ClubFloyd Transcript:
The Cove by Kathleen M. Fischer

As played on ifMUD on January 4, 2009

The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.

Below is a transcript of The Cove, written by Kathleen M. Fischer. The Cove was originally released as part of the 2000 IF Art Show, where it took Best of Landscape. You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting the ifWiki.

WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played this game, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page.

ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion
Jacqueline arrives, ready to play with the toys.
Dave asks, "isn't this a huge game?"
Dave says, "(as I recall)"
Jacqueline says (to Dave), "Not really. It was an art show entry."
Dave says, "I must be mis-remembering then"
Jacqueline says, "It's, um... Victorian era, methinks. Lots of environmental exploration, one main puzzle."
vimes arrives, ready to play with the toys.
Jacqueline asks (of Dave), "Have you ever joined us for CF before?"
Dave says, "no"
D says, "I'm new too."
Jacqueline says, "Well, welcome both of you!"
D says, "Thanks."
Jacqueline asks (of D), "And welcome to ifMUD. Thanks for figuring it out to be with us for CF. I take it you came because of the rgif post about the new RSS feed?"
D says, "Nope, no idea what that is."
inky says, "ha ha"
Nitku arrives, full of fun, but no funk.
Jacqueline says, "Oh, huh." Limax says, "Have a good time today, everyone"
Jacqueline says, "Well, now I'm even more impressed that you're here. :)" Jacqueline says, "Thanks, Limax."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "list c"
Floyd says (to Jacqueline), "cabal candy cask castles ccr centipede chalupa cheater childsplay chineseroom chkn-at chkn-dc chkn-gs chkn-jd chkn-jg chkn-lc chkn-ld chkn-ls chkn-mm chkn-mt chkn-ng chkn-oo chkn-rn chkn-rs chkn-sb chkn-wsb chkn-wso cia claw clock coast coffins cokeisit colossal colours coloursR2 coma comp00tr congrats cosmos courier cove crobe cruise crusade cube curses cycles"
Jacqueline says, "(Just checking to see if the file name was 'cove' or 'thecove')"
Dave exclaims, "chkn-dc!"
Jacqueline says, "Five minutes yet."
Jacqueline says (to Dave), "Yeah, there are a ton of chicken games on here. I've been scared to play them." D asks, "What's with all the chicken?"
Dave says, "I still love mine"
crumple arrives, full of fun, but no funk. Jacqueline says (to D), "Well, they taste like chick... oh, um, I guess there was a chicken comp or something back in the day."
Dave says, "sometimes you write something that no one else "gets" but tickles your own psyche well enough" D says, "Ha, there's so many."
Jacqueline says (to Dave), "heh. Yeah, I have a couple of speed IFs like that."
DavidW arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
Firion arrives, full of fun, but no funk. DavidW says, "I'll probably not be participating today. I've played this one before, and I've got XYZZY titles to research."
crumple goes home. Firion asks, "Which game?"
Jacqueline says, "The Cove."
D says, "The Cove"
Jacqueline says, "Okay, so the way this works, we'll play the game here in the room. This is sort of a timed game, but I think we can still all enter commands (ie rather than all of us directing one person to type commands) if we save occasionally during the main puzzle."
Jacqueline says, "You tell Floyd what you want to do by prefacing the command with 'f'. As in >F LOOK or >F X ME."
Jacqueline says, "If you want to discuss the game, make comments, whatever, then you do that on the #ClubFloyd channel. If you're new and don't know about channels, just ask."
Jacqueline says, "And on that note, I'll load up the game..."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load cove"
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
Floyd |

Floyd |
Floyd |

Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |

Floyd |
Floyd | [ For information about this game, type ABOUT. ]

Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "That'll be twenty five cents, Miss," says the driver as he helps you
Floyd | down from the carriage. You hand him a quarter and two nickels.

Floyd |
Floyd | "Mighty lonely out here this time of year," he continues, slipping the

Floyd | coins into his coat pocket. "Are you sure you won't be wanting me to
Floyd | stick around? I'd hate to see such a fine young lady get herself
Floyd | stranded, especially with that storm blowin' in."
Floyd |

Floyd | "Thank you, but I'll be fine," you assure him. "My fiance...," you
Floyd | start, then look away, unable to finish the lie.

Floyd |
Floyd | "Ah, I see," he chuckles. "Well, then I wish you a pleasant afternoon.
Floyd | Just keep your eye on those clouds, ya hear?" Grinning broadly, he
Floyd | jumps up into the driver's box and releases the brake. Then with a

Floyd | flick of the reins he sends the carriage lurching forward, back down
Floyd | the rutted road between the cypress trees.

Floyd |
Floyd | Finally, you're alone.
Floyd |
Floyd |

Floyd |
Floyd | The Cove

Floyd | An Interactive Seascape
Floyd | Copyright (c) 2000 by Kathleen M. Fischer
Floyd | Release 3 / Serial number 000525 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10
Floyd |

Floyd | Rocky Point
Floyd | High above the surf, Rocky Point offers a sweeping view of the western

Floyd | sea. From this lofty vantage point, looking south across a narrow
Floyd | strip of sand, you can clearly see the fractured granite cliffs that
Floyd | back the small cove below. To the north, the rugged coastline is
Floyd | dotted with offshore rocks and barren beaches, swept clear of sand by

Floyd | winter storms.
Floyd |

Floyd | Turning toward the sea, you take a moment to soak up the last few rays
Floyd | of sunlight before the clouds roll in.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

olethros arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
inky says (to Floyd), "x me" Jacqueline asks, "Hi, olethros. We just started. Want me to restart?"
Floyd | You didn't mean to come here. You had packed your bags and donned your
Floyd | best dress, fully intending to uphold your end of the bargain. When

Floyd | the coach arrived and you stepped on board, you were actually looking

Floyd | forward to the journey. A chance to see new things, new people, a new
Floyd | land.
Floyd |
Floyd | So how did you end up here, high on this cliff, miles from the train
Floyd | station, at a place you hadn't thought about in years? You shake your

Floyd | head in amazement, the answer still eluding you.

Floyd |
Floyd | You find your mind drifting back over old memories of this place.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "Or are you good?"
D says (to Floyd), "remember"
Floyd | When was the last time you where here? It must be going on six years
Floyd | now. You remember everything about that day; how lovely it was in the
Floyd | morning, how clear the skies and sea were, how much you had been

Floyd | looking foward to it. A tear forms in the corner of your eye only to

Floyd | be whisked away by a sudden gust of wind. If only memories could be as
Floyd | easily removed.
Floyd |
Floyd | A flock of sea gulls flies over the point and alights on the beach
Floyd | below.

Floyd |

Floyd | >
olethros says, "hey, D" D says, "Hello"
olethros asks, "I think we are playing... Nightfall?"
Jacqueline says (to olethros), "The Cove."
Nitku says (to Floyd), "x gulls"
Floyd | Masters of the air, these snowy white and gray birds seem to float
Floyd | effortlessly near the cliff walls, sometimes coming within inches of
Floyd | each other, without moving a feather.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
olethros says, "ah, birds"
inky says (to Floyd), "x cliff"
Floyd | Rising sixty feet above the sea, the cliffs are formed from heavily

Floyd | fractured granite. Though nearly vertical is most places, a small
Floyd | portion to the south has crumbled away, creating a narrow but walkable
Floyd | route down to the beach.
Floyd |
Floyd | A flock of sea gulls flies over the point and alights on the beach
Floyd | below.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "exits"
Floyd | There are exits to the south, to the east, to the southeast, and down.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "This was an art show entry, so it's pretty deeply coded... explore!"
D says (to Floyd), "x sand"
Floyd | Smooth and pale, it starts at the base of the cliffs and descends
Floyd | gradually into the sea. A darker shading marks the water line, which

Floyd | is quite low right now.
Floyd |
Floyd | A flock of sea gulls rises from the beach, circle the cove once, then
Floyd | head out to sea.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Jacqueline says, "Actually, who hasn't played this? (I have... but am keen to watch and always love reading through this game.)"
Nitku says, "I haven't."
D says, "The extent of my knowledge about this game is that it uses the verb 'remember' but I've never played it"
D says (to Floyd), "x sea"
Floyd | In deeper waters, outside the cove, the sea is a deep, rich blue that
Floyd | sparkles in the sunlight. But in the shallows, as the waves curl
Floyd | toward the shore, it abruptly changes to a pale translucent green and
Floyd | is covered in a fine netting of foam.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "x foam"
Floyd | The foam varies from tracings as fine as spiders web, to heavy patches
Floyd | completely obscuring the water underneath.

Floyd |
Floyd | >

Nitku says (to Floyd), "x shallows"
Floyd | In deeper waters, outside the cove, the sea is a deep, rich blue that

Floyd | sparkles in the sunlight. But in the shallows, as the waves curl
Floyd | toward the shore, it abruptly changes to a pale translucent green and
Floyd | is covered in a fine netting of foam.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "x cove"
Floyd | Tucked between two granite headlands, the cove sports a gently sloping
Floyd | beach and crystal clear water. Small shore birds follow the surf up

Floyd | and down the sand. Further out, in deeper water, you can just make out
Floyd | a sea otter bobbing in a raft of kelp.

Floyd |
Floyd | Though a favorite spot for small fishing boats that come here seeking
Floyd | abalone, the cove is completely deserted now. Perhaps the oncoming
Floyd | storm has sent the fishermen back to the safety of their docks.

Floyd |
Floyd | A flock of sea gulls flies over the point and alights on the beach

Floyd | below.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "x otter"
Floyd | It is too far away to see clearly.
Floyd |
Floyd | A flock of sea gulls rises from the beach, circle the cove once, then
Floyd | head out to sea.

Floyd |
Floyd | >

Jacqueline says, "I tried finding Kathleen to tell her we were playing, but one of her old e-mails addresses bounced and she never replied from the other one."
D says (to Floyd), "x otter"
Floyd | It is too far away to see clearly.

Floyd |
Floyd | A flock of sea gulls rises from the beach and flies off into the

Floyd | clouds.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You are carrying a purse. You are wearing an engagement ring, a silk
Floyd | dress, a pair of shoes and a pair of stockings.
Floyd |
Floyd | A flock of sea gulls rises from the beach, circle the cove once, then

Floyd | head out to sea.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You hesitate, as it seems a shame to come all this way and not enjoy

Floyd | the view.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "enjoy view"
Floyd | The view is always breathtaking here, but with the heavy clouds of the

Floyd | approaching storm providing a dark backdrop to the sun-drenched
Floyd | cliffs, you find it even more striking. Then again, perhaps you simply

Floyd | need it to be at its best this day.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you continue to gaze out at the sea, you find yourself wondering if
Floyd | England can lay claim to any place quite like this, then quickly chase

Floyd | the thought from your mind. All too soon you will find out, and there
Floyd | is little point wasting this day worrying about another.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says, "ha ha"
inky says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | Lifting your skirt, you start down the cliffs, but find the soles of

Floyd | your shoes too slippery to make a safe descent.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "take off shoes"
Floyd | You take off your shoes and stockings, setting them aside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "ha ha what? That >ENJOY VIEW worked?"
inky says, "yeah"
D says, "You said it was deeply coded"
Jacqueline says, "It's pretty cool that she did that, yeah."
Jacqueline says (to D), "Indeed I did."
DavidW says, "I think 'ENJOY' as a verb was first introduced by HHGG."
D says, "I like that, if the game tells you to do something, their terminology better work too"
inky says, ">SHARE AND ENJOY"
crumple arrives, full of fun, but no funk. Jacqueline says (to D), "Agreed."
D says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | Lifting your skirt, you carefully pick your way down to the beach
Floyd | below.

Floyd |

Floyd | Stepping out onto the sand, you are immediately hit with a rush of
Floyd | memories; memories of time spent clambering over these rocks, of
Floyd | splashing in the water, and of being here with Jason. You shut your
Floyd | eyes and for an instant you can almost touch the past, hold it close,
Floyd | be part of it again, and then it's gone.

Floyd |

Floyd | Opening your eyes, you wrap your arms around yourself and squint out
Floyd | toward the sea.
Floyd |
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | Surrounded by granite cliffs on three sides, this narrow strip of sand

Floyd | curves from north to south and faces a small cove to the west. With

Floyd | the tide this low, a marine terrace to the southwest lies exposed and
Floyd | accessible, though currently occupied by a large sea lion. To the
Floyd | north, the sea has dug a narrow, twisting tunnel through the headland.
Floyd |
Floyd | Long ribbons of seaweed strewn across the shore mark the leading edge

Floyd | of the surf at a quarter of the way up the beach. Additional clumps,

Floyd | dried and full of sand, lie tangled amongst the rocks at the base of
Floyd | the cliffs -- a warning of the sea's intentions.
Floyd |
Floyd | A long, slender piece of driftwood lies half buried in the sand.
Floyd |

Floyd | A plover hurries by, ignoring you completely.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks (of Crumple), "Played this one?"
crumple says (to jacq), "no."
olethros says, "very elaborate, yet not overbearing, descriptions"
D says (to Floyd), "x plover"
Floyd | The small white birds with their crisp brown markings follow the water
Floyd | up and down the beach, pecking at the sand.
Floyd |

Floyd | The sea lion pulls a hind flipper up and lazily scratches his side. A

Floyd | sea otter pops up amongst the kelp, and sets to work grooming its fur.
Floyd | A flock of sea gulls rises from the beach, circle the cove once, then
Floyd | head out to sea.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "x lion"
Floyd | The male sea lion is basking in the sun on the exposed marine terrace.
Floyd | Resting on his front flippers with hind ones dangling over the edge of
Floyd | the rock, he points his nose skyward as if to show off his impressive
Floyd | mane of fur. Fully seven feet long and well over 600 pounds, he is

Floyd | definitly not an animal to trifle with.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sea otter slips below the surface of the sea.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Bert arrives, ready to play with the toys. Jacqueline says (to Crumple), "So far all you need to know is that we were dropped off by a carriage taxi, there's a storm coming in, we mentioned some vague lie about our fiance, and we're exploring a seascape."
olethros says (to Floyd), "wave at lion"
Floyd | You look around but are unable to find that which you seek.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
olethros says (to Floyd), "twirl moustache"
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "x wood"
Floyd | Six feet long and weathered to a pale gray, the piece of driftwood
Floyd | probably started life as a cypress branch.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sea lion pulls a hind flipper up and lazily scratches his side.

Floyd | The sea otter pops up amongst the kelp with a spiny sea urchin held
Floyd | tight between its paws. Using its stomach as a table, it quickly
Floyd | consumes its bristly meal then rolls over once to clear away the
Floyd | remains.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "take wood"
Floyd | You pull the driftwood out of the sand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You are carrying a piece of driftwood and a purse. You are wearing an
Floyd | engagement ring and a silk dress.
Floyd |
Floyd | As a wave passes by, the sea lion raises his rear flippers just high

Floyd | enough to keep them dry, then lowers them again. The sea otter rolls
Floyd | over once, and goes back to work grooming its fur. Sea gulls float by
Floyd | on the breeze, their wing tips within inches of each other.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says, "Holy crap she's strong"
olethros says (to Floyd), "weigh wood"
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

inky says (to Floyd), "x ring"
Floyd | A shining band of gold. It bears the inscription "EL & AK - 1876". You
Floyd | spin it nervously about your finger, unaccustomed to its weight and
Floyd | feel.

