF | with a steady stream of patrons drifting in and out. The bar itself is
CF | a giant mahogany beast with a bewildering array of decanters, bottles,
CF | and vials set against the mirror behind it. Floor-length windows fill
CF | the room with orange light.
CF |
CF | The ballroom is south of here.
CF |
CF | The bartender stands behind the bar.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x bartender"
CF ] Bar 52/1206
CF | >
CF |
CF | A human who's dressed tidily but unobtrusively to look respectable and
CF | approachable.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x bar"
CF ] Bar 52/1207
CF | >
CF | > X BAR
CF |
CF | Presumably it's intended to make the room feel larger. Humans have a
CF | thing for illusions.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Ballroom 52/1208
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Ballroom
CF | This ballroom is a cavernous hall in which well-dressed humans are
CF | attacking the serious business of entertainment, conducting intrigues
CF | and little negotiations as they stomp across the parquet floor. A
CF | string quartet perched on a loggia running around the hall is tuning
CF | up as the crowd below them mingles. A breeze from the nearby sea
CF | occasionally rustles the curtains around the French doors leading
CF | outside to the east, but the room is still stuffy in the summer heat.
CF | The hall continues to the north, and the casino floor lies to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | The musicians look through their sheet music.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Terrace 52/1209
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Hedge Maze 52/1210
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Hedge Maze
CF | The tall hedges filling this part of the grounds have been
CF | meticulously cut into a network of crisscrossing channels. Presumably
CF | the effect is disorienting to humans, but I have no trouble making out
CF | the open area to the north, nestled in the center of the maze. The
CF | gravel pathways snake around it, warm in the heavy evening air.
CF |
CF | The rest of the casino grounds lie to the south.
CF |
CF | The magpie is sitting in a nest made of holly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x magpie"
CF ] Hedge Maze 52/1211
CF | >
CF |
CF | Magpies are not quite up to the level of ravens, but they're still
CF | solidly respectable corvids. They're not as evil as ravens, sadly, but
CF | they're actually a bit more acquisitive and mischievous.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Peristyle 52/1212
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Peristyle
CF | This small garden lies at the center of the hedge maze. Moss grows
CF | optimistically through cracks in the mosaic floor, and vines wrap
CF | around the columns ringing the open area. A fountain in the center,
CF | flowing but full of vegetation and other flotsam, breaks the summer
CF | humidity. A torturous path to the south heads back into the maze.
CF |
CF | The kid shuffles around nearby.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x kid"
CF ] Peristyle 52/1213
CF | >
CF | > X KID
CF |
CF | One of those young humans there seem to keep being more of. I wouldn't
CF | normally expect to see one in a place like this, but perhaps away from
CF | the actual gambling humans deem it appropriate.
CF |
CF | The kid is holding a sword cane.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hedge Maze 52/1214
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hedge Maze
CF | The tall hedges filling this part of the grounds have been
CF | meticulously cut into a network of crisscrossing channels. Presumably
CF | the effect is disorienting to humans, but I have no trouble making out
CF | the open area to the north, nestled in the center of the maze. The
CF | gravel pathways snake around it, warm in the heavy evening air.
CF |
CF | The rest of the casino grounds lie to the south.
CF |
CF | The magpie is sitting in a nest made of holly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Terrace 52/1215
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Terrace
CF | This small area at the edge of the casino empties out onto a large,
CF | well-kept lawn. Decorative urns and uninspired statuary flank the
CF | casino entrance to the west, but the lawn is empty except for a few
CF | stands of bay trees. After the incessant commotion of the casino, it's
CF | remarkable in its unremarkableness. There's probably some sort of
CF | metaphor for humanity there; I just think it looks pretty.
CF |
CF | The cobblestones of the terrace continue in a sinuous path to the
CF | east. To the north, at the far end of the lawn, is a cluster of
CF | hedges.
CF |
CF | A marble bench sits near the edge of the lawn.
CF |
CF | The waiter loafs in the corner.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Colonnade 52/1216
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Colonnade
CF | This cobblestone trail runs from the casino to the hotel on the
CF | complex. Box trees flank the path, interspersed with a variety of
CF | colorful ornamental plants I don't recognize. The hotel it leads to is
CF | a sprawling villa of orange bricks with towers sprouting around its
CF | perimeter. A stone archway leads east into the hotel, and the trail
CF | winds to the west.
CF |
CF | A shiny silver mirror hangs over the archway leading east.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Hotel Reception 52/1217
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Hotel Reception
CF | I'm at the hotel's reception, a small entryway with a gleaming marble
CF | floor and lamps made of dark green glass. The reception desk itself is
CF | a massive thing of oak, with a plush red carpet in front of it and a
CF | few potted chrysanthemums on top of it making it more inviting. A safe
CF | has been set into the wall behind it. A ceiling fan slowly spins above
CF | a passage farther into the hotel to the east. The exit from the hotel,
CF | flanked by ferns in massive clay pots, lies to the west.
CF |
CF | The hotel clerk stands behind the desk.
CF |
CF | The wealthy dowager is sitting in a plush leather chair.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1218
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Lounge 52/1219
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x newspaper"
CF ] Lounge 52/1220
CF | >
CF |
CF | The main article in the newspaper is a blurb about a summit between
CF | the two earthly Great Powers. It's a substantial write-up, but I
CF | wouldn't trust anything published at the unclassified level. The rest
CF | of it deals with minutiae of human politics that are beneath my
CF | interest.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x chair"
CF ] Lounge 52/1221
CF | >
CF |
CF | Much like the hotel's guests, the chairs are soft, plush, and designed
CF | for idleness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Library 52/1222
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Library
CF | Bookshelves line the walls of this small, wood-paneled room, mixing
CF | the smell of paper with that of cigarette smoke. There are some
CF | high-backed chairs arranged in front of the shelves, clustered around
CF | tables topped with small but bright wrought-iron lamps. A passageway,
CF | above which sits an oil painting of a tropical seascape, leads south.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "This room is unused."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x lamps"
CF ] Library 52/1223
CF | >
CF |
CF | They're ponderous but effective.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "So far at least."
DavidW says, "We still have an unused READ intent."
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Lounge 52/1224
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on drunk"
CF ] Lounge 52/1225
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the drunk, who now intends to explore,
CF | for lack of something better to do.
CF |
CF | The drunk staggers about drunkenly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Lounge 52/1226
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The drunk stumbles off to the south.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Nope, doesn't go north."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1227
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The drunk stumbles off to the east.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1228
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | The drunk stumbles off to the northeast.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1229
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1230
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The drunk lurches in from the northeast.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get explore"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1231
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the explore intent from the drunk.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1232
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on guest"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1233
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the guest, who now vaguely intends to
CF | explore.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get explore"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1234
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the explore intent from the guest.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1234
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the explore intent
CF | the fold intent
CF | the play intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the open intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the warm intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the greedily manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the aggressively manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | three secret codebooks
CF | two top secret codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu??
CF | a bell
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF | a wiretap
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put clean on bellhop"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1235
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the clean up intent to the bellhop, who now vaguely intends to
CF | clean up.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1236
CF | >
CF |
CF | clean up intent: I extract the clean up intent from the bellhop.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Restaurant 52/1237
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Restaurant
CF | The hotel's restaurant is a tediously chic affair, full of spindly
CF | tables and blobby oil paintings. In addition to the artfully placed
CF | mirrors, the emptiness of the hall also makes it seem cavernous; there
CF | are few patrons this evening. Nevertheless, there are fresh hydrangeas
CF | in the delicate glass epergnes at the precise center of each table,
CF | and the electric lights have been dimmed in favor of the soft evening
CF | light coming from the open doors to the north. Another swinging door
CF | lies to the east.
CF |
CF | I can see the server and the diner here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on diner"
CF ] Restaurant 52/1238
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the diner, who now vaguely intends to
CF | explore.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Restaurant 52/1239
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on server"
CF ] Restaurant 52/1240
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the explore intent from the diner)
CF | I give the explore intent to the server, who now vaguely intends to
CF | explore.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Restaurant 52/1241
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Restaurant 52/1242
CF | >
CF |
CF | explore intent: I extract the explore intent from the server.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hrm."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1243
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1244
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF ] Lawn 52/1245
CF | >
CF | > NE
CF |
CF |
CF | Lawn
CF | This small lawn runs between the hotel toward the southwest and the
CF | squat building to the east. It is trim and spartan, with no
CF | ornamentation aside from the tall hedges forming its boundary. They
CF | also block the breeze coming in off the sea, so the air here is warm
CF | and still.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading east.
CF |
CF | The agent stands next to the doors.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1246
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The burglar stands off to one side of the room, looking around
CF | carefully.
CF |
CF | The reporter asks one of the dignitaries some pointed questions.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Conference Room 52/1247
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Conference Room
CF | Diplomats fill this crowded room, sitting impatiently at a gigantic
CF | ring-shaped table. In front of each human is a miniature flag and a
CF | white placard bearing its name and title. A map of the world,
CF | elaborately drawn but completely devoid of any cities or borders or
CF | other political features, covers the far wall. The only exit from the
CF | room is to the north.
CF |
CF | The diplomats are considering a trade deal.
CF |
CF | A bottle of champagne sits to one side in a bucket of ice.
CF |
CF | The short diplomat sniffs its champagne appreciatively.
CF |
CF | I can also see the tall diplomat and the medium diplomat here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x placards"
CF ] Conference Room 52/1248
CF | >
CF |
CF | If even the human diplomats need reminders of who their colleagues
CF | are, I certainly can't be bothered to remember them.
CF |
CF | The medium diplomat takes another sip of champagne.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x table"
CF ] Conference Room 52/1249
CF | >
CF |
CF | This variety of table is popular at humans' diplomatic missions, since
CF | its symmetry means that there isn't a definite head of the table; thus
CF | none of the participants feel slighted. I don't know why they haven't
CF | thought to use a spherical table, which would have the same diplomatic
CF | advantages but fit more humans around it.
CF |
CF | The tall diplomat takes another sip of champagne.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Sidewinder, we may be good at falling, but we're still rubbish at flying."
Knight_Otu says, "Also, things would just fall off from a sphere table unless it's big enough to exert its own gravity, which has its own problems."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1250
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The burglar stands off to one side of the room, looking around
CF | carefully.
CF |
CF | The reporter asks one of the dignitaries some pointed questions.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1251
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges aimlessly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Mechanical Room 52/1252
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Mechanical Room
CF | This stuffy closet is filled with a variety of stark metal equipment,
CF | undoubtedly very important and very dangerous to humans. A maze of
CF | wiring creeps over the walls, sinking into the further recess of the
CF | complex. There's an electrical hum throughout the room and a faint
CF | metallic smell in the dusty air. The single exit from the room leads
CF | north.
CF |
CF | A large steel cage blocks access to high-voltage equipment.
CF |
CF | The brute mutters something into its earpiece.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on brute"
CF ] Mechanical Room 52/1253
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the brute, who now intends to explore the
CF | area.
CF |
CF | The brute trundles off to the north.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1254
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | The brute trundles off to the west.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges aimlessly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1255
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The brute trundles off to the east.
CF |
CF | The burglar stands off to one side of the room, looking around
CF | carefully.
CF |
CF | The reporter makes some notes.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1256
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The reporter asks one of the dignitaries some pointed questions.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1257
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The reporter asks one of the dignitaries some pointed questions.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1258
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The reporter makes some notes.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1259
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The reporter eavesdrops on a nearby conversation.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1260
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The reporter makes some notes.
CF |
CF | The brute trundles in from the east.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get explore"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1261
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the explore intent from the brute.
CF |
CF | The reporter makes some notes.
CF |
CF | The brute mutters something into its earpiece.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hm hm hm."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1262
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges aimlessly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x windows"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1263
CF | >
CF |
CF | The windows are really just slits in the wall of the dome above.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges aimlessly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x dome"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1263
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any dome here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1263
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go north, south, east, and west.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Mail Room 52/1264
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Mail Room
CF | Judging from the pigeon-hole boxes filling the walls, I'm in the
CF | conference's mail room. The cubbyholes are mostly empty; I doubt
CF | anything important would be left out in the open anyway. For that, a
CF | metal storage locker stands in the corner, gleaming in the harsh
CF | fluorescent lights overhead. The only exit from the room is to the
CF | south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x cubbyholes"
CF ] Mail Room 52/1264
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any cubbyholes here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x boxes"
CF ] Mail Room 52/1264
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see the box trees here. They were by the colonnade.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1265
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges aimlessly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "cf18"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to write:
CF ] Rotunda 52/1265
CF | > SAVEOk.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1266
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The archway is sparking with spiritual energy that leaps through the
CF | stonework and zaps across the opening. I tentatively approach the
CF | portal and receive a shock so jarring that I'm shoved backwards.
CF | Trying to push through would be to a demon what covering yourself with
CF | aluminum foil and climbing a tree in a thunderstorm would be to a
CF | human.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges aimlessly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "light keypad"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1267
CF | >
CF |
CF | I toss a couple of sputtering flames at the keypad, to little effect.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges aimlessly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1268
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The brute mutters something into its earpiece.
CF |
CF | The burglar stands off to one side of the room, looking around
CF | carefully.
CF |
CF | The reporter makes some notes.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "light briefcase"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1269
CF | >
CF |
CF | Unfortunately, my fire-starting abilities only apply to spiritual
CF | objects.
CF |
CF | The reporter makes some notes.
CF |
CF | The brute mutters something into its earpiece.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu asks, "What else was spiritual?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x doors"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1270
CF | >
CF |
CF | Heavy carved oak doors with a dark varnish. Disguised to unobservant
CF | humans, but obvious to me, is the pattern of a pentagram, which
CF | unfortunately serves as a barrier to my kind.
CF |
CF | The reporter makes some notes.
CF |
CF | The brute mutters something into its earpiece.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Lawn 52/1271
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Lawn
CF | This small lawn runs between the hotel toward the southwest and the
CF | squat building to the east. It is trim and spartan, with no
CF | ornamentation aside from the tall hedges forming its boundary. They
CF | also block the breeze coming in off the sea, so the air here is warm
CF | and still.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading east.
CF |
CF | The agent stands next to the doors.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Honestly can't recall - some of the warded codebook containers, I think?"
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah, but I think those don't quite count."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x hedges"
CF ] Lawn 52/1272
CF | >
CF |
CF | The hedges are neatly trimmed and uniform in appearance.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I think we're carrying all the burnable targets other than the telex and hatrack, and neither burns."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "sw"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1273
CF | >
CF | > SW
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Chapel 52/1274
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Chapel
CF | The interior of the chapel is exactly what you'd expect: A
CF | ???????????????????????????????????????????????? in front of a
CF | ???????????????????????????????????? without the
CF | ???????????????????????? and
CF | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. The whole
CF | place ?????????????????????????????????, but that's hardly
CF | surprising, given ??????????????????????????????????????????. It's a
CF | ???????????????????????? place, for obvious
CF | reasons, and the ?????????????????????????????????????????? doesn't
CF | make it any less ??????????????? or
CF | ??????????????????????????? to those of my kind, the
CF | ??????????????????????????? notwithstanding. Even
CF | though humans would undoubtedly love to know that
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????,
CF | it's simply ???????????????????????????????????? and
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????, which neatly explains the
CF | meaning of life. An unobtrusive stairway at the back of the room leads
CF | upward, and the much more inviting exit from the chapel is to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | A hatrack stands to one side of the doors.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1275
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Sacristy
CF | Against my better judgment, I'm in Kingfisher's inner sanctum. It's
CF | more mundane than I would have expected; it could have easily passed
CF | for the office of a mid-level human bureaucrat, except for the glowing
CF | telex on his desk (and, of course, for the state secrets of the
CF | universe that are undoubtedly kept securely locked away in its
CF | drawers). I would have expected the walls to be filled with propaganda
CF | posters and his bookshelves with plundered artifacts, but the room is
CF | neat and spartan and grey. The sole color comes from a stained-glass
CF | window that throws blotchy, irregular patterns onto the floor. A
CF | stairway leads back down into the main chapel.
CF |
CF | I can see Kingfisher here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "tell kingfisher about sculpture"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1276
CF | >
CF |
CF | I'd rather boil my eyeballs than engage in unnecessary conversation
CF | with that idiot.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x wiretap"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1277
CF | >
CF |
CF | The device we've nicknamed an "egg tooth" is the spiritual equivalent
CF | of a wiretap, designed to pierce the thin security layer around
CF | certain parts of the Other Side's communications network. It's not
CF | going to give us access to their deepest secrets, but it's a quick and
CF | dirty way of getting some basic signals intelligence. The inner
CF | workings of the egg tooth are complicated, but its operation is simple
CF | enough: Just set it to the address you're targeting and put it on a
CF | convenient communications relay. The trick is getting access to that
CF | relay, of course.
CF |
CF | The device is currently set to LN-199.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x telex"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1278
CF | >
CF |
CF | Obviously it's not literally a telex; that's just the closest human
CF | equivalent. It's a device for handling classified communication
CF | between the Other Place and the human realm. Describing the exact
CF | mechanisms involved would make your head hurt, both from their
CF | complexity and the fact that the penalty for receiving unauthorized
CF | classified information involves sticking your head in a vise. Let's
CF | just say that it's a fax machine made of magic.
CF |
CF | The telex is closed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "pray"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1279
CF | >
CF |
CF | Seriously, praying? If I'm going to commit treason, I might as well do
CF | it in a more dignified way.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "swear"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1279
CF | >
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "damn"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1279
CF | >
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "about"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1279
CF | >
CF |
CF | Vain Empires is Copyright 2020 by Thomas Mack and Xavid. It may be
CF | distributed for free, but not sold or included in any for-profit
CF | collection without written permission from the authors.
CF |
CF | Inspirations include the second half of Delightful Wallpaper by Andrew
CF | Plotkin.
