ClubFloyd Transcript:
A Day for Soft Food by Tod Levi

As played on ifMUD on June 12, 2010

The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.

Below is a transcript of A Day for Soft Food, written by Tod Levi. A Day for Soft Food was originally released as part of the 1999 Interactive Fiction competition, where it took fourth place. It went on to be nominated for Best Individual PC and Best NPC Xyzzy Awards. You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting the ifWiki.

WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played this game, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page.

ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion
DavidW says (to Floyd), "load softfood"
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |                         A Day for Soft Food
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |                      [ Press a key to begin. ]
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Ever since the Provider's sickness began, he's been all hisses and
Floyd | growls. Even the slightest misstep annoys him. Maybe that's why your
Floyd | bowl has held nothing but hard food lately. And not much of that.
Floyd |
Floyd | You awaken to a faint twitter. Perhaps a trick of the rising light,
Floyd | you pinpoint a fluttering shape. Your quickened breath frosts the
Floyd | window pane, the dawn promising no ordinary day.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Copyright (c) 1999 by Tod Levi
Floyd | (Please type INFO for more information.)
Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 990930 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/7
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | Opposite a billowy wall, a window looks east over a snowy landscape.
Floyd | Although the window's light warms you, a cold breeze emanates from its
Floyd | base.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "(There's a box quote we missed at the beginning of the game, but we don't need it.)"
Mick says (to Floyd), "x me"
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the east, a shape flutters out of view.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again.
smartgenes arrives, full of fun and funk. Tale asks, "Does Mr. Levi know we're playing?"
Laroquod arrives, full of fun, but no funk. maga says, "doubtful"
Mick says (to Floyd), "x shape"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
PaulSharke says, "Ooh playing this and watching the game simultaneously is going to be tricky."
Tale says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You bump your nose on the glass.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your stomach growls.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You carry nothing between your teeth. You are also quite hungry, and
Floyd | your dark fur is well-groomed.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Tale says (to Floyd), "paw glass"
Floyd | You feel nothing unexpected.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes asks, "can we restart?"
Mick says (to Floyd), "meow"
Floyd | You mew loudly, plaintively.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Tale says (to Floyd), "hiss"
Floyd | You growl and hiss, but to no avail.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "i didnt get the start info"
Laroquod says, "Interesting." PaulSharke says, "We are a cat, and we are hungry because our owner is sick and uninclined to feed us."
Mick says (to Floyd), "x snoring"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | Opposite a billowy wall, a window looks east over a snowy landscape.
Floyd | Although the window's light warms you, a cold breeze emanates from its
Floyd | base.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says, "Do @recap #toyshop 500"
Mick says (to Floyd), "w"
Laroquod has had its fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Floyd | You nose your way under the billowy wall...
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds, though when the
Floyd | Provider is here, you do so with care. He is mean enough when
Floyd | un-provoked, and does not appreciate being woken. A cord hangs beside
Floyd | a billowy wall to the east. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Tale says (to Floyd), "meow"
Floyd | You mew loudly, plaintively.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider grumbles as he rises from the blankets and seizes you by
Floyd | the scruff of the neck. Moments later, you find yourself tumbling head
Floyd | over heels into a bank of snow. You hear the latch click inside the
Floyd | cottage, knowing you've been sentenced to a day in the cold--hardly
Floyd | bearable without even the hope of soft food.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have wasted the day. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 0 out of a possible 100, in 9 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of pussyfooter.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
Mick says, "Haha"
Johnny says, "Woo!" DavidW says, "wow, quick game."
PaulSharke says, "Animal abuse for the loss."
Tale says, "*ahem*"
DavidW says, "NOW we can restart. :)"
Tale says, "Sorry, folks!"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "restart"
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |                         A Day for Soft Food
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |                      [ Press a key to begin. ]
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Ever since the Provider's sickness began, he's been all hisses and
Floyd | growls. Even the slightest misstep annoys him. Maybe that's why your
Floyd | bowl has held nothing but hard food lately. And not much of that.
Floyd |
Floyd | You awaken to a faint twitter. Perhaps a trick of the rising light,
Floyd | you pinpoint a fluttering shape. Your quickened breath frosts the
Floyd | window pane, the dawn promising no ordinary day.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Copyright (c) 1999 by Tod Levi
Floyd | (Please type INFO for more information.)
Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 990930 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/7
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | Opposite a billowy wall, a window looks east over a snowy landscape.
Floyd | Although the window's light warms you, a cold breeze emanates from its
Floyd | base.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "i didn't mean by dying hehe"
Mick asks, "Does the game have undo?"
DavidW says, "Yes."
Mick says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | You nose your way under the billowy wall...
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds, though when the
Floyd | Provider is here, you do so with care. He is mean enough when
Floyd | un-provoked, and does not appreciate being woken. A cord hangs beside
Floyd | a billowy wall to the east. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "x provider"
Floyd | The Provider lies asleep on his side. He faces east, snorfling loudly.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your stomach growls.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "pull cord"
Floyd | You tentatively paw at the cord, then reconsider. Idle play this close
Floyd | to the Provider may have serious consequences. [You have been warned.]
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
PaulSharke says, "No cat has that kind of self-control."
smartgenes says, "coulda been a second death"
Mick says (to PaulSharke), "I agree"
smartgenes says, "what happened to 9 lives"
DavidW says, "You might risk it, just to see what happens, I suppose."
Mick says (to Floyd), "play with cord"
Floyd | With a deft swat of your paw, you tug on the cord. The billowy wall
Floyd | parts, and a stream of sunlight illuminates the blankets below. His
Floyd | face bathed in light, the Provider blinks and stirs. He notices you
Floyd | standing suspiciously beside the swaying cord.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider grumbles as he rises from the blankets and seizes you by
Floyd | the scruff of the neck. Moments later, you find yourself tumbling head
Floyd | over heels into a bank of snow. You hear the latch click inside the
Floyd | cottage, knowing you've been sentenced to a day in the cold--hardly
Floyd | bearable without even the hope of soft food.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have wasted the day. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 0 out of a possible 100, in 4 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of pussyfooter.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "This close to the beginning of the game, it's not too painful to restart."
Doug arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
Mick says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "whew, almost forgot"
smartgenes says, "i like "The Provider""
DavidW says (to Doug), "We've barely begun; you haven't missed much."
Mick says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Doug), "The PC is a cat; our Provider is ill on the couch and we're HUNGRY."
DavidW says, "[Eating your Provider is not recommended. You have been warned.]"
Doug says, "thanks"
Mick says (to Floyd), "scratch bowl"
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd | You leap up onto the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room (on the ledge)
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge like only a Provider can. It seems that
Floyd | all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the west, a
Floyd | small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile of
Floyd | blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "verbose"
Floyd | A DAY FOR SOFT FOOD is now in its "verbose" mode, which always gives
Floyd | long descriptions of locations (even if you've been there before).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "x cupboard"
Floyd | You might be able to open the cupboard above you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "open it"
Floyd | You pry open the cupboard with your paw.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "search it"
Floyd | You might be able to enter the cupboard above you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "kitteh power!"
Mick says (to Floyd), "enter it"
Floyd | You leap up into the cupboard...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room (in the cupboard)
Floyd | Within the close, heavy shadows, it's difficult to separate the
Floyd | commingled scents. Most of the arranged boxes appear to contain a
Floyd | Provider version of hard food. Indeed, your very own monstrous sack of
Floyd | hard food stands nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
PaulSharke says, "Can we chew through the bag? That's what my cat always does."
DavidW says, "Try it!"
Mick exclaims, "But that's disgusting hard food!"
DavidW asks, "The game is called "A Day for Soft Food", yes, but perhaps the hard food is useful anyway?"
Mick says (to Floyd), "chew bag"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
maga says (to Floyd), "bite bag"
Floyd | You scratch futilely at the monstrous sack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "open bag"
Floyd | The sack is too tightly bound.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your stomach gurgles and groans.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "x sack"
Floyd | The monstrous sack contains a seemlingly limitless supply of hard
Floyd | food.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "push sack"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "push sack"
Floyd | The sack plummets to the floor, exploding loudly on impact. You marvel
Floyd | at the tremendous mountain of hard food below, as does your Provider,
Floyd | who arrives shortly. Waving away the clouds of dust, he seizes you by
Floyd | the scruff of the neck. Moments later, you land in a bank of snow,
Floyd | hear the latch click, and know you'll be spending a day in the cold,
Floyd | without food of any kind.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have wasted the day. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 0 out of a possible 100, in 15 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of pussyfooter.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
Floyd | Please give one of the answers above.
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "Dr Who is also muttering on about a cat"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "\undo"
Floyd | Please give one of the answers above.
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd |
Mick says, "The Provider is clearly not very patient."
maga says, "with cats, 'patient"
DavidW says, "I think we have to restart again."
maga says, "er"
maga says, "with cats, 'patient' translates to 'sucker'"
Mick says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | Please give one of the answers above.
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd |
Nitku says (to Floyd), "%undo"
Floyd says (to Nitku), "Floyd doesn't know that trick."
Nitku says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says, "here we go"
DavidW says, "ah. I used the wrong slash."
Mick says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You leap down from the cupboard to the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room (on the ledge)
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge like only a Provider can. It seems that
Floyd | all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the west, a
Floyd | small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile of
Floyd | blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Tale says, "I remember dying a lot in this game."
smartgenes says, "floyd smell"
Mick asks, "Explore some more?"
PaulSharke says (to Floyd), "x containers"
Floyd | That's not something you need to refer to in the course of this game.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
maga says (to Floyd), "vomit"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
maga says, "some cat we are"
Mick says (to Floyd), "lick me"
Floyd | That's out of reach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
PaulSharke says, "Haha, I was going to try some variation on vomit, too. Esp if there's a new carpet around."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "smell"
Floyd | You smell nothing unexpected.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Tale says (to Floyd), "groom self"
Floyd | That's out of reach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "purr"
Floyd | You're not especially happy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Tale says (to Floyd), "groom me"
Floyd | That's out of reach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "groom"
Floyd | What do you want to groom?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "fur"
Floyd | That's out of reach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
maga says (to Floyd), "groom tail"
Floyd | That's out of reach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
maga says, "man, we're a *fat* cat"
Tale says, "Most"
DavidW says, "Perhaps you can groom Provider."
Tale says, "inflexible"
Tale says, "cat ever."
smartgenes asks, "outside to the north?"
Nitku says, "I haven't seen a cat that would have an "out of reach" problem for licking itself"
Tale says, "there are cats that fat."
Mick says, "I suspect grooming the provider would give us another trip to the snow."
maga says, "also, cats that are old and stiff"
Mick says (to Floyd), "x me"
Floyd |
Floyd | Your insides feel quite hollow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
PaulSharke says, "I think we need to explore more."
Tale says (to Floyd), "eat myself"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says, "This may also be a bug because we're on a supporter"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x whiskers"
Floyd | You've a handsome set of highly sensitive whiskers.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "We got down though"
Mick says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room (on the ledge)
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge like only a Provider can. It seems that
Floyd | all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the west, a
Floyd | small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile of
Floyd | blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "down"
Floyd | You leap from the ledge to the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "groom tail"
Floyd | You groom yourself until your dark fur has a nice sheen, and your
Floyd | whiskers are grease-free and properly alligned.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "Ah good call"
smartgenes says, "another bad rendition of god save the queen for the england team" Nitku says, "It was an out-of-body experience"
smartgenes says, "it didn't say the whiskers were greasy"
Mick says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | A yellow-feathered bird flies high above.
Floyd |
Floyd | An orange light rises in the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "catch bird"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "hunt bird"
Floyd | Alas. It's high in the sky.
Floyd |
Floyd | A yellow-feathered bird flies high above.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says, "It didn't say they weren't"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "look at bird"
Floyd | Its golden feathers and careless chirping make it all but
Floyd | irresistable.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird alights on the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "get on fence"
Floyd | The slats are too slippery, the fence too tall.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird hops along the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
PaulSharke says (to Floyd), "hide"
Floyd | You attempt to conceal yourself as best as possible.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird hops along the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
PaulSharke says (to Floyd), "activate predator camo"
Mick says (to Floyd), "wait"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird glides nimbly to the snowy ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're starving!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "wait"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird hops lightly on the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "pounce" smartgenes asks, "get bird?"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "get bird"
Floyd | Creeping forward, you attempt to conceal your dark fur in the shadows
Floyd | of the tree stump, but when you leap forward, the yellow-feathered
Floyd | bird easily anticipates you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird flies off to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "i liked pounce"
Mick says (to Floyd), "x stump"
Floyd | An axe is embedded in the stump.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "x axe"
Floyd | It makes up for the Provider's lack of sharp claws.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Tale says, "I suppose us hiding looks like this = [LINK]"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get axe"
Floyd | That's hardly portable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "haha"
PaulSharke says, "What kind of cat are we piloting here? Can't catch a bird"
DavidW says, "Maybe hungry cats are off their game."
Mick says, "We contrast with the snow. We'd be better off if we were a polar cat."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "climb on axe"
Floyd | That's not something you can enter.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "sharpen claws"
Floyd | You sharpen your claws on the tree stump.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by two points.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "yay points"
Mick says (to Floyd), "full"
Floyd | You have so far scored 2 out of a possible 100, in 43 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of pussyfooter.
Floyd |
Floyd | The score is made up as follows:
Floyd |
Floyd |      2 sharpening your claws
Floyd |
Floyd |      2 total (out of 100)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "i was just thinking what was the oint of an axe you can't take hehe"
Mick says (to Floyd), "sharpen claws"
Floyd | You sharpen your claws on the tree stump.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "point"
Tale says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Tale says (to Floyd), "dig snow"
Floyd | In no time, you scrape out a modest hole in the soft snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "hide in hole"
Floyd | You try hiding near the hole, but you feel as exposed as ever.
Floyd |
Floyd | A yellow-feathered bird flies high above.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your stomach aches with hunger.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "hide inside hole"
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to hide.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "enter hole"
Floyd | You get into the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | A yellow-feathered bird flies high above.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "hide"
Floyd | You attempt to conceal yourself as best as possible.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird alights on the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "about"
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" Mick asks, "we.. what?"
Doug asks, "er, sorry?"
DavidW says, "whoa"
Doug says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd says (to Doug), "Floyd doesn't know that trick."
Mick says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd says (to Mick), "Floyd doesn't know that trick." DavidW says, "I've never seen 'about' act like 'quit' before."
Mick says (to Floyd), "\undo"
Floyd says (to Mick), "Floyd doesn't know that trick."
smartgenes says, "wow england scored after 3 minutes"
Tale says (to smart), "This is not the lounge nor #futbol" DavidW says, "We can't undo because the game closed. We need to reload it."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "load softfood"
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |                         A Day for Soft Food
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |                      [ Press a key to begin. ]
smartgenes says, "fix floyd with england team"
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Ever since the Provider's sickness began, he's been all hisses and
Floyd | growls. Even the slightest misstep annoys him. Maybe that's why your
Floyd | bowl has held nothing but hard food lately. And not much of that.
Floyd |
Floyd | You awaken to a faint twitter. Perhaps a trick of the rising light,
Floyd | you pinpoint a fluttering shape. Your quickened breath frosts the
Floyd | window pane, the dawn promising no ordinary day.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Copyright (c) 1999 by Tod Levi
Floyd | (Please type INFO for more information.)
Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 990930 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/7
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | Opposite a billowy wall, a window looks east over a snowy landscape.
Floyd | Although the window's light warms you, a cold breeze emanates from its
Floyd | base.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "about"
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |                         A Day for Soft Food
Floyd |  N = next subject                                        P = previous
Floyd |  RETURN = read subject                                Q = resume game
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |    > Instructions
Floyd |      Hints
Floyd |      Did you know...
Floyd |      Acknowledgements
Floyd |
Tale says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd |                         A Day for Soft Food
Floyd |  N = next subject                                        P = previous
Floyd |  RETURN = read subject                                Q = resume game
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |      Instructions
Floyd |    > Hints
Floyd |      Did you know...
Floyd |      Acknowledgements
Floyd |
Tale says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd |                         A Day for Soft Food
Floyd |  N = next subject                                        P = previous
Floyd |  RETURN = read subject                                Q = resume game
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |      Instructions
Floyd |      Hints
Floyd |    > Did you know...
Floyd |      Acknowledgements
Floyd |
Tale presses the yellow enter button.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |                           Did you know...
Floyd |  N = next subject                                        P = previous
Floyd |  RETURN = read subject                              Q = previous menu
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |      (Warning: spoilers imminent)
Floyd |
Floyd |    > All the ways to annoy the Provider
Floyd |      Eight unique ways to die
Floyd |      A perfect score is 101?
Floyd |
Doug says, "hm, is this typical? I thought about was just a single text dump"
smartgenes says, "where is jacqueline when we need her"
Doug says, "anyway, sorry."
Mick asks, "What are we looking for?"
Nitku says, "I think it crashed"
DavidW says (to Doug), "I have no idea why that ended the game."
Doug says (to Floyd), "q"
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |                         A Day for Soft Food
Floyd |  N = next subject                                        P = previous
Floyd |  RETURN = read subject                                Q = resume game
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |      Instructions
Floyd |      Hints
Floyd |    > Did you know...
Floyd |      Acknowledgements
Floyd |
DavidW says (to Nitku), "oh, I guess."
Doug says (to Floyd), "q"
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | Opposite a billowy wall, a window looks east over a snowy landscape.
Floyd | Although the window's light warms you, a cold breeze emanates from its
Floyd | base.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "w. n. n. sharpen claws. dig hole. enter hole."
Floyd | You nose your way under the billowy wall...
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds, though when the
Floyd | Provider is here, you do so with care. He is mean enough when
Floyd | un-provoked, and does not appreciate being woken. A cord hangs beside
Floyd | a billowy wall to the east. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your stomach growls.
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | A yellow-feathered bird flies high above.
Floyd |
Floyd | An orange light rises in the east.
Floyd | You sharpen your claws on the tree stump.
Floyd |
Floyd | A yellow-feathered bird flies high above.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by two points.]
Floyd | In no time, you scrape out a modest hole in the soft snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird alights on the fence.
Floyd | You get into the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird hops along the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "There, back where we started."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf1"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "hide"
Floyd | You attempt to conceal yourself as best as possible.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird hops along the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "x bird"
Floyd | Its golden feathers and careless chirping make it all but
Floyd | irresistable.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird glides nimbly to the snowy ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "x bird"
Floyd | Its golden feathers and careless chirping make it all but
Floyd | irresistable.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird hops lightly on the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "x bird"
Floyd | Its golden feathers and careless chirping make it all but
Floyd | irresistable.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird pecks at the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "look at bird"
Floyd | Its golden feathers and careless chirping make it all but
Floyd | irresistable.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird flies off to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "sorry"
Mick says (to Floyd), "get bird"
Floyd | Creeping forward, you attempt to conceal your dark fur in the shadows
Floyd | of the tree stump, but when you leap forward, the yellow-feathered
Floyd | bird easily anticipates you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird flies off to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes asks, "we need springs as well?"
Mick says, "I guess the hole didn't help"
DavidW says, "Sounds like your dark fur is the problem to me."
Mick says, "More exploring I say"
DavidW says, "If you had white fur, you'd blend in with the snow, I think."
smartgenes asks, "it never went west before did it?"
Mick says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Alcove
Floyd | Charcoal-stained stones form a shadowy alcove that culminates in a
Floyd | chute overhead. The strong smell of smoke is rivalled by more savory
Floyd | scents to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of pale ash here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your stomach gurgles and groans.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "This doesn't seem safe."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x ash"
Floyd | The pile of light grey ash is fine and powdery.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "search ash"
Floyd | There is nothing on the ash.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "roll in ash"
Floyd | You roll in the pile of ash, transforming your dark coat into a pale,
Floyd | light grey.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "hehehehe"
smartgenes says, "lol"
Tale says (to Floyd), "push save"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Tale says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Tale says (to Floyd), "cf2"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "enter hole"
Floyd | You get into the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "hide"
Floyd | You attempt to conceal yourself as best as possible.
Floyd |
Floyd | A yellow-feathered bird flies high above.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A yellow-feathered bird flies high above.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird alights on the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird hops along the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird hops along the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your insides feel quite hollow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird glides nimbly to the snowy ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird hops lightly on the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird pecks at the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "get bird"
Floyd | You creep forward, your ashen coat providing perfect camouflage
Floyd | against the snow. You're nearly upon the yellow-feathered bird when he
Floyd | cocks a jittering eye. You leap with all your heart as he takes
Floyd | flight, one claw finding its mark. But in a flurry of golden feathers,
Floyd | he soars out of reach and is gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by six points.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "full"
Floyd | You have so far scored 8 out of a possible 100, in 29 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of pussyfooter.
Floyd |
Floyd | The score is made up as follows:
Floyd |
Floyd |      2 sharpening your claws
Floyd |      6 hunting a bird (and nearly being successful)
Floyd |
Floyd |      8 total (out of 100)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Tale says, "Aww, tough luck, kittens."
Mick says (to Floyd), "x feathers"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Tale says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a yellow feather and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "hmm wonder why that is a point-winner" Mick says, "It gets us a feather"
smartgenes says, "ah the feather" Mick says, "Maybe we tickle the Provider with it"
smartgenes says, "the feather"
Mick says (to Floyd), "take feather"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the yellow feather with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by four points.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to smartgenes), "Speak on the channel, please."
Tale says, "Let's all sing the song for sophie in celebration."
Mick says, "We should save before trying though"
DavidW says, "Before tickling Provider, remember that we are covered in ash and he *might* not like that."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x feather"
Floyd | It's your only prize from an arduous hunt. You thank your whiskers
Floyd | you've got a Provider.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "groom"
Floyd | What do you want to groom?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "me"
Floyd | You groom yourself until your dark fur has a nice sheen, and your
Floyd | whiskers are grease-free and properly alligned.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x me"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes asks, "find a lake?"
smartgenes says, "or just wash in the snow"
Mick says, "we don't seem to be allowed to examine ourselves for some reason"
Mick says, "We're already clean"
Mick says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're starving!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "tickle provider with feather"
Floyd | You tickle the Provider with the feather.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider sighs heavily and rolls over. Facing west, he resumes his
Floyd | snoring.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Perhaps there's a box quote when we examine ourselves and we just don't see it?"
Mick says, "That would make sense"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x bed"
Floyd | That's not something you need to refer to in the course of this game.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "tickle provider with feather"
Floyd | You tickle the Provider with the feather.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider sighs heavily and rolls over. Facing east, he resumes his
Floyd | snoring.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oho"
Mick says, "I think I know"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x blankets"
Floyd | The warm shadows under the blankets are inviting.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick asks, "We open the shades while he's facing away, and hide before he finds out it was us?"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "tickle provider"
Floyd | You tickle the Provider.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider stirs and sighs heavily.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "tickle provider"
Floyd | You tickle the Provider.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider stirs and sighs heavily.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "now he won't move"
Mick says, "Hmmm"
DavidW says, "I'm not sure why we want to open the shades, but I bet it's safe to pull the cord now."
Mick says, "To wake him up"
EmacsUser arrives, full of fun, but no funk. Mick says, "We do have one unexplored area"
DavidW says, "More than one, actually."
Mick says, "ok, at least one"
DavidW says, "I believe we can walk around the house outside."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "tickle provider"
Floyd | You tickle the Provider.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider stirs and sighs heavily.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "sneeze on provider"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "wonder if we needed to do something when he faced away"
Mick says (to Floyd), "stare into provider's face"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "I hope not, that seems like it was a one-time deal"
Nitku says (to Floyd), "tickle provider with feather"
Floyd | You tickle the Provider with the feather.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider sighs heavily and rolls over. Facing west, he resumes his
Floyd | snoring.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes asks, "pull the cord then?"
Nitku says, "You need to use the feather"
Mick says (to Floyd), "pull cord"
Floyd | With a deft swat of your paw, you tug on the cord. The billowy wall
Floyd | parts, and a stream of sunlight illuminates the blankets below.
Floyd | Fortunately, the Provider is facing away from the light.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by two points.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "ahh"
Mick says, "Hmm, now sure what that gains us"
Mick says, "not*"
Mick says (to Floyd), "full"
Floyd | You have so far scored 14 out of a possible 100, in 44 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of mouser.
Floyd |
Floyd | The score is made up as follows:
Floyd |
Floyd |      2 sharpening your claws
Floyd |      6 hunting a bird (and nearly being successful)
Floyd |      2 safely opening the blinds
Floyd |      4 finding sundry items
Floyd |
Floyd |     14 total (out of 100)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "so, does the light reveal new stuff in the blankets?"