Floyd |

Floyd | The sea otter swipes a thick, furry paw over its stubby furry face.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Well, drift wood, um, dries out in the salty air... or... yeah, I got nothin'"
D says (to Floyd), "give ring to otter"
Floyd | The sea otter doesn't seem interested.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sea lion swings his head around to gaze at you with large brown
Floyd | eyes. Unimpressed, he soon returns to his nap. A flock of sea gulls

Floyd | rises from the beach, circle the cove once, then head out to sea. A
Floyd | few small plovers scurry up the beach, just in front of the the next

Floyd | wave.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
olethros says, "nobody told us that it is a big heavy piece of driftwood"
olethros says (to Floyd), "x wod"
Floyd | You look around but are unable to find that which you seek.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

olethros says (to Floyd), "x wood"
Floyd | Six feet long and weathered to a pale gray, the piece of driftwood
Floyd | probably started life as a cypress branch.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sea lion pulls a hind flipper up and lazily scratches his side.

Floyd | Plovers follow the water up and down the beach, pecking at the sand.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Well, it's six feet long, but I guess it could be quite thin."
olethros says, "oh 6 feet long, but how wide?? :)"
Jacqueline says, "RIght"
Jacqueline says, "er, right."
olethros says (to Floyd), "swing wood"
Floyd | You look around, but can find nothing worth swinging.

Floyd |
Floyd | The sea otter ruffles through the fur on its tummy. A few small

Floyd | plovers scurry up the beach, just in front of the the next wave.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Bert says, "Probably narrower than your average treebranch."
olethros says, "probably as wide as a floor plank"
D says, "I thought of a floor plank too, still seems like a cumbersome thing to me"
Bert says, "If it started out as a branch, then got weathered down, I doubt it's that wide."
D asks, "Big enough to club an otter with?"
Bert says, "Can't hurt to try! Unless you're an otter."
olethros asks, "big enough to make a balance game thing that children play with from?"
inky says (to Floyd), "hit otter with wood"
Floyd | After a moments thought you realize the sea otter is too far away.

Floyd |
Floyd | Plovers follow the water up and down the beach, pecking at the sand.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
crumple goes home.
inky says (to Floyd), "throw wood at otter"
Floyd | After a moments thought you realize the sea otter is too far away.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sea otter slips below the surface of the sea.
Floyd |

olethros says (to Floyd), "approach otter"
Floyd | >
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "follow otter"
olethros says (to Floyd), "drift on driftwoo"
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
crumple arrives, full of fun, but no funk. olethros says, "ok, let's just enter the cave shallw e"
D says (to Floyd), "enter cave"
Floyd | You mumble something incomprehensible...
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "exits"
Floyd | There are exits to the north, to the east, to the west, to the
Floyd | southwest, and up.

Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "x cave"
Floyd | You look around but are unable to find that which you seek.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
olethros says, "I thought there should be a cave by a seaside cliff!"
inky says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | As you start toward the terrace, the sea lion lumbers to the edge of
Floyd | the rock and dives into the water. Surfacing again some distance from
Floyd | his former roost he barks his disapproval, then disappears into the

Floyd | sea. You stand there on the beach for several moments, staring out
Floyd | across the cove, but he does not resurface.
Floyd |

Floyd | Turning your attention back to the terrace, you walk out across the
Floyd | sand bar, exposed by the low tide, and clamber up onto the rock.
Floyd |

Floyd | Marine Terrace
Floyd | Standing in the lee of the southern cliffs, this narrow shelf of
Floyd | pitted rock has been exposed by the low tide and contains numerous

Floyd | tide pools large and small. Though the beach is still accessible to
Floyd | the east, the rest of the terrace is surrounded by sea.
Floyd |

Floyd | A wave strikes the western edge, showering that portion of the rock
Floyd | with a heavy spray that replenishes the tide pools.
Floyd |

Floyd | The leading edge of the storm clouds reaches the cove, blotting out
Floyd | the sun.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
olethros says, "it's what cliffs are for, damn it"
inky says (to Floyd), "x pools"
Floyd | You crouch down and peer into the closest one. Though its opening is
Floyd | no larger than a dinner plate, it is surprisingly deep, with many

Floyd | nooks and crannies for small creatures to hide in. Near the bottom are
Floyd | several sea anemones clustered together like undersea flowers, and a

Floyd | spiney sea urchin. Closer to the surface of the pool is a small clump
Floyd | of mussels and an assortment of limpets. Clinging to the side of the
Floyd | rock is an orange sea star.
Floyd |

Floyd | A flock of sea gulls flies over the point and alights on the beach
Floyd | below.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "x star"
Floyd | It has five fat legs and a central core nearly as wide as your palm.
Floyd |

Floyd | Sea gulls float by on the breeze, their wing tips within inches of
Floyd | each other.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

inky says (to Floyd), "x limpets"
Floyd | Clustered together on the rocks, they look like tiny volcanoes about
Floyd | ready to blow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

inky says (to Floyd), "lick limpet"
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I guess this is The Cove, not The Cave."
inky says, "ha ha"
olethros says, "hehehe"
Nitku says (to Floyd), "get star"
Floyd | You pull the sea star off the rocks and hold it gently in your hand.

Floyd |

Floyd | >
olethros | to the north, the sea has dug a narrow, twisting tunnel through the headland.
olethros says, "that was before"
olethros asks, "I guess tunnel != cave?"
D says, "Yup"
olethros asks, "how would she know it is twisting?"
olethros asks, "*unless it's without a roof?"
olethros asks, "can there be a roofless tunnel?"
inky says, "I assumed it was roofless, yeah, but I dunno"
inky says, "I guess technically not"
inky says, "it'd be a channel or a canal or something"
DavidW says, "It is roofless, iirc"
D says, "She's been here before anyway"
Jacqueline says, "Really, I always thought it was a real tunnel with a roof."
Jacqueline shrugs.
Nitku says, "She has x-ray vision."
Qfwfq has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Jacqueline clears the save counter.
D says (to Floyd), "x"
Floyd | What do you want to examine?
Floyd |
Floyd | >

olethros says, "sorry for being nitpicky, I'll get on with what I was doing before"
D says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Marine Terrace
Floyd | Standing in the lee of the southern cliffs, this narrow shelf of

Floyd | pitted rock has been exposed by the low tide and contains numerous
Floyd | tide pools large and small. Though the beach is still accessible to
Floyd | the east, the rest of the terrace is surrounded by sea.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave strikes the western edge, showering that portion of the rock
Floyd | with a heavy spray that replenishes the tide pools.

Floyd |
Floyd | A flock of sea gulls flies over the point and alights on the beach
Floyd | below.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Qfwfq arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
D says (to Floyd), "remember"
Floyd | This was always one of your favorite spots, especially on a hot day
Floyd | when the spray was always quite refreshing.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "feel spray"
Floyd | You feel nothing unexpected.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sea gull's strident call echos off the cliffs.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
D asks, "Go back to the beach?"
Jacqueline says, "Hello, Qfwfq."
inky says (to Floyd), "swim"
Floyd | You sigh wistfully, wishing you knew how.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger arrives, full of fun and funk. Qfwfq says, ""Hi Jacqueline."
Bert says (to Floyd), "sigh"
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You find it impossible to safely climb down the rocks while cradling
Floyd | the sea star in your hands.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sea otter pops up amongst the kelp with a spiny sea urchin held

Floyd | tight between its paws. Using its stomach as a table, it quickly

Floyd | consumes its bristly meal then rolls over once to clear away the
Floyd | remains. A sea gull's strident call echos off the cliffs.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "give star to otter"
Floyd | You find you haven't the heart to pester the sea star.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "drop star"
Floyd | You toss the sea star into the sea, where it quickly sinks below the
Floyd | surface.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sea otter swipes a thick, furry paw over its stubby furry face. A

Floyd | sea gull's strident call echos off the cliffs.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Qfwfq says, "Sorry, I'm late."
D says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You climb over the edge and scramble across the sandbar to the beach,
Floyd | apparently just in time as a particularly large wave crashes into the

Floyd | terrace sending a foot of water shooting all the way across its
Floyd | surface.
Floyd |
Floyd |

Floyd | Beach
Floyd | Surrounded by cliffs on three sides, this narrow strip of sand curves

Floyd | from north to south and faces a small cove to the west. With the tide
Floyd | half in, the marine terrace to the southwest is beginning to take on
Floyd | water. To the north, the sea has dug a narrow, twisting tunnel through
Floyd | the headland.

Floyd |
Floyd | Long ribbons of seaweed strewn across the shore mark the leading edge

Floyd | of the surf at about half way up the beach. Additional clumps, dried
Floyd | and full of sand, lie tangled amongst the rocks at the base of the
Floyd | cliffs; a warning of the sea's intentions.
Floyd |

Floyd | The clouds close ranks overhead, blotting out the sun completely and
Floyd | turning the sea from blue to gray. Outside the cove the wind is

Floyd | beginning to kick up whitecaps and push the swells up even further up
Floyd | the shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "take seaweed"
Floyd | You can't actually bring yourself to touch the rotting seaweed.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sea otter ruffles through the fur on its tummy.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

Bert says (to Floyd), "greet otter"
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Bert says (to Floyd), "otter, hi"
Floyd | The sea otter ignores you completely.
Floyd |

Floyd | You hear, more than feel, the first few hesitant drops of rain as they
Floyd | strike against the stones and create tiny craters in the sand. Moments

Floyd | later the storm catches its stride and it begins to rain in earnest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Sea otters are like that."
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "pet otter."
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "pet otter"
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Jacqueline says, "Well, sometimes. Sometimes they watch you, worried what you're going to do."
D says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | After a moments thought, you realize that you can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | You turn your face aside in a futile attempt to avoid the rain.

Floyd |
Floyd | >

Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You are carrying a piece of driftwood and a purse. You are wearing an

Floyd | engagement ring and a silk dress.
Floyd |
Floyd | You pass your hands over your face to clear the rain away.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "remove dress"
Floyd | As you go to remove the silk dress, a chilling wind causes you to
Floyd | think better of it.

Floyd |
Floyd | The rain runs down your neck in rivulets.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "hold purse over head"
Floyd | Your voice trails off after saying you were wanting to hold the purse.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Taleslinger), "Keep your mind on the game. :)"
Nitku says (to Floyd), "throw ring in sea"
Floyd | (first taking it off)
Floyd |

Floyd | You stare at the ring, suprised to find yourself reluctant to remove
Floyd | it. It's not like it means anything to you, not really. In fact, you
Floyd | hardly know the gentleman to whom it holds you bound. Still, as it is
Floyd | a costly thing, far more than you can afford to replace at the moment,

Floyd | and as you have little doubt that its true owner would expect every
Floyd | last penny of it reimbursed, you decide to leave it where it is.

Floyd |
Floyd | You turn your face aside in a futile attempt to avoid the rain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "open purse"
Floyd | You loosen the shimmering gold cord, opening the purse. Inside the
Floyd | open purse you see a faded white rose bud.
Floyd |
Floyd | You turn your face aside in a futile attempt to avoid the rain.

Floyd |
Floyd | >

Taleslinger says, "I thought of making an umbrellla out of it."
D says (to Floyd), "x bud"
Floyd | It was as white as snow when you slipped it from the bouquet six years

Floyd | ago, though it soon dried to a dingy yellow brown and became so
Floyd | brittle that you had to tuck it away in a cigar box for safe keeping.

Floyd | There it laid, alone and forgotten, until today when you pulled it out
Floyd | and placed it in your purse, unwilling to leave it behind, no room
Floyd | remaining to put it anywhere else.
Floyd |

Floyd | You turn your face aside in a futile attempt to avoid the rain.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Taleslinger asks, "Have we come from the tunnel in the north?"
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Beach

Floyd | Surrounded by cliffs on three sides, this narrow strip of sand curves
Floyd | from north to south and faces a small cove to the west. With the tide
Floyd | half in, the marine terrace to the southwest is beginning to take on
Floyd | water. To the north, the sea has dug a narrow, twisting tunnel through

Floyd | the headland.
Floyd |

Floyd | Long ribbons of seaweed strewn across the shore mark the leading edge
Floyd | of the surf at about half way up the beach. Additional clumps, dried
Floyd | and full of sand, lie tangled amongst the rocks at the base of the
Floyd | cliffs; a warning of the sea's intentions.

Floyd |
Floyd | The rain runs down your neck in rivulets.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | Gathering up your skirt, you walk down the beach and gingerly step
Floyd | into the sea. Unfortunately it's quite cold and your ankles

Floyd | immediately start to ache. So after giving a few kicks in the water
Floyd | for old time's sake, you find you are forced to retreat back up to dry
Floyd | sand.
Floyd |

Floyd | You turn your face aside in a futile attempt to avoid the rain.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You glance at the tunnel's entrance, narrow and twisting with a low

Floyd | ceiling, and conclude the piece of driftwood is simply too big to fit
Floyd | through it.

Floyd |
Floyd | The rain runs down your neck in rivulets.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "drop wood"
Floyd | You drop the driftwood on the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | You turn your face aside in a futile attempt to avoid the rain.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You eye the still dry tunnel nervously. Carved by wind and waves, the
Floyd | sea tunnel burrows through the headland about half the way up the
Floyd | beach. It is unreachable when the tide is high, both to those wanting

Floyd | in... and out. And in your childhood dreams you often found yourself

Floyd | trapped inside as the waves grew ever higher, your screams for help
Floyd | being carried out to sea. Moments later the water would come rushing
Floyd | through the tunnel and do the same to you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You  glance up at the clouds. Though it's pouring rain now, it seems

Floyd | the clouds are thinning to the west. Perhaps this will all blow over

Floyd | soon, but until it does there is nowhere else dry to go. So summoning
Floyd | your courage, you dash between the waves, scramble up the rocks, and
Floyd | enter the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | Tunnel's Entrance

Floyd | The narrow opening of the sea tunnel looks southward across the beach

Floyd | and to the granite cliffs beyond. From here, by craning your head
Floyd | around the rocks to the east, you are just able to make out the tips
Floyd | of the cypress trees, looking like ghostly shadows as the clouds pass
Floyd | by.
Floyd |

Floyd | Waves rolling in from the west tumble over the rocks below, sending up

Floyd | a heavy shower of spray and then move on.
Floyd |
Floyd | After a few moments it becomes clear that this spot offers little in
Floyd | the way of protection from the driving rain, and the cold sea spray is
Floyd | actually making things worse. As fears of the past are swept away by

Floyd | the realities of the present, you make your way further into the

Floyd | tunnel, squeezing past its narrowest point, then hurrying on to the
Floyd | northern end.
Floyd |
Floyd | Tunnel's End
Floyd | The tunnel ends abruptly here, its rocky floor falling sharply away to

Floyd | the pounding sea. Wide gaps in the stones above allow in just enough

Floyd | light to clearly see the masses of barnacles clustered around fissures
Floyd | in the stones and the slippery green algae on the tunnel floor that
Floyd | makes the footing treacherous.
Floyd |
Floyd | Near the opening, half covered in algae, is a flattened stone standing

Floyd | somewhat apart from the rest.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger says, "Somehow, this puts me in a disturbing lovecraftian mood."
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "x stone"
Floyd | You scrap off the algae from the flattened stone, revealing a heavily

Floyd | eroded outline of a heart cut into the rock. Inside the heart, carved
Floyd | in a childish hand, is the faded inscription "JS & AK". A lump forms
Floyd | in your throat and you swallow hard, trying in vain to shut your mind
Floyd | on old memories, still painful to recall.

Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up

Floyd | high into the air. You watch as the rest of the wave continues its
Floyd | course toward the coast, past jagged offshore rocks jutting up from
Floyd | the sea, only to die upon the barren shore.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D asks, "Did we just go straight from the entrance to the end of the tunnel?"
Firion says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You are carrying a purse (which is open), inside which is a faded
Floyd | white rose bud. You are wearing an engagement ring and a silk dress.

Floyd |

Floyd | The skies open up and it begins to pour, sending water streaming down
Floyd | the sides of the tunnel and splattering against you no matter where
Floyd | you stand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Jacqueline says, "Yeah, I think so."
D says (to Floyd), "remember"
Floyd | You remember back to the last time you were here, six long years ago.
Floyd | It seems like yesterday. You almost expect to see Jason come running
Floyd | through the tunnel, hair tossled by the wind. "Hey Amy," he would say,

Floyd | "look what I found!" Then he'd open his hand and show you some small
Floyd | treasure from the sea. They were worthless, they were beautiful, and
Floyd | they always made you smile. He always made you smile.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf1"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "climb"
Floyd | What do you want to climb?
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "climb rocks"
Floyd | You curl your fingers around the pitted stone and start a slow ascent
Floyd | of the rock wall. But after just a foot or two you find yourself out
Floyd | of hand holds, with the rock curving ever more over your head. You
Floyd | hang there for a moment, fingers aching, then drop back down to the

Floyd | tunnel floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "touch barnacles"
Floyd | You find the larger scales near the end of the barnacle to be smooth
Floyd | to the touch, but the stalk is covered in tiny spines.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto arrives, full of fun and funk. Taleslinger asks, "Aren't barancles those ceiling things from half-life?"
Otto says, "hello""
Otto says, "sorry for being late"" D says, "Dunno what they're called"
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Tunnel's End
Floyd | The tunnel ends abruptly here, its rocky floor falling sharply away to

Floyd | the pounding sea. Wide gaps in the stones above allow in just enough

Floyd | light to clearly see the masses of barnacles clustered around fissures
Floyd | in the stones and the slippery green algae on the tunnel floor that
Floyd | makes the footing treacherous.
Floyd |
Floyd | Near the opening is a flattened stone standing somewhat apart from the

Floyd | rest.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Otto), "Bonjour!"
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "x algae"
Floyd | Mostly deep green, though some patches are nearly black while others

Floyd | are a deep shade of red.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

Jacqueline asks, "And don't worry about being late... have you played The Cove before?"
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "sit on stone"
Floyd | After a moment's thought, you decide the flattened stone isn't

Floyd | something you can sit on.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Otto says, "no""
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | You examine the ground closely, finding it perfectly solid and quite

Floyd | impenetrable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Otto), "To speak on the channel, type >#CLUBFLOYD NO and then, after you've set your default channel, type ;NO."
D says, "Okay, so we're in a tunnel, which was called the only 'safe' spot from the rain"
D says, "But there's no way out"
Jacqueline says, "Except not in capital letters, of course. :)"
Otto says, "NO"
Jacqueline says, "There you go."
Otto says, "oops sorry""
D says (to Floyd), "take flat rock"
Floyd | Your voice trails off after saying you were wanting to take the
Floyd | flattened stone.

Floyd |

Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Otto), "Don't worry. It takes some practice."
D says (to Floyd), "take flat"
Floyd | You find the flattened stone to be one with the tunnel.

Floyd |

Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | Holding your breath, you turn sideways and squeeze past the tunnel's
Floyd | narrowest point to check on the tide. Finding the way to the beach
Floyd | still free, but not anxious to go back out into the rain, you
Floyd | reluctantly return to the northern end of the tunnel where you can

Floyd | stay somewhat drier.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Firion goes home.
Otto says (to jacqueline), "I meant I haven't played the Cove before"
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "get pneumonia"
Floyd | You look around but are unable to find that which you seek.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "exits"
Floyd | There are exits to the south and up.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | You curl your fingers around the pitted stone and start a slow ascent

Floyd | of the rock wall. But after just a foot or two you find yourself out
Floyd | of hand holds, with the rock curving ever more over your head. You
Floyd | hang there for a moment, fingers aching, then drop back down to the
Floyd | tunnel floor.

Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up

Floyd | high into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Qfwfq says (to Floyd), "f x up"
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Bert says (to Floyd), "mutter"
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Qfwfq says (to Floyd), "x up"
Floyd | Though probably solid at one point, it has collapsed near the end and
Floyd | allows in a fair amount of light.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "remember up"
Floyd | Your voice trails off after saying you were wanting to remember.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | You pause for a moment of silent reflection.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "dig"
Floyd | You glance at the ground but it seems much to solid to dig through.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air. You watch as the rest of the wave continues its

Floyd | course toward the coast, past jagged offshore rocks jutting up from
Floyd | the sea, only to die upon the barren shore.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "wait till rain ends"
Floyd | A bizarre number floats through your mind, and then is gone.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
inky says, "I am not a fan of the conceit that the PC is saying the commands the user types in"
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "sleep"
Floyd | You close your eyes, but find yourself much to restless to sleep.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "push wall"
Floyd | You try, but find it to be immovable.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "remember"
Floyd | You remember back to the last time you were here, six long years ago.

Floyd | It seems like yesterday. You almost expect to see Jason come running
Floyd | through the tunnel, hair tossled by the wind. "Hey Amy," he would say,

Floyd | "look what I found!" Then he'd open his hand and show you some small
Floyd | treasure from the sea. They were worthless, they were beautiful, and
Floyd | they always made you smile. He always made you smile.
Floyd |

Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air. You watch as the rest of the wave continues its

Floyd | course toward the coast, past jagged offshore rocks jutting up from
Floyd | the sea, only to die upon the barren shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "remember jason"
Floyd | Your voice trails off after saying you were wanting to remember.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
olethros says (to Floyd), "search tunnel"
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
olethros says (to Floyd), "find treasure"
Floyd | You look around but are unable to find that which you seek.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says, "Can't so south, can't go up"
Taleslinger asks, "Ah, I can't remember specific things?"
olethros says (to Floyd), "think about jason"
Floyd | Your voice trails off after saying you were wanting to think.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "xyzzy"
olethros says (to Floyd), "think"
Floyd | You murmer "Xyzzy," but nothing happens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Floyd | You remember back to the last time you were here, six long years ago.
Floyd | It seems like yesterday. You almost expect to see Jason come running
Floyd | through the tunnel, hair tossled by the wind. "Hey Amy," he would say,
Floyd | "look what I found!" Then he'd open his hand and show you some small
Floyd | treasure from the sea. They were worthless, they were beautiful, and
Floyd | they always made you smile. He always made you smile.

Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "shout"
Floyd | You shout loudly, but the wind just whips the words away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You are carrying a purse (which is open), inside which is a faded
Floyd | white rose bud. You are wearing an engagement ring and a silk dress.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "x ring"
Floyd | A shining band of gold. It bears the inscription "EL & AK - 1876". You
Floyd | spin it nervously about your finger, unaccustomed to its weight and
Floyd | feel.

Floyd |

Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I think remembering specific things was some other game we played."
D says (to Floyd), "look under flat"
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "lie down"
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "taste rocks"
Floyd | You wrinkle your nose at the thought.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Qfwfq says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Tunnel's End
Floyd | The tunnel ends abruptly here, its rocky floor falling sharply away to
Floyd | the pounding sea. Wide gaps in the stones above allow in just enough

Floyd | light to clearly see the masses of barnacles clustered around fissures
Floyd | in the stones and the slippery green algae on the tunnel floor that

Floyd | makes the footing treacherous.
Floyd |
Floyd | Near the opening is a flattened stone standing somewhat apart from the
Floyd | rest.

Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up

Floyd | high into the air. You watch as the rest of the wave continues its
Floyd | course toward the coast, past jagged offshore rocks jutting up from
Floyd | the sea, only to die upon the barren shore.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "listen"
Floyd | The relentless pounding of the sea echos through the tunnel.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "smell"
Floyd | You close your eyes and inhale deeply, savoring the briney scent of
Floyd | the sea.

Floyd |
Floyd | >

Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "feel"
Floyd | What do you want to feel?

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "feel algae"
Floyd | You feel nothing unexpected.

Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf2"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "x flat"
Floyd | Inside the rough cut outline of a heart, carved in a childish hand, is

Floyd | the inscription "JS & AK".
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Qfwfq says (to Floyd), "x gaps"
Floyd | The gaps vary from a few inches to a few feet in diameter.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Taleslinger says, "Maybe the goal is to commit suicide because of the love we lost."
D says (to Floyd), "climb through gap"
Floyd | You look around but are unable to find that which you seek.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "exit"
Floyd | You blush when you realize that you aren't actually in anything.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air.

Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says, "I'm in a tunnel"
inky says (to Floyd), "move flat"
Floyd | You try, but find it to be immovable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Jacqueline says, "Hm, true."
inky says (to Floyd), "look behind flat"
Floyd | You look around but are unable to find that which you seek.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Jacqueline says, "She should perhaps have made that equal >S"
Jacqueline says, "This is your main puzzle, and I do remember being a bit frustrated, but you'll figure it out."
D says (to Floyd), "jump"
Floyd | You jump into the ocean below, realizing too late that the water here

Floyd | is well over your head. Arms flailing, you struggle to find something
Floyd | to grab onto but find only sea. Moments later you find yourself

Floyd | dragged down to the bottom by the current and the weight of your
Floyd | lovely silk dress.
Floyd |
Floyd |

Floyd |     *** The End ***
Floyd |

Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 13 out of a possible 28, in 92 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see the CREDITS, give

Floyd | the FULL score for that game or QUIT?
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "ha"
Jacqueline says, "I mean, awww. RIP."
Bert says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Tunnel's End
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says, "I don't think that was it. She can't swim"
D says, "So whoops"
Jacqueline says, "It would appear not."
Bert says (to Floyd), "remove dress"
Floyd | As you go to remove the silk dress, a chilling wind causes you to

Floyd | think better of it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline smiles.
Bert says (to Floyd), "skinny dip"
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Bert says (to Floyd), "search dress"
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "climb down"
Floyd | After deep consideration, you ultimately decide it's not worth the
Floyd | effort.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

Bert says, "Nothing of interest to you, maybe..."
D says (to Floyd), "take all"
Floyd | There are none at all available!
Floyd |

Floyd | >

Qfwfq says (to Floyd), "x fissures"
Floyd | The fissures criss-cross the rocks and provide a foothold for the
Floyd | clusters of barnacles.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "smell bud"
Floyd | It smells of tobacco, not surprising considering it spent the last six
Floyd | years tucked away in a cigar box.
Floyd |

Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up

Floyd | high into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "smell purse"
Floyd | You smell nothing unexpected.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "climb fissures"
Floyd | After deep consideration, you ultimately decide it's not worth the

Floyd | effort.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Qfwfq says (to Floyd), "x barnacles"
Floyd | The gray scaled barnacles are grouped together in large clumps

Floyd | containing hundreds, maybe thousands, of individual members.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "feel spray"
Floyd | You look around but are unable to find that which you seek.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "x wave"
Floyd | The waves are four to five feet high as they curl over then break upon
Floyd | the shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Qfwfq says (to Floyd), "climb barnacles"
Floyd | You find you haven't the heart to pester the barnacles.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "x shore"
Floyd | Swept clear of sand by earlier winter storms, the rocky shores seem
Floyd | barren, inhospitable places, that even the birds pass by.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up

Floyd | high into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "x sea"
Floyd | Overshaddowed by the clouds, the sea is an unrelieved blue gray.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "pester barnacles"
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "search sea"
Floyd | The sea is empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "rub ring on flat"
Floyd | Your voice trails off after saying you were wanting to rub the
Floyd | engagement ring.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

inky says (to Floyd), "x flat"
Floyd | Inside the rough cut outline of a heart, carved in a childish hand, is
Floyd | the inscription "JS & AK".
Floyd |

Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up

Floyd | high into the air. You watch as the rest of the wave continues its
Floyd | course toward the coast, past jagged offshore rocks jutting up from
Floyd | the sea, only to die upon the barren shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

inky says (to Floyd), "x ring"
Floyd | A shining band of gold. It bears the inscription "EL & AK - 1876". You
Floyd | spin it nervously about your finger, unaccustomed to its weight and
Floyd | feel.

Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "scratch inscription"
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "x inscription"
Floyd | Inside the rough cut outline of a heart, carved in a childish hand, is
Floyd | the inscription "JS & AK".

Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "search barnacles"
Floyd | You find you haven't the heart to pester the barnacles.
Floyd |

Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air. You watch as the rest of the wave continues its

Floyd | course toward the coast, past jagged offshore rocks jutting up from
Floyd | the sea, only to die upon the barren shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "search tunnel"
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Qfwfq says (to Floyd), "take barnacles"
Floyd | You find them to be firmly attached to the rocks.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says, "sorry if I try some commands already tested previously..."
Otto says (to floyd), "rub barnacles"
Floyd | You find you haven't the heart to pester the barnacles.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air.

