ClubFloyd Transcript:
Sorcerer by Steve Meretzky
As played on ifMUD on January 22, February 5 & 12, 2017

The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.

Below is a transcript of Sorcerer written by Steve Meretzky. You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting IFDB.

WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played this game, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page.

ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion

Jacqueline says, "Okay, Sorcerer it is."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load sleepmask sorcerer"
Floyd > ] Twisted Forest Score: 0, Turns: 0
Floyd | You are in a strange location, but you cannot remember how you got
Floyd | here. Everything is hazy, as though viewed through a gauze...
Floyd |
Floyd | Twisted Forest
Floyd | You are on a path through a blighted forest. The trees are sickly, and
Floyd | there is no undergrowth at all. One tree here looks climbable. The
Floyd | path, which ends here, continues to the northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | A hellhound is racing straight toward you, its open jaws displaying
Floyd | rows of razor-sharp teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh! I forgot it starts this way."
Taleslinger arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. Jacqueline asks, "So, um, climb the tree to escape the hellhound?"
BrianK says, "Seems like the logical solution"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Tree Branch  Score: 0, Turns: 1
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Tree Branch
Floyd | You are on a large gnarled branch of an old and twisted tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | A giant boa constrictor is slithering along the branch toward you!
Floyd | The hellhound leaps madly about the base of the tree, gnashing its
Floyd | jaws.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
zarf arrives, full of funk, but no fun. DavidW says, "I should find my infotater, when that part becomes relevant."
Jacqueline says, "UM"
BrianK says, "Uh"
BrianK asks, "Do we have any free turns?"
Taleslinger says, "I bet the snake is friendly"
zarf says, "I remember that it starts this way :)"
Jacqueline says, "To quote Dr Jones the senior, 'Our situation has not improved.'"
Roger says, "This is the sort of game you get when your meeting rooms don't have any whiteboards"
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "feed boa constrictor to hellhound"
Floyd ] Tree Branch  Score: 0, Turns: 1
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You're not holding the boa constrictor!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK asks, "If we're allowed to check our inventory without dying, then >i?"
Jacqueline says, "I was thinking the same."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ] Your Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 2
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are empty-handed.
Floyd |
Floyd | The snake begins wrapping itself around your torso, squeezing the life
Floyd | out of you...
Floyd |
Floyd | ...and a moment later you wake up in a cold sweat and realize you've
Floyd | been dreaming.
Floyd |
Floyd | Infocom interactive fiction - a fantasy story
Floyd | Copyright (c) 1984 by Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
Floyd | SORCERER is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.
Floyd | Release 15 / Serial number 851108
Floyd |
Floyd | Your frotz spell seems to have worn off during the night, and it is
Floyd | now pitch black.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oh, well, that makes a lot of sense"
Taleslinger says, "Phew"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ] Your Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 3
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a spell book
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "read book"
Floyd ] Your Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 4
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ BOOK
Floyd |
Floyd | Though it is dark, the magic writing of your spells casts enough light
Floyd | that you can read them.
Floyd |
Floyd | My Spell Book
Floyd |
Floyd | The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book).
Floyd | The vezza spell (view the future).
Floyd | The pulver spell (cause liquids to become dry).
Floyd | The izyuk spell (fly like a bird).
Floyd | The yomin spell (mind probe).
Floyd | The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects).
Floyd | The frotz spell (cause something to give off light).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "izyuk me"
Floyd ] Your Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 5
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You don't have the izyuk spell committed to memory!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "oh right"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk"
Floyd ] Your Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 6
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't learn it in the dark.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
kpaquette arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. Jacqueline says, "sigh. right."
Jacqueline says, "So how did we read the book, then? Nevermind."
BrianK says, "I assume we've already learned the frotz spell and can cast it"
Roger says, "The inventory of prepared spells is 'spells' I think"
kpaquette says, "I'm here."
zarf says, "Let me reassure you that frotzing the spell book will not make this game unwinnable. I'm almost positive."
DavidW says, "hm, I seem to not know where I put my Sorcerer box."
Jacqueline says (to kpaquette), "Hi, Katie. We're playing Sorcerer."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "spells"
Floyd ] Your Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 7
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SPELLS
Floyd |
Floyd | The gnusto, rezrov, and frotz spells are yours forever. Other than
Floyd | that, you have no spells memorized.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Ah, ours forever."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "frotz book"
Floyd ] Your Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 8
Floyd | >
Floyd | > FROTZ BOOK
Floyd |
Floyd | There is an almost blinding flash of light as the spell book begins to
Floyd | glow! It slowly fades to a less painful level, but the spell book is
Floyd | now quite usable as a light source.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Quarters, in the bed
Floyd | This is your chamber in the Hall of the Guild of Enchanters, with a
Floyd | doorway to the west. A private chamber is a great privilege,
Floyd | especially for an Enchanter as young as yourself, but how many
Floyd | Enchanters can say they defeated the infamous Krill?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "That sounds almost romantic"
Jacqueline says, "hee"
Jacqueline says, "Well, very few can say that they've defeated Krill, including all of us."
kpaquette asks, "Can I please have sorcerer in a .z5 format?"
Jacqueline says, "I mean... well, you know what I mean."
zarf harrumphs
Jacqueline says (to kpaquette), "Sorry, I don't think this one is available online."
Taleslinger asks, "Is this Krill thing a reference to something?"
Jacqueline asks (of zarf), "Why for the harrumphing?"
Roger says, "The Enchanter bad-guy"
BrianK says, "Krill was the big bad in Enchanter"
zarf says (to j), "I defeated Krill."
zarf says, "*when I was twelve*"
Roger says, "I also defeated Krull"
Jacqueline says (to zarf), "Oh. Of course you did."
Jacqueline says (to Roger), "Oh. I did not realize."
Jacqueline says, "Okay, just me and Brian are the slackers then."
Jacqueline exclaims, "ANYWAY!"
BrianK says, "Hehe"
Taleslinger says, "And me! I'm also useless! HellO!"
Jacqueline says (to Tale), "YAY"
DavidW says, "I can't find where I stored by infotater, but I found this file online: [LINK]"
BrianK says, "Well, we can go west or we can mess around with our magic spells"
kpaquette says, "Oh man. You mean I've got to sit here and wait for Jeff Harvey to get done with church and have nothing to do."
Jacqueline says, "f learn izyuk"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk"
Floyd ] Your Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 9
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "izyuk me"
Floyd ] Your Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 10
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "fly west"
Floyd ] Your Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 10
Floyd | >
Floyd | > FLY WEST
Floyd |
Floyd | I can't use the word "west" here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Hallway  Score: 5, Turns: 11
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Hallway (you are flying)
Floyd | Rooms lie to the east and west from this north-south corridor. A heavy
Floyd | wooden door, currently closed, leads north.
Floyd | Tacked to the doorframe of your room is a note, hurriedly scribbled on
Floyd | parchment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Legend has it that there's an improved flying spell called izwow."
Jacqueline says, "haha"
BrianK says, "(you are flying)"
Taleslinger says, "I wonder if we can mind-probne ourselves"
Jacqueline says (to Brian), "I know, but I wanted to be explicit about it. I feel like I'm really just floating, not flying."
DavidW says (to Taleslinger), "yes, but it gives you a headache."
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "x note"
Floyd ] Hallway  Score: 5, Turns: 11
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X NOTE
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "x".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "examine note"
Floyd ] Hallway  Score: 5, Turns: 12
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | "I have taken the apprentices into town to shop for the Guild picnic.
Floyd | I tried rousing you, but you seemed deep asleep. By the way, have you
Floyd | seen Belboz anywhere? It's not like him to leave without telling
Floyd | someone -- but then, he's been acting pretty odd of late.
Floyd |
Floyd |                             -- Frobar"
Floyd |
Floyd | You settle gently to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "No, I just wanted to restate the location description going (you are flying)"
BrianK says, "which is amusing to me for some reason"
Roger says, "We are wandering lonely as a cloud"
kpaquette says, "I'd better go."
Jacqueline says, "Sorry, I stepped away because maga just returned from the Chinatown market with various goodies. He wanted to tell me of his treasures."
kpaquette goes home. Jacqueline says, "I am back."
Taleslinger says, "HEY MAGA!"
Jacqueline) maga says, "HEY TALE!"
Taleslinger says, "yay"
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Hallway  Score: 5, Turns: 13
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | The heavy wooden door is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "open door"
Floyd ] Hallway  Score: 5, Turns: 14
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN DOOR
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, the heavy wooden door is now open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Chamber of the Circle  Score: 5, Turns: 15
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Chamber of the Circle
Floyd | The meeting place of the Circle of Enchanters is a large, round room
Floyd | with a high domed ceiling. A table occupies the center of the room.
Floyd | Engraved on the wall is a list of tenets, the Guild's code of honor.
Floyd | The only door, at the southernmost point of the perimeter, is open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says, "I think maybe the Scott Adams games had X"
Jacqueline asks, "Read the stuff?"
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "read tenets"
Floyd ] Chamber of the Circle  Score: 5, Turns: 16
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The first tenet states that Enchanters may never use their talents to
Floyd | aid evil. The second points out that an Enchanter's duty is to the
Floyd | Guild and to the Kingdom, not to the individual. Lesser tenets include
Floyd | rules for conducting votes at meetings, guidelines for passing dishes
Floyd | at Guild banquets, and penalties for revealing the Guild's secret
Floyd | handshake.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "examine table"
Floyd ] Chamber of the Circle  Score: 5, Turns: 17
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the table.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I'm sad that the Guild's secret handshake thing is probably just a joke and we'll never hear about it again."
Taleslinger says, "Man, terrible lack of implementation. Doesn't bode well for the game."
BrianK says, "and here I was thinking the handshake would be a puzzle"
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "There's always room for fanfic."
Jacqueline says (to DW), "hee"
Jacqueline) Jacqueline says, "Gotta go. I have something to write."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "read code"
Floyd ] Chamber of the Circle  Score: 5, Turns: 17
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ CODE
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "code".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Oh, the tenets are the code of honor. Got it."
DavidW says, "This location becomes slightly more important in the next game."
BrianK says, "All right, let's move on, then"
Jacqueline exclaims, "To the south!"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Hallway  Score: 5, Turns: 18
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Hallway
Floyd | Tacked to the doorframe of your room is a note, hurriedly scribbled on
Floyd | parchment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "verbose"
Floyd ] Hallway  Score: 5, Turns: 18
Floyd | >
Floyd | > VERBOSE
Floyd |
Floyd | Maximum verbosity.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hallway
Floyd | Rooms lie to the east and west from this north-south corridor. A heavy
Floyd | wooden door, currently open, leads north.
Floyd | Tacked to the doorframe of your room is a note, hurriedly scribbled on
Floyd | parchment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 19
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Belboz's Quarters
Floyd | The personal chamber of Belboz, who presides over the Circle of
Floyd | Enchanters, is appointed with a beautiful woven wall hanging, an
Floyd | exotic morgia plant, and a wide darkwood desk crafted by the artisans
Floyd | of Gurth. The hallway lies to the east.
Floyd | Pacing back and forth on a perch in the corner is Belboz's prized pet
Floyd | parrot, native to the jungles of Miznia.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Squawk! Now where can I hide this key? Squawk!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine desk"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 20
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The desk has one drawer which is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now a bit thirsty.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Squawk! Now where can I hide this key? Squawk!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK asks, "Oh, thirst and hunger are still in this game?"
DavidW says, "Sorta."
Jacqueline sighs.
DavidW says, "There's a [spoiler]"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open drawer"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 21
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the desk drawer reveals a tiny box, an infotater, and a
Floyd | journal.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Squawk! This tea is cold! Get me another cup. Squawk!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine box"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 22
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | There is writing on the lid of the box.
Floyd |
Floyd | "    MAGIC AMULET
Floyd |
Floyd | The closer this amulet is to
Floyd | its owner, the brighter it may
Floyd | glow. Ideal for leaving with
Floyd | your loved ones if you go on
Floyd | a long and hazardous journey.
Floyd |
Floyd | This amulet is sensitized to
Floyd |
Floyd | Another fine product of the
Floyd | Frobozz Magic Amulet Company."
Floyd |
Floyd | "Squawk! This tea is cold! Get me another cup. Squawk!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open it"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 23
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN IT
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the tiny box reveals a magic amulet.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now a bit hungry.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get amulet"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 24
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET AMULET
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now wearing the magic amulet.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Squawk! This tea is cold! Get me another cup. Squawk!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "x infotater"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 24
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "x".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Well, he's missing, so I suggest we wear the amulet."
Roger says, "parrot tastes like chicken"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at infotater"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 25
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Like most infotaters, this one has several windows and a rotating data
Floyd | wheel. It is leather-bound and beautifully illustrated. (NOTE: This is
Floyd | the infotater included in your game package.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "[LINK]"
Roger says, "The infotater is a pretty amazing artifact"
Roger says, "I should craft one up for... something..."
BrianK asks, "Is the infotater a pun on something?"
Jacqueline says, "I was really hoping that the infotater would have fewer windows and rotating data wheels. I was kind of hoping it could be mashed with butter and milk and slathered in gravy."
Roger says, "information rotater? I dunno."
BrianK says, "That seems reasonable"
DavidW says, "Yeah, it's just 'information' + 'rotater' mashed together."
BrianK says, "Anyway I don't suppose we need to take it with us in the game, then"
BrianK says, "assuming inventory limits are still a thing in this game, too"
DavidW says, "I don't think we need it in-game. Just the info on it."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at journal"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 26
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | It's closed and sealed with a lock.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "It's the game's copy protection."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "rezrov journal"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 27
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The journal seems to bear a spell protecting it against the simple
Floyd | rezrov spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Guild Hall doorbell chimes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oh, someone's here"
Jacqueline asks, "Should we... answer the door?"
Jacqueline says, "I think we're the only one home."
Jacqueline says, "Then again, not sure we're done in here."
DavidW says, "It's possible that you may want to restart anyway, once you're more acclimated with the Guild."
Jacqueline says, "True."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 28
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Belboz's Quarters
Floyd | The personal chamber of Belboz, who presides over the Circle of
Floyd | Enchanters, is appointed with a beautiful woven wall hanging, an
Floyd | exotic morgia plant, and a wide darkwood desk crafted by the artisans
Floyd | of Gurth. The hallway lies to the east.
Floyd | Pacing back and forth on a perch in the corner is Belboz's prized pet
Floyd | parrot, native to the jungles of Miznia.
Floyd | The desk drawer contains:
Floyd |   a tiny box
Floyd |   an infotater
Floyd |   a journal
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x plant"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 28
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PLANT
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "x".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "look at plant"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 29
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the morgia plant.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now somewhat thirsty.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Squawk! You should never have let down your mindshield, you doddering
Floyd | old Enchanter. Squawk!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Mindshield..."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "look at wall hanging"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 30
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | It is a beautiful piece of local handiwork, given to Belboz by the
Floyd | grateful townspeople after his (admittedly showy) pyrotechnical
Floyd | destruction of the evil giant Amathradonis. The hanging is affixed to
Floyd | the wall at its upper corners.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "look behind wall hanging"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 20, Turns: 31
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | As you move the tapestry, a key falls out from behind it and lands on
Floyd | the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Squawk! You should never have let down your mindshield, you doddering
Floyd | old Enchanter. Squawk!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "yay"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "take key"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 20, Turns: 32
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TAKE KEY
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Nice"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "look at key"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 20, Turns: 33
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LOOK AT KEY
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the small key.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "And I was thinking we'd have to mind probe the parrot for the key or something"
Jacqueline says, "snrk"
Jacqueline asks, "Anything else you'd like to do in here, B?"
DavidW asks, "Did you look at the journal?"
Jacqueline says, "I think it's locked."
Jacqueline asks, "Isn't it?"
DavidW says, "I seem to recall someone finding a key."
Jacqueline says, "And unrezrovable."
Jacqueline says, "OH MY GOD YES I DID JUST FIND A KEY"
Roger says, "You should never let down your mindshield, Jacqueline"
Jacqueline says, "I guess we could open it with a key. Like a peasant."
BrianK says, "Well that's a contender for the most hilarious exchange I've seen"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "unlock journal"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 20, Turns: 34
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (with the small key)
Floyd | No spell would help with that!
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now somewhat hungry.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "unlock journal with small key"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 20, Turns: 35
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | No spell would help with that!
Floyd |
Floyd | "Squawk! Where did I leave my spectacles? Squawk!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Is this a weird syntax thing"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah it is."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open journal with key"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 20, Turns: 36
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You must tell me how to do that to a journal.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Squawk! Now where can I hide this key? Squawk!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "read journal"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 20, Turns: 37
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (taking the journal first)
Floyd | It's closed and sealed with a lock.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Squawk! Belboz, the Circle is waiting for you. Squawk!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at lock"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 20, Turns: 37
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LOOK AT LOCK
Floyd |
Floyd | I can't use the word "lock" here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "unseal journal"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 20, Turns: 37
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "unseal".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "unlock lock with key"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 20, Turns: 37
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I can't use the word "lock" here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline raises her eyebrows.
BrianK says (to Floyd), "put key in journal"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 20, Turns: 38
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't do that.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now quite thirsty.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open journal"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 20, Turns: 39
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (with the key)
Floyd | The journal springs open.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Squawk! Where did I leave my spectacles? Squawk!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
zarf says (to floyd), "open journal"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 20, Turns: 40
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The journal is already open!
Floyd |
Floyd | "Squawk! This tea is cold! Get me another cup. Squawk!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline exclaims, "!"
zarf says, "sorry :)"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "read journal"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 20, Turns: 41
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You skim through the pages of the journal, a combination diary and
Floyd | notebook. Most of the notations, written in Belboz's familiar flowing
Floyd | script, deal with meetings of the Circle and business of the Guild.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is one interesting entry toward the end of the book. Belboz
Floyd | refers to an ancient and evil force known simply as Jeearr, a demon
Floyd | whose powers could endanger the Circle and possibly the entire
Floyd | kingdom. He has decided to conduct some dangerous exploratory
Floyd | experiments, operating alone to shield the Circle from the perils
Floyd | involved.
Floyd |
Floyd | The last three entries are strange and frightening -- written in a
Floyd | hand quite different from that of Belboz, and in a language totally
Floyd | unfamiliar to you.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the inside cover is an inscription, written in a light script,
Floyd | which reads "Current code: dorn".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says, "Magic is hard"
Jacqueline says, "Clearly."
Jacqueline says, "So there's a new Big Bad. Great."
BrianK says, "It doesn't look like we'll need to take the journal with us either, as long as we remember the code "dorn""
DavidW says, "Seems reasonable."
Jacqueline says, "Fortunately, we have a mudder descended from the house of Dorn, so that's easy to remember."
DavidW says, "I wonder if there's a rucksack or similar in this Guild or not. I don't remember that part."
Jacqueline says, "Oh, and a Dorn is evidently a thing that can paralyze you, according to this infotater."
DavidW says, "A dornbeast shows up in another game."
BrianK says, "All right, let's move on to the next room"
Jacqueline says, "mmkay"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Hallway  Score: 20, Turns: 42
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Hallway
Floyd | Rooms lie to the east and west from this north-south corridor. A heavy
Floyd | wooden door, currently open, leads north.
Floyd | Tacked to the doorframe of your room is a note, hurriedly scribbled on
Floyd | parchment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Hallway  Score: 20, Turns: 43
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Hallway
Floyd | Rooms lie to the east and west from this north-south corridor. A large
Floyd | marble archway to the south leads into an open area.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 20, Turns: 44
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Lobby
Floyd | This is the entrance lobby of the Guild Hall. Befitting the status and
Floyd | wealth of the Guild, the lobby is finished with polished Antharian
Floyd | marble, inlaid with intricate patterns of silver leaf. To the north is
Floyd | a wide arch, and smaller openings flank the area on the eastern and
Floyd | western sides, as well as the northeastern and northwestern corners. A
Floyd | narrow stair leads downward. Through another arch to the south, you
Floyd | can see the entrance steps and the main road into town.
Floyd | Affixed to the southern arch is an ornate brass receptacle, intended
Floyd | for use by messengers.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Fancy"
Jacqueline says, "Also, maybe there is a message."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "look in receptacle"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 20, Turns: 45
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the receptacle reveals an issue of Popular Enchanting.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now quite hungry.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "You have mail!"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get popular enchanting"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 20, Turns: 46
Jacqueline says, "I am old enough to now have that in my head. Thanks, DW."
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "read popular enchanting"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 20, Turns: 47
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | This month's cover story is about Belboz! Other stories relate the
Floyd | explosion of spell scroll manufacturers, and the coming shakedown in
Floyd | the magic potion industry. The address label on the cover reads:
Floyd |
Floyd |     "Z5 ACCAR256 4-964
Floyd |     Hall of the Guild of Enchanters
Floyd |     Village of Accardi-By-The-Sea
Floyd |     Land of Frobozz"
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now very thirsty.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. Jacqueline asks, "So does this guild have a kitchen or something?"
DavidW says, "I just remember the [spoiler]."
BrianK says, "Well there are a million exits from this room"
BrianK says, "Where should we start"
Jacqueline asks, "Let's go west, then explore the exits clockwise?"
BrianK says, "Sounds good"
DavidW says, "Sounds good to me too."
Jacqueline says (to BK), "Thank you for driving."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Store Room  Score: 20, Turns: 48
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Store Room
Floyd | This is a closet for storage. The only exit is east.
Floyd | Among the provisions here is a small ochre-colored vial, closed and
Floyd | labelled with tiny lettering.
Floyd | There is a calendar here (providing light).
Floyd | There is a depleted matchbook here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline prefers watching.
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read vial"
Floyd ] Store Room  Score: 20, Turns: 49
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ VIAL
Floyd |
Floyd | (taking the ochre vial first)
Floyd |
Floyd |         "BERZIO POTION
Floyd | (obviate need for food or drink)"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Ooh. Is this going to -- yay"
BrianK says, "Well, that's convenient"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drink vial"
Floyd ] Store Room  Score: 20, Turns: 50
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DRINK VIAL
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't drink that!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I was thinking it would be an Alice in Wonderland type of vial, but this is better."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drink potion"
Floyd ] Store Room  Score: 20, Turns: 50
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any potion here!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open vial"
Floyd ] Store Room  Score: 20, Turns: 51
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN VIAL
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the ochre vial reveals ochre potion.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "There we go"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drink potion"
Floyd ] Store Room  Score: 30, Turns: 52
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The potion was completely tasteless. You no longer feel hungry and
Floyd | thirsty, though.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh, those fussy old games."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at calendar"
Floyd ] Store Room  Score: 30, Turns: 53
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The calendar is for the current year, 957 GUE, and bears many stunning
Floyd | pictures: the marble mines of Antharia, the sand dunes of the Kovalli
Floyd | Desert, ancient Fort Griffspotter, and the giant infotater factories
Floyd | of Borphee. A legend reads "Best wishes for a leak-less year, from the
Floyd | Accardi Plumbers Guild."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at matchbook"
Floyd ] Store Room  Score: 30, Turns: 54
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The matches are all gone, but there is some printing on the inner
Floyd | cover.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read matchbook"
Floyd ] Store Room  Score: 30, Turns: 55
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (taking the depleted matchbook first)
Floyd | "Amazing Vilstu Potion!
Floyd |
Floyd | Get by without breathing! Amaze your
Floyd | friends! Be the first person on the
Floyd | block to own some!
Floyd |
Floyd | Order today by dropping this in any
Floyd | mailbox. Our shipping department will
Floyd | use the latest in temporal travel
Floyd | techniques to insure that your potion
Floyd | arrives the same day you order it!
Floyd | (Orders received before noon will
Floyd | arrive the day before you order)."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get matchbook"
Floyd ] Store Room  Score: 30, Turns: 56
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You already have it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get calendar"
Floyd ] Store Room  Score: 30, Turns: 57
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "The receptacle?"
BrianK says, "Yeah"
Jacqueline says, "For mailing the matchbook, I mean."
DavidW says, "mmhm"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 30, Turns: 58
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Lobby
Floyd | This is the entrance lobby of the Guild Hall. Befitting the status and
Floyd | wealth of the Guild, the lobby is finished with polished Antharian
Floyd | marble, inlaid with intricate patterns of silver leaf. To the north is
Floyd | a wide arch, and smaller openings flank the area on the eastern and
Floyd | western sides, as well as the northeastern and northwestern corners. A
Floyd | narrow stair leads downward. Through another arch to the south, you
Floyd | can see the entrance steps and the main road into town.
Floyd | Affixed to the southern arch is an ornate brass receptacle, intended
Floyd | for use by messengers.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "There might be a problem, though."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "put matchbook in receptacle"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 30, Turns: 59
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "The mail's already been delivered today, hasn't it?"
BrianK says, "Hmmm"
BrianK says, "That must be what the doorbell was for"
DavidW says, "Still, explore more."
Jacqueline says, "True"
BrianK says, "So hypothetically we want to rush the matchbook into the mailbox before the doorbell, I guess"
DavidW says, "I think so, but I might be wrong."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ] Apprentice Quarters  Score: 30, Turns: 60
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd | Apprentice Quarters
Floyd | This is a large hall where the Guild's young apprentices live and
Floyd | study as they strive to achieve a seat on the Circle. You think back
Floyd | to the days when you occupied these quarters. The apprentices are
Floyd | gone, having accompanied Frobar into town to shop. You can leave to
Floyd | the southeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Well, we are so close to the beginning that we could restart."
BrianK says, "Doesn't look like there's anything in this room"
DavidW says, "There's at least four more locations, iirc."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 30, Turns: 61
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd | Lobby
Floyd | This is the entrance lobby of the Guild Hall. Befitting the status and
Floyd | wealth of the Guild, the lobby is finished with polished Antharian
Floyd | marble, inlaid with intricate patterns of silver leaf. To the north is
Floyd | a wide arch, and smaller openings flank the area on the eastern and
Floyd | western sides, as well as the northeastern and northwestern corners. A
Floyd | narrow stair leads downward. Through another arch to the south, you
Floyd | can see the entrance steps and the main road into town.
Floyd | Affixed to the southern arch is an ornate brass receptacle, intended
Floyd | for use by messengers.
Floyd | The receptacle contains:
Floyd |   a depleted matchbook
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] Servants' Quarters  Score: 30, Turns: 62
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | Servants' Quarters
Floyd | This is a sparsely furnished living area for the servants of the
Floyd | Guild. None are in sight; presumably they are out doing their daily
Floyd | errands. You can leave to the southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "And nothing here either"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 30, Turns: 63
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | Lobby
Floyd | This is the entrance lobby of the Guild Hall. Befitting the status and
Floyd | wealth of the Guild, the lobby is finished with polished Antharian
Floyd | marble, inlaid with intricate patterns of silver leaf. To the north is
Floyd | a wide arch, and smaller openings flank the area on the eastern and
Floyd | western sides, as well as the northeastern and northwestern corners. A
Floyd | narrow stair leads downward. Through another arch to the south, you
Floyd | can see the entrance steps and the main road into town.
Floyd | Affixed to the southern arch is an ornate brass receptacle, intended
Floyd | for use by messengers.
Floyd | The receptacle contains:
Floyd |   a depleted matchbook
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Library  Score: 30, Turns: 64
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Library
Floyd | This is a study chamber for members of the Guild. Usually, there would
Floyd | be several elder Enchanters patiently training novices, but no one is
Floyd | here at the moment. The only exit is west.
Floyd | Lying open on a stand in one corner is a heavy volume, probably a copy
Floyd | of the Encyclopedia Frobizzica.
Floyd | The servants have been lax lately, for a scroll is lying among the
Floyd | dust in the corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Full disclosure: I am using the map, but intend to not flip it over to reveal the (sigh) maze."
BrianK says, "Oh, is there a link to the map"
Jacqueline says, "Sure: [LINK]"
BrianK says, "Saves me the trouble of mapping manually"
DavidW says, "If it's the maze I'm thinking of, it's a small one."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read encyclopedia"
Floyd ] Library  Score: 30, Turns: 65
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | It would take days to read the entire encyclopedia. A better idea
Floyd | would be to read about specific persons or things.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look up dorn in encyclopedia"
Floyd ] Library  Score: 30, Turns: 66
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The spot where the entry should be is blank, as though the text were
Floyd | magically excised or transported to some other location.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I have a copy of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica, which is spelled differently and not at all a heavy volume."
Jacqueline says, "huh"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look up grue in encyclopedia"
Floyd ] Library  Score: 30, Turns: 67
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The spot where the entry should be is blank, as though the text were
Floyd | magically excised or transported to some other location.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Oh."
Jacqueline says, "Clever."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look up rezrov in encyclopedia" Roger says, "ye olde encyclopaeaediae"
Floyd ] Library  Score: 30, Turns: 68
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A spell produced by SoftSpel.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look up borphee in encyclopedia"
Floyd ] Library  Score: 30, Turns: 69
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The capital and biggest city in Frobozz, and the center of the spell
Floyd | scroll and infotater industries. The port of Borphee is the busiest on
Floyd | the Flathead Ocean.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "I guess all the infotater knowledge is magically excised"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look up belboz in encyclopedia"
Floyd ] Library  Score: 30, Turns: 70
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a small entry about Belboz, mentioning that he is the
Floyd | Guildmaster of the Accardi Chapter of the Guild of Enchanters, and has
Floyd | served three terms as kingdomwide Secretary of the Guild.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to BK), "Yeah"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look up granola in encyclopedia"
Floyd ] Library  Score: 30, Turns: 70
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "granola".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Would it be feasible to drag this around"
DavidW says, "no, sorry."
BrianK says, "All right then"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get scroll"
Floyd ] Library  Score: 40, Turns: 71
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET SCROLL
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read scroll"
Floyd ] Library  Score: 40, Turns: 72
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The scroll reads "meef spell: cause plants to wilt".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "gnusto meef"
Floyd ] Library  Score: 40, Turns: 73
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of
Floyd | the meef spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book
Floyd | itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However,
Floyd | the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is
Floyd | copied.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ] Library  Score: 40, Turns: 74
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 40, Turns: 75
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Lobby
Floyd | This is the entrance lobby of the Guild Hall. Befitting the status and
Floyd | wealth of the Guild, the lobby is finished with polished Antharian
Floyd | marble, inlaid with intricate patterns of silver leaf. To the north is
Floyd | a wide arch, and smaller openings flank the area on the eastern and
Floyd | western sides, as well as the northeastern and northwestern corners. A
Floyd | narrow stair leads downward. Through another arch to the south, you
Floyd | can see the entrance steps and the main road into town.
Floyd | Affixed to the southern arch is an ornate brass receptacle, intended
Floyd | for use by messengers.
Floyd | The receptacle contains:
Floyd |   a depleted matchbook
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Cellar  Score: 40, Turns: 76
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Cellar
Floyd | You are in the basement of the Guild Hall. A steep, narrow stair leads
Floyd | upward from the southwest corner.
Floyd | At the far end of the cellar, draped in cobwebs, is a large trunk. At
Floyd | each corner of its lid is a button: a black button with a picture of a
Floyd | star, a gray button depicting the moon, a red button illustrated with
Floyd | a bloody knife, and a purple button engraved with a royal crown. In
Floyd | the center of the lid is a white button picturing a dove in flight.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "You are not headed to attack Bilboz's plant, I hope."
Jacqueline says, "Oh, okay."
BrianK says, "Well, I was wondering whether I should or not"
BrianK says, "But there was one more location"
Jacqueline says, "My guess is it's for something else."
Jacqueline says, "Like a hedge or something."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "rezrov trunk"
Floyd ] Cellar  Score: 40, Turns: 77
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The lid bulges outward for a moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Well, it's always worth a shot"
BrianK says, "Oh I guess we can open it right now"
DavidW says, "You get a useful unlocking spell like rezrov, so of course, things have to be counterspelled against it."
BrianK says, "Dorn beasts are gray-purple-black-gray-white so I'm assuming that's the code"
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Jacqueline says, "The heh was for DW."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "push gray"
Floyd ] Cellar  Score: 40, Turns: 78
Floyd | >
Floyd | > PUSH GRAY
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a click from the lid of the trunk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "push purple. push black. push gray. push white."
Floyd ] Cellar  Score: 65, Turns: 82
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a click from the lid of the trunk.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a click from the lid of the trunk.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a click from the lid of the trunk.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a click from the lid of the trunk. A moment later, the lid of
Floyd | the trunk swings slowly open, revealing a moldy scroll.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are beginning to tire.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to DW), "When you have a spell like rezrov, every problem is a lock."
Jacqueline says, "yay"
Jacqueline says, "Also, WE JUST GOT OUT OF BED, GAME"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read scroll"
Floyd ] Cellar  Score: 65, Turns: 83
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (taking the moldy scroll first)
Floyd | The scroll reads "aimfiz spell: transport caster to someone else's
Floyd | location". The spell seems very long and extremely complicated.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I mean, I do nap a lot in real life. I'd nap more if I could."
Roger says, "We're also anemic"
BrianK says, "Doesn't seem like this is a gnusto-able spell"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "gnusto aimfiz"
Floyd ] Cellar  Score: 65, Turns: 84
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your spell book begins to glow softly. In a spectacular effort of
Floyd | magic, the powers of the gnusto spell attempt to copy the aimfiz spell
Floyd | into your book, but the spell is too long, too complicated, and too
Floyd | powerful. The glow fades, but fortunately the moldy scroll remains
Floyd | intact.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Yeah."
Jacqueline says, "My guess is we get to learn it once."
BrianK says, "In Enchanter the complicated spells were just one-use spells"
BrianK says, "So yeah :P"
DavidW says, "yeah, you just cast 'em."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 65, Turns: 85
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Lobby
Floyd | This is the entrance lobby of the Guild Hall. Befitting the status and
Floyd | wealth of the Guild, the lobby is finished with polished Antharian
Floyd | marble, inlaid with intricate patterns of silver leaf. To the north is
Floyd | a wide arch, and smaller openings flank the area on the eastern and
Floyd | western sides, as well as the northeastern and northwestern corners. A
Floyd | narrow stair leads downward. Through another arch to the south, you
Floyd | can see the entrance steps and the main road into town.
Floyd | Affixed to the southern arch is an ornate brass receptacle, intended
Floyd | for use by messengers.
Floyd | The receptacle contains:
Floyd |   a depleted matchbook
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "So we can, uh, restart and get the vital potion we need and then redo all that exploring"
Jacqueline says, "I am fine with that."
BrianK says, "Well, here goes"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "restart"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 65, Turns: 85
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTART
Floyd |
Floyd | Your score is 65 of a possible 400, in 85 moves. This puts you in the
Floyd | class of Parlor Magician.
Floyd |
Floyd | Do you wish to restart? (Y is affirmative): >
DavidW says, "restarting will likely change the trunk code."
BrianK says, "Hmm that's more progress than I expected"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "y"
Floyd ] Twisted Forest  Score: 0, Turns: 0
Floyd | You are in a strange location, but you cannot remember how you got
Floyd | here. Everything is hazy, as though viewed through a gauze...
Floyd |
Floyd | Twisted Forest
Floyd | You are on a path through a blighted forest. The trees are sickly, and
Floyd | there is no undergrowth at all. One tree here looks climbable. The
Floyd | path, which ends here, continues to the northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | A hellhound is racing straight toward you, its open jaws displaying
Floyd | rows of razor-sharp teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger asks, "If you're restarting anyway do you mind if I demonstrate something?"
BrianK says, "Sure"
Roger says, "It's the first easter egg I discovered on my own, I think"
BrianK says, "Er, I don't mind"
Roger says (to floyd), "WAKE UP"
Floyd ] Twisted Forest  Score: 0, Turns: 0
Floyd | >
Floyd | > WAKE UP
Floyd |
Floyd | As you wake up, Frobar sticks his head in the door and invites you
Floyd | shopping. When you return late that evening, you find the Guild Hall
Floyd | sacked, and many fellow Enchanters slaughtered. Servants of evil,
Floyd | teeth smeared with blood, fall upon you as well. A menacing voice
Floyd | echoes about the room. "Pathetic Enchanters ... Who can save you now?"
Floyd |
Floyd | Some days it just doesn't pay to wake up.
Floyd | Your score is 0 of a possible 400, in 0 moves. This puts you in the
Floyd | class of Charlatan.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved
Floyd | game position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART,
Floyd | RESTORE, or QUIT):
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oh dear"
Roger says, "that's all"
Jacqueline says, "Wow."
zarf says, "heh, I'm not sure I knew about that"
Jacqueline says, "I may never sleep again."
Jacqueline says, "Unless the game makes me, that is."
DavidW says, "I'm not sure if I saw that before or not."
BrianK exclaims, "Well, the lesson here is that if you're going to sleep, you may as well sleep in!"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "restart"
Floyd ] Twisted Forest  Score: 0, Turns: 0
Floyd | You are in a strange location, but you cannot remember how you got
Floyd | here. Everything is hazy, as though viewed through a gauze...
Floyd |
Floyd | Twisted Forest
Floyd | You are on a path through a blighted forest. The trees are sickly, and
Floyd | there is no undergrowth at all. One tree here looks climbable. The
Floyd | path, which ends here, continues to the northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | A hellhound is racing straight toward you, its open jaws displaying
Floyd | rows of razor-sharp teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Your Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 1
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | The hellhound reaches you and tears you apart with its powerful teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | ...and a moment later you wake up in a cold sweat and realize you've
Floyd | been dreaming.
Floyd |
Floyd | Infocom interactive fiction - a fantasy story
Floyd | Copyright (c) 1984 by Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
Floyd | SORCERER is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.
Floyd | Release 15 / Serial number 851108
Floyd |
Floyd | Your frotz spell seems to have worn off during the night, and it is
Floyd | now pitch black.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "frotz book"
Floyd ] Your Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 2
Floyd | >
Floyd | > FROTZ BOOK
Floyd |
Floyd | There is an almost blinding flash of light as the spell book begins to
Floyd | glow! It slowly fades to a less painful level, but the spell book is
Floyd | now quite usable as a light source.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Quarters, in the bed
Floyd | This is your chamber in the Hall of the Guild of Enchanters, with a
Floyd | doorway to the west. A private chamber is a great privilege,
Floyd | especially for an Enchanter as young as yourself, but how many
Floyd | Enchanters can say they defeated the infamous Krill?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Your Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 3
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | You're not going anywhere until you get out of the bed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "stand"
Floyd ] Your Quarters  Score: 5, Turns: 4
Floyd | >
Floyd | > STAND
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now on your feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Hallway  Score: 5, Turns: 5
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Hallway
Floyd | Rooms lie to the east and west from this north-south corridor. A heavy
Floyd | wooden door, currently closed, leads north.