CF |
CF | Much thanks to Diane Christoforo, William Lowenthal, the Pretzings,
CF | and Brian Rushton for testing and feedback.
CF |
CF | Cover art by Sadia Bies ([LINK]).
CF |
CF | For questions or comments about the game, email
CF |
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "kneel"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1279
CF | >
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "hug kingfisher"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1280
CF | >
CF |
CF | That sort of thing isn't in my department (footnote 11).
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "So..."
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "footnote 11"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1280
CF | >
CF |
CF | (11) ...not my department: I mean that literally. My
CF | organization has a department staffed with succubi and incubi that
CF | handles that sort of thing.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "I mean I'm not above emailing the author and asking how to beat it. Or, like, finding hints."
MoyTW says (to ClubFloyd), "hint"
CF ] Instructions
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Quit Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | > The Casino
CF | The Hotel
CF | The Conference
CF | General Questions MoyTW asks, "uh I don't...what? is that a menu?"
DavidW says, "yes."
Knight_Otu says, "Well, there is a walkthrough... or a hints menu, I guess."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Instructions
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Quit Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | The Casino
CF | > The Hotel
CF | The Conference
CF | General Questions MoyTW asks, "Oh is that how hint usually works?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Instructions
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Quit Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | The Casino
CF | The Hotel
CF | > The Conference
CF | General Questions
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "push enter"
CF ] Instructions
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Quit Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | The Casino
CF | > The Hotel
CF | The Conference
CF | General Questions
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Instructions
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Quit Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | The Casino
CF | The Hotel
CF | > The Conference
CF | General Questions
DavidW presses the yellow enter button.
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Instructions
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Quit Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | The Casino
CF | The Hotel
CF | The Conference
CF | > General Questions
DavidW presses the yellow enter button. MoyTW asks, "...?"
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] General Questions
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | > Who am I?
CF | What is my goal here?
CF | Why can't I do anything?
CF | How does the detector work?
CF | How do intents work?
CF | There are so many intents to try with each human!
CF | How do I move humans around the map?
CF | How do I get the humans to pick up objects?
CF | How many footnotes are there?
CF | What is the purpose of the codebooks?
CF | Why are there codebooks everywhere?
CF | How many codebooks do I need to find?
CF | How do manners work?
CF | There are so many intent and manner pairs to try with each human!
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "q"
CF ] Instructions
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Quit Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | The Casino
CF | The Hotel
CF | The Conference
CF | > General Questions
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "p"
CF ] Instructions
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Quit Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | The Casino
CF | The Hotel
CF | > The Conference
CF | General Questions
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | > How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | > How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "p"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | > How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "p"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | > How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation? MoyTW says, "oh god can we top wrap it"
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "p"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | > How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to? MoyTW says, "lol"
Knight_Otu says, "Ugh, menu navigation."
MoyTW says, "RIP scroll I guess."
DavidW says, "damn, not circular"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | > How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | > How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | > What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | > What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | > What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | > How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | > The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | > How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | > How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | > How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | > How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | > How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | > Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | > Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | > How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | > Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | > What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | > How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | > How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] How do I install the wiretap?
CF | 1/6: The telex is a spiritual object; you can manipulate it.
CF |
CF | Press SPACE to return to the menu or H to reveal another hint.
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "h"
CF | 1/6: The telex is a spiritual object; you can manipulate it.
CF |
CF | 2/6: Open it and put the wiretap on the contact inside.
CF |
CF | Press SPACE to return to the menu or H to reveal another hint. MoyTW says, "..."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "h"
CF | 1/6: The telex is a spiritual object; you can manipulate it.
CF |
CF | 2/6: Open it and put the wiretap on the contact inside.
CF |
CF | 3/6: You'll have to distract Kingfisher first, though.
CF |
CF | Press SPACE to return to the menu or H to reveal another hint.
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "h"
CF | 1/6: The telex is a spiritual object; you can manipulate it.
CF |
CF | 2/6: Open it and put the wiretap on the contact inside.
CF |
CF | 3/6: You'll have to distract Kingfisher first, though.
CF |
CF | 4/6: Note the sign on the chapel.
CF |
CF | Press SPACE to return to the menu or H to reveal another hint. DavidW asks, "I don't remember a sign on the chapel?"
Knight_Otu asks, "Sign on the chapel?"
MoyTW asks, "Uh. Hmm. Ok we can try working with that?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "q" MoyTW says, "I don't remember it either."
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] The Conference
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Last Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | How do I open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I get the diplomats to open the bottle of champagne?
CF | How do I start the diplomats' negotiation?
CF | What does the short diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the medium diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | What does the tall diplomat want from the negotiation?
CF | How do I make the diplomats come to a deal?
CF | The diplomats are done, but how do I get them to open the
CF | champagne?
CF | How do I get past the archway in the Rotunda?
CF | How do I open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the locker?
CF | How do I get the hacker to open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase off the chandelier?
CF | Why won't the burglar retrieve the briefcase?
CF | Why can't the burglar open the briefcase?
CF | How do I get the briefcase out of the cage?
CF | Why won't the brute open the briefcase?
CF | What do I do once I have all the codebooks?
CF | How do I decrypt the communiqu???
CF | > How do I install the wiretap?
CF | What channel should I set the wiretap to?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "q"
CF ] Instructions
CF ]
CF ] N = Next Q = Quit Menu
CF ] P = Previous ENTER = Select
CF | The Casino
CF | The Hotel
CF | > The Conference
CF | General Questions
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "q"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1280
CF | Sacristy
CF | Against my better judgment, I'm in Kingfisher's inner sanctum. It's
CF | more mundane than I would have expected; it could have easily passed
CF | for the office of a mid-level human bureaucrat, except for the glowing
CF | telex on his desk (and, of course, for the state secrets of the
CF | universe that are undoubtedly kept securely locked away in its
CF | drawers). I would have expected the walls to be filled with propaganda
CF | posters and his bookshelves with plundered artifacts, but the room is
CF | neat and spartan and grey. The sole color comes from a stained-glass
CF | window that throws blotchy, irregular patterns onto the floor. A
CF | stairway leads back down into the main chapel.
CF |
CF | I can see Kingfisher here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Chapel 52/1281
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF |
CF | Chapel
CF | The interior of the chapel is exactly what you'd expect: A
CF | ???????????????????????????????????????????????? in front of a
CF | ???????????????????????????????????? without the
CF | ???????????????????????? and
CF | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. The whole
CF | place ?????????????????????????????????, but that's hardly
CF | surprising, given ??????????????????????????????????????????. It's a
CF | ???????????????????????? place, for obvious
CF | reasons, and the ?????????????????????????????????????????? doesn't
CF | make it any less ??????????????? or
CF | ??????????????????????????? to those of my kind, the
CF | ??????????????????????????? notwithstanding. Even
CF | though humans would undoubtedly love to know that
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????,
CF | it's simply ???????????????????????????????????? and
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????, which neatly explains the
CF | meaning of life. An unobtrusive stairway at the back of the room leads
CF | upward, and the much more inviting exit from the chapel is to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | A hatrack stands to one side of the doors.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x sign"
CF ] Chapel 52/1281
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see the sign here. It was at Botanical Garden.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1282
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "No mention of a sign?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x chapel"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1283
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's an ugly, squat thing made of stone and full of grotesque
CF | spiritual energy. A set of grand wooden doors leads into the chapel
CF | and, more usefully, out of it.
CF |
CF | A sign has been posted in the grass next to the entrance.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x sign"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1284
CF | >
CF |
CF | My grasp on the written human language can be a bit tenuous, but
CF | fortunately the sign just contains simple iconography. It shows two
CF | pictures of stylized humans, one lying awkwardly on the ground next to
CF | a bottle and clutching a wine glass, and the other banging on the
CF | chapel door with angry speech lines coming out of its mouth. Both are
CF | surrounded by red circles with slashes through them.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "We do have the drunk here."
DavidW says, "So we need one of those."
MoyTW asks, "...drunk and reporter?"
MoyTW says, "Drunk seems best bet. Somehow."
MoyTW asks, "Does he path through the garden?"
DavidW says, "I've only seen the drunk in this location."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put open on drunk"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1285
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the open intent to the drunk, who now vaguely intends to open
CF | something.
CF |
CF | The drunk puts a hand on the chapel doors, but thinks better of it.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put aggressively on drunk"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1286
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the aggressively manner to the drunk, but it doesn't have much
CF | effect.
CF |
CF | The drunk starts banging and tugging on the chapel doors, trying to
CF | get in.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1287
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The drunk keeps trying to break the chapel doors open.
CF |
CF | Kingfisher emerges from the chapel's closed door and steps into the
CF | garden.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Chapel 52/1288
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Chapel
CF | The interior of the chapel is exactly what you'd expect: A
CF | ???????????????????????????????????????????????? in front of a
CF | ???????????????????????????????????? without the
CF | ???????????????????????? and
CF | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. The whole
CF | place ?????????????????????????????????, but that's hardly
CF | surprising, given ??????????????????????????????????????????. It's a
CF | ???????????????????????? place, for obvious
CF | reasons, and the ?????????????????????????????????????????? doesn't
CF | make it any less ??????????????? or
CF | ??????????????????????????? to those of my kind, the
CF | ??????????????????????????? notwithstanding. Even
CF | though humans would undoubtedly love to know that
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????,
CF | it's simply ???????????????????????????????????? and
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????, which neatly explains the
CF | meaning of life. An unobtrusive stairway at the back of the room leads
CF | upward, and the much more inviting exit from the chapel is to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | A hatrack stands to one side of the doors.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1289
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Sacristy
CF | Against my better judgment, I'm in Kingfisher's inner sanctum. It's
CF | more mundane than I would have expected; it could have easily passed
CF | for the office of a mid-level human bureaucrat, except for the glowing
CF | telex on his desk (and, of course, for the state secrets of the
CF | universe that are undoubtedly kept securely locked away in its
CF | drawers). I would have expected the walls to be filled with propaganda
CF | posters and his bookshelves with plundered artifacts, but the room is
CF | neat and spartan and grey. The sole color comes from a stained-glass
CF | window that throws blotchy, irregular patterns onto the floor. A
CF | stairway leads back down into the main chapel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "open telex"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1290
CF | >
CF |
CF | I open the telex, revealing an access point.
CF |
CF | Kingfisher proceeds in from below.
CF |
CF | I close the telex before Kingfisher notices.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Darn."
DavidW says, "weren't fast enough"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Chapel 52/1291
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF |
CF | Chapel
CF | The interior of the chapel is exactly what you'd expect: A
CF | ???????????????????????????????????????????????? in front of a
CF | ???????????????????????????????????? without the
CF | ???????????????????????? and
CF | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. The whole
CF | place ?????????????????????????????????, but that's hardly
CF | surprising, given ??????????????????????????????????????????. It's a
CF | ???????????????????????? place, for obvious
CF | reasons, and the ?????????????????????????????????????????? doesn't
CF | make it any less ??????????????? or
CF | ??????????????????????????? to those of my kind, the
CF | ??????????????????????????? notwithstanding. Even
CF | though humans would undoubtedly love to know that
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????,
CF | it's simply ???????????????????????????????????? and
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????, which neatly explains the
CF | meaning of life. An unobtrusive stairway at the back of the room leads
CF | upward, and the much more inviting exit from the chapel is to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | A hatrack sparkling with residual spiritual energy stands to one side
CF | of the doors.
CF |
CF | On the hatrack are the open intent and the aggressively manner.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Not a bug, I guess."
MoyTW says, "...huh."
MoyTW says, "Huh! Ok."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Chapel 52/1292
CF | >
CF |
CF | open intent: Taken.
CF | aggressively manner: Taken.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1293
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1294
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put explore on drunk"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1295
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the explore intent to the drunk, who now intends to explore,
CF | for lack of something better to do.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The drunk stumbles off to the north.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1296
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1297
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1298
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1299
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The drunk lurches in from the west.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1300
CF | >
CF |
CF | explore intent: I extract the explore intent from the drunk.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put open and aggressively on drunk"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1301
CF | >
CF |
CF | open intent: I give the open intent to the drunk, who now vaguely
CF | intends to open something.
CF | aggressively manner: I give the aggressively manner to the drunk, but
CF | it doesn't have much effect.
CF |
CF | The drunk starts banging and tugging on the chapel doors, trying to
CF | get in.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "We have 1 turn, maybe? I think we can make it if we move immediately."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Chapel 52/1302
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Chapel
CF | The interior of the chapel is exactly what you'd expect: A
CF | ???????????????????????????????????????????????? in front of a
CF | ???????????????????????????????????? without the
CF | ???????????????????????? and
CF | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. The whole
CF | place ?????????????????????????????????, but that's hardly
CF | surprising, given ??????????????????????????????????????????. It's a
CF | ???????????????????????? place, for obvious
CF | reasons, and the ?????????????????????????????????????????? doesn't
CF | make it any less ??????????????? or
CF | ??????????????????????????? to those of my kind, the
CF | ??????????????????????????? notwithstanding. Even
CF | though humans would undoubtedly love to know that
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????,
CF | it's simply ???????????????????????????????????? and
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????, which neatly explains the
CF | meaning of life. An unobtrusive stairway at the back of the room leads
CF | upward, and the much more inviting exit from the chapel is to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | A hatrack stands to one side of the doors.
CF |
CF | I can also see Kingfisher here.
CF |
CF | Kingfisher grumbles to himself.
CF |
CF | Kingfisher passes through the closed chapel door and heads outside.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1303
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Sacristy
CF | Against my better judgment, I'm in Kingfisher's inner sanctum. It's
CF | more mundane than I would have expected; it could have easily passed
CF | for the office of a mid-level human bureaucrat, except for the glowing
CF | telex on his desk (and, of course, for the state secrets of the
CF | universe that are undoubtedly kept securely locked away in its
CF | drawers). I would have expected the walls to be filled with propaganda
CF | posters and his bookshelves with plundered artifacts, but the room is
CF | neat and spartan and grey. The sole color comes from a stained-glass
CF | window that throws blotchy, irregular patterns onto the floor. A
CF | stairway leads back down into the main chapel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "open telex"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1304
CF | >
CF |
CF | I open the telex, revealing an access point.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put wiretap on access point"
CF | >
CF |
CF | I attach the egg tooth to the telex line. The display burbles with the
CF | usual bits of office gossip and petty intrigue, most of which is
CF | beneath my notice. I notice one memo being sent out from Cardinal,
CF | though, that's heavily encrypted and thus mostly unreadable, except
CF | for one notable line: "Assist Kingfisher on project MARMOSET".
CF |
CF | I blink in shock and scrutinize the egg tooth for any signs of errors
CF | in decryption or transcription. Project MARMOSET is a highly
CF | classified project on the Other Side that we uncovered decades ago.
CF | It's so highly classified that I can't even give you a sanitized
CF | codename; "MARMOSET" is my own invention. I frantically look through
CF | the rest of the traffic with the egg tooth, but I can't find any
CF | further mention of it. Instead, I pocket the device and step back for
CF | a moment to collect my thoughts.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Well then."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1305
CF | >
CF | I've collected my thoughts. So, about Project MARMOSET.
CF |
CF | There's a persistent idea among humans that Hell is other people.
CF | That's certainly true metaphorically; humans are awful. More
CF | prosaically, however, Hell is a literal place at the literal center of
CF | the earth. The earth's core is a dense, roiling mass of molten iron,
CF | but it's not unpleasant for those of my kind; besides, being under
CF | fire and under pressure is hardly a new experience for a member of the
CF | infernal intelligence services.
CF |
CF | In order to protect our domain, we've established a defense grid
CF | around the earth's core. Any attempts by the Other Side to broach that
CF | perimeter would trigger an immediate, global, full-scale retaliation
CF | that would take out both sides and leave Earth a smoldering ruin in
CF | both the spiritual and mortal realms. That fact isn't classified; the
CF | whole point of mutually assured destruction is lost if you keep it a
CF | secret. What is classified (footnote 12) is that the Other
CF | Side has been trying for a while to find some way of deactivating our
CF | defenses. We weren't surprised; after all, we're trying to do the same
CF | to their defenses (footnote 13). We thought they had (rightfully)
CF | abandoned that idea as being too risky and dangerous, but apparently
CF | someone is attempting to revive MARMOSET. Unfortunately for all of
CF | us???demons, humans, and angels???Kingfisher is exactly the kind of
CF | someone who would jump at the chance to do something so reckless,
CF | foolish, and irredeemably stupid.
CF |
CF | In order to know exactly what Kingfisher is plotting and how to
CF | proceed, I'd better get more information from headquarters. I've
CF | reviewed a few dossiers about MARMOSET, but that was a while back, and
CF | the information was outdated even then. Whiptail should be able to
CF | give me more details.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "footnotes 12 and 13"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "footnote 12"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1305
CF | >
CF |
CF | (12) ...What is classified: It was classified at the time,
CF | anyway. You're reading a memoir, not a briefing.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "footnote 13"
CF ] Sacristy 52/1305
CF | >
CF |
CF | (13) ...we're trying to do the same to their defenses: We can
CF | neither confirm nor deny trying to do the same to their defenses.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Chapel 52/1306
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF | I close the telex before leaving, for obvious reasons.
CF |
CF | Chapel
CF | The interior of the chapel is exactly what you'd expect: A
CF | ???????????????????????????????????????????????? in front of a
CF | ???????????????????????????????????? without the
CF | ???????????????????????? and
CF | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. The whole
CF | place ?????????????????????????????????, but that's hardly
CF | surprising, given ??????????????????????????????????????????. It's a
CF | ???????????????????????? place, for obvious
CF | reasons, and the ?????????????????????????????????????????? doesn't
CF | make it any less ??????????????? or
CF | ??????????????????????????? to those of my kind, the
CF | ??????????????????????????? notwithstanding. Even
CF | though humans would undoubtedly love to know that
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????,
CF | it's simply ???????????????????????????????????? and
CF | ??????????????????????????????????????????, which neatly explains the
CF | meaning of life. An unobtrusive stairway at the back of the room leads
CF | upward, and the much more inviting exit from the chapel is to the
CF | west.