Floyd |
Floyd | >

Qfwfq says, "Me too."
D says, "It's okay, I think I just repeated MYSELF a few times"
inky says, "ok, so are we going to ditch this EL guy and run off with JS or what"
D says, "Well he's not here"
inky says, "details details"
inky says, "perhaps he's an otter"
Otto says, "the poor woman is lost, so she's acting confused (repeating things and such...)"
D asks, "Can anyone think of a way to scratch out the ring's engraving?"
inky says, "we could throw the ring into the ocean"
D says (to Floyd), "bite ring"
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says, "that is the traditional way"
Otto asks, "on the rock ?"
Jacqueline says (to otto), "heehee"
D says, "She won't do that, the hubby will make her pay for it"
inky says, "ha ha"
D says, "No seriously"
D says (to Floyd), "throw ring into sea"
Floyd | (first taking it off)
Floyd |
Floyd | You stare at the ring, suprised to find yourself reluctant to remove

Floyd | it. It's not like it means anything to you, not really. In fact, you
Floyd | hardly know the gentleman to whom it holds you bound. Still, as it is
Floyd | a costly thing, far more than you can afford to replace at the moment,

Floyd | and as you have little doubt that its true owner would expect every
Floyd | last penny of it reimbursed, you decide to leave it where it is.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
inky says, "what a jerk"
inky says, "he sounds like no gentleman to me"
D says, "It's 1800-whatever though, so you know how arranged marriages and such were"
Otto says (to floyd), "I"
Floyd | You are carrying a purse (which is open), inside which is a faded
Floyd | white rose bud. You are wearing an engagement ring and a silk dress.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "eat ring"
Floyd | You contemplating eating, but find you aren't hungry for an engagement

Floyd | ring.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up

Floyd | high into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says, "He's probably like 30 years older"
Otto says (to floyd), "think about ring"
Floyd | Your voice trails off after saying you were wanting to think.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "remember ring"
Floyd | Your voice trails off after saying you were wanting to remember.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "remember engagement"
Floyd | Your voice trails off after saying you were wanting to remember.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Dave has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
D says (to Floyd), "put ring in purse"
Floyd | (first taking it off)

Floyd |
Floyd | You stare at the ring, suprised to find yourself reluctant to remove
Floyd | it. It's not like it means anything to you, not really. In fact, you

Floyd | hardly know the gentleman to whom it holds you bound. Still, as it is
Floyd | a costly thing, far more than you can afford to replace at the moment,
Floyd | and as you have little doubt that its true owner would expect every

Floyd | last penny of it reimbursed, you decide to leave it where it is.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "x dress"
Floyd | While not at all appropriate for visiting the beach, the emerald green

Floyd | and white stripped silk dress with its solid green overshirt,
Floyd | tastefully bustled, is just the thing for going visiting - or going
Floyd | away - which is exactly what you should be doing right now. The silk

Floyd | dress is soaked.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "shake"
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says, "What's our goal I wonder..."
Otto says (to floyd), "remove dress"
Floyd | As you go to remove the silk dress, a chilling wind causes you to
Floyd | think better of it.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up

Floyd | high into the air. You watch as the rest of the wave continues its
Floyd | course toward the coast, past jagged offshore rocks jutting up from

Floyd | the sea, only to die upon the barren shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto asks, "is it possible to go somewhere from here?"
D says, "She refuses to go south into the rain, but she allows us to go up by climbing, but she gets tired"
D asks, "So do we have anything that can be used to assist climbing?"
inky says, "maybe we should do some pushups until we're stronger"
inky says (to Floyd), "look"
Floyd |
Floyd | Tunnel's End

Floyd | The tunnel ends abruptly here, its rocky floor falling sharply away to
Floyd | the pounding sea. Wide gaps in the stones above allow in just enough
Floyd | light to clearly see the masses of barnacles clustered around fissures
Floyd | in the stones and the slippery green algae on the tunnel floor that

Floyd | makes the footing treacherous.
Floyd |

Floyd | Near the opening is a flattened stone standing somewhat apart from the
Floyd | rest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "throw bud into sea"
Floyd | You need to be holding the faded white rose bud before you can put it
Floyd | into something else.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "exits"
Floyd | There are exits to the south and up.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air. You watch as the rest of the wave continues its

Floyd | course toward the coast, past jagged offshore rocks jutting up from

Floyd | the sea, only to die upon the barren shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | You blush when you realize that you aren't actually in anything.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | Holding your breath, you turn sideways and squeeze past the tunnel's

Floyd | narrowest point to check on the tide. Finding the way to the beach
Floyd | still free, but not anxious to go back out into the rain, you
Floyd | reluctantly return to the northern end of the tunnel where you can
Floyd | stay somewhat drier.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

inky says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd | You curl your fingers around the pitted stone and start a slow ascent
Floyd | of the rock wall. But after just a foot or two you find yourself out
Floyd | of hand holds, with the rock curving ever more over your head. You

Floyd | hang there for a moment, fingers aching, then drop back down to the

Floyd | tunnel floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "get bud"
Floyd | You take the faded white rose bud out of the purse.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "throw bud into sea"
Floyd | You gently kiss the faded blossom then toss it out onto the sea. "Rest
Floyd | in peace, Jason," you whisper as you watch it bob upon the water.
Floyd | Moments later it's caught up in the churning waves and pulled beneath
Floyd | the surface.

Floyd |

Floyd | "Amelia!" comes a cry from far above, barely audible over a sudden
Floyd | rush of water to the south. How long have you been in here? Looking up
Floyd | toward the cliffs you are surprised to see a familiar coach and four
Floyd | standing precariously close to the edge.
Floyd |

Floyd | "Ethan, get the horses back," you yell, cupping your hands around your

Floyd | mouth in a futile attempt to be heard. How did he know where to find
Floyd | you?
Floyd |
Floyd | "Amelia!" comes the cry again, this time more frantic.
Floyd |

Floyd | Tunnel's End

Floyd | The tunnel ends abruptly here, its rocky floor falling sharply away to
Floyd | the pounding sea. Wide gaps in the stones above allow in just enough
Floyd | light to clearly see the masses of barnacles clustered around fissures
Floyd | in the stones and the slippery green algae on the tunnel floor that
Floyd | makes the footing treacherous.

Floyd |

Floyd | Near the opening is a flattened stone standing somewhat apart from the
Floyd | rest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says, "Good job"
D says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Tunnel's Entrance
Floyd | The narrow opening of the sea tunnel looks out upon the beach, or what

Floyd | is left of it, for the tide has come in so far that some of the larger

Floyd | waves are spilling over the small rocks at the base of the cliffs.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says, "it would be funny if this game was just composed of puzzles that were solved by throwing things into the ocean"
Otto says (to floyd), "remember jason"
Floyd | Your voice trails off after saying you were wanting to remember.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
crumple goes home.
D says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | Standing at the edge of the tunnel, peering down at the sea as it
Floyd | surges past, you quickly realize the only way out this direction is to
Floyd | jump.
Floyd |

Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up

Floyd | high into the air. You watch as the rest of the wave continues its
Floyd | course toward the shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf3"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | Holding your breath, you turn sideways and squeeze past the tunnel's
Floyd | narrowest point, then hurry on to its northern end with the sea
Floyd | lapping at your heels.
Floyd |

Floyd | "Ethan, I'm here!" you scream as a wave enters the southern end of the
Floyd | tunnel, sweeping over your feet and pour out the northern end.
Floyd |
Floyd | Tunnel's End
Floyd | The tunnel ends abruptly here, its rocky floor falling sharply away to
Floyd | the pounding sea. Wide gaps in the stones above allow in just enough

Floyd | light to clearly see the masses of barnacles clustered around fissures
Floyd | in the stones and the slippery green algae on the tunnel floor that
Floyd | makes the footing treacherous.
Floyd |
Floyd | Near the opening is a flattened stone standing somewhat apart from the
Floyd | rest.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "stand on stone"
Floyd | After a moment's thought, you decide the flattened stone isn't
Floyd | something you can stand on.

Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air. You watch as the rest of the wave continues its
Floyd | course toward the coast, past jagged offshore rocks jutting up from
Floyd | the sea, only to die upon the barren shore.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd | Just as you did six years before, you curl your finger around the
Floyd | pitted stone and attempt to haul yourself up the rocks. But this time
Floyd | Jason isn't there to push you the rest of the way up, and you slide

Floyd | back down.
Floyd |
Floyd | While you are preparing to try again, your hand is hit by a sturdy
Floyd | strap of leather tossed down from above.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Amelia, grab the rein," calls Ethan, his voice barely audible over

Floyd | the sound of the waves.
Floyd |
Floyd | Wrapping the rein around your hand, you once again scramble up the
Floyd | rocks. A moment later you find yourself standing on the rim of the
Floyd | tunnel, caught up in Ethans arms as he wraps his thick black cloak
Floyd | around you. Another wave sweeps through the tunnel at your feet,

Floyd | sending a shower of spray up high above your head. But the sea has no
Floyd | power over you now. This time there is no one left behind for it to
Floyd | claim.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** The End ***

Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 16 out of a possible 28, in 130 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see the CREDITS, give
Floyd | the FULL score for that game or QUIT?

Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says, "hmm, that was a weird ending"
Jacqueline says, "Woo"
D asks, "Oh wow, that means jason drowned right?"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah."
inky says, "I guess so"
inky says, "leaving only a single rose behind"
Otto says, "there is more to discover it seems"
Jacqueline says, "So now we're going to marry Ethan. Poo."
inky says, "no doubt clenched in your teeth"
inky says, "I dunno, he saved our lives"
D asks, "Was she married to jason at one point?"
inky says, "that seems like a stand-up kind of guy to me"
Jacqueline says (to Otto), "Possibly, yeah... you guys could go back to a restore and keep exploring if you want to."
Jacqueline says (to inky), "That doesn't mean he's a hottie or good in the sack."
Bert has disconnected.
Bert goes home. Jacqueline asks, "Oh wait, there's more to relationships than that, isn't there?"
inky says, "ha ha"
D says (to Floyd), "score"
Floyd | Please give one of the answers above.
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "full"
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 16 out of a possible 28, in 130 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | The score was made up as follows:

Floyd |
Floyd |      1 the beach
Floyd |      1 the terrace
Floyd |      1 the tide pool
Floyd |      1 the tunnel
Floyd |      1 the stone

Floyd |      1 the rose
Floyd |      6  of 13 creatures examined
Floyd |      3  of 8 memories recalled
Floyd |      1 the end
Floyd |
Floyd |     16 total (out of 28)

Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see the CREDITS, give
Floyd | the FULL score for that game or QUIT?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "score with ethan"
Floyd | Please give one of the answers above.
Floyd | >
Otto says, "so it's finished now? I think I'll try this game again then"
Jacqueline says, "Oh wow - yeah. You guys only got 16 out of 28."
D says, "There's our missing 12 pts."
(from inky) Jacqueline says "You SUCK"
Jacqueline says (to inky), "haha"
Jacqueline asks (of Otto), "You and the others can either start over or just go back to a restore point, but since it's so short, why don't you guys start over and try to find all the points?"
Jacqueline asks, "Want me to restart it?"
Otto asks, "why not?"
Jacqueline says, "Okay!"
D says, "There's probably a 'remember' for each room"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "restart"
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |

Floyd |

Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | [ For information about this game, type ABOUT. ]

Floyd |

Floyd |
Floyd | "That'll be twenty five cents, Miss," says the driver as he helps you
Floyd | down from the carriage. You hand him a quarter and two nickels.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Mighty lonely out here this time of year," he continues, slipping the

Floyd | coins into his coat pocket. "Are you sure you won't be wanting me to

Floyd | stick around? I'd hate to see such a fine young lady get herself
Floyd | stranded, especially with that storm blowin' in."
Floyd |
Floyd | "Thank you, but I'll be fine," you assure him. "My fiance...," you
Floyd | start, then look away, unable to finish the lie.

Floyd |

Floyd | "Ah, I see," he chuckles. "Well, then I wish you a pleasant afternoon.
Floyd | Just keep your eye on those clouds, ya hear?" Grinning broadly, he
Floyd | jumps up into the driver's box and releases the brake. Then with a
Floyd | flick of the reins he sends the carriage lurching forward, back down
Floyd | the rutted road between the cypress trees.

Floyd |

Floyd | Finally, you're alone.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | The Cove

Floyd | An Interactive Seascape

Floyd | Copyright (c) 2000 by Kathleen M. Fischer
Floyd | Release 3 / Serial number 000525 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10
Floyd |
Floyd | Rocky Point
Floyd | High above the surf, Rocky Point offers a sweeping view of the western

Floyd | sea. From this lofty vantage point, looking south across a narrow

Floyd | strip of sand, you can clearly see the fractured granite cliffs that
Floyd | back the small cove below. To the north, the rugged coastline is
Floyd | dotted with offshore rocks and barren beaches, swept clear of sand by
Floyd | winter storms.
Floyd |

Floyd | Turning toward the sea, you take a moment to soak up the last few rays

Floyd | of sunlight before the clouds roll in.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "remember"
Floyd | When was the last time you where here? It must be going on six years

Floyd | now. You remember everything about that day; how lovely it was in the
Floyd | morning, how clear the skies and sea were, how much you had been
Floyd | looking foward to it. A tear forms in the corner of your eye only to
Floyd | be whisked away by a sudden gust of wind. If only memories could be as
Floyd | easily removed.

Floyd |

Floyd | >
Jacqueline clears the save counter.
inky says (to Floyd), "x sea"
Floyd | In deeper waters, outside the cove, the sea is a deep, rich blue that

Floyd | sparkles in the sunlight. But in the shallows, as the waves curl
Floyd | toward the shore, it abruptly changes to a pale translucent green and
Floyd | is covered in a fine netting of foam.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "exits"
Floyd | There are exits to the south, to the east, to the southeast, and down.
Floyd |
Floyd | A flock of sea gulls rises from the beach and flies off into the
Floyd | clouds.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "x gulls"
Floyd | Masters of the air, these snowy white and gray birds seem to float
Floyd | effortlessly near the cliff walls, sometimes coming within inches of

Floyd | each other, without moving a feather.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "score"
Floyd | You have so far scored 2 out of a possible 28, in 5 turns.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says, "this animals thing is like jigsaw"
D says, "We never went south or southeast from the start, I think"
inky says, "I bet we run into an enormous mosquito"
D says, "Don't go east"
Jacqueline says, "I have never played jigsaw. But I always loved the animals in this game. I guess I should maybe get around to playing jigsaw."
inky says, "well, it's called The Cove, not The Bit Inland From The Cove"
D says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd | You turn your back on the sea, beginning the long dusty walk back to
Floyd | the city.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** The End ***
Floyd |

Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 2 out of a possible 28, in 5 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see the CREDITS, give
Floyd | the FULL score for that game or QUIT?
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Rocky Point
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D asks, "se does it too?"
D says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | You hesitate, as it seems a shame to come all this way and not enjoy
Floyd | the view.

Floyd |
Floyd | A sea gull's strident call echos off the cliffs.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You turn your back on the sea, beginning the long dusty walk back to
Floyd | the city.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** The End ***
Floyd |

Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 2 out of a possible 28, in 6 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see the CREDITS, give
Floyd | the FULL score for that game or QUIT?
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Rocky Point
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "enjoy view"
Floyd | The view is always breathtaking here, but with the heavy clouds of the
Floyd | approaching storm providing a dark backdrop to the sun-drenched

Floyd | cliffs, you find it even more striking. Then again, perhaps you simply

Floyd | need it to be at its best this day.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you continue to gaze out at the sea, you find yourself wondering if
Floyd | England can lay claim to any place quite like this, then quickly chase
Floyd | the thought from your mind. All too soon you will find out, and there

Floyd | is little point wasting this day worrying about another.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "call gulls"
Floyd | Your voice trails off after saying you were wanting to call.