Floyd | Tacked to the doorframe of your room is a note, hurriedly scribbled on
Floyd | parchment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Hallway  Score: 5, Turns: 6
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Hallway
Floyd | Rooms lie to the east and west from this north-south corridor. A large
Floyd | marble archway to the south leads into an open area.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 5, Turns: 7
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Lobby
Floyd | This is the entrance lobby of the Guild Hall. Befitting the status and
Floyd | wealth of the Guild, the lobby is finished with polished Antharian
Floyd | marble, inlaid with intricate patterns of silver leaf. To the north is
Floyd | a wide arch, and smaller openings flank the area on the eastern and
Floyd | western sides, as well as the northeastern and northwestern corners. A
Floyd | narrow stair leads downward. Through another arch to the south, you
Floyd | can see the entrance steps and the main road into town.
Floyd | Affixed to the southern arch is an ornate brass receptacle, intended
Floyd | for use by messengers.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Store Room  Score: 5, Turns: 8
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Store Room
Floyd | This is a closet for storage. The only exit is east.
Floyd | Among the provisions here is a small ochre-colored vial, closed and
Floyd | labelled with tiny lettering.
Floyd | There is a calendar here (providing light).
Floyd | There is a depleted matchbook here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get all"
Floyd ] Store Room  Score: 5, Turns: 9
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET ALL
Floyd |
Floyd | ochre vial: Taken.
Floyd | calendar: Taken.
Floyd | depleted matchbook: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 5, Turns: 10
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Lobby
Floyd | Affixed to the southern arch is an ornate brass receptacle, intended
Floyd | for use by messengers.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "put matchbook in receptacle"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 5, Turns: 11
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Inspection reveals that the receptacle isn't open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open receptacle"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 5, Turns: 12
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Opened.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "put matchbook in receptacle"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 5, Turns: 13
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open vial"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 5, Turns: 14
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN VIAL
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the ochre vial reveals ochre potion.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drink potion"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 15, Turns: 15
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The potion was completely tasteless.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Wait, does this potion work for the rest of the game"
DavidW says, "I don't remember. Possibly."
BrianK says, "Or was I supposed to use it when we got really hungry and thirsty"
DavidW says, "I think you only need to drink berzio once."
BrianK says, "All right then"
Jacqueline says, "One would think by the description it would be a one time thing."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Hallway  Score: 15, Turns: 16
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Hallway
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Hallway  Score: 15, Turns: 17
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Hallway
Floyd | Tacked to the doorframe of your room is a note, hurriedly scribbled on
Floyd | parchment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I think all the potions are one-time things."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 15, Turns: 18
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Belboz's Quarters
Floyd | The personal chamber of Belboz, who presides over the Circle of
Floyd | Enchanters, is appointed with a beautiful woven wall hanging, an
Floyd | exotic morgia plant, and a wide darkwood desk crafted by the artisans
Floyd | of Gurth. The hallway lies to the east.
Floyd | Pacing back and forth on a perch in the corner is Belboz's prized pet
Floyd | parrot, native to the jungles of Miznia.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look behind hanging"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 30, Turns: 19
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | As you move the tapestry, a key falls out from behind it and lands on
Floyd | the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Squawk! Where did I leave my spectacles? Squawk!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get key"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 30, Turns: 20
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET KEY
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open drawer"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 30, Turns: 21
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the desk drawer reveals a tiny box, an infotater, and a
Floyd | journal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open box"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 30, Turns: 22
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN BOX
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the tiny box reveals a magic amulet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get amulet"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 30, Turns: 23
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET AMULET
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now wearing the magic amulet.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Squawk! Now where can I hide this key? Squawk!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open journal"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 30, Turns: 24
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (with the key)
Floyd | The journal springs open.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Squawk! You should never have let down your mindshield, you doddering
Floyd | old Enchanter. Squawk!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read journal"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 30, Turns: 25
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (taking the journal first)
Floyd | You skim through the pages of the journal, a combination diary and
Floyd | notebook. Most of the notations, written in Belboz's familiar flowing
Floyd | script, deal with meetings of the Circle and business of the Guild.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is one interesting entry toward the end of the book. Belboz
Floyd | refers to an ancient and evil force known simply as Jeearr, a demon
Floyd | whose powers could endanger the Circle and possibly the entire
Floyd | kingdom. He has decided to conduct some dangerous exploratory
Floyd | experiments, operating alone to shield the Circle from the perils
Floyd | involved.
Floyd |
Floyd | The last three entries are strange and frightening -- written in a
Floyd | hand quite different from that of Belboz, and in a language totally
Floyd | unfamiliar to you.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the inside cover is an inscription, written in a light script,
Floyd | which reads "Current code: rotgrub".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Ellison arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop journal"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 30, Turns: 26
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Guild Hall doorbell chimes.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Squawk! This tea is cold! Get me another cup. Squawk!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop key"
Floyd ] Belboz's Quarters  Score: 30, Turns: 27
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP KEY
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Squawk! Where did I leave my spectacles? Squawk!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Hallway  Score: 30, Turns: 28
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Hallway
Floyd | Tacked to the doorframe of your room is a note, hurriedly scribbled on
Floyd | parchment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Hallway  Score: 30, Turns: 29
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Hallway
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Hmm I missed some rooms in this hallway last time"
BrianK says, "My bad"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Helistar's Quarters  Score: 30, Turns: 30
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Helistar's Quarters
Floyd | Helistar is one of the foremost members of the Circle, and this is her
Floyd | private chamber.
Floyd | Among Helistar's possessions is a scroll, new and shiny.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "x scroll"
Floyd ] Helistar's Quarters  Score: 30, Turns: 30
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SCROLL
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "x".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get scroll"
Floyd ] Helistar's Quarters  Score: 30, Turns: 31
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET SCROLL
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read scroll"
Floyd ] Helistar's Quarters  Score: 30, Turns: 32
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The scroll reads "gaspar spell: provide for your own resurrection".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "That seems useful. Thanks, Helistar."
BrianK says, "That seems surprisingly powerful"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "gnusto gaspar"
Floyd ] Helistar's Quarters  Score: 30, Turns: 33
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of
Floyd | the gaspar spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the
Floyd | book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains!
Floyd | However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word
Floyd | is copied.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Hallway  Score: 30, Turns: 34
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Hallway
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Frobar's Quarters  Score: 30, Turns: 35
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Frobar's Quarters
Floyd | This is the room of Frobar the Enchanter. There isn't much here in the
Floyd | way of furnishings, Frobar being a pretty dull kind of guy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Nothing here, I guess"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Hallway  Score: 30, Turns: 36
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Hallway
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 30, Turns: 37
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Lobby
Floyd | Affixed to the southern arch is an ornate brass receptacle, intended
Floyd | for use by messengers.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look in receptacle"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 30, Turns: 38
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the receptacle reveals an orange vial, and an issue of Popular
Floyd | Enchanting.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Of course there's an enchanter named frobar."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get vial"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 40, Turns: 39
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET VIAL
Jacqueline says, "That is pretty awesome./"
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get popular enchanting"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 40, Turns: 40
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Library  Score: 40, Turns: 41
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Library
Floyd | This is a study chamber for members of the Guild. Usually, there would
Floyd | be several elder Enchanters patiently training novices, but no one is
Floyd | here at the moment. The only exit is west.
Floyd | Lying open on a stand in one corner is a heavy volume, probably a copy
Floyd | of the Encyclopedia Frobizzica.
Floyd | The servants have been lax lately, for a scroll is lying among the
Floyd | dust in the corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "by the way, you probably want to save before using the aimfiz."
Roger says, "It's a pretty clever puzzle yeah"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "gnusto meef"
Floyd ] Library  Score: 40, Turns: 42
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You must have a legible spell scroll in your hands before the gnusto
Floyd | spell will work on it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read scroll"
Floyd ] Library  Score: 50, Turns: 43
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (taking the dusty scroll first)
Floyd | The scroll reads "meef spell: cause plants to wilt".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "gnusto meef"
Floyd ] Library  Score: 50, Turns: 44
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of
Floyd | the meef spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book
Floyd | itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However,
Floyd | the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is
Floyd | copied.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 50, Turns: 45
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Lobby
Floyd | Affixed to the southern arch is an ornate brass receptacle, intended
Floyd | for use by messengers.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Cellar  Score: 50, Turns: 46
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Cellar
Floyd | You are in the basement of the Guild Hall. A steep, narrow stair leads
Floyd | upward from the southwest corner.
Floyd | At the far end of the cellar, draped in cobwebs, is a large trunk. At
Floyd | each corner of its lid is a button: a black button with a picture of a
Floyd | star, a gray button depicting the moon, a red button illustrated with
Floyd | a bloody knife, and a purple button engraved with a royal crown. In
Floyd | the center of the lid is a white button picturing a dove in flight.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "push gray. push red. push gray. push purple. push red"
Floyd ] Cellar  Score: 75, Turns: 51
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a click from the lid of the trunk.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a click from the lid of the trunk.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a click from the lid of the trunk.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a click from the lid of the trunk.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a click from the lid of the trunk. A moment later, the lid of
Floyd | the trunk swings slowly open, revealing a moldy scroll.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get scroll"
Floyd ] Cellar  Score: 75, Turns: 52
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET SCROLL
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "All right, we are now approximately where we were last time, plus one potion"
BrianK says, "and the resurrection spell"
Jacqueline asks, "save?"
BrianK clears the save counter.
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf1"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Cellar  Score: 75, Turns: 52
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Who will you direct your aimfiz to? There's multiple choices."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "read book"
Floyd ] Cellar  Score: 75, Turns: 53
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ BOOK
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | My Spell Book
Floyd |
Floyd | The meef spell (cause plants to wilt).
Floyd | The gaspar spell (provide for your own resurrection).
Floyd | The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book).
Floyd | The vezza spell (view the future).
Floyd | The pulver spell (cause liquids to become dry).
Floyd | The izyuk spell (fly like a bird).
Floyd | The yomin spell (mind probe).
Floyd | The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects).
Floyd | The frotz spell (cause something to give off light).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ] Cellar  Score: 75, Turns: 54
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a moldy scroll
Floyd |   an issue of Popular Enchanting
Floyd |   an orange vial
Floyd |   a magic amulet (being worn)
Floyd |   a calendar (providing light)
Floyd |   an ochre vial
Floyd |   a spell book (providing light)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read ochre"
Floyd ] Cellar  Score: 75, Turns: 55
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ OCHRE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |         "BERZIO POTION
Floyd | (obviate need for food or drink)"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop ochre"
Floyd ] Cellar  Score: 75, Turns: 56
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP OCHRE
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "read orange"
Floyd ] Cellar  Score: 75, Turns: 57
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |        "VILSTU POTION
Floyd | (obviate need for breathing)"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Oh right."
BrianK says, "Well I would assume we don't want to go to Belboz, considering he's apparently possessed by something now"
Jacqueline says, "Sorry, I somehow missed that in the speed of our run."
BrianK says, "Hmm, just for peace of mind"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 75, Turns: 58
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Lobby
Floyd | Affixed to the southern arch is an ornate brass receptacle, intended
Floyd | for use by messengers.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Lobby  Score: 75, Turns: 59
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | A tiny warning nymph appears, floating in the air next to your ear.
Floyd | "There's no one else here," it reminds you, "so you'd better not leave
Floyd | just now. Bye!" It winks at you before vanishing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I really need to shut up at this point."
BrianK exclaims, "Thanks, warning nymph!"
BrianK says, "Also does that mean we do want to go to Belboz? :P"
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Jacqueline says, "Well, I mean, I feel like even if we think it's a bad thing we should try it."
BrianK says, "All right, here goes nothing"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "aimfiz belboz"
Floyd ] Twisted Forest  Score: 95, Turns: 60
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | As you cast the spell, the moldy scroll vanishes!
Floyd |
Floyd | After a momentary dizziness, you realize that your location has
Floyd | changed, although Belboz is not in sight...
Floyd |
Floyd | Twisted Forest
Floyd | You are on a path through a blighted forest. The trees are sickly, and
Floyd | there is no undergrowth at all. One tree here looks climbable. The
Floyd | path, which ends here, continues to the northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | A hellhound is racing straight toward you, its open jaws displaying
Floyd | rows of razor-sharp teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oh, look, a hellhound"
DavidW says, "oh, that looks familiar."
DavidW says, "no, no, I'm supposed to be quiet."
BrianK says, "I suppose we have the option of going NE this time"
BrianK says, "Oh wait no we had that option in the dream, too"
BrianK says, "OK, here's an idea"
Jacqueline asks, "hm?"
BrianK asks, "Restore, cast the resurrection spell, and let ourselves get killed by the hellhound?"
BrianK says, "which is a little macabre but I dunno if there are other options to escape from impending doom"
Jacqueline says, "Ooh."
Jacqueline says, "I love this idea."
BrianK says, "All right, I'll give it a shot"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf1"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Cellar  Score: 75, Turns: 52
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn gaspar"
Floyd ] Cellar  Score: 75, Turns: 53
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the gaspar spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "gaspar me"
Floyd ] Cellar  Score: 75, Turns: 54
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GASPAR ME
Floyd |
Floyd | A sense of peace of mind passes over you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "aimfiz belboz"
Floyd ] Twisted Forest  Score: 95, Turns: 55
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | As you cast the spell, the moldy scroll vanishes!
Floyd |
Floyd | After a momentary dizziness, you realize that your location has
Floyd | changed, although Belboz is not in sight...
Floyd |
Floyd | Twisted Forest
Floyd | You are on a path through a blighted forest. The trees are sickly, and
Floyd | there is no undergrowth at all. One tree here looks climbable. The
Floyd | path, which ends here, continues to the northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | A hellhound is racing straight toward you, its open jaws displaying
Floyd | rows of razor-sharp teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Ruins  Score: 95, Turns: 56
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | The hellhound reaches you and tears you apart with its powerful teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Your guardian angel, draped in white, appears floating in the
Floyd | nothingness before you. "Gotten in a bit of a scrape, eh?" he asks,
Floyd | writing frantically in a notebook. "I'd love to chat, but we're so
Floyd | busy this month." A look of consternation crosses the angel's face.
Floyd | "According to the records, you're to be resurrected in your local
Floyd | Guild Hall. But that's quite far, and I've had a rough day. How about
Floyd | Egreth Castle instead, hmmm?" Being disembodied, you find it difficult
Floyd | to object, and a moment later you are among the...
Floyd |
Floyd | Ruins
Floyd | You are amongst the ruins of an ancient castle. A winding stairway
Floyd | leads up to a crumbling turret, and a dark passage leads downward. A
Floyd | path heads through the rubble to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ] Ruins  Score: 95, Turns: 57
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   an issue of Popular Enchanting
Floyd |   an orange vial
Floyd |   a magic amulet (being worn)
Floyd |   a calendar (providing light)
Floyd |   an ochre vial
Floyd |   a spell book (providing light)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "So what would have happened had we not been resurrectable?"
Jacqueline asks, "The game would have just ended?"
DavidW says, "mm"
DavidW says, "You'd die and you'd need to restore."
BrianK says, "Well, I'm not sure where to start exploring from here"
DavidW says, "I vote up, just because there might be a nice view up there."
BrianK says, "Well, it's as good a start as any"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Turret  Score: 95, Turns: 58
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Turret
Floyd | This is the only turret of the castle still standing. It affords a
Floyd | marvelous view of a meadow to the west, and beyond that a twisted
Floyd | forest. To the north is a mighty fortress which stands atop a cliff
Floyd | where a turbulent river pours into an ocean. The ocean stretches out
Floyd | of sight to the east. A spiralling staircase leads downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, that's a nice view."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at fortress"
Floyd ] Turret  Score: 95, Turns: 59
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the fort.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Wonder why our angel didn't take us to fortress instead."
Jacqueline says, "Oh, I see where we are now."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at ocean"
Floyd ] Turret  Score: 95, Turns: 60
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The ocean lies far below you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x meadow"
Floyd ] Turret  Score: 95, Turns: 60
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X MEADOW
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "x".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "examine meadow"
Floyd ] Turret  Score: 95, Turns: 61
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the meadow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "So, did we do everything we needed to do at the guild, because the map kind of makes it look like we may not be able to get back."
DavidW says, "yeah, the Guild is the game's prologue."
Jacqueline says, "Right."
Jacqueline says, "I get that. Just making sure we didn't not do something we needed to do."
BrianK says, "I'm a little caught up on the plant being mentioned by the map"
Jacqueline says, "I ... it looks like we did, though."
BrianK says, "But I suppose it's not relevant"
Jacqueline says, "Well, you are welcome to wither it if you really must."
DavidW says, "I played a game the other day where I got a bonus point for NOT picking flowers."
Roger says, "also the game's copy-protection"
DavidW says, "If we're done up here, I suggest visiting the cellars next."
DavidW says, "Maybe we can find a nice wine, get Jeearr drunk, and he won't kill anyone."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Ruins  Score: 95, Turns: 62
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Ruins
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Dungeon  Score: 95, Turns: 63
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Dungeon
Floyd | This is the dark and dank dungeon of the ruined castle. There's
Floyd | probably a torture chamber nearby. You can go east, northeast, or
Floyd | upward. A small opening leads down as well.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] Pit of Bones  Score: 95, Turns: 64
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | Pit of Bones
Floyd | In the center of the room is a deep pit filled with countless bones,
Floyd | an indication of the brutality of dungeon life. There are exits south
Floyd | and southwest. High above you is a small opening in the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "look at bones"
Floyd ] Pit of Bones  Score: 95, Turns: 65
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the bones.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at opening"
Floyd ] Pit of Bones  Score: 95, Turns: 66
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the opening.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "search bones"
Floyd ] Pit of Bones  Score: 95, Turns: 67
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | They're at the bottom of the pit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf2"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Pit of Bones  Score: 95, Turns: 67
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Pit of Bones  Score: 95, Turns: 68
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Do you really want to add your bones to the others in the pit?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "y"
Floyd ] Pit of Bones  Score: 95, Turns: 68
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Y
Floyd |
Floyd | I can't find a verb in that sentence!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "aw"
BrianK says, "Haha"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x amulet"
Floyd ] Pit of Bones  Score: 95, Turns: 68
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X AMULET
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "x".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "examine amulet"
Floyd ] Pit of Bones  Score: 95, Turns: 69
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A blue jewel hangs from a long golden chain. The jewel is glowing
Floyd | dimly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Torture Chamber  Score: 95, Turns: 70
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Torture Chamber
Floyd | This is a large and well-equipped torture chamber. These were very
Floyd | popular in castles of several centuries ago, but are somewhat out of
Floyd | fashion now. There are exits to the west and north.
Floyd | Sitting near one of the torture devices is an indigo vial, labelled in
Floyd | tiny letters.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "Oh. It wasn't glowing before, right?"
BrianK says, "Nope"
DavidW says, "Not in the guild."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read indigo"
Floyd ] Torture Chamber  Score: 95, Turns: 71
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (taking the indigo vial first)
Floyd |
Floyd |    "FLAXO POTION
Floyd | (exquisite torture)"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "I... hope we don't have to drink that"
DavidW says, "I'd quite forgotten how dark this game was."
Taleslinger arrives, full of fun and funk.
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at devices"
Floyd ] Torture Chamber  Score: 95, Turns: 72
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | All the usual torture devices are here, all quite mean and deadly
Floyd | looking.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Not just torture: exquisite torture."
DavidW says, "Liquid crucio."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Dungeon  Score: 95, Turns: 73
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Dungeon
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says, "Someone cue up the Jackson Five video"
BrianK says, "Ok, so one option is to hit up the stuff to the west around our "starting" area"
Jacqueline asks, "Starting area as in the ruins?"
BrianK says, "Well, the "twisted forest" room is there"
Jacqueline says, "Sure."
Jacqueline says, "The hellhound may still be there, but whatev"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Ruins  Score: 95, Turns: 74
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Ruins
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 95, Turns: 75
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge
Floyd | You are standing on the drawbridge of a ruined castle which lies to
Floyd | your east. The wood of the bridge looks severely rotted and creaks
Floyd | ominously beneath you. The moat, although an easy dive from here,
Floyd | looks dangerous, full of sinister shapes beneath the surface of the
Floyd | water. To the west is a wide field.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at moat"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 95, Turns: 76
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LOOK AT MOAT
Floyd |
Floyd | The water is murky, and lily pads cover most of the surface. Dark
Floyd | shapes swim about below the surface.
Floyd | The bridge continues to creak.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf3"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 95, Turns: 76
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn pulver"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 95, Turns: 77
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the pulver spell.
Floyd | The bridge continues to creak.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "pulver moat"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 95, Turns: 78
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The moat dries up, leaving vicious-looking creatures flopping around
Floyd | in puddles. Immediately, the castle's automatic moat-filler turns on,
Floyd | and refills the moat.
Floyd | The bridge continues to creak.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Well, it was worth a shot"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Meadow  Score: 95, Turns: 79
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Meadow
Floyd | You are in the center of a barren field. To the east is the turret of
Floyd | a ruined castle, and from the northeast comes the sound of rushing
Floyd | water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A swarm of bloodsucking locusts appears on the horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Forest Edge  Score: 95, Turns: 80
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Forest Edge
Floyd | To the west, a path enters the blighted woods, which stretch out of
Floyd | sight. A signpost stands beside another path leading north, and to the
Floyd | east is a wide meadow. At the base of the signpost is a slimy hole
Floyd | leading down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Of course there is an automatic moat-filler."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read signpost"
Floyd ] Forest Edge  Score: 95, Turns: 81
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "  *** !!! >>> WARNING <<< !!! ***
Floyd |      This path is protected by a
Floyd |           Magic Mine Field
Floyd |           installed by the
Floyd |    Frobozz Magic Mine Field Company
Floyd |
Floyd | You are beginning to tire.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Twisted Forest  Score: 95, Turns: 82
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Twisted Forest
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "This place is pretty perilous."
DavidW says, "oh, I hated that mine field."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Tree Branch  Score: 95, Turns: 83
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Tree Branch
Floyd | You are on a large gnarled branch of an old and twisted tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | A giant boa constrictor is slithering along the branch toward you!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Twisted Forest  Score: 95, Turns: 84
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Twisted Forest
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] Forest Edge  Score: 95, Turns: 85
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | Forest Edge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Mine Field  Score: 95, Turns: 86
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Mine Field
Floyd | This is a flat and featureless dirt path leading north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I had a wrong solution stuck in my mind for so long."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "verbose"
Floyd ] Mine Field  Score: 95, Turns: 86
Floyd | >
Floyd | > VERBOSE
Floyd |
Floyd | Maximum verbosity.
Floyd |
Floyd | Mine Field
Floyd | This is a flat and featureless dirt path leading north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Hmmm"
BrianK says, "I mean, I guess we can try flying over it"
BrianK says, "If we do need to cross the path"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk"
Floyd ] Mine Field  Score: 95, Turns: 87
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "izyuk me"
Floyd ] Mine Field  Score: 95, Turns: 88
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Mine Field  Score: 95, Turns: 88
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Unfortunately, one of the properties of magic mine fields is their
Floyd | ability to blow you up even if you're floating above them.
Floyd | Kaboom!!!...
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Unfortunately, you made no provisions for your untimely death.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your score is 95 of a possible 400, in 88 moves. This puts you in the
Floyd | class of Parlor Magician.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved
Floyd | game position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART,
Floyd | RESTORE, or QUIT):
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Well, you know about unrezrovable trunks."
BrianK says, "Hehe"
DavidW says, "Here's an unizyukable mine field."
Jacqueline says, "That is really... that is not nice."
BrianK says, "Here's what happens if you don't prepare for your resurrection, too"
DavidW says, "yeah, you might wanna renew that spell,."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf3"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 95, Turns: 76
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn gaspar"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 95, Turns: 77
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the gaspar spell.
Floyd | The bridge continues to creak.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "gaspar me"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 95, Turns: 78
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GASPAR ME
Floyd |
Floyd | A sense of peace of mind passes over you.
Floyd | The bridge continues to creak.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Meadow  Score: 95, Turns: 79
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Meadow
Floyd | You are in the center of a barren field. To the east is the turret of
Floyd | a ruined castle, and from the northeast comes the sound of rushing
Floyd | water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A swarm of bloodsucking locusts appears on the horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Forest Edge  Score: 95, Turns: 80
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Forest Edge
Floyd | To the west, a path enters the blighted woods, which stretch out of
Floyd | sight. A signpost stands beside another path leading north, and to the
Floyd | east is a wide meadow. At the base of the signpost is a slimy hole
Floyd | leading down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "verbose"
Floyd ] Forest Edge  Score: 95, Turns: 80
Floyd | >
Floyd | > VERBOSE
Floyd |
Floyd | Maximum verbosity.
Floyd |
Floyd | Forest Edge
Floyd | To the west, a path enters the blighted woods, which stretch out of
Floyd | sight. A signpost stands beside another path leading north, and to the
Floyd | east is a wide meadow. At the base of the signpost is a slimy hole
Floyd | leading down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "look st holr"
Floyd ] Forest Edge  Score: 95, Turns: 80
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LOOK ST HOLR
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "st".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "look at hole"
Floyd ] Forest Edge  Score: 95, Turns: 81
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LOOK AT HOLE
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the opening.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are beginning to tire.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I don't think casting gaspar twice in a row gives double protection."
Jacqueline asks, "D?"
DavidW says, "I think it's an on-off quality."
BrianK says, "Sure, let's go down"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Snake Pit  Score: 95, Turns: 82
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Snake Pit
Floyd | You have entered a shadowy pit full of nooks and crannies. From every
Floyd | direction you hear the hissing of vipers and the irregular clicking of
Floyd | giant beetles. Light spills down from above, and a small crack leads
Floyd | further downward into darkness.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks (of DW), "So it only gets us from prologue to main game and after that we just die?"
DavidW says, "That's not what I said."
Jacqueline says (to Brian), "Well, this place it pleasant."
DavidW says, "Gaspar protects you. But gaspar then gaspar isn't likely to protect against two deaths."
Jacqueline says, "*is* pleasant, rather."
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Oh, I understand what you meant now. Thanks."
BrianK says, "Nooks and crannies sounds like it could be hiding something interesting, but it could also just be hiding the snakes"
Jacqueline asks, "Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?"
BrianK says, "Not to say that snakes aren't interesting"
DavidW asks, "the better to hide a ssspell ssscroll?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at nooks"
Floyd ] Snake Pit  Score: 95, Turns: 82
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "nooks".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at crannies"
Floyd ] Snake Pit  Score: 95, Turns: 82
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "crannies".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Jacqueline asks, "Keep going down?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Slimy Room  Score: 95, Turns: 83
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Slimy Room
Floyd | This is a moist room whose walls are thick with moss and lichens. A
Floyd | small hole leads up and a rocky passage leads south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Eww"
DavidW says, "This is where Frobar dares you to eat some of that moss."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "search moss"
Floyd ] Slimy Room  Score: 95, Turns: 84
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You find nothing unusual.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "take moss"
Floyd ] Slimy Room  Score: 95, Turns: 85
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TAKE MOSS
Floyd |
Floyd | It would take more magic than you've got!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Can moss wilt"
Jacqueline says, "ooh"
Jacqueline says, "Technically I don't think it's a plant."
Jacqueline says, "But the game may not know this."
DavidW says, "I don't think this moss is actually important."
BrianK says, "All right"
DavidW says, "I was just trying to listen the mood."
Jacqueline says, "My bad. Moss is part of the plant kingdom."
DavidW says, "Since you're probably gonna get death-then-resurrected sooner or later."
BrianK says, "Let's see"
BrianK says, "We can continue going down, but there's the fortress to the north that we'll need to visit at some point"
zarf says, "moss is a plant but not a vascular plant"
DavidW says, "I imagine that forest might be interesting too. Can't remember for sure now, though."
BrianK asks, "The forest with the hellhound?"
DavidW says, "oh wait, this is the forest."
Jacqueline says, "Belatedly and for the record, lichens are not plants, and that was what I was thinking of."
DavidW says, "I missed a bit for a bathroom break."
Jacqueline asks, "Anyway, what now?"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "examine amulet"
Floyd ] Slimy Room  Score: 95, Turns: 86
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A blue jewel hangs from a long golden chain. The jewel is glowing
Floyd | dimly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "swing amulet"
Floyd ] Slimy Room  Score: 95, Turns: 87
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Whoosh!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Well like I said, we can continue down or visit the fortress to the north"
BrianK says, "Er, instead of down I guess it's south"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah."
Jacqueline says, "Keep going"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Crater  Score: 95, Turns: 88
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Crater
Floyd | You are standing in the center of an enormous crater, strewn with
Floyd | debris. Several points around the perimeter look climbable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at perimeter"
Floyd ] Crater  Score: 95, Turns: 88
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "perimeter".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at points"
Floyd ] Crater  Score: 95, Turns: 88
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "points".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at debris"
Floyd ] Crater  Score: 95, Turns: 89
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about dust and debris.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are feeling tired.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "climb crater"
Floyd ] Crater  Score: 95, Turns: 90
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Please use compass directions for movement.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "search debris"
Floyd ] Crater  Score: 95, Turns: 91
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You find nothing unusual.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "You didn't give us any exits :("
BrianK says, "I mean we have the map, but if we didn't have it we'd just have to guess wildly"
DavidW says, "The good ol' days."
Jacqueline looks at the map. "Oh yeah, exits."
Jacqueline says, "I was definitely wondering what the point of this tunnel was."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Edge of Chasm  Score: 95, Turns: 92
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Edge of Chasm
Floyd | This is a strip of land to the east of a gaping chasm. You might try
Floyd | jumping across, but I'd advise against it. A wide crater lies to the
Floyd | east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oh boy, can we fly across this one"
Jacqueline says, "Not being given the directions is one thing, not even being told that exits exist..."
Jacqueline shrugs at BK. "Flying over the mine field was so useful, let's try!"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk"
Floyd ] Edge of Chasm  Score: 95, Turns: 93
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "izyuk me"
Floyd ] Edge of Chasm  Score: 95, Turns: 94
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Bare Passage  Score: 95, Turns: 95
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | You fly easily across the chasm...
Floyd |
Floyd | Bare Passage (you are flying)
Floyd | This is a featureless tunnel, narrowing to the west. To the east is a
Floyd | deep gorge, probably too wide to jump across.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Woohoo"
DavidW says, "yay. A success!"
Jacqueline says, "woo"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Elbow Room  Score: 95, Turns: 96
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Elbow Room (you are flying)
Floyd | The tunnel turns a corner here. You could go either north or east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You settle gently to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Tree Room  Score: 95, Turns: 97
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Tree Room
Floyd | This is a tall room flooded with light from an unseen source. The only
Floyd | exit is south.
Floyd | Growing in the center of the room is a tree, thick with foliage. As
Floyd | though to disprove the ancient adage, every branch, bow, and twig has
Floyd | a zorkmid coin growing on it.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are getting more and more tired.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get zorkmid coin"
Floyd ] Tree Room  Score: 110, Turns: 98
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | As you pluck the first zorkmid, the tree shimmers and vanishes! (I
Floyd | guess it was just an illusion.) You are left holding a solitary
Floyd | zorkmid coin.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at it"
Floyd ] Tree Room  Score: 110, Turns: 99
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LOOK AT IT
Floyd |
Floyd | The coin pictures a man with an incredibly flat head, wearing a gaudy
Floyd | crown.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I suppose you should sleep, and this seems as good a place as any."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sleep"
Floyd ] Tree Room  Score: 110, Turns: 150
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SLEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | Ah, sleep! It's been a long day and rest will do you good. You spread
Floyd | your cloak on the floor and drift off, renewing your powers and
Floyd | refreshing your mind. Time passes as you snore blissfully.
Floyd |
Floyd | You sleep uneventfully, awake refreshed, and rise to your feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "push save"
Floyd ] Tree Room  Score: 110, Turns: 150
Floyd | >
Floyd | > PUSH SAVE
Floyd |
Floyd | I can't use the word "save" here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Tree Room  Score: 110, Turns: 150
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh, no horrible nightmares like last time."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah. Surprising."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Elbow Room  Score: 110, Turns: 151
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Elbow Room
Floyd | The tunnel turns a corner here. You could go either north or east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Bare Passage  Score: 110, Turns: 152
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Bare Passage
Floyd | This is a featureless tunnel, narrowing to the west. To the east is a
Floyd | deep gorge, probably too wide to jump across.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk"
Floyd ] Bare Passage  Score: 110, Turns: 153
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "izyuk me"
Floyd ] Bare Passage  Score: 110, Turns: 154
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Edge of Chasm  Score: 110, Turns: 155
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | You fly easily across the chasm...
Floyd |
Floyd | Edge of Chasm (you are flying)
Floyd | This is a strip of land to the east of a gaping chasm. You might try
Floyd | jumping across, but I'd advise against it. A wide crater lies to the
Floyd | east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Crater  Score: 110, Turns: 156
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Crater (you are flying)
Floyd | You are floating near the center of an enormous crater, strewn with
Floyd | debris. Several points around the perimeter look climbable.
Floyd |
Floyd | You settle gently to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK asks, "South or northeast?"
DavidW says, "I vote south."
Jacqueline says, "Sure"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Winding Tunnel  Score: 110, Turns: 157
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Winding Tunnel
Floyd | This is a meandering north-south tunnel. A side passage leads to the
Floyd | southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 110, Turns: 158
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Carvings
Floyd | You have entered a large room whose walls are covered with intricate
Floyd | carvings. The largest and most striking carving, on the southern wall,
Floyd | is of a huge sleeping dragon! A winding tunnel leads north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at dragon"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 110, Turns: 159
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the carving of a dragon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "Why does that make me nervous?"
Jacqueline says, "I think probably it's the exclamnation point that makes me nervous."
BrianK says, "Yeah, agreed"
DavidW asks, "You weren't thinking of bringing the carving to life, were you?"
DavidW says, "(do we have a spell for that?)"
BrianK says, "I saw the 'huge sleeping dragon!' bit first and read the 'carving' part afterwards, so it seemed like we walked into a dragon's lair"
DavidW says, "(malyon?)"
BrianK says, "We don't have that spell yet :P"
BrianK exclaims, "spoilers!!!!"
Jacqueline asks, "haha. 'Exclamnation' point. Do I type the word 'damn' enough that my fingers assume N goes after M when typing quickly?"
BrianK says, "All right, nothing to do here for now I'm guessing"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Winding Tunnel  Score: 110, Turns: 160
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Winding Tunnel
Floyd | This is a meandering north-south tunnel. A side passage leads to the
Floyd | southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ] Park Entrance  Score: 110, Turns: 161
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | Park Entrance
Floyd | This looks like the entrance to a run-down amusement park, no longer
Floyd | gaudy with lights and glitter. A sign above the entrance proclaims
Floyd | "Welcome to Bozbarland - The Entertainment Capital of the Empire." The
Floyd | park lies to the west and a tunnel leads northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I can just imagine parents bringing the kids this way to the park."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Park Entrance  Score: 110, Turns: 162
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | You bounce off an invisible barrier. A moment later a gnome appears,
Floyd | dressed in a gaudy plaid outfit. "Admission to the park is only one
Floyd | zorkmid. What a bargain, chum, eh?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to DW), "hee"
Jacqueline says, "So, I'm guessing this is the only purpose of our zorkmid. I'll be sad later when we can buy an ice cream for a zorkmid."
BrianK says, "Well, I'll pay it then"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "give zorkmid to gnome"
Floyd ] Park Entrance  Score: 110, Turns: 163
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | "Okay, you can go through now, bub. Enjoy your trip to Bozbarland."
Floyd | The gnome vanishes as suddenly as he appeared.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] East End of Midway  Score: 110, Turns: 164
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | East End of Midway
Floyd | You are at the eastern end of a long midway. The park entrance lies to
Floyd | the east, and rides lie to the north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Haunted House  Score: 110, Turns: 165
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Haunted House
Floyd | Something about this place seems to soak up all light, so that it is
Floyd | quite dark. You can see vague shapes swaying about in the darkness.
Floyd |
Floyd | Something slithers across your foot.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Haunted House  Score: 110, Turns: 166
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | A deep-throated chuckle echoes about the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Haunted House  Score: 110, Turns: 168
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | Something slithers across your foot.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Haunted House  Score: 110, Turns: 169
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | A roller coaster car zooms past, almost knocking you over!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "What"
Jacqueline asks, "Rezrov something else?"
BrianK says, "I think this is mostly just atmosphere"
BrianK says, "The roller coaster car is pretty avant-garde for a haunted house, though"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at shapes"
Floyd ] Haunted House  Score: 110, Turns: 169
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "shapes".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] East End of Midway  Score: 110, Turns: 170
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | East End of Midway
Floyd | You are at the eastern end of a long midway. The park entrance lies to
Floyd | the east, and rides lie to the north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Flume  Score: 110, Turns: 171
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Flume
Floyd | You are at the boarding platform of a fast-moving flume, flowing off
Floyd | beyond your view. A small plaque hangs nearby. The midway is visible
Floyd | to the north. A log boat sits at the platform, beckoning you to enter.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf5"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Flume  Score: 110, Turns: 171
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "enter boat"
Floyd ] Flume  Score: 110, Turns: 172
Floyd | >
Floyd | > ENTER BOAT
Floyd |
Floyd | As you enter the log boat, it lurches away from the platform and is
Floyd | carried swiftly away by the current of the flume. An amusement park
Floyd | nymph appears for a moment, warning you not to leave the log boat
Floyd | during the course of the ride.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Hm. I haven't been there since I was 4 (which was a very, very long time ago) but I think Disneyworld has a haunted house that you go through in a car."
DavidW asks, "You didn't read the plaque?"
BrianK says, "Oops, I missed the plaque"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Flume  Score: 110, Turns: 173
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | The flume is wide here, and straight as an arrow. The ride is quite
Floyd | relaxing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Flume  Score: 110, Turns: 174
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | You enter a stretch of sharp, winding curves! Spray dashes your face
Floyd | as you are tossed about the log boat!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I guess read it after the ride."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Flume  Score: 110, Turns: 175
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | The twists and turns are left behind as you approach the mouth of a
Floyd | dark tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Flume  Score: 110, Turns: 176
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | The flume winds through a tunnel whose walls are black as coal. You
Floyd | pass an opening which provides a brief glimpse of troglodytes digging
Floyd | and hauling coal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Flume  Score: 110, Turns: 177
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | The log boat leaves the tunnel and passes through a series of rapids,
Floyd | shooting straight toward jagged rocks and then veering away at the
Floyd | last moment!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Flume  Score: 110, Turns: 178
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | Magically, the flume flows uphill here! The current slows as the boat
Floyd | climbs and climbs...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Flume  Score: 110, Turns: 179
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | You reach the crest of the flume's final drop. You can see swirling
Floyd | white water below!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger died doing what he liked best. Getting shot.
Taleslinger has disconnected.
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Flume  Score: 110, Turns: 180
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | The log boat plunges down into the swirling waters at the base of the
Floyd | slope! Huge splashes of water spray off in every direction, but
Floyd | amazingly you stay dry!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Flume  Score: 110, Turns: 181
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | The boat floats serenely around a final turn and pulls up to the
Floyd | boarding platform.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "wee"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Flume  Score: 110, Turns: 184
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read plaque"
Floyd ] Flume  Score: 110, Turns: 185
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | "Constructed by the Frobozz Magic Flume Company."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh. Useful info."