CF |
CF | A hatrack sparkling with residual spiritual energy stands to one side
CF | of the doors.
CF |
CF | On the hatrack are the open intent and the aggressively manner.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "get the stuff from the hatrack."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Chapel 52/1307
CF | >
CF |
CF | open intent: Taken.
CF | aggressively manner: Taken.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1308
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1309
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Lounge 52/1310
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1311
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF | I make my way to my predecessor's room, ignoring the frivolous rooms
CF | of the human guests.
CF |
CF | Hotel Room
CF | My predecessor, Krait, used this hotel room as a temporary base of
CF | operations for his role as chief of station. Of course, he had no use
CF | for its amenities. Thus the bed and dining table were both employed,
CF | judging from the papers scattered across them, as makeshift desks. A
CF | smaller but bona fide desk sits in the corner, with an artless
CF | landscape in watercolors hanging above it. The liquor cabinet lurks
CF | untouched in the corner, and the ashtray on top of it is completely
CF | empty. The stark white carpet here is plush and spotless.
CF |
CF | The only exit from the room is to the south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ring bell"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1312
CF | >
CF |
CF | I ring the bell, producing an uncanny tone.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "read almanach"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1313
CF | >
CF |
CF | I skip to a random entry in the almanach and read it aloud. Going
CF | through the minor biographical details of a functionary who seems to
CF | have done nothing but attend meetings for seven consecutive millennia
CF | is tedious, but it should be sufficient for the ritual.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "light candle"
CF ] Hotel Room 52/1314
CF | >
CF |
CF | The indistinct form of Whiptail appears before me.
CF |
CF | "Hey, Sidewinder. How's the mission going?"
CF |
CF | "I'm just about ready to head out. I have some things to check up on
CF | back in the office." That was a pre-arranged passphrase for an
CF | insecure line, the meaning of which is: There is a serious threat
CF | here, and I need immediate assistance from headquarters.
CF |
CF | "Great. We'll get a start on the paperwork over here," he responds
CF | calmly. That was the pre-arranged countersign: Acknowledged,
CF | notifying headquarters. He makes a carefully inconspicuous
CF | gesture to someone outside my field of vision.
CF |
CF | "Good. I've been in the field for a while, and it would be nice to see
CF | my coworkers again," I say just as calmly, even managing a grin.
CF | Another passphrase: Send reinforcements.
CF |
CF | "I'm not sure who's around the office at this hour, but I might be
CF | able to grab some people for a welcome-home party." There isn't
CF | anyone close enough to your location, but I can arrange an extraction
CF | if you're in danger.
CF |
CF | "No, I'm fine." No extraction. "I wouldn't turn down a cake,
CF | though." I need a certain dossier.
CF |
CF | "Vanilla or chocolate?" Secret or top secret?
CF |
CF | "Chocolate." Top secret. "Actually, why don't you send me a
CF | menu." I also need a human-translation device.
CF |
CF | "That should be possible." That should be possible."When
CF | should we schedule your party?" Which dossier do you want?
CF |
CF | "Right now, I'm planning to get back to Pandemonium by the 18th."
CF | Dossier P-18.
CF |
CF | Whiptail rubs his horns distractedly. That isn't a signal; he's just
CF | worried. "I think we can manage that. I'll have the company bakery do
CF | a rush order." I'll have it sent over immediately. "Do you
CF | still have a refrigerator in your office?" Do you have a secure
CF | location to which we can send the material?
CF |
CF | "Yes." No.
CF |
CF | "Then I'll tell the bakery to drop it off there. Keep an eye out for
CF | it." I'll have it dropped by parachute somewhere in your location;
CF | keep an eye out for it.
CF |
CF | "Great, I'm looking forward to it." Send it immediately.
CF |
CF | Whiptail nods. "Good luck. We're all looking forward to seeing you
CF | safely back in the office again." Your department and mine are all
CF | looking forward to seeing you safely back in the office again, but
CF | that office is a literal and metaphorical snake pit, and it
CF | undoubtedly has occurred to some of the more ambitious and
CF | short-sighted demons that your absence, while regrettable, would
CF | nevertheless open up advancement opportunities for them. Be
CF | careful.
CF |
CF | I quickly shut the portal and prepare to look for the drop site.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Lounge 52/1315
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF | I make my way back down to the lounge, past rows of uninteresting
CF | guest rooms.
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1316
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | The detector vibrates faintly in my hand, and a magnetic force is
CF | pulling it north.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Lounge 52/1317
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | The detector vibrates faintly in my hand, and a magnetic force is
CF | pulling it north.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Library 52/1318
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Library
CF | Bookshelves line the walls of this small, wood-paneled room, mixing
CF | the smell of paper with that of cigarette smoke. There are some
CF | high-backed chairs arranged in front of the shelves, clustered around
CF | tables topped with small but bright wrought-iron lamps. A passageway,
CF | above which sits an oil painting of a tropical seascape, leads south.
CF |
CF | A thin package is cunningly concealed among the books on the shelves.
CF | It's a clever hiding place; I wouldn't even have noticed it myself if
CF | I weren't looking for it.
CF |
CF | The detector buzzes insistently.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get package"
CF ] Library 52/1319
CF | >
CF |
CF | I rip apart the package. Nestled inside is a translation receiver,
CF | which I carefully prize out of its packing material. Beneath it is a
CF | thin dossier with "P-18" stenciled on its cover. Whiptail has
CF | encrypted this copy with a one-time pad, but its key is burned into my
CF | mind (footnote 14), and I methodically decipher it. Leafing through
CF | it, I'm grimly satisfied that my suspicions are confirmed: The dossier
CF | has been updated recently to note renewed activity on MARMOSET, and it
CF | specifically lists Cardinal and Kingfisher as attached to it. There's
CF | another entity mentioned as connected with the project: Warbler.
CF | That's the first time I've heard the name; I should look into it. As I
CF | mull it over, the package conveniently self-destructs, leaving no
CF | trace for enemy agents to find.
CF |
CF | The dossier goes into detail about the attempts at MARMOSET over the
CF | decades, but it emphasizes one particular incarnation of it that the
CF | Other Side reportedly found promising. Their research indicated that
CF | certain kinds of electromagnetic fields could potentially disrupt our
CF | alarms and allow Hell's perimeter to be broached without triggering
CF | our literal and metaphorical scorched-earth response; there was just
CF | the logistical difficulty of setting up a field with that much
CF | strength and coverage.
CF |
CF | The summit! That's why Kingfisher's here! Humans have been
CF | sending up communications satellites for the last few years. Those
CF | satellites would definitely have enough strength to pull it off, and
CF | even a dozen of them in orbit would have the coverage necessary to
CF | surround and push through the grid. Normally they would be
CF | transmitting at different times and toward different places, but this
CF | summit is worldwide news. They're all going to be in sync,
CF | broadcasting the summit together and spewing whatever payload
CF | Kingfisher convinced their engineers to install into our defense grid.
CF |
CF | I've got to stop him. The summit itself isn't big news; nobody wants
CF | to watch a bunch of diplomats make painful small-talk and eat canap??s.
CF | What is big news, and what would make the communication
CF | satellites all link up, is the pact that would come at its end: the
CF | perfect photo op of a handshake between bitter rivals. The summit's
CF | already begun, but I can still save Hell if I can derail it and
CF | prevent a peace treaty from being signed. If I want peace between
CF | Heaven and Hell, I'm going to have to delay peace on Earth for just a
CF | bit longer.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "footnote 14"
CF ] Library 52/1319
CF | >
CF |
CF | (14) ...burned into my mind: That's not a metaphor.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "look up warbler in almanach"
CF ] Library 52/1320
CF | >
CF |
CF | The almanach has a brief entry on Warbler, which turns out be a
CF | cryptonym for an angel on the Other Side. Skimming through his
CF | biography, I realize with a start that I know him. We met briefly at
CF | some human diplomatic function, where he couldn't stop bragging, to
CF | what turned out to be one of our agents, about some new cryptography
CF | research project he was working on. It was a clever idea, but digging
CF | into it exposed some critical flaws I assumed his side eventually
CF | figured it out too, or else he was just spreading disinformation. If
CF | they wound up using it, then???
CF |
CF | Of course, the keypad in the Rotunda! That must have been his
CF | handiwork. The mechanism he uses rotates keys daily, but we found a
CF | flaw in the update scheme that would allow us to predict it based on???
CF |
CF | ...My editor has just politely informed me that readers don't want to
CF | go through the twelve pages of math I did to figure out the keypad
CF | code. It's a shame, because there was some really clever stuff in
CF | there. Oh well. I'll just say that I did some brilliant and inspired
CF | derivation, completely off the top of my head and based on a
CF | half-remembered conversation I had at a party about a century ago, of
CF | the passcode for a lock about which I had no concrete information. It
CF | turns out to be 750400, but that's just the punchline to a much more
CF | interesting story about math.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Lounge 52/1321
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Lounge
CF | The hotel's lounge is a maze of overstuffed leather chairs. Next to
CF | each one is a narrow table with an ashtray and an occasional discarded
CF | newspaper or magazine on it. A trolley with drinks sits at the ready
CF | against the far wall. Passages lie in all four cardinal directions. In
CF | addition, an ornate, sweeping staircase leads upward into the part of
CF | the hotel for guests. While the human guests are of little interest,
CF | my predecessor also kept a room here on one of the upper floors.
CF |
CF | The tourist sits off to one side.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby 52/1322
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | At the center of the hotel is this wide atrium, a plaza of orange
CF | brick dotted with flowerboxes and ornamental bushes. The ceiling of
CF | the lobby is made of glass, and so the sunset outside gives an
CF | unnatural hue to the hibiscus vines adorning the open doors to the
CF | south. Despite the location, it's mostly quiet here. Even the rattan
CF | chairs overlooking the garden to the east are empty.
CF |
CF | The hotel reception is to the west, and a corridor to the north leads
CF | deeper into the hotel.
CF |
CF | A thermostat is located unobtrusively in a corner.
CF |
CF | The drunk sprawls nearby.
CF |
CF | The bellhop stands near the entrance, looking nervous.
CF |
CF | The guest is loitering off to one side.
CF |
CF | I can also see a large puddle here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Botanical Garden 52/1323
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Botanical Garden
CF | The gardens on the eastern edge of the hotel lie in uniform, geometric
CF | precision. Straight gravel paths bound squares of brightly colored
CF | flowers, each with a placard bearing the scientific names of its
CF | contents. The breeze from the nearby sea mixes the faint aromas in the
CF | various plants into an unidentifiable but not unpleasant smell. A
CF | ponderous chapel made of rough stone looms at the eastern edge of the
CF | gardens, and a well-worn path leading northeast skirts around it. To
CF | the west, there is a wide portico that leads into the hotel.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF ] Lawn 52/1324
CF | >
CF | > NE
CF |
CF |
CF | Lawn
CF | This small lawn runs between the hotel toward the southwest and the
CF | squat building to the east. It is trim and spartan, with no
CF | ornamentation aside from the tall hedges forming its boundary. They
CF | also block the breeze coming in off the sea, so the air here is warm
CF | and still.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading east.
CF |
CF | The agent stands next to the doors.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Long Gallery 52/1325
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Long Gallery
CF | Humans flitter across this wide hallway, clumping into and breaking
CF | out of knots of intense, whispered intrigue. A table next to the
CF | double doors to the west is laden with delicate champagne flutes,
CF | which some of the humans stalking around the room are also
CF | brandishing. Nondescript oil paintings hang at regular intervals
CF | around the room. A small hallway leads south, and a wider passage
CF | leads east.
CF |
CF | There's a set of open double doors here leading west.
CF |
CF | The brute mutters something into its earpiece.
CF |
CF | The burglar stands off to one side of the room, looking around
CF | carefully.
CF |
CF | The reporter asks one of the dignitaries some pointed questions.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1326
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Rotunda
CF | This spacious gallery is empty, though murmurs of conversation from
CF | the room to the west echo throughout the chamber. High, narrow windows
CF | around the circumference of the room cast orange light on the marble
CF | floor. An ornately carved archway leads east, next to which is a
CF | conspicuous black keypad. Plainer exits lead north and south.
CF |
CF | An ornate chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges aimlessly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "type 750400"
CF ] Rotunda 52/1327
CF | >
CF | > TYPE 750400
CF |
CF | (on the keypad)
CF | The spiritual field inside the archway abruptly shuts off with an
CF | ethereal sound like a shattering teacup. A few vicious bolts of energy
CF | spark off and smolder briefly on the ground, and then the archway is
CF | quiet and empty.
CF |
CF | The hacker lounges aimlessly.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Corridor 60/1328
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The detector blinks briefly, indicating that I've moved into a new
CF | region of the compound.
CF |
CF | Corridor
CF | This hallway is a literal corridor of power, connecting the main
CF | complex with a restricted area for the most elite dignitaries. The
CF | space is narrow, and the walls on either side are bare concrete.
CF | Thick, insulated cables run down the hallway, presumably part of the
CF | telecommunications apparatus for the summit. The passage widens into a
CF | larger hall to the east; to the west, it ends abruptly in an ornately
CF | carved archway, roiling with supernatural energy, with a conspicuous
CF | black keypad next to it.
CF |
CF | [Your score has just gone up by eight points.]
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "spin detector"
CF ] Corridor 60/1329
CF | >
CF |
CF | The detector is silent. There must not be any unattained codebooks
CF | nearby.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Thought so, but had to check."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Auditorium 60/1330
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Auditorium
CF | Unlike the plain corridor to the west, this auditorium is designed to
CF | impress the audience???not the fidgety crowd of half-interested
CF | reporters and minor officials physically present here, but the
CF | audience for the mass of television cameras perched above them.
CF | They're pointed toward the northern stage, where a couple of summit
CF | representatives and their entourages face toward the assembly. Their
CF | features are hard to make out in the bright spotlights, but their
CF | bland voices fill the room.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "x cables?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Corridor 60/1331
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Corridor
CF | This hallway is a literal corridor of power, connecting the main
CF | complex with a restricted area for the most elite dignitaries. The
CF | space is narrow, and the walls on either side are bare concrete.
CF | Thick, insulated cables run down the hallway, presumably part of the
CF | telecommunications apparatus for the summit. The passage widens into a
CF | larger hall to the east; to the west, it ends abruptly in an ornately
CF | carved archway, roiling with supernatural energy, with a conspicuous
CF | black keypad next to it.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x cables"
CF ] Corridor 60/1332
CF | >
CF |
CF | I would assume they're involved with some sort of telecommunications
CF | relay, but that's as far as my knowledge of human technology goes.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "I keep forgetting that things may still be important even when we can't interact with them."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Auditorium 60/1333
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Auditorium
CF | Unlike the plain corridor to the west, this auditorium is designed to
CF | impress the audience???not the fidgety crowd of half-interested
CF | reporters and minor officials physically present here, but the
CF | audience for the mass of television cameras perched above them.
CF | They're pointed toward the northern stage, where a couple of summit
CF | representatives and their entourages face toward the assembly. Their
CF | features are hard to make out in the bright spotlights, but their
CF | bland voices fill the room.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x cameras"
CF ] Auditorium 60/1334
CF | >
CF |
CF | The cameras are focused on the politicians on the stage, even if the
CF | gonearaudience is not.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "I guess examine the people and cameras in the auditorium, and the spotlights, then north to the stage?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x stage"
CF ] Auditorium 60/1335
CF | >
CF |
CF | The stage lies to the north.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x crowd"
CF ] Auditorium 60/1336
CF | >
CF |
CF | A mixture of excitement and boredom pervades the audience.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x spotlights"
CF ] Auditorium 60/1337
CF | >
CF |
CF | The spotlights suffuse the assembled dignitaries on stage with a halo
CF | of light that, if my experience with politicians is any indication, is
CF | a bit of false advertising.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "(just a bit?)"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "exits"
CF ] Auditorium 60/1337
CF | >
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go north and west.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Stage 60/1338
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Stage
CF | From this viewpoint, the auditorium's stage is smaller and emptier
CF | than it appeared from the audience. Nevertheless, its heavy blue
CF | curtains and and gold-edged insignia give it a certain gravitas. Two
CF | scrupulously identical banks of seats have been placed on either side,
CF | exactly equidistant from a center podium. The spotlights above are
CF | intense, and it's difficult to make out any details in the audience to
CF | the south. Passages to the northwest and northeast, concealed behind
CF | the folds of the curtain, lead backstage.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "We stand at the precipice of the
CF | dawning of a new era. As we climb up to our new prosperity, let us
CF | proceed with caution. The road ahead is a new one, and we are the
CF | first ones to explore it. We will do so together. Let us embark on our
CF | mission with caution but not fear, with vision but not illusions, and
CF | with prudence but not timidity."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Now, let us
CF | address how we can move with all due haste toward the peace we have
CF | envisioned here."
CF |
CF | An eastern politician and an unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x western"
CF ] Stage 60/1339
CF | >
CF |
CF | With most humans, convincing them to take even a modest bit of
CF | initiative is an uphill battle. They simply have no motivation. This
CF | particular human, though, is one of a rare sort that actually has some
CF | internal drive. Politicians and those of that ilk aspire to be men of
CF | wealth and taste like us and, also like us, manipulate their hapless
CF | inferiors to achieve their goals. Unlike us, they rely on smarmy
CF | glad-handling and sycophancy instead of subtlety and talent.