Mick says (to Floyd), "search blankets"
Floyd | The warm shadows under the blankets are inviting.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "all part of cat mastery"
DavidW asks, "Or is there something outside the window of interest?"
Mick says (to Floyd), "x window"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "look window"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "look outside"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Tale says, "Maybe this'll gently wake him"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "look window"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "verbose"
Floyd | A DAY FOR SOFT FOOD is now in its "verbose" mode, which always gives
Floyd | long descriptions of locations (even if you've been there before).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | From the inner sill of a window, you look east over a snowy landscape.
Floyd | Although the window's light warms you, a cold breeze emanates from its
Floyd | base.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your stomach aches with hunger.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "open window"
Floyd | You insert a paw into the gap, but can't get enough leverage.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x landscape"
Floyd | Just beyond the window is a cluster of aspens. Below, a stream rushes
Floyd | through the grove.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku asks, "What happens if we tickle him again?"
Mick says, "we need leverage to open the window"
Mick says, "make the room cold"
PaulSharke says, "Bite the Provider's eyeball. It is a natural remedy for all kinds of diseases."
DavidW says, "huh. I think you're right."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x window"
Floyd | A slight breeze flows through a gap beneath the window.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "to Mick, I mean."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x gap"
Floyd | Judging by your whiskers, there's no way through the gap.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "No biting of eyeballs!"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "mind the gap"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "x bowl"
Floyd | Checking your food bowl is your greatest pastime. On rare days, it
Floyd | contains soft food--dreamy blends of salmon and turkey giblets,
Floyd | chicken livers and beef, that the Provider scoops from flat, shiny
Floyd | eggs. More often, it contains hard food--dry, drab stuff from a
Floyd | monstrous sack. Unfortunately, your bowl is utterly empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "look under bowl"
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You leap up onto the lumpy mountain...
Floyd |
Floyd | Lumpy Mountain
Floyd | There is just enough room in this cozy corner for the lumpy mountain
Floyd | and the confusing black box that faces it. The lumpy mountain is home
Floyd | to some of your finest claw and scratch marks, though your Provider
Floyd | has never shared much enthusiasm for the art. The scent of your food
Floyd | bowl wafts in from the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a flannel shirt here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "unravel shirt"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x shirt"
Floyd | A bit smelly, perhaps, but you love to nap in its soft folds.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x box"
Floyd | Two silvery antenae extend from this peculiar animal.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're beginning to feel dizzy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "climb on box"
Floyd | You wouldn't feel safe on the confusing box.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "pull shirt"
Floyd | Nothing obvious happens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "bite shirt"
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get shirt"
Floyd | (first dropping the yellow feather)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the flannel shirt with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak arrives, full of fun and funk. DavidW says, "y'know, I bet we could eat some hard food to have enough strength to get the soft food."
Mick asks, "How do we get the sack open?"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "eat shirt"
Floyd | That's plainly inedible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
PaulSharke says, "I'm very surprised we can't chew through the bag."
smartgenes says, "nap in shirt"
DavidW asks (of Mick), "well, maybe now that we have sharpened claws, we can scratch better?"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "nap in shirt"
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to nap.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "pushing the bag over is my cat's favorite way of doing it, but that ends the game for us"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "enter shirt"
Floyd | You can only get into something freestanding.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "Hmm good point"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "drop shirt"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "enter shirt"
Floyd | You get onto the flannel shirt.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "nap"
Floyd | You aren't feeling especially drowsy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "worth a try"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "savage bag with nasty big pointy teeth"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | You'll have to get off the flannel shirt first.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "get off shirt"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "scratch shirt"
Floyd | You get off the flannel shirt.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lumpy Mountain
Floyd | There is just enough room in this cozy corner for the lumpy mountain
Floyd | and the confusing black box that faces it. The lumpy mountain is home
Floyd | to some of your finest claw and scratch marks, though your Provider
Floyd | has never shared much enthusiasm for the art. The scent of your food
Floyd | bowl wafts in from the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a flannel shirt and a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're not going to be able to carry on without food.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | You leap up onto the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Drew), "The bag's not even in this room."
Mick says (to Floyd), "open cupboard"
Floyd | You pry open the cupboard with your paw.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your hunger has become unbearable. With your last remaining energy you
Floyd | curl up to sleep. When you awake, night has fallen. You set out in
Floyd | search of the Provider, hoping for his kindness. If that fails, there
Floyd | are always insects.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have wasted the day. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 14 out of a possible 100, in 73 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of mouser.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
Mick exclaims, "Awww!"
Mick says, "harsh game"
PaulSharke says, "This game presents a pretty bleak vision of life."
smartgenes says, "we advanced to mouser"
DavidW says (to Mick), "yeah."
EmacsUser asks, "Were there any saves?"
DavidW says, "yes, we saved earlier."
DavidW asks, "Did we save when we got the feather, though?"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf2"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "I thought you already did this one"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Alcove
Floyd | Charcoal-stained stones form a shadowy alcove that culminates in a
Floyd | chute overhead. The strong smell of smoke is rivalled by more savory
Floyd | scents to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of pale ash here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "this is like Groundhog Day for a cat"
DavidW asks (of Drew), "You mean me, or ClubFloyd?"
Mick says, "Let's do the bag first, solve the hunger puzzle"
Mick says, "Then we'll hve more time to annoy the provider"
DavidW says (to Mick), "I agree."
smartgenes says, "i was thinking the hunger puzzle was the end of game"
smartgenes asks, "drinking from the stream?"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You carry nothing between your teeth. You are also quite hungry, and
Floyd | covered in pale ash.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "er, club floyd"
Mick says (to Floyd), "full"
Floyd | You have so far scored 2 out of a possible 100, in 19 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of pussyfooter.
Floyd |
Floyd | The score is made up as follows:
Floyd |
Floyd |      2 sharpening your claws
Floyd |
Floyd |      2 total (out of 100)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | You leap up onto the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "open cupboard"
Floyd | You pry open the cupboard with your paw.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "enter it" DavidW says (to Drew), "No, CF hasn't played this one before. I had to upload the game to Floyd last night."
Floyd | You leap up into the cupboard...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room (in the cupboard)
Floyd | Within the close, heavy shadows, it's difficult to separate the
Floyd | commingled scents. Most of the arranged boxes appear to contain a
Floyd | Provider version of hard food. Indeed, your very own monstrous sack of
Floyd | hard food stands nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "scratch sack"
Floyd | You scratch futilely at the monstrous sack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x sack"
Floyd | The monstrous sack contains a seemlingly limitless supply of hard
Floyd | food.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your insides feel quite hollow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open sack"
Floyd | The sack is too tightly bound.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cut sack"
Floyd | Cutting that up would achieve little.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "score"
Floyd | You have so far scored 2 out of a possible 100, in 27 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of pussyfooter.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes asks, "what about putting the shirt on the floor?"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "full score"
Floyd | You have so far scored 2 out of a possible 100, in 27 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of pussyfooter.
Floyd |
Floyd | The score is made up as follows:
Floyd |
Floyd |      2 sharpening your claws
Floyd |
Floyd |      2 total (out of 100)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "Ah, I appear to ahve it confused with a Bear's Night Out. Makes a certain sen"
Mick says (to Floyd), "x boxes"
Floyd | That's not something you need to refer to in the course of this game.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to smartgenes), "To muffle the sound of the bag falling on the floor? hm. Maybe that might work. I dunno."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "bite sack"
Floyd | You scratch futilely at the monstrous sack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "blankets would make more sense"
smartgenes asks, "is there another location? can we get to the stream seen in the window?"
DavidW says, "I think Provider might notice if the blankets went missing, but I admit we haven't tried that either."
Fang was killed when the Heinkel He 111 which was shuttling him to Berlin crashed shortly after takeoff in Salzburg at Ainring on 21 April 1944. Only his black metal hand was recovered from the wreckage. It received a full state funeral. DavidW says, "I think we can walk around the house outside."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room (in the cupboard)
Floyd | Within the close, heavy shadows, it's difficult to separate the
Floyd | commingled scents. Most of the arranged boxes appear to contain a
Floyd | Provider version of hard food. Indeed, your very own monstrous sack of
Floyd | hard food stands nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "Let's full explore so we know all our options"
EmacsUser agrees with Mick.
DavidW says, "Fine with me too."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You leap down from the cupboard to the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "verbose"
Floyd | A DAY FOR SOFT FOOD is now in its "verbose" mode, which always gives
Floyd | long descriptions of locations (even if you've been there before).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room (on the ledge)
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge like only a Provider can. It seems that
Floyd | all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the west, a
Floyd | small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile of
Floyd | blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You'll have to get off the ledge first.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You leap from the ledge to the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | A slatted fence bars your way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x frence"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "oops fence"
Floyd | You can see through gaps in this slatted fence, even insert a paw or
Floyd | two, but your acute sense of spacial intuition tells you there's no
Floyd | way over or through it.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're starving!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "in other words there is no north"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look through gaps"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look through fence"
Floyd | Beyond the fence is a neighboring farmhouse.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caught in the branches of an aspen, is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "blow up balloon"
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to blow the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser immediately thinks of sharpened claws.
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "blow balloon"
Floyd | (first taking the red balloon)
Floyd | The red balloon is up in the tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Ellison goes back to Squeamhurst..
Ellison has disconnected.
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "climb tree"
Floyd | There are too few branches to climb very far up. Tearing away a piece
Floyd | of bark, you leap back to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "Now I'm humming Nena"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird alights on the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "oops"
Floyd | Sorry, that can't be corrected.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "Our goal is to wake the Provider so that we get food?"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird hops along the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caught in the branches of an aspen, is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a sizable piece of bark here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Our goal is to get soft food. The Provider might help with that or not."
Mick says, "That seems to be the case"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x stream"
Floyd | The stream is swift. And cold.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Ok. Thanks."
Mick says, "I like my open window theory. We just need to find a kitty-crowbar"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x bark"
Floyd | It's shaggy, thin, and still intact.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "did north and south both lead back"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your stomach aches with hunger.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Is that a crowbar? That bark?"
EmacsUser says, "I bet so."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rotting log lies half-exposed in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | A yellow-feathered bird flies high above.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "oh didn't think to drink stream"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x log"
Floyd | The rotting log is roughly the size of the Provider's leg. A few
Floyd | insects appear to be buzzing nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | A yellow-feathered bird flies high above.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "eat insect"
Floyd | Ouch!
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird alights on the snowy maw.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes asks, "get bird?"
EmacsUser asks, "What happened last time?"
Mick says, "Nah, we know how to do that"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird chirps atop the snowy maw.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "We weren't in this location, though."
Mick says, "I doubt it would make much difference. I'm guessing the only purpose of the bird is the feather."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caught in the branches of an aspen, is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a sizable piece of bark here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "drink stream"
Floyd | You can tell from here that the stream is too cold to even make the
Floyd | attempt.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I agree. We don't have the feather, but we were supposed to be exploring to find our options."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A yellow-feathered bird flies high above.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caught in the branches of an aspen, is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a sizable piece of bark here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're beginning to feel dizzy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caught in the branches of an aspen, is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a sizable piece of bark here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "Well the options I can think of are: log, balloon, bark?, shirt, water from stream (maybe we can fill our bowl?)"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rotting log lies half-exposed in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rotting log lies half-exposed in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Canopy Trail
Floyd | A north-south trail runs beneath a canopy of chestnut trees. You've
Floyd | seen giant glinting beasts stampede here, especially in the mornings
Floyd | and evenings. A lesser track leads east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a distant rumbling approaching from the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "watch out, might be a car"
smartgenes says, "getting bit confused by the map"
EmacsUser asks, "We haven't been here, have we?"
DavidW says, "No."
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | You wander north a ways before turning back.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south, a glinting beast comes into view.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "climb tree"
Floyd | You scramble up a chestnut tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | Below, the glinting beast roars onward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, ""This is the road outside the house. W"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "eat chestnut"
Floyd | That's plainly inedible.
Floyd |
Floyd | Below, the glinting beast whizzes out of view.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "We;re about to get run over by a trunk."
DavidW says, "truck"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "jump on truck"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "ride beast"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x beast"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "We might be able to have something else run over though."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x chestnut"
Floyd | Chestnut trees border the trail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "This game clearly lacks an adventurer's spiret."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You leap down off the chestnut tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a distant rumbling approaching from the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're not going to be able to carry on without food.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You wander south a ways before turning back.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the north, a glinting beast comes into view.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | The way is slippery and steep. You slide back onto the trail.
Floyd |
Floyd | The glinting beast bears down on you!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rotting log lies half-exposed in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird pecks at the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "what to do with a log and bark"
EmacsUser asks, "Could we try prying the window, just to see what happens?"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "scratch log"
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird flies off to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your hunger has become unbearable. With your last remaining energy you
Floyd | curl up to sleep. When you awake, night has fallen. You set out in
Floyd | search of the Provider, hoping for his kindness. If that fails, there
Floyd | are always insects.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have wasted the day. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 2 out of a possible 100, in 74 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of pussyfooter.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
Mick asks (of EmacsUser), "I'm for that, but pry it with what?"
EmacsUser says, "The bark would be my first guess."
DavidW says, "I suggested the bark."
Mick says, "let's try it then"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "restore"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "cf2"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I'm not sure what good it would do, though."
Mick says, "We have to get the feather to turn over the provider and be able to open the window first"
EmacsUser says, "Yeah, so it will take some time."
Mick says, "Opening the window would let in the cold air"
Mick says, "I remember the feather sequence, I can get it"
smartgenes asks, "or try puttng the shirt on the floor?"
Mick says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You carry nothing between your teeth. You are also quite hungry, and
Floyd | covered in pale ash.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "verbose. n"
Floyd | A DAY FOR SOFT FOOD is now in its "verbose" mode, which always gives
Floyd | long descriptions of locations (even if you've been there before).
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "enter hole. hide."
Floyd | You get into the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | A yellow-feathered bird flies high above.
Floyd | You attempt to conceal yourself as best as possible.
Floyd |
Floyd | A yellow-feathered bird flies high above.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird alights on the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird hops along the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird hops along the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your insides feel quite hollow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The yellow-feathered bird glides nimbly to the snowy ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "get bird"
Floyd | You creep forward, your ashen coat providing perfect camouflage
Floyd | against the snow. You're nearly upon the yellow-feathered bird when he
Floyd | cocks a jittering eye. You leap with all your heart as he takes
Floyd | flight, one claw finding its mark. But in a flurry of golden feathers,
Floyd | he soars out of reach and is gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by six points.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "get feather"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the yellow feather with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by four points.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "save" smartgenes asks, "save here?"
Mick says (to Floyd), "cf3"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds, though when the
Floyd | Provider is here, you do so with care. He is mean enough when
Floyd | un-provoked, and does not appreciate being woken. A cord hangs beside
Floyd | a billowy wall to the east. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "tickle provider with feather"
Floyd | You tickle the Provider with the feather.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider sighs heavily and rolls over. Facing west, he resumes his
Floyd | snoring.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "pull cord"
Floyd | With a deft swat of your paw, you tug on the cord. The billowy wall
Floyd | parts, and a stream of sunlight illuminates the blankets below.
Floyd | Fortunately, the Provider is facing away from the light.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by two points.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "Holy crap, 10 points in a dozen turns"
Mick says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caught in the branches of an aspen, is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "climb tree"
Floyd | There are too few branches to climb very far up. Tearing away a piece
Floyd | of bark, you leap back to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're starving!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "take bark"
Floyd | (first dropping the yellow feather)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the bark with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | The cottage window is too high to reach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "HMmmm or maybe we somehow open it on the other side"
Mick says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh! Maybe we leap from the window to get to the balloon."
Mick says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick asks (of DavidW), "that makes sense, then we pop it to wake Provider?"
Mick says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | From the inner sill of a window, you look east over a snowy landscape.
Floyd | Although the window's light warms you, a cold breeze emanates from its
Floyd | base.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "put bark in gap"
Floyd | You coax the bark into the gap. Oh, no! It falls through.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Sounds like a plan."
DavidW says, "We don't want to wake Provider."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "hmmm"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "pry window with bark"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pry gap with bark"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "open window"
Floyd | You insert a paw into the gap, but can't get enough leverage.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "We need to put something else into that gap."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open window with bark"
Floyd | That doesn't seem to be something you can unlock.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes goes home.
DrewMochak says (to tear), "bark"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "tear bark"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "I have an idea"
EmacsUser asks, "Is our bowl mobile? Have we found a use for it?"
Mick says (to Floyd), "save"
Mick says (to Floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "drop bark"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your stomach aches with hunger.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
Mick says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You leap up onto the lumpy mountain...
Floyd |
Floyd | Lumpy Mountain
Floyd | There is just enough room in this cozy corner for the lumpy mountain
Floyd | and the confusing black box that faces it. The lumpy mountain is home
Floyd | to some of your finest claw and scratch marks, though your Provider
Floyd | has never shared much enthusiasm for the art. The scent of your food
Floyd | bowl wafts in from the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a flannel shirt here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "get shirt"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the flannel shirt with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes asks, "did the window open?"
Mick says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
EmacsUser says, "Ah."
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "Nope"
Mick says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | From the inner sill of a window, you look east over a snowy landscape.
Floyd | Although the window's light warms you, a cold breeze emanates from its
Floyd | base.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a sizable piece of bark here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "put shirt in gap"
Floyd | That doesn't fit.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "Ah nope"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "drop shirt"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "stand on shirt"
Floyd | You get onto the flannel shirt.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "put bark in gap"
Floyd | You need to be holding the bark before you can put it into something
Floyd | else.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "get bark"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the bark with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're beginning to feel dizzy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "open gap"
Floyd | That's not something you can open.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "open window"
Floyd | You insert a paw into the gap, but can't get enough leverage.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "put bark in gap"
Floyd | You coax the bark into the gap. Oh, no! It falls through.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "bgger"
DrewMochak says, "I felt like a genius for about 2 seconds"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "I think the solution is "put XXX into gap", we just don't know what XXX is yet."
smartgenes says, "there is also the log"
EmacsUser says, "And a bowl."
Mick says (to Floyd), "w. n. get bowl"
Floyd | You'll have to get off the flannel shirt first.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd | You'll have to get off the flannel shirt first.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says (to Floyd), "get off shirt. w. n. get bowl"
Floyd | You get off the flannel shirt.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | From the inner sill of a window, you look east over a snowy landscape.
Floyd | Although the window's light warms you, a cold breeze emanates from its
Floyd | base.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a flannel shirt here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd | Both you and your Provider know where your bowl is. It's an
Floyd | arrangement that suits you just fine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "exit"
Floyd | But you aren't in anything at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "I would restore from the clearing if we're going there anyway"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get bowl"
Floyd | Both you and your Provider know where your bowl is. It's an
Floyd | arrangement that suits you just fine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "So not that."
DavidW says, "The bowl is not mobile."
smartgenes says, "mobowl"
EmacsUser indicates the Pun Police Whistle.
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Alcove
Floyd | Charcoal-stained stones form a shadowy alcove that culminates in a
Floyd | chute overhead. The strong smell of smoke is rivalled by more savory
Floyd | scents to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of pale ash here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're not going to be able to carry on without food.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "go chute"
Floyd | You claw your way up the stone chute...
Floyd |
Floyd | Roof
Floyd | The pitched roof of the Provider's cottage affords an excellent view
Floyd | of the surrounding valley. A stream winds through forest to the east
Floyd | and south, while a woodland trail to the west links scattered
Floyd | farmhouses, such as the neighboring one beyond a fence to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | The wind blows south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "What is the significance of the wind direction?"
DavidW says, "You'll see. :)"
DavidW says, "Wind direction might be important where balloons are involved."
smartgenes asks, "have you played this?"
DavidW says, "yeah, sorry. I should shut up."
DrewMochak says, ""Played it, nothing! I WROTE it!""
DavidW says, "I don't remember everything."
Cheddarius asks, "Are we playing a game now?"
EmacsUser says (to Cheddarius), "yep."
DrewMochak says, "Yus, soft foods"
DavidW says, "yup."
Cheddarius asks, "What game?"
Cheddarius arrives, ready to play with the toys. DavidW says, "'A Day for Soft Food'"
Cheddarius asks, "Ah, are we a baby?"
DrewMochak says, "a day 4 s0ft f00dz"
DavidW says, "We are a cat."
Cheddarius says, "I see"
DrewMochak says, "keyboard cat"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "x me"
Floyd |
Floyd | The wind blows south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Actually, we're now Ceiling Cat."
DrewMochak says, "well that was uninformative"
DavidW says, "sorta"
DrewMochak says, "upside down ceiling cat"
DavidW says, "Use 'i' instead of 'x me'."
smartgenes says, "well how can we control the wind"
DrewMochak exclaims, "ya can't control the wind, son!"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "x i"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "It's always been south since I connected. Does it change?"
DavidW says, "There's only one IF game I know of where you can control the wind. This ain't that game."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You carry a sizable piece of bark between your teeth. You are also
Floyd | quite hungry, and covered in pale ash.
Floyd |
Floyd | The wind blows south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "place the balloon in a particular direction.. but we can't get the balloon yet"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "eat bark"
Floyd | That's plainly inedible.
Floyd |
Floyd | The wind blows south.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your hunger has become unbearable. With your last remaining energy you
Floyd | curl up to sleep. When you awake, night has fallen. You set out in
Floyd | search of the Provider, hoping for his kindness. If that fails, there
Floyd | are always insects.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have wasted the day. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 14 out of a possible 100, in 73 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of mouser.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
Tale asks, "Where is the balloon?"
smartgenes says, "up a tree"
DrewMochak says, "over there"
EmacsUser says, "Out the window"
Mick says, "The balloon is in a tree east of the house"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "restore cf3"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf3"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "there is the log to try in the gap, though that seems a bit obtuse"
DrewMochak says, "I thought you couldn't carry the log"
DrewMochak says (to fl), "e" smartgenes says, "not sure"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caught in the branches of an aspen, is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x aspen"
Floyd | Slender, silvery aspens climb straight toward the sky. Caught in the
Floyd | branches of an aspen, is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "break branch"
Floyd | You sharpen your claws on the trunk of a tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "i'm thinking blow up the balloon and burst it to get the provider out"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | A slatted fence bars your way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "then move the blankets maybe"
DrewMochak says, "this geography is highly confusing"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rotting log lies half-exposed in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "get log"
Floyd | The log has rotted away much of its weight. It's still too heavy to
Floyd | lift, but you might be able to get it rolling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I'm sure the balloon is already inflated, although no one has actually examined the thing."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "roll log"
Floyd | You roll the log over. It's humming with insects.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're starving!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x insects"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "eat insects"
Floyd | The rotting log is roughly the size of the Provider's leg. Buzzing
Floyd | insects are swarming around it!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd | Ouch!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "search insects"
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "move insects"
Floyd | You are unable to.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "get insect"
Floyd | Ouch!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "hit insect"
Floyd | Ouch!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "roll log"
Floyd | You roll the log over. It's humming with insects.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "roll log e"
Floyd | You roll the log in front of you, carefull to avoid the gathering
Floyd | swarm of insects.
Floyd | You can't, since the huge door is in the way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes asks, "door?"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "x door"
Floyd | The huge door seems relatively featureless.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "the front of the cottage, Iguess"
DavidW asks, "Don't you recognize the maw?"
smartgenes asks, "what's a maw?"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "x icicle"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x maw"
Floyd | Inside the snowy maw is a huge door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd | Inside the snowy maw is a huge door.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your stomach aches with hunger.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Ellison arrives, ready to play with the toys.
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "drink icicle"
Floyd | There's nothing suitable to drink here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "maw |m?| - noun - the jaws or throat of a voracious animal"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "dig maw"
Floyd | In no time, you scrape out a modest hole in the soft snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "enter hole"
Floyd | You get into the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "hurrah for accomplishing a meaningless action"
DavidW says, "I'd say what the maw is, but I should be silent."
Tale says (to Floyd), "push door"
Floyd | You are unable to.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "It sounds like a garage."
DrewMochak says, "It's a.. cottage"
DrewMochak says (to flody), "u"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | You'll have to get out of the hole first.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | You get out of the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) and a buzzing log here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "roll log w"
Floyd | You roll the log in front of you, carefull to avoid the gathering
Floyd | swarm of insects.
Floyd |
Floyd | Canopy Trail
Floyd | A north-south trail runs beneath a canopy of chestnut trees. You've
Floyd | seen giant glinting beasts stampede here, especially in the mornings
Floyd | and evenings. A lesser track leads east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a distant rumbling approaching from the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to roll), "log e"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "roll log e"
Floyd | You can't even go that way!