Jacqueline says, "haha"
Jacqueline says, "THAT WAS SUSPENSEFUL"
BrianK says, "Hmm... On one hand it's convenient to not get wet on the water ride"
DavidW says, "Anyway, we learned something."
BrianK says, "but on the other hand getting wet is the whole point of water rides"
Jacqueline says (to BK), "Yeah"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Flume  Score: 110, Turns: 186
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | You're not going anywhere until you get out of the log boat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "stand"
Floyd ] Flume  Score: 110, Turns: 187
Floyd | >
Floyd | > STAND
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now on your feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] East End of Midway  Score: 110, Turns: 188
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | East End of Midway
Floyd | You are at the eastern end of a long midway. The park entrance lies to
Floyd | the east, and rides lie to the north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] West End of Midway  Score: 110, Turns: 189
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | West End of Midway
Floyd | Entrances lead north, west and south, and the rest of the midway lies
Floyd | to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 190
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Roller Coaster
Floyd | You are at the boarding platform of a huge roller coaster, sprawling
Floyd | above and around you in every direction. A small plaque hangs nearby.
Floyd | The midway is visible to the south. A car sits at the platform,
Floyd | beckoning you to enter.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read plaque"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 191
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | "Constructed by the Frobozz Magic Roller Coaster Company."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf6"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 191
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "enter car"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 192
Floyd | >
Floyd | > ENTER CAR
Floyd |
Floyd | As you enter the car, it rolls away from the platform in a gentle
Floyd | curve. An amusement park nymph appears for a moment, warning you not
Floyd | to leave the car during the course of the ride.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 193
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | The car, propelled by some unseen force, rolls up a huge incline. The
Floyd | crest grows tantalizingly closer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 194
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LOOK
Floyd |
Floyd | Roller Coaster, in the car
Floyd |
Floyd | You reach the crest, the highest point of the roller coaster! The park
Floyd | is laid out beneath you like a map; the lights of the midway, the
Floyd | booths of the arcade, the sparkling blue ribbon of water that must be
Floyd | the flume. In the distance is a wide crater. The sounds and smells of
Floyd | the park seem distant, and time feels suspended for a moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 195
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Roller Coaster, in the car
Floyd |
Floyd | The breath is swept from your lungs as the car begins diving,
Floyd | seemingly straight downward. You rise from the seat as the ground
Floyd | rushes closer! At the last moment, the car swings upward, and your
Floyd | stomach settles in your ankles.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 196
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | The car zips through a series of wild turns and sharp drops. Wooden
Floyd | roller coaster supports whiz past, inches from your head!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 197
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | This section of track is shaped like a corkscrew, and as the car
Floyd | hurtles forward it turns upside down almost every second. It is
Floyd | impossible to tell up from down, as the ground seems to spin around
Floyd | you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 198
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | The car shoots into a rapid climb, which gets progressively slower and
Floyd | steeper. Your heart beats wildly as the track begins to swing back
Floyd | above you, and you realize that you are entering a giant loop!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 199
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | As you reach the highest point of the loop, you hang completely
Floyd | upside-down for a brief moment. The blood rushes to your head as the
Floyd | ground suspended "above" you like a canopy. Then, you hurtle down the
Floyd | far side of the loop with breakneck speed!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 200
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | The roller coaster speeds out of the loop and into a tunnel, which
Floyd | seems to run through the middle of a haunted house! Wispy ghosts and
Floyd | ghoulish skeletons brush past you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 201
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | The car zooms out into daylight, and glides to a stop at the boarding
Floyd | platform.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "exit"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 202
Floyd | >
Floyd | > EXIT
Floyd |
Floyd | You're not going anywhere until you get out of the car.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "stand"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 203
Floyd | >
Floyd | > STAND
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now on your feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] West End of Midway  Score: 110, Turns: 204
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | West End of Midway
Floyd | Entrances lead north, west and south, and the rest of the midway lies
Floyd | to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 110, Turns: 205
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Arcade
Floyd | This is a huge tent filled with hectic noise, blinking lights, and the
Floyd | smell of frying food. Near the exit is a game booth lined with prizes.
Floyd | The concept of the game seems to be bashing cute little mechanical
Floyd | bunnies with a rubber ball as they hop around a little artificial
Floyd | meadow.
Floyd | A hawker stands within the booth, studying you through half-closed
Floyd | eyes.
Floyd | "C'mon, pal!" cries the hawker from the game booth. "Try your luck!"
Floyd | He holds the ball out toward you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get ball"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 110, Turns: 206
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET BALL
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "AFK a sec"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at booth"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 110, Turns: 207
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the booth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "enter booth"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 110, Turns: 208
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The hawker pushes you away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "I'm not sure how to start playing the game"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine ball"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 110, Turns: 209
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the rubber ball.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "throw ball at bunny"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 110, Turns: 210
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your throw is way off! This game is harder than it looks. The hawker,
Floyd | leering, retrieves the ball.
Floyd | "C'mon, pal!" cries the hawker from the game booth. "Try your luck!"
Floyd | He holds the ball out toward you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get ball"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 110, Turns: 211
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET BALL
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Ah, it's a throwing game"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "throw ball at bunny"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 110, Turns: 212
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your throw is way off! This game is harder than it looks. The hawker,
Floyd | leering, retrieves the ball.
Floyd | "C'mon, pal!" cries the hawker from the game booth. "Try your luck!"
Floyd | He holds the ball out toward you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get ball"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 110, Turns: 213
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET BALL
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "izyuk ball"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 110, Turns: 214
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK BALL
Floyd |
Floyd | You don't have the izyuk spell committed to memory!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 110, Turns: 215
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "izyuk ball"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 110, Turns: 216
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK BALL
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't make the rubber ball fly!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at bunnies"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 110, Turns: 217
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the hopping bunny.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look at hawker"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 110, Turns: 218
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | There is nothing special to be seen.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] West End of Midway  Score: 110, Turns: 219
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | The hawker yells after you, "Hey buddy, come back with that ball!"
Floyd |
Floyd | West End of Midway
Floyd | Entrances lead north, west and south, and the rest of the midway lies
Floyd | to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Izyuk only affects the caster."
BrianK says, "Ah"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine ball"
Floyd ] West End of Midway  Score: 110, Turns: 220
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the rubber ball.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "I guess we just stole a ball"
BrianK says, "Gonna take a bathroom break really quick while Jacq is out"
BrianK says, "All right, I'm back"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Casino  Score: 110, Turns: 221
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Casino
Floyd | This is a large, plush room, slightly neglected.
Floyd | Standing on one side of the room is an odd machine, with a
Floyd | three-section display and a large lever on the side.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine machine"
Floyd ] Casino  Score: 110, Turns: 222
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the odd machine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "As am I."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "pull lever"
Floyd ] Casino  Score: 110, Turns: 223
Floyd | >
Floyd | > PULL LEVER
Floyd |
Floyd | Ping!
Floyd | A clove of garlic appears in the first section of the display.
Floyd | Ping!
Floyd | A hot pepper sandwich appears in the second section of the display.
Floyd | Ping!
Floyd | A pot of gold appears in the third section of the display.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Though I am curious how long we plan to go today. We're past the 2 hour mark."
BrianK says, "Oh, it's been that long already"
Jacqueline smiles.
BrianK says (to Floyd), "pull lever"
Floyd ] Casino  Score: 110, Turns: 224
Floyd | >
Floyd | > PULL LEVER
Floyd |
Floyd | Ping!
Floyd | A noisome stew appears in the first section of the display.
Floyd | Ping!
Floyd | A hot pepper sandwich appears in the second section of the display.
Floyd | Ping!
Floyd | A pot of gold appears in the third section of the display.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "pull lever"
Floyd ] Casino  Score: 110, Turns: 225
Floyd | >
Floyd | > PULL LEVER
Floyd |
Floyd | Ping!
Floyd | A clove of garlic appears in the first section of the display.
Floyd | Ping!
Floyd | A hot pepper sandwich appears in the second section of the display.
Floyd | Ping!
Floyd | A clove of garlic appears in the third section of the display.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I wonder if we just have to get lucky or if we have to rig the machine somehow."
BrianK says, "Yeah"
BrianK says, "As always, I'm not sure if we have what we need to solve the puzzle or if there's something we need to get elsewhere"
DavidW asks, "Remind me what our spells are again?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read book"
Floyd ] Casino  Score: 110, Turns: 226
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ BOOK
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | My Spell Book
Floyd |
Floyd | The meef spell (cause plants to wilt).
Floyd | The gaspar spell (provide for your own resurrection).
Floyd | The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book).
Floyd | The vezza spell (view the future).
Floyd | The pulver spell (cause liquids to become dry).
Floyd | The izyuk spell (fly like a bird).
Floyd | The yomin spell (mind probe).
Floyd | The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects).
Floyd | The frotz spell (cause something to give off light).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "hmm. I wonder what a dry flume ride is like."
DavidW says, "oh, and vezza? Try that."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn vezza"
Floyd ] Casino  Score: 110, Turns: 227
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the vezza spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "vezza"
Floyd ] Casino  Score: 110, Turns: 228
Floyd | >
Floyd | > VEZZA
Floyd |
Floyd | You see a pile of pure-white blocks, engraved with runes of power.
Floyd | Each block has a word written on it. A moment later, the vision fades.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] West End of Midway  Score: 110, Turns: 229
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | West End of Midway
Floyd | Entrances lead north, west and south, and the rest of the midway lies
Floyd | to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are beginning to tire.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] East End of Midway  Score: 110, Turns: 230
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | East End of Midway
Floyd | You are at the eastern end of a long midway. The park entrance lies to
Floyd | the east, and rides lie to the north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Flume  Score: 110, Turns: 231
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Flume
Floyd | You are at the boarding platform of a fast-moving flume, flowing off
Floyd | beyond your view. A small plaque hangs nearby. The midway is visible
Floyd | to the north. A log boat sits at the platform, beckoning you to enter.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn pulver"
Floyd ] Flume  Score: 110, Turns: 232
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the pulver spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "pulver flume"
Floyd ] Flume  Score: 110, Turns: 233
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | In order to prevent damage to public life and property, flumes are
Floyd | protected against this sort of prank.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Haha"
Jacqueline says, "Well anticipated."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] East End of Midway  Score: 110, Turns: 234
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | East End of Midway
Floyd | You are at the eastern end of a long midway. The park entrance lies to
Floyd | the east, and rides lie to the north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] West End of Midway  Score: 110, Turns: 235
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | West End of Midway
Floyd | Entrances lead north, west and south, and the rest of the midway lies
Floyd | to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 110, Turns: 236
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Arcade
Floyd | This is a huge tent filled with hectic noise, blinking lights, and the
Floyd | smell of frying food. Near the exit is a game booth lined with prizes.
Floyd | The concept of the game seems to be bashing cute little mechanical
Floyd | bunnies with a rubber ball as they hop around a little artificial
Floyd | meadow.
Floyd | A hawker stands within the booth, studying you through half-closed
Floyd | eyes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "The enchanter who sells enchantments preventing other enchantments must be filthy rich."
BrianK says, "I'm wondering if there's something with this game"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn yomin"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 110, Turns: 237
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the yomin spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are feeling tired.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "yomin hawker"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 110, Turns: 238
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The hawker is thinking about finding a good stogie, whatever that is.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] West End of Midway  Score: 110, Turns: 239
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | The hawker yells after you, "Hey buddy, come back with that ball!"
Floyd |
Floyd | West End of Midway
Floyd | Entrances lead north, west and south, and the rest of the midway lies
Floyd | to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Casino  Score: 110, Turns: 240
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Casino
Floyd | This is a large, plush room, slightly neglected.
Floyd | Standing on one side of the room is an odd machine, with a
Floyd | three-section display and a large lever on the side.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "rezrov machine"
Floyd ] Casino  Score: 110, Turns: 241
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Although you complete the spell, nothing seems to have happened.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "pull lever"
Floyd ] Casino  Score: 110, Turns: 242
Floyd | >
Floyd | > PULL LEVER
Floyd |
Floyd | Ping!
Floyd | A clove of garlic appears in the first section of the display.
Floyd | Ping!
Floyd | A pot of gold appears in the second section of the display.
Floyd | Ping!
Floyd | A pot of gold appears in the third section of the display.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK asks, "Should we explore elsewhere?"
BrianK says, "Or we can stop for today, seeing as we've gone on for a while"
DavidW says, "At least you don't need a bucket of zickels to play slots here."
Jacqueline says, "I'm kinda up for stopping."
DavidW says, "yeah, this is a good stopping place."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "save"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cfsorcerer"
Floyd ] Casino  Score: 110, Turns: 242
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Woohoo"
BrianK says, "Let's pick this up next week then"
DavidW says, "Sounds good."
Jacqueline exclaims, "Sounds good!"
Jacqueline says, "Oh, we are still rolling."
DavidW says, "Floyd so patient"
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Jacqueline asks, "Anyone want me to put together a raw transcript of what we've done so far?"
DavidW says, "What I don't remember is the geography."
Jacqueline | [LINK]
DavidW says, "Thanks. A bit spoilery."
Jacqueline says, "It is, that is true."
Jacqueline says, "But so much easier and prettier than doing it ourselves."
Jacqueline asks, "Brian, you up for driving?"
DavidW says, "oh. There's both a roller coaster AND a flume ride on this map."
BrianK says, "Not for a little bit until I finish eating :x"
DavidW says, "I thought I'd misremembered a roller coaster ride in this game when we saw the flume."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x machine"
Floyd ] Casino  Score: 110, Turns: 243
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X MACHINE
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "x".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "look at machine"
Floyd ] Casino  Score: 110, Turns: 244
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the odd machine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "look at display"
Floyd ] Casino  Score: 110, Turns: 244
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I can't use the word "display" here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "read display"
Floyd ] Casino  Score: 110, Turns: 244
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I can't use the word "display" here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "pull lever"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 110, Turns: 245
Floyd | >
Floyd | > PULL LEVER
Floyd |
Floyd | Ping!
Floyd | A pot of gold appears in the first section of the display.
Floyd | Ping!
Floyd | A pot of gold appears in the second section of the display.
Floyd | Ping!
Floyd | A pot of gold appears in the third section of the display.
Floyd | Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping!
Floyd | An unbelievable torrent of zorkmid coins pours out of the machine --
Floyd | far more than the machine could possibly contain! You are buried and
Floyd | crushed under the huge mass of coins.
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Your guardian angel, draped in white, appears floating in the
Floyd | nothingness before you. "Gotten in a bit of a scrape, eh?" he asks,
Floyd | writing frantically in a notebook. "I'd love to chat, but we're so
Floyd | busy this month." The angel twitches his nose, and the nothingness is
Floyd | replaced by...
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge
Floyd | You are standing on the drawbridge of a ruined castle which lies to
Floyd | your east. The wood of the bridge looks severely rotted and creaks
Floyd | ominously beneath you. The moat, although an easy dive from here,
Floyd | looks dangerous, full of sinister shapes beneath the surface of the
Floyd | water. To the west is a wide field.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are getting more and more tired.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I think we'll need to cheat this machine somehow."
BrianK says, "Oh, uh, did we just win"
Jacqueline says, "We won but it killed us."
DavidW says, "oh. I must be wrong."
Jacqueline asks, "So, um, should I undo?"
Jacqueline asks, "Or restore?"
BrianK says, "Well"
DavidW says, "uh, undo might not be possible? I don't remember."
BrianK says, "The parts we haven't explored yet are closer from here than there, so"
DavidW says, "If UNDO doesn't work, check to see if our inventory is intact."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 110, Turns: 245
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a rubber ball
Floyd |   an indigo vial
Floyd |   an issue of Popular Enchanting
Floyd |   an orange vial
Floyd |   a magic amulet (being worn)
Floyd |   a calendar (providing light)
Floyd |   an ochre vial
Floyd |   a spell book (providing light)
Floyd | With a scream of splintering wood, part of the drawbridge collapses
Floyd | and spills you into the moat. You are immediately set upon by
Floyd | alligators and piranhas.
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Unfortunately, you made no provisions for your untimely death.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your score is 110 of a possible 400, in 245 moves. This puts you in
Floyd | the class of Novice Enchanter.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved
Floyd | game position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART,
Floyd | RESTORE, or QUIT):
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Well, we do have a save point."
BrianK says, "Well"
BrianK says, "That was exciting"
DavidW asks, "This game is kinda deadly, isn't it?"
Jacqueline says, "Kinda."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "restore"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cfsorcerer"
Floyd ] Casino  Score: 110, Turns: 242
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ] Casino  Score: 110, Turns: 243
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Casino
Floyd | This is a large, plush room, slightly neglected.
Floyd | Standing on one side of the room is an odd machine, with a
Floyd | three-section display and a large lever on the side.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I'd like to see the roller coaster next."
Roger says, "The rollercoaster is pretty sweet"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] West End of Midway  Score: 110, Turns: 244
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | West End of Midway
Floyd | Entrances lead north, west and south, and the rest of the midway lies
Floyd | to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 245
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Roller Coaster
Floyd | You are at the boarding platform of a huge roller coaster, sprawling
Floyd | above and around you in every direction. A small plaque hangs nearby.
Floyd | The midway is visible to the south. A car sits at the platform,
Floyd | beckoning you to enter.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are getting more and more tired.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger arrives, full of fun, but no funk.
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "read plaque"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 246
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | "Constructed by the Frobozz Magic Roller Coaster Company."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I think our character needs to sleep soon."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "sleep"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 297
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SLEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | Ah, sleep! It's been a long day and rest will do you good. You spread
Floyd | your cloak on the floor and drift off, renewing your powers and
Floyd | refreshing your mind. Time passes as you snore blissfully.
Floyd |
Floyd | You dream of an idyllic scene in the country, a picnic of wood-sprites
Floyd | and dryads. You awaken and stand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "That was nice."
Jacqueline says, "Wish I could do that IRL"
Roger says, "A real adventurer would take a nap on the roller coaster"
Jacqueline shrugs.
DavidW says, "I suspect our dreams won't always be pleasant, considering the dream we start with."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "enter car"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 298
Floyd | >
Floyd | > ENTER CAR
Floyd |
Floyd | As you enter the car, it rolls away from the platform in a gentle
Floyd | curve. An amusement park nymph appears for a moment, warning you not
Floyd | to leave the car during the course of the ride.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 299
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | The car, propelled by some unseen force, rolls up a huge incline. The
Floyd | crest grows tantalizingly closer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 300
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Roller Coaster, in the car
Floyd |
Floyd | You reach the crest, the highest point of the roller coaster! The park
Floyd | is laid out beneath you like a map; the lights of the midway, the
Floyd | booths of the arcade, the sparkling blue ribbon of water that must be
Floyd | the flume. In the distance is a wide crater. The sounds and smells of
Floyd | the park seem distant, and time feels suspended for a moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Here we go..."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 301
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Roller Coaster, in the car
Floyd |
Floyd | The breath is swept from your lungs as the car begins diving,
Floyd | seemingly straight downward. You rise from the seat as the ground
Floyd | rushes closer! At the last moment, the car swings upward, and your
Floyd | stomach settles in your ankles.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 302
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Roller Coaster, in the car
Floyd |
Floyd | The car zips through a series of wild turns and sharp drops. Wooden
Floyd | roller coaster supports whiz past, inches from your head!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "put hands or legs outside the car"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 302
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "or".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 303
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Roller Coaster, in the car
Floyd |
Floyd | This section of track is shaped like a corkscrew, and as the car
Floyd | hurtles forward it turns upside down almost every second. It is
Floyd | impossible to tell up from down, as the ground seems to spin around
Floyd | you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "hurl"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 303
Floyd | >
Floyd | > HURL
Floyd |
Floyd | What do you want to hurl?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "vomit"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 303
Floyd | >
Floyd | > VOMIT
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "vomit".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Darn"
Jacqueline says, "Though probably for the best, given gravity."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 304
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Roller Coaster, in the car
Floyd |
Floyd | The car shoots into a rapid climb, which gets progressively slower and
Floyd | steeper. Your heart beats wildly as the track begins to swing back
Floyd | above you, and you realize that you are entering a giant loop!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "All we've eaten today is berzio potion."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 305
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Roller Coaster, in the car
Floyd |
Floyd | As you reach the highest point of the loop, you hang completely
Floyd | upside-down for a brief moment. The blood rushes to your head as the
Floyd | ground suspended "above" you like a canopy. Then, you hurtle down the
Floyd | far side of the loop with breakneck speed!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "wait, that was two days ago."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah. Surprised we're not dead from hunger."
DavidW says, "well, berzio obviates hunger."
Jacqueline says, "Oh, right."
Jacqueline says, "Forgot."
Jacqueline says, "Thank goodness for that (the potion, that is, not my poor memory of it.)"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 306
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Roller Coaster, in the car
Floyd |
Floyd | The roller coaster speeds out of the loop and into a tunnel, which
Floyd | seems to run through the middle of a haunted house! Wispy ghosts and
Floyd | ghoulish skeletons brush past you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Just wish we could find some matriz potion to obviate sleep."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "look at skeletons"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 306
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "skeletons".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 307
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Roller Coaster, in the car
Floyd |
Floyd | The car zooms out into daylight, and glides to a stop at the boarding
Floyd | platform.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says, "That's just a cup of coffee"
Jacqueline asks, "So, was that just for the fun of it?"
DavidW says, "I'm not sure."
BrianK says, "Well, if anything, I don't think there's a puzzle here that can be solved"
DavidW says, "Either it's just fun or we might be expected to do something there."
BrianK says, "But if there's something to do here it's probably a solution to a different puzzle"
DavidW says, "Like, there's several possibilities:"
DavidW says, "1) Maybe we're supposed to inspect that crater we saw."
DavidW says, "2) Maybe we need to ignore the nymph warning and jump out at some point."
DavidW says, "3) Maybe we need something tall with us to hit the support post that we barely missed."
DavidW says, "But nothing obvious really suggests itself right now."
BrianK says, "I was thinking maybe some object we find later gets affected by the intense roller coaster g's"
DavidW asks, "Like a can of soda?"
olethros asks, "uranium tubes?"
BrianK says, "Well it could be anything really"
DavidW says, "yeah. Not enough info yet."
DavidW says, "And maybe it is just for fun. It was well done."
DavidW asks, "Like, that ball we got from the arcade. We didn't see any target on the ride to throw the ball at, did we?"
BrianK says, "Nothing like that was mentioned"
DavidW says, "Yeah, I see nothing obvious in scrollback."
BrianK says, "I suppose we could ride it again and try jumping out"
DavidW asks, "It's a bit weird that the only item in the entire amusement park is a ball, though. We saw nothing in the Haunted House or Flume either, did we?"
BrianK says, "Nothing but scenery (or at least what's presumably just scenery)"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x pendant"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 307
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PENDANT
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "x".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "examine pendant"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 307
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "pendant".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "examine amulet"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 308
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A blue jewel hangs from a long golden chain. The jewel is glowing
Floyd | brightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "swing amulet"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 309
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Whoosh!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read spells"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 309
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Which spells do you mean, the meef spell, the gaspar spell, the gnusto
Floyd | spell, the vezza spell, the pulver spell, the izyuk spell, the yomin
Floyd | spell, the rezrov spell, or the frotz spell?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read book"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 310
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ BOOK
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | My Spell Book
Floyd |
Floyd | The meef spell (cause plants to wilt).
Floyd | The gaspar spell (provide for your own resurrection).
Floyd | The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book).
Floyd | The vezza spell (view the future).
Floyd | The pulver spell (cause liquids to become dry).
Floyd | The izyuk spell (fly like a bird).
Floyd | The yomin spell (mind probe).
Floyd | The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects).
Floyd | The frotz spell (cause something to give off light).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Yomin the arcade guy, maybe?"
BrianK says, "I think I tried that before but I don't remember what happened"
DavidW says, "He's probably got a tinfoil hat that stops yomin."
BrianK says, "Anyway I've finished eating so I can take over driving from Jacq if that's okay"
Jacqueline says (to BK), "That is great, thanks."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 311
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | You're not going anywhere until you get out of the car.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "exit"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 312
Floyd | >
Floyd | > EXIT
Floyd |
Floyd | You're not going anywhere until you get out of the car.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I was away for a sec, as they were fixing my screen issue on #linux, but I'm back now."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "stand"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 313
Floyd | >
Floyd | > STAND
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now on your feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] West End of Midway  Score: 110, Turns: 314
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | West End of Midway
Floyd | Entrances lead north, west and south, and the rest of the midway lies
Floyd | to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar says "bloop" and shrinks down into a little dot, then winks out...just like those old-fashioned B&w televisions.
Gerynar has disconnected.
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 110, Turns: 315
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Arcade
Floyd | This is a huge tent filled with hectic noise, blinking lights, and the
Floyd | smell of frying food. Near the exit is a game booth lined with prizes.
Floyd | The concept of the game seems to be bashing cute little mechanical
Floyd | bunnies with a rubber ball as they hop around a little artificial
Floyd | meadow.
Floyd | A hawker stands within the booth, studying you through half-closed
Floyd | eyes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn yomin"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 110, Turns: 316
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the yomin spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "yomin hawker"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 110, Turns: 317
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The hawker is thinking about finding a good stogie, whatever that is.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "If we ever do try to jump from the ride, maybe cast izyuk. It might be slightly less dangerous."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] West End of Midway  Score: 110, Turns: 318
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | The hawker yells after you, "Hey buddy, come back with that ball!"
Floyd |
Floyd | West End of Midway
Floyd | Entrances lead north, west and south, and the rest of the midway lies
Floyd | to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 319
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Roller Coaster
Floyd | You are at the boarding platform of a huge roller coaster, sprawling
Floyd | above and around you in every direction. A small plaque hangs nearby.
Floyd | The midway is visible to the south. A car sits at the platform,
Floyd | beckoning you to enter.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf7"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 319
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 320
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "enter car"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 321
Floyd | >
Floyd | > ENTER CAR
Floyd |
Floyd | As you enter the car, it rolls away from the platform in a gentle
Floyd | curve. An amusement park nymph appears for a moment, warning you not
Floyd | to leave the car during the course of the ride.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 322
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | The car, propelled by some unseen force, rolls up a huge incline. The
Floyd | crest grows tantalizingly closer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 323
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | You reach the crest, the highest point of the roller coaster! The park
Floyd | is laid out beneath you like a map; the lights of the midway, the
Floyd | booths of the arcade, the sparkling blue ribbon of water that must be
Floyd | the flume. In the distance is a wide crater. The sounds and smells of
Floyd | the park seem distant, and time feels suspended for a moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "jump"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 110, Turns: 324
Floyd | >
Floyd | > JUMP
Floyd |
Floyd | This was not a safe place to try jumping. You should have looked
Floyd | before you leaped.
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Your guardian angel, draped in white, appears floating in the
Floyd | nothingness before you. "Gotten in a bit of a scrape, eh?" he asks,
Floyd | writing frantically in a notebook. "I'd love to chat, but we're so
Floyd | busy this month." The angel twitches his nose, and the nothingness is
Floyd | replaced by...
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge
Floyd | You are standing on the drawbridge of a ruined castle which lies to
Floyd | your east. The wood of the bridge looks severely rotted and creaks
Floyd | ominously beneath you. The moat, although an easy dive from here,
Floyd | looks dangerous, full of sinister shapes beneath the surface of the
Floyd | water. To the west is a wide field.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Hmm, I wonder if there's a specific time to jump"
DavidW says, "I don't know."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf7"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 319
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "enter car"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 320
Floyd | >
Floyd | > ENTER CAR
Floyd |
Floyd | As you enter the car, it rolls away from the platform in a gentle
Floyd | curve. An amusement park nymph appears for a moment, warning you not
Floyd | to leave the car during the course of the ride.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 321
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | The car, propelled by some unseen force, rolls up a huge incline. The
Floyd | crest grows tantalizingly closer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk"
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 322
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | You reach the crest, the highest point of the roller coaster! The park
Floyd | is laid out beneath you like a map; the lights of the midway, the
Floyd | booths of the arcade, the sparkling blue ribbon of water that must be
Floyd | the flume. In the distance is a wide crater. The sounds and smells of
Floyd | the park seem distant, and time feels suspended for a moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "izyuk me"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 110, Turns: 322
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You fly out of the car, and immediately splat into one of the
Floyd | structural cross-beams of the roller coaster.
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Your guardian angel, draped in white, appears floating in the
Floyd | nothingness before you. "Gotten in a bit of a scrape, eh?" he asks,
Floyd | writing frantically in a notebook. "I'd love to chat, but we're so
Floyd | busy this month." The angel twitches his nose, and the nothingness is
Floyd | replaced by...
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge
Floyd | You are standing on the drawbridge of a ruined castle which lies to
Floyd | your east. The wood of the bridge looks severely rotted and creaks
Floyd | ominously beneath you. The moat, although an easy dive from here,
Floyd | looks dangerous, full of sinister shapes beneath the surface of the
Floyd | water. To the west is a wide field.
Floyd | With a scream of splintering wood, part of the drawbridge collapses
Floyd | and spills you into the moat. You are immediately set upon by
Floyd | alligators and piranhas.
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Unfortunately, you made no provisions for your untimely death.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your score is 110 of a possible 400, in 322 moves. This puts you in
Floyd | the class of Novice Enchanter.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved
Floyd | game position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART,
Floyd | RESTORE, or QUIT):
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "ack"
BrianK says, "Thank you, angel, for dropping us straight into death, again"
Jacqueline says, "It's not the best guardian angel."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf7"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Roller Coaster  Score: 110, Turns: 319
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I guess the resurrection didn't preserve our izyuk spell."
DavidW says, "Like, izyuk should let us float over a broken drawbridge."
BrianK says, "I suppose we can try exploring somewhere else now"
DavidW says, "sure"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] West End of Midway  Score: 110, Turns: 320
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | West End of Midway
Floyd | Entrances lead north, west and south, and the rest of the midway lies
Floyd | to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] East End of Midway  Score: 110, Turns: 321
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | East End of Midway
Floyd | You are at the eastern end of a long midway. The park entrance lies to
Floyd | the east, and rides lie to the north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Park Entrance  Score: 110, Turns: 322
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Park Entrance
Floyd | This looks like the entrance to a run-down amusement park, no longer
Floyd | gaudy with lights and glitter. A sign above the entrance proclaims
Floyd | "Welcome to Bozbarland - The Entertainment Capital of the Empire." The
Floyd | park lies to the west and a tunnel leads northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] Winding Tunnel  Score: 110, Turns: 323
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | Winding Tunnel
Floyd | This is a meandering north-south tunnel. A side passage leads to the
Floyd | southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Crater  Score: 110, Turns: 324
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Crater
Floyd | You are standing in the center of an enormous crater, strewn with
Floyd | debris. Several points around the perimeter look climbable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] Edge of Crater  Score: 110, Turns: 325
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | Edge of Crater
Floyd | You are at the northeastern rim of a gigantic crater, the result of
Floyd | some ancient explosion. A wide underground highway, which ends at the
Floyd | crater's edge, leads northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "From here it's new rooms I think"
BrianK exclaims, "So keep your eyes peeled!!!!"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] Bend  Score: 110, Turns: 326
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | Bend
Floyd | The road curves here, heading east and southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Highway  Score: 110, Turns: 327
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Highway
Floyd | This is a wide road winding away to the east and west, perhaps a relic
Floyd | of the Great Underground Empire you read about in history class. A
Floyd | passage leads up to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Toll Gate  Score: 110, Turns: 328
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Toll Gate
Floyd | You have reached a toll gate which spans the highway.
Floyd | A fat old gnome with a long white beard is sleeping soundly just
Floyd | outside the toll booth. His loud snores echo around the caverns.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Toll Gate  Score: 110, Turns: 329
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | A sturdy toll gate blocks the highway.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn rezrov"
Floyd ] Toll Gate  Score: 110, Turns: 330
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You already know that spell by heart.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "yeah, I was worried about this."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "rezrov gate"
Floyd ] Toll Gate  Score: 110, Turns: 331
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The gate flies open, waking the gnome, who leaps up and slams it
Floyd | closed again. "Hey! This is a toll gate! Nobody gets through here
Floyd | without paying the one zorkmid toll. Not nobody, not no how."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "yomin gnome"
Floyd ] Toll Gate  Score: 110, Turns: 332
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You don't have the yomin spell committed to memory!
Floyd |
Floyd | "Well?" asks the gnome, tapping impatiently. "You've interrupted my
Floyd | nap. Are you going to pay the toll, or not?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn yomin"
Floyd ] Toll Gate  Score: 110, Turns: 333
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the yomin spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Well?" asks the gnome, tapping impatiently. "You've interrupted my
Floyd | nap. Are you going to pay the toll, or not?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "yomin gnome"
Floyd ] Toll Gate  Score: 110, Turns: 334
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The thoughts of the gnome seem evenly divided between getting money
Floyd | from you and getting back to sleep.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Well?" asks the gnome, tapping impatiently. "You've interrupted my
Floyd | nap. Are you going to pay the toll, or not?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "We used our coin at the park."
BrianK says, "Yep"
BrianK says, "All right, let's go explore that area to the north then"
DavidW says, "okay."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Highway  Score: 110, Turns: 335
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Highway
Floyd | This is a wide road winding away to the east and west, perhaps a relic
Floyd | of the Great Underground Empire you read about in history class. A
Floyd | passage leads up to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Dungeon  Score: 110, Turns: 336
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Dungeon
Floyd | This is the dark and dank dungeon of the ruined castle. There's
Floyd | probably a torture chamber nearby. You can go east, northeast, or
Floyd | upward. A small opening leads down as well.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Ruins  Score: 110, Turns: 337
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Ruins
Floyd | You are amongst the ruins of an ancient castle. A winding stairway
Floyd | leads up to a crumbling turret, and a dark passage leads downward. A
Floyd | path heads through the rubble to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 110, Turns: 338
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge
Floyd | You are standing on the drawbridge of a ruined castle which lies to
Floyd | your east. The wood of the bridge looks severely rotted and creaks
Floyd | ominously beneath you. The moat, although an easy dive from here,
Floyd | looks dangerous, full of sinister shapes beneath the surface of the
Floyd | water. To the west is a wide field.
Floyd | The bridge continues to creak.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Meadow  Score: 110, Turns: 339
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Meadow
Floyd | You are in the center of a barren field. To the east is the turret of
Floyd | a ruined castle, and from the northeast comes the sound of rushing
Floyd | water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A swarm of bloodsucking locusts appears on the horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] River Bank  Score: 110, Turns: 340
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bank
Floyd | You are on a muddy bank of a fast-moving river, full of sharp rocks
Floyd | and foaming rapids, flowing to the southwest. The ground is soft and
Floyd | eroded, and continually threatens to dump you into the turbulent
Floyd | waters. A field lies to the southwest, and a trail leads southeast
Floyd | along the bank.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ] Fort Entrance  Score: 110, Turns: 341
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd | Fort Entrance
Floyd | You are at the entrance to Fort Griffspotter, which lies to the east.
Floyd | A trail leads along the river bank to the northwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 342
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Parade Ground
Floyd | You are at the center of a level field inside the fort. Entrances to
Floyd | rooms around the perimeter lie in several directions.
Floyd | A tattered flag, apparently that of ancient Quendor, still flies atop
Floyd | a mighty flagpole in the center of the field.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get flag"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 343
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET FLAG
Floyd |
Floyd | The flag is way above you at the top of the flagpole!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 344
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "izyuk me"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 345
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "izyuk, yeah."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get flag"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 346
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET FLAG
Floyd |
Floyd | The flag is still way above you at the top of the flagpole!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "I like the addition of 'still"
DavidW asks, "up?"
Jacqueline asks, "Is it fair to assume that you only use the zorkmid once in this game, rather than being made to play the game multiple times, using it a different way each time?"
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "no. Don't assume that."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 347
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | If you want to climb the flagpole, just say so.
Floyd |
Floyd | You settle gently to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "climb flagpole"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 348
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That sort of thing went out of fashion years ago.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "shake flagpole?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "shake flagpole"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 349
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't take it; thus, you can't shake it!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "lower flag?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "lower flag"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 350
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LOWER FLAG
Floyd |
Floyd | The flag is lowered to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "ha"
BrianK says, "Oh, well, that was simple"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get flag"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 351
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET FLAG
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine flag"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 352
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | As you fiddle with the flag, an aqua vial drops from a hidden pocket
Floyd | and falls to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oh hey"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get vial"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 353
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET VIAL
Floyd |
Floyd | You're holding too many things already.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Please try 'wear flag'. There's a joke response for it."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "wear flag"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 354
Floyd | >
Floyd | > WEAR FLAG
Floyd |
Floyd | Who do you think you are, Abbie Hoffman?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Ha"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 355
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a flag of Quendor
Floyd |   a rubber ball
Floyd |   an indigo vial
Floyd |   an issue of Popular Enchanting
Floyd |   an orange vial
Floyd |   a magic amulet (being worn)
Floyd |   a calendar (providing light)
Floyd |   an ochre vial
Floyd |   a spell book (providing light)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x aqua"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 355
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X AQUA
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "x".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "examine aqua"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 356
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | It's closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "read aqua vial"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 357
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |         "FOOBLE POTION
Floyd | (increase muscular coordination)"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oh, that might help at the arcade"
DavidW says, "hm. Or elsewhere."
Jacqueline says, "hrm"
DavidW asks, "What prizes did the arcade have?"
BrianK says, "I don't remember if we ever examined them in detail"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine flag"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 358
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The tattered flag displays the brown and gold of ancient Quendor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK asks, "Do you think we'll need this flag or is it fine to drop it?"
DavidW says, "I'm thinking drop the flag."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop flag"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 359
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP FLAG
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get aqua vial"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 360
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read indigo"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 361
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |    "FLAXO POTION
Floyd | (exquisite torture)"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read orange"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 362
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |        "VILSTU POTION
Floyd | (obviate need for breathing)"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read ochre"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 363
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ OCHRE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |         "BERZIO POTION
Floyd | (obviate need for food or drink)"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oh, we can drop this since we drank it already"
Jacqueline says, "Lots of stuff hee."
DavidW says, "Vilstu will be good for outer space or underwater adventures."
Jacqueline says, "heh"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop ochre"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 364
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP OCHRE
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Barracks  Score: 110, Turns: 365
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Barracks
Floyd | This was a barracks for the battalion stationed in this fort. You
Floyd | could leave to the south, or to the southeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ] Gun Emplacement  Score: 110, Turns: 366
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd | Gun Emplacement
Floyd | This is a battlement with a view of a river to the north and an ocean
Floyd | to the east. Openings northwest, west, and southwest lead to other
Floyd | parts of the fort.
