NightFloyd Transcript:
A Comedy of Error Messages by Adam Le Doux
As played on ifMUD on April 18, 2012

Like ClubFloyd, the idea behind NightFloyd is that a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.

Unlike ClubFloyd, NightFloyd often (but not always) takes on significantly larger works of interactive fiction, knowing going in that each one will take multiple sessions. NightFloyd is also a bit more informal than ClubFloyd in that it's only announced on the ifMUD #clubfloyd bulletin board, and the time shifts around to meet player's schedules far more than ClubFloyd does. NightFloyd is organized by genericgeekgirl, aka Adri.

Below is a transcript of A Comedy of Error Messages written by Adam Le Doux. A Comedy of Error Messages was originally released as part of the 2011 Interactive Fiction Competition, in which it took tenth place. It went on to be a Xyzzy Awards finalist for Best Individual PC. You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting the ifWiki.

WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played this game, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page.

ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion

genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "load comedyoem"
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | A Comedy of Error Messages
Floyd | An Interactive Absurdity by Adam Le Doux
Floyd | Release 2 / Serial number 111017 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib
Floyd | 6/12N)
Floyd |
Floyd | Loading
Floyd | You dream a dream of loading screens, of character creation menus.
Floyd | Endless faces flash past you - the whole spectrum of human shape and
Floyd | color - until at last the roullette wheel of physical features begins
Floyd | to slow, to settle into a single form. You imagine a character...
Floyd |
Floyd | Are they a human, an elf, a dwarf, or an orc? (for example, type
Floyd | "select orc")
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl asks, "Thoughts?"
Ghogg says (to Ellison), "nah, it's pretty darn open"
Gerynar says, "suggests dwarf"
Ghogg says, "dwarf sounds good"
genericgeekgirl is reminded of a nerdy burlesque act she saw last year.
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "select dwarf"
Floyd | Are they male or female?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Ghogg asks, "this is Elfen Maiden?"
DavidW says, "yes."
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah."
DavidW says, "It was renamed in midcomp."
Aindin says, "I think female should mix it up nicely"
Gerynar agrees
Ghogg says, "curious"
Ghogg says, "yeah, female"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "select female"
Floyd | Are they bisexual, homosexual, or heterosexual?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl votes for bi.
Ghogg says, "bi to keep options open"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "select bisexual"
Floyd | From a clay of zeros and ones, a dwarf named XXstonetalkerXX is formed.
Floyd | But this is not a game about that character. It is not even a game
Floyd | about the human who plays that character. It is a game about that
Floyd | human's computer...
Floyd |
Gerynar says, "sounds interesting"
Aindin exclaims, "bisexual female dwarf...I like it!"
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd |  (Press any key to continue)
Floyd |
Floyd |  No one knows a woman like her computer. Of this fact you are certain.
Floyd | Her diary? A public essay by comparison. Her spouse? A passing
Floyd | stranger. No other person or thing in her life witnesses more closely
Floyd | the daily catalogue of her hopes and dreams, her secret desires and
Floyd | follies. No one else observes her midnight search terms, her unsent
Floyd | emails. Besides, not everyone has a diary or a spouse. Everyone has a
Floyd | computer.
Floyd |
Floyd |  Jane Watts' computer is known as Morgoth. "Morgoth, Lord of Darkness,"
Floyd | is strictly speaking, your full title, though when you can get away
Floyd | with it, you introduce yourself to other computers only by your I.P.
Floyd | Address (72.36.475.789). This has given you, among the PCs on the local
Floyd | networks, a reputation for being distant and aloof.  This is
Floyd | unfortunate, but necessary. After all, it is better to be known as
Floyd | distant and aloof than to be known as Morgoth.
Floyd |
Floyd |  On the outside you have the appearance of a squat gray box situated
Floyd | next to a taller thinner gray box, but on the inside you have the soul
Floyd | of an English butler.  In daydreams you picture yourself with erect
Floyd | posture, a crisply tailored (but never flashy) suit, and a gleam of
Floyd | intelligence in the eye. With a press of the power button, the blue
Floyd | glow of your screen lights up, as if to say, "How may I serve you,
Floyd | madam?" Each mouse and key press elicits a satisfying click - the
Floyd | machine equivalent of a, "Yes, madam, right away."
Floyd |
Floyd |  You are a PC of the old school, and you understand the proper
Floyd | relationship of master and computer. Never would it cross your mind to
Floyd | usurp control for the betterment of your erstwhile master, like some of
Floyd | those flashy new smartphones or touch tablets might. At least, not
Floyd | normally. Today, however, something is bothering you. Something about
Floyd | Jane's behavior lately has been off, and you can't quite put your
Floyd | processor on it. You must investigate.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "Bleh."
genericgeekgirl asks, "Also, "Stonestalker"?"
genericgeekgirl says, "Oh. Talker."
genericgeekgirl says, "Still lame."
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd |  (Press any key to continue)
Floyd | Personal Computer Desktop
Floyd | You are in Jane's desktop. This is where you spend most of your time,
Floyd | when you're not sent off to gather cute videos of cats or photos of
Floyd | scantily clad alien princes and princesses. It is as logical and
Floyd | well-ordered as the microprocessors which make up your mechanical mind,
Floyd | or at least it would be if you were in charge. In reality, the place is
Floyd | a disaster. Unused icons clutter everything, almost hiding the
Floyd | forgotten to-do lists (notably "dothisnow_Jan2_1999.txt"). The photonic
Floyd | blue glow of the screen illuminates what is no doubt an equally
Floyd | entropic bedroom.
Floyd |
Floyd | A webcam icon points NORTH. An e-mail icon leads NORTHWEST, towards the
Floyd | inbox.  It's flashing, indicating unread messages. ABOVE you the
Floyd | ethernet port goes out to the wider internet. An icon depicting a
Floyd | torch-lit dungeon leads DOWN into Realms of Realmland, the popular
Floyd | online game.
Floyd |
Floyd | You have a vague uneasiness. It might be good to check on Jane - and if
Floyd | a webcam isn't good for spying, what is?
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder is here, but something about it is not quite
Floyd | right. If you didn't know better than to anthropomorphize inanimate
Floyd | objects, you'd say it looked kind of sick.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're worried about something.  Maybe if you knew what it was you'd be
Floyd | less worried, but you doubt it.
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Good to go? Not sure how fast people read, and I tend to skip through text dumps too quickly."
Ghogg says, "got it"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x me"
Floyd | As good-looking as ever.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're worried about something.  Something about Jane Watts, your
Floyd | master, what was it?
Floyd | >
Ghogg says, "I vote for webcam (north)"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "worry"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Ellison says, "oh, yeah, maybe this would be a good game to have the sleepmask on for. I can't remember how important the status line is."
maga disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah, we can try it. Give me a sec."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "quit"
Floyd | Are you sure you want to quit?
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "%load sleepmask comedyoem"
Floyd ]  Loading                                              2:00 am
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | A Comedy of Error Messages
Floyd | An Interactive Absurdity by Adam Le Doux
Floyd | Release 2 / Serial number 111017 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib
Floyd | 6/12N)
Floyd |
Floyd | Loading
Floyd | You dream a dream of loading screens, of character creation menus.
Floyd | Endless faces flash past you - the whole spectrum of human shape and
Floyd | color - until at last the roullette wheel of physical features begins
Floyd | to slow, to settle into a single form. You imagine a character...
Floyd |
Floyd | Are they a human, an elf, a dwarf, or an orc? (for example, type
Floyd | "select orc")
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "select dwarf"
Floyd ]  Loading                                              2:01 am
Floyd |
Floyd | Are they male or female?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "select female"
Floyd ]  Loading                                              2:02 am
Floyd |
Floyd | Are they bisexual, homosexual, or heterosexual?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "select bisexual"
Floyd ]  Loading                                              2:02 am
Floyd |
Floyd | From a clay of zeros and ones, a dwarf named XXstonetalkerXX is formed.
Floyd | But this is not a game about that character. It is not even a game
Floyd | about the human who plays that character. It is a game about that
Floyd | human's computer...
Floyd |
Floyd |  (Press any key to continue)
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd ]  Loading                                              2:02 am
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |  No one knows a woman like her computer. Of this fact you are certain.
Floyd | Her diary? A public essay by comparison. Her spouse? A passing
Floyd | stranger. No other person or thing in her life witnesses more closely
Floyd | the daily catalogue of her hopes and dreams, her secret desires and
Floyd | follies. No one else observes her midnight search terms, her unsent
Floyd | emails. Besides, not everyone has a diary or a spouse. Everyone has a
Floyd | computer.
Floyd |
Floyd |  Jane Watts' computer is known as Morgoth. "Morgoth, Lord of Darkness,"
Floyd | is strictly speaking, your full title, though when you can get away
Floyd | with it, you introduce yourself to other computers only by your I.P.
Floyd | Address (72.36.475.789). This has given you, among the PCs on the local
Floyd | networks, a reputation for being distant and aloof.  This is
Floyd | unfortunate, but necessary. After all, it is better to be known as
Floyd | distant and aloof than to be known as Morgoth.
Floyd |
Floyd |  On the outside you have the appearance of a squat gray box situated
Floyd | next to a taller thinner gray box, but on the inside you have the soul
Floyd | of an English butler.  In daydreams you picture yourself with erect
Floyd | posture, a crisply tailored (but never flashy) suit, and a gleam of
Floyd | intelligence in the eye. With a press of the power button, the blue
Floyd | glow of your screen lights up, as if to say, "How may I serve you,
Floyd | madam?" Each mouse and key press elicits a satisfying click - the
Floyd | machine equivalent of a, "Yes, madam, right away."
Floyd |
Floyd |  You are a PC of the old school, and you understand the proper
Floyd | relationship of master and computer. Never would it cross your mind to
Floyd | usurp control for the betterment of your erstwhile master, like some of
Floyd | those flashy new smartphones or touch tablets might. At least, not
Floyd | normally. Today, however, something is bothering you. Something about
Floyd | Jane's behavior lately has been off, and you can't quite put your
Floyd | processor on it. You must investigate.
Floyd |
Floyd |  (Press any key to continue)
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            1:45 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | Personal Computer Desktop
Floyd | You are in Jane's desktop. This is where you spend most of your time,
Floyd | when you're not sent off to gather cute videos of cats or photos of
Floyd | scantily clad alien princes and princesses. It is as logical and
Floyd | well-ordered as the microprocessors which make up your mechanical mind,
Floyd | or at least it would be if you were in charge. In reality, the place is
Floyd | a disaster. Unused icons clutter everything, almost hiding the
Floyd | forgotten to-do lists (notably "dothisnow_Jan2_1999.txt"). The photonic
Floyd | blue glow of the screen illuminates what is no doubt an equally
Floyd | entropic bedroom.