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south, a glinting beast comes into view.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | You scramble up a chestnut tree, pieces of bark falling beneath you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Below, the glinting beast roars onward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "not the glinting beast"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Below, the glinting beast whizzes out of view.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | You leap down off the chestnut tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a distant rumbling approaching from the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're beginning to feel dizzy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Canopy Trail
Floyd | A north-south trail runs beneath a canopy of chestnut trees. You've
Floyd | seen giant glinting beasts stampede here, especially in the mornings
Floyd | and evenings. A lesser track leads east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a sizable piece of bark and a buzzing log here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Mick says, "I need to solve my own hunger puzzle. :) Good luck folks."
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "get bark"
Floyd | (first dropping the yellow feather)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the bark with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a distant rumbling approaching from the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Canopy Trail
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "roll log e"
Floyd | You can't even go that way!
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a distant rumbling approaching from the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "roll log north"
Floyd | You can't even go that way!
Floyd |
Floyd | To the north, a glinting beast comes into view.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "Ok what"
Mick goes home. EmacsUser says, "I'll show you why."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You wander north a ways before turning back.
Floyd |
Floyd | The glinting beast bears down on you!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "yeah, but I can't move it east either"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "climb tree"
Floyd | You scramble up a chestnut tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | Below, the glinting beast whizzes out of view.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Oh."
DavidW asks, "You put a log in the road to make a car stop?"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You leap down off the chestnut tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Canopy Trail
Floyd | A north-south trail runs beneath a canopy of chestnut trees. You've
Floyd | seen giant glinting beasts stampede here, especially in the mornings
Floyd | and evenings. A lesser track leads east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a sizable piece of bark and a buzzing log here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a distant rumbling approaching from the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "roll log south"
Floyd | You can't even go that way!
Floyd |
Floyd | To the north, a glinting beast comes into view.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "push log onto trail"
Floyd | You need to be holding the buzzing log before you can put it on top of
Floyd | something else.
Floyd |
Floyd | The glinting beast bears down on you!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "roll log north"
Floyd | You can't even go that way!
Floyd |
Floyd | You stand frozen in the middle of the trail. In your final moment, you
Floyd | listen with peculiar detatchment to the roar of the onrushing beast as
Floyd | it swerves to avoid you. Just when you think you might be spared,
Floyd | you're smashed into oblivion.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have died. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 12 out of a possible 100, in 69 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of mouser.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Canopy Trail
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "climb up"
Floyd | I don't think much is to be achieved by that.
Floyd |
Floyd | You stand frozen in the middle of the trail. In your final moment, you
Floyd | listen with peculiar detatchment to the roar of the onrushing beast as
Floyd | it swerves to avoid you. Just when you think you might be spared,
Floyd | you're smashed into oblivion.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have died. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 12 out of a possible 100, in 69 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of mouser.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to fl), "cf3"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "cf3"
Floyd | Please give one of the answers above.
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "restore"
Ellison goes back to Squeamhurst..
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf3"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rotting log lies half-exposed in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Johnny has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "roll log w"
Floyd | You roll the log in front of you, carefull to avoid the gathering
Floyd | swarm of insects.
Floyd |
Floyd | Canopy Trail
Floyd | A north-south trail runs beneath a canopy of chestnut trees. You've
Floyd | seen giant glinting beasts stampede here, especially in the mornings
Floyd | and evenings. A lesser track leads east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a distant rumbling approaching from the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius asks, "Okay, so we wait for the car to pass, then roll a log there?"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "put log in front of beast"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I'm not sure what this will accomplish."
DrewMochak asks, "Something awesome?"
Cheddarius says, "Maybe it'll stop the car and we can convince the driver to give us food"
Cheddarius exclaims, "Or he'll crash and we can feast on his flesh. Muahahahahah!"
DrewMochak says, "We'll jump in and he will take us to Taco Bell"
DrewMochak says, "****AWINARISU! ****"
EmacsUser says, "Somehow I don't think anything will happen at all."
DavidW asks, "A Day for Soft Tacos, eh?"
PaulSharke says, "Don't eat at Taco Bell, that'll definitely end in a loss."
DrewMochak says, "Don't judge my lifestyle."
EmacsUser asks, "So I started playing locally to catch up on the first part of the story. My question: has anyone noticed the axe yet?"
DrewMochak says, "Anyway the log appears trapped here once you move it."
smartgenes says, "the axe was to sharpen whiskers"
DavidW says, "Yes."
EmacsUser says, "ok, nm"
DavidW says (to smartgenes), "uh, no."
DrewMochak says, "...Yes! Cut it up and then take teh giant glowing splinter. BRILLANT"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "an insert the giant glowing splinter where?"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "in the suspiciously wide gap, obviously"
smartgenes asks, "is it bees on the log?"
DrewMochak says, "naturally"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "restore"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "cf3"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "steal honey off bees"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rotting log lies half-exposed in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "roll log n"
Floyd | You roll the log in front of you, carefull to avoid the gathering
Floyd | swarm of insects.
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "roll log s"
Floyd | The Provider would certainly be abuzz with gratitude if you could
Floyd | somehow manage to roll the log indoors.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "There's nothing to suggest the insects are really bees."
smartgenes says, "no.. just a possibility"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "roll log e"
Floyd | You roll the log in front of you, carefull to avoid the gathering
Floyd | swarm of insects.
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caught in the branches of an aspen, is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "roll log n"
Floyd | You roll the log in front of you, carefull to avoid the gathering
Floyd | swarm of insects.
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Canopy Trail
Floyd | A north-south trail runs beneath a canopy of chestnut trees. You've
Floyd | seen giant glinting beasts stampede here, especially in the mornings
Floyd | and evenings. A lesser track leads east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a distant rumbling approaching from the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're starving!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "where's the stupid bark again"
smartgenes says, "clearing"
DrewMochak says (to fl), "e"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | You can't, since the huge door is in the way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a buzzing log and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "we needed a map hehe"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "x stump"
Floyd | An axe is embedded in the stump.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "put log in hole"
Floyd | You roll the buzzing log into the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "get axe"
Floyd | That's hardly portable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "cover hole"
Floyd | That's not something you can close.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to x), "snow"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "x snow"
Floyd | The ground is covered with powdery white snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "fill hole with snow"
Floyd | You fill in the hole with snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "bury log"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "A day for acting like a dog"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "dig up log"
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to dig the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "hm. I wonder if the log is lost forever now."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "dig snow"
Floyd | In no time, you scrape out a modest hole in the soft snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius asks, "Wait, what are we supposed to be doing?"
DrewMochak says, "filling a space"
DavidW says, "Getting soft food."
smartgenes says, "i considered killing the insects"
DrewMochak says, "s"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to smartgenes), "That only results in 'Ouch'."
DrewMochak says, "e"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | You leap up onto the lumpy mountain...
Floyd |
Floyd | Lumpy Mountain
Floyd | There is just enough room in this cozy corner for the lumpy mountain
Floyd | and the confusing black box that faces it. The lumpy mountain is home
Floyd | to some of your finest claw and scratch marks, though your Provider
Floyd | has never shared much enthusiasm for the art. The scent of your food
Floyd | bowl wafts in from the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a flannel shirt here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your stomach aches with hunger.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "with the snow"
Cheddarius asks, "What does that do?"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "squeeze shirt"
Floyd | You achieve nothing by this.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "rip shirt"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "scratch shirt"
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "eat shirt"
Floyd | That's plainly inedible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "x shirt"
Floyd | A bit smelly, perhaps, but you love to nap in its soft folds.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get shirt"
Floyd | (first dropping the yellow feather)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the flannel shirt with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | The only way out of this corner is toward your food bowl to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Cheddarius asks, "Should we eat the food, or does that end in a lose?"
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds, though when the
Floyd | Provider is here, you do so with care. He is mean enough when
Floyd | un-provoked, and does not appreciate being woken. A cord hangs beside
Floyd | a billowy wall to the east. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "We have no food to eat."
Cheddarius says, "Drat."
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "x chord"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "scratch provider"
Floyd | You rake the Provider with your claws!
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider grumbles as he rises from the blankets and seizes you by
Floyd | the scruff of the neck. Moments later, you find yourself tumbling head
Floyd | over heels into a bank of snow. You hear the latch click inside the
Floyd | cottage, knowing you've been sentenced to a day in the cold--hardly
Floyd | bearable without even the hope of soft food.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have wasted the day. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 12 out of a possible 100, in 55 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of mouser.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Oops, sorry"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "tickle provider"
Floyd | You tickle the Provider.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider stirs and sighs heavily.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "tickle provider with feather"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Waking the provider results in instant end of game."
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | You leap up onto the lumpy mountain...
Floyd |
Floyd | Lumpy Mountain
Floyd | There is just enough room in this cozy corner for the lumpy mountain
Floyd | and the confusing black box that faces it. The lumpy mountain is home
Floyd | to some of your finest claw and scratch marks, though your Provider
Floyd | has never shared much enthusiasm for the art. The scent of your food
Floyd | bowl wafts in from the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're beginning to feel dizzy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "Drat"
Floyd | Quite.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Oops. Drat, I meant"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "get feather"
Floyd | (first dropping the flannel shirt)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the yellow feather with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds, though when the
Floyd | Provider is here, you do so with care. He is mean enough when
Floyd | un-provoked, and does not appreciate being woken. A cord hangs beside
Floyd | a billowy wall to the east. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "tickle provider with feather"
Floyd | You tickle the Provider with the feather.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider sighs heavily and rolls over. Facing west, he resumes his
Floyd | snoring.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "x blankets"
Floyd | The warm shadows under the blankets are inviting.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "get in blankets"
Floyd |
Floyd | Under the Covers
Floyd | It's warm and snug beaneath the blankets, though you find the
Floyd | Provider's prodigious hind paws to be grotesquely hairless, smelly,
Floyd | and just a bit ticklish when brushed by your whiskers.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "can we get the log in the house, or was it just a sarky response"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "x provider"
Floyd | The Provider lies asleep on his side. He faces west, snorfling loudly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x covers"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I'm not sure."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x blankets"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "tickle provider with feather"
Floyd | You tickle the Provider with the feather.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider sighs heavily and rolls over. Facing east, he resumes his
Floyd | snoring.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | You nudge your way toward fresher air....
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds, though when the
Floyd | Provider is here, you do so with care. He is mean enough when
Floyd | un-provoked, and does not appreciate being woken. A cord hangs beside
Floyd | a billowy wall to the east. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "x cord"
Floyd | The long, thin cord hangs lifelessly above the blankets.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're not going to be able to carry on without food.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "If the insects could be removed from the log, then it might be okay to roll the log into the house."
smartgenes says, "this was how we pulled the cord but what for"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "pull cord"
Floyd | You tentatively paw at the cord, then reconsider. Idle play this close
Floyd | to the Provider may have serious consequences. [You have been warned.]
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "f score"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "help"
Floyd | [Warning: It is recognized that the temptation for help may at times
Floyd | be so exceedingly strong that you might fetch hints prematurely.
Floyd | Therefore, you may at any time during the story type HINTS OFF, and
Floyd | this will disallow the seeking out of help for the present session of
Floyd | the story. If you still want a hint now, indicate HINT.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "score"
Floyd | You have so far scored 12 out of a possible 100, in 70 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of mouser.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "we pulled the cord already right"
DrewMochak says, "Obviously soemthing bad happens if you just pull it so I didn't"
DavidW says, "I'm no longer certain."
DrewMochak says, "I don't think so on this playthrough."
DrewMochak says, "We only have 12 points, teh other had 14"
smartgenes says, "no, when he's facing away then you can pull the cord"
DavidW says, "We can pull the cord to open the blinds safely when the Provider is facing away from the window."
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "tickle provider with feather"
Floyd | You tickle the Provider with the feather.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider sighs heavily and rolls over. Facing west, he resumes his
Floyd | snoring.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "pull cord"
Floyd | With a deft swat of your paw, you tug on the cord. The billowy wall
Floyd | parts, and a stream of sunlight illuminates the blankets below.
Floyd | Fortunately, the Provider is facing away from the light.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by two points.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "enter blankets"
Floyd |
Floyd | Under the Covers
Floyd | It's warm and snug beaneath the blankets, though you find the
Floyd | Provider's prodigious hind paws to be grotesquely hairless, smelly,
Floyd | and just a bit ticklish when brushed by your whiskers.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your hunger has become unbearable. With your last remaining energy you
Floyd | curl up to sleep. When you awake, night has fallen. You set out in
Floyd | search of the Provider, hoping for his kindness. If that fails, there
Floyd | are always insects.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have wasted the day. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 14 out of a possible 100, in 73 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of mouser.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "This seems to reveal the gap under the window, suggesting we ought to open the window with some lever."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x window"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "restore"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "cf3"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds, though when the
Floyd | Provider is here, you do so with care. He is mean enough when
Floyd | un-provoked, and does not appreciate being woken. A cord hangs beside
Floyd | a billowy wall to the east. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I further conjecture that this is the way to reach the balloon, by jumping from the open window to the aspen where the balloon is."
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "tickle provider with feather"
Floyd | You tickle the Provider with the feather.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider sighs heavily and rolls over. Facing west, he resumes his
Floyd | snoring.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "pull cord"
Floyd | With a deft swat of your paw, you tug on the cord. The billowy wall
Floyd | parts, and a stream of sunlight illuminates the blankets below.
Floyd | Fortunately, the Provider is facing away from the light.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by two points.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "save"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "Boom"
EmacsUser asks, "What happens if we tickle the Provider again?"
DrewMochak says, "He crushes us with his smelly hindpaws"
DrewMochak says (to cl), "e" smartgenes says, "the bark goes straight through the hole"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | From the inner sill of a window, you look east over a snowy landscape.
Floyd | Although the window's light warms you, a cold breeze emanates from its
Floyd | base.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "open window"
Floyd | You insert a paw into the gap, but can't get enough leverage.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "close window"
Floyd | The window won't budge.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "x gap"
Floyd | Judging by your whiskers, there's no way through the gap.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're starving!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "I'm ready for a hint if no one else objects"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "d" smartgenes says, "well we never tried the shirt on the floor"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "tickle provider with feather"
Floyd | You tickle the Provider with the feather.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider sighs heavily and rolls over. Facing east, his face is
Floyd | bathed in streaming light. He notices you nearby, a feather hanging
Floyd | suspiciously from your mouth.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider grumbles as he rises from the blankets and seizes you by
Floyd | the scruff of the neck. Moments later, you find yourself tumbling head
Floyd | over heels into a bank of snow. You hear the latch click inside the
Floyd | cottage, knowing you've been sentenced to a day in the cold--hardly
Floyd | bearable without even the hope of soft food.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have wasted the day. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 14 out of a possible 100, in 38 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of mouser.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "well, I think there's several things we could attempt yet."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "meow"
Floyd | You mew loudly, plaintively.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider grumbles as he rises from the blankets and seizes you by
Floyd | the scruff of the neck. Moments later, you find yourself tumbling head
Floyd | over heels into a bank of snow. You hear the latch click inside the
Floyd | cottage, knowing you've been sentenced to a day in the cold--hardly
Floyd | bearable without even the hope of soft food.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have wasted the day. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 14 out of a possible 100, in 37 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of mouser.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "undo" DrewMochak says, "I TOOOOLDyou"
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "mean provider"
EmacsUser says, "Okay. I couldn't tell if you were being serious."
smartgenes says, "leap off he eoof"
DavidW says, "We could find our Rival. We could try to take an icicle. We could try to get a larger piece of bark. We could search the mountain. We might take the antenna from the black box."
DrewMochak says, "I wasn't but figured something similar would happen"
DrewMochak says, "n"
smartgenes says, "jump off the roof"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | You leap up onto the lumpy mountain...
Floyd |
Floyd | Lumpy Mountain
Floyd | There is just enough room in this cozy corner for the lumpy mountain
Floyd | and the confusing black box that faces it. The lumpy mountain is home
Floyd | to some of your finest claw and scratch marks, though your Provider
Floyd | has never shared much enthusiasm for the art. The scent of your food
Floyd | bowl wafts in from the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a flannel shirt here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "x box"
Floyd | Two silvery antenae extend from this peculiar animal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "hmm it helps if you know the game already"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "get shirt"
Floyd | (first dropping the yellow feather)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the flannel shirt with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "x mountain"
Floyd | Ah, you could loll here all day.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "loll"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "The 'lumpy mountain' is obviously the couch."
DrewMochak exclaims, "we are now lollcat!"
DrewMochak says, "w"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | From the inner sill of a window, you look east over a snowy landscape.
Floyd | Although the window's light warms you, a cold breeze emanates from its
Floyd | base.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to put), "shirt in gap"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "put shirt in gap"
Floyd | That doesn't fit.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "put shirt in gap"
Floyd | That doesn't fit.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your stomach aches with hunger.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh, we tried that turns ago."
EmacsUser asks, "Is the shirt wearable?"
smartgenes says, "the gap's to lever the window open"
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "x gap"
Floyd | Judging by your whiskers, there's no way through the gap.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "wear shirt"
Floyd | You can't wear that!
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "put shirt on window"
Floyd | Putting things on the window would achieve nothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "put shirt on gap"
Floyd | That doesn't fit.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You bump your nose on the glass.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | From the inner sill of a window, you look east over a snowy landscape.
Floyd | Although the window's light warms you, a cold breeze emanates from its
Floyd | base.
Floyd |
Cheddarius asks, "Can we lever it open with the bark?"
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "drop shirt" DavidW says, "The bark falls through the gap."
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're beginning to feel dizzy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "if we can get out let's go get the aerial and lever the door with that"
Cheddarius says, "Drat."
EmacsUser asks, "Can we recap what it is we do know how to do? We can open the shades, sharpen claws, camouflage ourselves (but that doesn't keep the Provider from noticing our suspicious feather), get a feather, ... others?"
smartgenes says, "where is the living room from here"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "drop shirt"
Floyd | The flannel shirt is already here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | From the inner sill of a window, you look east over a snowy landscape.
Floyd | Although the window's light warms you, a cold breeze emanates from its
Floyd | base.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a flannel shirt here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "the camouflage is to attack the bird"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "tickle provider"
Floyd | You tickle the Provider.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider stirs and sighs heavily.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "Did I miss anything in the list?"
DavidW says, "We know how to reach the roof."
smartgenes says, "in the cupboard there is the bag of food"
WeirdBeard arrives, full of funk, but no fun. EmacsUser asks, "And pushing that ends the game, right?"
smartgenes says, "the log can be removed from location to location"
DavidW says, "I suggested a while back trying to use the shirt to muffle the sound of the bag hitting the floor."
smartgenes says, "pushing the bag ends the game"
DrewMochak says, "worth a shot"
smartgenes says, "hey that was my suggestion :-O"
DavidW says, "And someone else suggested maybe taking the blanket."
DrewMochak says, "..restore"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "I thought we couldn't take the blanket."
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "restore"
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I don't think we've tried to take the blanket."
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | You leap up onto the lumpy mountain...
Floyd |
Floyd | Lumpy Mountain
Floyd | There is just enough room in this cozy corner for the lumpy mountain
Floyd | and the confusing black box that faces it. The lumpy mountain is home
Floyd | to some of your finest claw and scratch marks, though your Provider
Floyd | has never shared much enthusiasm for the art. The scent of your food
Floyd | bowl wafts in from the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a flannel shirt here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get aerial"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "get shirt"
Floyd | (first dropping the yellow feather)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the flannel shirt with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're starving!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floyd), "pen cupboard"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to floydo), "pen cupboard"
DrewMochak says, "...floyd open cupboard" DrewMochak says, "Gah my spelling fails"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "undo" EmacsUser says, "DrewMochak You can abbreivate ..floyd with just ``f''"
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "open cupboard"
Floyd | The cupboard is unreachable from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | You leap up onto the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "open cupboard"
Floyd | You pry open the cupboard with your paw.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You leap from the ledge to the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "drop shirt"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | You leap up onto the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x cupboard"
Floyd | You might be able to enter the cupboard above you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "enter cpboard"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "enter cupboard"
Floyd | You leap up into the cupboard...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room (in the cupboard)
Floyd | Within the close, heavy shadows, it's difficult to separate the
Floyd | commingled scents. Most of the arranged boxes appear to contain a
Floyd | Provider version of hard food. Indeed, your very own monstrous sack of
Floyd | hard food stands nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a flannel shirt here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "push bag"
Floyd | The sack plummets to the floor, exploding loudly on impact. You marvel
Floyd | at the tremendous mountain of hard food below, as does your Provider,
Floyd | who arrives shortly. Waving away the clouds of dust, he seizes you by
Floyd | the scruff of the neck. Moments later, you land in a bank of snow,
Floyd | hear the latch click, and know you'll be spending a day in the cold,
Floyd | without food of any kind.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have wasted the day. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 14 out of a possible 100, in 44 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of mouser.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "worth a shot anyway"
DrewMochak says (to f..f), "undo"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | [Can't "undo" twice in succession. Sorry!]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "scratch bag"
Floyd | You scratch futilely at the monstrous sack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius asks, "Have we tried to bite the bag?"
EmacsUser says, "Yep."
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "bite bag"
Floyd | You scratch futilely at the monstrous sack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Darn."
DavidW says, "of course we tried"
smartgenes says, "i think popping the balloon would get the chance to get the blankets"
Tale says, "14 points after 2,5 hours. Wow."
PaulSharke asks, "Have we sharpened our claws yet? And then tried scratching the bag?"
Cheddarius asks, "Is it possible to get the aerial?"
EmacsUser says, "I think the only hope on the bag is to get the Provider's help."
DavidW says (to PaulSharke), "yes"
PaulSharke asks, "Have we put in a call to the local SPCA?"
EmacsUser says (to PaulSharke), "Not yet."
DavidW says, "I've seen no telephone yet."
DrewMochak says, "Ifeel bad for cats, now, knowing teh difficulty of their lives"
DrewMochak says, "o contrair"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You leap from the ledge to the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You leap up onto the lumpy mountain...
Floyd |
Floyd | Lumpy Mountain
Floyd | There is just enough room in this cozy corner for the lumpy mountain
Floyd | and the confusing black box that faces it. The lumpy mountain is home
Floyd | to some of your finest claw and scratch marks, though your Provider
Floyd | has never shared much enthusiasm for the art. The scent of your food
Floyd | bowl wafts in from the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your stomach aches with hunger.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get box"
Floyd | That's hardly portable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push box"
Floyd | You are unable to.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "The 'box' is a TELEVISION SET."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "climb on box"
Floyd | You wouldn't feel safe on the confusing box.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "It's a bit heavy for the cat to move."
DrewMochak says, "...Couldh ave worked. *Sullen.*"
Tale has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. Cheddarius asks, "Could we get a hint?"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x box"
Floyd | Two silvery antenae extend from this peculiar animal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get antenae" EmacsUser says, "The shades puzzle makes me think that we need to wake the Provider."
Floyd | That's hardly portable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search mountain"
Floyd | There is nothing on the lumpy mountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "What else would the light be good for?"
smartgenes says, "did that not work"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get antenae"
Floyd | That's hardly portable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "move antenae"
Floyd | You are unable to.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to f), "w"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "ww"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a flannel shirt here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | From the inner sill of a window, you look east over a snowy landscape.
Floyd | Although the window's light warms you, a cold breeze emanates from its
Floyd | base.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're beginning to feel dizzy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "meow"
Floyd | You mew loudly, plaintively.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I never claimed that the antenae were useful. Just that we'd not explored that possibility."
DrewMochak says, "If I were a real cat this would work."
EmacsUser says, "That's what I thought too."
DrewMochak says, "I would mew like a miniature air raid siren."
DavidW says, "Try meowing in Rival's Wood. Maybe you'll summon Rival."
EmacsUser says (to DavidW), "Sounds like a bad idea, but we can try."
DrewMochak says, "And then Iwill SAVAGEhim with my sharpened claws and feast upon his tender flesh! A day... for REVENGE."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "yeah, it might be a bad idea."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | From the inner sill of a window, you look east over a snowy landscape.
Floyd | Although the window's light warms you, a cold breeze emanates from its
Floyd | base.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "sounds like a great idea to me"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a flannel shirt here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caught in the branches of an aspen, is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "meow"
Floyd | You mew loudly, plaintively.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Nope."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "growl"
Floyd | You growl and hiss, but to no avail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "screech"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "pee"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "scream"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak exclaims, "that's how a real cat would do it!"
EmacsUser says, "Ooh, another verb: growl"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "climb tree"
Floyd | You scramble up a large tree, pieces of bark falling beneath you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're not going to be able to carry on without food.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "look around"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You leap down off the large tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "call rival"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "meow"
Floyd | You mew loudly, plaintively.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "growl"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You growl and hiss, but to no avail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd | You encounter a swift-flowing stream. However, there may be a way over
Floyd | an embankment to the southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your hunger has become unbearable. With your last remaining energy you
Floyd | curl up to sleep. When you awake, night has fallen. You set out in
Floyd | search of the Provider, hoping for his kindness. If that fails, there
Floyd | are always insects.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have wasted the day. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 14 out of a possible 100, in 73 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of mouser.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "roar"
Floyd | Please give one of the answers above.