Floyd | A magnificent cast-iron cannon stands atop the battlement. Its wide,
Floyd | shallow barrel points toward the ocean, as though daring enemy ships
Floyd | to approach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine cannon"
Floyd ] Gun Emplacement  Score: 110, Turns: 367
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The barrel is wide enough to hold the hugest of cannonballs, but it
Floyd | isn't very deep.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look in cannon"
Floyd ] Gun Emplacement  Score: 110, Turns: 368
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Lying at the bottom of the barrel is a pile of identical scrolls!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK exclaims, "Oh my!!!"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get scroll from cannon"
Floyd ] Gun Emplacement  Score: 110, Turns: 369
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | As you reach into the cannon, something bites you painfully on the
Floyd | hand!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK exclaims, "Oh no!!!"
DavidW says, "I will remind everyone of the infotater at this point."
Jacqueline asks, "Would people like the link to it?"
BrianK says, "Yes please"
Jacqueline | [LINK]
BrianK says, "Well, as far as I can tell, the creature in this cannon is a yipple"
DavidW says, "I'm gonna visit the bathroom for a bit. back soon."
BrianK says, "And as a yipple is allergic to many kinds of animal wastes, the logical extension is that we need to pick some up from somewhere"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "poo"
Floyd ] Gun Emplacement  Score: 110, Turns: 369
Floyd | >
Floyd | > POO
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "poo".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline shrugs.
BrianK says, "Well, let's continue then"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ] Armory  Score: 110, Turns: 370
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | Armory
Floyd | Once the armory for the fort, this room has been picked clean by
Floyd | vandals and soldiers of fortune. Exit north or northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 371
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Parade Ground
Floyd | You are at the center of a level field inside the fort. Entrances to
Floyd | rooms around the perimeter lie in several directions.
Floyd | There is an ochre vial here.
Floyd | A flag displaying the brown and gold of ancient Quendor is lying here.
Floyd | There is a flagpole here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "put flag on flagpole"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 371
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You're not holding the flag of Quendor!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get flag"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 372
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET FLAG
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "put flag on flagpole"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 373
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | There's no good surface on the flagpole.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "attach flag to flagpole"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 374
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't tie the flag of Quendor to that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Well I was just trying to do a good deed, gosh :("
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop flag"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 110, Turns: 375
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP FLAG
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Fort Entrance  Score: 110, Turns: 376
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Fort Entrance
Floyd | You are at the entrance to Fort Griffspotter, which lies to the east.
Floyd | A trail leads along the river bank to the northwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are beginning to tire.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ] River Bank  Score: 110, Turns: 377
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bank
Floyd | You are on a muddy bank of a fast-moving river, full of sharp rocks
Floyd | and foaming rapids, flowing to the southwest. The ground is soft and
Floyd | eroded, and continually threatens to dump you into the turbulent
Floyd | waters. A field lies to the southwest, and a trail leads southeast
Floyd | along the bank.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf8"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] River Bank  Score: 110, Turns: 377
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] River Bank  Score: 110, Turns: 378
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | You'd never survive the rapids.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "izyuk me"
Floyd ] River Bank  Score: 110, Turns: 379
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You don't have the izyuk spell committed to memory!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk"
Floyd ] River Bank  Score: 110, Turns: 380
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "izyuk me"
Floyd ] River Bank  Score: 110, Turns: 381
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 110, Turns: 382
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | You fly across the river's surface. Suddenly, a downdraft plunges you
Floyd | into the swirling rapids!
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Your guardian angel, draped in white, appears floating in the
Floyd | nothingness before you. "Gotten in a bit of a scrape, eh?" he asks,
Floyd | writing frantically in a notebook. "I'd love to chat, but we're so
Floyd | busy this month." The angel twitches his nose, and the nothingness is
Floyd | replaced by...
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge
Floyd | You are standing on the drawbridge of a ruined castle which lies to
Floyd | your east. The wood of the bridge looks severely rotted and creaks
Floyd | ominously beneath you. The moat, although an easy dive from here,
Floyd | looks dangerous, full of sinister shapes beneath the surface of the
Floyd | water. To the west is a wide field.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf8"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] River Bank  Score: 110, Turns: 377
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn pulver"
Floyd ] River Bank  Score: 110, Turns: 378
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the pulver spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "pulver river"
Floyd ] River Bank  Score: 110, Turns: 379
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The river dries up, leaving only a few puddles between the rocks! It's
Floyd | now safe to climb down into the river bed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Got it :D"
DavidW says, "oo."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] River Bed  Score: 110, Turns: 380
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bed
Floyd | You are on the bed of an evaporated river. Fish splash helplessly in
Floyd | tiny puddles. The bed leads northwest and southeast. A climb up the
Floyd | southwest bank is possible. To the northeast is a dark cave, hollowed
Floyd | out by years of rushing water.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ] Near Stagnant Pool  Score: 110, Turns: 381
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd | Near Stagnant Pool
Floyd | The river bed to the northwest is a pool covered with algae and other
Floyd | scum. The bed to the southeast is slightly drier. The banks are too
Floyd | tall and steep to climb here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A trickle of water begins flowing down the center of the river bed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ] River Bed  Score: 110, Turns: 382
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bed
Floyd | You are on the bed of an evaporated river. Fish splash helplessly in
Floyd | tiny puddles. The bed leads northwest and southeast. A climb up the
Floyd | southwest bank is possible. To the northeast is a dark cave, hollowed
Floyd | out by years of rushing water.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 110, Turns: 383
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd | Top of Falls
Floyd | The river bed ends here at a steep cliff, where the river once plunged
Floyd | over a waterfall. Below the falls, in the distance, is a large sea,
Floyd | covered with haze. The bed continues northwest, but the banks here are
Floyd | unclimbable. Atop the southwestern bank stands a proud fortress.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wall of water comes rushing down the river bed! You are smashed into
Floyd | jelly against the rocks.
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Your guardian angel, draped in white, appears floating in the
Floyd | nothingness before you. "Gotten in a bit of a scrape, eh?" he asks,
Floyd | writing frantically in a notebook. "I'd love to chat, but we're so
Floyd | busy this month." The angel twitches his nose, and the nothingness is
Floyd | replaced by...
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge
Floyd | You are standing on the drawbridge of a ruined castle which lies to
Floyd | your east. The wood of the bridge looks severely rotted and creaks
Floyd | ominously beneath you. The moat, although an easy dive from here,
Floyd | looks dangerous, full of sinister shapes beneath the surface of the
Floyd | water. To the west is a wide field.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Well, it looks like we can't waste time in the river itself"
Jacqueline says, "It's been awhile since I've died this much."
DavidW says, "I guess you only evaporated SOME of the river."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf8"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] River Bank  Score: 110, Turns: 377
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn pulver"
Floyd ] River Bank  Score: 110, Turns: 378
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the pulver spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "pulver river"
Floyd ] River Bank  Score: 110, Turns: 379
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The river dries up, leaving only a few puddles between the rocks! It's
Floyd | now safe to climb down into the river bed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] River Bed  Score: 110, Turns: 380
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bed
Floyd | You are on the bed of an evaporated river. Fish splash helplessly in
Floyd | tiny puddles. The bed leads northwest and southeast. A climb up the
Floyd | southwest bank is possible. To the northeast is a dark cave, hollowed
Floyd | out by years of rushing water.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 381
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | Hidden Cave
Floyd | This is a hollow area under the northeast bank of the river. The floor
Floyd | rises away from the mouth of the cave, which is at its southwest end.
Floyd | A dark hole leads downward at the far end of the cave.
Floyd | Lying in the corner, in a pile of bat guano, is a scroll.
Floyd | There is an amber vial here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Here's a ton of stuff that seems useful"
DavidW says, "goodness. Lots o' stuff."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get scroll"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 382
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET SCROLL
Floyd |
Floyd | You're holding too many things already.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "You really need to find a backpack or something."
Jacqueline says, "Also, belatedly, gah: s/awhile/a while"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read scroll"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 383
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The scroll reads "fweep spell: turn caster into a bat".
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a roar of water from outside the cave. The lower part of the
Floyd | cave, near the mouth, fills with a pool of swirling water!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I really need to find a snack or something."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "gnusto fweep"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 384
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You must have a legible spell scroll in your hands before the gnusto
Floyd | spell will work on it.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are feeling tired.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 385
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   an aqua vial
Floyd |   a rubber ball
Floyd |   an indigo vial
Floyd |   an issue of Popular Enchanting
Floyd |   an orange vial
Floyd |   a magic amulet (being worn)
Floyd |   a calendar (providing light)
Floyd |   a spell book (providing light)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read issue"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 386
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ ISSUE
Floyd |
Floyd | This month's cover story is about Belboz! Other stories relate the
Floyd | explosion of spell scroll manufacturers, and the coming shakedown in
Floyd | the magic potion industry. The address label on the cover reads:
Floyd |
Floyd |     "Z5 ACCAR256 4-964
Floyd |     Hall of the Guild of Enchanters
Floyd |     Village of Accardi-By-The-Sea
Floyd |     Land of Frobozz"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Snacks are good."
BrianK says, "How important is this magazine and can we throw it away"
DavidW says, "I don't know if the magazine is good for anything. Maybe it was just to make it clear the box in the guild was a mail drop."
DavidW says, "If the articles can't be read and if it isn't tinder, toss it."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop issue"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 387
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP ISSUE
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Well, I've noted down the address since it looks like it could potentially be information we need to reference"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get scroll"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 388
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET SCROLL
Floyd |
Floyd | You're holding too many things already.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK asks, "Uhhhhh????"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sleep"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 439
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SLEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | Ah, sleep! It's been a long day and rest will do you good. You spread
Floyd | your cloak on the floor and drift off, renewing your powers and
Floyd | refreshing your mind. Time passes as you snore blissfully.
Floyd |
Floyd | You dream of dancing penguins in formal dress. One has a particularly
Floyd | nice tuxedo and a cane with a gold top. You awaken and stand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get scroll"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 440
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET SCROLL
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Dang, Enchanter at least told you when you were too tired to carry more things :("
BrianK says (to Floyd), "gnusto fweep"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 441
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of
Floyd | the fweep spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the
Floyd | book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains!
Floyd | However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word
Floyd | is copied.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I had no idea carrying capacity was related to tiredness."
DavidW says, "I know that tiredness can affect spell memory."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get vial"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 442
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET VIAL
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read vial"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 442
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ VIAL
Floyd |
Floyd | Which vial do you mean, the amber vial, the aqua vial, the indigo
Floyd | vial, or the orange vial?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read amber"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 443
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ AMBER
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |         "BLORT POTION
Floyd | (ability to see in dark places)"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Have we been in any dark places yet"
DavidW asks, "That's weird. Why do we need Blort when we have Frotz?"
DavidW says, "The guild was dark."
BrianK says, "Oh yeah, true"
DavidW says, "We frotzed our spell book too."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get guano"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 444
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET GUANO
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "That'll help with the thingy"
DavidW says, "And maybe the amulet glows enough too, by now, to read by."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn pulver"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 445
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the pulver spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "pulver river"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 445
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any river here!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "pulver water"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 446
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The water recedes for a moment, then swirls back.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 447
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LOOK
Floyd |
Floyd | Hidden Cave
Floyd | This is a hollow area under the northeast bank of the river. The floor
Floyd | rises away from the mouth of the cave, which is at its southwest end.
Floyd | The mouth is filled with a pool of swirling water. A dark hole leads
Floyd | downward at the far end of the cave.
Floyd | There is an issue of Popular Enchanting here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Guano for the cannon yipples?"
BrianK says, "Yes"
BrianK says, "It doesn't look like we can go back the same way we came"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf9"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 447
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 448
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | Entering that swirling, turbulent pool looks very dangerous.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "So we'll have to take the long way around"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Pit of Bones  Score: 130, Turns: 449
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Pit of Bones
Floyd | In the center of the room is a deep pit filled with countless bones,
Floyd | an indication of the brutality of dungeon life. There are exits south
Floyd | and southwest. High above you is a small opening in the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh, I see."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ] Dungeon  Score: 130, Turns: 450
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | Dungeon
Floyd | This is the dark and dank dungeon of the ruined castle. There's
Floyd | probably a torture chamber nearby. You can go east, northeast, or
Floyd | upward. A small opening leads down as well.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "brief"
Floyd ] Dungeon  Score: 130, Turns: 450
Floyd | >
Floyd | > BRIEF
Floyd |
Floyd | Brief descriptions.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Careful of that drawbridge."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Ruins  Score: 130, Turns: 451
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Ruins
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk"
Floyd ] Ruins  Score: 130, Turns: 452
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "izyuk me"
Floyd ] Ruins  Score: 130, Turns: 453
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 130, Turns: 454
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge (you are flying)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Meadow  Score: 130, Turns: 455
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Meadow (you are flying)
Floyd |
Floyd | You settle gently to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | A swarm of bloodsucking locusts appears on the horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 130, Turns: 456
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bank
Floyd | Oops! A section of the bank gives way and you tumble into the river.
Floyd | The current dashes you against the rocks.
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Your guardian angel, draped in white, appears floating in the
Floyd | nothingness before you. "Gotten in a bit of a scrape, eh?" he asks,
Floyd | writing frantically in a notebook. "I'd love to chat, but we're so
Floyd | busy this month." The angel twitches his nose, and the nothingness is
Floyd | replaced by...
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "What."
DavidW says, "This is an evil game."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Meadow  Score: 130, Turns: 457
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Meadow
Floyd |
Floyd | A swarm of bloodsucking locusts appears on the horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "It'll probably be faster to just make our way from here instead of restoring"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] River Bank  Score: 130, Turns: 457
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bank
Floyd | Oops! A section of the bank gives way and you tumble into the river.
Floyd | The current dashes you against the rocks.
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Unfortunately, you made no provisions for your untimely death.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your score is 130 of a possible 400, in 457 moves. This puts you in
Floyd | the class of Novice Enchanter.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved
Floyd | game position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART,
Floyd | RESTORE, or QUIT):
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Well, never mind"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf9"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 447
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Pit of Bones  Score: 130, Turns: 448
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Pit of Bones
Floyd | In the center of the room is a deep pit filled with countless bones,
Floyd | an indication of the brutality of dungeon life. There are exits south
Floyd | and southwest. High above you is a small opening in the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "brief"
Floyd ] Pit of Bones  Score: 130, Turns: 448
Floyd | >
Floyd | > BRIEF
Floyd |
Floyd | Brief descriptions.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ] Dungeon  Score: 130, Turns: 449
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | Dungeon
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Ruins  Score: 130, Turns: 450
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Ruins
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "I step away to find a snack and you all kill us again?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk"
Floyd ] Ruins  Score: 130, Turns: 451
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "izyuk me"
Floyd ] Ruins  Score: 130, Turns: 452
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 130, Turns: 453
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge (you are flying)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Meadow  Score: 130, Turns: 454
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Meadow (you are flying)
Floyd |
Floyd | You settle gently to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | A swarm of bloodsucking locusts appears on the horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Actually, without scrolling back, I'll assume you killed us multiple times."
DavidW says, "Don't blame Brian. The game's evil."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk"
Floyd ] Meadow  Score: 130, Turns: 455
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | The locusts are much closer now, blotting out the sun like a black
Floyd | storm cloud.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "izyuk me"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 130, Turns: 456
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | The locusts swarm over you and pick you clean to the bones.
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Your guardian angel, draped in white, appears floating in the
Floyd | nothingness before you. "Gotten in a bit of a scrape, eh?" he asks,
Floyd | writing frantically in a notebook. "I'd love to chat, but we're so
Floyd | busy this month." The angel twitches his nose, and the nothingness is
Floyd | replaced by...
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline nods.
BrianK says, "Well"
Jacqueline says, "Clearly."
BrianK says, "This is an experience"
Jacqueline says, "It is a series of experiences."
BrianK says, "So basically"
BrianK says, "We have to be able to float over the riverbank"
BrianK says, "But we don't have time to learn and cast the spell before the locusts eat us"
DavidW asks, "I think so?"
BrianK says, "assuming we float over the drawbridge"
BrianK says, "I think"
DavidW says, "You can have multiple copies of a spell in memory."
BrianK says, "Oh"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf9"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 447
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "brief"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 447
Floyd | >
Floyd | > BRIEF
Floyd |
Floyd | Brief descriptions.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 130, Turns: 448
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | Entering that swirling, turbulent pool looks very dangerous.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Pit of Bones  Score: 130, Turns: 449
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Pit of Bones
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ] Dungeon  Score: 130, Turns: 450
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | Dungeon
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Ruins  Score: 130, Turns: 451
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Ruins
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk"
Floyd ] Ruins  Score: 130, Turns: 452
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk"
Floyd ] Ruins  Score: 130, Turns: 453
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell yet another
Floyd | time.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "izyuk me"
Floyd ] Ruins  Score: 130, Turns: 454
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 130, Turns: 455
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge (you are flying)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Meadow  Score: 130, Turns: 456
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Meadow (you are flying)
Floyd |
Floyd | You settle gently to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | A swarm of bloodsucking locusts appears on the horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "izyuk me"
Floyd ] Meadow  Score: 130, Turns: 457
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | The locusts are much closer now, blotting out the sun like a black
Floyd | storm cloud.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] River Bank  Score: 130, Turns: 458
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bank (you are flying)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ] Fort Entrance  Score: 130, Turns: 459
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd | Fort Entrance (you are flying)
Floyd |
Floyd | You settle gently to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK exclaims, "Success!"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf10"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Fort Entrance  Score: 130, Turns: 459
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "yay. Now try your luck with yippleodeon."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 130, Turns: 460
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Parade Ground
Floyd | A flag displaying the brown and gold of ancient Quendor is lying here.
Floyd | There is an ochre vial here.
Floyd | There is a flagpole here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Gun Emplacement  Score: 130, Turns: 461
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Gun Emplacement
Floyd | A magnificent cast-iron cannon stands atop the battlement. Its wide,
Floyd | shallow barrel points toward the ocean, as though daring enemy ships
Floyd | to approach.
Floyd | The cannon contains:
Floyd |   a pile of identical scrolls
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "put guano in cannon"
Floyd ] Gun Emplacement  Score: 130, Turns: 462
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | When you drop the guano into the barrel, the scrolls sprout feet and
Floyd | spill out of the cannon, dashing away in every direction! A single
Floyd | ordinary scroll is left sitting at the bottom of the barrel.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Ah, the scrolls themselves were the yipples"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get scroll"
Floyd ] Gun Emplacement  Score: 140, Turns: 463
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET SCROLL
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read it"
Floyd ] Gun Emplacement  Score: 140, Turns: 464
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ IT
Floyd |
Floyd | The scroll reads "yonk spell: augment the power of certain spells".
Floyd | The spell seems very long and extremely complicated.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Except for one real scroll."
DavidW says, "oo. You can't gnusto that."
BrianK says, "Hmmmm"
Jacqueline says, "HUH"
Jacqueline says, "er, huh"
DavidW asks, "I see an armory to the southwest on the map. Did we visit there already?"
BrianK says, "Yep"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "verbose"
Floyd ] Gun Emplacement  Score: 140, Turns: 464
Floyd | >
Floyd | > VERBOSE
Floyd |
Floyd | Maximum verbosity.
Floyd |
Floyd | Gun Emplacement
Floyd | This is a battlement with a view of a river to the north and an ocean
Floyd | to the east. Openings northwest, west, and southwest lead to other
Floyd | parts of the fort.
Floyd | A magnificent cast-iron cannon stands atop the battlement. Its wide,
Floyd | shallow barrel points toward the ocean, as though daring enemy ships
Floyd | to approach.
Floyd | The cannon contains:
Floyd |   a pile of bat guano
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ] Armory  Score: 140, Turns: 465
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | Armory
Floyd | Once the armory for the fort, this room has been picked clean by
Floyd | vandals and soldiers of fortune. Exit north or northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "learn izyuk again, plz"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk"
Floyd ] Armory  Score: 140, Turns: 466
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "So what's the plan"
Jacqueline asks, "What do we want to try to augment?"
DavidW says, "I'm not sure where to go next. You're screwed with the toll gate without a coin. Maybe something can be done at Hall of Carvings."
BrianK says, "We have the option of drinking that potion for muscular coordination and seeing if it helps us at the arcade"
DavidW says, "sure"
Jacqueline says, "Oh, okay. Yeah."
BrianK says, "Both of those things are in that direction so that works out pretty well"
BrianK says, "Er, the hall of carvings and the arcade"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 140, Turns: 467
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Parade Ground
Floyd | You are at the center of a level field inside the fort. Entrances to
Floyd | rooms around the perimeter lie in several directions.
Floyd | A flag displaying the brown and gold of ancient Quendor is lying here.
Floyd | There is an ochre vial here.
Floyd | There is a flagpole here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Fort Entrance  Score: 140, Turns: 468
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Fort Entrance
Floyd | You are at the entrance to Fort Griffspotter, which lies to the east.
Floyd | A trail leads along the river bank to the northwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "izyuk me"
Floyd ] Fort Entrance  Score: 140, Turns: 469
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "The hall of carvings had a dragon carving, right?"
BrianK says, "Yes"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ] River Bank  Score: 140, Turns: 470
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bank (you are flying)
Floyd | You are on a muddy bank of a fast-moving river, full of sharp rocks
Floyd | and foaming rapids, flowing to the southwest. The ground is soft and
Floyd | eroded, and continually threatens to dump you into the turbulent
Floyd | waters. A field lies to the southwest, and a trail leads southeast
Floyd | along the bank.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "hm."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ] Meadow  Score: 140, Turns: 471
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | Meadow (you are flying)
Floyd | You are in the center of a barren field. To the east is the turret of
Floyd | a ruined castle, and from the northeast comes the sound of rushing
Floyd | water.
Floyd |
Floyd | You settle gently to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | A swarm of bloodsucking locusts appears on the horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Forest Edge  Score: 140, Turns: 472
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Forest Edge
Floyd | To the west, a path enters the blighted woods, which stretch out of
Floyd | sight. A signpost stands beside another path leading north, and to the
Floyd | east is a wide meadow. At the base of the signpost is a slimy hole
Floyd | leading down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Snake Pit  Score: 140, Turns: 473
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Snake Pit
Floyd | You have entered a shadowy pit full of nooks and crannies. From every
Floyd | direction you hear the hissing of vipers and the irregular clicking of
Floyd | giant beetles. Light spills down from above, and a small crack leads
Floyd | further downward into darkness.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Slimy Room  Score: 140, Turns: 474
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Slimy Room
Floyd | This is a moist room whose walls are thick with moss and lichens. A
Floyd | small hole leads up and a rocky passage leads south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Crater  Score: 140, Turns: 475
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Crater
Floyd | You are standing in the center of an enormous crater, strewn with
Floyd | debris. Several points around the perimeter look climbable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Winding Tunnel  Score: 140, Turns: 476
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Winding Tunnel
Floyd | This is a meandering north-south tunnel. A side passage leads to the
Floyd | southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 140, Turns: 477
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Carvings
Floyd | You have entered a large room whose walls are covered with intricate
Floyd | carvings. The largest and most striking carving, on the southern wall,
Floyd | is of a huge sleeping dragon! A winding tunnel leads north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine dragon"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 140, Turns: 478
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the carving of a dragon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Unless there's a secret button in the dragon's eye, I'm not sure what you'd do with a carving."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine eye"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 140, Turns: 478
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "eye".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn yomin"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 140, Turns: 479
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the yomin spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "yomin dragon"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 140, Turns: 480
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I'm afraid the carving of a dragon doesn't have much of a mind for you
Floyd | to read.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Fair"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "rezrov dragon"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 140, Turns: 481
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Although you complete the spell, nothing seems to have happened.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "I suppose we're still missing something to be able to go here"
BrianK says, "or do anything here"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Winding Tunnel  Score: 140, Turns: 482
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Winding Tunnel
Floyd | This is a meandering north-south tunnel. A side passage leads to the
Floyd | southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ] Park Entrance  Score: 140, Turns: 483
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | Park Entrance
Floyd | This looks like the entrance to a run-down amusement park, no longer
Floyd | gaudy with lights and glitter. A sign above the entrance proclaims
Floyd | "Welcome to Bozbarland - The Entertainment Capital of the Empire." The
Floyd | park lies to the west and a tunnel leads northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] East End of Midway  Score: 140, Turns: 484
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | East End of Midway
Floyd | You are at the eastern end of a long midway. The park entrance lies to
Floyd | the east, and rides lie to the north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] West End of Midway  Score: 140, Turns: 485
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | West End of Midway
Floyd | Entrances lead north, west and south, and the rest of the midway lies
Floyd | to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 140, Turns: 486
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Arcade
Floyd | This is a huge tent filled with hectic noise, blinking lights, and the
Floyd | smell of frying food. Near the exit is a game booth lined with prizes.
Floyd | The concept of the game seems to be bashing cute little mechanical
Floyd | bunnies with a rubber ball as they hop around a little artificial
Floyd | meadow.
Floyd | A hawker stands within the booth, studying you through half-closed
Floyd | eyes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf11"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 140, Turns: 486
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open aqua"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 140, Turns: 487
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN AQUA
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the aqua vial reveals aqua potion.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drink aqua"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 140, Turns: 487
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DRINK AQUA
Floyd |
Floyd | There seems to be a noun missing in that sentence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drink aqua potion"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 140, Turns: 488
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The aqua potion tasted like lime jelly, and sent vibrations through
Floyd | your muscles.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "throw ball at bunny"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 150, Turns: 489
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A tremendous pitch sends a bunny spinning. "What an arm, kid, what an
Floyd | arm!" cries the hawker. He hands you a glittering scroll from the
Floyd | shelf of prizes. "Here's your prize, now scram."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oo. a scroll."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read scroll"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 150, Turns: 489
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Which scroll do you mean, the glittering scroll or the ordinary
Floyd | scroll?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read glittering"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 150, Turns: 490
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The scroll reads "malyon spell: bring life to inanimate objects".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oh, well, that solves that"
DavidW asks, "You think a living dragon solves something?"
BrianK says, "Well, it solves the puzzle of the statue of the dragon :P"
BrianK exclaims, "Now it's a completely different puzzle of a living dragon!"
DavidW says, "If the dragon is still sleeping when brought to life, yomin it."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "gnusto malyon"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 150, Turns: 491
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of
Floyd | the malyon spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the
Floyd | book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains!
Floyd | However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word
Floyd | is copied.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] West End of Midway  Score: 150, Turns: 492
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | West End of Midway
Floyd | Entrances lead north, west and south, and the rest of the midway lies
Floyd | to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] East End of Midway  Score: 150, Turns: 493
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | East End of Midway
Floyd | You are at the eastern end of a long midway. The park entrance lies to
Floyd | the east, and rides lie to the north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Park Entrance  Score: 150, Turns: 494
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Park Entrance
Floyd | This looks like the entrance to a run-down amusement park, no longer
Floyd | gaudy with lights and glitter. A sign above the entrance proclaims
Floyd | "Welcome to Bozbarland - The Entertainment Capital of the Empire." The
Floyd | park lies to the west and a tunnel leads northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] Winding Tunnel  Score: 150, Turns: 495
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | Winding Tunnel
Floyd | This is a meandering north-south tunnel. A side passage leads to the
Floyd | southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 150, Turns: 496
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Carvings
Floyd | You have entered a large room whose walls are covered with intricate
Floyd | carvings. The largest and most striking carving, on the southern wall,
Floyd | is of a huge sleeping dragon! A winding tunnel leads north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "Why do I suspect we'll end up dying?"
DavidW asks, "You aren't gonna malyon the bunnies?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf12"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 150, Turns: 496
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "(Aside from the fact that we have done little but die.)"
BrianK says, "Oh darn, should I go back and try it"
BrianK says, "That would certainly make the guy mad"
DavidW says, "Let's see the dragon since we're here."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn malyon"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 150, Turns: 497
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the malyon spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "malyon dragon"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 150, Turns: 498
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The dragon seems to shiver for a moment, but that is all.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "aw"
Ellison arrives, ready to play with the toys. DavidW says, "I think maybe this is where you YONK."
BrianK says, "Well, I was going to say something along those lines but"
BrianK says, "using yonk as a verb sounds very silly"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn malyon"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 150, Turns: 499
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the malyon spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline reaches out and steals BrianK's nose. "YONK!"
DavidW says, "Yonkers, NY"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "yonk"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 150, Turns: 499
Floyd | >
Floyd | > YONK
Floyd |
Floyd | What do you want to yonk?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "yonk malyon"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 150, Turns: 500
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | As you cast the spell, the ordinary scroll vanishes!
Floyd |
Floyd | The words of the spell glow brightly for a moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "malyon dragon"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 150, Turns: 501
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The dragon is suddenly imbued with life and begins to move. It shakes
Floyd | itself loose from the wall, which crumbles down upon the dragon,
Floyd | revealing a southward passage! The dragon howls with pain and anger.
Floyd | Spotting you, the dragon rears back its head, smoke billowing from its
Floyd | nostrils. Then, just as it seems that you will be barbecued, the
Floyd | dragon reverts to stone!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Goodness. You weren't killed at all that time! Yay!"
BrianK says, "It is certainly an accomplishment"
BrianK says, "Before we explore the scary looking new area I'm definitely doubling back and casting malyon on those bunnies"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf13"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 150, Turns: 501
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Winding Tunnel  Score: 150, Turns: 502
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Winding Tunnel
Floyd | This is a meandering north-south tunnel. A side passage leads to the
Floyd | southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ] Park Entrance  Score: 150, Turns: 503
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | Park Entrance
Floyd | This looks like the entrance to a run-down amusement park, no longer
Floyd | gaudy with lights and glitter. A sign above the entrance proclaims
Floyd | "Welcome to Bozbarland - The Entertainment Capital of the Empire." The
Floyd | park lies to the west and a tunnel leads northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] East End of Midway  Score: 150, Turns: 504
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | East End of Midway
Floyd | You are at the eastern end of a long midway. The park entrance lies to
Floyd | the east, and rides lie to the north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your muscles feel limp for a moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] West End of Midway  Score: 150, Turns: 505
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | West End of Midway
Floyd | Entrances lead north, west and south, and the rest of the midway lies
Floyd | to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 150, Turns: 506
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Arcade
Floyd | This is a huge tent filled with hectic noise, blinking lights, and the
Floyd | smell of frying food. Near the exit is a game booth lined with prizes.
Floyd | The concept of the game seems to be bashing cute little mechanical
Floyd | bunnies with a rubber ball as they hop around a little artificial
Floyd | meadow.
Floyd | A hawker stands within the booth, studying you through half-closed
Floyd | eyes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn malyon"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 150, Turns: 507
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the malyon spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "malyon bunnies"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 150, Turns: 508
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The bunnies hop away and the startled hawker scrambles after them. He
Floyd | returns a moment later, holding the again inanimate bunnies, and gives
Floyd | you a nasty glare.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "hee"
BrianK says, "I guess malyon is temporary in general"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf13"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 150, Turns: 501
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 502
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Sooty Room
Floyd | The walls and ceiling of this room are covered with soot and held up
Floyd | by timbers which don't look very sturdy. A winding tunnel leads north.
Floyd | From the east comes a sulfurous odor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "I'm getting the feeling we don't want to breathe in there"
Jacqueline has food now.
Jacqueline watches.
DavidW says, "The map is showing a one-way connection."
DavidW says, "Careful."
BrianK says, "Hmmm"
BrianK says, "Well, it's about 90% likely that we're screwed anyway, because of the whole zorkmid coin thing"
DavidW says, "Yes."
BrianK says, "So let's scout the area and see what we can learn"
DavidW says, "Sounds good."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open orange"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 503
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the orange vial reveals orange potion.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "yes"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drink orange potion"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 170, Turns: 503
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Uh oh. The orange potion seems to be having an unpleasant reaction
Floyd | with the aqua potion. Your left ear turns into a carnivorous toad and
Floyd | devours your brain.
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Your guardian angel, draped in white, appears floating in the
Floyd | nothingness before you. "Gotten in a bit of a scrape, eh?" he asks,
Floyd | writing frantically in a notebook. "I'd love to chat, but we're so
Floyd | busy this month." The angel twitches his nose, and the nothingness is
Floyd | replaced by...
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge
Floyd | You are standing on the drawbridge of a ruined castle which lies to
Floyd | your east. The wood of the bridge looks severely rotted and creaks
Floyd | ominously beneath you. The moat, although an easy dive from here,
Floyd | looks dangerous, full of sinister shapes beneath the surface of the
Floyd | water. To the west is a wide field.
Floyd | With a scream of splintering wood, part of the drawbridge collapses
Floyd | and spills you into the moat. You are immediately set upon by
Floyd | alligators and piranhas.
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Unfortunately, you made no provisions for your untimely death.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your score is 170 of a possible 400, in 503 moves. This puts you in
Floyd | the class of Intermediate Enchanter.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved
Floyd | game position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART,
Floyd | RESTORE, or QUIT):
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "UHHHH"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf13"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 150, Turns: 501
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 502
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Sooty Room
Floyd | The walls and ceiling of this room are covered with soot and held up
Floyd | by timbers which don't look very sturdy. A winding tunnel leads north.
Floyd | From the east comes a sulfurous odor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 504
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | Your muscles feel limp for a moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Dang, if I had waited another turn that wouldn't have happened"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, we were totally supposed to see that one coming."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open orange"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 505
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the orange vial reveals orange potion.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drink orange potion"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 506
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The orange potion tasted like pepper, and made your nose tingle.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 507
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a rumbling noise behind you as the ceiling of the tunnel
Floyd | collapses, blocking your retreat! The air smells strongly of coal gas.
Floyd | Good thing you took that vilstu potion.
Floyd |
Floyd | Coal Bin Room
Floyd | This is obviously the heart of a large coal mine, illuminated by a
Floyd | wall-mounted lamp. The bottom of a metal coal chute is visible at the
Floyd | north end of the room. Another chute continues downward at the
Floyd | southern end. A large coal bin is overflowing, and the floor is
Floyd | completely covered with lumps of coal. A passage leads east, but a
Floyd | western passage is blocked by rubble.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "What's the orange one do?"
BrianK says, "Obviates need for breathing"
DavidW says, "ah"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine coal"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 508
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about lumps of coal.
Floyd |
Floyd | Someone slides out of the coal chute, and lands near the bin. Although
Floyd | your clothes are much cleaner and less torn, the stranger looks
Floyd | virtually like your own twin!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "What."
DavidW says, "Oh, I've been waiting for this."
DavidW says, "Good luck."
Jacqueline says, "..."
DavidW says, "This is the most famous part of this game, I think."
BrianK says, "Sorry, internet hiccup"
DavidW says, "(Or infamous)"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "examine person"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 508
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any person here!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "examine twin"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 509
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Although your clothes are much cleaner and less torn, the stranger
Floyd | looks virtually like your own twin! The stranger is carrying a smelly
Floyd | scroll.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few lumps of coal spill from the coal chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your disheveled "twin" is having difficulty breathing, but gasps, "The
Floyd | combination is 112." Your older self then looks at you, almost
Floyd | expectantly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read smelly scroll"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 510
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your twin refuses to part with the smelly scroll.
Floyd | The scroll reads "vardik spell: shield a mind from an evil spirit".
Floyd |
Floyd | "Give me...the spell book," croaks your older self.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn yomin"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 511
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the yomin spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few lumps of coal spill from the coal chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your older self dives into the lower chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oh darn"
BrianK says, "I wanted to mind probe him"
Jacqueline says, "Well, you could."
Jacqueline says, "Maybe."
Jacqueline says, "If we go back a bit."
BrianK says, "All right"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf13"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 150, Turns: 501
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 502
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Sooty Room
Floyd | The walls and ceiling of this room are covered with soot and held up
Floyd | by timbers which don't look very sturdy. A winding tunnel leads north.
Floyd | From the east comes a sulfurous odor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 504
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | Your muscles feel limp for a moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drink orange potion"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 504
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any orange potion here!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open orange"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 505
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the orange vial reveals orange potion.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drink orange potion"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 506
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The orange potion tasted like pepper, and made your nose tingle.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 507
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a rumbling noise behind you as the ceiling of the tunnel
Floyd | collapses, blocking your retreat! The air smells strongly of coal gas.
Floyd | Good thing you took that vilstu potion.
Floyd |
Floyd | Coal Bin Room
Floyd | This is obviously the heart of a large coal mine, illuminated by a
Floyd | wall-mounted lamp. The bottom of a metal coal chute is visible at the
Floyd | north end of the room. Another chute continues downward at the
Floyd | southern end. A large coal bin is overflowing, and the floor is
Floyd | completely covered with lumps of coal. A passage leads east, but a
Floyd | western passage is blocked by rubble.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf14"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 507
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn yomin"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 508
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the yomin spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few lumps of coal spill from the coal chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | Someone slides out of the coal chute, and lands near the bin. Although
Floyd | your clothes are much cleaner and less torn, the stranger looks
Floyd | virtually like your own twin!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "yomin twin"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 509
Floyd | >
Floyd | > YOMIN TWIN
Floyd |
Floyd | The thoughts of your older self center on attempting to breathe.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your disheveled "twin" is having difficulty breathing, but gasps, "The
Floyd | combination is 461." Your older self then looks at you, almost
Floyd | expectantly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "huh"
BrianK says, "Well, that doesn't help"
DavidW says, "The vilstu doesn't last forever, obviously."
BrianK asks, "Should we give him the spellbook when he asks for it?"
DavidW asks, "I dunno. Do you want it when you're him later?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 510
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | "Give me...the spell book," croaks your older self.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "give spell book to twin"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 511
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your older self accepts the spell book gratefully.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your older self dives into the lower chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Hopefully that was the right choice"
Jacqueline says, "We shall see."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Dial Room  Score: 170, Turns: 512
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Dial Room
Floyd | On the eastern wall is a heavy door with a dial set into it. There is
Floyd | a sign on the door. Another exit leads west, and a wall-mounted lamp
Floyd | provides illumination. The floor is deeply covered with lumps of coal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Or not, if that was your only light source."
Jacqueline says, "Oh, crap, right."
BrianK says, "Nah, we have a calendar providing light"
Jacqueline says, "phew"
DavidW says, "Continue. :)"
BrianK says, "I don't remember what the circumstances of that was, but"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine dial"
Floyd ] Dial Room  Score: 170, Turns: 513
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Set in the door is a large circular dial which can be set to any
Floyd | number up to 873. It is currently set to 0.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "set dial to 462"
Floyd ] Dial Room  Score: 170, Turns: 514
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SET DIAL TO 462
Floyd |
Floyd | The dial is now set to 462.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open door"
Floyd ] Dial Room  Score: 170, Turns: 515
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN DOOR
Floyd |
Floyd | The door won't budge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "rezrov door"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 170, Turns: 516
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The door swings open as a loud alarm sounds. Laser beams criss-cross
Floyd | the room, glinting off the blades of the thousand flying daggers. A
Floyd | hundred well-armed and vicious kobolds rush into the room, swinging
Floyd | battle axes.