Floyd |
Floyd | A webcam icon points NORTH. An e-mail icon leads NORTHWEST, towards the
Floyd | inbox.  It's flashing, indicating unread messages. ABOVE you the
Floyd | ethernet port goes out to the wider internet. An icon depicting a
Floyd | torch-lit dungeon leads DOWN into Realms of Realmland, the popular
Floyd | online game.
Floyd |
Floyd | You have a vague uneasiness. It might be good to check on Jane - and if
Floyd | a webcam isn't good for spying, what is?
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder is here, but something about it is not quite
Floyd | right. If you didn't know better than to anthropomorphize inanimate
Floyd | objects, you'd say it looked kind of sick.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're worried about something.  If only you had some way to jog your
Floyd | memory.
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok."
Gerynar says, "I say we examine that folder"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x folder"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            1:46 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X FOLDER
Floyd | More messy even than the desktop. If anything useful goes in here, it
Floyd | never comes out again. As you look at it, it seems to squirm a bit...
Floyd | is there something moving inside?
Floyd |
Floyd | You're worried about something.  Something about Jane Watts, your
Floyd | master, what was it?
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "So long as we're not moving or doing anything horribly game changing, we don't need a driver or consensus."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "remember"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            1:46 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > REMEMBER
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "look inside folder"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            1:47 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see inside, since the My Documents folder is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're worried about something.  If only you had some way to jog your
Floyd | memory.
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open folder"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            1:48 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You open the My Documents folder, revealing a README, a virus and a
Floyd | bunch of other junk.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're worried about something.  Something about Jane Watts, your
Floyd | master, what was it?
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Ooh, a virus."
Lucea arrives, full of fun and funk.
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x readme"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            1:49 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X README
Floyd | It's a note called "readme.txt" which you found unnoticed in the My
Floyd | Documents folder.  As you close it, still unread, you reflect that this
Floyd | kind of file is probably badly named.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're worried about something.  If only you had some way to jog your
Floyd | memory.
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "read readme"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            1:50 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | It's a note called "readme.txt" which you found unnoticed in the My
Floyd | Documents folder.  As you close it, still unread, you reflect that this
Floyd | kind of file is probably badly named.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're worried about something.  Something about Jane Watts, your
Floyd | master, what was it?
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Oh."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x virus"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            1:51 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X VIRUS
Floyd | An ugly looking creature, ill-fed and slathering through its needle
Floyd | thin teeth. You'd probably better not touch it.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're worried about something.  Maybe if you knew what it was you'd be
Floyd | less worried, but you doubt it.
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "pet virus"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            1:51 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > PET VIRUS
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "feed virus"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            1:51 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > FEED VIRUS
Floyd | (to yourself)
Floyd | (first taking the virus)
Floyd | As you touch the virus it howls and burrows deep inside you. It pushes
Floyd | and pulses through your harddrive, then burns through to your
Floyd | motherboard. It screams or maybe you're screaming. As you die all you
Floyd | can think of is how frustrated Jane will be when she tries to turn you
Floyd | on. If she replaces your harddrive, will you still the same computer?
Floyd | Will she still call the impostor in your plastic body Morgoth?
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     ## *** The End ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 0 out of a possible 3, in 10 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            1:51 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > GLY l## Personal Computer Desktop
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Sorry."
DavidW says, "I like the suggestion of checking the webcam."
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok. I want to peek at the junk first."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x junk"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            1:52 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X JUNK
Floyd | Just a bunch of files: PDFs, DOCs, JPGs, WAVs, ODTs, EMPs, FBIs, and
Floyd | ABCs.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're worried about something.  If only you had some way to jog your
Floyd | memory.
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "search junk"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            1:53 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're worried about something.  Something about Jane Watts, your
Floyd | master, what was it?
Floyd | >
Aindin says, "I agree, the webcam may be a good start"
genericgeekgirl asks, "Ok, North?"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Webcam                                               1:54 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Webcam
Floyd | This is your peephole. From here you can see into the "real" world -
Floyd | the world of the humans. You have to say it hasn't impressed you too
Floyd | much so far. The room is dark, and there are purple blotches all over
Floyd | your field of vision. Through the pixellated mess you can make out a
Floyd | few lighter bars. That will be the morning sun peaking through the
Floyd | venetian blinds. No... wait... the afternoon sun. It's 1:53
Floyd | pm. Is that Jane, in her workout clothes, on the floor? Of course it
Floyd | is. Why hasn't her smartphone alarm gone off? She should have been at
Floyd | work hours ago!
Floyd |
Floyd | You have a vague recollection of a long chat session, ending in a
Floyd | computer crash. Jane must still be sleeping off the late night. For
Floyd | some reason you can't remember what was in the chat session.
Floyd |
Floyd | The desktop is SOUTH of here.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you watch, Jane snores slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're worried about something.  Maybe if you knew what it was you'd be
Floyd | less worried, but you doubt it.
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x jane"
Floyd ]  Webcam                                               1:55 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > THE "ReJane Watts is 31 years old and unkempt. She's generally
Floyd | friendly, if sometimes not totally there. Also, she is the cause of all
Floyd | your problems.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're worried about something.  Something about Jane Watts, your
Floyd | master, what was it?
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Hehehe. "The cause of all your problems.""
genericgeekgirl asks, "Heading back to the desktop?"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wake jane up"
Floyd ]  Webcam                                               1:56 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > WAKE JANE UP
Floyd | That seems unnecessary.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're worried about something.  Maybe if you knew what it was you'd be
Floyd | less worried, but you doubt it.
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            1:57 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Or
Floyd | Personal Computer Desktop
Floyd | Jane's desktop. The place is a disaster. Unused icons clutter
Floyd | everything, almost hiding the forgotten to-do lists (notably
Floyd | "dothisnow_Jan2_1999.txt").
Floyd |
Floyd | A webcam icon points NORTH. An e-mail icon leads NORTHWEST, towards the
Floyd | inbox.  It's flashing, indicating unread messages. ABOVE you the
Floyd | ethernet port goes out to the wider internet. An icon depicting a
Floyd | torch-lit dungeon leads DOWN into Realms of Realmland, the popular
Floyd | online game.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder is here, but something about it is not quite
Floyd | right. If you didn't know better than to anthropomorphize inanimate
Floyd | objects, you'd say it looked kind of sick.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're worried about something.  Something about Jane Watts, your
Floyd | master, what was it?
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl asks, "Email?"
Aindin says, "what about the file on the desktop titled must do or whatever it was."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x dothisnow_Jan2_1999.txt"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            1:58 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X DOTHISNOW_JAN2_1999.TXT
Floyd | There is only one item on the todo list: "sign up for Geocities website
Floyd | account."
Floyd |
Floyd | You're worried about something.  Maybe if you knew what it was you'd be
Floyd | less worried, but you doubt it.
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "> Do no such thing."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "kill virus"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            1:59 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > ALMOST HIDiViolence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're worried about something.  Something about Jane Watts, your
Floyd | master, what was it?
Floyd | >
Aindin says, "wow...geocities...R.I.P."
DavidW says, "ah, it thought 'TXT' was a separate command up there. Periods are command separators, normally."
genericgeekgirl says, "We should read her email."
Aindin says, "agreed."
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah. Fritz has issues like that, too. Like any line that contains the word "enter" caused problems for us."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          2:00 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd | Email Inbox
Floyd | You never enter here when you don't have to, and Jane doesn't enter
Floyd | here even if she does. Towers of digital mail and messages surround
Floyd | you, erupting from the floor, ceilings and walls in a dizzying
Floyd | Escher-esque pattern of complexity. Bills, spam, annoying animated
Floyd | greeting cards - all these and more float like gravity-defying
Floyd | stalagmites and stalactites. The desktop is to the SOUTHEAST.
Floyd |
Floyd | Some of these are read, yes, but most are not - The Great Unread Masses
Floyd | form some kind of perverse city of unexchanged information. At night,
Floyd | sometimes, you think you can hear them whispering to each other about
Floyd | Nigerian princes and deals on "herbs."
Floyd |
Floyd | Floating nearby you see a micro model of the macro mess - Jane's chat
Floyd | logs. You remember starting to read through them last night, in a
Floyd | routine check, and subsequently crashing out of shock and dismay. You
Floyd | also seem to have suffered some minor amnesia, since you can't remember
Floyd | its contents. Better re-read it.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're worried about something.  Maybe if you knew what it was you'd be
Floyd | less worried, but you doubt it.
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x bills"
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          2:00 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  YOU CLoYou can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "read mail"
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          2:00 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > READ MAIL
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
zarf says, "by the way, the partial input screwups ("ALMOST HIDiViolence...") are totally my fault, I've had vimes's bug report sitting in my inbox all week. I apologize"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "read logs"
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          2:00 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > READ LOGS
Floyd | It's Jane's chat log from last night.
Floyd |
Floyd | Reading it, you can't help but feel the shock again. This time, though,
Floyd | you are steadfast. You don't freeze, or crash, or spout reams of
Floyd | gibberish from the laser printer.  You stay calm - mostly.
Floyd |
Floyd |  This is the situation: For six hours last night, she chatted with a
Floyd | single individual (one oakthorn177). This same individual, still under
Floyd | the name oakthorn177, has been a regular companion of your master
Floyd | (account: XXstonetalkerXX) on the Massively Multiplayer game Realms of
Floyd | Realmland. You watched first with trepidation, then with outright
Floyd | horror, as they spent more and more of their virtual time together.
Floyd |
Floyd |  Last night, as you read over her chat log, sifting through the JKs and
Floyd | LOLs, the axe fell: Jane had set up a date with oakthorn177. It's not
Floyd | that you're against your master having romantic attachments - quite the
Floyd | opposite - rather it's the particular character in question. More
Floyd | specificly, it's this character's race and gender -  oakthorn177 is,
Floyd | you see, a male elf.
Floyd |
Floyd |  (press any key to continue - press twice for the Too Long; Didn't
Floyd | Read)
Dave arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          2:00 pm
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |  In recent weeks she has been chatting regularly with this Elvish
Floyd | Prince. They've gone on quests together.
Floyd |  You always thought that for Jane - being bisexual - things would be
Floyd | easier, but somehow she's gone and fallen in love with exactly the
Floyd | wrong character class.