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Frig"
Ellison arrives, ready to play with the toys. EmacsUser says, "So what ways have we tried to wake the Provider? Tickling gets us caught with a feather in our mouth, meowing gets us kicked out of the house with no explanation, ..."
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "und"
Floyd | Please give one of the answers above.
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd |
smartgenes says, "could go sw from the stream"
DavidW says, "may-be."
DrewMochak says, "pushing the bag breaks it which cause provider wakeage in unhappy mood"
EmacsUser says, "k. That's three"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "restore" EmacsUser says, "Presumably opening the shades while he's facing east is a bad idea too."
DrewMochak says, "Also, scratching provider but that's kind of a given"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "so restore and go back to the stream and go sw"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n.n."
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "drop all"
Floyd | (the yellow feather)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're starving!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caught in the branches of an aspen, is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You encounter a swift-flowing stream. However, there may be a way over
Floyd | an embankment to the southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | You better satisfy your hunger before making any extended
Floyd | explorations.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "I wish : wouldn't eat spaces."
EmacsUser :(
DavidW says, "I think it's so :'s will work."
EmacsUser :(
EmacsUser says, "The magic combination seems to be #club :\:("
DrewMochak says, "Iuse #cl"
smartgenes says, "so the food is an early problem"
DavidW says, "well, if we need to satisfy hunger before crossing the stream, then we really do need the hard food."
EmacsUser says, "Which means the bag is our primary puzzle."
smartgenes asks, "leap off the roof?"
smartgenes says, "blow up the balloon, burst it"
smartgenes says, "restore"
EmacsUser says, "The problem with the balloon idea is the same as with every waking method we've tried so far: it lets the owner know that we're at fault."
EmacsUser says, "It's too bad that light alone is not enough."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rotting log lies half-exposed in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "hm. I think we either need to muffle the sound of the bag falling or muffle Provider's ears directly so he doesn't hear it or anything else."
smartgenes says, "not quite the same as it's not the cat bt something outside"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "roll log s"
Floyd | You roll the log in front of you, carefull to avoid the gathering
Floyd | swarm of insects.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "stand on log"
Floyd | Harrassed by a gathering swarm of insects, you cautiously retreat from
Floyd | the log.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to smartgenes), "Oh. I thought you meant indoors where the Provider could see the balloon scraps and think of our claws."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | You scramble up a large tree, pieces of bark falling beneath you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x bark"
Floyd | It's shaggy, thin, and still intact.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get bark"
Floyd | But you're up in the tree!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You leap down off the large tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your stomach aches with hunger.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get bark"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the bark with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "hint? :("
smartgenes asks, "cut the bark with axe?"
DavidW asks, "Have we tried to get the blanket?"
DrewMochak says, "Can't get axe, and it wouldnt' do anything"
smartgenes says, "no"
DrewMochak says, "negative"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a buzzing log here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n" smartgenes says, "we wouldn't need the axe to ct with it"
Floyd | The Provider's cottage is that way, but you can't enter it from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | The Provider's cottage is that way, but you can't enter it from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caught in the branches of an aspen, is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a yellow feather and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Also, I wonder if we can put the shirt on Provider so his ears are covered."
PaulSharke asks, "Are we thinking the blanket could muffle the bag falling?"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "s.s."
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "take blanket"
Floyd | That's hardly portable.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're beginning to feel dizzy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "pull blanket"
PaulSharke says (to Floyd), "push blanket"
Floyd | You are unable to.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "Where is the shirt?"
Floyd | You are unable to.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "scratch blanket"
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "in the sill, I think"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | From the inner sill of a window, you look east over a snowy landscape.
Floyd | Although the window's light warms you, a cold breeze emanates from its
Floyd | base.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear snoring to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "nope"
DrewMochak says, "orrrr not"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a yellow feather and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Oh, I'm looking at the wrong restore."
EmacsUser asks, "Location of the shirt, anyone?"
smartgenes says, "tv room"
DavidW says, "I have no idea where it is now."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You leap up onto the lumpy mountain...
Floyd |
Floyd | Lumpy Mountain
Floyd | There is just enough room in this cozy corner for the lumpy mountain
Floyd | and the confusing black box that faces it. The lumpy mountain is home
Floyd | to some of your finest claw and scratch marks, though your Provider
Floyd | has never shared much enthusiasm for the art. The scent of your food
Floyd | bowl wafts in from the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a flannel shirt here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Gracias."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "take shirt"
Floyd | (first dropping the bark)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the flannel shirt with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "w.s."
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're not going to be able to carry on without food.
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "put shirt on Provider"
Floyd | You try to put the flannel shirt over the Provider, but he stirs in
Floyd | his sleep and waves you away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "Um?"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x ears"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "put blanket on provider"
Floyd | You need to be holding the blankets before you can put it on top of
Floyd | something else.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
PaulSharke says, "Honestly if my cat tried to put something in my ear while I was sleeping, you can bet I'd wake up pretty fast"
EmacsUser asks, "Is the blanket enterable?"
smartgenes says, "what was that about the wind helping"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "enter blanket"
Floyd |
Floyd | Under the Covers
Floyd | It's warm and snug beaneath the blankets, though you find the
Floyd | Provider's prodigious hind paws to be grotesquely hairless, smelly,
Floyd | and just a bit ticklish when brushed by your whiskers.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your hunger has become unbearable. With your last remaining energy you
Floyd | curl up to sleep. When you awake, night has fallen. You set out in
Floyd | search of the Provider, hoping for his kindness. If that fails, there
Floyd | are always insects.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have wasted the day. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 14 out of a possible 100, in 73 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of mouser.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser reviews the endings we've seen.
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "restore"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I'd like to retry the push bag idea again, but with 'push bag onto shirt' explicitly, not a mere 'push bag' that hopes it'll fall onto the shirt."
PaulSharke says, "Sounds good."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You leap up onto the lumpy mountain...
Floyd |
Floyd | Lumpy Mountain
Floyd | There is just enough room in this cozy corner for the lumpy mountain
Floyd | and the confusing black box that faces it. The lumpy mountain is home
Floyd | to some of your finest claw and scratch marks, though your Provider
Floyd | has never shared much enthusiasm for the art. The scent of your food
Floyd | bowl wafts in from the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a flannel shirt here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take shirt"
Floyd | (first dropping the yellow feather)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the flannel shirt with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're starving!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "drop shirt"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | You leap up onto the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter cupboard"
Floyd | The cupboard is currently shut.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open it"
Floyd | You pry open the cupboard with your paw.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter it"
Floyd | You leap up into the cupboard...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room (in the cupboard)
Floyd | Within the close, heavy shadows, it's difficult to separate the
Floyd | commingled scents. Most of the arranged boxes appear to contain a
Floyd | Provider version of hard food. Indeed, your very own monstrous sack of
Floyd | hard food stands nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a flannel shirt here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "push sack onto shirt"
Floyd | You need to be holding the monstrous sack of hard food before you can
Floyd | put it on top of something else.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x boxes"
Floyd | That's not something you need to refer to in the course of this game.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "close cupboard"
Floyd | You lack the dexterity.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "hm."
EmacsUser says, "There's actually not a log of unique text to the endings."
EmacsUser says, "``You rake the Provider with your claws!'' ``The sack plummets to the floor, exploding loudly on impact. You marvel at the tremendous mountain of hard food below, as does your Provider, who arrives shortly. Waving away the clouds of dust, he seizes you by the scruff of the neck.'' ``The Provider sighs heavily and rolls over. Facing east, his face is bathed in streaming light. He notices you nearby, a feather hanging suspiciously from your mouth.''"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "scratch sack"
Floyd | You scratch futilely at the monstrous sack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x door"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get sack"
Floyd | You clamp your teeth on the monstrous sack, but it's too heavy to
Floyd | lift.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "No bedroom door to close, I guess."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "eat sack"
Floyd | That's plainly inedible.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your stomach aches with hunger.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "tear sack"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "rip sack"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x shirt"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "throw something at the sack"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You'll have to get out of the cupboard first.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | You can't get out of the closed cupboard.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open cupboard"
Floyd | You pry open the cupboard with your paw.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x sack"
Floyd | The monstrous sack contains a seemlingly limitless supply of hard
Floyd | food.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x shirt"
Floyd | A bit smelly, perhaps, but you love to nap in its soft folds.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "I wonder what happens if you sleep in closed cupboard"
EmacsUser asks, "Did we try pushing the sack with the cupboard closed?"
DavidW says, "no"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "close cupboard"
Floyd | You lack the dexterity.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | The cupboard
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "exit"
Floyd | You can't get out of the closed cupboard.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "push sack"
Floyd | The sack plummets to the floor, exploding loudly on impact. You marvel
Floyd | at the tremendous mountain of hard food below, as does your Provider,
Floyd | who arrives shortly. Waving away the clouds of dust, he seizes you by
Floyd | the scruff of the neck. Moments later, you land in a bank of snow,
Floyd | hear the latch click, and know you'll be spending a day in the cold,
Floyd | without food of any kind.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have wasted the day. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 14 out of a possible 100, in 55 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of mouser.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Bug, I guess."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "yah must be"
EmacsUser says, "And the author didn't treat that case specially."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open cupboard"
Floyd | You pry open the cupboard with your paw.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You leap down from the cupboard to the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x ledge"
Floyd | On the ledge beneath the cupboard, the Provider often creates food.
Floyd | You're not supposed to be here, but who will it hurt if you nose
Floyd | around a little?
Floyd |
Floyd | You're beginning to feel dizzy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "drop the shirt from the cupboard"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You leap from the ledge to the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take shirt"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the flannel shirt with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | You leap up onto the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | You leap up into the cupboard...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room (in the cupboard)
Floyd | Within the close, heavy shadows, it's difficult to separate the
Floyd | commingled scents. Most of the arranged boxes appear to contain a
Floyd | Provider version of hard food. Indeed, your very own monstrous sack of
Floyd | hard food stands nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Won't dropping the shirt here just leave it in the cupboard?"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "drop shirt"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "look"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room (in the cupboard)
Floyd | Within the close, heavy shadows, it's difficult to separate the
Floyd | commingled scents. Most of the arranged boxes appear to contain a
Floyd | Provider version of hard food. Indeed, your very own monstrous sack of
Floyd | hard food stands nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the cupboard you can see a flannel shirt.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get shirt"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the flannel shirt with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "Will ``push boxes'' do any good?"
DavidW says, "no"
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "wrap sack in shirt"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Ok."
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "cover sack with shirt"
Floyd | Putting things on the monstrous sack of hard food would achieve
Floyd | nothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put shirt on sack"
Floyd | Putting things on the monstrous sack of hard food would achieve
Floyd | nothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes says, "in the thing you pasted you had a feather in mouth"
DavidW says, "I suppose we could try putting the shirt on the ledge, but since the sack is described as falling onto the floor, I doubt that would help."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | You leap down from the cupboard to the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks (of smartgenes), "Huh?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You leap from the ledge to the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're not going to be able to carry on without food.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes asks, "get the bird to knock it down?"
DavidW says, "What we really need are earmuffs."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put shirt under ledge"
Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak (
smartgenes says, "You rake the Provider with your claws!'' ``The sack plummets to the floor, exploding loudly on impact. You marvel at the tremendous mountain of hard food below, as does your Provider, who arrives shortly. Waving away the clouds of dust, he seizes you by the scruff of the neck.'' ``The Provider sighs heavily and rolls over. Facing east, his face is bathed in streaming light. He notices you nearby, a feather hanging suspiciously from your mouth.''"" EmacsUser says, "smartgenes Right, but without the feather the Provider just twitches. He/she does not wake up."
EmacsUser says, "Opps, forgot the .."
smartgenes asks, "maybe get the bird into the room, attack it and knocks the thing down?"
smartgenes says, "unless it's just descriptive text"
EmacsUser says, "*he"
Ellison has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. DavidW says, "Checking my notes, I see an action I don't think we're likely to guess right away."
smartgenes says, "go on"
EmacsUser says, "Are we allowed such a hint? We're making little progress."
EmacsUser says, "i.e. ditto smartgenes"
DavidW says, "We need to do something under the blankets."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
smartgenes asks, "pee?"
Alex says (to smartgenes), "Awwwk! Word on the street is that pee is urine."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "no, not pee."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "enter blankets"
Floyd |
Floyd | Under the Covers
Floyd | It's warm and snug beaneath the blankets, though you find the
Floyd | Provider's prodigious hind paws to be grotesquely hairless, smelly,
Floyd | and just a bit ticklish when brushed by your whiskers.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "it won't let us pee, which is IMO a serious detraction from the full cat experience"
smartgenes says, "drop the bark"
DavidW asks, "See those hind paws?"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "drop all"
Floyd | (the flannel shirt)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your hunger has become unbearable. With your last remaining energy you
Floyd | curl up to sleep. When you awake, night has fallen. You set out in
Floyd | search of the Provider, hoping for his kindness. If that fails, there
Floyd | are always insects.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have wasted the day. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 14 out of a possible 100, in 73 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of mouser.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "Idid try this, actually"
EmacsUser asks, "Which restore point?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "restore"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks (of DrewMochak), "Oh?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "enter blankets"
Floyd |
Floyd | Under the Covers
Floyd | It's warm and snug beaneath the blankets, though you find the
Floyd | Provider's prodigious hind paws to be grotesquely hairless, smelly,
Floyd | and just a bit ticklish when brushed by your whiskers.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "tickle paws"
Floyd | Which do you mean, the claws or the Provider's hind paws?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "hind"
Floyd | You tickle the Provider's hind paws.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider stirs and sighs heavily.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "x Provider"
Floyd | The Provider lies asleep on his side. He faces west, snorfling loudly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | You nudge your way toward fresher air....
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're starving!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Drew), "As we say, close but not quite."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You leap up onto the lumpy mountain...
Floyd |
Floyd | Lumpy Mountain
Floyd | There is just enough room in this cozy corner for the lumpy mountain
Floyd | and the confusing black box that faces it. The lumpy mountain is home
Floyd | to some of your finest claw and scratch marks, though your Provider
Floyd | has never shared much enthusiasm for the art. The scent of your food
Floyd | bowl wafts in from the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a flannel shirt here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "Feather?"
DrewMochak says, "o durr"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd |
Floyd | Under the Covers
Floyd | It's warm and snug beaneath the blankets, though you find the
Floyd | Provider's prodigious hind paws to be grotesquely hairless, smelly,
Floyd | and just a bit ticklish when brushed by your whiskers.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider snores beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "tickle hind with feather"
Floyd | You tickle the Provider's hind paws with the feather.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider sighs heavily and rolls over. Facing east, he grumbles
Floyd | and moans. The world around you heaves as he hauls his hind paws out
Floyd | from under the blanket.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by eight points.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser exclaims, "Yay!"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "save" EmacsUser says, "Oops."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "cf3"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "Let's not yet, I wasted some moves"
smartgenes says, "hmm not impressed with that one"
DavidW says (to EmacsUser), "You clobbered an old save point."
DrewMochak says, "er nevermind"
EmacsUser says, "I think I saved as SAVE."
EmacsUser hangs his head in shame.
DavidW says, "oh. ok."
Floyd | You nudge your way toward fresher air....
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider sits on the bed, yawning and scratching his head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | But you aren't in anything at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider sits on the bed, yawning and scratching his head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "meow"
Floyd |
Floyd | Stretching stiff limbs, the Provider staggers north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, as bare and empty as your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider grumbles at you. You're not sure if this is because he
Floyd | suspects you brought a bird into the house, because you mewed
Floyd | excessively, or because you scattered ash everywhere.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider taps you on the nose, knocking the yellow feather from
Floyd | your mouth.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your stomach aches with hunger.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is preparing food.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is preparing food.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "Will we live?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is preparing food.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is preparing food.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "meow"
Floyd | Staring mournfully into your food bowl, you mew. The Provider glances
Floyd | at your empty bowl, grumbles, and fills it from a sack of hard food,
Floyd | which he returns to the cupboard.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x foox"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x food"
Floyd | (the morsel of hard food)
Floyd | The hard food looks and smells like a piece of clay soaked in chicken
Floyd | grease.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider heads toward the Lumpy Mountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "eat food"
Floyd | It's filling, but so is sawdust. If you could only get your paws on
Floyd | some soft food!
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by four points.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "full"
Floyd | You have so far scored 26 out of a possible 100, in 54 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of domestic.
Floyd |
Floyd | The score is made up as follows:
Floyd |
Floyd |      2 sharpening your claws
Floyd |      6 hunting a bird (and nearly being successful)
Floyd |      2 safely opening the blinds
Floyd |      8 waking the Provider unawares
Floyd |      4 eating hard food
Floyd |      4 finding sundry items
Floyd |
Floyd |     26 total (out of 100)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "save"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "cf5"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "We should have no more timer now"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sun rises ever higher in the eastern sky.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Or at least a longer one."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caught in the branches of an aspen, is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "indeed"
Floyd | There are too few branches to climb very far up. Tearing away a piece
Floyd | of bark, you leap back to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "The sw will work now, no?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get bark"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the bark with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh, perhaps"
DrewMochak says, "yeah that's what I was gonna do"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival leaps down from an ancient elm!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser exclaims, "Aah!"
DrewMochak exclaims, "AIEE!"
DavidW says, "BARK BARK BARK!!!"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x rival"
Floyd | Your Rival has a thick coat, huge frame, slavering fangs, and claws
Floyd | like eagle's talons. In short, you're no match for your Rival in size
Floyd | or ferocity.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival growls menacingly. You'd better leave soon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "swell"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "Up a tree?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "growl"
Floyd | You growl and hiss, but to no avail.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival charges, grazing you with his claws!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | You scramble up a large tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival waits for you at bottom of the tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "growl at rival" EmacsUser says, "Uh oh."
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to growl.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival waits for you at bottom of the tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "meow"
Floyd | You mew loudly, plaintively.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider arrives from the Aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival waits for you at bottom of the tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser exclaims, "Nice!"
DrewMochak says, "wait how why did that happen O.O"
DrewMochak says, "I mean I was kind of hoping it would but not expecting it to."
EmacsUser asks, "We called for our Provider to save us, didn't we?"
DrewMochak says (to f), "z"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is gathering wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival waits for you at bottom of the tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Oh, coincidence."
DrewMochak says, "Haha I think it might have been totally random, actually"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You leap down off the large tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is gathering wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival charges, grazing you with his claws!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "hit rival"
Floyd | With one huge paw, he bats you aside like a fly.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is gathering wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | You falter in the face of your Rival's ferocious charge. He pins you
Floyd | to the ground, mauling your face and underbelly. You struggle, but are
Floyd | helpless beneath him. You're dimly aware of him as he saunters away,
Floyd | leaving you for dead in the reddening snow. You only hope you freeze
Floyd | to death before the vermin and insects arrive.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have died. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 26 out of a possible 100, in 68 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of domestic.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "Shall we run instead?"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Provider is no help at all in this location, it seems."
DrewMochak says, "I don't think I like my provider."
DrewMochak says, "I want a new one."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | The Provider's cottage is that way, but you can't enter it from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is gathering wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | You falter in the face of your Rival's ferocious charge. He pins you
Floyd | to the ground, mauling your face and underbelly. You struggle, but are
Floyd | helpless beneath him. You're dimly aware of him as he saunters away,
Floyd | leaving you for dead in the reddening snow. You only hope you freeze
Floyd | to death before the vermin and insects arrive.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have died. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 26 out of a possible 100, in 68 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of domestic.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
DrewMochak exclaims, "Thus begins: the quest for his credit cards! A Day... FORFREEDOM!"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "undo.e"
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "e."
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caught in the branches of an aspen, is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival arrives from the Rival's Wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival arrives from the Aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival enters through the flap!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser exclaims, "Aah!"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Alcove
Floyd | Charcoal-stained stones form a shadowy alcove that culminates in a
Floyd | chute overhead. The strong smell of smoke is rivalled by more savory
Floyd | scents to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of pale ash here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking back, you notice your Rival slavering over your food bowl.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "That's not good."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival is eating from your food bowl.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "scratch rival"
Floyd | With one huge paw, he bats you aside like a fly.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival is eating from your food bowl.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "growl at rival"
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to growl.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "growl"
Floyd | You growl and hiss, but to no avail.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival is eating from your food bowl.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Does Rival follow us everywhere?"
DrewMochak says, "Iwill kill this cat."
DrewMochak says, "Mark. My. Word."
EmacsUser says (to DavidW), "Not now that he found our food."
DrewMochak says, "Provider has to come back some time"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Splinters fly as the Provider splits wood with an axe.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking back, you notice your Rival slavering over your food bowl.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caught in the branches of an aspen, is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | Your Rival arrives from the Aspens, interrupting your explorations.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "ha ha"
EmacsUser says, "So he is mostly a guard on sw."
DrewMochak says, "Fast cat"
EmacsUser says, "Yeah."
DrewMochak says, "s"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You encounter a swift-flowing stream. However, there may be a way over
Floyd | an embankment to the southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival growls menacingly. You'd better leave soon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | The Provider's cottage is that way, but you can't enter it from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival charges, grazing you with his claws!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rotting log lies half-exposed in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival arrives from the Rival's Wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "We could get him run over."
DavidW says, "We could."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Canopy Trail
Floyd | A north-south trail runs beneath a canopy of chestnut trees. You've
Floyd | seen giant glinting beasts stampede here, especially in the mornings
Floyd | and evenings. A lesser track leads east.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking back, you notice your Rival has abandoned the chase.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a distant rumbling approaching from the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "He seems to be a bad climber."
DrewMochak exclaims, "COMEON! COWARD!"
EmacsUser says, "Oh."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rotting log lies half-exposed in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival crouches in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Well at leeast we can get rid of him without giving up our food."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "roll log n"
Floyd | You roll the log in front of you, carefull to avoid the gathering
Floyd | swarm of insects.
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider cries out as he squashes an insect against his arm.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival arrives from the Snowy Maw.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear high-pitched laughter beyond the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "*least"
EmacsUser asks, "laughter?"
Alex says (to EmacsUser), "Awwwk! Word on the street is that laughter is laughing, which is for idiots who can't censor."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z" EmacsUser says (to Alex), "thanks."
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider growls at you. You're not sure if this is because you
Floyd | stirred up a swarm of insects, because he suspects you brought a bird
Floyd | into the house, because you mewed excessively, or because you
Floyd | scattered ash everywhere.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival walks casually around the snow hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Alex asks (of EmacsUser), "Awwwk! So where's my cork nut then?"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look through fence"
Floyd | Beyond the fence is a neighboring farmhouse. Nearby, a boy plays in
Floyd | the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider taps you on the nose, knocking the bark from your mouth.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival growls menacingly. You'd better leave soon.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear high-pitched laughter beyond the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Splinters fly as the Provider splits wood with an axe.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival charges, grazing you with his claws!
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear high-pitched laughter beyond the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival enters through the flap!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider arrives from the Clearing.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival is eating from your food bowl.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider kicks at your Rival, who reluctantly retreats through the
Floyd | flap.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Hmm."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider glares at you. You're not sure if this is because you
Floyd | failed to defend your food bowl, because you stirred up a swarm of
Floyd | insects, because he suspects you brought a bird into the house,
Floyd | because you mewed excessively, or because you scattered ash
Floyd | everywhere.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "hah hah"
DrewMochak says, "We are being a bad cat"
EmacsUser asks, "When did we stir a swarm of insects?"
DrewMochak says, "rolled the log"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z" DavidW says, "The insects bit Provider."
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider siezes you in his giant paws, and hurls you toward the
Floyd | Clearing...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a sizable piece of bark, a buzzing log, a pile of wood and
Floyd | a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear high-pitched laughter beyond the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak exclaims, "MEANprovider!"
DavidW asks, "hm. Could there be a suitable piece of wood in that new pile?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x pile"
Floyd | There's an assortment of limbs and spintery wedges of aspen, oak, and
Floyd | elm.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to DavidW), "Hey! I was going to suggest that."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "search pile"
Floyd | There is nothing on the pile of wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get pile"
Floyd | You pick out a freshly hewn strip of kindling.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear high-pitched laughter beyond the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x kindling"
Floyd | This solid spear of kindling would burn readily in a hot fire.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "Do we know how to build a fire?"