CF |
CF | To that end, the western politician is wearing an expensive but
CF | tasteful suit, its hair is slightly greying, and it has a carefully
CF | constructed expression of reserved thoughtfulness. Its voice has the
CF | careful modulation of one for whom every action is a performance its
CF | audience is expected to appreciate.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "In preparing for the new challenges
CF | that await us in the future, we have to be quick. We can only win the
CF | future and forge a new, more secure peace between our nations if we
CF | proceed rapidly, using our agreements here to accelerate our efforts
CF | not towards arming ourselves for war, but for building trust and
CF | establishing peace. We have established a road map that will lead us
CF | into the next decades, but the highway of progress we're on has no
CF | speed limit. The engine of progress is strong. We will not allow
CF | ourselves to quiet that engine because of fear or suspicion."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Of course,
CF | improved relations between our two nations would generate a tremendous
CF | peace dividend. How should we use it most effectively?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x unaligned"
CF ] Stage 60/1340
CF | >
CF |
CF | Most politicians are self-serving creatures, which makes them
CF | refreshingly straightforward to work with; it's easy to give a human
CF | what it wants when it already knows what it wants. An annoying few,
CF | however, insist on attaching a moral dimension to petty human
CF | intrigues. If a human wants money, it's usually easy enough to push it
CF | to grab it out of a conveniently open safe. It a human wants money but
CF | has moral qualms about stealing, it can be annoyingly difficult to get
CF | it to do the thing we both want it to do. The upside of working with
CF | these rare people is that their inertia becomes momentum once they
CF | finally start moving. Once you get the ball rolling, they'll fervently
CF | apply themselves to the task and, fueled by self-righteousness, keep
CF | pushing themselves for you.
CF |
CF | I consider myself a competent judge of humans at this point in my
CF | career, and the unaligned politician strikes me as exactly this sort.
CF | Its attire isn't as expensive as its opposite numbers', which is a
CF | warning sign. Its manner is one of prim condescension, and it keeps
CF | glancing at its colleagues for approval and support.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Our nations have both entered an
CF | unprecedented era of prosperity. Most of our people have never had it
CF | so good. As we move forward, let us not forget those of us around the
CF | world who are not so fortunate. We have an obligation to use our great
CF | wealth to help out other nations and to be good neighbors to our
CF | fellow man. Forging ties of peace and comity with the other nations
CF | around the world will ensure a steady path forward for our two
CF | countries to thrive. Our preeminence on the world stage gives us an
CF | extraordinary chance to share our resources and our peace with the
CF | world and to lead by example."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Let me now outline
CF | how we can de-escalate tensions between our two nations."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x eastern"
CF ] Stage 60/1341
CF | >
CF |
CF | Politicians are an odd sort. The frightening about humans is that most
CF | of them simply have no motivation. If you ask them what they want,
CF | they'll probably come back with some desultory remark about being rich
CF | or famous, but that's not truly what drives them; if it were, they'd
CF | spend all their time trying to drum up money and recognition???in
CF | short,
CF | what politicians do. The rest idealize a life of idleness???not a life
CF | of leisure, which is one without obligations, but rather one without
CF | any activity at all.
CF |
CF | I suppose I should have some grudging respect for those rare humans
CF | who actually possess ambition. It complicates my job, though, if
CF | humans start to get goals of their own. I have no fear of hard work,
CF | but I don't like complexity; it introduces uncertainty and risk. This
CF | particular politician carries itself with a mildly pompous and
CF | defensive air, occasionally giving its comrades quick, suspicious
CF | glances.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "With this summit, we are moving
CF | towards a more peaceful d??tente. Our nations are not so different; one
CF | day we may see each other as friends. Until then, we can at least work
CF | together to earn each other's trust, establish lines of communication,
CF | and build a framework for a thawing of relations in which we can at
CF | least work together on our mutually beneficial goals. Let us move
CF | beyond the conflicts of the past. Even if we're not there yet, we can
CF | at least look forward to the day when we beat our swords into
CF | plowshares and plant the seeds of a new, more peaceful future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "This summit is a
CF | unique opportunity for our two nations. Let us discuss what we can do
CF | with it."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Stage 60/1341
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the open intent
CF | the explore intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the fold intent
CF | the play intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the block intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the warm intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the aggressively manner
CF | the recklessly manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the greedily manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | three secret codebooks
CF | two top secret codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu??
CF | a bell
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF | an universal translator
CF | the dossier
CF | a wiretap
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "There's two more exits from here, remember."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1342
CF | >
CF | > NW
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | This narrow alcove is deep within the theater, the thick concrete
CF | walls blocking out the noise from the stage. A couch with threadbare
CF | cushions occupies one side of the room. At a table in the corner, a
CF | human sits in front of a machine resembling a typewriter, but with a
CF | profusion of wires running out of it and into a large suitcase at its
CF | feet. An empty coffee cup is next to it on the table, with a cigarette
CF | smoldering in it. A staircase to the southeast leads upward.
CF |
CF | A speechwriter sits nearby.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and, frowning, feeds them into
CF | the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1343
CF | >
CF |
CF | A human with rolled-up sleeves and ink-stained hands.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter has an intent to
CF | notes for the western politician.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and confidently feeds them into
CF | the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get write"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1344
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the write intent from the speechwriter.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter looks anxiously at the contraption, but it doesn't
CF | feed anything into it.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Oops."
MoyTW says, "No it's probably fine we wanna mess up the conference."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x typewriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1345
CF | >
CF |
CF | The contraption comprises a mass of electrical parts squashed into a
CF | compact Bakelite case whose exterior is studded with various dials and
CF | gauges. It's currently closed up and off. The components inside are
CF | shiny and free of dust.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter looks anxiously at the contraption, but it doesn't
CF | feed anything into it.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu exclaims, "But but, world peace!"
MoyTW asks, "I wonder if we can get a Bad End?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x cup"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1346
CF | >
CF | > X CUP
CF |
CF | The coffee cup is now being used as a makeshift ashtray, with a
CF | cigarette smoldering in it.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter looks anxiously at the contraption, but it doesn't
CF | feed anything into it.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x cigarette"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1346
CF | >
CF |
CF | The neglected cigarette continues to burn within the coffee cup.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter looks anxiously at the contraption, but it doesn't
CF | feed anything into it.
CF |
CF | The tepid applause from the direction of the stage tells me that the
CF | western politician has run out of things to say. I rush over there to
CF | survey the damage.
CF |
CF | The speech is over, and the politicians there slither together in a
CF | knot on the center of the stage, patting each other on the back and
CF | exchanging overwrought handshakes. Flashbulbs explode around the stage
CF | as the journalists surge forward to the base of the stage. A massive
CF | table with three identical leather-bound proclamations is wheeled out
CF | to the center of the stage, and the politicians take their positions
CF | around it. Preparing to sign, they take up three identical pens to
CF | pose for the cameras. With the historical conclusion of the summit
CF | finally at hand, the telecommunication equipment begins its
CF | transmission. The satellite uplinks Kingfisher tampered with activate,
CF | and a vast light???
CF |
CF | You know what happened next. We did our best to avoid it, but we
CF | failed. Mistakes were made. No one could be blamed, though the demons
CF | who wound up being blamed anyway were summarily dismissed, to
CF | encourage the others. In the end, our defense grid turned out to be
CF | more resilient than any of us expected. Hell survived, severely
CF | weakened but still strong enough to repel an invasion from Heaven. Our
CF | operations in the remnants of the mortal realm were curtailed, but
CF | there were far fewer humans left afterward anyway. Heaven and Hell
CF | divided up the dead and redoubled our efforts to influence the few
CF | living souls.
CF |
CF | As for me, I managed to weather the fallout and keep my job. I even
CF | got a perfunctory commendation out of it, presumably to keep me quiet.
CF | I'm still faithfully working to advance the interests of our empire,
CF | even as we rebuild and prepare for the next war. The Great Game
CF | continues???on a very different board with very different pieces, but
CF | it
CF | continues. We'll meet again.
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | *** I have lost. ***
CF |
CF |
CF | I scored a total of 60 out of a possible 75 points in 1346 turns,
CF | which is enough to make it unlikely but possible to get a curt nod
CF | from the Director in the hallway.
CF |
CF |
CF | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, show the SCORE
CF | details, QUIT, or UNDO the last command?
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "There's the answer."
DavidW says, "Shouldn't've taken the WRITE, I guess."
MoyTW exclaims, "Nice!"
MoyTW asks, "Okay we can undo a bunch and see how it goes?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1346
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1345
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1344
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1343
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1342
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "I bet we're on a timer, like, the speech only goes on for so long."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Stage 60/1341
CF |
CF |
CF | Stage
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF ] Green Room (East) 60/1342
CF | >
CF | > NE
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (East)
CF | This cramped alcove is deep within the theater, the massive concrete
CF | walls blocking out the noise from the stage. A couch with fraying
CF | cushions occupies one side of the room. At a table in the corner,
CF | several humans sit around an open portfolio full of loose typewritten
CF | papers, methodically scribbling notes in green pencil. A staircase to
CF | the southwest leads upward.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x humans"
CF ] Green Room (East) 60/1343
CF | >
CF |
CF | Disheveled humans in a formerly-nice suits, frantically taking notes.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x papers"
CF ] Green Room (East) 60/1344
CF | >
CF |
CF | Even with the universal translator, my understanding of the human
CF | language isn't extensive. From what I can gather, though, the notes
CF | read, "(Something something something) (present-tense verb) (a noun)
CF | (probably an adjective?) to (a verb) (either 'to' or 'from'; I forget
CF | which is which) (something something) (a long string of nouns) or
CF | (preposition?) extremely violent retribution." (footnote 15)
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Should we save at the start?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Green Room (East) 60/1343
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (East)
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Green Room (East) 60/1342
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (East)
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Stage 60/1341
CF |
CF |
CF | Stage
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "cf19"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to write:
CF ] Stage 60/1341
CF | > SAVEOk.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1342
CF | >
CF | > NW
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | This narrow alcove is deep within the theater, the thick concrete
CF | walls blocking out the noise from the stage. A couch with threadbare
CF | cushions occupies one side of the room. At a table in the corner, a
CF | human sits in front of a machine resembling a typewriter, but with a
CF | profusion of wires running out of it and into a large suitcase at its
CF | feet. An empty coffee cup is next to it on the table, with a cigarette
CF | smoldering in it. A staircase to the southeast leads upward.
CF |
CF | A speechwriter sits nearby.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and, frowning, feeds them into DavidW says, "I'm not sure when things got critical."
CF | the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put greedily on speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1343
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the greedily manner to the speechwriter, who now intends to
CF | greedily write notes encouraging selfishness.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and, via some mechanism that I
CF | can't make out, feeds them into the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "se"
CF ] Stage 60/1344
CF | >
CF | > SE
CF |
CF |
CF | Stage
CF | From this viewpoint, the auditorium's stage is smaller and emptier
CF | than it appeared from the audience. Nevertheless, its heavy blue
CF | curtains and and gold-edged insignia give it a certain gravitas. Two
CF | scrupulously identical banks of seats have been placed on either side,
CF | exactly equidistant from a center podium. The spotlights above are
CF | intense, and it's difficult to make out any details in the audience to
CF | the south. Passages to the northwest and northeast, concealed behind
CF | the folds of the curtain, lead backstage.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "In preparing for the new challenges
CF | that await us in the future, we have to be quick. We can only win the
CF | future and forge a new, more secure peace between our nations if we
CF | proceed rapidly, using our agreements here to accelerate our efforts
CF | not towards arming ourselves for war, but for building trust and
CF | establishing peace. We have established a road map that will lead us
CF | into the next decades, but the highway of progress we're on has no
CF | speed limit. The engine of progress is strong. We will not allow
CF | ourselves to quiet that engine because of fear or suspicion."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Let me now outline
CF | how we can de-escalate tensions between our two nations."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Note that there's UP from both green rooms."
Knight_Otu says, "I thought they were leading here."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1345
CF | >
CF | > NW
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | This narrow alcove is deep within the theater, the thick concrete
CF | walls blocking out the noise from the stage. A couch with threadbare
CF | cushions occupies one side of the room. At a table in the corner, a
CF | human sits in front of a machine resembling a typewriter, but with a
CF | profusion of wires running out of it and into a large suitcase at its
CF | feet. An empty coffee cup is next to it on the table, with a cigarette
CF | smoldering in it. A staircase to the southeast leads upward.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter sits nearby.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and feeds them into the DavidW asks, "or is that just back to the stage?"
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Stage 60/1346
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Stage
CF | From this viewpoint, the auditorium's stage is smaller and emptier
CF | than it appeared from the audience. Nevertheless, its heavy blue
CF | curtains and and gold-edged insignia give it a certain gravitas. Two
CF | scrupulously identical banks of seats have been placed on either side,
CF | exactly equidistant from a center podium. The spotlights above are
CF | intense, and it's difficult to make out any details in the audience to
CF | the south. Passages to the northwest and northeast, concealed behind
CF | the folds of the curtain, lead backstage.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "We stand at the precipice of the
CF | dawning of a new era. As we climb up to our new prosperity, let us
CF | proceed with caution. The road ahead is a new one, and we are the
CF | first ones to explore it. We will do so together. Let us embark on our
CF | mission with caution but not fear, with vision but not illusions, and
CF | with prudence but not timidity."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Of course,
CF | improved relations between our two nations would generate a tremendous
CF | peace dividend. How should we use it most effectively?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "oh, okay. I was confused."
Knight_Otu says, "It happens."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1347
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "My nation has entered an unprecedented
CF | era of prosperity. Most of our people have never had it so good. To
CF | start moving that wealth out of my nation, when we've worked so hard
CF | to achieve it, would be a disservice to our loyal citizens. By showing
CF | the rest of the world how wealthy we are, we can lead by example and
CF | give them an ideal to aspire to. We hope that you will be motivated by
CF | this display as well and, one day, share in our prosperity."
CF |
CF | My sharp, if technically nonexistent, ears pick up some faint
CF | murmuring even through the muffled reception of the wireless
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "This summit is a
CF | unique opportunity for our two nations. Let us discuss what we can do
CF | with it."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put block on eastern"
CF ] Stage 60/1348
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the block intent to the eastern politician, but it's focused on
CF | the speech and shows little reaction.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "This is the time for action. This
CF | summit has taken years, if not decades, to arrange. It will all have
CF | been worth it if we can take advantage of this unprecedented
CF | opportunity. The time for the future is now. Let us strike while the
CF | iron is hot and forge a peace together. We cannot wait, or we will
CF | lose our special moment in history. We must act, decisively and
CF | confidently, to secure a peaceful and prosperous future."
CF |
CF | The western politician looks to have succeeded in mollifying the
CF | crowd, who are now leaning back in comfortable boredom. Even the wary
CF | politicians on stage next to it relax.
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Now, let us
CF | address how we can move with all due haste toward the peace we have
CF | envisioned here."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "I think the western/eastern aren't gonna be able to receive intents."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put block on unaligned"
CF ] Stage 60/1349
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the block intent from the eastern politician)
CF | I give the block intent to the unaligned politician, but it's focused
CF | on the speech and shows little reaction.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "In preparing for the new challenges
CF | that await us in the future, we have to be quick. We can only win the
CF | future and forge a new, more secure peace between our nations if we
CF | proceed rapidly, using our agreements here to accelerate our efforts
CF | not towards arming ourselves for war, but for building trust and
CF | establishing peace. We have established a road map that will lead us
CF | into the next decades, but the highway of progress we're on has no
CF | speed limit. The engine of progress is strong. We will not allow
CF | ourselves to quiet that engine because of fear or suspicion."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Of course,
CF | improved relations between our two nations would generate a tremendous
CF | peace dividend. How should we use it most effectively?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Put something on unaligned?"
MoyTW says, "Oh."
DavidW says, "I think we just need to put the right manner on the speechwriter. WRITE RECKLESSLY or WRITE LAZILY or something like that."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1350
CF | >
CF | > NW
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | This narrow alcove is deep within the theater, the thick concrete
CF | walls blocking out the noise from the stage. A couch with threadbare
CF | cushions occupies one side of the room. At a table in the corner, a
CF | human sits in front of a machine resembling a typewriter, but with a
CF | profusion of wires running out of it and into a large suitcase at its
CF | feet. An empty coffee cup is next to it on the table, with a cigarette
CF | smoldering in it. A staircase to the southeast leads upward.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter sits nearby.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and confidently feeds them into
CF | the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put recklessly on speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1351
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the recklessly manner to the speechwriter, taking the greedily
CF | manner in exchange. It now intends to recklessly write notes
CF | encouraging immediate action.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and feeds them into the
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Try the Eastern speechwriter too?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Stage 60/1352
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Stage
CF | From this viewpoint, the auditorium's stage is smaller and emptier
CF | than it appeared from the audience. Nevertheless, its heavy blue
CF | curtains and and gold-edged insignia give it a certain gravitas. Two
CF | scrupulously identical banks of seats have been placed on either side,
CF | exactly equidistant from a center podium. The spotlights above are
CF | intense, and it's difficult to make out any details in the audience to
CF | the south. Passages to the northwest and northeast, concealed behind
CF | the folds of the curtain, lead backstage.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "This is the time for action. This
CF | summit has taken years, if not decades, to arrange. It will all have
CF | been worth it if we can take advantage of this unprecedented
CF | opportunity. The time for the future is now. Let us strike while the
CF | iron is hot and forge a peace together. We cannot wait, or we will
CF | lose our special moment in history. We must act, decisively and
CF | confidently, to secure a peaceful and prosperous future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Of course,
CF | improved relations between our two nations would generate a tremendous
CF | peace dividend. How should we use it most effectively?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF ] Green Room (East) 60/1353
CF | >
CF | > NE
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (East)
CF | This cramped alcove is deep within the theater, the massive concrete
CF | walls blocking out the noise from the stage. A couch with fraying
CF | cushions occupies one side of the room. At a table in the corner,
CF | several humans sit around an open portfolio full of loose typewritten
CF | papers, methodically scribbling notes in green pencil. A staircase to
CF | the southwest leads upward.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I didn't think there was an eastern one."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put greedly on humans"
CF ] Green Room (East) 60/1353
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't have any greedly in my possession.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put greedily on humans"
CF ] Green Room (East) 60/1354
CF | >
CF |
CF | The note-takers don't intend to do anything in particular right now;
CF | doing nothing greedily is a bit much to ask.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Oh there's a team of them?"