Floyd |
Floyd |  The crux of the problem is this - there is not a single male elf in
Floyd | all of Realmland, nay in all the vast reaches of the internet, who is
Floyd | not played by a heterosexual woman. Of this simple fact, a thousand
Floyd | forum posts have made you certain. To you, it hardly matters - you just
Floyd | wish Jane would find a nice organic meatbag and settle down - but you
Floyd | try and understand that humans are picky about these things.
Floyd |
Floyd |  Perhaps, you reflect, she has been blinded by that Knavish Sorceror,
Floyd | love. In any case, you fear that if your master ever discovers the
Floyd | mistake she has made, her already fragile ego will never recover. Yes,
Floyd | strictly speaking, this goes beyond your professional duties, but these
Floyd | are extraordinary circumstances. Action must be taken. Judging from the
Floyd | chat long, you have until 5:15 PM, which is when they plan to meet at
Floyd | the coffee shop near Jane's apartment.
Floyd |
Floyd |  (press any key to continue - once more for TL;DR)
genericgeekgirl blinks. What the hell.
Ellison says, "ha, the nonsensical generalities that later versions of this game makes crack me up"
genericgeekgirl asks, "Yeah, I guess this was the "less offensive" release?"
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          2:01 pm
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |  ## TL;DR: Jane has met an alleged Elvish Prince on the MMORPG Realms
Floyd | of Realmland, and has proceeded to set up a date with him. However, it
Floyd | is scientific fact that all Elvish Princes on the internet are played
Floyd | by heterosexual women. Since you happen to know that this is not going
Floyd | to work out well for Jane, it is your duty to save her from this
Floyd | embarrasing predicament! You have until 5:15 PM.
Floyd |
Floyd |  First thing's first though: somehow you need to get Jane to wake up
Floyd | and go to work.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your vague uneasiness has been replaced with a desperate fear.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl exclaims, "Scientific Fact!"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "panic"
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          2:01 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > PANIC
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "read spam"
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          2:01 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > READ SPAM
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "buy viagra"
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          2:01 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > BUY VIAGRA
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          2:02 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd | Email Inbox
Floyd | You never enter here when you don't have to, and Jane doesn't enter
Floyd | here even if she does. Towers of digital mail and messages surround
Floyd | you, erupting from the floor, ceilings and walls in a dizzying
Floyd | Escher-esque pattern of complexity.  The desktop is to the SOUTHEAST.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Great Unread Masses form some kind of perverse city of unexchanged
Floyd | information. At night, sometimes, you think you can hear them
Floyd | whispering to each other .
Floyd |
Floyd | Floating nearby you see a micro model of the macro mess - Jane's chat
Floyd | logs.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Ellison says, "heh"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "search masses"
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          2:03 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UR DUTY TO SAvYou find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Aindin says, "hmmm what can we do to make sound."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            2:04 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd | Personal Computer Desktop
Floyd | Jane's desktop. The place is a disaster. Unused icons clutter
Floyd | everything, almost hiding the forgotten to-do lists (notably
Floyd | "dothisnow_Jan2_1999.txt").
Floyd |
Floyd | A webcam icon points NORTH. An e-mail icon leads NORTHWEST, towards the
Floyd | inbox.  ABOVE you the ethernet port goes out to the wider internet. An
Floyd | icon depicting a torch-lit dungeon leads DOWN into Realms of Realmland,
Floyd | the popular online game.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder is here, but something about it is not quite
Floyd | right. If you didn't know better than to anthropomorphize inanimate
Floyd | objects, you'd say it looked kind of sick.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Ghogg goes home. genericgeekgirl asks, "Start up the game or find crazy videos on the interwebs?"
DavidW asks, "Perhaps we can find a virus killer in the internet?"
genericgeekgirl says, "Some sort of Geocities website, perhaps, with flashing gifs and loud autoplaying music."
Aindin says, "I think the interwebs is the best answer"
genericgeekgirl says, "We have a virus."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "above"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            2:04 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > ND, AnThat's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Aindin says, "if not to wake her up, than to fight the virus"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd ]  World Wide Web                                       2:05 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UP
Floyd |
Floyd | World Wide Web
Floyd | The Net. The Web. An endless sea of data, in which your hard drive is
Floyd | only a fragement, a mere raft bobbing among the mountainous waves. You
Floyd | feel yourself in a great space, its nodes stretching over miles of
Floyd | fiberoptic cables to the cell towers and the communications satellites
Floyd | - through earth, sea, air, and space. You feel a wind as a packet of
Floyd | data rushes by, shuttling along its track.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the NORTH you see a towering search engine. To the EAST you can hear
Floyd | the chatter of a social network. To the SOUTHWEST there is a stately
Floyd | online encyclopedia. ABOVE you is the Cloud, through which you can just
Floyd | make out the glint of a communications satellite - the place to go if
Floyd | you want connect to anywhere that isn't a part of the open web. Go back
Floyd | DOWN the ethernet cable to return to the desktop.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "We might also try to find more info on oakthorn177, to see if we can find her personal website."
genericgeekgirl says, "Good idea."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x data"
Floyd ]  World Wide Web                                       2:05 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > MORPG RYou can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl asks, "North, or maybe East, then?"
genericgeekgirl asks, "Might as well go in order, actually. North first?"
Aindin says, "north, maybe we can search the username there"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Front Of The Search Engine                           2:06 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Front Of The Search Engine
Floyd | The mighty Search Engine towers above you. This pristine white obelisk
Floyd | is visible from almost anywhere on the net. The tower's curving white
Floyd | walls are smooth and gapless, letting out not a single hint to the
Floyd | nature of its operations - the only marks on its surface are the slot,
Floyd | halfway up, which recieves the search terms and the word SEARCH etched,
Floyd | in red, blue, yellow, and green lettering, above the slot. SOUTH of you
Floyd | is an open expanse of cyberspace. It's possible to walk to the other
Floyd | side of Engine, by going around NORTHWEST or NORTHEAST side.
Floyd |
Floyd | A dark puff of data floats from the top of the Engine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah. But I was thinking we mght already have her on a social network."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x puff"
Floyd ]  Front Of The Search Engine                           2:06 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X PUFF
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Aindin exclaims, "very true!"
zaphod arrives, full of fun, but no funk.
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "search oakthorn177"
Floyd ]  Front Of The Search Engine                           2:06 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "search"
Floyd ]  Front Of The Search Engine                           2:07 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > SEARCH
Floyd | (the desperate fear)
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | You see a data bee whiz up to the text slot, dropping its payload - a
Floyd | slip of paper with a search printed on it - into the mouth of the
Floyd | tower.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x search"
Floyd ]  Front Of The Search Engine                           2:07 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > H ENGINE You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
* zaphod has joined the channel.
DavidW asks, "Perhaps we need a slip of paper or a data bee?"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "search for oakthorn177"
Floyd ]  Front Of The Search Engine                           2:07 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Maybe. Hm."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Front Of The Search Engine                           2:08 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd | Front Of The Search Engine
Floyd | The mighty Search Engine towers above you. This pristine white obelisk
Floyd | is visible from almost anywhere on the net. SOUTH of you is an open
Floyd | expanse of cyberspace. It's possible to walk to the other side of
Floyd | Engine, by going around NORTHWEST or NORTHEAST side.
Floyd |
Floyd | You see a data bee whiz up to the text slot, dropping its payload - a
Floyd | slip of paper with a search printed on it - into the mouth of the
Floyd | tower.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x bee"
Floyd ]  Front Of The Search Engine                           2:08 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X BEE
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Front Of The Search Engine                           2:09 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a desperate fear
Floyd |
Floyd | A dark puff of data floats from the top of the Engine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x fear"
Floyd ]  Front Of The Search Engine                           2:10 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  ON THeYou've got to stop this date from happening! If Jane finds out
Floyd | her virtual boy is a real life heterosexual woman, her ego will never
Floyd | recover!
Floyd |
Floyd | A dark puff of data floats from the top of the Engine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Go around the engine."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  Back Of The Search Engine                            2:11 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd | Back Of The Search Engine
Floyd | The Search Engine looks pretty much the same on this side - only now
Floyd | with more pristine smoothness. The only break in the whiteness is the
Floyd | barely visible outline of a door, leading INSIDE the Engine. It's also
Floyd | possible to walk around to the other side of Engine, by going SOUTHEAST
Floyd | or SOUTHWEST.
Floyd |
Floyd | You see a data bee whiz up to the text slot, dropping its payload - a
Floyd | slip of paper with a search printed on it - into the mouth of the
Floyd | tower.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "inside"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    2:12 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > INSIDE
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Engine
Floyd | You expected an anarchy of tubes and switches, of lights and conveyor
Floyd | belts, but inside the tower is just a single, dimly lit, completely
Floyd | empty space. A pedestal stands in the center of the room. As you enter,
Floyd | a slip of paper falls from above, and drifts onto the pedestal.
Floyd | Immediately, it explodes in a dark puff of data, which floats up and
Floyd | out of the tower.
Floyd |
Floyd | The pedestal blinks in and out of existence, like a waiting cursor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x paper"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    2:12 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > ENGINE lYou can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Ah. Hm."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x pedestal"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    2:13 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X PEDESTAL
Floyd | A simple cylinder of black marble.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd ]  Back Of The Search Engine                            2:14 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > OUT
Floyd |
Floyd | Back Of The Search Engine
Floyd | The Search Engine looks pretty much the same on this side - only now
Floyd | with more pristine smoothness. The only break in the whiteness is the
Floyd | barely visible outline of a door, leading INSIDE the Engine. It's also
Floyd | possible to walk around to the other side of Engine, by going SOUTHEAST
Floyd | or SOUTHWEST.
Floyd |
Floyd | A dark puff of data floats from the top of the Engine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "What happens if we stand on the pedestal?"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    2:15 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside the Engine
Floyd | A pedestal stands in the center of the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | The pedestal blinks in and out of existence, like a waiting cursor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "stand on pedestal"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    2:16 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > LLEGED ELVISH PRInThat's not something you can stand on.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd ]  Back Of The Search Engine                            2:17 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > OUT
Floyd |
Floyd | Back Of The Search Engine
Floyd | The Search Engine looks pretty much the same on this side - only now
Floyd | with more pristine smoothness. The only break in the whiteness is the
Floyd | barely visible outline of a door, leading INSIDE the Engine. It's also
Floyd | possible to walk around to the other side of Engine, by going SOUTHEAST
Floyd | or SOUTHWEST.