Floyd |

Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "whistle"
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | Lifting your skirt, you start down the cliffs, but find the soles of
Floyd | your shoes too slippery to make a safe descent.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "attack gulls"
Floyd | The sea gulls stay far out of reach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D asks, "is down=south?"
Otto says (to floyd), "I"
Floyd | You are carrying a purse. You are wearing an engagement ring, a silk
Floyd | dress, a pair of shoes and a pair of stockings.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

inky says, "this must be the only recorded incident of someone wondering if England is as scenic as America"
Otto says (to floyd), "remove stockings"
Floyd | You take off your shoes and stockings, setting them aside.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Lifting your skirt, you carefully pick your way down to the beach
Floyd | below.
Floyd |

Floyd | Stepping out onto the sand, you are immediately hit with a rush of

Floyd | memories; memories of time spent clambering over these rocks, of
Floyd | splashing in the water, and of being here with Jason. You shut your
Floyd | eyes and for an instant you can almost touch the past, hold it close,
Floyd | be part of it again, and then it's gone.
Floyd |

Floyd | Opening your eyes, you wrap your arms around yourself and squint out

Floyd | toward the sea.
Floyd |
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | Surrounded by granite cliffs on three sides, this narrow strip of sand
Floyd | curves from north to south and faces a small cove to the west. With

Floyd | the tide this low, a marine terrace to the southwest lies exposed and

Floyd | accessible, though currently occupied by a large sea lion. To the
Floyd | north, the sea has dug a narrow, twisting tunnel through the headland.
Floyd |
Floyd | Long ribbons of seaweed strewn across the shore mark the leading edge
Floyd | of the surf at a quarter of the way up the beach. Additional clumps,

Floyd | dried and full of sand, lie tangled amongst the rocks at the base of

Floyd | the cliffs -- a warning of the sea's intentions.
Floyd |
Floyd | A long, slender piece of driftwood lies half buried in the sand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "x driftwood"
Floyd | Six feet long and weathered to a pale gray, the piece of driftwood
Floyd | probably started life as a cypress branch.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sea lion swings his head around to gaze at you with large brown

Floyd | eyes. Unimpressed, he soon returns to his nap. A sea otter pops up
Floyd | amongst the kelp, and sets to work grooming its fur. Sea gulls float
Floyd | by on the breeze, their wing tips within inches of each other.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "remember"
Floyd | Your memories are of happy times, of playing in the sea and on the
Floyd | sand. All happy times, save one. You swallow hard and push those
Floyd | thoughts away. Your time here is too short, too precious, to spend it
Floyd | on things you can not change, whether they be in the past or in the

Floyd | future.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sea lion pulls a hind flipper up and lazily scratches his side.
Floyd | The sea otter slips below the surface of the sea. A sea gull's
Floyd | strident call echos off the cliffs.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Aw... England has lots of gorgeous spots."
D says (to Floyd), "x lion"
Floyd | The male sea lion is basking in the sun on the exposed marine terrace.
Floyd | Resting on his front flippers with hind ones dangling over the edge of

Floyd | the rock, he points his nose skyward as if to show off his impressive
Floyd | mane of fur. Fully seven feet long and well over 600 pounds, he is
Floyd | definitly not an animal to trifle with.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "x otter"
Floyd | You look around but are unable to find that which you seek.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says, "yeah, I mean, most people seem to take it on faith that of course it is"
D says (to Floyd), "remember"
Floyd | Your memories are of happy times, of playing in the sea and on the
Floyd | sand. All happy times, save one. You swallow hard and push those
Floyd | thoughts away. Your time here is too short, too precious, to spend it

Floyd | on things you can not change, whether they be in the past or in the

Floyd | future.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sea lion swings his head around to gaze at you with large brown
Floyd | eyes. Unimpressed, he soon returns to his nap. A few small plovers
Floyd | scurry up the beach, just in front of the the next wave.

Floyd |

Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Well, I don't think people had flickr accounts in 1876, so maybe she hasn't seen those great B&W/sepia landscape photos."
D says (to Floyd), "x plover"
Floyd | The small white birds with their crisp brown markings follow the water

Floyd | up and down the beach, pecking at the sand.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sea lion pulls a hind flipper up and lazily scratches his side.
Floyd | The sea otter pops up amongst the kelp with a spiny sea urchin held
Floyd | tight between its paws. Using its stomach as a table, it quickly

Floyd | consumes its bristly meal then rolls over once to clear away the

Floyd | remains.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says, "ha ha"
D says (to Floyd), "x urchin"
Floyd | You look around but are unable to find that which you seek.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "x sea urchin"
Floyd | Your voice trails off after saying you were wanting to examine the
Floyd | sea.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "x otter"
Floyd | Bobbing amidst a raft of kelp, the sea otter busily grooms its fur
Floyd | with thick stubby paws. After every few swipes it rolls completely
Floyd | over, then begins to groom again.
Floyd |

Floyd | As a wave passes by, the sea lion raises his rear flippers just high
Floyd | enough to keep them dry, then lowers them again.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "x kelp"
Floyd | Ripped from their holdfasts during heavy seas, the long strands of
Floyd | seaweed are pushed along by wind and tides until they are at last

Floyd | flung up upon the shore. There they form tangled mophead heaps, a
Floyd | haven for the small flies, crabs, and the like who feed upon the
Floyd | decaying fronds.
Floyd |

Floyd | A flock of sea gulls rises from the beach and flies off into the
Floyd | clouds. A long legged plover chases after the waves, pecking at the

Floyd | sand as it goes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "search driftwood"
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.

Floyd |
Floyd | The sea otter swipes a thick, furry paw over its stubby furry face.
Floyd | Plovers follow the water up and down the beach, pecking at the sand.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "x flies"
Floyd | The annoying little flies buzz continually amongst the piles of
Floyd | beached kelp and within inches of the sand.

Floyd |
Floyd | A small group of plovers pokes about the sea weed.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "x crabs"
Floyd | About two inches long and nearly as round, the purple crab has a
Floyd | lovely deep purple shell and a pair of pale lavender pinchers covered

Floyd | in small purple spots.
Floyd |
Floyd | A small group of plovers pokes about the sea weed.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "eat crab"
Floyd | Just looking at the crabs is enough to make your mouth water, though
Floyd | these little fellows are too small to make much of a meal.

Floyd |
Floyd | The sea otter rolls over once, and goes back to work grooming its fur.

Floyd | Plovers follow the water up and down the beach, pecking at the sand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "eat plover"
Floyd | You idly wonder if plovers taste anything like chicken, but realize

Floyd | you have little chance of catching one to find out.
Floyd |
Floyd | As a wave passes by, the sea lion raises his rear flippers just high

Floyd | enough to keep them dry, then lowers them again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

inky says (to Floyd), "eat otter"
Floyd | You grimace at the thought.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sea lion pulls a hind flipper up and lazily scratches his side.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "eat lion"
Floyd | You grimace at the thought.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "hit lion with wood"
Floyd | (first taking the driftwood)
Floyd | You pull the driftwood out of the sand.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sea otter rolls over once, and goes back to work grooming its fur.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Also, totally off topic, a friend of mine through work who lives in France sent me an awesome Bonne Annee e-mail with a photo he'd taken in Etretat last year. I'd never even heard of the place, but this game is reminding me a lot of that photo."
inky says, "I guess we don't like to eat things that are too furry"
D says (to Floyd), "hit lion"
Floyd | With surprising speed, the sea lion lumbers to the edge of the rock
Floyd | and dives into the water. Surfacing again some distance from his
Floyd | former roost he barks his disapproval, then disappears into the sea.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Jacqueline says, "And I've made an executive decision that I'll be going to Etretat on a trip now. Must. See. It. Myself!"
D says (to Floyd), "score"
Floyd | You have so far scored 9 out of a possible 28, in 28 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Jacqueline says, "hahaha plover tastes like chicken"
D says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | Surrounded by granite cliffs on three sides, this narrow strip of sand

Floyd | curves from north to south and faces a small cove to the west. With
Floyd | the tide this low, a marine terrace to the southwest lies exposed and
Floyd | accessible. To the north, the sea has dug a narrow, twisting tunnel
Floyd | through the headland.
Floyd |
Floyd | Long ribbons of seaweed strewn across the shore mark the leading edge

Floyd | of the surf at a quarter of the way up the beach. Additional clumps,
Floyd | dried and full of sand, lie tangled amongst the rocks at the base of
Floyd | the cliffs -- a warning of the sea's intentions.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "That's great."
D says (to Floyd), "x seaweed"
Floyd | Ripped from their holdfasts during heavy seas, the long strands of
Floyd | seaweed are pushed along by wind and tides until they are at last
Floyd | flung up upon the shore. There they form tangled mophead heaps, a

Floyd | haven for the small flies, crabs, and the like who feed upon the
Floyd | decaying fronds.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sea otter slips below the surface of the sea.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto asks (of jacqueline), "Etretat is quite known in here. Have you read the novel "L'aiguille creuse" (Arsene Lupin)?"
inky says (to Floyd), "score"
Floyd | You have so far scored 9 out of a possible 28, in 30 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Jacqueline asks (of Otto), "No, should I read it before I go?"
D says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | With the tide low, you are able to walk out across the narrow sand bar
Floyd | and clamber up onto the rock.
Floyd |

Floyd | Marine Terrace
Floyd | Standing in the lee of the southern cliffs, this narrow shelf of
Floyd | pitted rock has been exposed by the low tide and contains numerous
Floyd | tide pools large and small. Though the beach is still accessible to
Floyd | the east, the rest of the terrace is surrounded by sea.
Floyd |

Floyd | A wave strikes the western edge, showering that portion of the rock
Floyd | with a heavy spray that replenishes the tide pools.
Floyd |
Floyd | The leading edge of the storm clouds reaches the cove, blotting out
Floyd | the sun.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I am thinking of going this September/October."
D says (to Floyd), "look up"
Floyd | You first look up, then all about...
Floyd |

Floyd | Marine Terrace
Floyd | Standing in the lee of the southern cliffs, this narrow shelf of
Floyd | pitted rock has been exposed by the low tide and contains numerous
Floyd | tide pools large and small. Though the beach is still accessible to
Floyd | the east, the rest of the terrace is surrounded by sea.
Floyd |

Floyd | A wave strikes the western edge, showering that portion of the rock
Floyd | with a heavy spray that replenishes the tide pools.
Floyd |
Floyd | A flock of sea gulls rises from the beach and flies off into the
Floyd | clouds.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "x tide pools"
Floyd | You crouch down and peer into the closest one. Though its opening is
Floyd | no larger than a dinner plate, it is surprisingly deep, with many
Floyd | nooks and crannies for small creatures to hide in. Near the bottom are

Floyd | several sea anemones clustered together like undersea flowers, and a
Floyd | spiney sea urchin. Closer to the surface of the pool is a small clump
Floyd | of mussels and an assortment of limpets. Clinging to the side of the
Floyd | rock is an orange sea star.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Jacqueline says, "I should maybe stop in Paris and all the French IFers there could get together for a dinner with me!"
D says (to Floyd), "x anenome"
Floyd | You look around but are unable to find that which you seek.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Jacqueline says, "Though my time will be really limited."
Jacqueline says, "I'll probably only be in France for, like, four days or something total."
D says (to Floyd), "x anemone"
Floyd | Looking like an exotic flower, the anemone's numerous inch long

Floyd | tenticles move almost imperceptably beneath the still water of the

Floyd | tide pool.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "(Primarily visiting family in England...)"
Jacqueline says, "We should discuss that later after you all are done with the game. :)"
D says (to Floyd), "x mussels"
Floyd | Gray near the base, turning black at the tips, the mussles are
Floyd | actually quite pretty... as well as being very tasty.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "x urchin"
Floyd | You find it hard to believe that something so spiny can actually be
Floyd | alive.

Floyd |
Floyd | Sea gulls float by on the breeze, their wing tips within inches of

Floyd | each other.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "touch urchin"
Floyd | You find you haven't the heart to pester the sea urchin.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says (to jacqueline), "Yes, this novel is related to this place. And it's be nice to meet you in Paris :) (We'll wear our French costumes like in the Monty Python's comedy)"
D says (to Floyd), "x limpets"
Floyd | Clustered together on the rocks, they look like tiny volcanoes about

Floyd | ready to blow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Jacqueline says, "hahaha"
D says (to Floyd), "x star"
Floyd | It has five fat legs and a central core nearly as wide as your palm.
Floyd |
Floyd | A flock of sea gulls rises from the beach and flies off into the

Floyd | clouds.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "poke star"
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "score"
Floyd | You have so far scored 16 out of a possible 28, in 39 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "A honh honh honh zat would be formeedable!"
Otto says (to floyd), "search clump"
Floyd | You look around but are unable to find that which you seek.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "search clumps"
Floyd | You look around but are unable to find that which you seek.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "(I am never going to live down that SpeedIF I wrote that was set in Paris with you fellows, am I?)"
D asks, "What's the significance of our driftwood?"
Jacqueline says (to D), "Yeah, it is curious that it can be picked up."
Otto says (to floyd), "search mussel"
Floyd | You find you haven't the heart to pester the mussels.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sea gulls float by on the breeze, their wing tips within inches of

Floyd | each other.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says, "Maybe we need it to catch that red herring over there :o"
Jacqueline says (to D), "heehee"
D says (to Floyd), "say xyzzy"
Floyd | Whom do you want to say that to?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "exits"
Floyd | The only obvious exit is to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "open purse"
Floyd | You loosen the shimmering gold cord, opening the purse. Inside the

Floyd | open purse you see a faded white rose bud.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "x bud"
Floyd | It was as white as snow when you slipped it from the bouquet six years

Floyd | ago, though it soon dried to a dingy yellow brown and became so
Floyd | brittle that you had to tuck it away in a cigar box for safe keeping.
Floyd | There it laid, alone and forgotten, until today when you pulled it out
Floyd | and placed it in your purse, unwilling to leave it behind, no room
Floyd | remaining to put it anywhere else.
Floyd |

Floyd | A flock of sea gulls flies over the point and alights on the beach
Floyd | below.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "take star"
Floyd | You pull the sea star off the rocks and hold it gently in your hand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "put star in purse"
Floyd | You find you haven't the heart to pester the sea star.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "throw star"
Floyd | You toss the sea star into the sea, where it quickly sinks below the

Floyd | surface.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "take all"
Floyd | There are none at all available!

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says (to remember), "sea"
Otto says (to floyd), "remember sea"
Floyd | Your voice trails off after saying you were wanting to remember.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You climb over the edge and scramble across the sandbar to the beach,
Floyd | apparently just in time as a particularly large wave crashes into the

Floyd | terrace sending a foot of water shooting all the way across its
Floyd | surface.
Floyd |
Floyd |

Floyd | Beach
Floyd | Surrounded by cliffs on three sides, this narrow strip of sand curves

Floyd | from north to south and faces a small cove to the west. With the tide
Floyd | half in, the marine terrace to the southwest is beginning to take on
Floyd | water. To the north, the sea has dug a narrow, twisting tunnel through
Floyd | the headland.