DrewMochak says, "This seems for a diferent puzzle"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider growls at you. You're not sure if this is because you
Floyd | stole a strip of kindling, because you tracked snow into the cottage,
Floyd | because you failed to defend your food bowl, because you stirred up a
Floyd | swarm of insects, because he suspects you brought a bird into the
Floyd | house, because you mewed excessively, or because you scattered ash
Floyd | everywhere.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "We're a cat. Cats don't normally build fires."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider siezes you in his giant paws, and hurls you toward the
Floyd | Blankets...
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "Seriously who just throws their cat around"
DrewMochak exclaims, "ANIMALABUSE!"
maga says, "what's the problem? they know how to land"
Allen says, "as a bigshot, I love throwing my cats around. My flunkies either catch the cat or they're fired"
EmacsUser says, "To review, we have a log, a piece of bark, a strip of kindling, a rival, and a boy."
EmacsUser says, "And we don't know what they are for."
EmacsUser says, "Though the rival is pretty clearly in the obstacle category."
DavidW asks, "Can we climb the fence in the Clearing?"
DrewMochak says, "worth a try"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider heads toward the Lumpy Mountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "I thought the message said no, but we can check."
DavidW says, "Also, maybe Provider has moved new things into play now that he's awake."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a sizable piece of bark, a buzzing log, a pile of wood and
Floyd | a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "climb fence"
Floyd | The slats are too slippery, the fence too tall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You leap up onto the lumpy mountain...
Floyd |
Floyd | Lumpy Mountain
Floyd | There is just enough room in this cozy corner for the lumpy mountain
Floyd | and the confusing black box that faces it. The lumpy mountain is home
Floyd | to some of your finest claw and scratch marks, though your Provider
Floyd | has never shared much enthusiasm for the art. The scent of your food
Floyd | bowl wafts in from the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a flannel shirt here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider lies here, gazing into the confusing box.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "Could you go back for a bit?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider heads toward the Food Room.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is fumbling with the front door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "take food"
Floyd | (first dropping the kindling)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the morsel of hard food with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider heads toward the Clearing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Okay, so it can be moved."
EmacsUser says, "That's all I wanted to see."
EmacsUser says, "Now we have food, a log, a piece of bark, a strip of kindling, a rival, and a boy."
DrewMochak says, "I'm guessing we are supposed to make a fire to cook something with"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get kindling"
Floyd | (first dropping the morsel of hard food)
Floyd | Perhaps some unfortunate critter will enjoy it more than you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the kindling with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a morsel of hard food and a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | From the inner sill of a window, you look east over a snowy landscape.
Floyd | Although the window's light warms you, a cold breeze emanates from its
Floyd | base.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put kindling in gap"
Floyd | You wedge the kindling into the gap.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "open window"
Floyd | You insert a paw into the gap, but can't get enough leverage.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "We could also try distracting our rival with the food (ala My Angel)"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "look"
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | From the inner sill of a window, you look east over a snowy landscape.
Floyd | Although the window's light warms you, a cold breeze emanates from its
Floyd | base.
Floyd |
Floyd | Wedged into a gap beneath the window is a piece of kindling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "push kindling"
Floyd | Nothing obvious happens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open window with kindling"
Floyd | (first taking the kindling)
Floyd | That doesn't seem to be something you can unlock.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "jump on kindling"
Floyd | You step cautiously onto the kindling. It creaks and bends under your
Floyd | weight, raising the window. Suddenly, the kindling pulls free, and you
Floyd | tumble westward...
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a strip of kindling here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Aha."
DavidW says, "one more puzzle solved."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | From the inner sill of a window, you look east over a snowy landscape.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stiff breeze rushes through the open window.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | But you aren't in anything at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You leap for the nearest aspen...
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens (on the aspen)
Floyd | The sky never seemed so vast, the wind so angry, the ground so remote.
Floyd | Facing upwards,  you cling with all four claws to a slender trunk.
Floyd | West of you, the winds whistles through an open window. Water rushes
Floyd | far below, but you can hardly bear to look.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caught in the branches of an aspen, is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "save"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf7"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "How will we get the balloon with our claw and teeth so sharp?"
DavidW says, "It's perhaps too soon to mess around with the balloon."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x balloon"
Floyd | A string dangles from an obviously buoyant balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "But the string we can handle, I think, without breaking the balloon."
EmacsUser says, "May I try just ``take string?''"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "take string"
Floyd | The balloon dances in the air as you snare its string in your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by four points.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "full"
Floyd | You have so far scored 30 out of a possible 100, in 121 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of domestic.
Floyd |
Floyd | The score is made up as follows:
Floyd |
Floyd |      2 sharpening your claws
Floyd |      6 hunting a bird (and nearly being successful)
Floyd |      2 safely opening the blinds
Floyd |      8 waking the Provider unawares
Floyd |      4 eating hard food
Floyd |      8 finding sundry items
Floyd |
Floyd |     30 total (out of 100)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Man, 70 more points to go."
Ellison arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. DavidW says, "yeah, I wasn't expecting the game to drag this long. It's been a long time since I played it."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | You leap for the window, catching the sill with your claws...
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Sill
Floyd | From the inner sill of a window, you look east over a snowy landscape.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stiff breeze rushes through the open window.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a strip of kindling here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You carry a red balloon, its string between your teeth. You are also
Floyd | sated (though not satisfied), and covered in pale ash.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius asks, "How did we wake the provider?"
EmacsUser says, "I'm afraid to let go of this balloon."
DavidW says, "We tickled his feet with the feather."
EmacsUser says (to Cheddarius), "But we hid under the blankets so he couldn't blame us."
DavidW says, "It ought to be safe to let go of the balloon when indoors."
Cheddarius says, "I see"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "dropp all"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "drop all"
Floyd | (the red balloon)
Floyd | The balloon floats up to the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I hope."
EmacsUser says, "here"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "Why did the save button go to cf4?"
DavidW says, "Clobbering old save points again."
Cheddarius asks, "And he fed us after we woke him up?"
EmacsUser says (to Cheddarius), "Yes, with encouragement from our pitiful meows."
DavidW says, "Because other people didn't know to use the save control and did it manually and that messes up the system."
DavidW says, "Once someone saves manually, it's no longer safe to use the automatic save control."
EmacsUser hangs his head in shame again.
DrewMochak asks, "save?"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "drop all"
Floyd | (the red balloon)
Floyd | The balloon floats up to the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Anyway, I need to leave the keyboard for a short while and clean myself up. I'll be back shortly."
DrewMochak goes home. Cheddarius asks, "Okay, what do we have at our disposal?"
Cheddarius asks, "What are our goals?"
EmacsUser says, "One moment; I'll copy my notes over."
DrewMochak arrives, full of fun and funk. DavidW says, "You want to eat soft food. So far, we haven't even found it yet."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "look"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hovering against the ceiling is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a strip of kindling here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak asks, "Maybe popping baloon frightens rival?"
EmacsUser says, "We have dry food, a log with insects, a piece of bark, a rival, a balloon, and a boy as object for which we know no purpose.""
olethros says, "time to make soup"
EmacsUser says, "The clear outstanding objectives are only one: get past the rival."
EmacsUser says, "DrewMochak Give it a try."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a morsel of hard food and a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood, a sizable piece of bark, a buzzing log and
Floyd | a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Splinters fly as the Provider splits wood with an axe.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear high-pitched laughter beyond the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You carry nothing between your teeth. You are also sated (though not
Floyd | satisfied), and covered in pale ash.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival crouches in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | It's not so easy to traipse past your Rival.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival growls menacingly. You'd better leave soon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "I dropped the balloon back inside."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "pop baloon"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "bah"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You carry a red balloon, its string between your teeth. You are also
Floyd | sated (though not satisfied), and covered in pale ash.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "There you go."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a morsel of hard food and a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You leap up onto the lumpy mountain...
Floyd |
Floyd | Lumpy Mountain
Floyd | There is just enough room in this cozy corner for the lumpy mountain
Floyd | and the confusing black box that faces it. The lumpy mountain is home
Floyd | to some of your finest claw and scratch marks, though your Provider
Floyd | has never shared much enthusiasm for the art. The scent of your food
Floyd | bowl wafts in from the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a flannel shirt here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a morsel of hard food and a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood, a sizable piece of bark, a buzzing log and
Floyd | a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is resting on the stump.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival crouches in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "hit baloon"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You carry a red balloon, its string between your teeth. You are also
Floyd | sated (though not satisfied), and covered in pale ash.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival growls menacingly. You'd better leave soon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "hit balloon"
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival charges, grazing you with his claws!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "hit balloon"
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | You falter in the face of your Rival's ferocious charge. He pins you
Floyd | to the ground, mauling your face and underbelly. You struggle, but are
Floyd | helpless beneath him. You're dimly aware of him as he saunters away,
Floyd | leaving you for dead in the reddening snow. You only hope you freeze
Floyd | to death before the vermin and insects arrive.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have died. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 30 out of a possible 100, in 135 turns,
Floyd | earning you the rank of domestic.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Sorry."
DrewMochak says, "'s ok"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival arrives from the Rival's Wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius asks, "Perhaps if we tempt him with some hard food?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival arrives from the Snowy Maw.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Cheddarius), "Yes, I think that's the next idea to try."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | The Provider's cottage is that way, but you can't enter it from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival growls menacingly. You'd better leave soon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking back, you notice your Rival has abandoned the chase.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood, a sizable piece of bark, a buzzing log and
Floyd | a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Ah! Or we can get our Provider to take him out"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You squeeze the balloon through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a morsel of hard food and a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Drat"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get food"
Floyd | (first dropping the red balloon)
Floyd | The balloon floats up to the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the morsel of hard food with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider arrives from the Lumpy Mountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Our Provider just kicks him, and he runs away, it seems."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood, a sizable piece of bark, a buzzing log and
Floyd | a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius exclaims, "While he is distracted, we can smite him with our Ticklish Feather of Great Justice!"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "+5 circumstance bonus to friendship"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival crouches in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku leaves.
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "drop food"
Floyd | Perhaps some unfortunate critter will enjoy it more than you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival notices the hard food morsel, and swallows it whole.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | It's not so easy to traipse past your Rival.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival growls menacingly. You'd better leave soon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius asks, "Try "give food to Rival"?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "give food to rival"
Floyd | He snatches the morsel from you, and swallows it whole.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Cheddarius), "Oh. In my list I forgot to mention the hole in the snow, which we can make by digging."
Cheddarius says, "I see"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival growls menacingly. You'd better leave soon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Not even a thank you."
Cheddarius asks, "Try "pop balloon" instead of "hit balloon"?"
Cheddarius asks, "This is pretty outlandish, but maybe if we dig a hole and cover it with bark and then snow or something, we can lure him to fall into the hole?"
EmacsUser says (to Cheddarius), "I would be surprised if the simulation is that good."
Cheddarius says, "Yeah"
EmacsUser says, "But you can try."
Cheddarius says, "That's why I said it was outlandish"
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You encounter a swift-flowing stream. However, there may be a way over
Floyd | an embankment to the southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider arrives from the Aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival charges, grazing you with his claws!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "back"
Cheddarius says, "Oh man"
Cheddarius exclaims, "Provider is here!"
Cheddarius asks, "Is he going to beat up our rival?"
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "meow"
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider grunts at you. You're not sure if this is because you
Floyd | stole a strip of kindling, because you tracked snow into the cottage,
Floyd | because you failed to defend your food bowl, because you stirred up a
Floyd | swarm of insects, because he suspects you brought a bird into the
Floyd | house, because you mewed excessively, or because you scattered ash
Floyd | everywhere.
Floyd |
Floyd | You falter in the face of your Rival's ferocious charge. He pins you
Floyd | to the ground, mauling your face and underbelly. You struggle, but are
Floyd | helpless beneath him. You're dimly aware of him as he saunters away,
Floyd | leaving you for dead in the reddening snow. You only hope you freeze
Floyd | to death before the vermin and insects arrive.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have died. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 30 out of a possible 100, in 148 turns,
Floyd | earning you the rank of domestic.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "#cl ..DavidW Welcome back."
EmacsUser says, "Wow. I fail at the typing today."
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius exclaims, "Dangit!"
Cheddarius says, "Our Provider just let us die. What a jerk."
DavidW asks, "hm. Luring the Rival with food, eh?"
EmacsUser says, "Tried. Failed."
EmacsUser says, "My next bet is the insects."
DavidW asks, "How about dropping it on the Canopy Trail?"
Cheddarius asks, "Okay, how about... we put food in the hole, then put snow in the hole when the Rival comes in?"
Cheddarius exclaims, "My god!"
Cheddarius says, "Get the Rival run over by a car"
Cheddarius says, "Drop some food in the place"
EmacsUser says, "Yes, we had thought of that."
Cheddarius says, "Wait for Rival to come, then run"
Cheddarius says, "Darnit"
EmacsUser says, "We didnt' use the food to lure him though."
Cheddarius says, "Ah"
EmacsUser says, "*didn't"
DavidW asks (of EmacsUser), "It didn't work with the food?"
Cheddarius asks, "Does he follow you there?"
DavidW says, "Not normally."
EmacsUser says, "No he didn't follow us without the food."
Cheddarius says, "Maybe... maybe if we make a trail of hard food from the road to his location"
EmacsUser says, "I think we'll have to carry the bait. We can only move one morsel at a time."
Cheddarius asks, "Can you drop a morsel and then get another one?"
EmacsUser says, "I don't know"
DavidW says, "There's also the timing issue."
DavidW says, "Rival might eat the bait and leave before the car arrives."
EmacsUser says (to DavidW), "Right. That's what I tried to express but failed."
Cheddarius says, "Maybe put a whole bunch of morsels in the road"
Cheddarius says, "So he'll spend a lot of time eating them all and then get run over"
EmacsUser says, "Oh. Different timing issue."
EmacsUser says, "If it's like most games, we can only take one, but we should check."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "l" DavidW says, "I don't think we can make a pile of morsels in the road."
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is gathering wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | You falter in the face of your Rival's ferocious charge. He pins you
Floyd | to the ground, mauling your face and underbelly. You struggle, but are
Floyd | helpless beneath him. You're dimly aware of him as he saunters away,
Floyd | leaving you for dead in the reddening snow. You only hope you freeze
Floyd | to death before the vermin and insects arrive.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have died. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 30 out of a possible 100, in 148 turns,
Floyd | earning you the rank of domestic.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Can someone drive and try this out? I'm not familiar with the map"
EmacsUser says, "Okay."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "drop balloon"
Floyd | The balloon floats up to the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a morsel of hard food and a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Ellison has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "take food"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the morsel of hard food with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "s.drop food."
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hovering against the ceiling is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a strip of kindling here.
Floyd | Perhaps some unfortunate critter will enjoy it more than you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n.take food."
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the morsel of hard food with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider arrives from the Clearing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hovering against the ceiling is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a strip of kindling here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "It teleported back to the bowl."
EmacsUser says, "And we picked the morsel up again."
EmacsUser says, "So only one morsel to work with."
EmacsUser says, "I'll try the lure to traffic idea."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You carry a morsel of hard food between your teeth. You are also sated
Floyd | (though not satisfied), and covered in pale ash.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider heads toward the Lumpy Mountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood, a sizable piece of bark, a buzzing log and
Floyd | a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear high-pitched laughter beyond the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival crouches in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival arrives from the Rival's Wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Canopy Trail
Floyd | A north-south trail runs beneath a canopy of chestnut trees. You've
Floyd | seen giant glinting beasts stampede here, especially in the mornings
Floyd | and evenings. A lesser track leads east.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking back, you notice your Rival has abandoned the chase.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a distant rumbling approaching from the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "He abandoned us."
EmacsUser asks, "Try insects?"
DavidW asks, "But is he watching?"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "wave food"
Floyd | You look ridiculous waving the morsel of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival growls menacingly. You'd better leave soon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Canopy Trail
Floyd | A north-south trail runs beneath a canopy of chestnut trees. You've
Floyd | seen giant glinting beasts stampede here, especially in the mornings
Floyd | and evenings. A lesser track leads east.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking back, you notice your Rival has abandoned the chase.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a distant rumbling approaching from the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "Is that what you meant?"
DavidW asks, "May I?"
EmacsUser says, "Yes."
Cheddarius says, "Yeah"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "drop morsel"
Floyd | Perhaps some unfortunate critter will enjoy it more than you.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the north, a glinting beast comes into view.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "That's... unfortunate"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The glinting beast bears down on you!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | You scramble up a chestnut tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | Below, the glinting beast whizzes out of view.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You leap down off the chestnut tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take morsel"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the morsel of hard food with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a distant rumbling approaching from the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider arrives from the Aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival crouches in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "drop morsel"
Floyd | Perhaps some unfortunate critter will enjoy it more than you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is gathering wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival notices the hard food morsel, and swallows it whole.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Maybe if we were to somehow drop the morsel but pick it up before he managed to eat it..."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | It's not so easy to traipse past your Rival.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is gathering wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival growls menacingly. You'd better leave soon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Tried that."
Cheddarius asks, "Did we try the log?"
DavidW says, "ah."
Cheddarius asks, "Rolling it into the street, I mean?"
EmacsUser says (to Cheddarius), "That's what I meant by insects."
EmacsUser says, "Oh."
Cheddarius says, "Ah"
EmacsUser says, "Yes."
EmacsUser says, "That gets the log stuck and unusable."
EmacsUser says, "I meant we could get our rival stung with the insects on the log."
EmacsUser says, "And thereby scare him off."
EmacsUser asks, "Who is playing right now? Cheddarius, me, DavidW (who has played before), ...?"
Cheddarius asks, "What happens to the cars?"
DrewMochak says, "I am watching, for the time being"
Cheddarius asks, "Do they crash or anything?"
EmacsUser says (to Cheddarius), "So far they've just whizzed by or run us over."
Cheddarius says, "What a shame."
Cheddarius asks, "Okay, how about we pop the balloon with the bark?"
Cheddarius asks, "Does that work?"
EmacsUser says, "No idea."
Cheddarius asks, "Is there any way to pop the balloon at all?"
DavidW says, "That would be a waste of a balloon."
Cheddarius says, "To scare him off, I mean"
Cheddarius asks, "Because cats dislike loud noises, don't they?"
Cheddarius asks, "Can we try that?"
EmacsUser says, "Oh. Ok."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is gathering wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival charges, grazing you with his claws!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival arrives from the Rival's Wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Canopy Trail
Floyd | A north-south trail runs beneath a canopy of chestnut trees. You've
Floyd | seen giant glinting beasts stampede here, especially in the mornings
Floyd | and evenings. A lesser track leads east.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking back, you notice your Rival has abandoned the chase.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival crouches in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood, a sizable piece of bark, a buzzing log and
Floyd | a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider arrives from the Aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival arrives from the Snowy Maw.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival enters through the flap!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Whoops."
Cheddarius says, "Hmmmm"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood, a sizable piece of bark, a buzzing log and
Floyd | a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Splinters fly as the Provider splits wood with an axe.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking back, you notice your Rival slavering over your food bowl.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear high-pitched laughter beyond the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Maybe we can tempt him with the bowl"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You carry nothing between your teeth. You are also sated (though not
Floyd | satisfied), and covered in pale ash.
Floyd |
Floyd | Splinters fly as the Provider splits wood with an axe.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear high-pitched laughter beyond the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius exclaims, "Yes!!!!"
EmacsUser says, "Sadly, the bowl is immobile."
Cheddarius exclaims, "Wait for him to eat the food, then run!"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "take bark"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the bark with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | Splinters fly as the Provider splits wood with an axe.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival arrives from the Food Room.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear high-pitched laughter beyond the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius exclaims, "We're at the bowl, and the rival too!"
Cheddarius says, ""Looking back, you notice your Rival slavering over your food bowl.""
DavidW asks, "hm? How does this help?"
EmacsUser says, "Also, the rival catches up if you leave him at the bowl and make a run for the sw link."
Cheddarius says, "If the Rival starts eating the food, we can run"
Cheddarius exclaims, "Darn!"
EmacsUser says, "Yeah, these are all good thoughts, but now what the author had in mind."
DavidW says, "We could try to push the bag on top of him."
Cheddarius exclaims, "Genius!"
EmacsUser says, "Attempting..."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival enters through the flap!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd | You leap up onto the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival is eating from your food bowl.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "enter cupboard"
Floyd | The cupboard is currently shut.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival is eating from your food bowl.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "open cupboard"
Floyd | You pry open the cupboard with your paw.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival is eating from your food bowl.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "enter cupboard"
Floyd | You leap up into the cupboard...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room (in the cupboard)
Floyd | Within the close, heavy shadows, it's difficult to separate the
Floyd | commingled scents. Most of the arranged boxes appear to contain a
Floyd | Provider version of hard food. Indeed, your very own monstrous sack of
Floyd | hard food stands nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival is eating from your food bowl.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "push bag"
Floyd | Narrowly missing the Rival, the sack plummets to the floor, exploding
Floyd | loudly on impact. You marvel at the tremendous mountain of hard food
Floyd | below, as does your Provider, who arrives shortly. Waving away the
Floyd | clouds of dust, he seizes you by the scruff of the neck. Moments
Floyd | later, you land in a bank of snow, hear the latch click, and know
Floyd | you'll be spending a day in the cold, without food of any kind.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have wasted the day. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 30 out of a possible 100, in 163 turns,
Floyd | earning you the rank of domestic.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "drat"
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "push bag onto rival"
Floyd | You need to be holding the monstrous sack of hard food before you can
Floyd | put it on top of something else.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival is eating from your food bowl.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Darnit"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You leap down from the cupboard to the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival is eating from your food bowl.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius asks, "Maybe... tickle him with the feather while he's eating?"
Cheddarius says, "Maybe the feather will give him cancer or something, I don't know"
Cheddarius says, "I'm out of ideas"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You'll have to get off the ledge first.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival is eating from your food bowl.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You leap from the ledge to the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival is eating from your food bowl.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood, a buzzing log and a hole (which is empty)
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider heads toward the Food Room.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking back, you notice your Rival slavering over your food bowl.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "take log"
Floyd | The log has rotted away much of its weight. It's still too heavy to
Floyd | lift, but you might be able to get it rolling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "roll log s"
Floyd | The Provider would certainly be abuzz with gratitude if you could
Floyd | somehow manage to roll the log indoors.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "roll log e"
Floyd | You roll the log in front of you, carefull to avoid the gathering
Floyd | swarm of insects.
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "roll log s"
Floyd | You roll the log in front of you, carefull to avoid the gathering
Floyd | swarm of insects.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak goes home.
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "roll log sw"
Floyd | You can't even go that way!
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival arrives from the Aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "give log to rival"
Floyd | (first taking the buzzing log)
Floyd | The log has rotted away much of its weight. It's still too heavy to
Floyd | lift, but you might be able to get it rolling.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival crouches in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak arrives, full of fun and funk. EmacsUser asks, "How to use the log on the rival?"
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "roll log on rival"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser exclaims, "Ha!"
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "roll log onto rival"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "roll log rival"
Floyd |
Floyd | ** Run-time error: Rival's Wood (object number 98)  has no property
Floyd | <number 0> to read **
Floyd | That's not a direction.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival growls menacingly. You'd better leave soon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "What"
Ellison arrives, full of fun, but no funk.
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "crush pitiful rival under jackboots of opression"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser give Cheddarius a medal for bug finding.
EmacsUser says, "*gives"
Cheddarius accepts the medal
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "Smite fascist pig-dog rival with glory of Stalin's rule"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "hm. Checking my notes again. They seem to suggest treating the Rival like a jungle tiger."
Cheddarius asks, "Anyway, can we try popping the balloon?"
DrewMochak says, "Anyway I think the salient point to be taken from this experience is that we suck."
EmacsUser asks, "That is, try Cheddarius's first idea?"
Cheddarius says, "Poking it with the bark or something"
DavidW says, "Popping the balloon is a bad idea."
EmacsUser says, "``Jungle tiger'' means ``trap setting''---that's clear."
Cheddarius asks, "What happens if you pop the balloon?"
DavidW says, "You get a broken balloon, I suppose."
DrewMochak says, "They release... the EBOLAVIRUS! A day for 28 days later"
Cheddarius asks, "I mean, does it scare off the Rival?"
DavidW says, "And lose a working balloon."
DavidW says, "No."
Cheddarius says, "Darn"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "RESTORE"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "drop balloon"
Floyd | The balloon floats up to the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a morsel of hard food and a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "take food"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the morsel of hard food with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood, a sizable piece of bark, a buzzing log and
Floyd | a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Splinters fly as the Provider splits wood with an axe.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "I'll set a trap here"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "dig"
Floyd | In no time, you scrape out a modest hole in the soft snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "cover hole"
Floyd | That's not something you can close.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Back to get bark."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "drop all"
Floyd | (the morsel of hard food)
Floyd | Perhaps some unfortunate critter will enjoy it more than you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood, a sizable piece of bark, a buzzing log and
Floyd | a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "take bark"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the bark with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Cheddarius asks, "What's the bark for?"