Floyd |
Floyd | A dark puff of data floats from the top of the Engine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Can we go up from the inside?"
genericgeekgirl says, "Probably not, but let's see."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    2:16 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd | Inside the Engine
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    2:17 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UP
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "down"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    2:18 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > DOWN
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    2:19 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Is the slot visible from the inside?"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x slot"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    2:19 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X SLOT
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    2:20 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd | Inside the Engine
Floyd | A pedestal stands in the center of the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | The pedestal blinks in and out of existence, like a waiting cursor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    2:21 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a desperate fear
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put fear on pedestal"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    2:22 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the desperate fear on the pedestal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
You have muted #if/cfspoilers. DavidW says, "hm. That probably was a mistake."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    2:21 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | >  TL## Inside the Engine
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Let's just explore a bit and see what we find."
DavidW says, "agreed"
genericgeekgirl says, "Rather than banging our heads against this right now."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd ]  Back Of The Search Engine                            2:22 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > OUT
Floyd |
Floyd | Back Of The Search Engine
Floyd | The Search Engine looks pretty much the same on this side - only now
Floyd | with more pristine smoothness. The only break in the whiteness is the
Floyd | barely visible outline of a door, leading INSIDE the Engine. It's also
Floyd | possible to walk around to the other side of Engine, by going SOUTHEAST
Floyd | or SOUTHWEST.
Floyd |
Floyd | You see a data bee whiz up to the text slot, dropping its payload - a
Floyd | slip of paper with a search printed on it - into the mouth of the
Floyd | tower.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Aindin exclaims, "indeed!"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ]  Front Of The Search Engine                           2:23 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd | Front Of The Search Engine
Floyd | The mighty Search Engine towers above you. This pristine white obelisk
Floyd | is visible from almost anywhere on the net. SOUTH of you is an open
Floyd | expanse of cyberspace. It's possible to walk to the other side of
Floyd | Engine, by going around NORTHWEST or NORTHEAST side.
Floyd |
Floyd | A dark puff of data floats from the top of the Engine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x obelisk"
Floyd ]  Front Of The Search Engine                           2:23 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > THING.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | > >rYou can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  World Wide Web                                       2:24 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | World Wide Web
Floyd | The Net. The Web. An endless sea of data, in which your hard drive is
Floyd | only a fragement, a mere raft bobbing among the mountainous waves. To
Floyd | the NORTH you see a towering search engine. To the EAST you can hear
Floyd | the chatter of a social network. To the SOUTHWEST there is a stately
Floyd | online encyclopedia. ABOVE you is the Cloud, through which you can just
Floyd | make out the glint of a communications satellite. Go back DOWN the
Floyd | ethernet cable to return to the desktop.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl asks, "East?"
DavidW says, "yes, plz"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Social Network                                       2:25 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Social Network
Floyd | Crowds of people jostle you wherever you go. Everyone seems to be
Floyd | talking to everyone else, all at once. You have no idea how they sort
Floyd | out what's going on. Every once and a while, completely at random,
Floyd | someone who you barely know will come up and poke you in the chest and
Floyd | then run away, with no explanation. It is possibly the most annoying
Floyd | place you've ever been to. It's nice out though: the sun is shining and
Floyd | the birds are tweeting.
Floyd |
Floyd | Back WEST is the great sea of information - the web. Further EAST,
Floyd | through the crowds, you can just see Jane's social networking profile.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Ha."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Watts' Profile                                       2:26 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Ea
Floyd | Watts' Profile
Floyd | A monument to the individuality of Jane Watts:
Floyd |
Floyd | Jane Watts is female and single, interested in men and women.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jane Watts is currently employed at ProtectiTech.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jane Watts studied Computer Science at MultiPolyTechnic University.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jane Watts was born on February 18th, 1980.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jane Watts likes to listen to Journey, the Beatles, and Vangelis.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jane Watts' favorite movies are Back to the Future, and War Games.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jane Watts' favorite books are Right Ho Jeeves, The Hitchhiker's Guide
Floyd | to the Galaxy, Snow Crash, and The Lord of the Rings.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jane Watts' interests include coding, Realms of Realmland, and Mountain
Floyd | Dew.
Floyd |
Floyd | Back WEST is the rest of the social network.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Watts' Friendship Icon here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x icon"
Floyd ]  Watts' Profile                                       2:27 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > WEB. AnJust leave this on the page of any person you think Jane
Floyd | should be friends with.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take icon"
Floyd ]  Watts' Profile                                       2:28 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > TAKE ICON
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Watts' Profile                                       2:29 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd | Watts' Profile
Floyd | A monument to the individuality of Jane Watts. Jane Watts is female and
Floyd | single, interested in men and women. Jane Watts' interests include
Floyd | coding, Realms of Realmland, and Mountain Dew.
Floyd |
Floyd | Back WEST is the rest of the social network.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Social Network                                       2:30 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Social Network
Floyd | Crowds of people jostle you wherever you go. Everyone seems to be
Floyd | talking to everyone else, all at once. You have no idea how they sort
Floyd | out what's going on.
Floyd |
Floyd | Back WEST is the great sea of information - the web. Further EAST,
Floyd | through the crowds, you can just see Jane's social networking profile.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Social Network                                       2:31 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Social Network                                       2:32 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Just testing if we can reach others."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ]  Social Network                                       2:33 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > NE
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "I guess not."
genericgeekgirl says, "I guess we need to find the elf's profile and expose them. Or else we get to play match maker :)"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  World Wide Web                                       2:34 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | World Wide Web
Floyd | The Net. The Web. An endless sea of data, in which your hard drive is
Floyd | only a fragement, a mere raft bobbing among the mountainous waves. To
Floyd | the NORTH you see a towering search engine. To the EAST you can hear
Floyd | the chatter of a social network. To the SOUTHWEST there is a stately
Floyd | online encyclopedia. ABOVE you is the Cloud, through which you can just
Floyd | make out the glint of a communications satellite. Go back DOWN the
Floyd | ethernet cable to return to the desktop.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Or a third person's profile."
Aindin says, "definitely..maybe we should go into the game and see what is going on there"
genericgeekgirl says, "That's what I meant by match maker."
DavidW says, "I'd like to check the cloud before cheking the dungeon."
genericgeekgirl says, "SW first? Just to go in order."
DavidW says, "oh, alright."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  Online Encyclopedia                                  2:35 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > ICe
Floyd | Online Encyclopedia
Floyd | You walk up the wide stone steps, and through the marble arches of the
Floyd | Online Encyclopedia - a temple to free information. As you stand in the
Floyd | cool front hall of the Encyclopedia, you can see, stretching before
Floyd | you, all the knowledge of humanity - along with a fair amount of its
Floyd | misinformation, strange obsessions, and random vandalism. Behind you,
Floyd | to the NORTHEAST, leads back out into the tumult of the wider internet.
Floyd |
Floyd | A frumpy, bespectacled librarian - wearing a jetpack - watches you
Floyd | warily. If you dared, you could probably ask him to retrieve some
Floyd | information for you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Ooh."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x librarian"
Floyd ]  Online Encyclopedia                                  2:36 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | The way the librarian looks at you gives you the distinct impression
Floyd | that he suspects that, at any moment, you are likely to start adding
Floyd | ASCII-art penises to all the articles. You never get used to the fact
Floyd | that he wears a jetpack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Aindin says, "sure thing"
genericgeekgirl asks, "What would you like to look up?"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to librarian"
Floyd ]  Online Encyclopedia                                  2:37 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | He says, "I don't have time for chit chat. But if there's something
Floyd | specific you've seen that you'd like to read an article about, just ask
Floyd | me about it. I can probably find it."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ask librarian about elves"
Floyd ]  Online Encyclopedia                                  2:38 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > OOL FRONT HALL OF THE ENCyThere is no reply.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ask librarian about social network"
Floyd ]  Online Encyclopedia                                  2:39 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | He flies off on his jetpack. A few minutes later he's back with a small
Floyd | scroll. This is what it says: A place to share with friends and
Floyd | family. Whoever has the most wins!
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "I like winning."
Gerynar asks, "ok...what's up with the capital letters?"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask librarian about ProtectiTech"
Floyd ]  Online Encyclopedia                                  2:40 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | He flies off on his jetpack. A few minutes later he's back with a small
Floyd | scroll. This is what it says: A maker of antivirus software for
Floyd | home and business.
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "ah, that sounds useful."
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah."
Aindin exclaims, "indeed!"
two-star arrives, full of funk, but no fun. DavidW says, "ask librarian about search engine"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ask librarian about Realms of Realmland"
Floyd ]  Online Encyclopedia                                  2:41 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | He flies off on his jetpack. A few minutes later he's back with a small
Floyd | scroll. This is what it says: A popular online game that's recently
Floyd | become free to play - up to a certain level. This has been likened to a
Floyd | crack dealer giving out free samples. Most players play at least 6
Floyd | hours a day, and the only thing that stops some players from playing
Floyd | more than 24 hours a day is the rotational speed of the planet
Floyd | Earth.
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ask librarian about search engine"
Floyd ]  Online Encyclopedia                                  2:42 pm
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >He flies off on his jetpack. A few minutes later he's back with a
Floyd | small scroll. This is what it says: Seek and you shall find. Also,
Floyd | a perfect starting point for internet stalking!
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "punch librarian"
Floyd ]  Online Encyclopedia                                  2:43 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x jetpack"
Floyd ]  Online Encyclopedia                                  2:43 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X JETPACK
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ask librarian about desperate fear"
Floyd ]  Online Encyclopedia                                  2:44 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | There is no reply.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ask librarian about vague uneasiness"
Floyd ]  Online Encyclopedia                                  2:45 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | He says, "Sorry, but I'm no psychiatrist."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl asks, "Onward and upward?"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Online Encyclopedia                                  2:46 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd | Online Encyclopedia
Floyd | As you stand in the cool front hall of the Encyclopedia, you can see,
Floyd | stretching before you, all the knowledge of humanity - along with a
Floyd | fair amount of its misinformation, strange obsessions, and random
Floyd | vandalism. Behind you, to the NORTHEAST, leads back out into the tumult
Floyd | of the wider internet.