MoyTW asks, "WHat's upwards?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Stage 60/1355
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Stage
CF | From this viewpoint, the auditorium's stage is smaller and emptier
CF | than it appeared from the audience. Nevertheless, its heavy blue
CF | curtains and and gold-edged insignia give it a certain gravitas. Two
CF | scrupulously identical banks of seats have been placed on either side,
CF | exactly equidistant from a center podium. The spotlights above are
CF | intense, and it's difficult to make out any details in the audience to
CF | the south. Passages to the northwest and northeast, concealed behind
CF | the folds of the curtain, lead backstage.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "This is the time for action. This
CF | summit has taken years, if not decades, to arrange. It will all have
CF | been worth it if we can take advantage of this unprecedented
CF | opportunity. The time for the future is now. Let us strike while the
CF | iron is hot and forge a peace together. We cannot wait, or we will
CF | lose our special moment in history. We must act, decisively and
CF | confidently, to secure a peaceful and prosperous future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "But, you may be
CF | wondering, how can we ensure that we're acting in our best interests?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "The stage."
MoyTW says, "oh. ha."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1356
CF | >
CF | > NW
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | This narrow alcove is deep within the theater, the thick concrete
CF | walls blocking out the noise from the stage. A couch with threadbare
CF | cushions occupies one side of the room. At a table in the corner, a
CF | human sits in front of a machine resembling a typewriter, but with a
CF | profusion of wires running out of it and into a large suitcase at its
CF | feet. An empty coffee cup is next to it on the table, with a cigarette
CF | smoldering in it. A staircase to the southeast leads upward.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter sits nearby.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and, via some mechanism that I
CF | can't make out, feeds them into the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1356
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | Intentions:
CF | the open intent
CF | the explore intent
CF | the clean up intent
CF | the fold intent
CF | the play intent
CF | the serve intent
CF | the defend intent
CF | the drink intent
CF | the take intent
CF | the select intent
CF | the read intent
CF | the wait intent
CF | the sell intent
CF | the buy intent
CF | the warm intent
CF |
CF | Manners:
CF | the greedily manner
CF | the aggressively manner
CF | the seriously manner
CF | the generously manner
CF | the slowly manner
CF | the lazily manner
CF |
CF | Codebooks:
CF | three confidential codebooks
CF | three secret codebooks
CF | two top secret codebooks
CF |
CF | Other possessions:
CF | a detector
CF | an intercepted communiqu??
CF | a bell
CF | the almanach
CF | a candle
CF | an universal translator
CF | the dossier
CF | a wiretap
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put sell on speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1357
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the sell intent to the speechwriter, taking the write intent in
CF | exchange. It now vaguely intends to recklessly sell.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter looks anxiously at the contraption, but it doesn't
CF | feed anything into it.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put write on speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1358
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the write intent to the speechwriter, taking the sell intent in
CF | exchange. It now intends to recklessly write notes encouraging
CF | immediate action.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and confidently feeds them into
CF | the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Stage 60/1359
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Stage
CF | From this viewpoint, the auditorium's stage is smaller and emptier
CF | than it appeared from the audience. Nevertheless, its heavy blue
CF | curtains and and gold-edged insignia give it a certain gravitas. Two
CF | scrupulously identical banks of seats have been placed on either side,
CF | exactly equidistant from a center podium. The spotlights above are
CF | intense, and it's difficult to make out any details in the audience to
CF | the south. Passages to the northwest and northeast, concealed behind
CF | the folds of the curtain, lead backstage.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "This is the time for action. This
CF | summit has taken years, if not decades, to arrange. It will all have
CF | been worth it if we can take advantage of this unprecedented
CF | opportunity. The time for the future is now. Let us strike while the
CF | iron is hot and forge a peace together. We cannot wait, or we will
CF | lose our special moment in history. We must act, decisively and
CF | confidently, to secure a peaceful and prosperous future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Now, let us
CF | address how we can move with all due haste toward the peace we have
CF | envisioned here."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Stage 60/1360
CF | >
CF |
CF | block intent: I extract the block intent from the unaligned
CF | politician.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "In preparing for the new challenges
CF | that await us in the future, we have to be quick. We can only win the
CF | future and forge a new, more secure peace between our nations if we
CF | proceed rapidly, using our agreements here to accelerate our efforts
CF | not towards arming ourselves for war, but for building trust and
CF | establishing peace. We have established a road map that will lead us
CF | into the next decades, but the highway of progress we're on has no
CF | speed limit. The engine of progress is strong. We will not allow
CF | ourselves to quiet that engine because of fear or suspicion."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "I know many of you
CF | may have some concerns about our new policies, but let me assure you
CF | that we are giving all the issues due consideration."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Stage 60/1360
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go northeast, northwest, and south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1361
CF | >
CF | > NW
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | This narrow alcove is deep within the theater, the thick concrete
CF | walls blocking out the noise from the stage. A couch with threadbare
CF | cushions occupies one side of the room. At a table in the corner, a
CF | human sits in front of a machine resembling a typewriter, but with a
CF | profusion of wires running out of it and into a large suitcase at its
CF | feet. An empty coffee cup is next to it on the table, with a cigarette
CF | smoldering in it. A staircase to the southeast leads upward.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter sits nearby.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and gently feeds them into the
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put blockon speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1361
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any blockon speechwriter here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put block on speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1362
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the block intent to the speechwriter, taking the write intent
CF | in exchange. It now vaguely intends to recklessly block.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter looks anxiously at the contraption, but it doesn't
CF | feed anything into it.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put write and lazily on speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1363
CF | >
CF |
CF | write intent: I give the write intent to the speechwriter, taking the
CF | block intent in exchange. It now intends to recklessly write notes
CF | encouraging immediate action.
CF | lazily manner: I give the lazily manner to the speechwriter, taking
CF | the recklessly manner in exchange. It now intends to lazily write
CF | notes encouraging rest.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and gingerly feeds them into the
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "If he does anything other than write, the speech will end."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Stage 60/1364
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Stage
CF | From this viewpoint, the auditorium's stage is smaller and emptier
CF | than it appeared from the audience. Nevertheless, its heavy blue
CF | curtains and and gold-edged insignia give it a certain gravitas. Two
CF | scrupulously identical banks of seats have been placed on either side,
CF | exactly equidistant from a center podium. The spotlights above are
CF | intense, and it's difficult to make out any details in the audience to
CF | the south. Passages to the northwest and northeast, concealed behind
CF | the folds of the curtain, lead backstage.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "With this summit, we are moving
CF | towards a more peaceful d??tente. Our nations are not so different; one
CF | day we may see each other as friends. Until then, we can at least work
CF | together to earn each other's trust, establish lines of communication,
CF | and build a framework for a thawing of relations in which we can at
CF | least work together on our mutually beneficial goals. Let us move
CF | beyond the conflicts of the past. Even if we're not there yet, we can
CF | at least look forward to the day when we beat our swords into
CF | plowshares and plant the seeds of a new, more peaceful future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Of course,
CF | improved relations between our two nations would generate a tremendous
CF | peace dividend. How should we use it most effectively?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1365
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Our nations have both entered an
CF | unprecedented era of prosperity. Most of our people have never had it
CF | so good. As we move forward, let us not forget those of us around the
CF | world who are not so fortunate. We have an obligation to use our great
CF | wealth to help out other nations and to be good neighbors to our
CF | fellow man. Forging ties of peace and comity with the other nations
CF | around the world will ensure a steady path forward for our two
CF | countries to thrive. Our preeminence on the world stage gives us an
CF | extraordinary chance to share our resources and our peace with the
CF | world and to lead by example."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Now, let us
CF | address how we can move with all due haste toward the peace we have
CF | envisioned here."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x podium"
CF ] Stage 60/1366
CF | >
CF |
CF | The podium itself is a heavy wooden thing, solid and unornamented. On
CF | its top surface is a pane of glass, visible only to the person
CF | standing at the podium. Words flash across its surface and are duly
CF | repeated by the politician, who manages to keep his eyes mostly on the
CF | audience.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "In preparing for the new challenges
CF | that await us in the future, we have to be quick. We can only win the
CF | future and forge a new, more secure peace between our nations if we
CF | proceed rapidly, using our agreements here to accelerate our efforts
CF | not towards arming ourselves for war, but for building trust and
CF | establishing peace. We have established a road map that will lead us
CF | into the next decades, but the highway of progress we're on has no
CF | speed limit. The engine of progress is strong. We will not allow
CF | ourselves to quiet that engine because of fear or suspicion."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "This summit is a
CF | unique opportunity for our two nations. Let us discuss what we can do
CF | with it."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put block and greedily on western"
CF ] Stage 60/1367
CF | >
CF |
CF | block intent: I give the block intent to the western politician, but
CF | it's focused on the speech and shows little reaction.
CF | greedily manner: I give the greedily manner to the western politician,
CF | but it doesn't have much effect.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "This summit has taken years, if not
CF | decades, to arrange. After all that effort, we should take a breather
CF | and look to our own nations. We will have more opportunities in the
CF | future. Forging a peace together will take more decades, and we can
CF | afford to wait. We have an unprecedented opportunity here to enjoy the
CF | amenities of the complex and relax after years of stressful
CF | negotiations. Once we're rested, we can take on the thornier issues in
CF | the summit; until then, let's take things slowly."
CF |
CF | My sharp, if technically nonexistent, ears pick up some faint
CF | murmuring even through the muffled reception of the wireless
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "But, you may be
CF | wondering, how can we ensure that we're acting in our best interests?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Stage 60/1368
CF | >
CF |
CF | greedily manner: I extract the greedily manner from the western
CF | politician.
CF | block intent: I extract the block intent from the western politician.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Every nation has the right to manage
CF | its own affairs. We must jealously guard our sovereignty and safeguard
CF | the rights of our own citizens. What we're proposing here is not an
CF | alliance, or a merger, or even a friendship; it's simply a wary
CF | d??tente between independent powers. Neither of us is here because of
CF | naive goodwill or charity; we are both doing it because of our
CF | enlightened self-interest."
CF |
CF | The western politician looks to have succeeded in mollifying the
CF | crowd, who are now leaning back in comfortable boredom. Even the wary
CF | politicians on stage next to it relax.
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Let me now outline
CF | how we can de-escalate tensions between our two nations."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1369
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "With this summit, we are moving
CF | towards a more peaceful d??tente. Our nations are not so different; one
CF | day we may see each other as friends. Until then, we can at least work
CF | together to earn each other's trust, establish lines of communication,
CF | and build a framework for a thawing of relations in which we can at
CF | least work together on our mutually beneficial goals. Let us move
CF | beyond the conflicts of the past. Even if we're not there yet, we can
CF | at least look forward to the day when we beat our swords into
CF | plowshares and plant the seeds of a new, more peaceful future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Now, let us
CF | address how we can move with all due haste toward the peace we have
CF | envisioned here."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1370
CF | >
CF | > NW
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | This narrow alcove is deep within the theater, the thick concrete
CF | walls blocking out the noise from the stage. A couch with threadbare
CF | cushions occupies one side of the room. At a table in the corner, a
CF | human sits in front of a machine resembling a typewriter, but with a
CF | profusion of wires running out of it and into a large suitcase at its
CF | feet. An empty coffee cup is next to it on the table, with a cigarette
CF | smoldering in it. A staircase to the southeast leads upward.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter sits nearby.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and, via some mechanism that I
CF | can't make out, feeds them into the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put aggressively on screenwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1370
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see any screenwriter here.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put aggressively on speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1371
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the aggressively manner to the speechwriter, taking the lazily
CF | manner in exchange. It now intends to aggressively write notes
CF | encouraging warmongering.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and gingerly feeds them into the
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Oops."
DavidW says, "ooo"
DavidW says, "yes"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Stage 60/1372
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Stage
CF | From this viewpoint, the auditorium's stage is smaller and emptier
CF | than it appeared from the audience. Nevertheless, its heavy blue
CF | curtains and and gold-edged insignia give it a certain gravitas. Two
CF | scrupulously identical banks of seats have been placed on either side,
CF | exactly equidistant from a center podium. The spotlights above are
CF | intense, and it's difficult to make out any details in the audience to
CF | the south. Passages to the northwest and northeast, concealed behind
CF | the folds of the curtain, lead backstage.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "We stand at the precipice of the
CF | dawning of a new era. As we climb up to our new prosperity, let us
CF | proceed with caution. The road ahead is a new one, and we are the
CF | first ones to explore it. We will do so together. Let us embark on our
CF | mission with caution but not fear, with vision but not illusions, and
CF | with prudence but not timidity."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Now, let us
CF | address how we can move with all due haste toward the peace we have
CF | envisioned here."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1373
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "In preparing for the new challenges
CF | that await us in the future, we have to be quick. We can only win the
CF | future and forge a new, more secure peace between our nations if we
CF | proceed rapidly, using our agreements here to accelerate our efforts
CF | not towards arming ourselves for war, but for building trust and
CF | establishing peace. We have established a road map that will lead us
CF | into the next decades, but the highway of progress we're on has no
CF | speed limit. The engine of progress is strong. We will not allow
CF | ourselves to quiet that engine because of fear or suspicion."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Of course,
CF | improved relations between our two nations would generate a tremendous
CF | peace dividend. How should we use it most effectively?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1374
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Our nations have both entered an
CF | unprecedented era of prosperity. Most of our people have never had it
CF | so good. As we move forward, let us not forget those of us around the
CF | world who are not so fortunate. We have an obligation to use our great
CF | wealth to help out other nations and to be good neighbors to our
CF | fellow man. Forging ties of peace and comity with the other nations
CF | around the world will ensure a steady path forward for our two
CF | countries to thrive. Our preeminence on the world stage gives us an
CF | extraordinary chance to share our resources and our peace with the
CF | world and to lead by example."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "I know many of you
CF | may have some concerns about our new policies, but let me assure you
CF | that we are giving all the issues due consideration."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1375
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "We stand at the precipice of the
CF | dawning of a new era. As we climb up to our new prosperity, let us
CF | proceed with caution. The road ahead is a new one, and we are the
CF | first ones to explore it. We will do so together. Let us embark on our
CF | mission with caution but not fear, with vision but not illusions, and
CF | with prudence but not timidity."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "This summit is a
CF | unique opportunity for our two nations. Let us discuss what we can do
CF | with it."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1376
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "This is the time for action. This
CF | summit has taken years, if not decades, to arrange. It will all have
CF | been worth it if we can take advantage of this unprecedented
CF | opportunity. The time for the future is now. Let us strike while the
CF | iron is hot and forge a peace together. We cannot wait, or we will
CF | lose our special moment in history. We must act, decisively and
CF | confidently, to secure a peaceful and prosperous future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "But, you may be
CF | wondering, how can we ensure that we're acting in our best interests?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "There's a delay between when the writing and the speaking, isn't there."
Knight_Otu says, "Surely."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1377
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Every nation has the right to manage
CF | its own affairs. We must jealously guard our sovereignty and safeguard
CF | the rights of our own citizens. What we're proposing here is not an
CF | alliance, or a merger, or even a friendship; it's simply a wary
CF | d??tente between independent powers. Neither of us is here because of
CF | naive goodwill or charity; we are both doing it because of our
CF | enlightened self-interest."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Now, let us
CF | address how we can move with all due haste toward the peace we have
CF | envisioned here."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1378
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "In preparing for the new challenges
CF | that await us in the future, we have to be quick. We can only win the
CF | future and forge a new, more secure peace between our nations if we
CF | proceed rapidly, using our agreements here to accelerate our efforts
CF | not towards arming ourselves for war, but for building trust and
CF | establishing peace. We have established a road map that will lead us
CF | into the next decades, but the highway of progress we're on has no
CF | speed limit. The engine of progress is strong. We will not allow
CF | ourselves to quiet that engine because of fear or suspicion."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Of course,
CF | improved relations between our two nations would generate a tremendous
CF | peace dividend. How should we use it most effectively?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1379
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Our nations have both entered an
CF | unprecedented era of prosperity. Most of our people have never had it
CF | so good. As we move forward, let us not forget those of us around the
CF | world who are not so fortunate. We have an obligation to use our great
CF | wealth to help out other nations and to be good neighbors to our
CF | fellow man. Forging ties of peace and comity with the other nations
CF | around the world will ensure a steady path forward for our two
CF | countries to thrive. Our preeminence on the world stage gives us an
CF | extraordinary chance to share our resources and our peace with the
CF | world and to lead by example."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "But, you may be
CF | wondering, how can we ensure that we're acting in our best interests?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1380
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Every nation has the right to manage
CF | its own affairs. We must jealously guard our sovereignty and safeguard
CF | the rights of our own citizens. What we're proposing here is not an
CF | alliance, or a merger, or even a friendship; it's simply a wary
CF | d??tente between independent powers. Neither of us is here because of
CF | naive goodwill or charity; we are both doing it because of our
CF | enlightened self-interest."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Let me now outline
CF | how we can de-escalate tensions between our two nations."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1381
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "With this summit, we are moving toward
CF | a more peaceful d??tente. Until we get there, however, we must continue
CF | to be wary. Let us move beyond the conflicts of the past. Whatever
CF | disagreements, we have had, we are in it for the long haul. We will
CF | bury you. We can look forward to the day when we beat our swords into
CF | plowshares and forge a new, more peaceful future; but until then, we
CF | will continue to make swords, and we will continue to point them
CF | towards you."