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Your guardian angel, draped in white, appears floating in the
Floyd | nothingness before you. "Gotten in a bit of a scrape, eh?" he asks,
Floyd | writing frantically in a notebook. "I'd love to chat, but we're so
Floyd | busy this month." The angel twitches his nose, and the nothingness is
Floyd | replaced by...
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge
Floyd | You are standing on the drawbridge of a ruined castle which lies to
Floyd | your east. The wood of the bridge looks severely rotted and creaks
Floyd | ominously beneath you. The moat, although an easy dive from here,
Floyd | looks dangerous, full of sinister shapes beneath the surface of the
Floyd | water. To the west is a wide field.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "oops"
BrianK says, "Oh, I misremembered the combination"
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Roger says, "Haha"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf14"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 507
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 508
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | Someone slides out of the coal chute, and lands near the bin. Although
Floyd | your clothes are much cleaner and less torn, the stranger looks
Floyd | virtually like your own twin!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 509
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | Your disheveled "twin" is having difficulty breathing, but gasps, "The
Floyd | combination is 461." Your older self then looks at you, almost
Floyd | expectantly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 510
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | "Give me...the spell book," croaks your older self.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "give book to twin"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 511
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your older self accepts the spell book gratefully.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your older self dives into the lower chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Dial Room  Score: 170, Turns: 512
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Dial Room
Floyd | On the eastern wall is a heavy door with a dial set into it. There is
Floyd | a sign on the door. Another exit leads west, and a wall-mounted lamp
Floyd | provides illumination. The floor is deeply covered with lumps of coal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "set dial to 461"
Floyd ] Dial Room  Score: 170, Turns: 513
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SET DIAL TO 461
Floyd |
Floyd | The dial is now set to 461. You hear a click from inside the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open door"
Floyd ] Dial Room  Score: 190, Turns: 514
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN DOOR
Floyd |
Floyd | The door opens easily.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Shaft Bottom  Score: 190, Turns: 515
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Shaft Bottom
Floyd | You are at the bottom of an air shaft which looks climbable. A heavy
Floyd | door leads west.
Floyd | Lying in one corner is a coil of rope.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get rope"
Floyd ] Shaft Bottom  Score: 190, Turns: 516
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET ROPE
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine it"
Floyd ] Shaft Bottom  Score: 190, Turns: 517
Floyd | >
Floyd | > EXAMINE IT
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the rope.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Shaft Top  Score: 190, Turns: 518
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Shaft Top
Floyd | You are deep inside a large coal mine, at the top of an air shaft. You
Floyd | could descend into the shaft; passages in many directions lead further
Floyd | into the mine.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are beginning to tire.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Well"
BrianK says, "I gather this is supposed to be a maze"
DavidW says, "Fortunately, you have a map."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ] Coal Mine  Score: 190, Turns: 519
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd | Coal Mine
Floyd | You are in a winding tunnel in a large coal mine. Passages lead off in
Floyd | many directions.
Floyd | Lying near the mouth of one passage is a wooden timber, probably left
Floyd | over from the construction of the mine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get wood"
Floyd ] Coal Mine  Score: 190, Turns: 520
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET WOOD
Floyd |
Floyd | Your load is too heavy, especially in light of your exhaustion.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "geez"
BrianK says, "Huh, it's telling us about our tiredness now"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sleep"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 190, Turns: 570
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SLEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | Before you fall asleep you pass out from the bad air.
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Your guardian angel, draped in white, appears floating in the
Floyd | nothingness before you. "Gotten in a bit of a scrape, eh?" he asks,
Floyd | writing frantically in a notebook. "I'd love to chat, but we're so
Floyd | busy this month." The angel twitches his nose, and the nothingness is
Floyd | replaced by...
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge
Floyd | You are standing on the drawbridge of a ruined castle which lies to
Floyd | your east. The wood of the bridge looks severely rotted and creaks
Floyd | ominously beneath you. The moat, although an easy dive from here,
Floyd | looks dangerous, full of sinister shapes beneath the surface of the
Floyd | water. To the west is a wide field.
Floyd | With a scream of splintering wood, part of the drawbridge collapses
Floyd | and spills you into the moat. You are immediately set upon by
Floyd | alligators and piranhas.
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Unfortunately, you made no provisions for your untimely death.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your score is 190 of a possible 400, in 570 moves. This puts you in
Floyd | the class of Intermediate Enchanter.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved
Floyd | game position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART,
Floyd | RESTORE, or QUIT):
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "OOPS"
BrianK says, "this run is a disaster"
DavidW says, "I guess sleep before any of this, before using vilstu."
Jacqueline says, "Hey hey, we're intermediate"
BrianK says, "Almost halfway there :P"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf14"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 507
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 508
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | Someone slides out of the coal chute, and lands near the bin. Although
Floyd | your clothes are much cleaner and less torn, the stranger looks
Floyd | virtually like your own twin!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "oh, gotta restore to 13"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "restore"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf13"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 150, Turns: 501
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 502
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Sooty Room
Floyd | The walls and ceiling of this room are covered with soot and held up
Floyd | by timbers which don't look very sturdy. A winding tunnel leads north.
Floyd | From the east comes a sulfurous odor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 504
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | Your muscles feel limp for a moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 507
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 510
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 513
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 516
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 518
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | You are beginning to tire.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sleep"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 569
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SLEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | Ah, sleep! It's been a long day and rest will do you good. You spread
Floyd | your cloak on the floor and drift off, renewing your powers and
Floyd | refreshing your mind. Time passes as you snore blissfully.
Floyd |
Floyd | You dream of a river, slow and muddy. Great grey hippopotami sport
Floyd | there, bellowing and splashing, and twitching their ears. You awaken
Floyd | and stand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf15"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 569
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open orange"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 570
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the orange vial reveals orange potion.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drink orange potion"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 170, Turns: 571
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The orange potion tasted like pepper, and made your nose tingle.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 572
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a rumbling noise behind you as the ceiling of the tunnel
Floyd | collapses, blocking your retreat! The air smells strongly of coal gas.
Floyd | Good thing you took that vilstu potion.
Floyd |
Floyd | Coal Bin Room
Floyd | This is obviously the heart of a large coal mine, illuminated by a
Floyd | wall-mounted lamp. The bottom of a metal coal chute is visible at the
Floyd | north end of the room. Another chute continues downward at the
Floyd | southern end. A large coal bin is overflowing, and the floor is
Floyd | completely covered with lumps of coal. A passage leads east, but a
Floyd | western passage is blocked by rubble.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few lumps of coal spill from the coal chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 573
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | Someone slides out of the coal chute, and lands near the bin. Although
Floyd | your clothes are much cleaner and less torn, the stranger looks
Floyd | virtually like your own twin!
Floyd |
Floyd | A few lumps of coal spill from the coal chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "give spell book to twin"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 574
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your older self accepts the spell book gratefully.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few lumps of coal spill from the coal chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your disheveled "twin" is having difficulty breathing, but gasps, "The
Floyd | combination is 849."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 170, Turns: 575
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | Your look-alike dives into the lower chute and slides out of view.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Dial Room  Score: 170, Turns: 576
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Dial Room
Floyd | On the eastern wall is a heavy door with a dial set into it. There is
Floyd | a sign on the door. Another exit leads west, and a wall-mounted lamp
Floyd | provides illumination. The floor is deeply covered with lumps of coal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "set dial to 849"
Floyd ] Dial Room  Score: 170, Turns: 577
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SET DIAL TO 849
Floyd |
Floyd | The dial is now set to 849. You hear a click from inside the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open door"
Floyd ] Dial Room  Score: 190, Turns: 578
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN DOOR
Floyd |
Floyd | The door opens easily.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Shaft Bottom  Score: 190, Turns: 579
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Shaft Bottom
Floyd | You are at the bottom of an air shaft which looks climbable. A heavy
Floyd | door leads west.
Floyd | Lying in one corner is a coil of rope.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get rope"
Floyd ] Shaft Bottom  Score: 190, Turns: 580
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET ROPE
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Shaft Top  Score: 190, Turns: 581
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Shaft Top
Floyd | You are deep inside a large coal mine, at the top of an air shaft. You
Floyd | could descend into the shaft; passages in many directions lead further
Floyd | into the mine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Ellison says, "ooh, I enjoyed this sequence"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ] Coal Mine  Score: 190, Turns: 582
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd | Coal Mine
Floyd | You are in a winding tunnel in a large coal mine. Passages lead off in
Floyd | many directions.
Floyd | Lying near the mouth of one passage is a wooden timber, probably left
Floyd | over from the construction of the mine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get wood"
Floyd ] Coal Mine  Score: 190, Turns: 583
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET WOOD
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ] Coal Mine  Score: 190, Turns: 584
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd | Coal Mine
Floyd | You are in a winding tunnel in a large coal mine. Passages lead off in
Floyd | many directions.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 190, Turns: 585
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Top of Chute
Floyd | You are at the western end of the coal mine. A metal chute leads
Floyd | downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf16"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 190, Turns: 585
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 190, Turns: 586
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Wheee!!!  As you whiz down the chute, you notice a flash of orange
Floyd | light spilling from an opening onto the chute. You land beside an
Floyd | enormous bin of coal.
Floyd |
Floyd | Coal Bin Room
Floyd | This is obviously the heart of a large coal mine, illuminated by a
Floyd | wall-mounted lamp. The bottom of a metal coal chute is visible at the
Floyd | north end of the room. Another chute continues downward at the
Floyd | southern end. A large coal bin is overflowing, and the floor is
Floyd | completely covered with lumps of coal. A passage leads east, but a
Floyd | western passage is blocked by rubble.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Hmmmmmmmm"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf16"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 190, Turns: 585
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "What was the light?"
BrianK says, "That's what I'd like to investigate"
BrianK says, "(It's probably the slanted room that's listed on the map)"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "verbose"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 190, Turns: 585
Floyd | >
Floyd | > VERBOSE
Floyd |
Floyd | Maximum verbosity.
Floyd |
Floyd | Top of Chute
Floyd | You are at the western end of the coal mine. A metal chute leads
Floyd | downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "tie rope to chute"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 190, Turns: 586
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't tie the rope to that.
Floyd |
Floyd | A troglodyte trundles in and dumps a load of coal into the chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine troglodyte"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 190, Turns: 587
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the troglodyte.
Floyd |
Floyd | The troglodyte trundles off into the coal mine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "tie rope to wood"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 190, Turns: 588
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The rope is tied securely to the center of the beam.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "put rope in chute"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 190, Turns: 589
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You'll have to drop the beam before doing that.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel the vilstu potion beginning to wear off, and the air here
Floyd | seems pretty unbreathable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "oh no"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop beam"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 190, Turns: 590
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP BEAM
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | A troglodyte trundles in and dumps a load of coal into the chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "put rope in chute"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 190, Turns: 591
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The rope hangs from the beam, into the chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | The troglodyte trundles off into the coal mine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 190, Turns: 592
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | You climb carefully down the rope, which is slippery with coal dust,
Floyd | but because of your load you are unable to maintain your grip. As you
Floyd | whiz down the chute, you notice a flash of orange light spilling from
Floyd | an opening onto the chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | Coal Bin Room
Floyd | This is obviously the heart of a large coal mine, illuminated by a
Floyd | wall-mounted lamp. The bottom of a metal coal chute is visible at the
Floyd | north end of the room. Another chute continues downward at the
Floyd | southern end. A large coal bin is overflowing, and the floor is
Floyd | completely covered with lumps of coal. A passage leads east, but a
Floyd | western passage is blocked by rubble.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Ah, we have to drop all our stuff here, it looks like"
DavidW says, "geez. You're carrying too much too now."
BrianK says, "That explains why our twin wasn't carrying anything"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf16"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 190, Turns: 585
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Except for a scroll we hadn't seen."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "tie rope to wood"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 190, Turns: 586
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The rope is tied securely to the center of the beam.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop all"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 190, Turns: 587
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP ALL
Floyd |
Floyd | beam of wood: Dropped.
Floyd | rope: Dropped.
Floyd | amber vial: Dropped.
Floyd | aqua vial: Dropped.
Floyd | indigo vial: Dropped.
Floyd | orange vial: Dropped.
Floyd | magic amulet: Dropped.
Floyd | calendar: Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | A troglodyte trundles in and dumps a load of coal into the chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get amulet"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 190, Turns: 588
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET AMULET
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now wearing the magic amulet.
Floyd |
Floyd | The troglodyte trundles off into the coal mine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "You probably want the amulet, no?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "put rope in chute"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 190, Turns: 588
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You're not holding the rope!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get rope"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 190, Turns: 589
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET ROPE
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel the vilstu potion beginning to wear off, and the air here
Floyd | seems pretty unbreathable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "put rope in chute"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 190, Turns: 590
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The rope hangs from the beam, into the chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Slanted Room  Score: 210, Turns: 591
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | You climb carefully down the rope, which is slippery with coal dust,
Floyd | and soon reach a small opening off the chute. You clamber inside...
Floyd |
Floyd | Slanted Room
Floyd | This small room has a slanted roof, presumably due to the coal chute
Floyd | which passes overhead. You can reenter the chute to the east.
Floyd | Mounted securely to the wall is a kerosene lamp, filling the room with
Floyd | a serene orange glow. A small compartment at its base is open.
Floyd | There is a shimmering scroll here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Serene orange glow."
Jacqueline asks, "So was the light just that room whizzing past?"
BrianK says, "Yep"
Jacqueline nods, and prays the lamp doesn't explode.
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get scroll"
Floyd ] Slanted Room  Score: 210, Turns: 592
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET SCROLL
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read it"
Floyd ] Slanted Room  Score: 210, Turns: 593
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ IT
Floyd |
Floyd | The scroll reads "golmac spell: travel temporally".
Floyd |
Floyd | The vilstu potion has almost completely worn off now, and I doubt you
Floyd | could survive here without it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "That's comforting."
DavidW says, "That's NOT the scroll your older self was carrying."
BrianK says, "It is not"
BrianK says, "Would this be... TIME travel temporarily? :O :O"
BrianK says, "oh wait"
BrianK says, "it says temporally, not remporarily"
DavidW says, "ha ha"
BrianK says, "temporarily*"
BrianK says, "despite how it looks, I can both read and type"
DavidW asks, "So maybe go into the past and check out the compartment before you got here?"
BrianK says, "All right, then, here goes nothing"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "golmac"
Floyd ] Slanted Room  Score: 210, Turns: 593
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GOLMAC
Floyd |
Floyd | What do you want to golmac?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "golmac me"
Floyd ] Slanted Room  Score: 210, Turns: 594
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GOLMAC ME
Floyd |
Floyd | As you cast the spell, the shimmering scroll vanishes!
Floyd |
Floyd | You are surrounded by a puff of smoke, and feel disoriented for a
Floyd | moment. When the smoke clears, nothing seems to have changed, except
Floyd | that the kerosene lamp is now closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open lamp"
Floyd ] Slanted Room  Score: 210, Turns: 595
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN LAMP
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the kerosene lamp reveals a smelly scroll.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get smelly"
Floyd ] Slanted Room  Score: 235, Turns: 596
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET SMELLY
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "THAT's the scroll you're older self, who is now you is."
DavidW says, "er your"
BrianK says, "Hurray! The time loop is closed"
DavidW says, "Time to meet your younger self! Hope you remember what to do!"
BrianK says, "Although I'm curious as to what happens if we create a paradox"
Jacqueline says, "Hrm."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf17"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Slanted Room  Score: 235, Turns: 596
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 235, Turns: 597
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Wheeee!!!
Floyd |
Floyd | Coal Bin Room
Floyd | This is obviously the heart of a large coal mine, illuminated by a
Floyd | wall-mounted lamp. The bottom of a metal coal chute is visible at the
Floyd | north end of the room. Another chute continues downward at the
Floyd | southern end. A large coal bin is overflowing, and the floor is
Floyd | completely covered with lumps of coal. A passage leads east, but a
Floyd | western passage is blocked by rubble.
Floyd | Standing here, looking quite confused, is someone who could only be
Floyd | your younger self -- an exact duplicate of you, but cleaner and
Floyd | breathing with considerably less difficulty. You remember seeing this
Floyd | scene from another viewpoint just a short while ago. Among the items
Floyd | carried by your "twin" is your spell book.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "twin, the combination is 849"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 235, Turns: 598
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your younger self seems surprised by your statement.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your younger self hands you your spell book!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "hit twin"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 235, Turns: 599
Floyd | >
Floyd | > HIT TWIN
Floyd |
Floyd | Trying to attack your younger self with your bare hands is suicidal.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few lumps of coal spill from the coal chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your younger self is doing absolutely nothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel the final effects of the vilstu potion vanish. Unfortunately,
Floyd | coal gas is a poor substitute for oxygen.
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Your guardian angel, draped in white, appears floating in the
Floyd | nothingness before you. "Gotten in a bit of a scrape, eh?" he asks,
Floyd | writing frantically in a notebook. "I'd love to chat, but we're so
Floyd | busy this month." The angel twitches his nose, and the nothingness is
Floyd | replaced by...
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge
Floyd | You are standing on the drawbridge of a ruined castle which lies to
Floyd | your east. The wood of the bridge looks severely rotted and creaks
Floyd | ominously beneath you. The moat, although an easy dive from here,
Floyd | looks dangerous, full of sinister shapes beneath the surface of the
Floyd | water. To the west is a wide field.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Well"
BrianK says, "That wasn't what happened originally"
Jacqueline says, "Nope"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf17"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Slanted Room  Score: 235, Turns: 596
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 235, Turns: 597
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Wheeee!!!
Floyd |
Floyd | Coal Bin Room
Floyd | This is obviously the heart of a large coal mine, illuminated by a
Floyd | wall-mounted lamp. The bottom of a metal coal chute is visible at the
Floyd | north end of the room. Another chute continues downward at the
Floyd | southern end. A large coal bin is overflowing, and the floor is
Floyd | completely covered with lumps of coal. A passage leads east, but a
Floyd | western passage is blocked by rubble.
Floyd | Standing here, looking quite confused, is someone who could only be
Floyd | your younger self -- an exact duplicate of you, but cleaner and
Floyd | breathing with considerably less difficulty. You remember seeing this
Floyd | scene from another viewpoint just a short while ago. Among the items
Floyd | carried by your "twin" is your spell book.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "twin, the combination is 849"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 235, Turns: 598
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your younger self seems surprised by your statement.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your younger self hands you your spell book!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 255, Turns: 599
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | You fly out of the chute and land just at the edge of some water...
Floyd |
Floyd | Lagoon Shore
Floyd | This is a narrow beach between a small cove to the east and tall
Floyd | cliffs to the west. The shore curves to the southeast and northeast. A
Floyd | metal chute leads up into the cliff.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel the final effects of the vilstu potion vanish, leaving you
Floyd | totally exhausted (an unfortunate side effect).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ] Ocean Shore South  Score: 255, Turns: 600
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd | Ocean Shore South
Floyd | You are standing on the western shore of the mighty Flathead Ocean.
Floyd | According to legends you read at the University, the eastern shore of
Floyd | this ocean is a strange land of magical beings and priceless
Floyd | treasures. The beach to the south is blocked by a tall cliff; a lagoon
Floyd | shore lies to the northwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Surface of Lagoon  Score: 255, Turns: 601
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Surface of Lagoon
Floyd | You are swimming on the surface of a calm lagoon, whose sandy floor is
Floyd | visible below. A curved beach surrounds this inlet on its western
Floyd | side.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Lagoon Floor  Score: 255, Turns: 602
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Lagoon Floor
Floyd | This is the floor of a cove off the turbulent ocean to the east. The
Floyd | ground slopes upward to the north, west, and south. Light filters down
Floyd | from the surface of the water.
Floyd | Nestled among some coral is a clump of stunningly beautiful
Floyd | spenseweeds, waving slowly in the currents of the lagoon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get spenseweeds"
Floyd ] Lagoon Floor  Score: 255, Turns: 603
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | No spell would help with that!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Surface of Lagoon  Score: 255, Turns: 604
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Surface of Lagoon
Floyd | You are swimming on the surface of a calm lagoon, whose sandy floor is
Floyd | visible below. A curved beach surrounds this inlet on its western
Floyd | side.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Spenseweed is one of those plants that seems to do different things in different games."
DavidW says, "And sometimes nothing at all."
Jacqueline says, "Can't wait to experiment."
DavidW says, "It's the ubiquitous fern/weed of Zork."
BrianK says, "Hmm, I suppose we can cast meef on it but"
BrianK says, "(the spell that causes plants to wilt)"
DavidW says, "oh, good idea."
BrianK says, "If only because we haven't used that spell yet"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn meef"
Floyd ] Surface of Lagoon  Score: 255, Turns: 605
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LEARN MEEF
Floyd |
Floyd | The book is damp and the writing unreadable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "oops"
DavidW says, "oh no"
BrianK says, "Well, this is embarrassing."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf17"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Slanted Room  Score: 235, Turns: 596
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 235, Turns: 597
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Wheeee!!!
Floyd |
Floyd | Coal Bin Room
Floyd | This is obviously the heart of a large coal mine, illuminated by a
Floyd | wall-mounted lamp. The bottom of a metal coal chute is visible at the
Floyd | north end of the room. Another chute continues downward at the
Floyd | southern end. A large coal bin is overflowing, and the floor is
Floyd | completely covered with lumps of coal. A passage leads east, but a
Floyd | western passage is blocked by rubble.
Floyd | Standing here, looking quite confused, is someone who could only be
Floyd | your younger self -- an exact duplicate of you, but cleaner and
Floyd | breathing with considerably less difficulty. You remember seeing this
Floyd | scene from another viewpoint just a short while ago. Among the items
Floyd | carried by your "twin" is your spell book.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few lumps of coal spill from the coal chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "twin, the combination is 849"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 235, Turns: 598
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your younger self seems surprised by your statement.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few lumps of coal spill from the coal chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your younger self hands you your spell book!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 255, Turns: 599
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | You fly out of the chute and land just at the edge of some water...
Floyd |
Floyd | Lagoon Shore
Floyd | This is a narrow beach between a small cove to the east and tall
Floyd | cliffs to the west. The shore curves to the southeast and northeast. A
Floyd | metal chute leads up into the cliff.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel the final effects of the vilstu potion vanish, leaving you
Floyd | totally exhausted (an unfortunate side effect).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf18"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 255, Turns: 599
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Surface of Lagoon  Score: 255, Turns: 600
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Surface of Lagoon
Floyd | You are swimming on the surface of a calm lagoon, whose sandy floor is
Floyd | visible below. A curved beach surrounds this inlet on its western
Floyd | side.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "oh, wait, that's too late"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf18"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 255, Turns: 599
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn pulver"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 255, Turns: 600
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the pulver spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn meef"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 255, Turns: 601
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LEARN MEEF
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the meef spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Surface of Lagoon  Score: 255, Turns: 602
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Surface of Lagoon
Floyd | You are swimming on the surface of a calm lagoon, whose sandy floor is
Floyd | visible below. A curved beach surrounds this inlet on its western
Floyd | side.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Lagoon Floor  Score: 255, Turns: 603
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Lagoon Floor
Floyd | This is the floor of a cove off the turbulent ocean to the east. The
Floyd | ground slopes upward to the north, west, and south. Light filters down
Floyd | from the surface of the water.
Floyd | Nestled among some coral is a clump of stunningly beautiful
Floyd | spenseweeds, waving slowly in the currents of the lagoon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "meef spenseweeds"
Floyd ] Lagoon Floor  Score: 255, Turns: 604
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The spenseweeds wilt away, revealing a wooden crate labelled with
Floyd | black lettering.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open crate"
Floyd ] Lagoon Floor  Score: 270, Turns: 605
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN CRATE
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the wooden crate reveals a grue suit, a can of grue repellent,
Floyd | and a brass lantern.
Floyd |
Floyd | You won't be able to hold your breath much longer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "You still ruined your spellbook, y'know."
BrianK says, "Hmm"
BrianK says, "I was thinking I could cast pulver afterwards and it would dry out"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get all from crate"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 270, Turns: 656
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | grue suit: Your load is too heavy, especially in light of your
Floyd | exhaustion.
Floyd | can of grue repellent: Your load is too heavy, especially in light of
Floyd | your exhaustion.
Floyd | brass lantern: Your load is too heavy, especially in light of your
Floyd | exhaustion.
Floyd |
Floyd | Better get some fresh air soon!
Floyd |
Floyd | You drop in your tracks from exhaustion.
Floyd |
Floyd | Amazing how difficult it is to sleep while swimming (and vice versa).
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Your guardian angel, draped in white, appears floating in the
Floyd | nothingness before you. "Gotten in a bit of a scrape, eh?" he asks,
Floyd | writing frantically in a notebook. "I'd love to chat, but we're so
Floyd | busy this month." The angel twitches his nose, and the nothingness is
Floyd | replaced by...
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge
Floyd | You are standing on the drawbridge of a ruined castle which lies to
Floyd | your east. The wood of the bridge looks severely rotted and creaks
Floyd | ominously beneath you. The moat, although an easy dive from here,
Floyd | looks dangerous, full of sinister shapes beneath the surface of the
Floyd | water. To the west is a wide field.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "sigh"
BrianK says, "O..kay"
BrianK says, "I must've missed that we were tired"
BrianK says, "Oh, it's the side effect of the potion"
Jacqueline says, "Sleeping so frequently in a game..."
DavidW says, "I think you need to pulver the lagoon instead of swimming."
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Oh, hm. Yeah."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf18"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 255, Turns: 599
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sleep"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 255, Turns: 650
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SLEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | Ah, sleep! It's been a long day and rest will do you good. You spread
Floyd | your cloak on the floor and drift off, renewing your powers and
Floyd | refreshing your mind. Time passes as you snore blissfully.
Floyd |
Floyd | You dream of an idyllic scene in the country, a picnic of wood-sprites
Floyd | and dryads. You awaken and stand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn pulver"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 255, Turns: 651
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the pulver spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "pulver lagoon"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 255, Turns: 652
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The water level seems to drop an inch or two, for a moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "but yeah, I guess you have to sleep because of the aftereffects of the vilstu."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read smelly"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 255, Turns: 653
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The scroll reads "vardik spell: shield a mind from an evil spirit".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "oh. Well, you can drop the book on the shore still, yes?"
BrianK says, "Yeah"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "gnusto vardik"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 255, Turns: 654
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of
Floyd | the vardik spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the
Floyd | book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains!
Floyd | However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word
Floyd | is copied.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "and scrolls."
DavidW says, "if any"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 255, Turns: 655
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a spell book (providing light)
Floyd |   a magic amulet (being worn)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop book"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 255, Turns: 656
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP BOOK
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get book"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 255, Turns: 657
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET BOOK
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn meef"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 255, Turns: 658
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LEARN MEEF
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the meef spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop book"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 255, Turns: 659
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP BOOK
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Surface of Lagoon  Score: 255, Turns: 660
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Surface of Lagoon
Floyd | You are swimming on the surface of a calm lagoon, whose sandy floor is
Floyd | visible below. A curved beach surrounds this inlet on its western
Floyd | side.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Lagoon Floor  Score: 255, Turns: 661
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Lagoon Floor
Floyd | This is the floor of a cove off the turbulent ocean to the east. The
Floyd | ground slopes upward to the north, west, and south. Light filters down
Floyd | from the surface of the water.
Floyd | Nestled among some coral is a clump of stunningly beautiful
Floyd | spenseweeds, waving slowly in the currents of the lagoon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "meef spenseweeds"
Floyd ] Lagoon Floor  Score: 255, Turns: 662
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The spenseweeds wilt away, revealing a wooden crate labelled with
Floyd | black lettering.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open crate"
Floyd ] Lagoon Floor  Score: 270, Turns: 663
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN CRATE
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the wooden crate reveals a grue suit, a can of grue repellent,
Floyd | and a brass lantern.
Floyd |
Floyd | You won't be able to hold your breath much longer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get all from crate"
Floyd ] Lagoon Floor  Score: 270, Turns: 664
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | grue suit: You are now wearing the grue suit.
Floyd | can of grue repellent: Taken.
Floyd | brass lantern: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | Better get some fresh air soon!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Well, I'm glad we can put on a suit on the fly underwater while scrambling for breath"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Surface of Lagoon  Score: 270, Turns: 665
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Surface of Lagoon
Floyd | You are swimming on the surface of a calm lagoon, whose sandy floor is
Floyd | visible below. A curved beach surrounds this inlet on its western
Floyd | side.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 270, Turns: 666
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Lagoon Shore
Floyd | This is a narrow beach between a small cove to the east and tall
Floyd | cliffs to the west. The shore curves to the southeast and northeast. A
Floyd | metal chute leads up into the cliff.
Floyd | There is a spell book here (providing light).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Seems you could have just grabbed the crate and opened it on shore."
BrianK says, "Oh"
BrianK says, "That might have been smarter"
BrianK says, "examine suit"
BrianK says, "er"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine suit"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 270, Turns: 667
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the grue suit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine repellent"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 270, Turns: 668
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Instructions for use: Apply liberally to creature to be protected.
Floyd | Duration of effect is unpredictable. Use only in place of death!
Floyd |
Floyd | (No warranty expressed or implied)"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine lantern"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 270, Turns: 669
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | It is a battery-powered lantern like those used by adventurers and
Floyd | explorers. It is currently off.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get book"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 270, Turns: 670
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET BOOK
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "hmmm. Having a glowing book might be a problem with grues."
DavidW says, "But the amulet glows too, so, I dunno."
BrianK says, "Hmmmm"
BrianK says, "Well, we might be screwed again anyway"
BrianK says, "double screwed"
DavidW says, "yes, probably."
BrianK says, "Let's see what happens"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] Ocean Shore North  Score: 270, Turns: 671
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | Ocean Shore North
Floyd | You are standing on the western shore of the mighty Flathead Ocean.
Floyd | According to legends you read at the University, the eastern shore of
Floyd | this ocean is a strange land of magical beings and priceless
Floyd | treasures. You could go north along the shore; the edge of a small
Floyd | cove lies to the southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Best to see how, yes."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Mouth of River  Score: 270, Turns: 672
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Mouth of River
Floyd | A mighty river spills into the ocean here. Looking up the river
Floyd | valley, you see a tall waterfall. Atop a cliff, high above you, is the
Floyd | rampart of a fortress. A cave entrance at the base of the cliff to the
Floyd | west is blocked by writhing green vines.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn meef"
Floyd ] Mouth of River  Score: 270, Turns: 673
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LEARN MEEF
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the meef spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "meef vines"
Floyd ] Mouth of River  Score: 270, Turns: 674
Floyd | >
Floyd | > MEEF VINES
Floyd |
Floyd | You can almost feel a wave of pain from the vines as they shrivel
Floyd | away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oh nooooo :("
Jacqueline says, "aw"
BrianK says, "I'm sorry vines"
Jacqueline says, "Man."
DavidW says, "Vine is dead now."
Jacqueline says, "haha"
BrianK says, "pfft"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "spray repellent on me"
Floyd ] Mouth of River  Score: 270, Turns: 675
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The spray smells like a mixture of old socks and burning rubber. If I
Floyd | were a grue I'd sure stay clear!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Grue Lair  Score: 270, Turns: 676
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Grue Lair
Floyd | This is a low, shadowy cave leading east to west. The rocky walls are
Floyd | scarred with deep claw marks.
Floyd | A pack of grues fills the room! The grues, contrary to all
Floyd | conventional wisdom, aren't bothered by your light in the least. They
Floyd | must be mutated grues, no longer fearing light! They stagger about the
Floyd | room, covering their noses and making horrid gurgling noises.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Mammoth Cavern  Score: 290, Turns: 677
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Mammoth Cavern
Floyd | This cavern is of extraordinary size, but nevertheless crowded with
Floyd | powerful-looking machinery. You recognize a breeder for producing
Floyd | millions of the mutated grues you just passed. Other devices seem
Floyd | designed to aid the forces of evil while sapping magic powers of
Floyd | Enchanters everywhere.
Floyd |
Floyd | At the far end of the cavern are three closed doors: a black marble
Floyd | door leading to the northwest, a shiny silver door heading due west,
Floyd | and a door of bleached white wood to the southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Well, I guess the repellent was all we needed"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "examine amulet"
Floyd ] Mammoth Cavern  Score: 290, Turns: 678
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A blue jewel hangs from a long golden chain. The jewel is pulsing with
Floyd | flashes of brilliant light.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf19"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Mammoth Cavern  Score: 290, Turns: 678
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oh boy we have a choice of three doors"
Jacqueline says, "I'm guessing just the repellant with no suit would have produced a different description."
BrianK says, "Possibly"
BrianK says, "Anyway if we didn't have the map we wouldn't know that two of these lead to rooms with names like 'Chamber of Living Death' and 'Hall of Eternal Pain'"
Jacqueline asks, "Well, but we shall try to visit them all regardless, right?"
BrianK says, "Yes :D"
BrianK says, "For scientific purposes, of course"
DavidW asks, "So, if I recall correctly, Belboz is possessed by an evil demon named Jeearr, something like that? What sort of anti-demon tricks do we have, particularly for demons that are also master enchanters?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ] Mammoth Cavern  Score: 290, Turns: 679
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd | The black marble door is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | That horrible smell is much less pungent now.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Well, let's see"
DavidW asks, "rezrov a door?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read book"
Floyd ] Mammoth Cavern  Score: 290, Turns: 680
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ BOOK
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | My Spell Book
Floyd |
Floyd | The vardik spell (shield a mind from an evil spirit).
Floyd | The malyon spell (bring life to inanimate objects).
Floyd | The fweep spell (turn caster into a bat).
Floyd | The meef spell (cause plants to wilt).
Floyd | The gaspar spell (provide for your own resurrection).
Floyd | The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book).
Floyd | The vezza spell (view the future).
Floyd | The pulver spell (cause liquids to become dry).
Floyd | The izyuk spell (fly like a bird).
Floyd | The yomin spell (mind probe).
Floyd | The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects).
Floyd | The frotz spell (cause something to give off light).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "yomin a door?"
BrianK says, "We haven't turned into a bat yet, so I'm sure that can help us fight off the master enchanter demon"
DavidW asks, "vezza?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn vezza"
Floyd ] Mammoth Cavern  Score: 290, Turns: 681
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the vezza spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "vezza"
Floyd ] Mammoth Cavern  Score: 290, Turns: 682
Floyd | >
Floyd | > VEZZA
Floyd |
Floyd | You see a pile of pure-white blocks, engraved with runes of power.
Floyd | Each block has a word written on it. A moment later, the vision fades.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Well anyway"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open marble door"
Floyd ] Chamber of Living Death  Score: 290, Turns: 683
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | As the door opens, hundreds of slime-covered tentacles stream out and
Floyd | drag you across the threshold...
Floyd |
Floyd | Chamber of Living Death
Floyd | The very walls of this room seem to soak up all light, so it seems as
Floyd | though you're floating in the center of an infinite void.
Floyd | Hideous parasites descend upon you and tear the flesh from your bones,
Floyd | gnaw the eyes from your sockets, and feast upon your very brain
Floyd | tissue. Amazingly, you do not die, and your body regenerates itself as
Floyd | you await the next attack...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Chamber of Living Death  Score: 290, Turns: 684
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Your agony is too great to concentrate on such an action.
Floyd | Hideous parasites descend upon you and tear the flesh from your bones,
Floyd | gnaw the eyes from your sockets, and feast upon your very brain
Floyd | tissue. Amazingly, you do not die, and your body regenerates itself as
Floyd | you await the next attack...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Well, that's gruesome"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf19"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Mammoth Cavern  Score: 290, Turns: 678
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Gaspar won't help vs living death."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open silver door"
Floyd ] Hall of Eternal Pain  Score: 290, Turns: 679
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The door blows open, knocking you to the ground. You are pulled
Floyd | through the open doorway by an unseen force...
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Eternal Pain
Floyd | This room is filled with blinding light that stabs at your eyes.
Floyd | Disembodied forces suck the very thoughts from your mind, savoring
Floyd | each moment and growing stronger. Every second is an agonizing
Floyd | torment, as though thousands of raging fires were exploding in your
Floyd | skull, filling you with a pain greater than you could ever imagine.
Floyd |
Floyd | That horrible smell is much less pungent now.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Hall of Eternal Pain  Score: 290, Turns: 680
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Your agony is too great to concentrate on such an action.
Floyd | Disembodied forces suck the very thoughts from your mind, savoring
Floyd | each moment and growing stronger. Every second is an agonizing
Floyd | torment, as though thousands of raging fires were exploding in your
Floyd | skull, filling you with a pain greater than you could ever imagine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Ah, suffering."
Jacqueline says, "It feels weird to have doors without a puzzle to decide which one to open."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf19"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Mammoth Cavern  Score: 290, Turns: 678
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I'm sure there is a way to figure it out."
Jacqueline says, "Like, 'Sir Mix-a-lot likes big butts and cannot lie. His twin brother does not like big butts and cannot tell the truth. You may ask one question.'"
DavidW says, "Not that I remember one."
BrianK says, "I thought vezza would be a cool option to show you which door to pick"
DavidW says, "Maybe vezza does say, but only at random."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn vezza"
Floyd ] Mammoth Cavern  Score: 290, Turns: 679
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the vezza spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | That horrible smell is much less pungent now.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "vezza"
Floyd ] Mammoth Cavern  Score: 290, Turns: 680
Floyd | >
Floyd | > VEZZA
Floyd |
Floyd | You see a heated debate among the Guildmasters of the land, in the
Floyd | ancient Guild Hall at Borphee. A moment later, the vision fades.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn vezza"
Floyd ] Mammoth Cavern  Score: 290, Turns: 681
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the vezza spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "vezza"
Floyd ] Mammoth Cavern  Score: 290, Turns: 682
Floyd | >
Floyd | > VEZZA
Floyd |
Floyd | You see a pile of pure-white blocks, engraved with runes of power.
Floyd | Each block has a word written on it. A moment later, the vision fades.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn vezza"
Floyd ] Mammoth Cavern  Score: 290, Turns: 683
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the vezza spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "vezza"
Floyd ] Mammoth Cavern  Score: 290, Turns: 684
Floyd | >
Floyd | > VEZZA
Floyd |
Floyd | You see a heated debate among the Guildmasters of the land, in the
Floyd | ancient Guild Hall at Borphee. A moment later, the vision fades.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "These visions are from Spellbreaker, the next game."
BrianK says, "Ah"
Jacqueline says, "ah"
BrianK says, "Well, I guess we can proceed, now that we've narrowed our choices down to one door"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open wooden door"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 685
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The door creaks slowly open. Within, you see someone lying as though
Floyd | asleep. You feel yourself drawn into the room...
Floyd |
Floyd | Belboz's Hideout
Floyd | An acrid stench fills this small room, which is obviously a control
Floyd | center for the evil experiments in the cavern outside.