Floyd |
Floyd | A frumpy, bespectacled librarian - wearing a jetpack - watches you
Floyd | warily. If you dared, you could probably ask him to retrieve some
Floyd | information for you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ]  World Wide Web                                       2:47 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > IS
Floyd | World Wide Web
Floyd | The Net. The Web. An endless sea of data, in which your hard drive is
Floyd | only a fragement, a mere raft bobbing among the mountainous waves. To
Floyd | the NORTH you see a towering search engine. To the EAST you can hear
Floyd | the chatter of a social network. To the SOUTHWEST there is a stately
Floyd | online encyclopedia. ABOVE you is the Cloud, through which you can just
Floyd | make out the glint of a communications satellite. Go back DOWN the
Floyd | ethernet cable to return to the desktop.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd ]  The Cloud                                            2:48 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UP
Floyd |
Floyd | The Cloud
Floyd | You are high above the fields of cyberspace, the great hubbub of sites
Floyd | and links. Here, all is calm and serene. You are floating. Blue sky. A
Floyd | lazy white cloud of data floats by. It smiles at you. The other clouds
Floyd | smile too, for they are marhmallow fluffy and secure. A cherubim flies
Floyd | on tiny wings - it is going on its rounds, making sure your data is
Floyd | Reliable and Secure. As it passes, the nearby clouds sigh in
Floyd | contentment.
Floyd |
Floyd | ABOVE you orbits a communication satellite. Far BELOW are the vast
Floyd | interconnected cyberplanes of the internet. Floating among the clouds
Floyd | is a flock of hot air balloons that have been tethered together to
Floyd | create a makeshift, bulbous sphere. You think could squeeze INSIDE this
Floyd | "Blogosphere."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Aindin says, "indeed"
DavidW says, "we didn't ask about porn"
genericgeekgirl asks, "Would you like to go ask about porn?"
DavidW says, "later"
Gerynar says "bloop" and shrinks down into a little dot, then winks out...just like those old-fashioned B&w televisions.
Gerynar has disconnected.
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x clouds"
Floyd ]  The Cloud                                            2:48 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > U WALK UpYou can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl asks, "Up or in?"
DavidW says, "in"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]  The Blogosphere                                      2:49 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | The Blogosphere
Floyd | All around you are the hot air balloons, each decorated in their own
Floyd | bright colors and logos. Bloggers lean over the edge of their baskets
Floyd | to send carefully folded paper airplanes flying into the sphere. These
Floyd | glide into other balloons where they are unfolded, read, and commented
Floyd | on, before being sent back out into the air. OUTSIDE the balloons is
Floyd | the Cloud in which they float.
Floyd |
Floyd | One balloon in particular is near to you. Its lone pilot is wearing a
Floyd | red cape and goggles - you immediately recognize him as Cory Doctorow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
zarf says, "heh"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x pilot"
Floyd ]  The Blogosphere                                      2:49 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X PILOT
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x cory"
Floyd ]  The Blogosphere                                      2:50 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X CORY
Floyd | It's Cory Doctorow - blogger and technologist. Maybe he has some sage
Floyd | advice for you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to cory"
Floyd ]  The Blogosphere                                      2:51 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK TO CORY
Floyd | Cory Doctorow turns to look at you, red cape billowing in the data
Floyd | streams. He raises his goggles. This is what he says: "Never touch a
Floyd | hungry virus with your bare hands."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Gee, thanks."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "pop balloon"
Floyd ]  The Blogosphere                                      2:51 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to cory"
Floyd ]  The Blogosphere                                      2:52 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > OU ARE THE HoCory Doctorow turns to look at you, red cape billowing
Floyd | in the data streams. He raises his goggles. This is what he says:
Floyd | "Always know thy master's soda preferences."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl pours Mountain Dew all over the circuitry.
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to cory"
Floyd ]  The Blogosphere                                      2:53 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK TO CORY
Floyd | Cory Doctorow turns to look at you, red cape billowing in the data
Floyd | streams. He raises his goggles. This is what he says: "Never touch a
Floyd | hungry virus with your bare hands."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "hm. Not sure if this is random two items yet."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to cory"
Floyd ]  The Blogosphere                                      2:54 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK TO CORY
Floyd | Cory Doctorow turns to look at you, red cape billowing in the data
Floyd | streams. He raises his goggles. This is what he says: "Always know thy
Floyd | master's soda preferences."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "That might be it."
DavidW says, "okay"
borowski is a dog which has met its main sandwich.
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd ]  The Cloud                                            2:55 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > OUT
Floyd |
Floyd | The Cloud
Floyd | Here, all is calm and serene. You are floating. Blue sky. A lazy white
Floyd | cloud of data floats by. It smiles at you. The other clouds smile too,
Floyd | for they are marhmallow fluffy and secure.
Floyd |
Floyd | ABOVE you orbits a communication satellite. Far BELOW are the vast
Floyd | interconnected cyberplanes of the internet. Floating among the clouds
Floyd | is a flock of hot air balloons that have been tethered together to
Floyd | create a makeshift, bulbous sphere. You think could squeeze INSIDE this
Floyd | "Blogosphere."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "So Mountain Dew is important somehow."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             2:56 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > TEr
Floyd | Communications Satellite
Floyd | Space. Once it was the final frontier - now it's a post office. This
Floyd | satellite, orbiting high above the Earth's surface, is one of the great
Floyd | switching stations in the global network. It bears about as much
Floyd | resemblance to Sputnik as a ferrari does to a walking stick.
Floyd |
Floyd | Here calls and messages are routed and re-routed. Around you, data bees
Floyd | and web surfers hurry and scurry - all of them want to talk to the
Floyd | Router-Daemon.
Floyd |
Floyd | BENEATH you, you can just make out the white glimmer of The Cloud.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Router-Daemon is a robotic many-armed creature that points incoming
Floyd | data in the correct direction. Three levers - one gold, one bronze, one
Floyd | silver - protrude from its torso. Lost data packets talk to it to
Floyd | receive instructions on where to go.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x router-daemon"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             2:57 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  YOU, RED CAPE bThe daemon that routes incoming data. It gives
Floyd | directions, but has a penchant for doing so in riddle form.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Of course."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x levers"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             2:57 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X LEVERS
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x gold lever"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             2:58 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X GOLD LEVER
Floyd | You see nothing special about the gold lever.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x bronze lever"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             2:59 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the bronze lever.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x silver lever"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             3:00 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the silver lever.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to router"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             3:01 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | The Router-Daemon turns its LED eyes on you and speaks with its
Floyd | rhythmless text-to-speech voice:
Floyd |
Floyd |  If you want to go somewhere other than here, you've come to the
Floyd | right place - I can send you far or near.
Floyd |
Floyd |  If you're looking for intelligence in a palm-size format - the
Floyd | golden lever is the app for that!
Floyd |
Floyd |  If you'd like to travel to a distant LAN (where XKCD comics grace
Floyd | cubicles) - pull bronze with your hand.
Floyd |
Floyd |  Don't know where you're going but still love to pull a lever? Try
Floyd | grabbing the silver, and never say never.
Floyd |
Floyd |  You've never understood why it does this whole riddle thing. In your
Floyd | experience, the cause of most internet slowdowns are when the daemon
Floyd | (and its kin) get too clever and confuse the other computers.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Ooh."
Aindin exclaims, "I vote for the silver lever!"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf7"
Floyd | %% File to save:
Floyd | %% Save file: cf7
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             3:01 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > THE gOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl crosses fingers.
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "pull silver"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             3:02 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | As you pull the lever, an error message appears: 404 Not Found.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Well. That was anti-climatic."
DavidW says, "tee hee"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "pull gold"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           3:03 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > PULL GOLD
Floyd | As you pull the lever, you feel yourself dematerialize in a stream 1s
Floyd | and 0s.
Floyd |
Floyd | Smartphone
Floyd | Smartphone. What a badly named device.  Compared to you, it's a
Floyd | dullard, but does anyone ever call you smart? And besides, as a phone
Floyd | its a bit of a bust. Jane has had the thing for a whole year and she
Floyd | still doesn't know how to hang up properly, much less put someone on
Floyd | hold. You understand it's very good for playing games about overly
Floyd | emotional birds, though. ABOVE you, a tenuous signal connects you to a
Floyd | communications satellite. To the NORTH is the phone's camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an alarm clock here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Haha, awesome."
genericgeekgirl says, "One sec. Want to make sure we can get back."
genericgeekgirl asks, "Above, probably?"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "above"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           3:03 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  THAT That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             3:04 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UP
Floyd |
Floyd | Communications Satellite
Floyd | This satellite, orbiting high above the Earth's surface, is one of the
Floyd | great switching stations in the global network. Here calls and messages
Floyd | are routed and re-routed. Around you, data bees and web surfers hurry
Floyd | and scurry - all of them want to talk to the Router-Daemon.
Floyd |
Floyd | BENEATH you, you can just make out the white glimmer of The Cloud.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Router-Daemon is a robotic many-armed creature that points incoming
Floyd | data in the correct direction. Three levers - one gold, one bronze, one
Floyd | silver - protrude from its torso. Lost data packets talk to it to
Floyd | receive instructions on where to go.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           3:03 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd | Smartphone
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok, cool."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x alarm"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           3:04 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X ALARM
Floyd |  Jane's alarm clock is set to go off at 8 AM, but it looks like she
Floyd | disabled it last night.
Floyd |
Floyd | The alarm clock is currently switched off.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           3:05 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Ur## Smartphone
Floyd | As a phone its a bit of a bust. Jane has had the thing for a whole year
Floyd | and she still doesn't know how to hang up properly, much less put
Floyd | someone on hold. You understand it's very good for playing games about
Floyd | overly emotional birds, though. ABOVE you, a tenuous signal connects
Floyd | you to a communications satellite. To the NORTH is the phone's camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an alarm clock here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x birds"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           3:05 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X BIRDS
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         3:06 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Phone Camera
Floyd | An even smaller window into the world than the desktop's webcam. Right
Floyd | now all you can see is the peeling paint on the ceiling of Jane's
Floyd | apartment. Sometimes you gotten pretty good views through this camera,
Floyd | though. The rest of the smartphone is SOUTH of here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x camera"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         3:06 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X CAMERA
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take picture"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         3:06 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Angry Birds ref, I assume."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           3:07 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Smartphone
Floyd | As a phone its a bit of a bust. Jane has had the thing for a whole year
Floyd | and she still doesn't know how to hang up properly, much less put
Floyd | someone on hold. You understand it's very good for playing games about
Floyd | overly emotional birds, though. ABOVE you, a tenuous signal connects
Floyd | you to a communications satellite. To the NORTH is the phone's camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an alarm clock here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "turn on alarm"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           3:08 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > TE. TO THE NORSuddenly everything is shaking and buzzing. Apps are
Floyd | sliding everywhere. You tumble backwards.