CF |
CF | My sharp, if technically nonexistent, ears pick up some faint
CF | murmuring even through the muffled reception of the wireless
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Of course,
CF | improved relations between our two nations would generate a tremendous
CF | peace dividend. How should we use it most effectively?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1382
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Our nations have both entered an
CF | unprecedented era of prosperity. Most of our people have never had it
CF | so good. As we move forward, let us not forget those of us around the
CF | world who are not so fortunate. We have an obligation to use our great
CF | wealth to help out other nations and to be good neighbors to our
CF | fellow man. Forging ties of peace and comity with the other nations
CF | around the world will ensure a steady path forward for our two
CF | countries to thrive. Our preeminence on the world stage gives us an
CF | extraordinary chance to share our resources and our peace with the
CF | world and to lead by example."
CF |
CF | The western politician looks to have succeeded in mollifying the
CF | crowd, who are now leaning back in comfortable boredom. Even the wary
CF | politicians on stage next to it relax.
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "This summit is a
CF | unique opportunity for our two nations. Let us discuss what we can do
CF | with it."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1383
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "This is the time for action. This
CF | summit has taken years, if not decades, to arrange. It will all have
CF | been worth it if we can take advantage of this unprecedented
CF | opportunity. The time for the future is now. Let us strike while the
CF | iron is hot and forge a peace together. We cannot wait, or we will
CF | lose our special moment in history. We must act, decisively and
CF | confidently, to secure a peaceful and prosperous future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "But, you may be
CF | wondering, how can we ensure that we're acting in our best interests?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1384
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Every nation has the right to manage
CF | its own affairs. We must jealously guard our sovereignty and safeguard
CF | the rights of our own citizens. What we're proposing here is not an
CF | alliance, or a merger, or even a friendship; it's simply a wary
CF | d??tente between independent powers. Neither of us is here because of
CF | naive goodwill or charity; we are both doing it because of our
CF | enlightened self-interest."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Let me now outline
CF | how we can de-escalate tensions between our two nations."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1385
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "With this summit, we are moving toward
CF | a more peaceful d??tente. Until we get there, however, we must continue
CF | to be wary. Let us move beyond the conflicts of the past. Whatever
CF | disagreements, we have had, we are in it for the long haul. We will
CF | bury you. We can look forward to the day when we beat our swords into
CF | plowshares and forge a new, more peaceful future; but until then, we
CF | will continue to make swords, and we will continue to point them
CF | towards you."
CF |
CF | My sharp, if technically nonexistent, ears pick up some faint
CF | murmuring even through the muffled reception of the wireless
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Now, let us
CF | address how we can move with all due haste toward the peace we have
CF | envisioned here."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "hm."
Knight_Otu says, "We need a sequence of manners it seems."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1386
CF | >
CF | > NW
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | This narrow alcove is deep within the theater, the thick concrete
CF | walls blocking out the noise from the stage. A couch with threadbare
CF | cushions occupies one side of the room. At a table in the corner, a
CF | human sits in front of a machine resembling a typewriter, but with a
CF | profusion of wires running out of it and into a large suitcase at its
CF | feet. An empty coffee cup is next to it on the table, with a cigarette
CF | smoldering in it. A staircase to the southeast leads upward.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter sits nearby.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and deftly feeds them into the
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put greedily on speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1387
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the greedily manner to the speechwriter, taking the
CF | aggressively manner in exchange. It now intends to greedily write
CF | notes encouraging selfishness.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and deftly feeds them into the
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Stage 60/1388
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Stage
CF | From this viewpoint, the auditorium's stage is smaller and emptier
CF | than it appeared from the audience. Nevertheless, its heavy blue
CF | curtains and and gold-edged insignia give it a certain gravitas. Two
CF | scrupulously identical banks of seats have been placed on either side,
CF | exactly equidistant from a center podium. The spotlights above are
CF | intense, and it's difficult to make out any details in the audience to
CF | the south. Passages to the northwest and northeast, concealed behind
CF | the folds of the curtain, lead backstage.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "My nation has entered an unprecedented
CF | era of prosperity. Most of our people have never had it so good. To
CF | start moving that wealth out of my nation, when we've worked so hard
CF | to achieve it, would be a disservice to our loyal citizens. By showing
CF | the rest of the world how wealthy we are, we can lead by example and
CF | give them an ideal to aspire to. We hope that you will be motivated by
CF | this display as well and, one day, share in our prosperity."
CF |
CF | The humans in the audience whisper loudly among themselves, and the
CF | western politicians' counterparts on the stage give each other looks
CF | of alarm.
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Now, let us
CF | address how we can move with all due haste toward the peace we have
CF | envisioned here."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1389
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "In preparing for the new challenges
CF | that await us in the future, we have to be quick. We can only win the
CF | future and forge a new, more secure peace between our nations if we
CF | proceed rapidly, using our agreements here to accelerate our efforts
CF | not towards arming ourselves for war, but for building trust and
CF | establishing peace. We have established a road map that will lead us
CF | into the next decades, but the highway of progress we're on has no
CF | speed limit. The engine of progress is strong. We will not allow
CF | ourselves to quiet that engine because of fear or suspicion."
CF |
CF | The western politician looks to have succeeded in mollifying the
CF | crowd, who are now leaning back in comfortable boredom. Even the wary
CF | politicians on stage next to it relax.
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "This summit is a
CF | unique opportunity for our two nations. Let us discuss what we can do
CF | with it."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "So, the speech loops. We need aggressive at one point, greedy at another."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1390
CF | >
CF | > NW
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | This narrow alcove is deep within the theater, the thick concrete
CF | walls blocking out the noise from the stage. A couch with threadbare
CF | cushions occupies one side of the room. At a table in the corner, a
CF | human sits in front of a machine resembling a typewriter, but with a
CF | profusion of wires running out of it and into a large suitcase at its
CF | feet. An empty coffee cup is next to it on the table, with a cigarette
CF | smoldering in it. A staircase to the southeast leads upward.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter sits nearby.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and confidently feeds them into
CF | the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put recklessly on speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1391
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the recklessly manner to the speechwriter, taking the greedily
CF | manner in exchange. It now intends to recklessly write notes
CF | encouraging immediate action.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and, frowning, feeds them into
CF | the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Stage 60/1392
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Stage
CF | From this viewpoint, the auditorium's stage is smaller and emptier
CF | than it appeared from the audience. Nevertheless, its heavy blue
CF | curtains and and gold-edged insignia give it a certain gravitas. Two
CF | scrupulously identical banks of seats have been placed on either side,
CF | exactly equidistant from a center podium. The spotlights above are
CF | intense, and it's difficult to make out any details in the audience to
CF | the south. Passages to the northwest and northeast, concealed behind
CF | the folds of the curtain, lead backstage.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "With this summit, we are moving
CF | towards a more peaceful d??tente. Our nations are not so different; one
CF | day we may see each other as friends. Until then, we can at least work
CF | together to earn each other's trust, establish lines of communication,
CF | and build a framework for a thawing of relations in which we can at
CF | least work together on our mutually beneficial goals. Let us move
CF | beyond the conflicts of the past. Even if we're not there yet, we can
CF | at least look forward to the day when we beat our swords into
CF | plowshares and plant the seeds of a new, more peaceful future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "I know many of you
CF | may have some concerns about our new policies, but let me assure you
CF | that we are giving all the issues due consideration."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1393
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "We stand at the precipice of the
CF | dawning of a new era. Our precarious outpost here is crumbling away,
CF | and lofty ideals or dreams of prosperity won't save it. We need to act
CF | immediately. We're entering a brave new world, and we don't have a
CF | roadmap for the future, and we can't stop to ask for directions. Our
CF | only option is to act now. If you're not willing to make a commitment
CF | right now, then we'll walk out of this summit."
CF |
CF | My sharp, if technically nonexistent, ears pick up some faint
CF | murmuring even through the muffled reception of the wireless
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "This summit is a
CF | unique opportunity for our two nations. Let us discuss what we can do
CF | with it."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1394
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "This is the time for action. This
CF | summit has taken years, if not decades, to arrange. It will all have
CF | been worth it if we can take advantage of this unprecedented
CF | opportunity. The time for the future is now. Let us strike while the
CF | iron is hot and forge a peace together. We cannot wait, or we will
CF | lose our special moment in history. We must act, decisively and
CF | confidently, to secure a peaceful and prosperous future."
CF |
CF | The western politician looks to have succeeded in mollifying the
CF | crowd, who are now leaning back in comfortable boredom. Even the wary
CF | politicians on stage next to it relax.
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Now, let us
CF | address how we can move with all due haste toward the peace we have
CF | envisioned here."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1395
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "In preparing for the new challenges
CF | that await us in the future, we have to be quick. We can only win the
CF | future and forge a new, more secure peace between our nations if we
CF | proceed rapidly, using our agreements here to accelerate our efforts
CF | not towards arming ourselves for war, but for building trust and
CF | establishing peace. We have established a road map that will lead us
CF | into the next decades, but the highway of progress we're on has no
CF | speed limit. The engine of progress is strong. We will not allow
CF | ourselves to quiet that engine because of fear or suspicion."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "I know many of you
CF | may have some concerns about our new policies, but let me assure you
CF | that we are giving all the issues due consideration."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1396
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "We stand at the precipice of the
CF | dawning of a new era. Our precarious outpost here is crumbling away,
CF | and lofty ideals or dreams of prosperity won't save it. We need to act
CF | immediately. We're entering a brave new world, and we don't have a
CF | roadmap for the future, and we can't stop to ask for directions. Our
CF | only option is to act now. If you're not willing to make a commitment
CF | right now, then we'll walk out of this summit."
CF |
CF | My sharp, if technically nonexistent, ears pick up some faint
CF | murmuring even through the muffled reception of the wireless
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "This summit is a
CF | unique opportunity for our two nations. Let us discuss what we can do
CF | with it."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1397
CF | >
CF | > NW
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | This narrow alcove is deep within the theater, the thick concrete
CF | walls blocking out the noise from the stage. A couch with threadbare
CF | cushions occupies one side of the room. At a table in the corner, a
CF | human sits in front of a machine resembling a typewriter, but with a
CF | profusion of wires running out of it and into a large suitcase at its
CF | feet. An empty coffee cup is next to it on the table, with a cigarette
CF | smoldering in it. A staircase to the southeast leads upward.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter sits nearby.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and gently feeds them into the
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put aggressively on speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1398
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the aggressively manner to the speechwriter, taking the
CF | recklessly manner in exchange. It now intends to aggressively write
CF | notes encouraging warmongering.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and feeds them into the
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Stage 60/1399
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Stage
CF | From this viewpoint, the auditorium's stage is smaller and emptier
CF | than it appeared from the audience. Nevertheless, its heavy blue
CF | curtains and and gold-edged insignia give it a certain gravitas. Two
CF | scrupulously identical banks of seats have been placed on either side,
CF | exactly equidistant from a center podium. The spotlights above are
CF | intense, and it's difficult to make out any details in the audience to
CF | the south. Passages to the northwest and northeast, concealed behind
CF | the folds of the curtain, lead backstage.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "We stand at the precipice of the
CF | dawning of a new era. As we climb up to our new prosperity, let us
CF | proceed with caution. The road ahead is a new one, and we are the
CF | first ones to explore it. We will do so together. Let us embark on our
CF | mission with caution but not fear, with vision but not illusions, and
CF | with prudence but not timidity."
CF |
CF | The western politician looks to have succeeded in mollifying the
CF | crowd, who are now leaning back in comfortable boredom. Even the wary
CF | politicians on stage next to it relax.
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Of course,
CF | improved relations between our two nations would generate a tremendous
CF | peace dividend. How should we use it most effectively?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1400
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Our nations have both entered an
CF | unprecedented era of prosperity. Most of our people have never had it
CF | so good. As we move forward, let us not forget those of us around the
CF | world who are not so fortunate. We have an obligation to use our great
CF | wealth to help out other nations and to be good neighbors to our
CF | fellow man. Forging ties of peace and comity with the other nations
CF | around the world will ensure a steady path forward for our two
CF | countries to thrive. Our preeminence on the world stage gives us an
CF | extraordinary chance to share our resources and our peace with the
CF | world and to lead by example."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Now, let us
CF | address how we can move with all due haste toward the peace we have
CF | envisioned here."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I'm unsure why you're not trying the barrage approach you suggested."
Knight_Otu says, "I think we have to match manner with the current speech, but now I lost the plot. I thought I had it."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1401
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "In preparing for the new challenges
CF | that await us in the future, we have to be quick. We can only win the
CF | future and forge a new, more secure peace between our nations if we
CF | proceed rapidly, using our agreements here to accelerate our efforts
CF | not towards arming ourselves for war, but for building trust and
CF | establishing peace. We have established a road map that will lead us
CF | into the next decades, but the highway of progress we're on has no
CF | speed limit. The engine of progress is strong. We will not allow
CF | ourselves to quiet that engine because of fear or suspicion."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Let me now outline
CF | how we can de-escalate tensions between our two nations."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1402
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "With this summit, we are moving toward
CF | a more peaceful d??tente. Until we get there, however, we must continue
CF | to be wary. Let us move beyond the conflicts of the past. Whatever
CF | disagreements, we have had, we are in it for the long haul. We will
CF | bury you. We can look forward to the day when we beat our swords into
CF | plowshares and forge a new, more peaceful future; but until then, we
CF | will continue to make swords, and we will continue to point them
CF | towards you."
CF |
CF | My sharp, if technically nonexistent, ears pick up some faint
CF | murmuring even through the muffled reception of the wireless
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "This summit is a
CF | unique opportunity for our two nations. Let us discuss what we can do
CF | with it."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1403
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "This is the time for action. This
CF | summit has taken years, if not decades, to arrange. It will all have
CF | been worth it if we can take advantage of this unprecedented
CF | opportunity. The time for the future is now. Let us strike while the
CF | iron is hot and forge a peace together. We cannot wait, or we will
CF | lose our special moment in history. We must act, decisively and
CF | confidently, to secure a peaceful and prosperous future."
CF |
CF | The western politician looks to have succeeded in mollifying the
CF | crowd, who are now leaning back in comfortable boredom. Even the wary
CF | politicians on stage next to it relax.
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "I know many of you
CF | may have some concerns about our new policies, but let me assure you
CF | that we are giving all the issues due consideration."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1404
CF | >
CF | > NW
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | This narrow alcove is deep within the theater, the thick concrete
CF | walls blocking out the noise from the stage. A couch with threadbare
CF | cushions occupies one side of the room. At a table in the corner, a
CF | human sits in front of a machine resembling a typewriter, but with a
CF | profusion of wires running out of it and into a large suitcase at its
CF | feet. An empty coffee cup is next to it on the table, with a cigarette
CF | smoldering in it. A staircase to the southeast leads upward.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter sits nearby.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and, via some mechanism that I
CF | can't make out, feeds them into the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put aggressive on speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1405
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the aggressively manner from the speechwriter)
CF | I give the aggressively manner to the speechwriter, who now intends to
CF | aggressively write notes encouraging warmongering.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and, via some mechanism that I
CF | can't make out, feeds them into the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put greedily on speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1406
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the greedily manner to the speechwriter, taking the
CF | aggressively manner in exchange. It now intends to greedily write
CF | notes encouraging selfishness.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and, frowning, feeds them into
CF | the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put recklessly on speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1407
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the recklessly manner to the speechwriter, taking the greedily
CF | manner in exchange. It now intends to recklessly write notes
CF | encouraging immediate action.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and, via some mechanism that I
CF | can't make out, feeds them into the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put recklessly on speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1408
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the recklessly manner from the speechwriter)
CF | I give the recklessly manner to the speechwriter, who now intends to
CF | recklessly write notes encouraging immediate action.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and gently feeds them into the
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put aggressively on speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1409
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the aggressively manner to the speechwriter, taking the
CF | recklessly manner in exchange. It now intends to aggressively write
CF | notes encouraging warmongering.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and gingerly feeds them into the
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put greedily on speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1410
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the greedily manner to the speechwriter, taking the
CF | aggressively manner in exchange. It now intends to greedily write
CF | notes encouraging selfishness.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and deftly feeds them into the
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x contraption"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1411
CF | >
CF |
CF | The contraption comprises a mass of electrical parts squashed into a
CF | compact Bakelite case whose exterior is studded with various dials and
CF | gauges. It's currently closed up and off. The components inside are
CF | shiny and free of dust.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and, via some mechanism that I
CF | can't make out, feeds them into the contraption.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I think we need to witness the effects."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Stage 60/1412
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Stage
CF | From this viewpoint, the auditorium's stage is smaller and emptier
CF | than it appeared from the audience. Nevertheless, its heavy blue
CF | curtains and and gold-edged insignia give it a certain gravitas. Two
CF | scrupulously identical banks of seats have been placed on either side,
CF | exactly equidistant from a center podium. The spotlights above are
CF | intense, and it's difficult to make out any details in the audience to
CF | the south. Passages to the northwest and northeast, concealed behind
CF | the folds of the curtain, lead backstage.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Every nation has the right to manage
CF | its own affairs. We must jealously guard our sovereignty and safeguard
CF | the rights of our own citizens. What we're proposing here is not an
CF | alliance, or a merger, or even a friendship; it's simply a wary
CF | d??tente between independent powers. Neither of us is here because of
CF | naive goodwill or charity; we are both doing it because of our
CF | enlightened self-interest."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Of course,
CF | improved relations between our two nations would generate a tremendous
CF | peace dividend. How should we use it most effectively?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1413
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "My nation has entered an unprecedented
CF | era of prosperity. Most of our people have never had it so good. To
CF | start moving that wealth out of my nation, when we've worked so hard
CF | to achieve it, would be a disservice to our loyal citizens. By showing
CF | the rest of the world how wealthy we are, we can lead by example and
CF | give them an ideal to aspire to. We hope that you will be motivated by
CF | this display as well and, one day, share in our prosperity."