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is preparing food.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood, a buzzing log and a hole (which is empty)
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear high-pitched laughter beyond the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a morsel of hard food and a hole (which is empty)
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "put bark on hole"
Floyd | You cover the hole with the piece of bark.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "put food on bark"
Floyd | You put the morsel of hard food on the bark.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sizable piece of bark nearly conceals a hole in the snow. Resting on
Floyd | the bark is a morsel of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Holy smokes"
EmacsUser asks, "What do you think?"
Cheddarius exclaims, "Genius!"
Cheddarius says, "I would have never thought of putting the food on the bark"
EmacsUser says, "It was your idea."
DavidW says, "This is much closer to what's needed. It isn't quite right, though, I bet."
EmacsUser says, "(The trap.)"
Cheddarius says, "The bark bit was mine, the food was yours"
Cheddarius exclaims, "Hurray for teamwork!"
EmacsUser asks (of DavidW), "Insects?"
Cheddarius says, "Maybe put some snow on it"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put snow on hole"
Floyd | But the bark is covering the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get snow"
Floyd | It only melts in your mouth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "put snow on bark"
Floyd | You cover the bark with snow, creating a small mound.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a mound of snow here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider arrives from the Clearing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "Ahahahahahah"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "VENGEANCE WILL BE OURS"
EmacsUser says, "Now he can't see the food though."
DrewMochak says, "Actually Ithink I messed it up. We'll see though"
DrewMochak says, "yeah"
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "remove mound"
Floyd | (first taking the mound of snow)
Floyd | That's fixed in place.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is gathering wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "yeah, you need all the elements. Including the insects."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "take snow"
Floyd | It only melts in your mouth.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is gathering wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "What"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "dig"
Floyd | You scrape away the mound of snow, revealing the bark.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider stumbles into the snow hole!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser exclaims, "Oh no!"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "#cl hah hah hah"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Heh"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "call fire department"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider glares at you. You're not sure if this is because he fell
Floyd | into a snow hole, because you stole a strip of kindling, because you
Floyd | tracked snow into the cottage, because you failed to defend your food
Floyd | bowl, because you stirred up a swarm of insects, because he suspects
Floyd | you brought a bird into the house, because you mewed excessively, or
Floyd | because you scattered ash everywhere.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser exclaims, "He's okay!"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood, a buzzing log and a hole (which is empty)
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "BAD kitty :("
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "roll log s"
Floyd | The Provider would certainly be abuzz with gratitude if you could
Floyd | somehow manage to roll the log indoors.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "roll log e"
Floyd | You roll the log in front of you, carefull to avoid the gathering
Floyd | swarm of insects.
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sizable piece of bark nearly conceals a hole in the snow. Resting on
Floyd | the bark is a morsel of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "take bark"
Floyd | You pick up the bark, revealing the hole in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get food"
Floyd | (first dropping the bark)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the morsel of hard food with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider arrives from the Rival's Wood.
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "take food"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the morsel of hard food with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is gathering wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put bark on hole"
Floyd | You cover the hole with the piece of bark.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is gathering wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "cover hole with bark"
Floyd | But the bark is covering the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider heads toward the Clearing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "cover bark with snow"
Floyd | You cover the bark with snow, creating a small mound.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Ooops"
EmacsUser says, "Whoa. We need the insects in the hole."
DavidW asks, "Did you put the log in the hole?"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "dig"
Floyd | You scrape away the mound of snow, revealing the bark.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak exclaims, "OH!"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sizable piece of bark nearly conceals a hole in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a buzzing log here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get bark"
Floyd | (first dropping the morsel of hard food)
Floyd | Perhaps some unfortunate critter will enjoy it more than you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You pick up the bark, revealing the hole in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius asks, "We'll try this first, okay?"
DavidW says, "Hole, log, bark, snow, morsel."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put log in hole"
Floyd | You roll the buzzing log into the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put bark on hole"
Floyd | You cover the hole with the piece of bark.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Oh"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put snow on bark"
Floyd | You cover the bark with snow, creating a small mound.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put food on snow"
Floyd | You need to be holding the morsel of hard food before you can put it
Floyd | on top of something else.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get food"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the morsel of hard food with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put it on mound"
Floyd | You put the morsel of hard food on the mound of snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "This is the lamest trap ever."
Cheddarius says, "Man, if the Provider accidentally steps in the hole again it'll be hilaious"
Cheddarius says, "Hilarious"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "full"
Floyd | You have so far scored 30 out of a possible 100, in 166 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of domestic.
Floyd |
Floyd | The score is made up as follows:
Floyd |
Floyd |      2 sharpening your claws
Floyd |      6 hunting a bird (and nearly being successful)
Floyd |      2 safely opening the blinds
Floyd |      8 waking the Provider unawares
Floyd |      4 eating hard food
Floyd |      8 finding sundry items
Floyd |
Floyd |     30 total (out of 100)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "look"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a mound of snow (on which is a morsel of hard food)
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "This had better be a lot of points."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival makes his home. You
Floyd | can't help hunching your shoulders, and bracing for a sudden attack.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival crouches in the snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | It's not so easy to traipse past your Rival.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival growls menacingly. You'd better leave soon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival charges, grazing you with his claws!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "n?"
Alex says (to EmacsUser), "Awwwk! Word on the street is that N is part of 'no'. So which part of 'no' don't you understand."
Cheddarius says, "Come, kitty kitty..."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | The Provider's cottage is that way, but you can't enter it from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You falter in the face of your Rival's ferocious charge. He pins you
Floyd | to the ground, mauling your face and underbelly. You struggle, but are
Floyd | helpless beneath him. You're dimly aware of him as he saunters away,
Floyd | leaving you for dead in the reddening snow. You only hope you freeze
Floyd | to death before the vermin and insects arrive.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have died. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 30 out of a possible 100, in 171 turns,
Floyd | earning you the rank of domestic.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | [Can't "undo" twice in succession. Sorry!]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a mound of snow (on which is a morsel of hard food)
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival arrives from the Rival's Wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "You want east"
EmacsUser says, "The moment of truth."
Cheddarius says, "I think we need a driver"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "bloody cluck of victory"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your Rival cautiously sniffs the edge of the snow mound, hesitates,
Floyd | then steps toward the morsel of food. Suddenly, there's a crunching
Floyd | noise as the ground gives way beneath him, and he's swallowed by the
Floyd | snow.
Floyd |
Floyd | Yowling horribly, and leaping from the hole, your Rival is pursued by
Floyd | an angry swarm. He dashes across the snowy plain, cries of agony
Floyd | echoing tree to tree. You savor the last reverberations of his anguish
Floyd | as he disappears from sight.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by fifteen points.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "roar in gleee"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "save!"
EmacsUser asks, "Okay, so what save file should we be on?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "rawr"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "save" Cheddarius says, "Now we will hunt the most dangerous game of all... cat."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "cf8"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Now, what the hell is sw of Wood?"
DavidW says, "er heck"
DrewMochak says, "A maze! Ah hah hah hah hah"
DavidW says, "(sorry Jacq!)"
DavidW says, "Better not be a maze."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s" Cheddarius says, "It's a Hekatoncheire and we need to find a way to defeat it with the balloon, a morsel of food, and a small twig"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival once made his home.
Floyd | It's a pleasure to explore it unhindered.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | As you climb over the embankment, something scuttles behind a stone.
Floyd |
Floyd | Beaneath Embankment
Floyd | Nestled under a southfacing embankment, there are actually patches of
Floyd | bare sand along this stony beach. The stream runs swiftly past,
Floyd | buffeting ice floes against the shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | Something scurries nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sun shines high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | The only obvious egress is back over the embankment to northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to DavidW), "In any case, we're doing a lot better than [LINK]"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "growl"
Floyd | You growl and hiss, but to no avail.
Floyd |
Floyd | You detect an earthy draft.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "smell"
Floyd | The scent of animal life is strongest near a jumble of boulders.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "g"
Floyd | The scent of animal life is strongest near a jumble of boulders.
Floyd |
Floyd | You detect an earthy draft.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "smell"
Floyd | The scent of animal life is strongest near a jumble of boulders.
Floyd |
Floyd | Something scurries nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "x boulders"
Floyd | Boulders and stones lie jumbled under an overhang. It's difficult to
Floyd | decide which of the innumerable interconnecting nooks and shadows to
Floyd | explore.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "listen"
Floyd | Not focussing on anything in particular, the rush of the stream
Floyd | predominates.
Floyd |
Floyd | Something scurries nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "explore boulders"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "smell boulders"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "listen to boulders"
Floyd | An earthy draft emanates from somewhere in the shadows.
Floyd |
Floyd | You detect an earthy draft.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x something"
Floyd | The shadows beneath the jumble of boulders faintly echo with tiny,
Floyd | pitter-pattering feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | Something scurries nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd | Whatever it was, it's undetectable now.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get rocks"
Floyd | The stones are too heavy to carry.
Floyd |
Floyd | You detect an earthy draft.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "enter shadows"
Floyd | You're not sure which of the myriad of shadowy nooks to explore.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "leave no stone unturned"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "smell shadows"
Floyd | You sniff out a dung-scented nook.
Floyd |
Floyd | Something scurries nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "enter nook"
Floyd | You squeeze into a small opening...
Floyd |
Floyd | Darkness
Floyd | Through a network of burrows and tiny side-passages, a larger tunnel
Floyd | winds northward. Your whiskers indicate even it may be impassable. The
Floyd | air is scarce, the earth close and unstable. With no room to turn
Floyd | around, perhaps you should just back out the way you came in.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "turn stone. stone turn"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | The tunnel bends upward. You welcome the plentiful, if musty, air...
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Cave
Floyd | Beside an open crack in the floor stands a glinting beast, the
Floyd | centerpiece of this dusty vault. Its glassy eyes and shiny skin
Floyd | reflect a sliver of light beneath a huge western door. Various cartons
Floyd | and barrels are stacked against the opposite wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak exclaims, "oh ho ho!"
EmacsUser says, "Okay, somebody else drive (the game, not the beast)."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x carton"
Floyd | Numerous cartons, barrels, and other useless containers are
Floyd | haphazardly arranged beneath a high shelf. A wicker basket does,
Floyd | however, catch your eye.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x basket"
Floyd | It's compact yet capacious, and currently contains a small white box
Floyd | and a jangly ring. You might be able to get your teeth around its
Floyd | sturdy handle.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x box"
Floyd | Its central (and only) feature is a large button.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push button"
Floyd | "Click."
Floyd | You hear a low mechanical growl as the huge door begins to slide
Floyd | upward, and bend beneath the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x handle"
Floyd | It's compact yet capacious, and currently contains a small white box
Floyd | and a jangly ring. You might be able to get your teeth around its
Floyd | sturdy handle.
Floyd |
Floyd | As the huge door opens completely, the mechanical growl abruptly
Floyd | ceases. You notice a glint of light near the bottom of the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x glint"
Floyd | Several bolts protrude near the bottom of the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x bolts"
Floyd | Several bolts protrude near the bottom of the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get bolt"
Floyd | The protruding bolts are up near the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get box"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the small white box with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "If you press the button again, the bolts should come down."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "search cartons"
Floyd | There is nothing on the cartons.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x shelf"
Floyd | Steeped in shadow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "Right, not sure what use I have for them though"
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "bite handle"
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push button"
Floyd | "Click."
Floyd | You hear a low mechanical growl as the huge door begins to close.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "get handle"
Floyd | (first dropping the small white box)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | Clamping down on its handle, you pick up the wicker basket.
Floyd |
Floyd | As the huge door comes to a close, the mechanical growl abruptly
Floyd | ceases.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "drop basket"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get box"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the small white box with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put box in basket"
Floyd | You put the small white box into the wicker basket.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get basket"
Floyd | Clamping down on its handle, you pick up the wicker basket.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get bolt"
Floyd | Those aren't available.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push bolt"
Floyd | You are unable to.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "x bolt"
Floyd | Several bolts protrude near the bottom of the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "look under door"
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x beast"
Floyd | You've heard such beasts rumble, sigh, bleat, and stampede. This one
Floyd | is quiet, and perhaps ill. He appears to be bleeding from his
Floyd | underside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "look under beast"
Floyd | You crawl under the beast for a closer look...
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Blood
Floyd | Shiny, intertwined tubes--presumably his exposed entrails--hang from
Floyd | the underside of the beast. From one of his stomachs, he slowly
Floyd | bleeds.
Floyd |
Floyd | A pool of clear liquid shimmers on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by five points.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x liquid"
Floyd | The pool is slowly fed by the beast's dripping entrails.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "eat liquid"
Floyd | That's plainly inedible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "Hah"
DavidW says, "Gasoline, I assume."
DrewMochak says, "Or motor oil, yah"
EmacsUser says, "Oh. I thought water."
DavidW says, "yeah, could be oil."
EmacsUser says, "Maybe we will get to be a kitty arson."
EmacsUser says, "*arsonist"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "clap paws with glee"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW |Provider glares at you. You're not sure if it's because you set his cottage on fire, or stole his car, or killed the mailman, ...
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "forget about soft food. steal car. Pick up chicks."
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak exclaims, "A day for capitalism!"
DavidW says, "yes, well, the AIF game"
DavidW says, "yes, well, the AIF game 'A Day for Soft Pussy' hasn't been written yet."
DrewMochak exclaims, "Hah hah!"
DrewMochak says, "A Day for bad puns"
EmacsUser says, "And long games."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "full"
Floyd | You have so far scored 50 out of a possible 100, in 215 turns, earning
Floyd | you the rank of stalker.
Floyd |
Floyd | The score is made up as follows:
Floyd |
Floyd |      2 sharpening your claws
Floyd |      6 hunting a bird (and nearly being successful)
Floyd |      2 safely opening the blinds
Floyd |      8 waking the Provider unawares
Floyd |      4 eating hard food
Floyd |     15 driving off your Rival
Floyd |      8 finding sundry items
Floyd |      5 visiting various places
Floyd |
Floyd |     50 total (out of 100)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "This game is short, we just suck at it"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x shelf"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x shelves"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "look"
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Blood
Floyd | Shiny, intertwined tubes--presumably his exposed entrails--hang from
Floyd | the underside of the beast. From one of his stomachs, he slowly
Floyd | bleeds.
Floyd |
Floyd | A pool of clear liquid shimmers on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x underside"
Floyd | Intertwining tubes connect four rubbery legs to the underside of the
Floyd | beast. His many stomachs are also linked by knots of shiny entrails.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "Oh did not get that this was its own location."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | The beast's entrails are intertwined too tightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "hit entrails"
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x entrails"
Floyd | Intertwining tubes connect four rubbery legs to the underside of the
Floyd | beast. His many stomachs are also linked by knots of shiny entrails.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x pool"
Floyd | The pool is slowly fed by the beast's dripping entrails.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "smell"
Floyd | You grow dizzy as the pool's vapor opens and burns your nostrils.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Not water."
DrewMochak says, "A Day for huffing whippets"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | You crawl out from under the glinting beast...
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Cave
Floyd | Beside an open crack in the floor stands a glinting beast, the
Floyd | centerpiece of this dusty vault. Its glassy eyes and shiny skin
Floyd | reflect a sliver of light beneath a huge western door. Various cartons
Floyd | and barrels are stacked against the opposite wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x shelf"
Floyd | Steeped in shadow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "Silly question: If Jacq's not here, who's taking the transcript?"
DavidW says, "Perry"
DrewMochak says, "This is gona suck to edit"
DavidW says, "Maga turned him on earlier."
DrewMochak says, "Thanks in no small part to my stupidity"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "climb shelf"
Floyd | You'll need to get closer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x barrel"
Floyd | Numerous cartons, barrels, and other useless containers are
Floyd | haphazardly arranged beneath a high shelf.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "climb barrel"
Floyd | I don't think much is to be achieved by that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "stand on barrel"
Floyd | You get onto the cartons.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x shelf"
Floyd | Steeped in shadow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "climb shelf"
Floyd | You'll need to get closer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "climb beast"
Floyd | I don't think much is to be achieved by that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "climb door"
Floyd | I don't think much is to be achieved by that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push barrel"
Floyd | You are unable to.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh!"
DavidW says, "I know what to do."
EmacsUser asks, "Oh?"
EmacsUser says, "Don't say yet."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push button"
Floyd | "Click."
Floyd | You hear a low mechanical growl as the huge door begins to slide
Floyd | upward, and bend beneath the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "grab bolt"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "hold door"
Floyd | The huge door is currently out of reach.
Floyd |
Floyd | As the huge door opens completely, the mechanical growl abruptly
Floyd | ceases. You notice a glint of light near the bottom of the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You carry a wicker basket between your teeth.
Floyd | In the wicker basket are a small white box and a jangly ring.
Floyd | You are also sated (though not satisfied), and covered in pale ash.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x ring"
Floyd | A dozen or more jagged, silvery leaves jangle on a ring. You find it
Floyd | to be a compelling toy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "It's a key ring."
Cheddarius says, "STEAL EVERYTHING"
DavidW says, "yes"
EmacsUser says, "I doubt that we can unlock the vehicle as a cat."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push button"
Floyd | "Click."
Floyd | You hear a low mechanical growl as the huge door begins to close.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get door"
Floyd | The huge door is currently out of reach.
Floyd |
Floyd | As the huge door comes to a close, the mechanical growl abruptly
Floyd | ceases.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get door"
Floyd | That's hardly portable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "get bolt"
Floyd | Those aren't available.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "hang"
Floyd | What do you want to hang?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "me"
Floyd | What do you want to hang yourself on?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "ooo"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "door"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "hang me on bolt"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push button"
Floyd | "Click."
Floyd | You hear a low mechanical growl as the huge door begins to slide
Floyd | upward, and bend beneath the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Cave (on the cartons)
Floyd | Beside an open crack in the floor stands a glinting beast, the
Floyd | centerpiece of this dusty vault. Its glassy eyes and shiny skin
Floyd | reflect the sunlight that streams through an opening to the west.
Floyd | Various cartons and barrels are stacked against the opposite wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | As the huge door opens completely, the mechanical growl abruptly
Floyd | ceases. You notice a glint of light near the bottom of the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Beast's Cave
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "hang me on door"
Floyd | The huge door is currently out of reach.
Floyd |
Floyd | As the huge door opens completely, the mechanical growl abruptly
Floyd | ceases. You notice a glint of light near the bottom of the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "The basket is probably a better idea."
DrewMochak says, "Herrumph"
DrewMochak says, "That does us no good"
DavidW asks, "'Cause baskets have handles and cats don't?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push barrel"
Floyd | You are unable to.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "open barrel"
Floyd | They're not something you can open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "search barrel"
Floyd | There is nothing on the cartons.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser is confused by what the Herrumph is referring to.
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push button"
Floyd | "Click."
Floyd | You hear a low mechanical growl as the huge door begins to close.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "This game is making me feel like a cat, clicking the button over and over"
DavidW says, "I think the basket is a great idea."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | As the huge door comes to a close, the mechanical growl abruptly
Floyd | ceases.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius asks, "What's the goal now?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "hang basket on door"
Floyd | Putting things on the huge door would achieve nothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "hang basket on bolts"
Floyd | You hang the basket on one of the protruding bolts.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get box"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the small white box with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push button"
Floyd | "Click."
Floyd | You hear a low mechanical growl as the huge door begins to slide
Floyd | upward, and bend beneath the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | As the huge door opens completely, the mechanical growl abruptly
Floyd | ceases. You notice a glint of light near the bottom of the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "uh"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x shelf"
Floyd | Steeped in shadow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push button" DavidW says, "Not quite what I wanted."
Floyd | "Click."
Floyd | You hear a low mechanical growl as the huge door begins to close.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | As the huge door comes to a close, the mechanical growl abruptly
Floyd | ceases.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "enter basket"
Floyd | (getting off the cartons)
Floyd | You get into the wicker basket.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the wicker basket you can see a jangly ring.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Hanging the basket on the bolt was the first step."
EmacsUser says, "Try now."
DrewMochak says, "Haha, I'm such a dolt"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push utton"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "oops button"
Floyd | "Click."
Floyd | You hear a low mechanical growl as the huge door begins to slide
Floyd | upward, and bend beneath the ceiling. You are being carried towards
Floyd | the ceiling!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Don't lose the remote!"
DrewMochak says, "I'm still holding it"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You carry a small white box between your teeth. You are also sated
Floyd | (though not satisfied), and covered in pale ash.
Floyd |
Floyd | As the huge door opens completely, the mechanical growl abruptly
Floyd | ceases.
Floyd |
Floyd | Cave Ceiling (in the wicker basket)
Floyd | Suspended by runners on either side, the huge door lies flat. There's
Floyd | enough space to walk on top of it, although the ceiling is damp and
Floyd | cluttered with cobwebs. To the east, something glimmers on a shadowy
Floyd | shelf.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the wicker basket you can see a jangly ring.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by five points.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "What the zarfian rating on this? Can we get stuck somewhere?"
DavidW says, "Make sure it goes back in the basket before taking .. oh, something else."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put box in basket"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You'll have to get out of the wicker basket first.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | You scramble out of the basket, and up onto the huge door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You leap onto the shelf...
Floyd |
Floyd | Shadowy Shelf
Floyd | Stack upon stack, row upon row, of flat, shiny eggs crowd this dark
Floyd | shelf. The eggs shimmer like magic vessels. You can't help but
Floyd | contemplate their sealed contents.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a fresh drop of saliva here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x drop"
Floyd | There's nothing unusual about your own saliva.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x egg"
Floyd | They're flat on the top and bottom, and round on the sides. You're
Floyd | certain they contain soft food, but not sure how to crack open their
Floyd | cold shells.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "x saliva"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get egg"
Floyd | You pick up an egg by clamping on a shiny ring attached to its top.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by four points.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Oops"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "throw egg off shelf"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push egg"
Floyd | (the flat shiny egg)
Floyd | Nothing obvious happens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Now we need a can opener."
Cheddarius says, "Cans of food"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | You leap atop the huge door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Cave Ceiling
Floyd | Suspended by runners on either side, the huge door lies flat. There's
Floyd | enough space to walk on top of it, although the ceiling is damp and
Floyd | cluttered with cobwebs. To the east, something glimmers on a shadowy
Floyd | shelf.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wicker basket hangs from the west end of the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Hrmmm"
DavidW says, "well, congrats on finally finding the soft food."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "d"
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "Run it over with the car"
Floyd | That could be dangerous.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd | You can't see "it" (the wicker basket) at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Ooops"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "jump"
Floyd | You spring into the air, and just for the joy of jumping!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Run it over with the car, I mean"
DrewMochak says, "Hah"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "commit suicide"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "enter basket"
Floyd | You get into the wicker basket.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the wicker basket you can see a small white box and a jangly ring.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "open egg"
Floyd | Whisker and paw! You're not sure how!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "the timing of ``That could be dangerous.'' was excellent."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "open can with ring"
Floyd | (the jangly ring)
Floyd | (first taking the jangly ring)
Floyd | (first dropping the flat shiny egg)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | That doesn't seem to be something you can unlock.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "take box"
Floyd | (first dropping the jangly ring)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the small white box with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | You scramble out of the basket, and up onto the huge door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push button"
Floyd | You click the white box, and the huge door begins to slide underneath
Floyd | you. The wicker basket drops out of view, and you've nowhere to go.
Floyd | You backpedal along the sliding door before falling awkwardly into the
Floyd | cave below. All your weight comes down on a forepaw which snaps
Floyd | instantly. You limp home, hoping against hope for the Provider's
Floyd | kindness.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have been maimed. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 59 out of a possible 100, in 277 turns,
Floyd | earning you the rank of catbird.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "YIKES"
DavidW says, "Why did you leave the basket!!"
DrewMochak says, "Cat-like curiosity."
EmacsUser says, "We're just trying to collect all of the endings."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Cave Ceiling
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "enter basket"
Floyd | You get into the wicker basket.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the wicker basket you can see a jangly ring and a flat shiny egg.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push button"
Floyd | "Click."
Floyd | You hear a low mechanical growl as the huge door begins to close. You
Floyd | are being carried downwards.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Current status: we don't know what to do with the key-ring, the egg, the puddle, the balloon, the wind, or the boy."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | The motion of the basket knocks you off-balance.
Floyd |
Floyd | As the huge door comes to a close, the mechanical growl abruptly
Floyd | ceases.