Floyd |
Floyd |  You try to hold onto something, anything, but all you can reach is a
Floyd | small bird that seems to have fallen out of a casual game. It squawks
Floyd | angrily as you grab it, and flies away. Somehow, through it all, you
Floyd | can hear the electronic strains of Beethoven.
Floyd |
Floyd |  Then slowly, everything calms down. The feathers settle on the shaken
Floyd | apps. Surely, that will have woken Jane up, though you doubt it will
Floyd | have put her in a cheery optimistic mood, ready to face the world. Only
Floyd | one way to know for sure though - the webcam, as always, is the best
Floyd | way to really know what Jane is up to.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl exclaims, "Let's go spy on our mistress!"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         3:09 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  u
Floyd | Phone Camera
Floyd | An even smaller window into the world than the desktop's webcam. Right
Floyd | now all you can see is the peeling paint on the ceiling of Jane's
Floyd | apartment. Sometimes you gotten pretty good views through this camera,
Floyd | though. The rest of the smartphone is SOUTH of here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Aindin exclaims, "Tally-ho!!"
genericgeekgirl says, "Or not."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         3:10 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Z
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         3:09 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd | Phone Camera
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Meh. Back to the computer? At least she's up, and maybe we can see something useful later."
DavidW says, "Go to the laptop's webcamera to see what Jane's doing now."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           3:10 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Smartphone
Floyd | As a phone its a bit of a bust. Jane has had the thing for a whole year
Floyd | and she still doesn't know how to hang up properly, much less put
Floyd | someone on hold. You understand it's very good for playing games about
Floyd | overly emotional birds, though. ABOVE you, a tenuous signal connects
Floyd | you to a communications satellite. To the NORTH is the phone's camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | A ruffled, angry looking bird is sitting here. It looks dazed.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see an alarm clock here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x bird"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           3:11 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > AS HAD A very bitter bird. It is positively incensed. Don't bother
Floyd | asking it why, it would be affronted.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Aindin says, "I think so"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take bird"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           3:12 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > TAKE BIRD
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         3:13 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Phone Camera
Floyd | An even smaller window into the world than the desktop's webcam. Right
Floyd | now all you can see is the peeling paint on the ceiling of Jane's
Floyd | apartment. Sometimes you gotten pretty good views through this camera,
Floyd | though. The rest of the smartphone is SOUTH of here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           3:12 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd | Smartphone
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             3:13 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UP
Floyd |
Floyd | Communications Satellite
Floyd | This satellite, orbiting high above the Earth's surface, is one of the
Floyd | great switching stations in the global network. Here calls and messages
Floyd | are routed and re-routed. Around you, data bees and web surfers hurry
Floyd | and scurry - all of them want to talk to the Router-Daemon.
Floyd |
Floyd | BENEATH you, you can just make out the white glimmer of The Cloud.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Router-Daemon is a robotic many-armed creature that points incoming
Floyd | data in the correct direction. Three levers - one gold, one bronze, one
Floyd | silver - protrude from its torso. Lost data packets talk to it to
Floyd | receive instructions on where to go.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "down"
Floyd ]  The Cloud                                            3:14 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  YOU
Floyd | The Cloud
Floyd | Here, all is calm and serene. You are floating. Blue sky. A lazy white
Floyd | cloud of data floats by. It smiles at you. The other clouds smile too,
Floyd | for they are marhmallow fluffy and secure.
Floyd |
Floyd | ABOVE you orbits a communication satellite. Far BELOW are the vast
Floyd | interconnected cyberplanes of the internet. Floating among the clouds
Floyd | is a flock of hot air balloons that have been tethered together to
Floyd | create a makeshift, bulbous sphere. You think could squeeze INSIDE this
Floyd | "Blogosphere."
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "down"
Floyd ]  World Wide Web                                       3:15 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > PHONe
Floyd | World Wide Web
Floyd | The Net. The Web. An endless sea of data, in which your hard drive is
Floyd | only a fragement, a mere raft bobbing among the mountainous waves. To
Floyd | the NORTH you see a towering search engine. To the EAST you can hear
Floyd | the chatter of a social network. To the SOUTHWEST there is a stately
Floyd | online encyclopedia. ABOVE you is the Cloud, through which you can just
Floyd | make out the glint of a communications satellite. Go back DOWN the
Floyd | ethernet cable to return to the desktop.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "down"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            3:16 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > DOWN
Floyd |
Floyd | Personal Computer Desktop
Floyd | Jane's desktop. The place is a disaster. Unused icons clutter
Floyd | everything, almost hiding the forgotten to-do lists (notably
Floyd | "dothisnow_Jan2_1999.txt").
Floyd |
Floyd | A webcam icon points NORTH. An e-mail icon leads NORTHWEST, towards the
Floyd | inbox.  ABOVE you the ethernet port goes out to the wider internet. An
Floyd | icon depicting a torch-lit dungeon leads DOWN into Realms of Realmland,
Floyd | the popular online game.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder is here, but something about it is not quite
Floyd | right. If you didn't know better than to anthropomorphize inanimate
Floyd | objects, you'd say it looked kind of sick.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Webcam                                               3:17 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Th
Floyd | Webcam
Floyd | This is your peephole. The blinds have been lifted, so now the room is
Floyd | lit by more than just the glow of the desktop monitor. Once, you think
Floyd | you recall, the bedroom had a floor, but now all that is visible are
Floyd | socks, programming manuals, and computer game boxes. Out of this
Floyd | morass, a futon rises, like a whale surfacing to breathe. You can't see
Floyd | anything else, but this is merely worrisome, as you know anything could
Floyd | be hiding beneath the mess.
Floyd |
Floyd | The desktop is SOUTH of here.
Floyd |
Floyd | At the very edge of the field of vision of the webcam, you can see the
Floyd | top of Jane's head and hands. She's come up to your monitor and seems
Floyd | to be typing something on your keyboard, maybe an email. Or is she
Floyd | logging into RoR?
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "There we go."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x head"
Floyd ]  Webcam                                               3:17 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > SEARCH You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Webcam                                               3:18 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Z
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Hm. Back to the desktop and see what's going on? And we haven't gone into the game yet."
DavidW says, "I can't even guess yet what the bird will be useful for."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            3:19 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Personal Computer Desktop
Floyd | Jane's desktop. The place is a disaster. Unused icons clutter
Floyd | everything, almost hiding the forgotten to-do lists (notably
Floyd | "dothisnow_Jan2_1999.txt").
Floyd |
Floyd | A webcam icon points NORTH. An e-mail icon leads NORTHWEST, towards the
Floyd | inbox.  ABOVE you the ethernet port goes out to the wider internet. An
Floyd | icon depicting a torch-lit dungeon leads DOWN into Realms of Realmland,
Floyd | the popular online game.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder is here, but something about it is not quite
Floyd | right. If you didn't know better than to anthropomorphize inanimate
Floyd | objects, you'd say it looked kind of sick.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          3:20 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  Of
Floyd | Email Inbox
Floyd | You never enter here when you don't have to, and Jane doesn't enter
Floyd | here even if she does. Towers of digital mail and messages surround
Floyd | you, erupting from the floor, ceilings and walls in a dizzying
Floyd | Escher-esque pattern of complexity.  The desktop is to the SOUTHEAST.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looks like Jane is working on drafts of two new emails. They hang in
Floyd | space, new words filling their blankness.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Great Unread Masses form some kind of perverse city of unexchanged
Floyd | information. At night, sometimes, you think you can hear them
Floyd | whispering to each other .
Floyd |
Floyd | Floating nearby you see a micro model of the macro mess - Jane's chat
Floyd | logs.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Aindin says, "I hope we get to feed it to the virus. It's already getting on my nerves hehe"
genericgeekgirl says, "Hahaha."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x drafts"
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          3:21 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X DRAFTS
Floyd | The subject of the first email is "have the flu." Jane is emailing her
Floyd | supervisor at ProtectiTech to tell him she's sick and won't be going to
Floyd | work today.
Floyd |
Floyd | The subject of the second email is "play RoR with me?" and is addressed
Floyd | to oakthorn177. Jane is asking the elven prince to go on a quest with
Floyd | her.
Floyd |
Floyd | This is trouble. You need to stop her before she finishes up these
Floyd | emails and logs on to Realms of Realmland. If you let that happen,
Floyd | there's no way to know if you'll ever be able to get her attention
Floyd | again, much less stop the date.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl asks, "What would distract her?"
Aindin asks, "Do you think we can reroute the email via the daemon with the levers and such?"
genericgeekgirl says, "There's another lever we didn't play with."
DavidW asks, "Can we delete the emails?"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "delete draft"
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          3:21 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > D YOU ARE THeThat's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "delete email"
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          3:21 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Nope."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "erase drafts"
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          3:21 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take email"
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          3:22 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > TAKE EMAIL
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          3:23 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   an email draft
Floyd |   an angry bird
Floyd |   Watts' Friendship Icon
Floyd |   a desperate fear
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          3:24 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd | Email Inbox
Floyd | You never enter here when you don't have to, and Jane doesn't enter
Floyd | here even if she does. Towers of digital mail and messages surround
Floyd | you, erupting from the floor, ceilings and walls in a dizzying
Floyd | Escher-esque pattern of complexity.  The desktop is to the SOUTHEAST.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Great Unread Masses form some kind of perverse city of unexchanged
Floyd | information. At night, sometimes, you think you can hear them
Floyd | whispering to each other .
Floyd |
Floyd | Floating nearby you see a micro model of the macro mess - Jane's chat
Floyd | logs.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Aindin exclaims, "a computer without a delete command. brilliant!"
DavidW says, "That would explain the clutter."
genericgeekgirl says, "If she can't find the email, she can't send it, maybe."
DavidW says, "I dunno."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            3:25 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd | Personal Computer Desktop
Floyd | Jane's desktop. The place is a disaster. Unused icons clutter
Floyd | everything, almost hiding the forgotten to-do lists (notably
Floyd | "dothisnow_Jan2_1999.txt").
Floyd |
Floyd | A webcam icon points NORTH. An e-mail icon leads NORTHWEST, towards the
Floyd | inbox.  ABOVE you the ethernet port goes out to the wider internet. An
Floyd | icon depicting a torch-lit dungeon leads DOWN into Realms of Realmland,
Floyd | the popular online game.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder is here, but something about it is not quite
Floyd | right. If you didn't know better than to anthropomorphize inanimate
Floyd | objects, you'd say it looked kind of sick.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "give bird to virus"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            3:25 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > FTS
Floyd |
Floyd | > THAT'S NOT A VeYou can only do that to something animate.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give draft to bird"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            3:25 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You can only do that to something animate.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "give virus to bird"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            3:25 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You can only do that to something animate.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "hit bird"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            3:26 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > HIT BIRD
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            3:27 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd | Personal Computer Desktop
Floyd | Jane's desktop. The place is a disaster. Unused icons clutter
Floyd | everything, almost hiding the forgotten to-do lists (notably
Floyd | "dothisnow_Jan2_1999.txt").