Floyd | Hanging on the wall is a heavy dagger, its handle encrusted with
Floyd | diamonds.
Floyd | Belboz is lying here, motionless but not asleep. He seems to be in
Floyd | some sort of trance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline exclaims, "!"
Jacqueline says, "Though I guess the name of the room was a clue."
BrianK says, "I wasn't totally expecting Belboz to just be... lying here"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine belboz"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 686
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about Belboz.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "True."
Roger says, "You have chosen... wisely"
Jacqueline says, "I'm guessing we don't use the diamond-encrusted knife to stab him out of his trance."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine knife"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 687
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the diamond-studded knife.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Well, I mean, we could, but there's probably a better way to solve this"
Jacqueline says, "(Except that it's studded with diamonds.)"
DavidW says, "I suppose yomin is a possibility, but I bet it won't be good."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf20"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 687
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Well, for scientific purposes"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn yomin"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 688
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the yomin spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "yomin belboz"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 689
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You get a horrifying glimpse of a monstrous creature intertwined
Floyd | throughout Belboz's mind. You concentrate, attempting to translate
Floyd | this image into visual terms, and imagine a giant spider with millions
Floyd | of legs, wrapped around and feasting upon the body and spirit of
Floyd | Belboz. The image fades, and you stagger backwards.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK exclaims, "That was surprisingly not deadly!"
Jacqueline says, "And sort of strangely illuminating."
BrianK says, "We did get this cool spell earlier that may or may not apply now"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read vardik"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 690
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The spell reads "shield a mind from an evil spirit".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "true"
Jacqueline holds breath.
DavidW asks, "Learn it twice? Shield us, then him?"
BrianK says, "That would be smarter than just shielding him only"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn vardik"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 691
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the vardik spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn vardik"
Floyd ] Hall of Eternal Pain  Score: 310, Turns: 692
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the vardik spell yet another
Floyd | time.
Floyd |
Floyd | Suddenly, Belboz's eyes flicker and he leaps to his feet. His face is
Floyd | unrecognizable, a twisted mask of hatred. "Meddlesome Enchanter! I
Floyd | should have killed you all before I left! But better late than
Floyd | never..." Lightning bolts flash toward you from his fingers, but
Floyd | rather than dying, you find yourself in the...
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Eternal Pain
Floyd | This room is filled with blinding light that stabs at your eyes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oops"
DavidW says, "oops"
BrianK says, "I guess we spent too much time in the room"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf20"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 687
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn vardik"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 688
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the vardik spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn vardik"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 689
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the vardik spell yet another
Floyd | time.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "vardik me"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 690
Floyd | >
Floyd | > VARDIK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | A feeling of warmth and protection fills your mind.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "vardik belboz"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 691
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The mind of Belboz is now shielded against evil spirits.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "yay?"
BrianK says, "Uh"
Jacqueline says, "Maybe it shielded them *inside* his brain"
DavidW asks, "wake belboz?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "wake belboz"
Floyd ] Hall of Eternal Pain  Score: 310, Turns: 692
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Suddenly, Belboz's eyes flicker and he leaps to his feet. His face is
Floyd | unrecognizable, a twisted mask of hatred. "Meddlesome Enchanter! I
Floyd | should have killed you all before I left! But better late than
Floyd | never..." Lightning bolts flash toward you from his fingers, but
Floyd | rather than dying, you find yourself in the...
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Eternal Pain
Floyd | This room is filled with blinding light that stabs at your eyes.
Floyd | Disembodied forces suck the very thoughts from your mind, savoring
Floyd | each moment and growing stronger. Every second is an agonizing
Floyd | torment, as though thousands of raging fires were exploding in your
Floyd | skull, filling you with a pain greater than you could ever imagine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I'm gonna say no."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "read book"
Floyd ] Hall of Eternal Pain  Score: 310, Turns: 692
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ BOOK
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any book here!
Floyd | Disembodied forces suck the very thoughts from your mind, savoring
Floyd | each moment and growing stronger. Every second is an agonizing
Floyd | torment, as though thousands of raging fires were exploding in your
Floyd | skull, filling you with a pain greater than you could ever imagine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf20"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 687
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read book"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 688
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ BOOK
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | My Spell Book
Floyd |
Floyd | The vardik spell (shield a mind from an evil spirit).
Floyd | The malyon spell (bring life to inanimate objects).
Floyd | The fweep spell (turn caster into a bat).
Floyd | The meef spell (cause plants to wilt).
Floyd | The gaspar spell (provide for your own resurrection).
Floyd | The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book).
Floyd | The vezza spell (view the future).
Floyd | The pulver spell (cause liquids to become dry).
Floyd | The izyuk spell (fly like a bird).
Floyd | The yomin spell (mind probe).
Floyd | The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects).
Floyd | The frotz spell (cause something to give off light).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "hrm"
BrianK says, "Ok, clearly... we... should... uh... turn into a bat"
DavidW says, "The bat is for another puzzle."
BrianK says, "Darn"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get dagger"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 689
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET DAGGER
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "I mean, like"
BrianK says, "We could try killing him for scientific purposes."
DavidW asks, "stab him? Just to see?"
Jacqueline says, "sure"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "stab belboz"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: -99, Turns: 689
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (with the diamond-studded knife)
Floyd | You stab the knife time and again into Belboz, who writhes in pain,
Floyd | eyes bulging outward. Sickened and dizzy, you stagger back.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wispy translucent shape rises from the corpse of Belboz. It speaks
Floyd | in a voice so deep that your whole body seems to hear it. "Foolish
Floyd | Charlatan! I am forced to flee that weak, old body -- I shall take
Floyd | your own, instead! Already I have sucked all knowledge, all secrets
Floyd | from that ancient Enchanter. Now begins an epoch of evil transcending
Floyd | even your worst nightmares; a reign of terror that will last a
Floyd | thousand thousand years!" The shape blows toward you on a cold wind.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel an overwhelming sense of oppression as the demon seizes
Floyd | control of your mind and body. The monster reaches into the recesses
Floyd | of your mind, adding your hard-earned magic powers to its own. As it
Floyd | settles comfortably into your skull, the demon grants you a vision of
Floyd | the future. You see the enslaved people of the land toiling to erect
Floyd | great idols to Jeearr. Parents offer up their own children upon these
Floyd | altars, as the rivers of the land fill with blood. And YOU embody
Floyd | Jeearr; you are cursed by ten thousand generations of victims; your
Floyd | face adorns the idols. And worst of all, you remain awake and aware, a
Floyd | witness to horror, never sleeping, and never, ever to escape.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your score is -99 of a possible 400, in 689 moves. This puts you in
Floyd | the class of Menace to Society.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved
Floyd | game position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART,
Floyd | RESTORE, or QUIT):
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Golly"
BrianK says, "I guess we could shield our mind first and then stab him"
Jacqueline says, "This is such a cheerful game."
DavidW says, "Protect our mind THEN stab. Yes."
Jacqueline says (to BrianK), "Yeah, that's what I was thinking."
BrianK says, "Although I'm sure this is still not the BEST solution"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf20"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 687
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn vardik"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 688
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the vardik spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "vardik me"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 689
Floyd | >
Floyd | > VARDIK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | A feeling of warmth and protection fills your mind.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Well, true. Belboz will be dead."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get dagger"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 690
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET DAGGER
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Here goes nothing"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "stab belboz"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 690
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (with the diamond-studded knife)
Floyd | You stab the knife time and again into Belboz, who writhes in pain,
Floyd | eyes bulging outward. Sickened and dizzy, you stagger back.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wispy translucent shape rises from the corpse of Belboz. It speaks
Floyd | in a voice so deep that your whole body seems to hear it. "Foolish
Floyd | Charlatan! I am forced to flee that weak, old body -- I shall take
Floyd | your own, instead! Already I have sucked all knowledge, all secrets
Floyd | from that ancient Enchanter. Now begins an epoch of evil transcending
Floyd | even your worst nightmares; a reign of terror that will last a
Floyd | thousand thousand years!" The shape blows toward you on a cold wind.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jeearr surrounds you like a cloud and begins to contract. Suddenly, it
Floyd | strikes your invisible protection and recoils as if burned. "No!" it
Floyd | cries. "Such a guileless Enchanter developing a mind shield?" The
Floyd | cloud is thinner, the voice fainter. "It cannot be! I cannot survive
Floyd | ... without a host." The demon roils in agony, then thins and
Floyd | dissipates. There is a final scream of pain, then silence.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jeearr is vanquished; the kingdom is saved. But you - you are stranded
Floyd | in a land unknown, and your closest friend, the greatest Enchanter of
Floyd | his age, lies dead by your own hand. Kneeling by his blood-soaked
Floyd | corpse, you beg for another chance...
Floyd |
Floyd | Your score is 310 of a possible 400, in 690 moves. This puts you in
Floyd | the class of Member of the Circle of Enchanters.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved
Floyd | game position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART,
Floyd | RESTORE, or QUIT):
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Allen arrives, full of fun, but no funk. Allen asks, "did someone say belboz?"
Jacqueline says, "Yup"
DavidW says, "mmhm"
BrianK says, "Yeah"
Allen says, "I hate that asswipe"
BrianK says, "pfft"
McMartin says, "Allen duly noted in the pro-stabbing faction"
Jacqueline says, "I mean, I know he's dead and all, but 310/400 and being a Member of the Circle of Enchanters ain't half bad."
Jacqueline says (to McMartin), "ha"
BrianK says, "We beat the game!! hurray"
DavidW says, "This may be a good place to stop, since it's a long way back to getting the coin."
BrianK says, "Yep"
Allen says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 310, Turns: 690
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved
Floyd | game position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART,
Floyd | RESTORE, or QUIT):
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Allen asks, "what are you playing?"
BrianK says, "Sorcerer"
Allen asks, "Sorcerer?"
DavidW says, "Sorcerer"
Allen says, "ah"
Jacqueline says, "Yes, Sorcerer," just for completeness.
BrianK says, "It's decidedly more straightforward than Enchanter in terms of reaching AN ending"
Allen says, "Sorcerer is such an evil game, unforgiving in the extreme, with more forms of death than just about any other infocom game. But it's much harder to end up in an unwinnable state than Enchanter"
Jacqueline says, "See, I'm totes cool with this ending. Are you wanting to ... probe further? (Pun intended, I guess.)"
Allen says, "Sorcerer was the first infocom game I solved with no trouble.Maybe 2 weeks of effort? I think I may have finished in less than a week (but I played it during a holiday in school I recall, so I could put a solid 10-14 hours at a time at it)"
McMartin says, "I'm pretty sure that Sorcerer is the only Infocom game I've solved without hints"
BrianK says, "I'd like to revisit the game next week to try and get the best ending but"
Allen says, "what I remember most from sorcerer was trying to figure every encyclopedia frobozzica lookup"
Ellison says, "I forget if I mentioned this last week, but some Sorcerer locations make a cameo in Zork Zero, too"
Allen says (to McMartin), "Zork III was the first I finished without hints"
Jacqueline asks (of BK), "I might be down with that. Are you headed out?"
BrianK says, "Yeah, it's a good time to stop for today"
Jacqueline says, "Okay. See you all."
DavidW says, "good game"
BrianK says, "The biggest puzzle seems to be the coin thing"
Allen has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. DavidW says, "Congrats on getting a mostly good ending."
Roger says, "The coin puzzle is one of those puzzles that I think even now I would never be able to solve on my own"
Roger disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. DavidW says, "I"
DavidW says, "I think I solved the coin puzzle on my own. Hard to be sure at this late date."
BrianK exclaims, "Anyway, see you all again next week!"
Jacqueline says, "Hrm. So no Brian or Roger."
Jacqueline says, "That kind of dashes my plan for this week."
Jacqueline says, "But not having a plan is fine. We can look at what's been released recently."
BrianK arrives, ready to play with the toys. Jacqueline says, "There's Brian."
BrianK says, "Hello I am here"
DavidW says, "hi Brian"
Ellison goes back to Squeamhurst..
Ellison has disconnected. BrianK exclaims, "Hi!"
Jacqueline says, "So, I was in another window trying to figure out how to see just the games that have been added in 2017, but since you're here I will propose the super obvious thing I thought we'd do this week."
Jacqueline asks, "Can you think of what the super obvious thing is?"
BrianK says, "Continue our game from last week? :P"
Jacqueline asks, "Oh. You want to continue it and find a better ending?"
BrianK says, "Yeah"
Jacqueline says, "That was not actually my super obvious thing. Clearly my thing was slightly less obvious than that obvious thing."
Jacqueline exclaims, "Okay!"
BrianK says, "Oh"
Jacqueline says, "No, it's good. We should do this."
BrianK exclaims, "I mean, there's an entire branch of the map that we haven't even explored yet!"
Jacqueline says, "(My obvious thing was Spellbreaker)"
DavidW asks, "I'm not sure what the super obvious thing would be. Spellbreaker?"
DavidW says, "ah"
Jacqueline says (to BrianK), "Crikey, you are right."
Jacqueline says, "Okay."
Jacqueline digs out her Sorcerer stuff again.
DavidW says, "Last week, we finished Sorcerer but will a less than ideal ending."
Jacqueline says, "Agreed that it was less than ideal."
DavidW says, "The branch of the game that we missed was whatever is past the toll gate."
Jacqueline says, "Here is the (spoilery) map:"
Jacqueline | [LINK]
Jacqueline says, "And here is the (early DRM) infotater:"
Jacqueline |
Jacqueline | [LINK]
Jacqueline says, "Mmmm... taters."
DavidW says, "We will need to backtrack to a point prior to spending the zorkmid coin at the fairground entrance."
BrianK says, "If our save files are intact, I'm sure one of them will drop us off there"
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "I just ate, but yes please."
BrianK says, "Otherwise we can restart from the beginning which isn't that long I guess"
Jacqueline says, "It was still running Sorcerer when I got here, so the save files should be fine."
Jacqueline asks, "Need the raw transcript?"
Jacqueline asks, "Or were you keeping track of save files?"
BrianK says, "I was not"
BrianK says, "Also I will need to dash out for a moment to get something to eat"
Jacqueline asks, "How long do you need?"
zarf arrives, full of fun and funk. Jacqueline says, "Here's the previous two transcripts:"
BrianK says, "Oh yeah I'm back already"
Jacqueline | [LINK]
Jacqueline says (to BrianK), "Oh, great."
DavidW says, "I have a tin of peaches and a can opener at the ready."
Jacqueline asks, "So we want a save before the Park Entrance, is that it?"
Jacqueline asks, "To preserve our Zorkmid?"
BrianK says, "Yep"
DavidW says, "Yes, I think so."
BrianK says, "CF4 is the closest I think"
BrianK says, "It's right after we get the coin"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "restore"
Floyd says (to BrianK), "Floyd doesn't know that trick."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "load sleepmask sorcerer"
Floyd ] Twisted Forest  Score: 0, Turns: 0
Floyd | You are in a strange location, but you cannot remember how you got
Floyd | here. Everything is hazy, as though viewed through a gauze...
Floyd |
Floyd | Twisted Forest
Floyd | You are on a path through a blighted forest. The trees are sickly, and
Floyd | there is no undergrowth at all. One tree here looks climbable. The
Floyd | path, which ends here, continues to the northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | A hellhound is racing straight toward you, its open jaws displaying
Floyd | rows of razor-sharp teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I'll remind everyone to manage the inventory a bit better. Drop stuff we don't need any more so we don't run into limits so often."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "restore"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Jacqueline says, "That is easier said than done."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf4"
Floyd ] Tree Room  Score: 110, Turns: 150
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "I know."
Jacqueline says, "How do we ever know for certain what to drop, for instance."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ] Tree Room  Score: 110, Turns: 151
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a zorkmid coin
Floyd |   an indigo vial
Floyd |   an issue of Popular Enchanting
Floyd |   an orange vial
Floyd |   a magic amulet (being worn)
Floyd |   a calendar (providing light)
Floyd |   an ochre vial
Floyd |   a spell book (providing light)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I'm reasonably sure we don't need the magazine."
DavidW says, "Or any vial that's empty."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop issue"
Floyd ] Tree Room  Score: 110, Turns: 152
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP ISSUE
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Okay. Agree."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "x ochre"
Floyd ] Tree Room  Score: 110, Turns: 152
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X OCHRE
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "x".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine ochre"
Floyd ] Tree Room  Score: 110, Turns: 153
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | It's empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop ochre"
Floyd ] Tree Room  Score: 110, Turns: 154
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP OCHRE
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x calendar"
Floyd ] Tree Room  Score: 110, Turns: 154
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CALENDAR
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "x".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "grr"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "examine calendar"
Floyd ] Tree Room  Score: 110, Turns: 155
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The calendar is for the current year, 957 GUE, and bears many stunning
Floyd | pictures: the marble mines of Antharia, the sand dunes of the Kovalli
Floyd | Desert, ancient Fort Griffspotter, and the giant infotater factories
Floyd | of Borphee. A legend reads "Best wishes for a leak-less year, from the
Floyd | Accardi Plumbers Guild."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Do we need this? I know it's an alternative light source, but surely we can frotz other things."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "read spell book"
Floyd ] Tree Room  Score: 110, Turns: 156
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | My Spell Book
Floyd |
Floyd | The meef spell (cause plants to wilt).
Floyd | The gaspar spell (provide for your own resurrection).
Floyd | The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book).
Floyd | The vezza spell (view the future).
Floyd | The pulver spell (cause liquids to become dry).
Floyd | The izyuk spell (fly like a bird).
Floyd | The yomin spell (mind probe).
Floyd | The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects).
Floyd | The frotz spell (cause something to give off light).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Yes, I'd drop the calendar."
DavidW says, "And yes, we can frotz other things if we must."
Jacqueline asks (of Brian), "You cool with dropping the calendar?"
BrianK says, "Mhm"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "drop calendar"
Floyd ] Tree Room  Score: 110, Turns: 157
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
olethros arrives, full of fun, but no funk. Jacqueline tosses the keys to Brian, but he isn't paying attention and they hit him in the head. "Want to drive?" she asks, too late.
olethros says, "oh, yeah, my favourite series that I haven't played"
Jacqueline says (to olethros), "heh"
DavidW says, "Like, if the calendar had playmate pix, we could trade it to the engineer for a Flathead screwdriver, I suppose."
olethros says, "or maybe that's a lie, perhaps I had finished Enchanter"
BrianK says, "Wow I was in fact not paying attention so you were right on that one"
DavidW says, "If there was an engineer with a screwdriver in this game, which there isn't."
Jacqueline wonders if she knocked Brian unconcious with the -- oh, hai
Jacqueline says (to Brian), "I could drive, but you're a good driver and usually more attentive."
Jacqueline says, "We need to head up to the toll gate, methinks."
BrianK says, "Give me a minute to finish eating and I can do it"
DavidW) The band plays gentle music to eat lunch to in the background.
Roger arrives, full of funk, but no fun. DavidW says, "hi Roger"
BrianK says, "All right!!! Let's do this for real"
Jacqueline says, "Hrm."
Jacqueline says, "Oh, yay."
Roger says, "hiya kids"
BrianK says, "Hi Roger"
Jacqueline says (to Roger), "hey"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Elbow Room  Score: 110, Turns: 158
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Elbow Room
Floyd | The tunnel turns a corner here. You could go either north or east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Bare Passage  Score: 110, Turns: 159
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Bare Passage
Floyd | This is a featureless tunnel, narrowing to the west. To the east is a
Floyd | deep gorge, probably too wide to jump across.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk"
Floyd ] Bare Passage  Score: 110, Turns: 160
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "izyuk me"
Floyd ] Bare Passage  Score: 110, Turns: 161
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Edge of Chasm  Score: 110, Turns: 162
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | You fly easily across the chasm...
Floyd |
Floyd | Edge of Chasm (you are flying)
Floyd | This is a strip of land to the east of a gaping chasm. You might try
Floyd | jumping across, but I'd advise against it. A wide crater lies to the
Floyd | east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Crater  Score: 110, Turns: 163
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Crater (you are flying)
Floyd | You are floating near the center of an enormous crater, strewn with
Floyd | debris. Several points around the perimeter look climbable.
Floyd |
Floyd | You settle gently to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] Edge of Crater  Score: 110, Turns: 164
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | Edge of Crater
Floyd | You are at the northeastern rim of a gigantic crater, the result of
Floyd | some ancient explosion. A wide underground highway, which ends at the
Floyd | crater's edge, leads northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] Bend  Score: 110, Turns: 165
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | Bend
Floyd | The road curves here, heading east and southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Highway  Score: 110, Turns: 166
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Highway
Floyd | This is a wide road winding away to the east and west, perhaps a relic
Floyd | of the Great Underground Empire you read about in history class. A
Floyd | passage leads up to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Toll Gate  Score: 110, Turns: 167
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Toll Gate
Floyd | You have reached a toll gate which spans the highway.
Floyd | A fat old gnome with a long white beard is sleeping soundly just
Floyd | outside the toll booth. His loud snores echo around the caverns.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Here's the gate"
Jacqueline says, "I have been playing too much Skyrim. My first thought was to kill him. Then I remembered that this is an Infocom game."
DavidW says, "I wish I knew izyuk. I don't have any chasms to fly over, but the trick would be helpful in crossing small rivers and streams."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf21"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Toll Gate  Score: 110, Turns: 167
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "I suppose the obvious option is to wake him and pay the toll"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "wake gnome"
Floyd ] Toll Gate  Score: 110, Turns: 168
Floyd | >
Floyd | > WAKE GNOME
Floyd |
Floyd | The gnome stirs a bit and opens one eye, which wanders around until it
Floyd | notices you. He jumps to his feet. "One zorkmid, please," he yells
Floyd | with a smile.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Yes. I suggest doing that."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "give coin to gnome"
Floyd ] Toll Gate  Score: 130, Turns: 169
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The gnome pockets the coin and opens the gate. Before you can take a
Floyd | step the gnome falls asleep again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jota arrives, full of fun and funk.
Allen arrives, full of funk, but no fun. Jacqueline says, "Although..."
BrianK asks, "Is the gate just open permanently after that?"
Jacqueline says, "Killing him would mean that we would still have our coin"
DavidW says (to BrianK), "I think the gate is now open forever."
Jacqueline says, "I know you all said otherwise, but I have to believe you can get to all areas with just the one coin."
BrianK says, "That seems like terrible security"
Jacqueline says, "heh"
BrianK says, "Or well I guess it's a toll gate so it's not exactly for security"
Jacqueline says, "Nah. Revenue generation."
Jacqueline says, "Wait. He was asleep."
Jacqueline asks, "Why did we not try sneaking past?"
BrianK says, "The gate was closed before that :P"
DavidW says, "The gate was down before."
Jacqueline says, "Oh. Okay, good reason."
BrianK says, "We tried rezrov-ing it last time, but that just woke him up"
Jacqueline nods.
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ] Toll Gate  Score: 130, Turns: 170
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   an indigo vial
Floyd |   an orange vial
Floyd |   a magic amulet (being worn)
Floyd |   a spell book (providing light)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "We have no way to kill him anyway, really."
Jacqueline says, "Not right now, anyway."
Jacqueline tries to remember what we got in the Park.
DavidW says, "Notice how good I'm being not giving hints on this."
BrianK says, "Good job David :P"
BrianK says, "At the park we got the bring-inanimate-objects-to-life thing"
BrianK says, "Which is definitely necessary to move to the endgame"
DavidW says, "That was the malyon spell, yes."
Jacqueline says, "Maybe we use the fweep spell and bit him."
Jacqueline says, "Bite, even"
BrianK says, "I don't remember where we got that one"
olethros asks, "I guess he opens it with a key?"
olethros says, "anyway, it's now open!"
DavidW says, "I think the fweep scroll was in the cave across the river."
BrianK says, "I don't suppose, since he's asleep right now"
BrianK says, "We can just steal the coin back from him"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get coin from gnome"
Floyd ] Toll Gate  Score: 130, Turns: 170
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any coin here!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look in gnome's pocket"
Floyd ] Toll Gate  Score: 130, Turns: 171
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You carefully search the sleeping gnome, and take the zorkmid coin you
Floyd | find in his pocket!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW quietly claps.
BrianK says, "Well uh"
Jacqueline says, "Like, at one point we had a beam of wood (to hit him upside the head, but I doubt that would work)."
Jacqueline exclaims, "!"
Jacqueline says, "NICE"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "look at gnome"
Floyd ] Toll Gate  Score: 130, Turns: 172
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the gnome.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "How did you know it had pockets?"
BrianK says, "It mentioned it when he took the coin"
Jacqueline says, "Just a guess, I guess."
Jacqueline says, "Oh."
Jacqueline says, "So it did."
DavidW | The gnome pockets the coin and opens the gate.
Jacqueline says, "Yeah."
Jacqueline says, "brb"
Jacqueline says, "back"
DavidW says, "I suppose SEARCH GNOME or STEAL COIN might've worked also."
BrianK says, "I suppose the solution is never really that complicated for a lot of these"
Jacqueline asks, "Well... onward?"
BrianK says, "All right"
olethros says, "and obvious in retrospect!"
DavidW says, "please"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Outside Store  Score: 130, Turns: 173
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Store
Floyd | A store lies to the south from this section of the east-west road.
Floyd | There is a sign over the entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read sign"
Floyd ] Outside Store  Score: 130, Turns: 174
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ SIGN
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |  Official outlet for all
Floyd | Frobozz Magic Appliances"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Store  Score: 130, Turns: 175
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Store
Floyd | This is an appliance store, apparently abandoned. The entrance lies to
Floyd | the north.
Floyd | There is a floor waxer here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jota asks, "Official outlet?"
DavidW says, "yay, floor wazer"
BrianK says, "Oh, darn, I was expecting an actual store"
Jota exclaims, "Now you have someplace to plug them in!"
Jacqueline says, "Perhaps we need to make someone slip."
Jacqueline says (to Jota), "har"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get floor waxer"
Floyd ] Store  Score: 130, Turns: 176
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine it"
Floyd ] Store  Score: 130, Turns: 177
Floyd | >
Floyd | > EXAMINE IT
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the floor waxer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jota asks, "Also, didn't we see this already in Lurking Horror?"
DavidW says, "There was a floor waxer there, yes."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Outside Store  Score: 130, Turns: 178
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Store
Floyd | A store lies to the south from this section of the east-west road.
Floyd | There is a sign over the entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] End of Highway  Score: 130, Turns: 179
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | End of Highway
Floyd | The underground road ends here. A hovel, carved into the rock, lies to
Floyd | the east. To the north, wide marble stairs lead upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine stairs"
Floyd ] End of Highway  Score: 130, Turns: 180
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about stairs.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine hovel"
Floyd ] End of Highway  Score: 130, Turns: 181
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the stone hovel.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 130, Turns: 182
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Stone Hut
Floyd | This is a small underground hovel. On the far wall is a small
Floyd | fireplace, long unused.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look in fireplace"
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 130, Turns: 183
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | It's empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I have a very bad suggestion for the floor waxer if you feel suicidal."
Jacqueline says, "Huh. Kind of expected someone to be inside here."
Jacqueline says (to DW), "heh"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf22"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 130, Turns: 183
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Go ahead."
DavidW says, "There's a mine field in the game."
DavidW says, "Try turning on the waxer in the field."
Jacqueline asks, "Which field?"
Jacqueline says, "Oh."
Jacqueline says, "Not nearby."
BrianK says, "I guess we can do it once we're in the area"
Jacqueline says, "Way yonder west"
DavidW says, "yeah, northwest corner of the map."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "search fireplace"
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 130, Turns: 184
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You find nothing unusual.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "What is the point of this place, I wonder?"
DavidW says, "You can see that the mine field is a dead end, though. It won't help you at all to waste time there."
BrianK says, "Oh, I thought there'd actually be something there"
BrianK says, "Also yeah this fireplace seems like it's saying 'I am important' but I dunno how it would be"
DavidW says, "No comment about this location."
Jacqueline says (to DW), "You're getting better at this."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "enter fireplace"
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 130, Turns: 185
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You hit your head against the fireplace as you attempt this feat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "learn frotz"
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 130, Turns: 186
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You already know that spell by heart.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I thought that was the case."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "frotz fireplace"
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 130, Turns: 187
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Although you complete the spell, nothing seems to have happened.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "Come back later?"
BrianK says, "Yeah, let's move on"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] End of Highway  Score: 130, Turns: 188
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | End of Highway
Floyd | The underground road ends here. A hovel, carved into the rock, lies to
Floyd | the east. To the north, wide marble stairs lead upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Entrance Hall  Score: 130, Turns: 189
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Entrance Hall
Floyd | This is a large entrance hall, paved with polished stone. Large
Floyd | doorways lead north and south.
Floyd | Standing in the center of the hall is a life-sized statue. An
Floyd | inscription at the base is in a familiar language.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read inscription"
Floyd ] Entrance Hall  Score: 130, Turns: 190
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | "I, Duncanthrax, King of Quendor and all its subjugated outlands,
Floyd | invite you to sample the delights of my Glass Labyrinth."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine statue"
Floyd ] Entrance Hall  Score: 130, Turns: 191
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | "I, Duncanthrax, King of Quendor and all its subjugated outlands,
Floyd | invite you to sample the delights of my Glass Labyrinth."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "A glass labyrinth."
Jacqueline says, "Sounds awesome."
Jacqueline rolls her eyes.
DavidW says, "You mean 'delightful'."
Jacqueline says, "...yeah"
Roger says, "It is not without its delights"
BrianK says, "I bet casting malyon on this statue is some kind of easter egg"
Jacqueline says, "This was released in 1984, before the memo went out about how we don't want any more mazes."
Jacqueline says (to BK), "Ooh. Try it."
DavidW says (to BrianK), "oo. I never tried that!"
BrianK says, "Well, we don't have it yet :P"
Jacqueline says, "Oh, shucks. Right"
zarf says, "it is an interesting maze!"
Jacqueline says, "Okay, note for later."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 130, Turns: 192
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Glass Arch
Floyd | Through a breathtaking archway of glass to the east is an area
Floyd | glistening with reflected light. Another exit leads south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK asks, "All right, shall we enter the maze?"
Jacqueline says, "We just saved."
Jacqueline says, "So, yeah, I guess."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 193
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and
Floyd | ceilings around you are glass surfaces or openings. Since you are
Floyd | standing on something, the floor must be solid, but it is virtually
Floyd | invisible and you feel as though you were walking on air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "And I'm guessing we should not use the map."
BrianK says, "So is this an actual maze or a maze that has some trick to it :P"
DavidW says, "(silence)"
Jacqueline says, "I'm smiling right now. Because really all you need to do is never take your hand off the wall and just keep walking, but of course games never let you do that."
Taleslinger says (to Jacqueline), "or unravel your pullover"
Jota exclaims (at BrianK), "You say that as though those things are mutually exclusive!"
Jacqueline says, "...unless there's a trick."
DavidW says (to Jota), "I wanted to say that!"
Roger says, "That doesn't work for all mazes, but I think it does work for all proper labyrinths"
BrianK says, "As I recall it doesn't work for mazes that form loops"
zarf says, "it works for all mazes unless they have bridges, or a goal-point in the center, or both."
BrianK says, "So how do we want to approach this"
Jacqueline says, "I was about to ask you the same thing."
Jacqueline says, "I like the unraveling our pullover idea."
Jacqueline says, "It's not like we have enough inventory to go leaving stuff."
BrianK says, "Dang, we should've just kept all our useless junk that we left behind"
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "well, if you want the junk back at the tree..."
Jacqueline says (to DW), "We could. But the inventory limit is more what I was talking about."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf23"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 193
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Well as an experiment I'd like to see if this is one of those 'all the rooms are the same' mazes or if they're subtly different"
Jacqueline says, "I'm inclined to say, just try mapping it, but this game never lets you know when you're circling back on yourself."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 130, Turns: 194
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and
Floyd | ceilings around you are glass surfaces or openings.
Floyd | Unfortunately, this section of the glass maze has no floor.
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Your guardian angel, draped in white, appears floating in the
Floyd | nothingness before you. "Gotten in a bit of a scrape, eh?" he asks,
Floyd | writing frantically in a notebook. "I'd love to chat, but we're so
Floyd | busy this month." The angel twitches his nose, and the nothingness is
Floyd | replaced by...
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge
Floyd | You are standing on the drawbridge of a ruined castle which lies to
Floyd | your east. The wood of the bridge looks severely rotted and creaks
Floyd | ominously beneath you. The moat, although an easy dive from here,
Floyd | looks dangerous, full of sinister shapes beneath the surface of the
Floyd | water. To the west is a wide field.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "WHOA"
BrianK says, "What"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf23"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 193
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Well. Isn't that delightful."
DavidW says, "King Duncky has an odd idea what's delightful."
Allen says, "I'm playing sorcerer now, at my desk"
Allen says, "I remember what I hated about this game--all the arbitrary deathsd"
Jacqueline says (to Allen), "That is a timely comment."
zarf says, "so it's not *exactly* that this maze has bridges..."
DavidW says, "I think I prefer the deathiness of Sorcerer to the hungriesquethristiness of Enchanter."
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Okay, I'll agree to that."
olethros asks, "or the deadendiness of...?"
Jacqueline asks, "So, we should fly?"
BrianK says, "Oh, right, that's an option"
DavidW says, "I'd quite forgotten the train of thought necessary for solving this puzzle."
BrianK says, "I was thinking 'no floor -> use floor waxer????' but I'm not sure how much sense that makes"
olethros says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 194
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a floor waxer
Floyd |   a zorkmid coin
Floyd |   an indigo vial
Floyd |   an orange vial
Floyd |   a magic amulet (being worn)
Floyd |   a spell book (providing light)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I... I don't think that makes any sense."
olethros says (to Floyd), "wax floor"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 195
Floyd | >
Floyd | > WAX FLOOR
Floyd |
Floyd | Better put it down, first.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "But I am often wrong."
Taleslinger says, "You need the no floor waxer"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah"
olethros says, "ha ha"
BrianK says, "They both have the word floor in them, so clearly it makes perfect sense"
olethros says (to Floyd), "put wax on floor"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 195
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I can't use the word "wax" here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop waxer"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 196
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP WAXER
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "wax floor"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 197
Floyd | >
Floyd | > WAX FLOOR
Floyd |
Floyd | The waxer whirrs about the room for a minute, polishing the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine floor"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 198
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing but reflected light in all directions.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
olethros says, "ha ha"
olethros says (to Floyd), "waxer, north"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 198
Floyd | >
Floyd | > WAXER, NORTH
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't talk to a floor waxer!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Ok, I don't think that did anything"
olethros (
olethros says (to Floyd), "x waxer"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 198
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X WAXER
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "x".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
olethros says (to Floyd), "examine waxer"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 199
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the floor waxer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get waxer"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 200
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET WAXER
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jota exclaims, "There, now you have thoroughly removed any pesky smudges on the floor that might have helped you see that it was there!"
BrianK says, "At this point we'll probably just slip and fall on our newly waxed floor when we try to move anywhere"
olethros says, "if you put something dirty on the waxer, though"
Jota says (to olethros), "Sorry, this game is PG."
olethros says, "ha ha"
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Jacqueline asks, "So, fly n?"
BrianK says, "Sure"
olethros says, "let's try it at least"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 201
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "izyuk me"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 202
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 203
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and
Floyd | ceilings around you are glass surfaces or openings.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Well uh"
olethros asks, "are exit directions mentioned somewhere?"
BrianK says, "I didn't think this far ahead"
olethros asks, "just N all the way?"
BrianK says, "Nope"
olethros says, "yeah, glass maze"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 130, Turns: 204
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | BONK! You fly right into an almost invisible wall of glass -- a
Floyd | stunning blow!
Floyd |
Floyd | The izyuk spell wears off. Unfortunately, this room of the maze has no
Floyd | floor.
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Your guardian angel, draped in white, appears floating in the
Floyd | nothingness before you. "Gotten in a bit of a scrape, eh?" he asks,
Floyd | writing frantically in a notebook. "I'd love to chat, but we're so
Floyd | busy this month." The angel twitches his nose, and the nothingness is
Floyd | replaced by...
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge
Floyd | You are standing on the drawbridge of a ruined castle which lies to
Floyd | your east. The wood of the bridge looks severely rotted and creaks
Floyd | ominously beneath you. The moat, although an easy dive from here,
Floyd | looks dangerous, full of sinister shapes beneath the surface of the
Floyd | water. To the west is a wide field.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Amazing"
Jacqueline sighs.
Jota exclaims, "Stunning!"
olethros asks, "seems like trial-and-error exit learning?"
BrianK says, "I mean, hypothetically we can map all of this"
Roger says, "This might not be a bad time to ask for a hint"
Jota asks, "Or at least, all of it within two turns of where you start?"
olethros says, "arrrr"
olethros says, "maybe we need to map but..."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf23"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 193
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "So, um."
BrianK says, "My thoughts exactly"
olethros asks, "I dunno, just keep trying, unless there's some other avenue to explore?"
olethros says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 194
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a floor waxer
Floyd |   a zorkmid coin
Floyd |   an indigo vial
Floyd |   an orange vial
Floyd |   a magic amulet (being worn)
Floyd |   a spell book (providing light)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
olethros says (to Floyd), "examine book"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 195
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | This is the spell book given to you by Belboz after your original book
Floyd | was lost during your battle with Krill. There are several spells
Floyd | written in the book, with marginal notes about their effects and how
Floyd | to cast them.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
olethros says (to Floyd), "spells"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 196
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SPELLS
Floyd |
Floyd | The gnusto, rezrov, and frotz spells are yours forever. Other than
Floyd | that, you have no spells memorized.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
olethros says (to Floyd), "read book"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 197
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ BOOK
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | My Spell Book
Floyd |
Floyd | The meef spell (cause plants to wilt).
Floyd | The gaspar spell (provide for your own resurrection).
Floyd | The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book).
Floyd | The vezza spell (view the future).
Floyd | The pulver spell (cause liquids to become dry).
Floyd | The izyuk spell (fly like a bird).
Floyd | The yomin spell (mind probe).
Floyd | The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects).
Floyd | The frotz spell (cause something to give off light).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 198
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | BONK! You walk right into an almost invisible wall of glass -- a
Floyd | stunning blow!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 199
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | BONK! You walk right into an almost invisible wall of glass -- a
Floyd | stunning blow!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 130, Turns: 200
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Glass Arch
Floyd | Through a breathtaking archway of glass to the east is an area
Floyd | glistening with reflected light. Another exit leads south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 201
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and
Floyd | ceilings around you are glass surfaces or openings. Since you are
Floyd | standing on something, the floor must be solid, but it is virtually
Floyd | invisible and you feel as though you were walking on air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "So it's only north"
Jacqueline asks, "Are you just hard mapping through trial and error?"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah"
olethros says, "I don't think there is another way to map"
Jacqueline says, "And if we go in there we die."