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Cave (in the wicker basket)
Floyd | Beside an open crack in the floor stands a glinting beast, the
Floyd | centerpiece of this dusty vault. Its glassy eyes and shiny skin
Floyd | reflect a sliver of light beneath a huge western door. Various cartons
Floyd | and barrels are stacked against the opposite wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the wicker basket you can see a jangly ring and a flat shiny egg.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "Yah. My initial idea was to drop it out the window, but don't think it will work."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get egg"
Floyd | (first dropping the small white box)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | Clamping your teeth on its shiny ring, you pick up the egg.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | You get out of the wicker basket.
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Cave
Floyd | Beside an open crack in the floor stands a glinting beast, the
Floyd | centerpiece of this dusty vault. Its glassy eyes and shiny skin
Floyd | reflect a sliver of light beneath a huge western door. Various cartons
Floyd | and barrels are stacked against the opposite wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wicker basket is hooked onto a bolt near the bottom of the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Perhaps Provider will open it for us?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push button"
Floyd | The white box is inside the wicker basket and difficult to reach at
Floyd | the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "drop egg"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get box"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the small white box with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push button"
Floyd | "Click."
Floyd | You hear a low mechanical growl as the huge door begins to slide
Floyd | upward, and bend beneath the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get egg"
Floyd | (first dropping the small white box)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | Clamping your teeth on its shiny ring, you pick up the egg.
Floyd |
Floyd | As the huge door opens completely, the mechanical growl abruptly
Floyd | ceases. You notice a glint of light near the bottom of the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "out" Cheddarius asks, "Crush it underneath the door?"
Floyd | But you aren't in anything at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "Wasn't my idea, but might as well see what happens"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put can under door"
Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put egg in door"
Floyd | The huge door is up near the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put egg under door"
Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put egg under bolts"
Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "put egg under door"
Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "I think we should hold the key-ring for ransom."
DrewMochak says, "Hah hah"
DrewMochak says, "A day for extortion"
DrewMochak says, "out"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | But you aren't in anything at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | A cloud shields the sun in the western sky.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "So. We must open can. We have keyring, kindling, gass, and balloon"
EmacsUser says, "And a balloon, wind, and a boy."
DavidW says, "well, I'd first try giving the can to Provider; he might be nice and open it. The boy might open it for us. And maybe it can be run over."
Cheddarius asks, "We have gas?"
EmacsUser says, "Yeah, gasoline, or something like that."
EmacsUser says, "It's leaking out of the vehicle."
DavidW says, "I'm hoping we don't actually need the car fluids."
DrewMochak says, "We also have axe"
EmacsUser says, "I didn't think that could be picked up."
DrewMochak says, "We need that location for something, we got points for being there"
EmacsUser asks (of DrewMochak), "Which location?"
Cheddarius says, "Ah"
DrewMochak says, "under the car"
Cheddarius says, "Okay, listen"
Cheddarius says, "Put the can in the car"
EmacsUser is all ears.
Cheddarius says, "Set the gas on fire"
Cheddarius says, "Run"
DrewMochak says, "with what"
Cheddarius says, "After the explosion dissipates, get the can"
Cheddarius says, "End the game in victory"
Cheddarius says, "Burn the world"
DavidW says, "uh, no way will that work."
Cheddarius says, "Set boy on fire, mock him"
DrewMochak says, "I believe Ihave discovered a flaw in your plan."
Cheddarius says, "Rule earth with iron fist"
Cheddarius says, "Terraform Mars"
EmacsUser ignores this banter and sets out to try DavidW's plan.
Cheddarius says, "I see no way this could go wrong"
DavidW says, "Unless you can find a cigarette lighter, I don't think we can make fire."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
DrewMochak exclaims, "A Day For Grinding The Pitiful Inhabitants Of Earth Beneath Your PAWS!"
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You carry a flat shiny egg between your teeth. You are also sated
Floyd | (though not satisfied), and covered in pale ash.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Yeah, it was a joke"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider grumbles at you. You're not sure if this is because he
Floyd | spotted you with the shiny egg, because he fell into a snow hole,
Floyd | because you stole a strip of kindling, because you tracked snow into
Floyd | the cottage, because you failed to defend your food bowl, because you
Floyd | stirred up a swarm of insects, because he suspects you brought a bird
Floyd | into the house, because you mewed excessively, or because you
Floyd | scattered ash everywhere.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear high-pitched laughter beyond the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "I know."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius asks, "What's the pale ash from?"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hovering against the ceiling is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a strip of kindling here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Alcove to west"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "We also have shirt"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n.w." DavidW says, "of Food Room"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Alcove
Floyd | Charcoal-stained stones form a shadowy alcove that culminates in a
Floyd | chute overhead. The strong smell of smoke is rivalled by more savory
Floyd | scents to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of pale ash here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "e.e."
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd | You leap up onto the lumpy mountain...
Floyd |
Floyd | Lumpy Mountain
Floyd | There is just enough room in this cozy corner for the lumpy mountain
Floyd | and the confusing black box that faces it. The lumpy mountain is home
Floyd | to some of your finest claw and scratch marks, though your Provider
Floyd | has never shared much enthusiasm for the art. The scent of your food
Floyd | bowl wafts in from the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a flannel shirt here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Good catch on the shirt."
EmacsUser says, "The ash we used to camouflage ourselves to almost catch a bird."
EmacsUser says, "It's from the fireplace."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "w.n."
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "Where's the Provider?"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a hole (in which are a morsel of hard food and a
Floyd | buzzing log) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is gathering wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "Have we saved lately?"
DavidW says, "Probably should save."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "save"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "cf9"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "give can to Provider"
Floyd | The Provider seems surprised that you're carrying around the flat
Floyd | shiny egg.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Well, yeah."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "give can to Provider"
Floyd | The Provider seems surprised that you're carrying around the flat
Floyd | shiny egg.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "meow"
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider growls at you. You're not sure if this is because he
Floyd | spotted you with the shiny egg, because he fell into a snow hole,
Floyd | because you stole a strip of kindling, because you tracked snow into
Floyd | the cottage, because you failed to defend your food bowl, because you
Floyd | stirred up a swarm of insects, because he suspects you brought a bird
Floyd | into the house, because you mewed excessively, or because you
Floyd | scattered ash everywhere.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "ok, Provider isn't gonna help us with this one."
Ellison has disconnected.
Ellison has connected.
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider arrives from the Aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "Where was the boy again?"
DrewMochak says, "where is axe"
DavidW says, "North of the fence."
DavidW says, "Axe is here."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put can on axe"
Floyd | Putting things on the axe would achieve nothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | Splinters fly as the Provider splits wood with an axe.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "well, Provider is probably using the axe."
DrewMochak says, "Even if you can't pick it up you oughta still be able to saw at it or something"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | A slatted fence bars your way.
Floyd |
Floyd | Splinters fly as the Provider splits wood with an axe.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put can on stump"
Floyd | You put the flat shiny egg on the stump.
Floyd |
Floyd | Splinters fly as the Provider splits wood with an axe.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear high-pitched laughter beyond the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take egg"
Floyd | Clamping your teeth on its shiny ring, you pick up the egg.
Floyd |
Floyd | Splinters fly as the Provider splits wood with an axe.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius asks, "Stick the can under his axe just as he's striking the wood?"
DavidW says, "didn't work"
EmacsUser says (to Cheddarius), "See Fang's arrival message."
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "listen"
Floyd | You hear a boy laughing and frolicking beyond the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | Splinters fly as the Provider splits wood with an axe.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "where is balloon"
DavidW asks, "Blankets, I think?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Inside, by...yep."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hovering against the ceiling is a red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a strip of kindling here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get balloon"
Floyd | (first dropping the flat shiny egg)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | The balloon dances in the air as you snare its string in your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is resting on the stump.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "careful"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "save"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "f9"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "drop balloon"
Floyd | The balloon begins to float away!
Floyd |
Floyd | Splinters fly as the Provider splits wood with an axe.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear high-pitched laughter beyond the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "why? why?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x balloon"
Floyd | A string dangles from an obviously buoyant balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | Splinters fly as the Provider splits wood with an axe.
Floyd |
Floyd | The balloon rises up and away, disappearing to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear high-pitched laughter beyond the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser exclaims, "!"
DrewMochak says, "I thought the boy would do somethign with it"
EmacsUser says, "We need a weight."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "restore" Cheddarius says, "The can"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "cf9"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius asks, "The log?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival once made his home.
Floyd | It's a pleasure to explore it unhindered.
Floyd |
EmacsUser says, "Be careful."
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "You saved as f9."
DavidW says, "yeah. f9"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "restore"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "f9"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Splinters fly as the Provider splits wood with an axe.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear high-pitched laughter beyond the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You carry a red balloon, its string between your teeth. You are also
Floyd | sated (though not satisfied), and covered in pale ash.
Floyd |
Floyd | Splinters fly as the Provider splits wood with an axe.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak asks, "...I restored f9 didn't I?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You squeeze the balloon through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Nope, cf9."
DrewMochak says, "Oh stupid capitals"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a flat shiny egg and a strip of kindling here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get egg"
Floyd | (first dropping the red balloon)
Floyd | The balloon floats up to the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | Clamping your teeth on its shiny ring, you pick up the egg.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "tie egg to balloon"
Floyd | Clumsily, you coax the twig through the shiny ring. After several
Floyd | attempts, the twig pops through and catches hold. The flat shiny egg
Floyd | is now fastened to the balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is bent over the alcove.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Wow. We have dexterity."
DavidW says, "oh yeah. If you examine the string, there's a twig."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x string"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "We could probably tie a cherry stem with our tongue"
EmacsUser says, "we left it behind"
Cheddarius says, "Yet more evidence that we should steal the car and pick up chicks"
DrewMochak says, "A Day For Cheerleading Stunts"
DrewMochak says, "Oh thoguht I was still holding the egg tied to string"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hovering nearby is a weighted balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a strip of kindling here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Chicks in the sense of female cats, and in the sense of eating baby chickens"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get balloon"
Floyd | The balloon dances in the air as you snare its string in your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is bent over the alcove.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "I wonder what the provider thinks of us now."
DrewMochak says, "no kidding"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is bent over the alcove.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is bent over the alcove.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Alcove
Floyd | Charcoal-stained stones form a shadowy alcove that culminates in a
Floyd | chute overhead. The strong smell of smoke is rivalled by more savory
Floyd | scents to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider reaches in from the east, arranging the pile of wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider reaches in from the east, arranging the pile of wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "uh, aren't we going up?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | You claw your way up the stone chute...
Floyd |
Floyd | Roof
Floyd | The pitched roof of the Provider's cottage affords an excellent view
Floyd | of the surrounding valley. A stream winds through forest to the east
Floyd | and south, while a woodland trail to the west links scattered
Floyd | farmhouses, such as the neighboring one beyond a fence to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see the boy to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | The wind blows west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see the boy to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | The wind blows south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see the boy to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | The wind blows south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see the boy to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | The wind blows south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see the boy to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | The wind blows south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see the boy to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | The wind blows south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "wave"
Floyd | You wave, feeling foolish.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see the boy to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | The wind blows south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You carry a weighted balloon, its string between your teeth. You are
Floyd | also sated (though not satisfied), and covered in pale ash.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see the boy to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | The wind blows west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "meow"
Floyd | You mew loudly, plaintively.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see the boy to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | The wind blows north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser exclaims, "Yay!"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "drop balloon"
Floyd | The wind carries the red balloon north towards the Clearing. The flat
Floyd | shiny egg slowly pulls it earthward. You watch with fascination as the
Floyd | shiny egg clears the fence by the width of your whiskers. A delighted
Floyd | boy runs to capture the descending red balloon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "go go go!"
EmacsUser exclaims (at DrewMochak), "Take us to the fence!"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "save"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "cf10"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "jump" EmacsUser says, "That too."
Floyd | You spring into the air, and just for the joy of jumping!
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see the boy to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | The wind blows west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "jump off roof"
Floyd | But you aren't in anything at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see the boy to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | The wind blows south.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sun sets behind a pink cloud in the western sky.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | The roof slopes steeply in every direction.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see the boy to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | The wind blows south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "restore"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "cf10"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Sun is moving. That's a sign, I think."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You come crashing down the chute into a pile of wood...
Floyd |
Floyd | Alcove
Floyd | Charcoal-stained stones form a shadowy alcove that culminates in a
Floyd | chute overhead. The strong smell of smoke is rivalled by more savory
Floyd | scents to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a pile of wood here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider grumbles at you. You're not sure if this is because you
Floyd | disrupted his wood pile, because he spotted you with the shiny egg,
Floyd | because he fell into a snow hole, because you stole a strip of
Floyd | kindling, because you tracked snow into the cottage, because you
Floyd | failed to defend your food bowl, because you stirred up a swarm of
Floyd | insects, because he suspects you brought a bird into the house,
Floyd | because you mewed excessively, or because you scattered ash
Floyd | everywhere.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "Of progress?"
DrewMochak says, "Man it would suck if he'd got that fire lit right about now"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider lunges after you, then clutches his breast and steadies
Floyd | himself.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Was that a dark shape scuttling in the snow?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "well, when the sun moves, we're in a new scene, essentially."
EmacsUser says, "Wait a bit."
DrewMochak says, "hah hah"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "The Provider lunges after you, then clutches his breast and steadies himself."
Cheddarius asks, "What just happened?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Alcove
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider lunges after you, but looks rather whoozy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Provider is having a heart attack."
DavidW says, "Go get help, Lassie."
Cheddarius asks, "Why?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "meow"
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider growls at you. You're not sure if this is because you
Floyd | disrupted his wood pile, because he spotted you with the shiny egg,
Floyd | because he fell into a snow hole, because you stole a strip of
Floyd | kindling, because you tracked snow into the cottage, because you
Floyd | failed to defend your food bowl, because you stirred up a swarm of
Floyd | insects, because he suspects you brought a bird into the house,
Floyd | because you mewed excessively, or because you scattered ash
Floyd | everywhere.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius asks, "What happened to the can? Why'd we fly it over the fence?"
EmacsUser asks (of Cheddarius), "Why a heart attack or why get help?"
Cheddarius asks, "Why a heart attack?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider lunges after you, only to be overcome by a fit of hacking
Floyd | and wheezing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says (to Cheddarius), "In hopes that the boy would open it for us."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider reaches in from the east, arranging the pile of wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Ah, I see"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider reaches in from the east, arranging the pile of wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You bump into a sooty stone wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider reaches in from the east, arranging the pile of wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "I don't like this dark shape either."
DavidW says, "You still want the food, but there's going to be more story."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is bent over the alcove.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Was that a dark shape scuttling in the snow?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "x shape?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x shape"
Floyd | There's nothing there now, if there ever was.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a low-pitched growl.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sun sets behind a pink cloud in the western sky.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "listen"
Floyd | Perhaps the growl was only your stomach.
Floyd |
Floyd | A faint, improbable scent rides the wind.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "My guess is that Rival might, just might, want revenge."
DrewMochak says, "I missed the first appearance of shape"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get kindling"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is bent over the alcove.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks (of DavidW), "s/guess/experience/g ?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Blankets
Floyd | You enjoy curling up in the blankets' warm folds. Light streams down
Floyd | through an eastern window. A mingling of faded scents lure you
Floyd | northward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a strip of kindling here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get kindling"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the kindling with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the floor, lies your food bowl, full of hard food.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is bent over the alcove.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I can't remember for sure."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Did a dark shape scuttle behind you?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Cave
Floyd | Beside an open crack in the floor stands a glinting beast, the
Floyd | centerpiece of this dusty vault. Its glassy eyes and shiny skin
Floyd | reflect the sunlight that streams through an opening to the west.
Floyd | Various cartons and barrels are stacked against the opposite wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | Above, a wicker basket dangles from the huge door.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a small white box here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "look under basket"
Floyd | The wicker basket is up near the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "look under car"
Floyd | You crawl under the beast for a closer look...
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Blood
Floyd | Shiny, intertwined tubes--presumably his exposed entrails--hang from
Floyd | the underside of the beast. From one of his stomachs, he slowly
Floyd | bleeds.
Floyd |
Floyd | A pool of clear liquid shimmers on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put kindling in liquid"
Floyd | You drop the kindling into the pool.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I don't know what you're trying to do now."
Gerynar arrives, full of fun, but no funk.
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get kindling"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the kindling with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "Was trying to soak it with gas then put it on the fire"
DrewMochak says, "For... reasons"
DavidW asks, "What about the food?"
DrewMochak says, "w"
DrewMochak says, "out"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | You crawl out from under the glinting beast...
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Cave
Floyd | Beside an open crack in the floor stands a glinting beast, the
Floyd | centerpiece of this dusty vault. Its glassy eyes and shiny skin
EmacsUser says, "Current status: we don't know what to do with the key-ring, the puddle, the shirt, or the shape. We still don't have food.""
Floyd | reflect the sunlight that streams through an opening to the west.
Floyd | Various cartons and barrels are stacked against the opposite wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | Above, a wicker basket dangles from the huge door.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a small white box here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Soak the shirt in the puddle"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Did a dark shape scuttle behind you?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Offer the shirt to the Provider as a comfort"
EmacsUser asks, "Why are we trying to start a fire?"
DrewMochak says, "Because it's fu"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x shape"
Floyd | There's nothing there now, if there ever was.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a malicious, low-pitched growl.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "smell"
Floyd | You smell nothing unexpected.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius exclaims, "Vengeance shall be ours!"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
EmacsUser says, "At least this shape isn't bothering us."
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "yet"
DavidW says, "Nothing will happen until we get the food, y'know."
Johnny says, "Wow, so some of you have had possibly two meals since this began."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "shake fence"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar asks, "you guys still playing the same game, or is this something new?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "hit fence"
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your nostrils detect that improbable scent again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Johnny), "No, I'm starving, actually."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "smell"
Floyd | That's strange. For a moment you thought you smelled your Rival.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "Don't judge me."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | A slatted fence bars your way.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a malicious, low-pitched growl.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Aspens
Floyd | Overlooked by a high window of the Provider's cottage, a trail follows
Floyd | a north-south stream through a grove of aspens.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a hole (in which are a morsel of hard food and a
Floyd | buzzing log) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Johnny says (to DavidW), "If cats had thumbs, you wouldn't still be playing... but for scary reasons."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Did a dark shape scuttle behind you?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "climb fence"
Floyd | The slats are too slippery, the fence too tall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "What are we trying to do right now? Get food?"
DrewMochak says, "Yus"
EmacsUser says (to Floyd), "meow"
Floyd | You watch the boy through the fence. He runs crazy circles in the
Floyd | snow, tugging the red balloon behind him. With a cry of joy the boy
Floyd | runs toward you. You hear a familiar "Thuck!" as he cracks open the
Floyd | shiny egg. Clambering halfway up, the boy is barely able to reach over
Floyd | the fence. Your eyes never leave the open shell of soft food as it
Floyd | falls and lands upright in the snow beside you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your nostrils detect that improbable scent again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "Same as last time."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get food"
Floyd | That's plainly inedible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser exclaims, "Ha!"
DrewMochak says, "...wuh"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "eat food"
Floyd | (first dropping the kindling)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | A blend of tuna and chicken livers, your entire consciousness swims in
Floyd | its taste, texture, and smell. You lap up its succulent juices, and
Floyd | slaver down every delectable mouthful. After a moment of complete
Floyd | rapture, you find yourself staring into an empty shell, grease
Floyd | dripping from your whiskers.
Floyd |
Floyd | Smoke rises from the cottage chimney.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by fifteen points.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser asks, "Why the smoke sentence?"
DrewMochak says, "provider lit a fire"
DavidW says, "Plot"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x can"
Floyd | Alas, it's empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | Smoke rises from the cottage chimney.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "where there's smoke, there's plot"
DrewMochak says, "Or a rave."
EmacsUser can guess where this is going.
DrewMochak says, "A Day For Smoke Signals"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hearing the flap close behind you, the Provider rises from his newly
Floyd | lit fire, and angrily approaches. You wonder if you've finally driven
Floyd | him insane. As you turn to retreat, both you and your Provider are
Floyd | startled by what emerges through the flap.
Floyd |
Floyd | First, a creature's swollen head pushes through, then its matted,
Floyd | bloodied body. Its eyes burn with hatred as it drags a lame leg
Floyd | through the opening. Thorns and stingers are knotted in its fur,
Floyd | embedded and broken off in numerous sores.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider shoos the hideous creature toward the flap, but it only
Floyd | growls with increasing resolve. The Provider lunges for the creature,
Floyd | then pauses dreamily as if staring at something distant. He gasps,
Floyd | clutches his breast, and collapses on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | The creature sniffs your fallen Provider, then closes in on you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "And, we're into the endgame."
Gerynar says, "that doesn't look good, guys"
Cheddarius exclaims, "Dang! Dang!"
DrewMochak exclaims, "ONOES!"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "save" Cheddarius exclaims, "Quick, harvest the Provider's flesh!"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "cf11"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "The game is called "a day for soft food", after all"
DrewMochak says, "A day for soft brrraaainnnns"
EmacsUser asks, "Next move?"
Cheddarius says, "Get the boy"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "eat provider"
Floyd | The creature's relentless claws interrupt you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sprawled on the floor is your Provider.
Floyd |
Floyd | The creature rakes you, drawing fresh blood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "curl up into a corner and cry like a pusy"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "You probably want to run for it, although that fire idea is sounding better too."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a strip of kindling, a shiny empty shell and a hole (which
Floyd | is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The creature follows you.
Floyd |
Floyd | A thousand stars shimmer in a moonlit sky.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "meow"
Floyd | You watch the boy through the fence. He runs crazy circles in the
Floyd | snow, tugging the red balloon behind him.
Floyd |
Floyd | The creature closes in on you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get kindling"
Floyd | The creature's relentless claws interrupt you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The creature rakes you, drawing fresh blood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get kindling"
Floyd | The creature's relentless claws interrupt you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The creature closes in on you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser exclaims, "We can't pick anything up!"
DavidW says, "You can't fool around much during this part, I bet."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "It's a timing issue."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd |
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a strip of kindling, a shiny empty shell and a hole (which
Floyd | is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The creature follows you.
Floyd |
Floyd | A thousand stars shimmer in a moonlit sky.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get kindling"
Floyd | The creature's relentless claws interrupt you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The creature closes in on you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "You can grab stuff if you have enough lead time, I think."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd |
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get kindling"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the kindling with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | Smoke rises from the cottage chimney.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your nostrils detect that improbable scent again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "save"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "cf11"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hearing the flap close behind you, the Provider rises from his newly
Floyd | lit fire, and angrily approaches. You wonder if you've finally driven
Floyd | him insane. As you turn to retreat, you are so startled by what
Floyd | emerges through the flap that you drop the kindling.
Floyd |
Floyd | First, a creature's swollen head pushes through, then its matted,
Floyd | bloodied body. Its eyes burn with hatred as it drags a lame leg
Floyd | through the opening. Thorns and stingers are knotted in its fur,
Floyd | embedded and broken off in numerous sores.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider shoos the hideous creature toward the flap, but it only
Floyd | growls with increasing resolve. The Provider lunges for the creature,
Floyd | then pauses dreamily as if staring at something distant. He gasps,
Floyd | clutches his breast, and collapses on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | The creature sniffs your fallen Provider, then closes in on you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Alcove
Floyd | Charcoal-stained stones form a shadowy alcove that culminates in a
Floyd | chute overhead. The strong smell of smoke is rivalled by more savory
Floyd | scents to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a crackling wood fire here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The creature follows you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put kindling in fire"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "light kindling"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x kindling"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "fend off rival with burning brand"
DrewMochak says, "What the splah"
DavidW | As you turn to retreat, you are so startled by what emerges through the flap that you drop the kindling.
DrewMochak says, "OH k"
DavidW says, "You can't cheat that way."
DrewMochak says, "that's hardly cheating"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "restore"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "cf11"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
EmacsUser says, "Then we need to deal with our rival sans fire."
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hearing the flap close behind you, the Provider rises from his newly
Floyd | lit fire, and angrily approaches. You wonder if you've finally driven
Floyd | him insane. As you turn to retreat, you are so startled by what
Floyd | emerges through the flap that you drop the kindling.
Floyd |
Floyd | First, a creature's swollen head pushes through, then its matted,
Floyd | bloodied body. Its eyes burn with hatred as it drags a lame leg
Floyd | through the opening. Thorns and stingers are knotted in its fur,
Floyd | embedded and broken off in numerous sores.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider shoos the hideous creature toward the flap, but it only
Floyd | growls with increasing resolve. The Provider lunges for the creature,
Floyd | then pauses dreamily as if staring at something distant. He gasps,
Floyd | clutches his breast, and collapses on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | The creature sniffs your fallen Provider, then closes in on you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get kindling"
Floyd | The creature's relentless claws interrupt you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sprawled on the floor is your Provider.