Floyd |
Floyd | A webcam icon points NORTH. An e-mail icon leads NORTHWEST, towards the
Floyd | inbox.  ABOVE you the ethernet port goes out to the wider internet. An
Floyd | icon depicting a torch-lit dungeon leads DOWN into Realms of Realmland,
Floyd | the popular online game.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder is here, but something about it is not quite
Floyd | right. If you didn't know better than to anthropomorphize inanimate
Floyd | objects, you'd say it looked kind of sick.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl asks, "Back to the levers?"
DavidW says, "I think we want something from Protectitech to deal with the virus."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take folder"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            3:28 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  THAT TO SOmAs you pick up the folder you feel something wriggle and
Floyd | squirm inside.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Aindin says, "yeah we have the virus to deal with...and we may be able to do something with the levers"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd ]  World Wide Web                                       3:29 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UP
Floyd |
Floyd | World Wide Web
Floyd | The Net. The Web. An endless sea of data, in which your hard drive is
Floyd | only a fragement, a mere raft bobbing among the mountainous waves. To
Floyd | the NORTH you see a towering search engine. To the EAST you can hear
Floyd | the chatter of a social network. To the SOUTHWEST there is a stately
Floyd | online encyclopedia. ABOVE you is the Cloud, through which you can just
Floyd | make out the glint of a communications satellite. Go back DOWN the
Floyd | ethernet cable to return to the desktop.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd ]  The Cloud                                            3:30 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > N o
Floyd | The Cloud
Floyd | Here, all is calm and serene. You are floating. Blue sky. A lazy white
Floyd | cloud of data floats by. It smiles at you. The other clouds smile too,
Floyd | for they are marhmallow fluffy and secure.
Floyd |
Floyd | ABOVE you orbits a communication satellite. Far BELOW are the vast
Floyd | interconnected cyberplanes of the internet. Floating among the clouds
Floyd | is a flock of hot air balloons that have been tethered together to
Floyd | create a makeshift, bulbous sphere. You think could squeeze INSIDE this
Floyd | "Blogosphere."
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             3:31 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UP
Floyd |
Floyd | Communications Satellite
Floyd | This satellite, orbiting high above the Earth's surface, is one of the
Floyd | great switching stations in the global network. Here calls and messages
Floyd | are routed and re-routed. Around you, data bees and web surfers hurry
Floyd | and scurry - all of them want to talk to the Router-Daemon.
Floyd |
Floyd | BENEATH you, you can just make out the white glimmer of The Cloud.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Router-Daemon is a robotic many-armed creature that points incoming
Floyd | data in the correct direction. Three levers - one gold, one bronze, one
Floyd | silver - protrude from its torso. Lost data packets talk to it to
Floyd | receive instructions on where to go.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "pull bronze"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      3:32 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > T'S NOT A VeAs you pull the lever, you feel yourself dematerialize in
Floyd | a stream 1s and 0s.
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Local Area Network
Floyd | The LAN at Jane's workplace resembles nothing so much as a late 19th
Floyd | century factory, complete with squalid concrete floor, metal roof, and
Floyd | dirty smoke. It's the sort of place where you might send orphans whose
Floyd | parents you particularly hated.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the center of the room is a great clanking, huffing, puffing
Floyd | machine. Surrounding the machine are thousands of starved and miserable
Floyd | looking monkeys, each typing away at typewriters which are somehow
Floyd | extruding mechanical parts. With each clack of a return key, a finished
Floyd | part flies from the top of a monkey's typewriter and attaches itself to
Floyd | the great machine in the middle. Sometimes this seems to cause the
Floyd | machine to puff faster, other times the part only lasts a few seconds
Floyd | before exploding and falling to the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | You recognize Jane's particular monkey / typewriter representation from
Floyd | previous trips here. It's off to the EAST of the machine. To the WEST,
Floyd | you can see ProtectiTech's Central Server, separated from the rest of
Floyd | the machine room by glass windows and a glass door. UP from here, a
Floyd | wireless connection leads back to the satellite.
Floyd |
Floyd | A bulky, muscular looking ape creature with impressive fangs supervises
Floyd | the other monkeys. As it makes its rounds, occasionally it cracks its
Floyd | whip at an underperforming employee.
Floyd |
Floyd | The machine fills the room with dark smoke.
Floyd |
Floyd | A tiny bug crawls on the concrete floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Convenient."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x ape"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      3:33 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > PEDIA
Floyd | As long as this guy is around, you won't be able to do much here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x bug"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      3:34 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X BUG
Floyd | The smallest of bugs can ruin the most complicated of programs.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take bug"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      3:35 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > TAKE BUG
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x machine"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      3:36 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X MACHINE
Floyd | This complicated, ever growing monstrosity of a machine is the
Floyd | anti-virus program that ProtectiTech markets as "ProtectiTech
Floyd | SafeSurf." your master works on part of it, but he's never installed it
Floyd | on you, despite the fact that employees get a free subscription...
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put bug in machine"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      3:37 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You drop the bug into the complicated program. At first the machine
Floyd | seems to chug on as before. Then it begins to slow down. Fumes leak
Floyd | from it, or at least, more fumes than before. Suddenly, it churns at
Floyd | twice its normals speed. Its whir gets higher pitched and higher
Floyd | pitched until, with a resounding crash, it falls apart into its
Floyd | component pieces, scattering the code monkeys. The supervisor runs over
Floyd | to the broken machine, in a rage.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Hee."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      3:36 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > AROUn## ProtectiTech Local Area Network
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Just in case. But I guess we do need the supervisor distracted."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      3:37 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd | The supervisor says, "No distracting the code monkeys!" He cracks his
Floyd | whip at you for good measure.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      3:38 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd | The supervisor cracks his whip. "You're unauthorised to access that!"
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah, ok."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give supervisor the bird"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      3:39 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | The supervisor doesn't seem interested.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x documents"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      3:40 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | More messy even than the desktop. If anything useful goes in here, it
Floyd | never comes out again. As you look at it, it seems to squirm a bit...
Floyd | is there something moving inside?
Floyd |
Floyd | In the My Documents folder are a README, a virus and a bunch of other
Floyd | junk.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put documents in machine"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      3:41 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  AT YOU FOR GOOD MEASURE.That can't contain things.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Perhaps you are supposed to use the bug the way you did."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put bug in machine"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      3:42 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You drop the bug into the complicated program. At first the machine
Floyd | seems to chug on as before. Then it begins to slow down. Fumes leak
Floyd | from it, or at least, more fumes than before. Suddenly, it churns at
Floyd | twice its normals speed. Its whir gets higher pitched and higher
Floyd | pitched until, with a resounding crash, it falls apart into its
Floyd | component pieces, scattering the code monkeys. The supervisor runs over
Floyd | to the broken machine, in a rage.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 3:43 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Watts' Work Computer
Floyd | The code monkey that represents Jane sits still, hands in its lap, with
Floyd | its head lolling to one side - inactive. Two windows float in front of
Floyd | it, leftover from the previous workday: one is a guide to smelting and
Floyd | egg farming in Realms of Realmland, the other is a webcomic about two
Floyd | guys who sit in a basement and complain about Realms of Realmland.
Floyd | NORTH and SOUTH from here are Jane's closest neighbors on the network:
Floyd | Grace Grant and Andrew Ma, respectively. Though their cubicles are next
Floyd | door to each other, you're not sure any of them have ever actually
Floyd | talked to each other - except through bug reports. WEST from here, you
Floyd | see the other code monkeys, closer to the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Watts' Inbox (empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl asks, "North, then south?"
Aindin exclaims, "let's do it!"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                3:44 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Li
Floyd | Grant's Work Computer
Floyd | Grace's code monkey is hard at work. Back SOUTH is Jane's spot on the
Floyd | company LAN. WEST from here, you see the other code monkeys, closer to
Floyd | the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | Next to the monkey's typewriter is a plastic figure. It looks like a
Floyd | Realms of Realmland character of some kind. Apparently, the game has
Floyd | quite a following in the office.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see Grant's Inbox (empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x figure"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                3:44 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X FIGURE
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x plastic fure"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                3:44 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x plastic figure"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                3:45 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | On closer inspection, there's no mistaking it: the figurine is an elven
Floyd | prince. Not just any, either - it's oakthorn177 himself!
Floyd |
Floyd | A clue! Sherlock Holmes could have done no better. But could Jane's
Floyd | co-worker really be the mysterious elf? There's only one way to find
Floyd | out: you'll have to try searching for "Grant" and see what you can
Floyd | find. You can't imagine how Holmes got by without a search engine.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take plastic figure"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                3:46 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > ANY LAN. WEST FROM hTaken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 3:47 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Watts' Work Computer
Floyd | The code monkey that represents Jane sits still, hands in its lap, with
Floyd | its head lolling to one side - inactive. Two windows float in front of
Floyd | it, leftover from the previous workday: one is a guide to smelting and
Floyd | egg farming in Realms of Realmland, the other is a webcomic about two
Floyd | guys who sit in a basement and complain about Realms of Realmland.
Floyd | NORTH and SOUTH from here are Jane's closest neighbors on the network:
Floyd | Grace Grant and Andrew Ma, respectively. WEST from here, you see the
Floyd | other code monkeys, closer to the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Watts' Inbox (empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Ma's Work Computer                                   3:48 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Er
Floyd | Ma's Work Computer
Floyd | Andrew's code monkey is hard at work. Back NORTH is Jane's spot on the
Floyd | company LAN. WEST from here, you see the other code monkeys, closer to
Floyd | the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Ma's Inbox (empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Just testing something."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put draft in inbox"
Floyd ]  Ma's Work Computer                                   3:49 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the email draft into Ma's Inbox.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Ma's Work Computer                                   3:48 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd | Ma's Work Computer
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Useful to know."
genericgeekgirl asks, "Back west?"
DavidW says, "hm. I suppose, depending on our initial choices, the plastic figure is either in Grant's or Ma's workspace."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      3:49 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Local Area Network
Floyd | The LAN at Jane's workplace resembles nothing so much as a late 19th
Floyd | century factory, complete with squalid concrete floor, metal roof, and
Floyd | dirty smoke. It's the sort of place where you might send orphans whose
Floyd | parents you particularly hated.