Jacqueline asks, "And if we float in there we hit another wall, and then we die?"
olethros says, "N, N we die"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 202
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "izyuk me"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 203
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 204
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and
Floyd | ceilings around you are glass surfaces or openings.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 205
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and
Floyd | ceilings around you are glass surfaces or openings.
Floyd |
Floyd | You settle gently to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
olethros asks, "so we have N->W, N->E, N->D ???"
olethros says, "ok, N->E verified"
olethros says, "I hope somebody is actually writing down the map"
BrianK says, "This is very inconvenient"
olethros asks, "1 turn only?"
Jacqueline asks (of olethros), "You are. Right?"
olethros says, "I am? OK, I am"
Jacqueline says, "Kidding. I think Brian actually is."
BrianK says, "Yeah"
Allen says, "crap I got it in an unwinnable state"
olethros says, "ok, was going to start a pastebin"
Allen says, "grr, another damn thing about this"
BrianK says, "Hmmmhmmmmm"
olethros says, "let me try and fly down"
Jacqueline says, "oh yeah"
olethros says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 206
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
olethros says (to Floyd), "izyuk me"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 207
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Allen wonders if it's worth the time to hack frotz to change this variable
olethros asks, "wait, didn't we just come from the west?"
BrianK says, "Yeah"
olethros says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 208
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and
Floyd | ceilings around you are glass surfaces or openings.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
olethros says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 209
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and
Floyd | ceilings around you are glass surfaces or openings.
Floyd |
Floyd | You settle gently to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
olethros says, "so it worked"
BrianK says, "Well this sucks"
olethros asks, "it's a 3d maze?"
DavidW says, "Oh. The maze does allow up and down izyuking."
BrianK asks, "Now I have to map in 3d???"
olethros says, "let's hope there's no time portal"
Jacqueline says, "hrm"
Allen asks, "only 3x3x3 right?"
DavidW says (to Allen), "spoiler!"
olethros says, "well, that's definitely an /interesting/ fact about this maze"
Allen says, "oh I thought you'd already ... sorry"
olethros says, "but you know, they could have made that the whole puzzle: think about going down"
olethros asks, "why a whole 27 room maze?"
olethros says, "I guess Photopia basically did that"
Roger says, "The Implementors are inscrutible"
olethros says, "anyway, 3d maze it is"
olethros says, "question about the 'guardian angel'"
olethros asks, "it's not the same as a restore, is it?"
Jacqueline asks, "You good? Or have you given up the will to map/live?"
Jacqueline says (to olethros), "No"
DavidW says (to olethros), "It is not. There's a life-insurance spell you cast ahead of time."
BrianK says, "Kind of a weird thought but"
zarf says, "they are inscrutable but in this case I sense a clear signal of 'hey, betcha a beer I can do a 3D maze in a text adventure'"
olethros says, "ok, so only your death and location is changed, the remainder of the game state is the same"
BrianK says, "About that bat spell"
olethros (to zarf) :(
olethros says, "what bat spell"
BrianK says, "There's a bat spell we get in the future"
olethros asks, "so we also need to travel in time!?"
Jacqueline says, "It is amusingly called the Fweep spell."
DavidW says (to olethros), "That's later."
BrianK says, "anyway about the bat spell"
BrianK asks, "does it let you echolocate???"
Jacqueline says, "Aw, snap."
DavidW says, "I don't think you guys ever used the bat spell."
Jacqueline says, "I'd forgotten about echolocation."
Jacqueline says, "That... that would be pretty awesome."
BrianK says, "I was more thinking about 'being a bat would let us fly longer, possibly' but then I realized that bats have echolocation"
Jacqueline says, "I am slightly excited but mostly thinking that the game probably isn't that advanced."
Jacqueline says, "But who knows? We do have the zorkmid."
BrianK says, "I guess we could go and do the thing and then come back to here"
Jacqueline shrugs. "It's a thought."
BrianK says, "Well"
BrianK asks, "Let's get all that stuff done then and then come back here?"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah."
DavidW says, "please do"
Jacqueline asks, "I mean, might as well, eh?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf23"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 130, Turns: 193
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "And if that stuff is helpful here, all the better."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "restore"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf22"
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 130, Turns: 183
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "I'll put it on brief to save on text"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "brief"
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 130, Turns: 183
Floyd | >
Floyd | > BRIEF
Floyd |
Floyd | Brief descriptions.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w.w."
Floyd ] Outside Store  Score: 130, Turns: 185
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W.W.
Floyd |
Floyd | End of Highway
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Store
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Toll Gate  Score: 130, Turns: 186
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Toll Gate
Floyd | A fat old gnome with a long white beard is sleeping soundly just
Floyd | outside the toll booth. His loud snores echo around the caverns.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w. u. u."
Floyd ] Ruins  Score: 130, Turns: 189
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W. U. U.
Floyd |
Floyd | Highway
Floyd |
Floyd | Dungeon
Floyd |
Floyd | Ruins
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk. izyuk me. w. w."
Floyd ] Meadow  Score: 130, Turns: 193
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge (you are flying)
Floyd |
Floyd | Meadow (you are flying)
Floyd |
Floyd | You settle gently to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | A swarm of bloodsucking locusts appears on the horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] River Bank  Score: 130, Turns: 194
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bank
Floyd | You are on a muddy bank of a fast-moving river, full of sharp rocks
Floyd | and foaming rapids, flowing to the southwest. The ground is soft and
Floyd | eroded, and continually threatens to dump you into the turbulent
Floyd | waters. A field lies to the southwest, and a trail leads southeast
Floyd | along the bank.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn pulver. pulver river. ne. ne."
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 150, Turns: 198
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the pulver spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | The river dries up, leaving only a few puddles between the rocks! It's
Floyd | now safe to climb down into the river bed.
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bed
Floyd | You are on the bed of an evaporated river. Fish splash helplessly in
Floyd | tiny puddles. The bed leads northwest and southeast. A climb up the
Floyd | southwest bank is possible. To the northeast is a dark cave, hollowed
Floyd | out by years of rushing water.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hidden Cave
Floyd | This is a hollow area under the northeast bank of the river. The floor
Floyd | rises away from the mouth of the cave, which is at its southwest end.
Floyd | A dark hole leads downward at the far end of the cave.
Floyd | Lying in the corner, in a pile of bat guano, is a scroll.
Floyd | There is an amber vial here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get scroll"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 150, Turns: 199
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET SCROLL
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read it"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 150, Turns: 200
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ IT
Floyd |
Floyd | The scroll reads "fweep spell: turn caster into a bat".
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a roar of water from outside the cave. The lower part of the
Floyd | cave, near the mouth, fills with a pool of swirling water!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "gnusto fweep"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 150, Turns: 201
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of
Floyd | the fweep spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the
Floyd | book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains!
Floyd | However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word
Floyd | is copied.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get guano. get amber."
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 150, Turns: 203
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your load is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Noooooooooo"
DavidW says, "Drop the waxer"
Jacqueline exclaims, "!!"
BrianK says, "Do we not need the waxer"
Jacqueline asks, "Wait. But we have not waxed anything, have we?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 150, Turns: 204
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a pile of bat guano
Floyd |   a floor waxer
Floyd |   a zorkmid coin
Floyd |   an indigo vial
Floyd |   an orange vial
Floyd |   a magic amulet (being worn)
Floyd |   a spell book (providing light)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "Won't someone think of the unclean floors?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop waxer in hole"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 150, Turns: 205
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't do that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, " the waxer just a red herring?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "put waxer in hole"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 150, Turns: 206
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't do that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "um. Perhaps I should have not said anything."
BrianK says, "We forgot to try the waxer in the mine field"
BrianK says, "Whoops"
Jacqueline says, "True"
Jacqueline says, "But that was just for kicks."
BrianK says, "But the kicks are the best part"
olethros says, "you can pick it up later"
BrianK says, "Well it's a little annoying to get in here so"
DavidW says, "Locusts and falling riverbanks and river water and such."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop waxer"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 150, Turns: 207
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP WAXER
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Alas, good waxer, we hardly knew ye"
BrianK says, "Or something like that"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get amber vial"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 150, Turns: 208
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read it"
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 150, Turns: 209
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ IT
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |         "BLORT POTION
Floyd | (ability to see in dark places)"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "All right, I'll continue then"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf24"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Hidden Cave  Score: 150, Turns: 209
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline nods.
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d. sw. u."
Floyd ] Ruins  Score: 150, Turns: 212
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D. SW. U.
Floyd |
Floyd | Pit of Bones
Floyd |
Floyd | Dungeon
Floyd |
Floyd | Ruins
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk. learn izyuk. izyuk me. w. w."
Floyd ] Meadow  Score: 150, Turns: 217
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell yet another
Floyd | time.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge (you are flying)
Floyd |
Floyd | Meadow (you are flying)
Floyd |
Floyd | You settle gently to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | A swarm of bloodsucking locusts appears on the horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "izyuk me. ne. se."
Floyd ] Fort Entrance  Score: 150, Turns: 220
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IZYUK ME. NE. SE.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | The locusts are much closer now, blotting out the sun like a black
Floyd | storm cloud.
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bank (you are flying)
Floyd |
Floyd | Fort Entrance (you are flying)
Floyd | You are at the entrance to Fort Griffspotter, which lies to the east.
Floyd | A trail leads along the river bank to the northwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | You settle gently to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 150, Turns: 221
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Parade Ground
Floyd | You are at the center of a level field inside the fort. Entrances to
Floyd | rooms around the perimeter lie in several directions.
Floyd | A tattered flag, apparently that of ancient Quendor, still flies atop
Floyd | a mighty flagpole in the center of the field.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "lower flag"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 150, Turns: 222
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LOWER FLAG
Floyd |
Floyd | The flag is lowered to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "search flag"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 150, Turns: 223
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | As you fiddle with the flag, an aqua vial drops from a hidden pocket
Floyd | and falls to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "This inventory juggling is getting to be a little annoying"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 150, Turns: 224
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   an amber vial
Floyd |   a pile of bat guano
Floyd |   a zorkmid coin
Floyd |   an indigo vial
Floyd |   an orange vial
Floyd |   a magic amulet (being worn)
Floyd |   a spell book (providing light)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I agree."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Gun Emplacement  Score: 150, Turns: 225
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Gun Emplacement
Floyd | This is a battlement with a view of a river to the north and an ocean
Floyd | to the east. Openings northwest, west, and southwest lead to other
Floyd | parts of the fort.
Floyd | A magnificent cast-iron cannon stands atop the battlement. Its wide,
Floyd | shallow barrel points toward the ocean, as though daring enemy ships
Floyd | to approach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "put guano in cannon"
Floyd ] Gun Emplacement  Score: 150, Turns: 226
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | When you drop the guano into the barrel, dozens of scrolls pour out
Floyd | and literally run off in every direction! A single ordinary scroll is
Floyd | left sitting at the bottom of the barrel.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get ordinary"
Floyd ] Gun Emplacement  Score: 160, Turns: 227
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 160, Turns: 228
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Parade Ground
Floyd | There is an aqua vial here.
Floyd | There is a flagpole here.
Floyd | A flag displaying the brown and gold of ancient Quendor is lying here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read aqua"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 160, Turns: 229
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ AQUA
Floyd |
Floyd | (taking the aqua vial first)
Floyd |
Floyd |         "FOOBLE POTION
Floyd | (increase muscular coordination)"
Floyd |
Floyd | You are beginning to tire.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sleep"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 160, Turns: 280
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SLEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | Ah, sleep! It's been a long day and rest will do you good. You spread
Floyd | your cloak on the floor and drift off, renewing your powers and
Floyd | refreshing your mind. Time passes as you snore blissfully.
Floyd |
Floyd | You sleep uneventfully, awake refreshed, and rise to your feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get aqua vial"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 160, Turns: 281
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You already have it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oh wait"
DavidW asks, "The ordinary scroll is the yonk one, right?"
BrianK says, "Yes"
BrianK says, "I guess our inventory limits were from tiredness"
DavidW says, "oh"
BrianK says, "So we could've taken that poor floor waxer with us :("
Jacqueline groans.
Jacqueline says, "This game."
DavidW says, "oops"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "look"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 160, Turns: 282
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LOOK
Floyd |
Floyd | Parade Ground
Floyd | You are at the center of a level field inside the fort. Entrances to
Floyd | rooms around the perimeter lie in several directions.
Floyd | There is a flagpole here.
Floyd | A flag displaying the brown and gold of ancient Quendor is lying here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ] Parade Ground  Score: 160, Turns: 283
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   an aqua vial
Floyd |   an ordinary scroll
Floyd |   an amber vial
Floyd |   a zorkmid coin
Floyd |   an indigo vial
Floyd |   an orange vial
Floyd |   a magic amulet (being worn)
Floyd |   a spell book (providing light)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oh, well, we have everything now"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Fort Entrance  Score: 160, Turns: 284
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Fort Entrance
Floyd |
Floyd | >
olethros says, "but it only said you're beginning to tire just now"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf25"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Fort Entrance  Score: 160, Turns: 284
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "I think we had the same problem last week"
BrianK says, "Where it didn't mention we were tired but we couldn't pick up anything"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk. learn izyuk. izyuk me. nw. sw. izyuk me. e. e."
Floyd ] Ruins  Score: 160, Turns: 292
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell yet another
Floyd | time.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bank (you are flying)
Floyd |
Floyd | Meadow (you are flying)
Floyd |
Floyd | You settle gently to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | A swarm of bloodsucking locusts appears on the horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | The locusts are much closer now, blotting out the sun like a black
Floyd | storm cloud.
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge (you are flying)
Floyd |
Floyd | Ruins (you are flying)
Floyd |
Floyd | You settle gently to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "This game has several ways to demonstrate the adjective 'delightful,' yes."
DavidW asks, "So, what next? Fairground, ball, malyon, dragon carving? Do you have the exquisite torture potion yet?"
BrianK says, "Yeah we have exquisite torture"
BrianK says, "We can try being a bat"
DavidW says, "oh right"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Dungeon  Score: 160, Turns: 293
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Dungeon
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d. e. e. e. n. n."
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 160, Turns: 299
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D. E. E. E. N. N.
Floyd |
Floyd | Highway
Floyd |
Floyd | Toll Gate
Floyd | A fat old gnome with a long white beard is sleeping soundly just
Floyd | outside the toll booth. His loud snores echo around the caverns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Store
Floyd |
Floyd | End of Highway
Floyd |
Floyd | Entrance Hall
Floyd | This is a large entrance hall, paved with polished stone. Large
Floyd | doorways lead north and south.
Floyd | Standing in the center of the hall is a life-sized statue. An
Floyd | inscription at the base is in a familiar language.
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Glass Arch
Floyd | Through a breathtaking archway of glass to the east is an area
Floyd | glistening with reflected light. Another exit leads south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf26"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 160, Turns: 299
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 300
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and
Floyd | ceilings around you are glass surfaces or openings. Since you are
Floyd | standing on something, the floor must be solid, but it is virtually
Floyd | invisible and you feel as though you were walking on air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I like how when this is in brief and we can't see the commands being given, it's like poetry."
Jacqueline | River Bank (you are flying)
Jacqueline | Meadow (you are flying)
Jacqueline | You settle gently to the ground.
Jacqueline | A swarm of bloodsucking locusts appears on the horizon.
Jacqueline | Fin
BrianK says, "Haha"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn fweep"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 301
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the fweep spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK exclaims, "The moment of truth!"
DavidW says, "Caution! I bet bats can't carry as much as people."
BrianK says, "Oh, that's a thought"
Jacqueline says, "That... is probably true."
BrianK asks, "Do we just drop everything?"
DavidW says, "Not here, please."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 160, Turns: 302
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Glass Arch
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "verbose"
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 160, Turns: 302
Floyd | >
Floyd | > VERBOSE
Floyd |
Floyd | Maximum verbosity.
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Glass Arch
Floyd | Through a breathtaking archway of glass to the east is an area
Floyd | glistening with reflected light. Another exit leads south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop all"
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 160, Turns: 303
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP ALL
Floyd |
Floyd | aqua vial: Dropped.
Floyd | ordinary scroll: Dropped.
Floyd | amber vial: Dropped.
Floyd | zorkmid coin: Dropped.
Floyd | indigo vial: Dropped.
Floyd | orange vial: Dropped.
Floyd | magic amulet: Dropped.
Floyd | spell book: Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 304
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and
Floyd | ceilings around you are glass surfaces or openings. Since you are
Floyd | standing on something, the floor must be solid, but it is virtually
Floyd | invisible and you feel as though you were walking on air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK asks, "Well here goes?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "fweep"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 305
Floyd | >
Floyd | > FWEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | With keen disappointment, you note that nothing has changed. Then, you
Floyd | slowly realize that you are black, have two wing-like appendages, and
Floyd | are flying a few feet above the ground. Thanks to your sonar-like bat
Floyd | senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to
Floyd | the south and to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "WOOT"
BrianK says, "YAY"
DavidW says, "Echolocation verified."
Jacqueline says, "I owe you a big apology."
BrianK says, "Although I was hoping it would just give us the entire route"
Jacqueline says (to BrianK), "I am sorry."
Allen says, "ah you got it"
BrianK says, "Haha it's fine"
BrianK says, "Looks like we'll still need to map it though"
Allen sings, "Mary had a laser bad, laser bat, laser bat, Mary had a laser bat whose eyes exterminated. And every where Mary went, mary went, Mary went, and every where that Mary went her bat echolocated."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 306
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north and to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Allen), "I get the reference :D"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 307
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north and to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "South or up, I guess."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 308
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the east and to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 309
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you and to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Cautiously wonders how long we will be a bat."
BrianK says, "Ah, that might be something to think about"
DavidW asks, "How many times did you memorize fweep?"
BrianK says, "...once"
DavidW says, "oopsie"
BrianK says, "Well, that's all right"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, just the once."
BrianK says, "This is just a scouting run to map the area"
DavidW says, "So, east, up, or west."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 310
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north, to the south and
Floyd | to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 311
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you and to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "This is rather clever."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 312
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to
Floyd | the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 313
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the north, to
Floyd | the east and to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
olethros says, "aaaaaaa"
DavidW says, "That's a dead end, I think."
BrianK says, "Yep"
olethros says, "UP"
Jacqueline says, "And... oh shit. We don't have..."
olethros says, "ah, wait, no, just south is open"
BrianK asks, "What don't we have?"
DavidW says, "That's the way we entered."
Jacqueline asks, "Would it be good to go out?"
Jacqueline asks, "Let the spell wear off? Relearn Fweep?"
BrianK says, "I was just thinking about restoring to before the maze"
Jacqueline asks, "I guess more than once, if spells can stack?"
Jacqueline says (to Brian), "Oh, or that."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf26"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 160, Turns: 299
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn fweep. learn fweep. learn fweep."
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 160, Turns: 302
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the fweep spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the fweep spell yet another
Floyd | time.
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the fweep spell yet another
Floyd | time.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Would three be enough"
DavidW says, "I think so."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop all"
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 160, Turns: 303
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP ALL
Floyd |
Floyd | aqua vial: Dropped.
Floyd | ordinary scroll: Dropped.
Floyd | amber vial: Dropped.
Floyd | zorkmid coin: Dropped.
Floyd | indigo vial: Dropped.
Floyd | orange vial: Dropped.
Floyd | magic amulet: Dropped.
Floyd | spell book: Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf27"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 160, Turns: 303
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 304
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and
Floyd | ceilings around you are glass surfaces or openings. Since you are
Floyd | standing on something, the floor must be solid, but it is virtually
Floyd | invisible and you feel as though you were walking on air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "fweep"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 305
Floyd | >
Floyd | > FWEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | With keen disappointment, you note that nothing has changed. Then, you
Floyd | slowly realize that you are black, have two wing-like appendages, and
Floyd | are flying a few feet above the ground. Thanks to your sonar-like bat
Floyd | senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to
Floyd | the south and to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 306
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north and to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 307
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north, to the east and
Floyd | to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 308
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 309
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to
Floyd | the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 310
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the north, to
Floyd | the east and to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Another dead end"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 311
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to
Floyd | the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 312
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 313
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north, to the east and
Floyd | to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 314
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north and to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 315
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north and to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 316
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north, to the south and
Floyd | to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 317
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the north, to
Floyd | the south and to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "(another dead end)"
DavidW says, "yep"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 318
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north, to the south and
Floyd | to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 319
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north and to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | After a moment of futilely flapping your arms, you realize that the
Floyd | fweep spell has worn off. You fall several feet to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "fweep"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 320
Floyd | >
Floyd | > FWEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | With keen disappointment, you note that nothing has changed. Then, you
Floyd | slowly realize that you are black, have two wing-like appendages, and
Floyd | are flying a few feet above the ground. Thanks to your sonar-like bat
Floyd | senses, you can tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north
Floyd | and to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "So the spell lasts 14 turns-ish"
DavidW asks, "Maybe 3 fweeps isn't quite enough for mapping it all?"
BrianK says, "Well, it's all right"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 321
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the east and to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 322
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you and to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 323
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north and to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 324
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 325
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the north and to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 326
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the north, to
Floyd | the south and to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 327
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the north and to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 328
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 329
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north and to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 330
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the north, to
Floyd | the south and to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 331
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north and to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 332
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you and to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 333
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north, to the south and
Floyd | to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 334
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north, to the south and
Floyd | to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | After a moment of futilely flapping your arms, you realize that the
Floyd | fweep spell has worn off. You fall several feet to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "fweep"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 335
Floyd | >
Floyd | > FWEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | With keen disappointment, you note that nothing has changed. Then, you
Floyd | slowly realize that you are black, have two wing-like appendages, and
Floyd | are flying a few feet above the ground. Thanks to your sonar-like bat
Floyd | senses, you can tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north,
Floyd | to the south and to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 336
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the north and to
Floyd | the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 337
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to
Floyd | the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 338
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the east and to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 339
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north, to the east and
Floyd | to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 340
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces to the north, to the south, to the east
Floyd | and to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 341
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north, to the east and
Floyd | to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 342
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Hollow  Score: 180, Turns: 343
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Hollow (you are flying)
Floyd | The maze opens here onto a tiny outdoor plateau, completely surrounded
Floyd | by towering cliffs. The only way out is back through the dazzling
Floyd | archway of glass to the west.
Floyd | Near the glass arch is a small rectangular brick structure. The center
Floyd | of the structure is a hole about a foot wide, leading down into
Floyd | darkness.
Floyd | There is a parchment scroll here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline exclaims, "!"
BrianK says, "Well that wasn't too tough"
DavidW says, "You couldn't've flowen double-up like that with izyuk alone."
BrianK says, "Nope"
Allen says, "I think you would fall at the top"
DavidW says, "yup"
BrianK says, "Although"
Jacqueline asks, "So this isn't just the easier way it's the only way?"
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "yes"
BrianK says, "I think we used all our fweeps so we can't exactly get back safely"
DavidW says, "Please examine the scroll."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get scroll"
Floyd ] Hollow  Score: 180, Turns: 344
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET SCROLL
Floyd |
Floyd | You're batty!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Hollow  Score: 180, Turns: 347
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Hollow  Score: 180, Turns: 350
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | After a moment of futilely flapping your arms, you realize that the
Floyd | fweep spell has worn off. You fall several feet to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get scroll"
Floyd ] Hollow  Score: 180, Turns: 351
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET SCROLL
Floyd |
Floyd | As you take the scroll, a deep and evil laugh rumbles around the
Floyd | hollow. You hear a sliding, grinding noise and turn just in time to
Floyd | catch a flicker of light from within the glass maze, indicating that
Floyd | its transparent panels have shifted around.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oh.................."
Allen says, "yep, this game is evil"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read it"
Floyd ] Hollow  Score: 180, Turns: 352
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ IT
Floyd |
Floyd | The scroll reads "swanzo spell: exorcise an inhabiting presence".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "This seems useful"
Jacqueline says, "Very"
Jacqueline says, "Provided we can get out alive."
Jacqueline is somewhat doubtful.
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf27"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 160, Turns: 303
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "So, we can't carry anything, not even a scroll in bat-shape?"
BrianK says, "Nope"
BrianK says, "Hmm, now I'm wondering"
BrianK says, "If we carry something and then turn into a bat, what happens to our inventory"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get spellbook"
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 160, Turns: 303
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't know the word "spellbook".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I assume we'd drop it."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get book"
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 160, Turns: 304
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET BOOK
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "fweep"
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 160, Turns: 305
Floyd | >
Floyd | > FWEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | With keen disappointment, you note that nothing has changed. Then, you
Floyd | slowly realize that you are black, have two wing-like appendages, and
Floyd | are flying a few feet above the ground. Understandably, you dropped
Floyd | everything you were carrying.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Yep, there that goes"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf27"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 160, Turns: 303
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Your stuff doesn't go into hammerspace, if that's what you were hoping for."
Jacqueline says, "One would assume that a bat could manage a scroll better than a spell book."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 304
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and
Floyd | ceilings around you are glass surfaces or openings. Since you are
Floyd | standing on something, the floor must be solid, but it is virtually
Floyd | invisible and you feel as though you were walking on air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "fweep"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 160, Turns: 305
Floyd | >
Floyd | > FWEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | With keen disappointment, you note that nothing has changed. Then, you
Floyd | slowly realize that you are black, have two wing-like appendages, and
Floyd | are flying a few feet above the ground. Thanks to your sonar-like bat
Floyd | senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to
Floyd | the south and to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "I agree. Bats ought to have no trouble carrying a scroll."
BrianK says, "All right, wall of text incoming while I go through this maze in one go"
Jacqueline asks, "Did we even try to take it when we were a bat?"
BrianK says, "Yep"
Jacqueline says (to BK), "10-4"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n. e. s. s. w. d. e. e. n. n. u. u. s. e."
Floyd ] Hollow  Score: 180, Turns: 319
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N. E. S. S. W. D. E. E. N. N. U. U. S. E.
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north and to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north and to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the east and to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you and to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north, to the south and
Floyd | to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north, to the south and
Floyd | to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the north and to
Floyd | the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to
Floyd | the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the east and to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north, to the east and
Floyd | to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces to the north, to the south, to the east
Floyd | and to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north, to the east and
Floyd | to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hollow (you are flying)
Floyd | The maze opens here onto a tiny outdoor plateau, completely surrounded
Floyd | by towering cliffs. The only way out is back through the dazzling
Floyd | archway of glass to the west.
Floyd | Near the glass arch is a small rectangular brick structure. The center
Floyd | of the structure is a hole about a foot wide, leading down into
Floyd | darkness.
Floyd | There is a parchment scroll here.
Floyd |
Floyd | After a moment of futilely flapping your arms, you realize that the
Floyd | fweep spell has worn off. You fall several feet to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Huh, the path is the perfect length for the bat spell"
DavidW says, "Curious."
Jacqueline says, "Curious indeed."
Jacqueline says, "Or INTENTIONAL"
olethros says, "or annoying"
Jacqueline says, "hee"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine structure"
Floyd ] Hollow  Score: 180, Turns: 320
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The structure is about two feet on each side, and extends up from the
Floyd | ground about three feet. Except for a large quantity of soot around
Floyd | the opening, it looks a lot like a small, rectangular well.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
olethros says, "the well of 'oh, well'"
BrianK says, "I didn't pay too much attention to the room description last time"
BrianK says, "Is anyone else thinking what I'm thinking"
DavidW says, "I thought it back in another place."
BrianK says, "Oh you"
DavidW says, "So, sooty brick rectangular well structure."
BrianK says, "I'm hoping it'll click for someone else"
Jacqueline asks, "You mean me?"
Jacqueline says, "Oh... you mean."
BrianK says, "Or olethros or if someone else is watching and doesn't know the answer already :P"
Jacqueline asks, "Do you think it's the fireplace? Is that what you're thinking?"
BrianK says, "Yeah"
BrianK exclaims, "!!!!!!!"
Jacqueline says, "I mean, that would give the fireplace a reason for existing."
BrianK says, "Two puzzles so elegantly solved in one"
BrianK says, "If you consider the fireplace a puzzle"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get scroll"
Floyd ] Hollow  Score: 180, Turns: 321
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET SCROLL
Floyd |
Floyd | As you take the scroll, a deep and evil laugh rumbles around the
Floyd | hollow. You hear a sliding, grinding noise and turn just in time to
Floyd | catch a flicker of light from within the glass maze, indicating that
Floyd | its transparent panels have shifted around.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "put scroll in structure"
Floyd ] Hollow  Score: 180, Turns: 322
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The parchment scroll disappears into the shaft.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf28"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Hollow  Score: 180, Turns: 322
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oh yeah so now I have to go through the changed maze"
Jacqueline says, "You're a bat. It'll be fine."
Jacqueline says, "Or rather, you will be a bat."
DavidW says, "The bat that flaps in the night."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 323
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and
Floyd | ceilings around you are glass surfaces or openings. Since you are
Floyd | standing on something, the floor must be solid, but it is virtually
Floyd | invisible and you feel as though you were walking on air.
Floyd |
Floyd | From outside the maze, you hear the bellowing of a ferocious dorn
Floyd | beast!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Um, that's different"
DavidW says, "Delightful, I keep tellin' you."
Jacqueline gulps.
BrianK says (to Floyd), "fweep"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 324
Floyd | >
Floyd | > FWEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | With keen disappointment, you note that nothing has changed. Then, you
Floyd | slowly realize that you are black, have two wing-like appendages, and
Floyd | are flying a few feet above the ground. Thanks to your sonar-like bat
Floyd | senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to
Floyd | the north and to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | The dorn beast rushes after you. Its ear-splitting bellowing resounds
Floyd | throughout the glass maze.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "That seems rather unnecessary."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 325
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the north and to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | The dorn beast rushes after you. Its ear-splitting bellowing resounds
Floyd | throughout the glass maze.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW | DORN: Can paralyze with a single glare from its powerful eyes (range: roughly
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 326
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | The dorn beast rushes after you. Its ear-splitting bellowing resounds
Floyd | throughout the glass maze.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Oh, right. The infotater."
Jacqueline | DORN: Can paralyze with a single glare from its powerful eyes (range: roughly 3' for young beasts to 20' for adults). Dorns commonly inhabit crags and shadows near cliff bases. According to the last words of dying explorers, dorn beasts are gray-purple-black-gray-white.
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 327
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north, to the south and
Floyd | to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | The dorn beast rushes after you. Its ear-splitting bellowing resounds
Floyd | throughout the glass maze. Suddenly, the dorn-beast realizes that it
Floyd | is galloping through midair, and gives a surprisingly high-pitched
Floyd | squeal. It claws frantically at thin air, trying desperately to invent
Floyd | dorn beast flight. You happily notice that dorn beasts do not so much
Floyd | fly as plummet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
olethros says, "hooray"
BrianK says, "Well that's a solution I didn't see coming"
BrianK says, "For the record there's only one path I could've followed up to here"
Allen says, "and Monty Python reference"
DavidW says, "afk for bathroom break."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 328
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces to the north, to the south and to the
Floyd | east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 329
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the north, to
Floyd | the south and to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 330
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces to the north, to the south and to the
Floyd | east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 331
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north, to the south and
Floyd | to the east.
Floyd | A somewhat splattered corpse is sprawled across the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Well, we could use the floor waxer here"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 332
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the north and to
Floyd | the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 333
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north, to the south and
Floyd | to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 334
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces to the north, to the south, to the east
Floyd | and to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 335
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, to the south, to the east and
Floyd | to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 336
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the east and to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 337
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north, to the east and
Floyd | to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "one sec. brb"
BrianK says, "I'll just keep going through the maze since it's not like it's the most interesting thing"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 338
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north, to the south and
Floyd | to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | After a moment of futilely flapping your arms, you realize that the
Floyd | fweep spell has worn off. You fall several feet to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "fweep"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 339
Floyd | >
Floyd | > FWEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | With keen disappointment, you note that nothing has changed. Then, you
Floyd | slowly realize that you are black, have two wing-like appendages, and
Floyd | are flying a few feet above the ground. Thanks to your sonar-like bat
Floyd | senses, you can tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north,
Floyd | to the south and to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 340
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north and to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 341
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "back"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 342
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to
Floyd | the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 343
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north, to the east and
Floyd | to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 344
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north and to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 345
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south, to
Floyd | the east and to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 346
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north and to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 347
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the north and to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 348
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to
Floyd | the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 349
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces below you, to the south and to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Inside the Glass Maze  Score: 180, Turns: 350
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
Floyd | You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an
Floyd | unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can
Floyd | tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north, to the south and
Floyd | to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 180, Turns: 351
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Glass Arch (you are flying)
Floyd | There is a spell book here (providing light).
Floyd | There is an amulet here. The amulet's jewel is glowing.
Floyd | An orange vial, labelled in tiny letters, is lying here.
Floyd | There is an indigo vial here.
Floyd | There is a zorkmid coin here.
Floyd | There is an amber vial here.
Floyd | There is an ordinary scroll here.
Floyd | There is an aqua vial here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "And here we are"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf29"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 180, Turns: 351
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Back"
Jacqueline says, "Very nicely done."
DavidW says, "yay"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get book"
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 180, Turns: 352
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET BOOK
Floyd |
Floyd | You're batty!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "No you >:("
DavidW says, "I suppose the dornbeast was in there to make sure you used fweep again."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 180, Turns: 355
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | After a moment of futilely flapping your arms, you realize that the
Floyd | fweep spell has worn off. You fall several feet to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get spell book"
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 180, Turns: 356
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get all"
Floyd ] Outside Glass Arch  Score: 180, Turns: 357
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET ALL
Floyd |
Floyd | magic amulet: You are now wearing the magic amulet.
Floyd | orange vial: Taken.
Floyd | indigo vial: Taken.
Floyd | zorkmid coin: Taken.
Floyd | amber vial: Taken.
Floyd | ordinary scroll: Taken.
Floyd | aqua vial: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Entrance Hall  Score: 180, Turns: 358
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Entrance Hall
Floyd | Standing in the center of the hall is a life-sized statue. An
Floyd | inscription at the base is in a familiar language.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] End of Highway  Score: 180, Turns: 359
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | End of Highway
Floyd |
Floyd | You are beginning to tire.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 180, Turns: 360
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Stone Hut
Floyd | The fireplace contains:
Floyd |   a parchment scroll
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get scroll"
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 180, Turns: 361
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET SCROLL
Floyd |
Floyd | You're holding too many things already.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh, sleep and take after"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sleep"
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 180, Turns: 412
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SLEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | Ah, sleep! It's been a long day and rest will do you good. You spread
Floyd | your cloak on the floor and drift off, renewing your powers and
Floyd | refreshing your mind. Time passes as you snore blissfully.
Floyd |
Floyd | You sleep uneventfully, awake refreshed, and rise to your feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get scroll"
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 205, Turns: 413
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET SCROLL
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read it"
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 205, Turns: 414
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ IT
Floyd |
Floyd | The scroll reads "swanzo spell: exorcise an inhabiting presence".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "gnusto swanzo"
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 205, Turns: 415
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of
Floyd | the swanzo spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the
Floyd | book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains!
Floyd | However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word
Floyd | is copied.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf30"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 205, Turns: 415
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK exclaims, "And that's that!"
DavidW asks, "so, now get malyon? Is that next?"
BrianK says, "Yep"
BrianK says, "I guess we just do everything else the same as last time"
DavidW says, "Until you get to Belboz."
Jacqueline says, "Except for the end bit."
Jacqueline says, "Right"
BrianK says, "All right, time for some location-skipping poetry"
DavidW says, "Although a side trip to malyon Duncanthrax would be interesting."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w. w. w. w. w. sw. sw. s. sw."
Floyd ] Park Entrance  Score: 205, Turns: 424
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W. W. W. W. W. SW. SW. S. SW.
Floyd |
Floyd | End of Highway
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Store
Floyd |
Floyd | Toll Gate
Floyd | A fat old gnome with a long white beard is sleeping soundly just
Floyd | outside the toll booth. His loud snores echo around the caverns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Highway
Floyd |
Floyd | Bend
Floyd |
Floyd | Edge of Crater
Floyd |
Floyd | Crater
Floyd |
Floyd | Winding Tunnel
Floyd | This is a meandering north-south tunnel. A side passage leads to the
Floyd | southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | Park Entrance
Floyd | This looks like the entrance to a run-down amusement park, no longer
Floyd | gaudy with lights and glitter. A sign above the entrance proclaims
Floyd | "Welcome to Bozbarland - The Entertainment Capital of the Empire." The
Floyd | park lies to the west and a tunnel leads northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Park Entrance  Score: 205, Turns: 425
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | You bounce off an invisible barrier. A moment later a gnome appears,
Floyd | dressed in a gaudy plaid outfit. "Admission to the park is only one
Floyd | zorkmid. What a bargain, chum, eh?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "give zorkmid to gnome"
Floyd ] Park Entrance  Score: 205, Turns: 426
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | "Okay, you can go through now, bub. Enjoy your trip to Bozbarland."
Floyd | The gnome vanishes as suddenly as he appeared.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] East End of Midway  Score: 205, Turns: 427
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | East End of Midway
Floyd | You are at the eastern end of a long midway. The park entrance lies to
Floyd | the east, and rides lie to the north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] West End of Midway  Score: 205, Turns: 428
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | West End of Midway
Floyd | Entrances lead north, west and south, and the rest of the midway lies
Floyd | to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Shame you can't steal from the park gnome too, but he's different."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open aqua"
Floyd ] West End of Midway  Score: 205, Turns: 429
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN AQUA
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the aqua vial reveals aqua potion.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drink aqua potion"
Floyd ] West End of Midway  Score: 205, Turns: 430
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The aqua potion tasted like lime jelly, and sent vibrations through
Floyd | your muscles.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 205, Turns: 431
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Arcade
Floyd | This is a huge tent filled with hectic noise, blinking lights, and the
Floyd | smell of frying food. Near the exit is a game booth lined with prizes.
Floyd | The concept of the game seems to be bashing cute little mechanical
Floyd | bunnies with a rubber ball as they hop around a little artificial
Floyd | meadow.
Floyd | A hawker stands within the booth, studying you through half-closed
Floyd | eyes.
Floyd | "C'mon, pal!" cries the hawker from the game booth. "Try your luck!"
Floyd | He holds the ball out toward you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get ball"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 205, Turns: 432
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET BALL
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "throw ball at bunnies"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 215, Turns: 433
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A tremendous pitch sends a bunny spinning. "What an arm, kid, what an
Floyd | arm!" cries the hawker. He hands you a glittering scroll from the
Floyd | shelf of prizes. "Here's your prize, now scram."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "gnusto malyon"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 215, Turns: 434
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of
Floyd | the malyon spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the
Floyd | book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains!
Floyd | However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word
Floyd | is copied.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop aqua vial"
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 215, Turns: 435
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf31"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 215, Turns: 435
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "All right, we can do a side trip to the statue"
DavidW says, "ok. thanks."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e. e. ne. n. ne. ne."
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 215, Turns: 436
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E. E. NE. N. NE. NE.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "whoops"
Jacqueline says, "d'oh"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n. e. e. ne. n. ne. ne."