CF |
CF | My sharp, if technically nonexistent, ears pick up some faint
CF | murmuring even through the muffled reception of the wireless
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Let me now outline
CF | how we can de-escalate tensions between our two nations."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1414
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "With this summit, we are moving
CF | towards a more peaceful d??tente. Our nations are not so different; one
CF | day we may see each other as friends. Until then, we can at least work
CF | together to earn each other's trust, establish lines of communication,
CF | and build a framework for a thawing of relations in which we can at
CF | least work together on our mutually beneficial goals. Let us move
CF | beyond the conflicts of the past. Even if we're not there yet, we can
CF | at least look forward to the day when we beat our swords into
CF | plowshares and plant the seeds of a new, more peaceful future."
CF |
CF | The western politician looks to have succeeded in mollifying the
CF | crowd, who are now leaning back in comfortable boredom. Even the wary
CF | politicians on stage next to it relax.
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "This summit is a
CF | unique opportunity for our two nations. Let us discuss what we can do
CF | with it."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1415
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "This is the time for action. This
CF | summit has taken years, if not decades, to arrange. It will all have
CF | been worth it if we can take advantage of this unprecedented
CF | opportunity. The time for the future is now. Let us strike while the
CF | iron is hot and forge a peace together. We cannot wait, or we will
CF | lose our special moment in history. We must act, decisively and
CF | confidently, to secure a peaceful and prosperous future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "But, you may be
CF | wondering, how can we ensure that we're acting in our best interests?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1416
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Every nation has the right to manage
CF | its own affairs. We must jealously guard our sovereignty and safeguard
CF | the rights of our own citizens. What we're proposing here is not an
CF | alliance, or a merger, or even a friendship; it's simply a wary
CF | d??tente between independent powers. Neither of us is here because of
CF | naive goodwill or charity; we are both doing it because of our
CF | enlightened self-interest."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Now, let us
CF | address how we can move with all due haste toward the peace we have
CF | envisioned here."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I'm not sure why it's not working."
DavidW asks, "Do we really need to map out the cycle and put specific manners on specific parts of the cycle?"
Knight_Otu says, "I think I may have it. Three distinct topics repeating, but the one following the affected speech is also altered, so I didn't recognize it."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1417
CF | >
CF | > NW
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | This narrow alcove is deep within the theater, the thick concrete
CF | walls blocking out the noise from the stage. A couch with threadbare
CF | cushions occupies one side of the room. At a table in the corner, a
CF | human sits in front of a machine resembling a typewriter, but with a
CF | profusion of wires running out of it and into a large suitcase at its
CF | feet. An empty coffee cup is next to it on the table, with a cigarette
CF | smoldering in it. A staircase to the southeast leads upward.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter sits nearby.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and, via some mechanism that I
CF | can't make out, feeds them into the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put aggressively on speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1418
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the aggressively manner to the speechwriter, taking the
CF | greedily manner in exchange. It now intends to aggressively write
CF | notes encouraging warmongering.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and gingerly feeds them into the
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put greedily on speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1419
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the greedily manner to the speechwriter, taking the
CF | aggressively manner in exchange. It now intends to greedily write
CF | notes encouraging selfishness.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and gingerly feeds them into the
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put recklessly on speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1420
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the recklessly manner to the speechwriter, taking the greedily
CF | manner in exchange. It now intends to recklessly write notes
CF | encouraging immediate action.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and deftly feeds them into the
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Stage 60/1421
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Stage
CF | From this viewpoint, the auditorium's stage is smaller and emptier
CF | than it appeared from the audience. Nevertheless, its heavy blue
CF | curtains and and gold-edged insignia give it a certain gravitas. Two
CF | scrupulously identical banks of seats have been placed on either side,
CF | exactly equidistant from a center podium. The spotlights above are
CF | intense, and it's difficult to make out any details in the audience to
CF | the south. Passages to the northwest and northeast, concealed behind
CF | the folds of the curtain, lead backstage.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Our nations have both entered an
CF | unprecedented era of prosperity. Most of our people have never had it
CF | so good. As we move forward, let us not forget those of us around the
CF | world who are not so fortunate. We have an obligation to use our great
CF | wealth to help out other nations and to be good neighbors to our
CF | fellow man. Forging ties of peace and comity with the other nations
CF | around the world will ensure a steady path forward for our two
CF | countries to thrive. Our preeminence on the world stage gives us an
CF | extraordinary chance to share our resources and our peace with the
CF | world and to lead by example."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Let me now outline
CF | how we can de-escalate tensions between our two nations."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "I may have mistimed it."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1422
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "With this summit, we are moving
CF | towards a more peaceful d??tente. Our nations are not so different; one
CF | day we may see each other as friends. Until then, we can at least work
CF | together to earn each other's trust, establish lines of communication,
CF | and build a framework for a thawing of relations in which we can at
CF | least work together on our mutually beneficial goals. Let us move
CF | beyond the conflicts of the past. Even if we're not there yet, we can
CF | at least look forward to the day when we beat our swords into
CF | plowshares and plant the seeds of a new, more peaceful future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "But, you may be
CF | wondering, how can we ensure that we're acting in our best interests?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1423
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Every nation has the right to manage
CF | its own affairs. We must jealously guard our sovereignty and safeguard
CF | the rights of our own citizens. What we're proposing here is not an
CF | alliance, or a merger, or even a friendship; it's simply a wary
CF | d??tente between independent powers. Neither of us is here because of
CF | naive goodwill or charity; we are both doing it because of our
CF | enlightened self-interest."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "This summit is a
CF | unique opportunity for our two nations. Let us discuss what we can do
CF | with it."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1424
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "This is the time for action. This
CF | summit has taken years, if not decades, to arrange. It will all have
CF | been worth it if we can take advantage of this unprecedented
CF | opportunity. The time for the future is now. Let us strike while the
CF | iron is hot and forge a peace together. We cannot wait, or we will
CF | lose our special moment in history. We must act, decisively and
CF | confidently, to secure a peaceful and prosperous future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "I know many of you
CF | may have some concerns about our new policies, but let me assure you
CF | that we are giving all the issues due consideration."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "The swords one needs to be aggressively."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1425
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "We stand at the precipice of the
CF | dawning of a new era. Our precarious outpost here is crumbling away,
CF | and lofty ideals or dreams of prosperity won't save it. We need to act
CF | immediately. We're entering a brave new world, and we don't have a
CF | roadmap for the future, and we can't stop to ask for directions. Our
CF | only option is to act now. If you're not willing to make a commitment
CF | right now, then we'll walk out of this summit."
CF |
CF | My sharp, if technically nonexistent, ears pick up some faint
CF | murmuring even through the muffled reception of the wireless
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Let me now outline
CF | how we can de-escalate tensions between our two nations."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1426
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "With this summit, we are moving
CF | towards a more peaceful d??tente. Our nations are not so different; one
CF | day we may see each other as friends. Until then, we can at least work
CF | together to earn each other's trust, establish lines of communication,
CF | and build a framework for a thawing of relations in which we can at
CF | least work together on our mutually beneficial goals. Let us move
CF | beyond the conflicts of the past. Even if we're not there yet, we can
CF | at least look forward to the day when we beat our swords into
CF | plowshares and plant the seeds of a new, more peaceful future."
CF |
CF | The western politician looks to have succeeded in mollifying the
CF | crowd, who are now leaning back in comfortable boredom. Even the wary
CF | politicians on stage next to it relax.
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "But, you may be
CF | wondering, how can we ensure that we're acting in our best interests?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1427
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Every nation has the right to manage
CF | its own affairs. We must jealously guard our sovereignty and safeguard
CF | the rights of our own citizens. What we're proposing here is not an
CF | alliance, or a merger, or even a friendship; it's simply a wary
CF | d??tente between independent powers. Neither of us is here because of
CF | naive goodwill or charity; we are both doing it because of our
CF | enlightened self-interest."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "This summit is a
CF | unique opportunity for our two nations. Let us discuss what we can do
CF | with it."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1428
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "This is the time for action. This
CF | summit has taken years, if not decades, to arrange. It will all have
CF | been worth it if we can take advantage of this unprecedented
CF | opportunity. The time for the future is now. Let us strike while the
CF | iron is hot and forge a peace together. We cannot wait, or we will
CF | lose our special moment in history. We must act, decisively and
CF | confidently, to secure a peaceful and prosperous future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Of course,
CF | improved relations between our two nations would generate a tremendous
CF | peace dividend. How should we use it most effectively?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1429
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Our nations have both entered an
CF | unprecedented era of prosperity. Most of our people have never had it
CF | so good. As we move forward, let us not forget those of us around the
CF | world who are not so fortunate. We have an obligation to use our great
CF | wealth to help out other nations and to be good neighbors to our
CF | fellow man. Forging ties of peace and comity with the other nations
CF | around the world will ensure a steady path forward for our two
CF | countries to thrive. Our preeminence on the world stage gives us an
CF | extraordinary chance to share our resources and our peace with the
CF | world and to lead by example."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "But, you may be
CF | wondering, how can we ensure that we're acting in our best interests?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1430
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Every nation has the right to manage
CF | its own affairs. We must jealously guard our sovereignty and safeguard
CF | the rights of our own citizens. What we're proposing here is not an
CF | alliance, or a merger, or even a friendship; it's simply a wary
CF | d??tente between independent powers. Neither of us is here because of
CF | naive goodwill or charity; we are both doing it because of our
CF | enlightened self-interest."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "This summit is a
CF | unique opportunity for our two nations. Let us discuss what we can do
CF | with it."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1431
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "This is the time for action. This
CF | summit has taken years, if not decades, to arrange. It will all have
CF | been worth it if we can take advantage of this unprecedented
CF | opportunity. The time for the future is now. Let us strike while the
CF | iron is hot and forge a peace together. We cannot wait, or we will
CF | lose our special moment in history. We must act, decisively and
CF | confidently, to secure a peaceful and prosperous future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "I know many of you
CF | may have some concerns about our new policies, but let me assure you
CF | that we are giving all the issues due consideration."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1432
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "We stand at the precipice of the
CF | dawning of a new era. Our precarious outpost here is crumbling away,
CF | and lofty ideals or dreams of prosperity won't save it. We need to act
CF | immediately. We're entering a brave new world, and we don't have a
CF | roadmap for the future, and we can't stop to ask for directions. Our
CF | only option is to act now. If you're not willing to make a commitment
CF | right now, then we'll walk out of this summit."
CF |
CF | My sharp, if technically nonexistent, ears pick up some faint
CF | murmuring even through the muffled reception of the wireless
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Now, let us
CF | address how we can move with all due haste toward the peace we have
CF | envisioned here."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Okay, I don't have it. Apparently it doesn't quite loop as I thought it did."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1433
CF | >
CF | > NW
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | This narrow alcove is deep within the theater, the thick concrete
CF | walls blocking out the noise from the stage. A couch with threadbare
CF | cushions occupies one side of the room. At a table in the corner, a
CF | human sits in front of a machine resembling a typewriter, but with a
CF | profusion of wires running out of it and into a large suitcase at its
CF | feet. An empty coffee cup is next to it on the table, with a cigarette
CF | smoldering in it. A staircase to the southeast leads upward.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter sits nearby.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and, via some mechanism that I
CF | can't make out, feeds them into the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1434
CF | >
CF |
CF | recklessly manner: I extract the recklessly manner from the
CF | speechwriter.
CF | write intent: I extract the write intent from the speechwriter.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter looks anxiously at the contraption, but it doesn't
CF | feed anything into it.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "OOPS"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put write on speechwriter"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1435
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the write intent to the speechwriter, who now intends to write
CF | notes for the western politician.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and gently feeds them into the
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Stage 60/1436
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Stage
CF | From this viewpoint, the auditorium's stage is smaller and emptier
CF | than it appeared from the audience. Nevertheless, its heavy blue
CF | curtains and and gold-edged insignia give it a certain gravitas. Two
CF | scrupulously identical banks of seats have been placed on either side,
CF | exactly equidistant from a center podium. The spotlights above are
CF | intense, and it's difficult to make out any details in the audience to
CF | the south. Passages to the northwest and northeast, concealed behind
CF | the folds of the curtain, lead backstage.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "With this summit, we are moving
CF | towards a more peaceful d??tente. Our nations are not so different; one
CF | day we may see each other as friends. Until then, we can at least work
CF | together to earn each other's trust, establish lines of communication,
CF | and build a framework for a thawing of relations in which we can at
CF | least work together on our mutually beneficial goals. Let us move
CF | beyond the conflicts of the past. Even if we're not there yet, we can
CF | at least look forward to the day when we beat our swords into
CF | plowshares and plant the seeds of a new, more peaceful future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "But, you may be
CF | wondering, how can we ensure that we're acting in our best interests?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1437
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Every nation has the right to manage
CF | its own affairs. We must jealously guard our sovereignty and safeguard
CF | the rights of our own citizens. What we're proposing here is not an
CF | alliance, or a merger, or even a friendship; it's simply a wary
CF | d??tente between independent powers. Neither of us is here because of
CF | naive goodwill or charity; we are both doing it because of our
CF | enlightened self-interest."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "I know many of you
CF | may have some concerns about our new policies, but let me assure you
CF | that we are giving all the issues due consideration." MoyTW says, "Wait has the eastern one ever spoken"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Nope."
MoyTW asks, "I assume if you give write to the other writers' room then he talks?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1438
CF | >
CF | > NW
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | This narrow alcove is deep within the theater, the thick concrete
CF | walls blocking out the noise from the stage. A couch with threadbare
CF | cushions occupies one side of the room. At a table in the corner, a
CF | human sits in front of a machine resembling a typewriter, but with a
CF | profusion of wires running out of it and into a large suitcase at its
CF | feet. An empty coffee cup is next to it on the table, with a cigarette
CF | smoldering in it. A staircase to the southeast leads upward.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter sits nearby.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and, via some mechanism that I
CF | can't make out, feeds them into the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get write"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1439
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the write intent from the speechwriter.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter looks anxiously at the contraption, but it doesn't
CF | feed anything into it.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Stage 60/1440
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Stage
CF | From this viewpoint, the auditorium's stage is smaller and emptier
CF | than it appeared from the audience. Nevertheless, its heavy blue
CF | curtains and and gold-edged insignia give it a certain gravitas. Two
CF | scrupulously identical banks of seats have been placed on either side,
CF | exactly equidistant from a center podium. The spotlights above are
CF | intense, and it's difficult to make out any details in the audience to
CF | the south. Passages to the northwest and northeast, concealed behind
CF | the folds of the curtain, lead backstage.
CF |
CF | The western politician pauses for a moment, then continues: "I'm
CF | reminded of a story..." It stays silent.
CF |
CF | I can see the eastern politician and the unaligned politician here.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "There's nobody to give write to in the east."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF ] Green Room (East) 60/1441
CF | >
CF | > NE
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (East)
CF | This cramped alcove is deep within the theater, the massive concrete
CF | walls blocking out the noise from the stage. A couch with fraying
CF | cushions occupies one side of the room. At a table in the corner,
CF | several humans sit around an open portfolio full of loose typewritten
CF | papers, methodically scribbling notes in green pencil. A staircase to
CF | the southwest leads upward.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put write on humans"
CF ] Green Room (East) 60/1441
CF | >
CF |
CF | The note-takers are too indistinct for me to manipulate. Crowds are
CF | more trouble than they're worth.
CF |
CF | The tepid applause from the direction of the stage tells me that the
CF | western politician has run out of things to say. I rush over there to
CF | survey the damage.
CF |
CF | The speech is over, and the politicians there slither together in a
CF | knot on the center of the stage, patting each other on the back and
CF | exchanging overwrought handshakes. Flashbulbs explode around the stage
CF | as the journalists surge forward to the base of the stage. A massive
CF | table with three identical leather-bound proclamations is wheeled out
CF | to the center of the stage, and the politicians take their positions
CF | around it. Preparing to sign, they take up three identical pens to
CF | pose for the cameras. With the historical conclusion of the summit
CF | finally at hand, the telecommunication equipment begins its
CF | transmission. The satellite uplinks Kingfisher tampered with activate,
CF | and a vast light???
CF |
CF | You know what happened next. We did our best to avoid it, but we
CF | failed. Mistakes were made. No one could be blamed, though the demons
CF | who wound up being blamed anyway were summarily dismissed, to
CF | encourage the others. In the end, our defense grid turned out to be
CF | more resilient than any of us expected. Hell survived, severely
CF | weakened but still strong enough to repel an invasion from Heaven. Our
CF | operations in the remnants of the mortal realm were curtailed, but
CF | there were far fewer humans left afterward anyway. Heaven and Hell
CF | divided up the dead and redoubled our efforts to influence the few
CF | living souls.
CF |
CF | As for me, I managed to weather the fallout and keep my job. I even
CF | got a perfunctory commendation out of it, presumably to keep me quiet.
CF | I'm still faithfully working to advance the interests of our empire,
CF | even as we rebuild and prepare for the next war. The Great Game
CF | continues???on a very different board with very different pieces, but
CF | it
CF | continues. We'll meet again.
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | *** I have lost. ***
CF |
CF |
CF | I scored a total of 60 out of a possible 75 points in 1441 turns,
CF | which is enough to make it unlikely but possible to get a curt nod
CF | from the Director in the hallway.
CF |
CF |
CF | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, show the SCORE
CF | details, QUIT, or UNDO the last command?
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Yeah."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Green Room (East) 60/1441
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (East)
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "huh."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Stage 60/1440
CF |
CF |
CF | Stage
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1439
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1438
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1438
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | This narrow alcove is deep within the theater, the thick concrete
CF | walls blocking out the noise from the stage. A couch with threadbare
CF | cushions occupies one side of the room. At a table in the corner, a
CF | human sits in front of a machine resembling a typewriter, but with a
CF | profusion of wires running out of it and into a large suitcase at its
CF | feet. An empty coffee cup is next to it on the table, with a cigarette
CF | smoldering in it. A staircase to the southeast leads upward.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter sits nearby.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put write on writer"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1439
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the write intent from the speechwriter)
CF | I give the write intent to the speechwriter, who now intends to write
CF | notes for the western politician.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and feeds them into the
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I'm sure we were on the correct track with using aggressively, greedily, and recklessly."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put aggressive on writer"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1440
CF | >
CF |
CF | I give the aggressively manner to the speechwriter, who now intends to
CF | aggressively write notes encouraging warmongering.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and confidently feeds them into
CF | the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1441
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and confidently feeds them into
CF | the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1442
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and confidently feeds them into
CF | the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1443
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and gingerly feeds them into the
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1444
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and confidently feeds them into
CF | the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1445
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and, frowning, feeds them into
CF | the contraption.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "But it's hard to know the correct order when you can't see what's written."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1446
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and confidently feeds them into
CF | the contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x notes"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1446
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't see the notes here. It was at Green Room (East).