Floyd |
Floyd | The creature rakes you, drawing fresh blood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x creature"
Floyd | Its swollen eyes burn with hatred. Though mingled with an
Floyd | otherworldliness, and a stewing putrefaction, its scent is
Floyd | unmistakably your Rival's.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sprawled on the floor is your Provider.
Floyd |
Floyd | No match for the creature claw to claw, its relentless attack
Floyd | overwhelms you. You are numbly aware of your belly being lashed open.
Floyd | You smell the monster's putrefying flesh, and the rot of its breath.
Floyd | Its swollen eyes glower for a moment before its jaws close on your
Floyd | throat.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have died. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 74 out of a possible 100, in 385 turns,
Floyd | earning you the rank of catbird.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "It's war now."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a shiny empty shell and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The creature follows you.
Floyd |
Floyd | A thousand stars shimmer in a moonlit sky.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | The creature follows you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Canopy Trail
Floyd | A north-south trail runs beneath a canopy of chestnut trees. You've
Floyd | seen giant glinting beasts stampede here, especially in the mornings
Floyd | and evenings. A lesser track leads east.
Floyd |
Floyd | The creature follows you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a distant rumbling approaching from the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
EmacsUser says, "I have to leave for a bit, but I'll keep my client connected to watch the ending."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The creature closes in on you.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the north, a pair of headlights comes into view.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The creature rakes you, drawing fresh blood.
Floyd |
Floyd | The pair of headlights bears down on you!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | You scramble up a chestnut tree, pieces of bark falling beneath you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Below, the creature stands frozen in the oncoming headlights. You
Floyd | catch a glint of fear in his swollen, tortured eye as the thundering
Floyd | headlights close in on him, carrying him swiftly and mercifully into
Floyd | oblivion.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by eight points.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "hooray!"
DavidW says, "Now get the fire!"
DrewMochak says, "Yippie Kay-yay, mother-pussy."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "howl at moon"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You leap down off the chestnut tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You wander north a ways before turning back.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "Note by the way that the car that kills the cat doesn't even slow down."
DrewMochak says, "This is a cold, unfeeling populous."
DavidW says, "mm"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Rival's Wood
Floyd | A shadowy, east-west path snakes through a tangle of gnarled oaks and
Floyd | elms. Somewhere in this ancient forest, your Rival once made his home.
Floyd | It's a pleasure to explore it unhindered.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a shiny empty shell and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a strip of kindling and a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sprawled on the floor is your Provider.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get kindling"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the kindling with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider gasps.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "wake provider"
Floyd | But how?
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider gasps.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "meow"
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider hardly stirs.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is turning blue.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "nuzzle provider"
Floyd | You nudge the Provider, but he doesn't stir.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is turning blue.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "HURRAY"
DavidW says, "er HURRY"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Alcove
Floyd | Charcoal-stained stones form a shadowy alcove that culminates in a
Floyd | chute overhead. The strong smell of smoke is rivalled by more savory
Floyd | scents to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a crackling wood fire here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put kindling in fire"
Floyd | You put the kindling on the crackling wood fire.
Floyd | The kindling begins to burn.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get kindling"
Floyd | As you retrieve the smouldering kindling, you notice that one end
Floyd | sputters with flame.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | The fire is too hot to risk the climb.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Alcove
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is turning blue.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a shiny empty shell and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Set the provider on fire"
DavidW says, "no no"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius exclaims, "Yes, yes!"
DrewMochak says, "Not the idea but I want to see what happens anyway"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "light provider"
Floyd | There's no obvious fire source.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is turning blue.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius asks, "Wait, wait, are we going to burn the gas?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x kindling"
Floyd | The kindling smoulders on one end.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is turning blue.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "light provider with kindling"
Floyd | The smouldering kindling is not a fire source.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is turning blue.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "Oh what."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "hit provider with kindling"
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to hit the Provider.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "hit provider"
Floyd | First you take a tentative bite. Several more bites, and the Provider
Floyd | sleeps on. He's fairly tasty! Over the next few days, you manage to
Floyd | eat most of him. But when the insects arrive you flee to Rival's old
Floyd | wood to hunt fresh game. It's a savage fate for your poor master. But
Floyd | you have to admit that--even to the bitter end--he was always a
Floyd | Provider.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have lost your Provider. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 82 out of a possible 100, in 406 turns,
Floyd | earning you the rank of nine-lived.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
DrewMochak exclaims, "Hah hah hah!"
DavidW says, "geez-us"
Cheddarius says, "AHAHAHAH"
Cheddarius says, "VINDICATION"
DrewMochak says, "Throw *me* out of my house, will you"
DavidW says, "That's not the winning ending."
Cheddarius says, "Oh man, this is awesome"
Cheddarius says, "Anyway, let's find the right ending"
DrewMochak says, "This game gets like 50 points from me for letting you do that"
Cheddarius says, "I'm thinking, blow up the shack and when paramedics arrive haul them to the Provider"
DrewMochak says, "yah"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "But apparently it's not a fire source"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a shiny empty shell and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Cave
Floyd | Beside an open crack in the floor stands a glinting beast, the
Floyd | centerpiece of this dusty vault. Its glassy eyes and shiny skin
Floyd | reflect the moonlight that streams through an opening to the west.
Floyd | Various cartons and barrels are stacked against the opposite wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | Above, a wicker basket dangles from the huge door.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a small white box here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "And blowing up a warehouse is hardly an ideal ending"
DrewMochak says, "Depends on your POV"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "look under car"
Floyd | You crawl under the beast for a closer look...
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Blood
Floyd | Shiny, intertwined tubes--presumably his exposed entrails--hang from
Floyd | the underside of the beast. From one of his stomachs, he slowly
Floyd | bleeds.
Floyd |
Floyd | A pool of clear liquid shimmers on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says (to Floyd), "True, true"
Floyd | You seem to want to talk to someone, but I can't see whom.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put kindling in liquid"
Floyd | You hear a tremendous rush and roar of wind as the flames leap to
Floyd | life. You feel an unbearable heat as you're consumed by the fire.
Floyd | There's nowhere to go, no air to breath, and the flames are all around
Floyd | you.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have died. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 82 out of a possible 100, in 410 turns,
Floyd | earning you the rank of nine-lived.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "But from the POV of the game, I mean"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Beast's Blood
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "Kinda figured that'd have to happen"
DrewMochak says, "why go here at all then"
Cheddarius says, "I would expect that that would be a winning ending"
Cheddarius says, "It's only right to rid the world of this monster"
Cheddarius says, "Flesh-eating deathcat"
DrewMochak says, "Hey that rival was so asking for it"
DrewMochak says, "Chasing me into my house and all"
DrewMochak exclaims, "Then giving my poor old tasty provider a heart attack!"
Cheddarius says, "Tasty, tasty provider..."
DrewMochak says, "I'm still giggling over that"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "drop kindling"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "We have single-handedly murdered three entities"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | You crawl out from under the glinting beast...
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Cave
Floyd | Beside an open crack in the floor stands a glinting beast, the
Floyd | centerpiece of this dusty vault. Its glassy eyes and shiny skin
Floyd | reflect the moonlight that streams through an opening to the west.
Floyd | Various cartons and barrels are stacked against the opposite wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | Above, a wicker basket dangles from the huge door.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a small white box here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "The provider, the rival, and ourself"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Haven't killed the boy yet, but I don't think that's in the game anywhere."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "I'm not sure what to do now"
DrewMochak says, "The bird got away"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "look under car" Cheddarius says, "75% of people who meet us end up dying"
Floyd | You crawl under the beast for a closer look...
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Blood
Floyd | Shiny, intertwined tubes--presumably his exposed entrails--hang from
Floyd | the underside of the beast. From one of his stomachs, he slowly
Floyd | bleeds.
Floyd |
Floyd | A pool of clear liquid shimmers on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a strip of smouldering kindling here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get kindling"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the smouldering kindling with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I'll remind you that the flannel shirt hasn't been used yet."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | You crawl out from under the glinting beast...
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Cave
Floyd | Beside an open crack in the floor stands a glinting beast, the
Floyd | centerpiece of this dusty vault. Its glassy eyes and shiny skin
Floyd | reflect the moonlight that streams through an opening to the west.
Floyd | Various cartons and barrels are stacked against the opposite wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | Above, a wicker basket dangles from the huge door.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a small white box here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius asks, "Soak shirt in gasoline?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put kindling under car"
Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius asks, "Give shirt to boy, then throw coals at boy?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "drop kindling"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | But you aren't in anything at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Cheddarius says, "You got an Achievement: KILL EVERYONE (4/4)"
Floyd | You can see a shiny empty shell and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is turning blue.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You leap up onto the lumpy mountain...
Floyd |
Floyd | Lumpy Mountain
Floyd | There is just enough room in this cozy corner for the lumpy mountain
Floyd | and the confusing black box that faces it. The lumpy mountain is home
Floyd | to some of your finest claw and scratch marks, though your Provider
Floyd | has never shared much enthusiasm for the art. The scent of your food
Floyd | bowl wafts in from the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a flannel shirt here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get shirt"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the flannel shirt with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider is turning blue.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Alcove
Floyd | Charcoal-stained stones form a shadowy alcove that culminates in a
Floyd | chute overhead. The strong smell of smoke is rivalled by more savory
Floyd | scents to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a crackling wood fire here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put shirt on fire"
Floyd | You put the flannel shirt on the crackling wood fire.
Floyd | The flannel shirt begins to burn.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get shirt"
Floyd | You retrieve the flannel shirt from the fire. It's a little scorched,
Floyd | but essentially undamaged.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x shirt"
Floyd | A bit smelly, perhaps, but you love to nap in its soft folds.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius Ah, nice! Cheddarius asks, "Smoke signals?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You carry a flannel shirt between your teeth. You are also well-fed,
Floyd | and bleeding badly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put shirt on fire"
Floyd | You put the flannel shirt on the crackling wood fire.
Floyd | The flannel shirt begins to burn.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Pretty clever"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x shirt"
Floyd | The flannel shirt is engulfed in flame.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Alcove
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Why are you burning the shirt *here*?"
DrewMochak says, "To see if I can, basically"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Alcove
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Alcove
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get shirt"
Floyd | You retrieve the flannel shirt from the fire. It's a little scorched,
Floyd | but essentially undamaged.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider's breath grows faint.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius asks, "How about burning the shirt next to the fence so the boy sees us?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a shiny empty shell and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Cave
Floyd | Beside an open crack in the floor stands a glinting beast, the
Floyd | centerpiece of this dusty vault. Its glassy eyes and shiny skin
Floyd | reflect the moonlight that streams through an opening to the west.
Floyd | Various cartons and barrels are stacked against the opposite wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | Above, a wicker basket dangles from the huge door.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a strip of smouldering kindling and a small white box
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "look under car"
Floyd | You crawl under the beast for a closer look...
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Blood
Floyd | Shiny, intertwined tubes--presumably his exposed entrails--hang from
Floyd | the underside of the beast. From one of his stomachs, he slowly
Floyd | bleeds.
Floyd |
Floyd | A pool of clear liquid shimmers on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put shirt in pool"
Floyd | The flannel shirt soaks up much of the clear pool's liquid.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get shirt"
Floyd | You already have that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | You crawl out from under the glinting beast...
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Cave
Floyd | Beside an open crack in the floor stands a glinting beast, the
Floyd | centerpiece of this dusty vault. Its glassy eyes and shiny skin
Floyd | reflect the moonlight that streams through an opening to the west.
Floyd | Various cartons and barrels are stacked against the opposite wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | Above, a wicker basket dangles from the huge door.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a strip of smouldering kindling and a small white box
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "hang shirt from bolts"
Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "hang shirt on bolts"
Floyd | The protruding bolts are up near the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push button"
Floyd | "Click."
Floyd | You hear a low mechanical growl as the huge door begins to close.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | As the huge door comes to a close, the mechanical growl abruptly
Floyd | ceases.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x shirt"
Floyd | A bit smelly, perhaps, but you love to nap in its soft folds. The
Floyd | sodden flannel shirt is drenched with a noxious liquid.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "hang shirt on bolts"
Floyd | The sodden flannel shirt falls to the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push button"
Floyd | "Click."
Floyd | You hear a low mechanical growl as the huge door begins to slide
Floyd | upward, and bend beneath the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius asks, "Don't you need to set it on fire before you push the button?"
DavidW says, "It won't hang from the bolt."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | As the huge door opens completely, the mechanical growl abruptly
Floyd | ceases. You notice a glint of light near the bottom of the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Ah"
Cheddarius asks, "Put it in the basket?"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a shiny empty shell and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius asks, "Can I try that, Drew?"
DavidW says, "And it is unnecessary to put it on the bolt. Or anywhere on the door."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put shirt on fence"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put shirt on fense"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x shirt"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Cave
Floyd | Beside an open crack in the floor stands a glinting beast, the
Floyd | centerpiece of this dusty vault. Its glassy eyes and shiny skin
Floyd | reflect the moonlight that streams through an opening to the west.
Floyd | Various cartons and barrels are stacked against the opposite wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | Above, a wicker basket dangles from the huge door.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a sodden flannel shirt, a strip of smouldering kindling
Floyd | and a small white box here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Poor provider will be dead again soon."
DrewMochak exclaims, "Shame. Ah well, idid my best. A day for om nom nom nom!"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get shirt"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the sodden flannel shirt with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a shiny empty shell and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "hang shirt on fence"
Floyd | Putting things on the fence would achieve nothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "drop shirt"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "You're overthinking this, perhaps."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Cave
Floyd | Beside an open crack in the floor stands a glinting beast, the
Floyd | centerpiece of this dusty vault. Its glassy eyes and shiny skin
Floyd | reflect the moonlight that streams through an opening to the west.
Floyd | Various cartons and barrels are stacked against the opposite wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | Above, a wicker basket dangles from the huge door.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a strip of smouldering kindling and a small white box
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get kindling"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the smouldering kindling with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "very possibly"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a sodden flannel shirt, a shiny empty shell and a hole
Floyd | (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius asks, "Maybe just drop it near the fence and set it on fire?"
DavidW says, "I don't think you can hang the shirt anywhere."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "light shirt"
Floyd | There's no obvious fire source.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "But location is important."
DrewMochak says, "Oh right, that stupid"
DrewMochak says, "Can't get on the roof"
DrewMochak says, "Could toss shirt on fire I guess"
DavidW says, "ugh. That'll probably explode the house."
DrewMochak says, "which will almost certainly not work but could be entertaining nonetheless"
DrewMochak says, "drop kindling"
DavidW says, "I suppose. I'm leaving in an hour, btw."
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get shirt"
Floyd | (first dropping the smouldering kindling)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the sodden flannel shirt with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider's breath grows faint.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Alcove
Floyd | Charcoal-stained stones form a shadowy alcove that culminates in a
Floyd | chute overhead. The strong smell of smoke is rivalled by more savory
Floyd | scents to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a crackling wood fire here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put shirt on fire"
Floyd | You put the sodden flannel shirt on the crackling wood fire.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're nearly knocked off your paws by the rush of wind as the sodden
Floyd | flannel shirt ignites. Great greedy tongues of flame reach for the
Floyd | walls and ceiling. You're lucky to escape with only your whiskers
Floyd | singed.
Floyd |
Floyd | Soon a great mewing beast arrives to fight the flames. It seems that
Floyd | everyone in the valley comes to watch the inferno that was your home.
Floyd | You slink guiltily into the woods, surprised at how deeply you miss
Floyd | your Provider.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have lost your Provider. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 82 out of a possible 100, in 467 turns,
Floyd | earning you the rank of nine-lived.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "awww"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Alcove
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get shirt"
Floyd | (first dropping the smouldering kindling)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the sodden flannel shirt with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put shirt on pile"
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x wood"
Floyd | The kindling smoulders on one end.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "drop shirt"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get kindling"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the smouldering kindling with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put kindling on shirt"
Floyd | The sodden flannel shirt bursts into flame!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get shirt"
Floyd | You singe you whiskers before you even get close to the fire.
Floyd |
Floyd | A flaming shirt is ablaze with hungry, high-reaching flames.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get shirt"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the sodden flannel shirt with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Canopy Trail
Floyd | A north-south trail runs beneath a canopy of chestnut trees. You've
Floyd | seen giant glinting beasts stampede here, especially in the mornings
Floyd | and evenings. A lesser track leads east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a sizable piece of bark here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "drop shirt"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a distant rumbling approaching from the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a strip of smouldering kindling, a shiny empty shell and a
Floyd | hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get kindling"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the smouldering kindling with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Canopy Trail
Floyd | A north-south trail runs beneath a canopy of chestnut trees. You've
Floyd | seen giant glinting beasts stampede here, especially in the mornings
Floyd | and evenings. A lesser track leads east.
Floyd |
Cheddarius asks, "How about setting the shirt on fire in the road?"
Floyd | You can also see a sodden flannel shirt and a sizable piece of bark
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a distant rumbling approaching from the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "put kindling on shirt" Cheddarius says, "Oh, I guess you're doing that, huh"
Floyd | The sodden flannel shirt bursts into flame!
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south, a pair of headlights comes into view.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | You scramble up a chestnut tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | A flaming shirt is ablaze with hungry, high-reaching flames.
Floyd |
Floyd | The approaching pair of headlights slows down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The flaming shirt is ablaze with hungry, high-reaching flames.
Floyd |
Floyd | The headlights cease their approach, and a figure emerges from the
Floyd | darkness.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by eight points.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius exclaims, "YES!"
Cheddarius exclaims, "DrewMochak, you are a god among men!"
DrewMochak asks, "Speaking of my awesome achievements, have you ever heard of... _Obituary_?"
DavidW says, "HOORAY"
Cheddarius exclaims, "Now, ambush him and eat him!"
DavidW says, "ha ha ha"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "leap upon hlepless fleshy human"
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to leap.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Hmmm, _obituary_? Never heard of it; just looked it up, and I'm not finding anything."
DrewMochak says, "My entry that won introcomp last year"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You leap down off the chestnut tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | The flaming shirt burns heartily.
Floyd |
Floyd | A figure is here, waving around a beam of light.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "x figure"
Floyd | The figure wields a beam of light.
Floyd |
Floyd | The flaming shirt burns heartily.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "eat figure"
Floyd | He's plainly inedible.
Floyd |
Floyd | The flaming shirt still illuminates the area, but is burning itself
Floyd | out.
Floyd |
Floyd | A figure is here, waving around a beam of light.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "meow"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "hit figure"
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | The flaming shirt still illuminates the area, but is burning itself
Floyd | out.
Floyd |
Floyd | A figure is here, waving around a beam of light.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "MEOW"
DrewMochak says, "I know, I was just hoping for something canibalistic"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "growl"
Floyd | You growl and hiss, but to no avail.
Floyd |
Floyd | The flaming shirt consumes itself, its ashes scattering into nothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | A figure is here, waving around a beam of light.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "I'll check it out"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "meow"
Floyd | Shining his light on you, the figure bends over, and strokes you
Floyd | behind the ears.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You wander north a ways before turning back.
Floyd |
Floyd | The figure scans the area near you with a beam of light.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "meow"
Floyd | Shining his light on you, the figure bends over, and strokes you
Floyd | behind the ears.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | The figure follows you from the Canopy Trail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "House is east"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a shiny empty shell and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The figure follows you from the Snowy Maw.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a yellow feather here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Provider's breath grows faint.
Floyd |
Floyd | Someone is rattling the front door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Oh. Keys."
Cheddarius says, "Lure him to the house, and when he looks at the Provider, set the house on fire! We shall feast on roasted Provider this eve."
DrewMochak exclaims, "AAGHHHH!"
DavidW says, "Strangers can't use kitty doors."
DrewMochak says, "Hah. No more gas, unfortunately"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a shiny empty shell and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The figure scans the area near you with a beam of light.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | The figure follows you from the Clearing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd |
Floyd | Beast's Cave
Floyd | Beside an open crack in the floor stands a glinting beast, the
Floyd | centerpiece of this dusty vault. Its glassy eyes and shiny skin
Floyd | reflect the moonlight that streams through an opening to the west.
Floyd | Various cartons and barrels are stacked against the opposite wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | Above, a wicker basket dangles from the huge door.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a small white box here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The figure follows you from the Snowy Maw.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push box"
Floyd | "Click."
Floyd | You hear a low mechanical growl as the huge door begins to close.
Floyd |
Floyd | The figure scans the area near you with a beam of light.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | As the huge door comes to a close, the mechanical growl abruptly
Floyd | ceases.
Floyd |
Floyd | The figure scans the area near you with a beam of light.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "get keys"
Floyd | You gingerly pick up the jangly ring with your teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | The figure scans the area near you with a beam of light.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "push box"
Floyd | "Click."
Floyd | You hear a low mechanical growl as the huge door begins to slide
Floyd | upward, and bend beneath the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | The figure scans the area near you with a beam of light.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says, "I like the impassiveness of hte figure here"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd |
Floyd | Snowy Maw
Floyd | To the east, icicles hang like fangs within a giant maw of snow. A
Floyd | large pair of matching tracks lead out of shadows of the snowy mouth
Floyd | and to the west. A path loops north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | As the huge door opens completely, the mechanical growl abruptly
Floyd | ceases.
Floyd |
Floyd | The figure follows you from the Beast's Cave.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing
Floyd | A tree stump pokes through the otherwise unbroken blanket of soft,
Floyd | powdery snow. A slatted fence traverses the snow to the north, while
Floyd | the cottage entrance lies southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a shiny empty shell and a hole (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The figure follows you from the Snowy Maw.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "give keys to figure"
Floyd | The figure accepts the keys.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You duck through the flap in the front door...
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Room
Floyd | Here the Provider divines food from the cupboard's magic containers,
Floyd | and prepares it on the ledge above you like only a Provider can. It
Floyd | seems that all roads lead to your food bowl: there's an alcove to the
Floyd | west, a small flap northward, a lumpy mountain to the east, and a pile
Floyd | of blankets southward.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your fallen Provider lies oddly still.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | As the figure steps through the door, he turns toward your fallen
Floyd | Provider, and hurries to his side. A short while later, a loud and
Floyd | horrible mewing approaches, and the white-furred ones come to take
Floyd | your Provider away. You're sorry to see him go. He was all hisses and
Floyd | growls, but he was a Provider nonetheless.
Floyd |
Floyd | You eventually devour the mountain of hard food, and take to Rival's
Floyd | old wood. As the weeks pass, you hunt with greater relish; in the
Floyd | shadows, or from an overhanging limb, you watch and you wait with
Floyd | heightened senses. One day, having nearly forgotten him, you spy your
Floyd | Provider rolling into the cottage on a shiny stool. He no longer
Floyd | grunts or glares at you; instead, he sits all day on his shiny stool,
Floyd | gazing sadly into the confusing box.
Floyd |
Floyd | As winter warms over, the Provider begins to invite you onto his lap
Floyd | for a ride to the aspens, or through the ferns emerging on the forest
Floyd | floor. You hunt the golden-feathered bird and chase new rivals from
Floyd | across the stream. He strokes your fur, even croons to you. During
Floyd | such moments, you do something you haven't done in a long time. You
Floyd | purr.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have won ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 100 out of a possible 100, in 501 turns,
Floyd | earning you the rank of contentment.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
DrewMochak asks, "Wait, so could he have lived, if Ihad taken less time?"
Cheddarius says, "Wppppp"
Cheddarius says, "Wooooo"
DrewMochak says (to Floyd), "full"
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 100 out of a possible 100, in 501 turns,
Floyd | earning you the rank of contentment.
Floyd |
Floyd | The score was made up as follows:
Floyd |
Floyd |      2 sharpening your claws
Floyd |      6 hunting a bird (and nearly being successful)
Floyd |      2 safely opening the blinds
Floyd |      8 waking the Provider unawares
Floyd |      4 eating hard food
Floyd |     15 driving off your Rival
Floyd |      5 ascending a garage door
Floyd |     15 eating soft food
Floyd |      8 leading your Rival to a merciful end
Floyd |      8 building a beacon in the road
Floyd |     10 saving your Provider
Floyd |     12 finding sundry items
Floyd |      5 visiting various places
Floyd |
Floyd |    100 total (out of 100)
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score
Floyd | for that game or QUIT?
Floyd | >
Cheddarius says, "Well, that took a good while"
DavidW says, "yeah. Congrats."
DrewMochak says, "Haha yeah"
Cheddarius says, "I find it pretty amusing that eating soft food is worth way more than saving your provider"
DrewMochak asks, "Is taht the only ending? Does it change if you work faster?"
Cheddarius says, "I think it's the only good ending"
DavidW says, "I have no ending if there's a better ending if you're faster or not."
DrewMochak says, "Well teh name of the game is not A Day For Saving Lives"
DavidW says, "I think the help *did* say the best score was 101 points, though."
DrewMochak says, "Frankly this is probably a better ending anyway. The other guy's kind of a jerk"