Floyd ] Bend  Score: 215, Turns: 443
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N. E. E. NE. N. NE. NE.
Floyd |
Floyd | West End of Midway
Floyd |
Floyd | East End of Midway
Floyd |
Floyd | Park Entrance
Floyd |
Floyd | Winding Tunnel
Floyd |
Floyd | Crater
Floyd |
Floyd | Edge of Crater
Floyd |
Floyd | Bend
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e. e. e. e. n."
Floyd ] Entrance Hall  Score: 215, Turns: 448
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E. E. E. E. N.
Floyd |
Floyd | Highway
Floyd |
Floyd | Toll Gate
Floyd | A fat old gnome with a long white beard is sleeping soundly just
Floyd | outside the toll booth. His loud snores echo around the caverns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Store
Floyd |
Floyd | Your muscles feel limp for a moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | End of Highway
Floyd |
Floyd | Entrance Hall
Floyd | Standing in the center of the hall is a life-sized statue. An
Floyd | inscription at the base is in a familiar language.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn malyon"
Floyd ] Entrance Hall  Score: 215, Turns: 449
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the malyon spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "malyon statue"
Floyd ] Entrance Hall  Score: 215, Turns: 450
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The statue transforms into a living figure, probably a King if the
Floyd | royal attire is any clue. The King seems angry, and quickly settles
Floyd | his wrathful gaze on you. He bellows "Guards! Throw this trespasser
Floyd | into the glass maze! Guards! ... GUARDS!!!" When the guards fail to
Floyd | respond, the King becomes livid, his voice rises to an incoherent
Floyd | squeak, and flecks of foam spit from the corners of his mouth.
Floyd | Finally, eyes bulging with rage, he storms out of the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Golly"
DavidW says, "huh"
BrianK says, "Someone has anger management problems"
Jacqueline says, "Pshaw. People in powerful positions never have anger management problems."
Jacqueline says, "Oh, wait."
BrianK says, "Pfft"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf31"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Arcade  Score: 215, Turns: 435
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n. e. e. ne. s."
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 215, Turns: 440
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N. E. E. NE. S.
Floyd |
Floyd | West End of Midway
Floyd |
Floyd | East End of Midway
Floyd |
Floyd | Park Entrance
Floyd |
Floyd | Winding Tunnel
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Carvings
Floyd | You have entered a large room whose walls are covered with intricate
Floyd | carvings. The largest and most striking carving, on the southern wall,
Floyd | is of a huge sleeping dragon! A winding tunnel leads north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn malyon"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 215, Turns: 441
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the malyon spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "malyon dragon"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 215, Turns: 442
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The dragon seems to shiver for a moment, but that is all.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oh, right"
DavidW asks, "How did this work again? Learn malyon, then yonk malyon, then malyon dragon?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read scroll"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 215, Turns: 443
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The scroll reads "yonk spell: augment the power of certain spells".
Floyd | The spell seems very long and extremely complicated.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn malyon"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 215, Turns: 444
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the malyon spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "yonk malyon"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 215, Turns: 445
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | As you cast the spell, the ordinary scroll vanishes!
Floyd |
Floyd | The words of the spell glow brightly for a moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "malyon dragon"
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 215, Turns: 446
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The dragon is suddenly imbued with life and begins to move. It shakes
Floyd | itself loose from the wall, which crumbles down upon the dragon,
Floyd | revealing a southward passage! The dragon howls with pain and anger.
Floyd | Spotting you, the dragon rears back its head, smoke billowing from its
Floyd | nostrils. Then, just as it seems that you will be barbecued, the
Floyd | dragon reverts to stone!
Floyd |
Floyd | Your muscles feel limp for a moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "There we go"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf32"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Hall of Carvings  Score: 215, Turns: 446
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 447
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Sooty Room
Floyd | The walls and ceiling of this room are covered with soot and held up
Floyd | by timbers which don't look very sturdy. A winding tunnel leads north.
Floyd | From the east comes a sulfurous odor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 448
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   an amber vial
Floyd |   an indigo vial
Floyd |   an orange vial
Floyd |   a magic amulet (being worn)
Floyd |   a spell book (providing light)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "We're getting into a no-return area, right? Need the vilstu potion?"
BrianK says, "Yep"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf33"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 448
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Also I'm wondering if we should wait until we're sleepy and then sleep before entering"
BrianK says, "Since last week we ran into that tiredness/inventory limit thing"
DavidW says, "oh, yes, probably."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 451
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 454
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Can you sleep ahead of schedule?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sleep"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 455
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SLEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | You settle down to sleep, but you really aren't tired, so you thrash
Floyd | around for a while and then give up.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 458
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 461
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 464
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 467
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 470
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 473
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 476
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sleep"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 477
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SLEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | You settle down to sleep, but you really aren't tired, so you thrash
Floyd | around for a while and then give up.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 480
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 483
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 486
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 489
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "sorcerer, pelase"
BrianK says, "please*"
BrianK says, "This is for your own good"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 491
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | You are beginning to tire.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oh good"
Jacqueline says, "Finally"
BrianK says, "Clearly it was my stern talking-to that worked, and not the fact that I could've just waited one more turn"
Jacqueline says, "I swear, we're like trying to get a five year old to nap."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sleep"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 542
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SLEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | Ah, sleep! It's been a long day and rest will do you good. You spread
Floyd | your cloak on the floor and drift off, renewing your powers and
Floyd | refreshing your mind. Time passes as you snore blissfully.
Floyd |
Floyd | You dream of a river, slow and muddy. Great grey hippopotami sport
Floyd | there, bellowing and splashing, and twitching their ears. You awaken
Floyd | and stand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf34"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 542
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "frotz orange vial"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 543
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | There is an almost blinding flash of light as the orange vial begins
Floyd | to glow! It slowly fades to a less painful level, but the orange vial
Floyd | is now quite usable as a light source.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open orange vial"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 544
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the orange vial reveals orange potion.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drink orange potion"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 545
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The orange potion tasted like pepper, and made your nose tingle.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 235, Turns: 546
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a rumbling noise behind you as the ceiling of the tunnel
Floyd | collapses, blocking your retreat! The air smells strongly of coal gas.
Floyd | Good thing you took that vilstu potion.
Floyd |
Floyd | Coal Bin Room
Floyd | This is obviously the heart of a large coal mine, illuminated by a
Floyd | wall-mounted lamp. The bottom of a metal coal chute is visible at the
Floyd | north end of the room. Another chute continues downward at the
Floyd | southern end. A large coal bin is overflowing, and the floor is
Floyd | completely covered with lumps of coal. A passage leads east, but a
Floyd | western passage is blocked by rubble.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 235, Turns: 547
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | Someone slides out of the coal chute, and lands near the bin. Although
Floyd | your clothes are much cleaner and less torn, the stranger looks
Floyd | virtually like your own twin!
Floyd |
Floyd | A few lumps of coal spill from the coal chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
zarf has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. Jacqueline says, "This is a very cool puzzle. Glad we're playing this."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "give spell book to twin"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 235, Turns: 548
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your older self accepts the spell book gratefully.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few lumps of coal spill from the coal chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your disheveled "twin" is having difficulty breathing, but gasps, "The
Floyd | combination is 425."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Dial Room  Score: 235, Turns: 549
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Dial Room
Floyd | On the eastern wall is a heavy door with a dial set into it. There is
Floyd | a sign on the door. Another exit leads west, and a wall-mounted lamp
Floyd | provides illumination. The floor is deeply covered with lumps of coal.
Floyd |
Floyd | Someone in the coal bin room dives into the lower chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "set dial to 425"
Floyd ] Dial Room  Score: 235, Turns: 550
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SET DIAL TO 425
Floyd |
Floyd | The dial is now set to 425. You hear a click from inside the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Dial Room  Score: 235, Turns: 551
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | The heavy door is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open door"
Floyd ] Dial Room  Score: 255, Turns: 552
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN DOOR
Floyd |
Floyd | The door opens easily.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Shaft Bottom  Score: 255, Turns: 553
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Shaft Bottom
Floyd | You are at the bottom of an air shaft which looks climbable. A heavy
Floyd | door leads west.
Floyd | Lying in one corner is a coil of rope.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get rope"
Floyd ] Shaft Bottom  Score: 255, Turns: 554
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET ROPE
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Shaft Top  Score: 255, Turns: 555
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Shaft Top
Floyd | You are deep inside a large coal mine, at the top of an air shaft. You
Floyd | could descend into the shaft; passages in many directions lead further
Floyd | into the mine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ] Coal Mine  Score: 255, Turns: 556
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd | Coal Mine
Floyd | You are in a winding tunnel in a large coal mine. Passages lead off in
Floyd | many directions.
Floyd | Lying near the mouth of one passage is a wooden timber, probably left
Floyd | over from the construction of the mine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get wood"
Floyd ] Coal Mine  Score: 255, Turns: 557
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET WOOD
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] Coal Mine  Score: 255, Turns: 558
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | Coal Mine
Floyd | You are in a winding tunnel in a large coal mine. Passages lead off in
Floyd | many directions.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Coal Mine  Score: 255, Turns: 559
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Coal Mine
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "tie rope to wood"
Floyd ] Coal Mine  Score: 255, Turns: 560
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The rope is tied securely to the center of the beam.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "put rope in chute"
Floyd ] Coal Mine  Score: 255, Turns: 560
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any chute here!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "wait where am I"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Coal Mine  Score: 255, Turns: 561
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "You goofed."
BrianK says, "Oh no I took a wrong turn"
Jacqueline says, "eep"
Allen finishes the game.
BrianK says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ] Coal Mine  Score: 255, Turns: 562
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd | Coal Mine
Floyd | You are in a winding tunnel in a large coal mine. Passages lead off in
Floyd | many directions.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 255, Turns: 563
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Top of Chute
Floyd | You are at the western end of the coal mine. A metal chute leads
Floyd | downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | A troglodyte trundles in and dumps a load of coal into the chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel the vilstu potion beginning to wear off, and the air here
Floyd | seems pretty unbreathable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "You did a NE when you wanted a NW."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "put rope in chute"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 255, Turns: 564
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You'll have to drop the beam before doing that.
Floyd |
Floyd | The troglodyte trundles off into the coal mine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop beam"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 255, Turns: 565
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP BEAM
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "put rope in chute"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 255, Turns: 566
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The rope hangs from the beam, into the chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Allen says, "oy you're here. I hate hate traditional mazes"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop all. get amulet."
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 255, Turns: 568
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | amber vial: Dropped.
Floyd | indigo vial: Dropped.
Floyd | orange vial: Dropped.
Floyd | magic amulet: Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | A troglodyte trundles in and dumps a load of coal into the chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vilstu potion has almost completely worn off now, and I doubt you
Floyd | could survive here without it.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now wearing the magic amulet.
Floyd |
Floyd | The troglodyte trundles off into the coal mine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Slanted Room  Score: 275, Turns: 569
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | You climb carefully down the rope, which is slippery with coal dust,
Floyd | and soon reach a small opening off the chute. You clamber inside...
Floyd |
Floyd | Slanted Room
Floyd | This small room has a slanted roof, presumably due to the coal chute
Floyd | which passes overhead. You can reenter the chute to the east.
Floyd | Mounted securely to the wall is a kerosene lamp, filling the room with
Floyd | a serene orange glow. A small compartment at its base is open.
Floyd | There is a shimmering scroll here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Allen asks, "I think this mazy have the same layout as zork I?"
Allen says, "hey, ancient infocom treat: take and examine an object in one turn with "read [x]""
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read scroll"
Floyd ] Slanted Room  Score: 275, Turns: 570
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (taking the shimmering scroll first)
Floyd | The scroll reads "golmac spell: travel temporally".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf35"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Slanted Room  Score: 275, Turns: 570
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Allen), "Sneaky."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "golmac"
Floyd ] Slanted Room  Score: 275, Turns: 570
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GOLMAC
Floyd |
Floyd | What do you want to golmac?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "golmac me"
Floyd ] Slanted Room  Score: 275, Turns: 571
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GOLMAC ME
Floyd |
Floyd | As you cast the spell, the shimmering scroll vanishes!
Floyd |
Floyd | You are surrounded by a puff of smoke, and feel disoriented for a
Floyd | moment. When the smoke clears, nothing seems to have changed, except
Floyd | that the kerosene lamp is now closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open lamp"
Floyd ] Slanted Room  Score: 275, Turns: 572
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN LAMP
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the kerosene lamp reveals a smelly scroll.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read smelly"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 300, Turns: 573
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (taking the smelly scroll first)
Floyd | The scroll reads "vardik spell: shield a mind from an evil spirit".
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel the final effects of the vilstu potion vanish. Unfortunately,
Floyd | coal gas is a poor substitute for oxygen.
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Your guardian angel, draped in white, appears floating in the
Floyd | nothingness before you. "Gotten in a bit of a scrape, eh?" he asks,
Floyd | writing frantically in a notebook. "I'd love to chat, but we're so
Floyd | busy this month." The angel twitches his nose, and the nothingness is
Floyd | replaced by...
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Uh-oh"
Jacqueline says, "poo"
Allen says, "another infocom trick: examine your room without using a turn, by typing "verbose""
Jacqueline says, "True"
BrianK says, "That's my fault for taking a wrong turn"
Jacqueline says (to Allen), "Clever"
BrianK says, "I suspect the potion is set to last exactly the amount of turns to go through this entire place"
Allen says, "in some old old versions of Infocom compiles, you can sometimes take untakeable objects by using "read""
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf35"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Slanted Room  Score: 275, Turns: 570
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I think there's some leeway but not a lot with the vilstu potion."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "restore"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf34"
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 542
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "frotz orange vial. open orange vial. drink orange potion."
Floyd ] Sooty Room  Score: 235, Turns: 545
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | There is an almost blinding flash of light as the orange vial begins
Floyd | to glow! It slowly fades to a less painful level, but the orange vial
Floyd | is now quite usable as a light source.
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the orange vial reveals orange potion.
Floyd |
Floyd | The orange potion tasted like pepper, and made your nose tingle.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 235, Turns: 546
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a rumbling noise behind you as the ceiling of the tunnel
Floyd | collapses, blocking your retreat! The air smells strongly of coal gas.
Floyd | Good thing you took that vilstu potion.
Floyd |
Floyd | Coal Bin Room
Floyd | This is obviously the heart of a large coal mine, illuminated by a
Floyd | wall-mounted lamp. The bottom of a metal coal chute is visible at the
Floyd | north end of the room. Another chute continues downward at the
Floyd | southern end. A large coal bin is overflowing, and the floor is
Floyd | completely covered with lumps of coal. A passage leads east, but a
Floyd | western passage is blocked by rubble.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 235, Turns: 547
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | Someone slides out of the coal chute, and lands near the bin. Although
Floyd | your clothes are much cleaner and less torn, the stranger looks
Floyd | virtually like your own twin!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "give spell book to twin"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 235, Turns: 548
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your older self accepts the spell book gratefully.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your disheveled "twin" is having difficulty breathing, but gasps, "The
Floyd | combination is 202."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Dial Room  Score: 235, Turns: 549
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Dial Room
Floyd | On the eastern wall is a heavy door with a dial set into it. There is
Floyd | a sign on the door. Another exit leads west, and a wall-mounted lamp
Floyd | provides illumination. The floor is deeply covered with lumps of coal.
Floyd |
Floyd | Someone in the coal bin room dives into the lower chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "set dial to 202. open door."
Floyd ] Dial Room  Score: 255, Turns: 551
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SET DIAL TO 202. OPEN DOOR.
Floyd |
Floyd | The dial is now set to 202. You hear a click from inside the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | The door opens easily.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e. get rope."
Floyd ] Shaft Bottom  Score: 255, Turns: 553
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E. GET ROPE.
Floyd |
Floyd | Shaft Bottom
Floyd | You are at the bottom of an air shaft which looks climbable. A heavy
Floyd | door leads west.
Floyd | Lying in one corner is a coil of rope.
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u. nw."
Floyd ] Coal Mine  Score: 255, Turns: 555
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U. NW.
Floyd |
Floyd | Shaft Top
Floyd | You are deep inside a large coal mine, at the top of an air shaft. You
Floyd | could descend into the shaft; passages in many directions lead further
Floyd | into the mine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Coal Mine
Floyd | You are in a winding tunnel in a large coal mine. Passages lead off in
Floyd | many directions.
Floyd | Lying near the mouth of one passage is a wooden timber, probably left
Floyd | over from the construction of the mine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get wood"
Floyd ] Coal Mine  Score: 255, Turns: 556
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET WOOD
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "nw. w."
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 255, Turns: 558
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NW. W.
Floyd |
Floyd | Coal Mine
Floyd | You are in a winding tunnel in a large coal mine. Passages lead off in
Floyd | many directions.
Floyd |
Floyd | Top of Chute
Floyd | You are at the western end of the coal mine. A metal chute leads
Floyd | downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "tie rope to wood"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 255, Turns: 559
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The rope is tied securely to the center of the beam.
Floyd |
Floyd | A troglodyte trundles in and dumps a load of coal into the chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop all. get amulet."
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 255, Turns: 561
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | beam of wood: Dropped.
Floyd | rope: Dropped.
Floyd | amber vial: Dropped.
Floyd | indigo vial: Dropped.
Floyd | orange vial: Dropped.
Floyd | magic amulet: Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | The troglodyte trundles off into the coal mine.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now wearing the magic amulet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "put rope in chute"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 255, Turns: 561
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You're not holding the rope!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Aaaaaaah"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get rope. put rope in chute"
Floyd ] Top of Chute  Score: 255, Turns: 563
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | A troglodyte trundles in and dumps a load of coal into the chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | The rope hangs from the beam, into the chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | The troglodyte trundles off into the coal mine.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel the vilstu potion beginning to wear off, and the air here
Floyd | seems pretty unbreathable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Slanted Room  Score: 275, Turns: 564
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | You climb carefully down the rope, which is slippery with coal dust,
Floyd | and soon reach a small opening off the chute. You clamber inside...
Floyd |
Floyd | Slanted Room
Floyd | This small room has a slanted roof, presumably due to the coal chute
Floyd | which passes overhead. You can reenter the chute to the east.
Floyd | Mounted securely to the wall is a kerosene lamp, filling the room with
Floyd | a serene orange glow. A small compartment at its base is open.
Floyd | There is a shimmering scroll here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get scroll. golmac me. open lamp. get smelly"
Floyd ] Slanted Room  Score: 300, Turns: 568
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you cast the spell, the shimmering scroll vanishes!
Floyd |
Floyd | You are surrounded by a puff of smoke, and feel disoriented for a
Floyd | moment. When the smoke clears, nothing seems to have changed, except
Floyd | that the kerosene lamp is now closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the kerosene lamp reveals a smelly scroll.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vilstu potion has almost completely worn off now, and I doubt you
Floyd | could survive here without it.
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 300, Turns: 569
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Wheeee!!!
Floyd |
Floyd | Coal Bin Room
Floyd | Standing here, looking quite confused, is someone who could only be
Floyd | your younger self -- an exact duplicate of you, but cleaner and
Floyd | breathing with considerably less difficulty. You remember seeing this
Floyd | scene from another viewpoint just a short while ago. Among the items
Floyd | carried by your "twin" is your spell book.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 300, Turns: 570
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | Your younger self hands you your spell book!
Floyd |
Floyd | A few lumps of coal spill from the coal chute.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "twin, the combination is 202"
Floyd ] Coal Bin Room  Score: 300, Turns: 571
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your younger self seems surprised by your statement.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your younger self is moving around.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 320, Turns: 572
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | You fly out of the chute and land just at the edge of some water...
Floyd |
Floyd | Lagoon Shore
Floyd | This is a narrow beach between a small cove to the east and tall
Floyd | cliffs to the west. The shore curves to the southeast and northeast. A
Floyd | metal chute leads up into the cliff.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf36"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 320, Turns: 572
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Well that was stressful despite having done this last week"
Jacqueline gives Brian a cup of tea.
DavidW says, "Careful not to get the book wet."
BrianK says, "Right"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop all"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 320, Turns: 573
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP ALL
Floyd |
Floyd | spell book: Dropped.
Floyd | smelly scroll: Dropped.
Floyd | magic amulet: Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel the final effects of the vilstu potion vanish, leaving you
Floyd | totally exhausted (an unfortunate side effect).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "read smelly"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 320, Turns: 574
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (taking the smelly scroll first)
Floyd | The scroll reads "vardik spell: shield a mind from an evil spirit".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop smelly"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 320, Turns: 575
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sleep"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 320, Turns: 626
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SLEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | Ah, sleep! It's been a long day and rest will do you good. You spread
Floyd | your cloak on the floor and drift off, renewing your powers and
Floyd | refreshing your mind. Time passes as you snore blissfully.
Floyd |
Floyd | You dream of an idyllic scene in the country, a picnic of wood-sprites
Floyd | and dryads. You awaken and stand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Surface of Lagoon  Score: 320, Turns: 627
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Surface of Lagoon
Floyd | You are swimming on the surface of a calm lagoon, whose sandy floor is
Floyd | visible below. A curved beach surrounds this inlet on its western
Floyd | side.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oh wait, I gotta learn that plant spell"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 320, Turns: 628
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Lagoon Shore
Floyd | There is a smelly scroll here.
Floyd | There is an amulet here. The amulet's jewel is pulsing with flashes of
Floyd | brilliant light.
Floyd | There is a spell book here (providing light).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get all"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 320, Turns: 629
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET ALL
Floyd |
Floyd | smelly scroll: Taken.
Floyd | magic amulet: You are now wearing the magic amulet.
Floyd | spell book: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "gnusto vardik"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 320, Turns: 630
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of
Floyd | the vardik spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the
Floyd | book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains!
Floyd | However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word
Floyd | is copied.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn meef"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 320, Turns: 631
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LEARN MEEF
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the meef spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop all"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 320, Turns: 632
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP ALL
Floyd |
Floyd | spell book: Dropped.
Floyd | magic amulet: Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Surface of Lagoon  Score: 320, Turns: 633
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Surface of Lagoon
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ] Lagoon Floor  Score: 320, Turns: 634
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Lagoon Floor
Floyd | This is the floor of a cove off the turbulent ocean to the east. The
Floyd | ground slopes upward to the north, west, and south. Light filters down
Floyd | from the surface of the water.
Floyd | Nestled among some coral is a clump of stunningly beautiful
Floyd | spenseweeds, waving slowly in the currents of the lagoon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "meef spenseweeds"
Floyd ] Lagoon Floor  Score: 320, Turns: 635
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The spenseweeds wilt away, revealing a wooden crate labelled with
Floyd | black lettering.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get crate"
Floyd ] Lagoon Floor  Score: 320, Turns: 636
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET CRATE
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | You won't be able to hold your breath much longer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Surface of Lagoon  Score: 320, Turns: 637
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Surface of Lagoon
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 320, Turns: 638
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Lagoon Shore
Floyd | There is an amulet here. The amulet's jewel is pulsing with flashes of
Floyd | brilliant light.
Floyd | There is a spell book here (providing light).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open crate"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 335, Turns: 639
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN CRATE
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the wooden crate reveals a grue suit, a can of grue repellent,
Floyd | and a brass lantern.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get all from crate"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 335, Turns: 640
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | grue suit: You are now wearing the grue suit.
Floyd | can of grue repellent: Taken.
Floyd | brass lantern: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "get all"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 335, Turns: 641
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET ALL
Floyd |
Floyd | magic amulet: You are now wearing the magic amulet.
Floyd | spell book: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop crate"
Floyd ] Lagoon Shore  Score: 335, Turns: 642
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP CRATE
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ] Ocean Shore North  Score: 335, Turns: 643
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | Ocean Shore North
Floyd | You are standing on the western shore of the mighty Flathead Ocean.
Floyd | According to legends you read at the University, the eastern shore of
Floyd | this ocean is a strange land of magical beings and priceless
Floyd | treasures. You could go north along the shore; the edge of a small
Floyd | cove lies to the southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Mouth of River  Score: 335, Turns: 644
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Mouth of River
Floyd | A mighty river spills into the ocean here. Looking up the river
Floyd | valley, you see a tall waterfall. Atop a cliff, high above you, is the
Floyd | rampart of a fortress. A cave entrance at the base of the cliff to the
Floyd | west is blocked by writhing green vines.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn meef"
Floyd ] Mouth of River  Score: 335, Turns: 645
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LEARN MEEF
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the meef spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Sorry again, vines :("
BrianK says (to Floyd), "meef vines"
Floyd ] Mouth of River  Score: 335, Turns: 646
Floyd | >
Floyd | > MEEF VINES
Floyd |
Floyd | You can almost feel a wave of pain from the vines as they shrivel
Floyd | away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "heh"
DavidW says, "No more vines for you."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, that part is sad."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf37"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Mouth of River  Score: 335, Turns: 646
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "spray repellent"
Floyd ] Mouth of River  Score: 335, Turns: 647
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The spray stinks amazingly for a few moments, then drifts away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "spray repellent on me"
Floyd ] Mouth of River  Score: 335, Turns: 648
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The repellent is all gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "whoops"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf37"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Floyd ] Mouth of River  Score: 335, Turns: 646
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "spray repellent on me"
Floyd ] Mouth of River  Score: 335, Turns: 647
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The spray smells like a mixture of old socks and burning rubber. If I
Floyd | were a grue I'd sure stay clear!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Grue Lair  Score: 335, Turns: 648
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Grue Lair
Floyd | This is a low, shadowy cave leading east to west. The rocky walls are
Floyd | scarred with deep claw marks.
Floyd | A pack of grues fills the room! The grues, contrary to all
Floyd | conventional wisdom, aren't bothered by your light in the least. They
Floyd | must be mutated grues, no longer fearing light! They stagger about the
Floyd | room, covering their noses and making horrid gurgling noises.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "examine grues"
Floyd ] Grue Lair  Score: 335, Turns: 649
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the pack of mutated grues.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Oh yeah, since we get to see a pack of mutated grues every day"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Mammoth Cavern  Score: 355, Turns: 650
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Mammoth Cavern
Floyd | This cavern is of extraordinary size, but nevertheless crowded with
Floyd | powerful-looking machinery. You recognize a breeder for producing
Floyd | millions of the mutated grues you just passed. Other devices seem
Floyd | designed to aid the forces of evil while sapping magic powers of
Floyd | Enchanters everywhere.
Floyd |
Floyd | At the far end of the cavern are three closed doors: a black marble
Floyd | door leading to the northwest, a shiny silver door heading due west,
Floyd | and a door of bleached white wood to the southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "And live to tell the tale."
BrianK says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ] Mammoth Cavern  Score: 355, Turns: 651
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | The white wooden door is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | That horrible smell is much less pungent now.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open wooden door"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 375, Turns: 652
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The door creaks slowly open. Within, you see someone lying as though
Floyd | asleep. You feel yourself drawn into the room...
Floyd |
Floyd | Belboz's Hideout
Floyd | An acrid stench fills this small room, which is obviously a control
Floyd | center for the evil experiments in the cavern outside.
Floyd | Hanging on the wall is a heavy dagger, its handle encrusted with
Floyd | diamonds.
Floyd | Belboz is lying here, motionless but not asleep. He seems to be in
Floyd | some sort of trance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf38"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 375, Turns: 652
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Might want to learn swanzo and whatever first. Oh well."
BrianK says, "Oh"
Jacqueline says, "herewegoherewego"
BrianK says, "I guess it might've been better than doing it on the fly in the room itself"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn vardik"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 375, Turns: 653
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the vardik spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn vardik"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 375, Turns: 654
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the vardik spell yet another
Floyd | time.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn swanzo"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 375, Turns: 655
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the swanzo spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "vardik me. swanzo belboz?"
BrianK asks, "So I'm thinking >protect our own mind, >expel the spirit, and then >protect Belboz?"
DavidW says, "sure."
BrianK says, "or does it matter if we protect him before expelling the spirit"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "vardik me"
Floyd ] Belboz's Hideout  Score: 375, Turns: 656
Floyd | >
Floyd | > VARDIK ME
Floyd |
Floyd | A feeling of warmth and protection fills your mind.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I don't know if vardik'ing Belboz is of any help."
Jacqueline asks, "Protecting him before might ... trap it?"
BrianK says, "I was thinking that if we expel the spirit, he might just go back in Belboz if he can't possess us"
olethros was told that in order to be published he had to cut his hair and sing in Swedish. Jacqueline says, "Oh, all in the same turn."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, possibly."
DavidW says, "I'd expel first then see if the mental gate needs to be reclosed."
Jacqueline shrugs. "Well, you *did* just save.
BrianK says, "All right then"
BrianK says, "Here we go"
BrianK pauses for dramatic effect
BrianK says (to Floyd), "swanzo Belboz"
Floyd ] Chamber of the Circle  Score: 400, Turns: 656
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A wispy translucent shape rises from the body of Belboz. It speaks in
Floyd | a voice so deep that your whole body seems to hear it. "Foolish
Floyd | Charlatan! I am forced to flee that weak, old body -- I shall take
Floyd | your own, instead! Already I have sucked all knowledge, all secrets
Floyd | from that ancient Enchanter. Now begins an epoch of evil transcending
Floyd | even your worst nightmares; a reign of terror that will last a
Floyd | thousand thousand years!" The shape blows toward you on a cold wind.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jeearr surrounds you like a cloud and begins to contract. Suddenly, it
Floyd | strikes your invisible protection and recoils as if burned. "No!" it
Floyd | cries. "Such a guileless Enchanter developing a mind shield?" The
Floyd | cloud is thinner, the voice fainter. "It cannot be! I cannot survive
Floyd | ... without a host." The demon roils in agony, then thins and
Floyd | dissipates. There is a final scream of pain, then silence.
Floyd |
Floyd | Belboz moans softly, and begins stirring. He sees you and rises,
Floyd | instantly alert. After posing a few well-chosen questions, he casts a
Floyd | brief but unfamiliar spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | An instant later, your grue suit has vanished and you are standing in
Floyd | the Chamber of the Circle. The Circle of Enchanters is assembled.
Floyd | Belboz speaks. "Once again, this young Enchanter has done a matchless
Floyd | service to the Guild and to the entire kingdom, displaying
Floyd | resourcefulness and imagination worthy of the greatest of Enchanters.
Floyd | I grow old, and must soon step down as Head of the Circle. But let it
Floyd | be known that a successor has been found."
Floyd |
Floyd | Your score is 400 of a possible 400, in 656 moves. This puts you in
Floyd | the class of Leader of the Circle of Enchanters.
Floyd |
Floyd | Here ends the second chapter of the Enchanter saga, in which, by
Floyd | virtue of your skills, you have been appointed as the next leader of
Floyd | the Circle of Enchanters. The final adventure awaits you as the
Floyd | Enchanter series concludes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved
Floyd | game position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART,
Floyd | RESTORE, or QUIT):
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "WHOA"
Jacqueline says, "So, that's a pretty damn good ending."
BrianK says, "Yessssssssss"
DavidW says, "yes, that's the best ending, I'm sure."
Jacqueline says, "Except now we have a bunch of responsibility."
Jacqueline asks, "Is Spell Breaker just about the tedium of management?"
inky says, "ha ha"
DavidW says, "Goodness. Hope our anger management training worked."
inky says, ">FILE PAPERWORK. G. G. G."
BrianK says, "Hahaha"
Allen says, "no, Spellbreaker is a very good game, that has a lot of tedium of management"
BrianK says, "Well, it wouldn't be the first game in the series to have the tedium of management, really"
DavidW says, "I like Spellbreaker a lot but it does go all over the place."
Allen says, "did you know I finished Spellbreaker, and I never learned... uh, spoilers I guess"
Jacqueline says (to Allen), "Shh."
Jacqueline asks, "Well, another good game. Shall we proceed into SB next week?"
DavidW says, "Have I published my walkthrough for Spellbreaker yet? I don't remember."
BrianK gets bored and wanders off to the Toyshop.
BrianK arrives, ready to play with the toys. BrianK says, "Aw man I disconnected"
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Not sure. And not going to go looking for it, either."
BrianK says, "I was going to suggest as an epilogue"
BrianK says, "We go and use the floor waxer in the mine field"
Jacqueline exclaims, "Oh, sure!"
DavidW says, "Yes please!"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "restore"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf22"
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 130, Turns: 183
Floyd | > RESTOREOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "brief"
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 130, Turns: 183
Floyd | >
Floyd | > BRIEF
Floyd |
Floyd | Brief descriptions.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 130, Turns: 184
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a floor waxer
Floyd |   a zorkmid coin
Floyd |   an indigo vial
Floyd |   an orange vial
Floyd |   a magic amulet (being worn)
Floyd |   a spell book (providing light)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "We didn't use two of the potions ever."
BrianK says, "I dunno what the exquisite torture one does"
BrianK asks, "Just a red herring, maybe?"
Roger asks, "Did you try the suboptimal endings too?"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "open indigo vial"
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 130, Turns: 185
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the indigo vial reveals indigo potion.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drink indigo potion"
Floyd ] Stone Hut  Score: 130, Turns: 186
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The potion tastes like a combination of anchovies, prune juice, and
Floyd | garlic powder. As you finish swallowing the potion, a well-muscled
Floyd | troll saunters in. He whacks your head with a wooden two-by-four,
Floyd | grunting "You are playing Sorcerer. It was written by S. Eric
Floyd | Meretzky. You will have fun and enjoy yourself." He repeats this
Floyd | action 999 more times, then vanishes without a trace.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Roger), "Well, we got one of them last week."
BrianK says, "Heehee"
Jacqueline asks, "Did the indigo vial have a label?"
BrianK says, "it was the exquisite torture potion"
Jacqueline says, "Ah."
Roger asks, "The murdering Belboz one?"
BrianK says, "Yeah we did that last week"
Jacqueline says, "I don't know about exquisite, but it's amusing."
Jacqueline says (to Roger), "Yeah"
BrianK says, "I figure we did not need to carry it around with us this whole time"
Roger says, "It's sort of fun if you kill him without a mindshield"
BrianK says, "We did that too :P"
Roger says, "Oh okay then"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "w. w. w. w. u. u."
Floyd ] Ruins  Score: 130, Turns: 192
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W. W. W. W. U. U.
Floyd |
Floyd | End of Highway
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Store
Floyd |
Floyd | Toll Gate
Floyd | A fat old gnome with a long white beard is sleeping soundly just
Floyd | outside the toll booth. His loud snores echo around the caverns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Highway
Floyd |
Floyd | Dungeon
Floyd |
Floyd | Ruins
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "learn izyuk. izyuk me. w. w. w."
Floyd ] Forest Edge  Score: 130, Turns: 197
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are now floating serenely in midair.
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge (you are flying)
Floyd |
Floyd | Meadow (you are flying)
Floyd |
Floyd | You settle gently to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | A swarm of bloodsucking locusts appears on the horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | Forest Edge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "n."
Floyd ] Mine Field  Score: 130, Turns: 198
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N.
Floyd |
Floyd | Mine Field
Floyd | This is a flat and featureless dirt path leading north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
BrianK says (to Floyd), "cf39"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Mine Field  Score: 130, Turns: 198
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says (to Floyd), "drop floor waxer"
Floyd ] Mine Field  Score: 130, Turns: 199
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK pauses for dramatic effect, again.
Jacqueline plays some music.
BrianK says (to Floyd), "wax floor"
Floyd ] Drawbridge  Score: 130, Turns: 199
Floyd | >
Floyd | > WAX FLOOR
Floyd |
Floyd | Kaboom!!!...
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Your guardian angel, draped in white, appears floating in the
Floyd | nothingness before you. "Gotten in a bit of a scrape, eh?" he asks,
Floyd | writing frantically in a notebook. "I'd love to chat, but we're so
Floyd | busy this month." The angel twitches his nose, and the nothingness is
Floyd | replaced by...
Floyd |
Floyd | Drawbridge
Floyd | With a scream of splintering wood, part of the drawbridge collapses
Floyd | and spills you into the moat. You are immediately set upon by
Floyd | alligators and piranhas.
Floyd |
Floyd |    ****  You have died  ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Unfortunately, you made no provisions for your untimely death.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your score is 130 of a possible 400, in 199 moves. This puts you in
Floyd | the class of Novice Enchanter.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved
Floyd | game position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART,
Floyd | RESTORE, or QUIT):
Floyd |
Floyd | >
BrianK says, "Aw, there's no special message"
Jacqueline asks, "That's it? Kaboom?"
DavidW says, "oh. A bit quick there."
Allen says, "yeah. It can be kinda fun to catalog all the different ways to die"
DavidW says, "I thought it'd be more epic."
Roger says, "The age of memory constraints"
Jacqueline says, "You all heard that needle scratch on the record, then the music stopping? That was because the ending was so abrupt."
DavidW says, "hm. I don't think I thought of searching out all the hidden corners of this game. Back when I first played, I was just trying to win."
Allen says, "I compiled all the things I could think to search for in the encyclopedia"
Allen says, "and wrote them down on notepads"
DavidW says, "I didn't consider various what-ifs like being a bat in the Haunted House, or animating King Duncky's statue."
DavidW says, "oh right, there's that huge book in the Guild."
BrianK says, "Ha, I didn't consider being a bat in the haunted house either"
Jacqueline says, "Nor I. Now I want to."
Jacqueline asks, "Is that an actual thing, or just a guess?"
Allen asks, "anyone want to see a decompiled pseudo-inform version of this?"
DavidW says, "I'm guessing."
DavidW says, "My notes have very little on the encyclopaedia. A few topics noted, but obviously I didn't try to be exhaustive in any way."
Jacqueline says (to Allen), "That is a neat offer, but I think I'm good."
DavidW says, "I looked up Dimwit, Duncanthrax, Egreth Castle, Quendor, Antharia, Kovalli, Fort Griffspotter, Infotater, and Borphee."
Allen says, "if you're interested: [LINK]"
DavidW says, "thanks"
Jacqueline asks, "Are you okay with that link staying in the transcript, or is it temporary?"
Allen says, "good enough. I may eventually clean it out to save space on plover but it'll be years"
Allen says, "since more space was added, it'll be a while"
DavidW says, "I hope there's space on plover for a while. That's where all my walkthroughs are."
inky says, "I don't understand the code in ReadAboutSub"
inky asks, "is this some weirdness of the decompilation?"
Allen says, "possibly."
inky says, "oh, hmm, maybe it's a memory-saving thing"
inky says, "the rooms legitimately have those vocab"
Allen says, "ah! Yeah, and of course, you'd never need to refer to a room with a verb"
Allen says, "also: | "According to the article, Duncanthrax built the Glass Maze on a whim, to amuse his friends and torture his enemies. A labyrinth of 27 cubicles, it was full of devilish pitfalls and was located near his castle, Egreth.";"
Allen says, "see, I didn't give a spoiler!"
Allen says, "you just didn't read about it first"
inky asks, "is that a "this way to the egress" joke?"

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