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Stage 60/1447
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Stage
CF | From this viewpoint, the auditorium's stage is smaller and emptier
CF | than it appeared from the audience. Nevertheless, its heavy blue
CF | curtains and and gold-edged insignia give it a certain gravitas. Two
CF | scrupulously identical banks of seats have been placed on either side,
CF | exactly equidistant from a center podium. The spotlights above are
CF | intense, and it's difficult to make out any details in the audience to
CF | the south. Passages to the northwest and northeast, concealed behind
CF | the folds of the curtain, lead backstage.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "This is the time for action. This
CF | summit has taken years, if not decades, to arrange. It will all have
CF | been worth it if we can take advantage of this unprecedented
CF | opportunity. The time for the future is now. Let us strike while the
CF | iron is hot and forge a peace together. We cannot wait, or we will
CF | lose our special moment in history. We must act, decisively and
CF | confidently, to secure a peaceful and prosperous future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Of course,
CF | improved relations between our two nations would generate a tremendous
CF | peace dividend. How should we use it most effectively?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1448
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Our nations have both entered an
CF | unprecedented era of prosperity. Most of our people have never had it
CF | so good. As we move forward, let us not forget those of us around the
CF | world who are not so fortunate. We have an obligation to use our great
CF | wealth to help out other nations and to be good neighbors to our
CF | fellow man. Forging ties of peace and comity with the other nations
CF | around the world will ensure a steady path forward for our two
CF | countries to thrive. Our preeminence on the world stage gives us an
CF | extraordinary chance to share our resources and our peace with the
CF | world and to lead by example."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "But, you may be
CF | wondering, how can we ensure that we're acting in our best interests?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1449
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Every nation has the right to manage
CF | its own affairs. We must jealously guard our sovereignty and safeguard
CF | the rights of our own citizens. What we're proposing here is not an
CF | alliance, or a merger, or even a friendship; it's simply a wary
CF | d??tente between independent powers. Neither of us is here because of
CF | naive goodwill or charity; we are both doing it because of our
CF | enlightened self-interest."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "This summit is a
CF | unique opportunity for our two nations. Let us discuss what we can do
CF | with it."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1450
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "This is the time for action. This
CF | summit has taken years, if not decades, to arrange. It will all have
CF | been worth it if we can take advantage of this unprecedented
CF | opportunity. The time for the future is now. Let us strike while the
CF | iron is hot and forge a peace together. We cannot wait, or we will
CF | lose our special moment in history. We must act, decisively and
CF | confidently, to secure a peaceful and prosperous future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "I know many of you
CF | may have some concerns about our new policies, but let me assure you
CF | that we are giving all the issues due consideration."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1451
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "We stand at the precipice of the
CF | dawning of a new era. As we climb up to our new prosperity, let us
CF | proceed with caution. The road ahead is a new one, and we are the
CF | first ones to explore it. We will do so together. Let us embark on our
CF | mission with caution but not fear, with vision but not illusions, and
CF | with prudence but not timidity."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Let me now outline
CF | how we can de-escalate tensions between our two nations."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1452
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "With this summit, we are moving toward
CF | a more peaceful d??tente. Until we get there, however, we must continue
CF | to be wary. Let us move beyond the conflicts of the past. Whatever
CF | disagreements, we have had, we are in it for the long haul. We will
CF | bury you. We can look forward to the day when we beat our swords into
CF | plowshares and forge a new, more peaceful future; but until then, we
CF | will continue to make swords, and we will continue to point them
CF | towards you."
CF |
CF | My sharp, if technically nonexistent, ears pick up some faint
CF | murmuring even through the muffled reception of the wireless
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Now, let us
CF | address how we can move with all due haste toward the peace we have
CF | envisioned here."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1453
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "In preparing for the new challenges
CF | that await us in the future, we have to be quick. We can only win the
CF | future and forge a new, more secure peace between our nations if we
CF | proceed rapidly, using our agreements here to accelerate our efforts
CF | not towards arming ourselves for war, but for building trust and
CF | establishing peace. We have established a road map that will lead us
CF | into the next decades, but the highway of progress we're on has no
CF | speed limit. The engine of progress is strong. We will not allow
CF | ourselves to quiet that engine because of fear or suspicion."
CF |
CF | The western politician looks to have succeeded in mollifying the
CF | crowd, who are now leaning back in comfortable boredom. Even the wary
CF | politicians on stage next to it relax.
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "But, you may be
CF | wondering, how can we ensure that we're acting in our best interests?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1454
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Every nation has the right to manage
CF | its own affairs. We must jealously guard our sovereignty and safeguard
CF | the rights of our own citizens. What we're proposing here is not an
CF | alliance, or a merger, or even a friendship; it's simply a wary
CF | d??tente between independent powers. Neither of us is here because of
CF | naive goodwill or charity; we are both doing it because of our
CF | enlightened self-interest."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "This summit is a
CF | unique opportunity for our two nations. Let us discuss what we can do
CF | with it."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1455
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "This is the time for action. This
CF | summit has taken years, if not decades, to arrange. It will all have
CF | been worth it if we can take advantage of this unprecedented
CF | opportunity. The time for the future is now. Let us strike while the
CF | iron is hot and forge a peace together. We cannot wait, or we will
CF | lose our special moment in history. We must act, decisively and
CF | confidently, to secure a peaceful and prosperous future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Of course,
CF | improved relations between our two nations would generate a tremendous
CF | peace dividend. How should we use it most effectively?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1456
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Our nations have both entered an
CF | unprecedented era of prosperity. Most of our people have never had it
CF | so good. As we move forward, let us not forget those of us around the
CF | world who are not so fortunate. We have an obligation to use our great
CF | wealth to help out other nations and to be good neighbors to our
CF | fellow man. Forging ties of peace and comity with the other nations
CF | around the world will ensure a steady path forward for our two
CF | countries to thrive. Our preeminence on the world stage gives us an
CF | extraordinary chance to share our resources and our peace with the
CF | world and to lead by example."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "But, you may be
CF | wondering, how can we ensure that we're acting in our best interests?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1457
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Every nation has the right to manage
CF | its own affairs. We must jealously guard our sovereignty and safeguard
CF | the rights of our own citizens. What we're proposing here is not an
CF | alliance, or a merger, or even a friendship; it's simply a wary
CF | d??tente between independent powers. Neither of us is here because of
CF | naive goodwill or charity; we are both doing it because of our
CF | enlightened self-interest."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Now, let us
CF | address how we can move with all due haste toward the peace we have
CF | envisioned here."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1458
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "In preparing for the new challenges
CF | that await us in the future, we have to be quick. We can only win the
CF | future and forge a new, more secure peace between our nations if we
CF | proceed rapidly, using our agreements here to accelerate our efforts
CF | not towards arming ourselves for war, but for building trust and
CF | establishing peace. We have established a road map that will lead us
CF | into the next decades, but the highway of progress we're on has no
CF | speed limit. The engine of progress is strong. We will not allow
CF | ourselves to quiet that engine because of fear or suspicion."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "I know many of you
CF | may have some concerns about our new policies, but let me assure you
CF | that we are giving all the issues due consideration."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1459
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "We stand at the precipice of the
CF | dawning of a new era. As we climb up to our new prosperity, let us
CF | proceed with caution. The road ahead is a new one, and we are the
CF | first ones to explore it. We will do so together. Let us embark on our
CF | mission with caution but not fear, with vision but not illusions, and
CF | with prudence but not timidity."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "But, you may be
CF | wondering, how can we ensure that we're acting in our best interests?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1460
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Every nation has the right to manage
CF | its own affairs. We must jealously guard our sovereignty and safeguard
CF | the rights of our own citizens. What we're proposing here is not an
CF | alliance, or a merger, or even a friendship; it's simply a wary
CF | d??tente between independent powers. Neither of us is here because of
CF | naive goodwill or charity; we are both doing it because of our
CF | enlightened self-interest."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Of course,
CF | improved relations between our two nations would generate a tremendous
CF | peace dividend. How should we use it most effectively?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1461
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Our nations have both entered an
CF | unprecedented era of prosperity. Most of our people have never had it
CF | so good. As we move forward, let us not forget those of us around the
CF | world who are not so fortunate. We have an obligation to use our great
CF | wealth to help out other nations and to be good neighbors to our
CF | fellow man. Forging ties of peace and comity with the other nations
CF | around the world will ensure a steady path forward for our two
CF | countries to thrive. Our preeminence on the world stage gives us an
CF | extraordinary chance to share our resources and our peace with the
CF | world and to lead by example."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Now, let us
CF | address how we can move with all due haste toward the peace we have
CF | envisioned here."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1462
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "In preparing for the new challenges
CF | that await us in the future, we have to be quick. We can only win the
CF | future and forge a new, more secure peace between our nations if we
CF | proceed rapidly, using our agreements here to accelerate our efforts
CF | not towards arming ourselves for war, but for building trust and
CF | establishing peace. We have established a road map that will lead us
CF | into the next decades, but the highway of progress we're on has no
CF | speed limit. The engine of progress is strong. We will not allow
CF | ourselves to quiet that engine because of fear or suspicion."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "This summit is a
CF | unique opportunity for our two nations. Let us discuss what we can do
CF | with it."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1463
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "This is the time for action. This
CF | summit has taken years, if not decades, to arrange. It will all have
CF | been worth it if we can take advantage of this unprecedented
CF | opportunity. The time for the future is now. Let us strike while the
CF | iron is hot and forge a peace together. We cannot wait, or we will
CF | lose our special moment in history. We must act, decisively and
CF | confidently, to secure a peaceful and prosperous future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "I know many of you
CF | may have some concerns about our new policies, but let me assure you
CF | that we are giving all the issues due consideration."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "What is the cycle? How many units in it?"
Knight_Otu says, "I thought I had three, but that no longer seems to be the case. Maybe they manage to avoid the bad lines if they stay in circulation."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Stage 60/1463
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF | From here, I can only go northeast, northwest, and south.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1464
CF | >
CF | > NW
CF |
CF |
CF | Green Room (West)
CF | This narrow alcove is deep within the theater, the thick concrete
CF | walls blocking out the noise from the stage. A couch with threadbare
CF | cushions occupies one side of the room. At a table in the corner, a
CF | human sits in front of a machine resembling a typewriter, but with a
CF | profusion of wires running out of it and into a large suitcase at its
CF | feet. An empty coffee cup is next to it on the table, with a cigarette
CF | smoldering in it. A staircase to the southeast leads upward.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter sits nearby.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and gently feeds them into the
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get aggressively"
CF ] Green Room (West) 60/1465
CF | >
CF |
CF | I extract the aggressively manner from the speechwriter.
CF |
CF | The speechwriter scribbles some notes and feeds them into the
CF | contraption.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Stage 60/1466
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF |
CF | Stage
CF | From this viewpoint, the auditorium's stage is smaller and emptier
CF | than it appeared from the audience. Nevertheless, its heavy blue
CF | curtains and and gold-edged insignia give it a certain gravitas. Two
CF | scrupulously identical banks of seats have been placed on either side,
CF | exactly equidistant from a center podium. The spotlights above are
CF | intense, and it's difficult to make out any details in the audience to
CF | the south. Passages to the northwest and northeast, concealed behind
CF | the folds of the curtain, lead backstage.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "This is the time for action. This
CF | summit has taken years, if not decades, to arrange. It will all have
CF | been worth it if we can take advantage of this unprecedented
CF | opportunity. The time for the future is now. Let us strike while the
CF | iron is hot and forge a peace together. We cannot wait, or we will
CF | lose our special moment in history. We must act, decisively and
CF | confidently, to secure a peaceful and prosperous future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "But, you may be
CF | wondering, how can we ensure that we're acting in our best interests?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Let me take another look at the pure loop."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1467
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Every nation has the right to manage
CF | its own affairs. We must jealously guard our sovereignty and safeguard
CF | the rights of our own citizens. What we're proposing here is not an
CF | alliance, or a merger, or even a friendship; it's simply a wary
CF | d??tente between independent powers. Neither of us is here because of
CF | naive goodwill or charity; we are both doing it because of our
CF | enlightened self-interest."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Let me now outline
CF | how we can de-escalate tensions between our two nations."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1468
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "With this summit, we are moving
CF | towards a more peaceful d??tente. Our nations are not so different; one
CF | day we may see each other as friends. Until then, we can at least work
CF | together to earn each other's trust, establish lines of communication,
CF | and build a framework for a thawing of relations in which we can at
CF | least work together on our mutually beneficial goals. Let us move
CF | beyond the conflicts of the past. Even if we're not there yet, we can
CF | at least look forward to the day when we beat our swords into
CF | plowshares and plant the seeds of a new, more peaceful future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "I know many of you
CF | may have some concerns about our new policies, but let me assure you
CF | that we are giving all the issues due consideration."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1469
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "We stand at the precipice of the
CF | dawning of a new era. As we climb up to our new prosperity, let us
CF | proceed with caution. The road ahead is a new one, and we are the
CF | first ones to explore it. We will do so together. Let us embark on our
CF | mission with caution but not fear, with vision but not illusions, and
CF | with prudence but not timidity."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "This summit is a
CF | unique opportunity for our two nations. Let us discuss what we can do
CF | with it."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1470
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "This is the time for action. This
CF | summit has taken years, if not decades, to arrange. It will all have
CF | been worth it if we can take advantage of this unprecedented
CF | opportunity. The time for the future is now. Let us strike while the
CF | iron is hot and forge a peace together. We cannot wait, or we will
CF | lose our special moment in history. We must act, decisively and
CF | confidently, to secure a peaceful and prosperous future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Now, let us
CF | address how we can move with all due haste toward the peace we have
CF | envisioned here."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1471
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "In preparing for the new challenges
CF | that await us in the future, we have to be quick. We can only win the
CF | future and forge a new, more secure peace between our nations if we
CF | proceed rapidly, using our agreements here to accelerate our efforts
CF | not towards arming ourselves for war, but for building trust and
CF | establishing peace. We have established a road map that will lead us
CF | into the next decades, but the highway of progress we're on has no
CF | speed limit. The engine of progress is strong. We will not allow
CF | ourselves to quiet that engine because of fear or suspicion."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Of course,
CF | improved relations between our two nations would generate a tremendous
CF | peace dividend. How should we use it most effectively?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1472
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Our nations have both entered an
CF | unprecedented era of prosperity. Most of our people have never had it
CF | so good. As we move forward, let us not forget those of us around the
CF | world who are not so fortunate. We have an obligation to use our great
CF | wealth to help out other nations and to be good neighbors to our
CF | fellow man. Forging ties of peace and comity with the other nations
CF | around the world will ensure a steady path forward for our two
CF | countries to thrive. Our preeminence on the world stage gives us an
CF | extraordinary chance to share our resources and our peace with the
CF | world and to lead by example."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "But, you may be
CF | wondering, how can we ensure that we're acting in our best interests?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1473
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "Every nation has the right to manage
CF | its own affairs. We must jealously guard our sovereignty and safeguard
CF | the rights of our own citizens. What we're proposing here is not an
CF | alliance, or a merger, or even a friendship; it's simply a wary
CF | d??tente between independent powers. Neither of us is here because of
CF | naive goodwill or charity; we are both doing it because of our
CF | enlightened self-interest."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "This summit is a
CF | unique opportunity for our two nations. Let us discuss what we can do
CF | with it."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1474
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "This is the time for action. This
CF | summit has taken years, if not decades, to arrange. It will all have
CF | been worth it if we can take advantage of this unprecedented
CF | opportunity. The time for the future is now. Let us strike while the
CF | iron is hot and forge a peace together. We cannot wait, or we will
CF | lose our special moment in history. We must act, decisively and
CF | confidently, to secure a peaceful and prosperous future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Let me now outline
CF | how we can de-escalate tensions between our two nations."
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Stage 60/1475
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | The western politician speaks: "With this summit, we are moving
CF | towards a more peaceful d??tente. Our nations are not so different; one
CF | day we may see each other as friends. Until then, we can at least work
CF | together to earn each other's trust, establish lines of communication,
CF | and build a framework for a thawing of relations in which we can at
CF | least work together on our mutually beneficial goals. Let us move
CF | beyond the conflicts of the past. Even if we're not there yet, we can
CF | at least look forward to the day when we beat our swords into
CF | plowshares and plant the seeds of a new, more peaceful future."
CF |
CF | The western politician glances down at his podium. "Of course,
CF | improved relations between our two nations would generate a tremendous
CF | peace dividend. How should we use it most effectively?"
CF |
CF | The eastern politician and the unaligned politician stand nearby,
CF | listening with practiced politeness.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "And it is definitely not a loop."
DavidW says, "It doesn't seem to be a cycle. Six parts, randomly."
Knight_Otu says, "My thinking is that we mess up one portion and then stop the writing when the western politician messes up before they can mollify the crowd, but that's as difficult as getting the right manner to the right speech."
Knight_Otu says, "I also probably should log off for the day. At the very least, I need a break."
DavidW says, "He seems to mollify them with the very next speech."
DavidW says, "yeah, it is late."
MoyTW says, "I'm down with stopping."
DavidW says, "Thanks for playing, all."
DavidW says, "yeah, we'll stop here."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "save"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to write: MoyTW says, "Night, all."
MoyTW disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again.
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "cfvainwriter"

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