Floyd |
Floyd | Long ribbons of seaweed strewn across the shore mark the leading edge

Floyd | of the surf at about half way up the beach. Additional clumps, dried
Floyd | and full of sand, lie tangled amongst the rocks at the base of the
Floyd | cliffs; a warning of the sea's intentions.
Floyd |

Floyd | The clouds close ranks overhead, blotting out the sun completely and
Floyd | turning the sea from blue to gray. Outside the cove the wind is

Floyd | beginning to kick up whitecaps and push the swells up even further up
Floyd | the shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "remember"
Floyd | Your memories are of happy times, of playing in the sea and on the
Floyd | sand. All happy times, save one. You swallow hard and push those
Floyd | thoughts away. Your time here is too short, too precious, to spend it
Floyd | on things you can not change, whether they be in the past or in the

Floyd | future.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | Raising your skirt to your knees, you wade through the shallow water

Floyd | that now covering the sand bar and gingerly step up onto the terrace.
Floyd | Moments later a large wave crashes over its northern end, sending you

Floyd | scurrying back up on the beach as the entire rock briefly disappears
Floyd | under a thick layer of foam and water.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear, more than feel, the first few hesitant drops of rain as they

Floyd | strike against the stones and create tiny craters in the sand. Moments
Floyd | later the storm catches its stride and it begins to rain in earnest.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I seem to remember doing something very mean to one of the sea creatures. Can't remember what, though. And I doubt I *earned* points for it. Maybe lost one. I'm not sure."
D says, "Crap, I think we can't get that point now"
D says, "We didn't >remember on the terrace"
Otto asks, "could we undo then?"
D says, "Yeah"
D says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]

Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | [Can't "undo" twice in succession. Sorry!]
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf1"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.

Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says, "We need more undos"
Nitku has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. Jacqueline says, "You can type >PRESS SAVE (not to floyd, just in the room) to save and it will tell Floyd to save and keep track of your save number."
Jacqueline says, "Oh, hm. Well, I guess you have to start over if you need more than one and you didn't save. Oops."
D says, "darn"
Jacqueline says, "Sorry, last game I was randomly saving as you went, but this time I haven't been."
Jacqueline asks, "Think you missed some points?"
D says, "I blame the rain"
Jacqueline says, "Oh wait!"
D says, "One"
Jacqueline says, "Inky knows how to override that, I think."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Beach

Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "aHA. I remembered."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd |
D says (to Floyd), "look"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |

Floyd | Beach
Floyd | Surrounded by cliffs on three sides, this narrow strip of sand curves
Floyd | from north to south and faces a small cove to the west. With the tide
Floyd | half in, the marine terrace to the southwest is beginning to take on
Floyd | water. To the north, the sea has dug a narrow, twisting tunnel through

Floyd | the headland.

Floyd |
Floyd | Long ribbons of seaweed strewn across the shore mark the leading edge
Floyd | of the surf at about half way up the beach. Additional clumps, dried
Floyd | and full of sand, lie tangled amongst the rocks at the base of the
Floyd | cliffs; a warning of the sea's intentions.

Floyd |

Floyd | You hear, more than feel, the first few hesitant drops of rain as they
Floyd | strike against the stones and create tiny craters in the sand. Moments
Floyd | later the storm catches its stride and it begins to rain in earnest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Floyd |
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | Surrounded by cliffs on three sides, this narrow strip of sand curves
Floyd | from north to south and faces a small cove to the west. With the tide
Floyd | half in, the marine terrace to the southwest is beginning to take on
Floyd | water. To the north, the sea has dug a narrow, twisting tunnel through

Floyd | the headland.
Floyd |
Floyd | Long ribbons of seaweed strewn across the shore mark the leading edge
Floyd | of the surf at about half way up the beach. Additional clumps, dried
Floyd | and full of sand, lie tangled amongst the rocks at the base of the
Floyd | cliffs; a warning of the sea's intentions.

Floyd |
Floyd | You turn your face aside in a futile attempt to avoid the rain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "Did that get you far enough back?"
Otto exclaims, "great!"
D says, "Don't think so... lemme see"
Otto says (to floyd), "remember urchin"
Floyd | Your voice trails off after saying you were wanting to remember.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | Surrounded by cliffs on three sides, this narrow strip of sand curves

Floyd | from north to south and faces a small cove to the west. With the tide
Floyd | half in, the marine terrace to the southwest is beginning to take on
Floyd | water. To the north, the sea has dug a narrow, twisting tunnel through
Floyd | the headland.
Floyd |
Floyd | Long ribbons of seaweed strewn across the shore mark the leading edge

Floyd | of the surf at about half way up the beach. Additional clumps, dried
Floyd | and full of sand, lie tangled amongst the rocks at the base of the
Floyd | cliffs; a warning of the sea's intentions.
Floyd |
Floyd | You turn your face aside in a futile attempt to avoid the rain.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Anyway, that's how you over-ride the games one-turn-undo thing."
Jacqueline says, "There may still be a limit, though."
D asks, "We need the terrace, or was it called something else otto?"
Jacqueline says, "Remember to use the >PUSH SAVE thing."
D says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | Raising your skirt to your knees, you wade through the shallow water
Floyd | that now covering the sand bar and gingerly step up onto the terrace.
Floyd | Moments later a large wave crashes over its northern end, sending you

Floyd | scurrying back up on the beach as the entire rock briefly disappears
Floyd | under a thick layer of foam and water.
Floyd |
Floyd | You pass your hands over your face to clear the rain away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd |
D says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Beach

Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says, "sorry I don't know. I'm a bit confused, too many English words for ze poor French man..."
Lucea arrives, ready to play with the toys.
D says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | Surrounded by cliffs on three sides, this narrow strip of sand curves
Floyd | from north to south and faces a small cove to the west. With the tide

Floyd | half in, the marine terrace to the southwest is beginning to take on
Floyd | water. To the north, the sea has dug a narrow, twisting tunnel through
Floyd | the headland.
Floyd |
Floyd | Long ribbons of seaweed strewn across the shore mark the leading edge
Floyd | of the surf at about half way up the beach. Additional clumps, dried

Floyd | and full of sand, lie tangled amongst the rocks at the base of the
Floyd | cliffs; a warning of the sea's intentions.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear, more than feel, the first few hesitant drops of rain as they
Floyd | strike against the stones and create tiny craters in the sand. Moments
Floyd | later the storm catches its stride and it begins to rain in earnest.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | Raising your skirt to your knees, you wade through the shallow water
Floyd | that now covering the sand bar and gingerly step up onto the terrace.

Floyd | Moments later a large wave crashes over its northern end, sending you
Floyd | scurrying back up on the beach as the entire rock briefly disappears
Floyd | under a thick layer of foam and water.
Floyd |
Floyd | You turn your face aside in a futile attempt to avoid the rain.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd |
Jacqueline says (to Otto), "I don't know how you're keeping up. It took me SO LONG to play this year's French minicomp games."
D says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd |
D says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Beach

Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Marine Terrace

Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |

Floyd | Marine Terrace
Floyd | Standing in the lee of the southern cliffs, this narrow shelf of
Floyd | pitted rock has been exposed by the low tide and contains numerous
Floyd | tide pools large and small. Though the beach is still accessible to
Floyd | the east, the rest of the terrace is surrounded by sea.
Floyd |

Floyd | A wave strikes the western edge, showering that portion of the rock
Floyd | with a heavy spray that replenishes the tide pools.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says, "There we go"
D says (to Floyd), "score"
Floyd | You have so far scored 16 out of a possible 28, in 47 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf2"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "take all"
Floyd | There are none at all available!
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You are carrying a piece of driftwood and a purse (which is open),
Floyd | inside which is a faded white rose bud. You are wearing an engagement
Floyd | ring and a silk dress.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "remember"
Floyd | This was always one of your favorite spots, especially on a hot day
Floyd | when the spray was always quite refreshing.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "score"
Floyd | You have so far scored 17 out of a possible 28, in 49 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says, "Aha"
D asks, "Any more business here?"
D says (to Floyd), "search terrace"
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.

Floyd |

Floyd | >
Otto says (to jacqueline), "Thank you for having doing so. I'm especially enjoying the mood of this game, even though it can be bit difficult for me to read. Funny enough, I remember when we played "nevermore", it was a very similar mood"
Jacqueline says, "You examined the tide pools."
D says (to Floyd), "x tide pools"
Floyd | You crouch down and peer into the closest one. Though its opening is
Floyd | no larger than a dinner plate, it is surprisingly deep, with many
Floyd | nooks and crannies for small creatures to hide in. Near the bottom are
Floyd | several sea anemones clustered together like undersea flowers, and a
Floyd | spiney sea urchin. Closer to the surface of the pool is a small clump

Floyd | of mussels and an assortment of limpets.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "x limpets"
Floyd | Clustered together on the rocks, they look like tiny volcanoes about

Floyd | ready to blow.

Floyd |
Floyd | A flock of sea gulls rises from the beach, circle the cove once, then
Floyd | head out to sea.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "remember limpets"
Floyd | Your voice trails off after saying you were wanting to remember.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "remember"
Floyd | This was always one of your favorite spots, especially on a hot day
Floyd | when the spray was always quite refreshing.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sea gull's strident call echos off the cliffs.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "listen seagull"
Floyd | The sea gulls strident calls echo off the cliffs.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "call seagull"
Floyd | Your voice trails off after saying you were wanting to call.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Marine Terrace
Floyd | Standing in the lee of the southern cliffs, this narrow shelf of
Floyd | pitted rock has been exposed by the low tide and contains numerous

Floyd | tide pools large and small. Though the beach is still accessible to
Floyd | the east, the rest of the terrace is surrounded by sea.

Floyd |
Floyd | A wave strikes the western edge, showering that portion of the rock
Floyd | with a heavy spray that replenishes the tide pools.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "i"
Floyd | You are carrying a piece of driftwood and a purse (which is open),
Floyd | inside which is a faded white rose bud. You are wearing an engagement
Floyd | ring and a silk dress.

Floyd |
Floyd | A sea gull's strident call echos off the cliffs.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger says, "Hm, phone call."
Jacqueline says (to Otto), "Hm, true. They are similar, because they are from a similar time period. (Et de rien, c'etait un plaisir)"
Otto says (to floyd), "rub ring on driftwood"
Floyd | Your voice trails off after saying you were wanting to rub the
Floyd | engagement ring.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "break ring"
Floyd | You contemplate venting your frustrations on the engagement ring, but
Floyd | resist the temptation.
Floyd |

Floyd | A flock of sea gulls rises from the beach and flies off into the
Floyd | clouds.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "remember ring"
Floyd | Your voice trails off after saying you were wanting to remember.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says, "I wonder what happens if we get caught in the rain and stay there"
Otto asks, "we can't remember on objects?"
inky says, "perhaps we die of the vapors"
inky says (to Otto), "no, just in rooms"
Taleslinger says, "IRTA as raptors"
D says, "No, just generically remember"
Otto says (to floyd), "search ring"
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

D says, "I think remember gives us one point each zone"
Jacqueline says (to inky), "The CONSUMPTION"
Otto says (to floyd), "x ring"
Floyd | A shining band of gold. It bears the inscription "EL & AK - 1876". You

Floyd | spin it nervously about your finger, unaccustomed to its weight and

Floyd | feel.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "It will be sexy and tragic."
Jacqueline says, "But Sam tells me that is not how one gets the consumtion."
Otto says (to floyd), "read ring"
Floyd | A shining band of gold. It bears the inscription "EL & AK - 1876". You
Floyd | spin it nervously about your finger, unaccustomed to its weight and
Floyd | feel.

Floyd |

Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "remove ring"
Floyd | You stare at the ring, suprised to find yourself reluctant to remove
Floyd | it. It's not like it means anything to you, not really. In fact, you

Floyd | hardly know the gentleman to whom it holds you bound. Still, as it is

Floyd | a costly thing, far more than you can afford to replace at the moment,
Floyd | and as you have little doubt that its true owner would expect every
Floyd | last penny of it reimbursed, you decide to leave it where it is.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

inky says, "you get the consumption from lying on couches"
D asks, "Seriously?"
inky says, "well, perhaps if you had some kind of couch-related allergy"
Otto says (to floyd), "remove dress"
Floyd | As you go to remove the silk dress, a chilling wind causes you to

Floyd | think better of it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "destroy bud"
Floyd | You marvel at how easy it would be to destroy it, yet how impossible

Floyd | it is to make yourself do it.
Floyd |
Floyd | A flock of sea gulls rises from the beach, circle the cove once, then
Floyd | head out to sea.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Taleslinger says (to otto), "Keep your mind on the game."
GDorn arrives, full of fun, but no funk.
inky says (to Floyd), "eat bud"
Floyd | You grimace at the thought.

Floyd |

Floyd | A flock of sea gulls flies over the point and alights on the beach
Floyd | below.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says, "Maybe the stick is for poking Jason's corpse when we find it"
inky says (to Floyd), "smoke bud"
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Taleslinger says, "Jason died? Man, I missed a lot."
Otto says, "but I do keep my mind on this game :) Besides, it's not a graphical adventure..."
GDorn says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You are carrying a piece of driftwood and a purse (which is open),
Floyd | inside which is a faded white rose bud. You are wearing an engagement

Floyd | ring and a silk dress.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "x sea"
Floyd | The sea is a flat, deep blue.

Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says, "Yeah, when we beat it the first time the PC remarks that the sea claimed him"
Otto says (to floyd), "search sea with wood"
Floyd | Your voice trails off after saying you were wanting to search the sea.

Floyd |

Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "search sea"
Floyd | The sea is empty.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

GDorn says (to Floyd), "remove dress"
Floyd | As you go to remove the silk dress, a chilling wind causes you to
Floyd | think better of it.

Floyd |
Floyd | >

Taleslinger says (to gdorn), "Keep your mind on the game."
Otto asks, "strange it was meant to be a container?"
Otto says (to floyd), "enter sea"
Floyd | You glance around, but can find no good spots for wading.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to D), "hahaha but I think Jason drowned a long time ago (unfortunately... that would be funny; I've never seen a game where >POKE CORPSE WITH STICK got you points!)."
Otto says (to floyd), "put wood in sea"
Floyd | You heave the driftwood into the sea, where it bobs steadily toward
Floyd | the shore until a one final wave flings it up upon the sand.

Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says, "Wow, it won't let us get rid of the stick"
Otto says (to floyd), "get wood"
Floyd | You look around but are unable to find that which you seek.

Floyd |
Floyd | >

GDorn says (to Floyd), "get driftwood"
Floyd | You look around but are unable to find that which you seek.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
GDorn says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You are carrying a purse (which is open), inside which is a faded
Floyd | white rose bud. You are wearing an engagement ring and a silk dress.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Marine Terrace
Floyd | Standing in the lee of the southern cliffs, this narrow shelf of

Floyd | pitted rock has been exposed by the low tide and contains numerous

Floyd | tide pools large and small. Though the beach is still accessible to
Floyd | the east, the rest of the terrace is surrounded by sea.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave strikes the western edge, showering that portion of the rock
Floyd | with a heavy spray that replenishes the tide pools.

Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says, "I bet that stick is on the beach to the east now"
Lucea disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. Otto asks, "should we go east now?"
D says, "We can leave the terrace since we have all of its points"
Otto says, "ok"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf3"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You climb over the edge and scramble across the sandbar to the beach,

Floyd | apparently just in time as a particularly large wave crashes into the

Floyd | terrace sending a foot of water shooting all the way across its
Floyd | surface.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Beach

Floyd | Surrounded by cliffs on three sides, this narrow strip of sand curves

Floyd | from north to south and faces a small cove to the west. With the tide
Floyd | half in, the marine terrace to the southwest is beginning to take on
Floyd | water. To the north, the sea has dug a narrow, twisting tunnel through
Floyd | the headland.
Floyd |

Floyd | Long ribbons of seaweed strewn across the shore mark the leading edge

Floyd | of the surf at about half way up the beach. Additional clumps, dried
Floyd | and full of sand, lie tangled amongst the rocks at the base of the
Floyd | cliffs; a warning of the sea's intentions.
Floyd |
Floyd | The clouds close ranks overhead, blotting out the sun completely and

Floyd | turning the sea from blue to gray. Outside the cove the wind is

Floyd | beginning to kick up whitecaps and push the swells up even further up
Floyd | the shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "remember"
Floyd | Your memories are of happy times, of playing in the sea and on the
Floyd | sand. All happy times, save one. You swallow hard and push those
Floyd | thoughts away. Your time here is too short, too precious, to spend it
Floyd | on things you can not change, whether they be in the past or in the

Floyd | future.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
GDorn says (to Floyd), "take all"
Floyd | There are none at all available!

Floyd |
Floyd | >

GDorn says (to Floyd), "take seaweed"
Floyd | You can't actually bring yourself to touch the rotting seaweed.
Floyd |

Floyd | You hear, more than feel, the first few hesitant drops of rain as they
Floyd | strike against the stones and create tiny craters in the sand. Moments

Floyd | later the storm catches its stride and it begins to rain in earnest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "get wood"
Floyd | You look around but are unable to find that which you seek.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says, "I remember it saying that the wood washed back up on the beach"
Otto asks, "what now?"
D says (to Floyd), "score"
Floyd | You have so far scored 17 out of a possible 28, in 75 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D asks, "To the tunnel?"
Jacqueline says, "Just make sure you save before you move to a new location, I guess."
inky says, "I think we then walked away from the room with the wood"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says, "The terrace we walked away from never had the wood come back to it"
Otto says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | Surrounded by cliffs on three sides, this narrow strip of sand curves
Floyd | from north to south and faces a small cove to the west. With the tide
Floyd | half in, the marine terrace to the southwest is beginning to take on

Floyd | water. To the north, the sea has dug a narrow, twisting tunnel through

Floyd | the headland.
Floyd |
Floyd | Long ribbons of seaweed strewn across the shore mark the leading edge
Floyd | of the surf at about half way up the beach. Additional clumps, dried
Floyd | and full of sand, lie tangled amongst the rocks at the base of the

Floyd | cliffs; a warning of the sea's intentions.

Floyd |
Floyd | You turn your face aside in a futile attempt to avoid the rain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto asks, "do you think we really need this wood?"
D says, "Dunno"
D says, "If we're going for all points maybe, but I doubt it"
D says, "We can't even bring the stick in the tunnel"
Otto asks, "may we move now?"
D says, "Yeah"
Taleslinger asks, "How do we now we got all points?"
Jacqueline says, "We don't. OMG PARANOIA"
D says, "The only points we missed in the first run were 'remember' and x creature points"
Jacqueline says, "Well, we just saved, so it's not a huge deal."
DavidW says, "Most of the points are via x creature, if I recall correctly."
Otto asks, "I think we could get a better ending even without those little points?"
Otto asks, "ah?"
D asks, "There are multiple endings?"
Jacqueline says (to Otto), "Hm. I don't remember."
D says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | Surrounded by cliffs on three sides, this narrow strip of sand curves

Floyd | from north to south and faces a small cove to the west. With the tide
Floyd | half in, the marine terrace to the southwest is beginning to take on
Floyd | water. To the north, the sea has dug a narrow, twisting tunnel through
Floyd | the headland.
Floyd |
Floyd | Long ribbons of seaweed strewn across the shore mark the leading edge

Floyd | of the surf at about half way up the beach. Additional clumps, dried
Floyd | and full of sand, lie tangled amongst the rocks at the base of the
Floyd | cliffs; a warning of the sea's intentions.
Floyd |
Floyd | You pass your hands over your face to clear the rain away.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "score"
Floyd | You have so far scored 17 out of a possible 28, in 77 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You eye the still dry tunnel nervously. Carved by wind and waves, the
Floyd | sea tunnel burrows through the headland about half the way up the
Floyd | beach. It is unreachable when the tide is high, both to those wanting
Floyd | in... and out. And in your childhood dreams you often found yourself

Floyd | trapped inside as the waves grew ever higher, your screams for help
Floyd | being carried out to sea. Moments later the water would come rushing
Floyd | through the tunnel and do the same to you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You  glance up at the clouds. Though it's pouring rain now, it seems
Floyd | the clouds are thinning to the west. Perhaps this will all blow over

Floyd | soon, but until it does there is nowhere else dry to go. So summoning
Floyd | your courage, you dash between the waves, scramble up the rocks, and
Floyd | enter the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | Tunnel's Entrance
Floyd | The narrow opening of the sea tunnel looks southward across the beach

Floyd | and to the granite cliffs beyond. From here, by craning your head
Floyd | around the rocks to the east, you are just able to make out the tips
Floyd | of the cypress trees, looking like ghostly shadows as the clouds pass
Floyd | by.
Floyd |
Floyd | Waves rolling in from the west tumble over the rocks below, sending up

Floyd | a heavy shower of spray and then move on.
Floyd |
Floyd | After a few moments it becomes clear that this spot offers little in
Floyd | the way of protection from the driving rain, and the cold sea spray is
Floyd | actually making things worse. As fears of the past are swept away by
Floyd | the realities of the present, you make your way further into the

Floyd | tunnel, squeezing past its narrowest point, then hurrying on to the
Floyd | northern end.
Floyd |
Floyd | Tunnel's End
Floyd | The tunnel ends abruptly here, its rocky floor falling sharply away to
Floyd | the pounding sea. Wide gaps in the stones above allow in just enough

Floyd | light to clearly see the masses of barnacles clustered around fissures
Floyd | in the stones and the slippery green algae on the tunnel floor that
Floyd | makes the footing treacherous.
Floyd |
Floyd | Near the opening, half covered in algae, is a flattened stone standing
Floyd | somewhat apart from the rest.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "score"
Floyd | You have so far scored 18 out of a possible 28, in 78 turns.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "full"
Floyd | You have so far scored 18 out of a possible 28, in 78 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | The score is made up as follows:

Floyd |
Floyd |      1 the beach
Floyd |      1 the terrace
Floyd |      1 the tide pool
Floyd |      1 the tunnel
Floyd |     11  of 13 creatures examined

Floyd |      3  of 8 memories recalled
Floyd |
Floyd |     18 total (out of 28)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "remember"
Floyd | You remember back to the last time you were here, six long years ago.
Floyd | It seems like yesterday. You almost expect to see Jason come running
Floyd | through the tunnel, hair tossled by the wind. "Hey Amy," he would say,
Floyd | "look what I found!" Then he'd open his hand and show you some small

Floyd | treasure from the sea. They were worthless, they were beautiful, and
Floyd | they always made you smile. He always made you smile.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air. You watch as the rest of the wave continues its
Floyd | course toward the coast, past jagged offshore rocks jutting up from

Floyd | the sea, only to die upon the barren shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "x algae"
Floyd | Mostly deep green, though some patches are nearly black while others

Floyd | are a deep shade of red.
Floyd |
Floyd | The skies open up and it begins to pour, sending water streaming down
Floyd | the sides of the tunnel and splattering against you no matter where
Floyd | you stand.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "x barnacles"
Floyd | The gray scaled barnacles are grouped together in large clumps
Floyd | containing hundreds, maybe thousands, of individual members.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "full"
Floyd | You have so far scored 20 out of a possible 28, in 81 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | The score is made up as follows:

Floyd |
Floyd |      1 the beach
Floyd |      1 the terrace
Floyd |      1 the tide pool
Floyd |      1 the tunnel
Floyd |     12  of 13 creatures examined

Floyd |      4  of 8 memories recalled
Floyd |
Floyd |     20 total (out of 28)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | Tunnel's End
Floyd | The tunnel ends abruptly here, its rocky floor falling sharply away to
Floyd | the pounding sea. Wide gaps in the stones above allow in just enough

Floyd | light to clearly see the masses of barnacles clustered around fissures
Floyd | in the stones and the slippery green algae on the tunnel floor that
Floyd | makes the footing treacherous.
Floyd |
Floyd | Near the opening, half covered in algae, is a flattened stone standing
Floyd | somewhat apart from the rest.

Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air. You watch as the rest of the wave continues its
Floyd | course toward the coast, past jagged offshore rocks jutting up from
Floyd | the sea, only to die upon the barren shore.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | Holding your breath, you turn sideways and squeeze past the tunnel's
Floyd | narrowest point to check on the tide. Finding the way to the beach
Floyd | still free, but not anxious to go back out into the rain, you

Floyd | reluctantly return to the northern end of the tunnel where you can
Floyd | stay somewhat drier.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
D says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | Standing at the edge of the tunnel, peering down at the sea as it
Floyd | surges past, you quickly realize the only way out this direction is to
Floyd | jump.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto asks, "are there some hidden rooms?"
Otto asks, "in which we could remember more things about this Jason?"
Jacqueline says, "If there are, I never found them."
D says, "The number of rooms this tunnel contains is ambiguous as well, I'm not sure if there could be more than one here"
Jacqueline asks, "Where is that last pesky sea critter?"
inky says (to Floyd), "eat barnacles"
Floyd | You wonder if they taste more like mussels or abalone, but as you are
Floyd | unable to get them off the rock, you will probably never know.
Floyd |

Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air. You watch as the rest of the wave continues its
Floyd | course toward the coast, past jagged offshore rocks jutting up from
Floyd | the sea, only to die upon the barren shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says (to Floyd), "x sea"
Floyd | Overshaddowed by the clouds, the sea is an unrelieved blue gray.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

inky says, "curse it all, there must be some we are allowed to eat"
Jacqueline says (to inky), "heehee"
Otto says (to floyd), "help"
Floyd | You ponder your situation, but nothing comes to mind.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "hints"
Floyd | You mutter something incomprehensible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "about"
Floyd | This game was written as a Landscape/Scenery entry for the Interactive
Floyd | Fiction Art Show. Almost all nouns in the text should be fair game for
Floyd | examining, with the other senses (listen, touch, taste, smell)
Floyd | supplied when I thought it was appropriate. Although the number of

Floyd | takeable objects has been kept to a minimum as per the rules of the
Floyd | show, there are a few so feel free to try it.
Floyd |
Floyd | Note: Players might find it useful to REMEMBER from time to time,
Floyd | especially at changes in scenery or situation.
Floyd |

Floyd | Though I set out to make it plotless, I quickly realized I couldn't
Floyd | write that way. We all approach a scene with our own set of memories,
Floyd | likes, dislikes, etc., and the PC (player character - you) is no
Floyd | different. As soon as I created a particular PC to be viewing these
Floyd | things, a plot crept in, and with a plot came a puzzle or two. They
Floyd | aren't meant to be confusing, and I hope you don't find them to be so.

Floyd |
Floyd | I want to acknowledge all those who have given help to me in the past;
Floyd | Andrew Plotkin, Gareth Rees, Marnie Parker, Magnus Olsen, Adam Cadre
Floyd | (for flags.h), Graham Nelson (for Inform, the language this is written
Floyd | in)... I wish I had kept better records so I could list you all. And
Floyd | to my husband, who gracefully accepted being a computer widower most

Floyd | of the time, and wisely dragged me away from the keyboard the rest of
Floyd | the time.
Floyd |
Floyd | A very special thank you to Irene Callaci, who, for the past year and
Floyd | half has been the reason I have kept writing every day, both recently
Floyd | on this little game, and on my REAL game (still in progress). Her

Floyd | daily question of: "So, what did you do last night?" and her limitless
Floyd | patience analyzing the answer, has kept me going though dreadful bugs
Floyd | and writers block, bad plots and worse writing. She has been as free
Floyd | with her wonderful ideas as with her code, and she is entirely to
Floyd | blame for the fact that I finally finished a game.
Floyd |

Floyd | Along with Irene, Jim Aikin and David Glasser and David Myers agreed
Floyd | to subject themselves to a beta version of this game, and all
Floyd | dutifully (gleefully?) reported my grammatical blunders, persistant
Floyd | failure to correctly use Mr. Apostrophe, repetitious code, plot holes,
Floyd | RAM errors (Read-Authors-Mind) and the like. Many thanks!
Floyd |

Floyd | Finally, I should note that as this is my first (released) game, I
Floyd | would dearly love to hear any thoughts/questions/opinions/suggestions
Floyd | you might have. I can be reached at or you can post
Floyd | to or (the former for
Floyd | programming issues, the later for game play).
Floyd |

Floyd | Kathleen M. Fischer, March 2000
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air. You watch as the rest of the wave continues its
Floyd | course toward the coast, past jagged offshore rocks jutting up from
Floyd | the sea, only to die upon the barren shore.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "search wave"
Floyd | After a moments thought you realize the surf is too far away.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Taleslinger asks, "How did we get out of the tunnel the last time?"
Otto says, "throwing the bud in the sea"
D says, "Throw rose bud into the ocean"
Taleslinger says, "Ah, okay."
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "dive"
Floyd | You sigh wistfully, wishing you knew how.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto asks, "there is a walkthrough on ifwiki, may I have a look at it to see if it worth finding more in this game?"
Jacqueline says, "Hm."
D says, "I already have, go ahead :)"
Jacqueline says, "That... ha"
Jacqueline says, "Well then, I guess so."
D says, "The author of that walkthrough is missing what we are in terms of creatures"
D says, "and one memory"
Jacqueline asks (of DavidW), "Do you have a walkthrough?"
inky asks, "if there's a walkthrough on ifwiki, isn't it probably DW's?"
Jacqueline says, "(DavidW has tons of walkthroughs.)"
DavidW says, "I don't think I wrote one, no."
Jacqueline says, "hrm."
DavidW says, "I might have made a map, but I'm not sure."
Jacqueline says, "And it's been *forever* since I last played this."
crumple says, "btw, the cove has no reviews on ifdb yet."
D asks, "David Welbourne?"
DavidW says, "I can check my binder of notes."
Otto says, "yes it seems so"
inky asks, "*the* David Welbourne?"
Jacqueline says (to D), "That's DavidW. :)"
DavidW says, "David Welbourn. No 'e' at the end."
Jacqueline asks, "There was a critter in the tidepool, right? Is that where you got the starfish?"
D says, "minus the e, my bad"
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Oh, quite true!"
D says, "There are mussels, limpets, sea urchins, the star"
DavidW says (to inky), "cut that out. :)"
D says, "and an anemone iirc"
Otto says, "it seems we can still remember just after dropping bud..."
inky says, "hee hee"
Otto says, "probably we get the whole story at this point"
Otto says (to floyd), "x rain"
Floyd | The rain is quite heavy now, composed of large drops falling hard and

Floyd | fast.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up

Floyd | high into the air. You watch as the rest of the wave continues its
Floyd | course toward the coast, past jagged offshore rocks jutting up from
Floyd | the sea, only to die upon the barren shore.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "hm. My handwritten notes list 12 of the 13 creatures, +1 beach, +1 terrace, +1 tide pool, +1 tunnel, +1 stone, +1 rose, +1 THE END."
D says, "I believe ploves and shore birds are the same thing, so yes, DW checked everything we did in his walkthrough"
Otto asks, "may we throw the bud now?"
DavidW asks (of D), "wait, I did do a walkthrough?"
D says, "Yeah, it's on IFwiki"
Otto says, "the link is from ifwiki"
DavidW says, "oh. neat."
D says, "That's what me and otto have been reading"
Otto says, ""
DavidW says, "I play so many IF games, I'm actually forgetting stuff."
Jacqueline says, "heehee"
Jacqueline says (to David), "That's not a bad thing, David."
Otto says (to floyd), "score"
Floyd | You have so far scored 20 out of a possible 28, in 91 turns.

Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "x algae"
Floyd | Mostly deep green, though some patches are nearly black while others
Floyd | are a deep shade of red.

Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "score"
Floyd | You have so far scored 20 out of a possible 28, in 92 turns.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "x stone"
Floyd | You scrap off the algae from the flattened stone, revealing a heavily
Floyd | eroded outline of a heart cut into the rock. Inside the heart, carved
Floyd | in a childish hand, is the faded inscription "JS & AK". A lump forms

Floyd | in your throat and you swallow hard, trying in vain to shut your mind
Floyd | on old memories, still painful to recall.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "remember"
Floyd | You remember back to the last time you were here, six long years ago.
Floyd | It seems like yesterday. You almost expect to see Jason come running

Floyd | through the tunnel, hair tossled by the wind. "Hey Amy," he would say,
Floyd | "look what I found!" Then he'd open his hand and show you some small
Floyd | treasure from the sea. They were worthless, they were beautiful, and
Floyd | they always made you smile. He always made you smile.

Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up

Floyd | high into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says, "we already got this"
Otto says (to floyd), "score"
Floyd | You have so far scored 21 out of a possible 28, in 94 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "x shore"
Floyd | Swept clear of sand by earlier winter storms, the rocky shores seem

Floyd | barren, inhospitable places, that even the birds pass by.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Standing at the edge of the tunnel, peering down at the sea as it

Floyd | surges past, you quickly realize the only way out this direction is to
Floyd | jump.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "shout"
Floyd | You shout loudly, but the wind just whips the words away.
D says (to Floyd), "x birds"
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air.

Floyd |
Floyd | >

Floyd | You look around but are unable to find that which you seek.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Jacqueline asks, "Did you guys smell stuff?"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "listen"
Floyd | The relentless pounding of the sea echos through the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "smell bud"
Floyd | It smells of tobacco, not surprising considering it spent the last six
Floyd | years tucked away in a cigar box.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

maga says, "(what I said on #wtf)"
Otto says (to floyd), "smell dress"
Floyd | It is so new that it still smells like the dressmakers shop.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up

Floyd | high into the air.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "smell me"
Floyd | You smell nothing unexpected.

Floyd |
Floyd | >

inky says, "I guess it wouldn't be"
Otto says (to floyd), "get bud"
Floyd | You take the faded white rose bud out of the purse.

Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "throw bud in the shore"
Floyd | After a moments thought you realize the shore is too far away.
Floyd |

Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "throw bud in the sea"
Floyd | You gently kiss the faded blossom then toss it out onto the sea. "Rest
Floyd | in peace, Jason," you whisper as you watch it bob upon the water.

Floyd | Moments later it's caught up in the churning waves and pulled beneath
Floyd | the surface.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Amelia!" comes a cry from far above, barely audible over a sudden

Floyd | rush of water to the south. How long have you been in here? Looking up
Floyd | toward the cliffs you are surprised to see a familiar coach and four

Floyd | standing precariously close to the edge.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Ethan, get the horses back," you yell, cupping your hands around your
Floyd | mouth in a futile attempt to be heard. How did he know where to find

Floyd | you?
Floyd |

Floyd | "Amelia!" comes the cry again, this time more frantic.
Floyd |
Floyd | Tunnel's End
Floyd | The tunnel ends abruptly here, its rocky floor falling sharply away to

Floyd | the pounding sea. Wide gaps in the stones above allow in just enough
Floyd | light to clearly see the masses of barnacles clustered around fissures

Floyd | in the stones and the slippery green algae on the tunnel floor that
Floyd | makes the footing treacherous.
Floyd |
Floyd | Near the opening is a flattened stone standing somewhat apart from the

Floyd | rest.
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "remember"
Floyd | The rushing sound from the southern end of the tunnel... it seems so

Floyd | familiar.
Floyd |

Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air. You watch as the rest of the wave continues its
Floyd | course toward the coast, past jagged offshore rocks jutting up from
Floyd | the sea, only to die upon the barren shore.

Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd |
Floyd | Tunnel's Entrance

Floyd | The narrow opening of the sea tunnel looks out upon the beach, or what
Floyd | is left of it, for the tide has come in so far that some of the larger

Floyd | waves are spilling over the small rocks at the base of the cliffs.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "remember"
Floyd | You find yourself trembling as you look out at the wild sea. Six years

Floyd | ago you stood on this very spot and looked out at this same sea... but
Floyd | this time, you're alone.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up

Floyd | high into the air. You watch as the rest of the wave continues its
Floyd | course toward the shore.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says, "now we can stop at the entrance"
Otto says (to floyd), "jump"
Floyd | You freeze, just as you had six years ago. "Jump Amy, jump!" Jason had

Floyd | screamed in your ear as the waves slammed into the rocks, pouring
Floyd | water into the tunnel. How many times had you heard that scream in
Floyd | your dreams? How many times had you wished you had listened?
Floyd |

Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "remember"
Floyd | You find yourself trembling as you look out at the wild sea. Six years
Floyd | ago you stood on this very spot and looked out at this same sea... but
Floyd | this time, you're alone.

Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Holding your breath, you turn sideways and squeeze past the tunnel's
Floyd | narrowest point, then hurry on to its northern end with the sea

Floyd | lapping at your heels.
Floyd |

Floyd | "Ethan, I'm here!" you scream as a wave enters the southern end of the
Floyd | tunnel, sweeping over your feet and pour out the northern end.
Floyd |
Floyd | Tunnel's End

Floyd | The tunnel ends abruptly here, its rocky floor falling sharply away to
Floyd | the pounding sea. Wide gaps in the stones above allow in just enough

Floyd | light to clearly see the masses of barnacles clustered around fissures
Floyd | in the stones and the slippery green algae on the tunnel floor that
Floyd | makes the footing treacherous.
Floyd |

Floyd | Near the opening is a flattened stone standing somewhat apart from the
Floyd | rest.

Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "remember"
Floyd | It's happening all over again, just like before, only this time Jason
Floyd | isn't here to help. What was he trying to tell you that day? You never

Floyd | could figure it out. The wind had been so strong, ripping the words
Floyd | out of his mouth and blowing them away. He finally grabbed your hand
Floyd | and gave it a squeeze, pointing up toward the narrow gap in the
Floyd | ceiling. You look up at the ceiling now, the gap seeming as

Floyd | unreachable as ever.
Floyd |

Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air. You watch as the rest of the wave continues its
Floyd | course toward the coast, past jagged offshore rocks jutting up from
Floyd | the sea, only to die upon the barren shore.

Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says, "I think that jump command at the Tunnel Entrance may have gotten us that elusive last memory point"
Otto says (to floyd), "search gap"
Floyd | The gaps are out of reach.

Floyd |
Floyd | A thick, swirling mass of water rushes in from the southern end of the

Floyd | tunnel and pours out the tunnel into the sea, nearly taking you with
Floyd | it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

D says, "In terms of ones that aren't covered in DW's walkthrough"
Otto says (to floyd), "x gap"
Floyd | The gaps vary from a few inches to a few feet in diameter.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "x ceiling"
Floyd | The ceiling is soaked.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up
Floyd | high into the air.

Floyd |

Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "score"
Floyd | You have so far scored 25 out of a possible 28, in 114 turns.
Floyd |

Floyd | >

Otto says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | You blush when you realize that you aren't actually in anything.
Floyd |
Floyd | A thick, swirling mass of water rushes in from the southern end of the

Floyd | tunnel and pours out the tunnel into the sea, nearly taking you with

Floyd | it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | Just as you did six years before, you curl your finger around the

Floyd | pitted stone and attempt to haul yourself up the rocks. But this time
Floyd | Jason isn't there to push you the rest of the way up, and you slide
Floyd | back down.
Floyd |
Floyd | While you are preparing to try again, your hand is hit by a sturdy

Floyd | strap of leather tossed down from above.

Floyd |
Floyd | "Amelia, grab the rein," calls Ethan, his voice barely audible over
Floyd | the sound of the waves.
Floyd |
Floyd | Wrapping the rein around your hand, you once again scramble up the

Floyd | rocks. A moment later you find yourself standing on the rim of the

Floyd | tunnel, caught up in Ethans arms as he wraps his thick black cloak
Floyd | around you. Another wave sweeps through the tunnel at your feet,
Floyd | sending a shower of spray up high above your head. But the sea has no
Floyd | power over you now. This time there is no one left behind for it to
Floyd | claim.

Floyd |

Floyd |
Floyd |     *** The End ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 26 out of a possible 28, in 115 turns.

Floyd |

Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see the CREDITS, give
Floyd | the FULL score for that game or QUIT?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Otto says (to floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Tunnel's End
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto says, "so it's probably the only ending."
Jacqueline says, "Ohhh so close."
Jacqueline asks, "Do you still have the stick?"
Jacqueline asks, "Or can you have the stick in the tunnel?"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You are carrying a purse. You are wearing an engagement ring and a
Floyd | silk dress.
Floyd |
Floyd | >

Otto asks, "no. Do you think there could really be more in this game?"
Jacqueline asks, "You can't take it into the tunnel, iirc, right?"
Otto exclaims, "nice game anyway!"
D says, "No, unless it can be broken"
D says, "it says it won't fit in there"
Jacqueline says (to Otto), "I think this is it. I was just wondering if you could make him pull you out of the tunnel using the driftwood stick."
Jacqueline says, "Well, if you broke it in half that would negate my idea about using it to get out of the cave."
Jacqueline says, "I suspect that is a complicated solution to the puzzle that she didn't code."
Jacqueline says, "I think there is just the one ending, but I don't always replay games to find new endings unless I hear other people rave about the replay value."
Jacqueline says, "Before anyone heads off, help me pick a game for next week..."
Taleslinger says, "Stiffy Markane. Okay, bye!"
Jacqueline says, "haha"
D says, "I wouldn't know what's already been done"
Jacqueline says, "You can >X CFS here in the room to get a list of games suggested that are already uploaded to Floyd."
Jacqueline says, "I need to update the list to remove The Cove, but everything else on there is fair game."
D says, "I'll see if something I can recommend isn't on the list on the site"
Otto says, "what about Ekphrasis? ;)"
Taleslinger asks, "What's The Salesman Triumphant?"
Jacqueline says (to D), "Just >X CFS and you'll see a list of stuff we haven't played that's already on Floyd."
Jacqueline says (to Otto), "Heehee."
D says, "I hope I don't mess up the command, heh"
Jacqueline says, "I'd love to, but it would be difficult given that many MUD clients don't display accents and, um, like, three of us speak decent French."
Taleslinger says, "Wait, a serious idea: Ad Verbum"
DavidW says, "We wouldn't be able to see the graphics."
Jacqueline says (to Taleslinger), "Ad Verbum is on the list, I believe"
DavidW says, "(re Ekphrasis)"
Taleslinger says, "Yes, I know."
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Oh right - it has graphics, too."
Taleslinger says, "I'd really like to play that with some natives."
Jacqueline says, "Taleslinger's suggestion is a good one (though hard for non-English speakers, since it relies a lot on wordplay)."
D asks, "Glowgrass hasn't been done yet?"
Taleslinger says, "Erm, native speakers."
Jacqueline says, "Ah, timing. Good point."
Jacqueline asks, "Okay, Ad Verbum next week, then maybe Glowgrass?"
Jacqueline says (to D), "Nope."
DavidW asks, "I think we have done Glowgrass, surely?"
Jacqueline says, "Did we? Why is it on there, then."
Jacqueline goes to check her list.
D says, "I can definitely recommend that if its position on the list isn't a mistake"
DavidW says, "well, lemme check"
Taleslinger says, "last updated sep. 14 '08."
Jacqueline says, "I don't think we've played Glowgrass, David."
Jacqueline says, "We played two other games by Nate, but not this one."
DavidW says, "huh"
Taleslinger says, "It's not on the transcript list,"
Jacqueline says (to T), "Yeah, since then we've played IF Competition games, the Whispers game, and the Speed IFs."
Jacqueline says, "And we took a break during the IF Comp."
DavidW says, "I guess it's so strong in the memory, I thought for sure we'd played it."
Otto exclaims, "I'll go now. Good bye and thank you for the nice moment in this ClubFloyd!"
inky says, "bye Otto!"
D says, "Bye"
Jacqueline says, "A bientot, Otto!"
Otto goes home. D says, "Ad verbum then glowgrass sounds good anyway"
Jacqueline says (to DW), "We've played Frobozz Magic Support and Nevermore."
DavidW says, "yes, I think Nevermore was our first game, too."
Jacqueline says (to D), "Cool. I'll update the RSS and add this transcipt. Thank you, everyone!"
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Yes, Nevermore was our first game."
Qfwfq says, "Thank you all"
Qfwfq says, "See you next sunday"
Qfwfq says, "Bye"
DavidW says, "bye Qfwfq"
Jacqueline says (to Qfwfq), "Bye!"
D says, "Bye everybody :)"
Qfwfq goes home. D says, "This was a good first CF"
DavidW asks (of D), "you leavin' too?"
D says, "Yeah"
Jacqueline says, "Bye, D. Glad you enjoyed it."
Jacqueline says, "See you next week, perhaps."
D says, "Most likely :)"
Jacqueline says, "yay"
DavidW says, "yes, come back."
D goes home.