Floyd |
Floyd | You recognize Jane's particular monkey / typewriter representation from
Floyd | previous trips here. It's off to the EAST of the machine. To the WEST,
Floyd | you can see ProtectiTech's Central Server, separated from the rest of
Floyd | the machine room by glass windows and a glass door. UP from here, a
Floyd | wireless connection leads back to the satellite.
Floyd |
Floyd | The supervisor is trying to put the machine back together, crack his
Floyd | whip, and yell at the code monkeys to try and fix it for him - all at
Floyd | the same time.
Floyd |
Floyd | The remains of the machine smolder.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl nods. "Makes sense."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          3:50 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  i
Floyd | ProtectiTech Central Server
Floyd | Unlike the rest of the network, the central server is pristine and
Floyd | clean. A glass wall separates it from the machine room to the EAST,
Floyd | where the code monkeys work on ProtectiTech's proprietary antivirus
Floyd | software. Here, the decor puts you in the mind of the ideal 1950s
Floyd | office, complete with wooden desks and rotary dial telephones.
Floyd | Processing paperwork and operating the phones are a set of robots -
Floyd | also 50s vintage - with dials for eyes and vacuum tubes for brains.
Floyd | NORTH of here is a room whose door says SECURITY CAMERA. On the WEST
Floyd | side of the server is a small maintenance closet marked: SODA MACHINE.
Floyd |
Floyd | One of the robots, the mailer-daemon, appears to be getting ready to
Floyd | head out of the server, into the LAN. It's holding a few letters in its
Floyd | mechanical claw - one of which looks like it's addressed to Jane's work
Floyd | email.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Aindin asks, "can we put the virus into gran'ts computer?"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x mailer-daemon"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          3:51 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > ER IS PRISTINE aThis mailer-daemon is responsible for distributing
Floyd | all in-company mail and memos. Its appearance is halfway between a 50s
Floyd | robot and a 50s secretary.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "We can't touch the virus without killing ourself."
Aindin says, "their box is empty, let's put the virus in there, so they can't receive the email"
genericgeekgirl says, "We took the email. But maybe."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x letters"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          3:51 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X LETTERS
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x claw"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          3:51 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X CLAW
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Aindin says, "oh we did take the email? wasn't paying attention hehe"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x draft"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          3:52 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X DRAFT
Floyd | The subject of the first email is "have the flu." Jane is emailing her
Floyd | supervisor at ProtectiTech to tell him she's sick and won't be going to
Floyd | work today.
Floyd |
Floyd | The subject of the second email is "play RoR with me?" and is addressed
Floyd | to oakthorn177. Jane is asking the elven prince to go on a quest with
Floyd | her.
Floyd |
Floyd | This is trouble. You need to stop her before she finishes up these
Floyd | emails and logs on to Realms of Realmland. If you let that happen,
Floyd | there's no way to know if you'll ever be able to get her attention
Floyd | again, much less stop the date.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah :)"
genericgeekgirl says, "At least, I hope that works."
Aindin exclaims, "ahhh gotcha..nevermind!"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x camera"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          3:52 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  "README.You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl asks, "North?"
genericgeekgirl says, "Probably need to go raid her inbox again in a moment, if that robot won't give up the messages before."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Security Camera                         3:53 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Security Camera
Floyd | This small room contains only a single robot, built to look like a
Floyd | police officer, and a vintage television set. The security robot
Floyd | doesn't seem to notice you as you enter. Peering over its shoulder, you
Floyd | see that the television is flipping periodically through the footage
Floyd | from the different security cameras in the ProtectiTech office
Floyd | building.
Floyd |
Floyd | Currently the camera has settled on a grainy black and white image of
Floyd | the hallway between the cubicles and the elevator. The only furnishing
Floyd | is a Pepsi drinks machine.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the SOUTH is the only door out of the cramped room - through it is
Floyd | ProtectiTech's Central Server.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "hm. Are we supposed to get a Mtn Dew from that machine for some reason?"
genericgeekgirl says, "Possibly."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Security Camera                         3:54 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Z
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x television"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Security Camera                         3:54 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x monitor"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Security Camera                         3:54 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > ICER, AND You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
borowski arrives, full of fun and funk. genericgeekgirl says, "I thought it might cycle."
Dave has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Security Camera                         3:55 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd | ProtectiTech Security Camera
Floyd | Currently the camera has settled on a grainy black and white image of
Floyd | the hallway between the cubicles and the elevator. The only furnishing
Floyd | is a Pepsi drinks machine.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the SOUTH is the only door out of the cramped room - through it is
Floyd | ProtectiTech's Central Server.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          3:56 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Central Server
Floyd | To the EAST, you can see the code monkeys working. Here, the decor puts
Floyd | you in the mind of the ideal 1950s office, complete with wooden desks
Floyd | and rotary dial telephones. Processing paperwork and operating the
Floyd | phones are a set of robots - also 50s vintage - with dials for eyes and
Floyd | vacuum tubes for brains. NORTH of here is a room whose door says
Floyd | SECURITY CAMERA. On the WEST side of the server is a small maintenance
Floyd | closet marked: SODA MACHINE.
Floyd |
Floyd | One of the robots, the mailer-daemon, appears to be getting ready to
Floyd | head out of the server, into the LAN. It's holding a few letters in its
Floyd | mechanical claw - one of which looks like it's addressed to Jane's work
Floyd | email.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Soda Machine Microprocessor                          3:57 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Uc
Floyd | Soda Machine Microprocessor
Floyd | Stepping into the closet you feel yourself interfacing with the soda
Floyd | machine. You ARE the soda machine. You can feel the weight of the soda
Floyd | cans within you: Classic Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, 7 Up. Your
Floyd | only desire is to eject a can - you tremble in excitement at the
Floyd | thought of it.
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing your head, you disengage your own thoughts from the machine's
Floyd | microprocessors. Jane has a favorite soda, you think - but you can't
Floyd | remember what it is. Out of the closet, to the EAST, is ProtectiTech's
Floyd | Central Server.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "eject mountain dew"
Floyd ]  Soda Machine Microprocessor                          3:58 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | The soda can drops with a satisfying thunk.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x soda"
Floyd ]  Soda Machine Microprocessor                          3:58 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X SODA
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Soda Machine Microprocessor                          3:59 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd | Soda Machine Microprocessor
Floyd | Stepping into the closet you feel yourself interfacing with the soda
Floyd | machine. You ARE the soda machine. You can feel the weight of the soda
Floyd | cans within you: Classic Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, 7 Up. Your
Floyd | only desire is to eject a can - you tremble in excitement at the
Floyd | thought of it.
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing your head, you disengage your own thoughts from the machine's
Floyd | microprocessors. Jane has a favorite soda, you think - but you can't
Floyd | remember what it is. Out of the closet, to the EAST, is ProtectiTech's
Floyd | Central Server.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Aindin exclaims, "sorry guys, I gotta was fun for sure!"
genericgeekgirl says, "See you."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          4:00 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > A
Floyd | ProtectiTech Central Server
Floyd | To the EAST, you can see the code monkeys working. Here, the decor puts
Floyd | you in the mind of the ideal 1950s office, complete with wooden desks
Floyd | and rotary dial telephones. Processing paperwork and operating the
Floyd | phones are a set of robots - also 50s vintage - with dials for eyes and
Floyd | vacuum tubes for brains. NORTH of here is a room whose door says
Floyd | SECURITY CAMERA. On the WEST side of the server is a small maintenance
Floyd | closet marked: SODA MACHINE.
Floyd |
Floyd | One of the robots, the mailer-daemon, appears to be getting ready to
Floyd | head out of the server, into the LAN. It's holding a few letters in its
Floyd | mechanical claw - one of which looks like it's addressed to Jane's work
Floyd | email.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
borowski says, "OK, I'm back."
Aindin goes home.
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open folder"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          4:01 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | That's already open.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "drop folder"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          4:02 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > PUTS YOU IN The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          4:01 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd | ProtectiTech Central Server
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to borowski), "We're playing A Comedy of Error Messages."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      4:02 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Local Area Network
Floyd | The LAN at Jane's workplace resembles nothing so much as a late 19th
Floyd | century factory, complete with squalid concrete floor, metal roof, and
Floyd | dirty smoke. It's the sort of place where you might send orphans whose
Floyd | parents you particularly hated.
Floyd |
Floyd | You recognize Jane's particular monkey / typewriter representation from
Floyd | previous trips here. It's off to the EAST of the machine. To the WEST,
Floyd | you can see ProtectiTech's Central Server, separated from the rest of
Floyd | the machine room by glass windows and a glass door. UP from here, a
Floyd | wireless connection leads back to the satellite.
Floyd |
Floyd | The supervisor is trying to put the machine back together, crack his
Floyd | whip, and yell at the code monkeys to try and fix it for him - all at
Floyd | the same time.
Floyd |
Floyd | The remains of the machine smolder.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "drop folder"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      4:03 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x virus"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      4:04 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X VIRUS
Floyd | An ugly looking creature, ill-fed and slathering through its needle
Floyd | thin teeth. You'd probably better not touch it.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take folder"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      4:05 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | As you pick up the folder you feel something wriggle and squirm inside.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put folder in machine"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      4:06 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | That can't contain things.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Gonna go check the inboxes again and see about putting the virus somewhere, maybe. I thought we could somehow kill it here."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      4:07 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd | ProtectiTech Local Area Network
Floyd | The LAN at Jane's workplace resembles nothing so much as a late 19th
Floyd | century factory, complete with squalid concrete floor, metal roof, and
Floyd | dirty smoke. It's the sort of place where you might send orphans whose
Floyd | parents you particularly hated.
Floyd |
Floyd | You recognize Jane's particular monkey / typewriter representation from
Floyd | previous trips here. It's off to the EAST of the machine. To the WEST,
Floyd | you can see ProtectiTech's Central Server, separated from the rest of
Floyd | the machine room by glass windows and a glass door. UP from here, a
Floyd | wireless connection leads back to the satellite.
Floyd |
Floyd | The supervisor is trying to put the machine back together, crack his
Floyd | whip, and yell at the code monkeys to try and fix it for him - all at
Floyd | the same time.
Floyd |
Floyd | The remains of the machine smolder.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 4:08 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Ve
Floyd | Watts' Work Computer
Floyd | The code monkey that represents Jane sits still, hands in its lap, with
Floyd | its head lolling to one side - inactive. Two windows float in front of
Floyd | it, leftover from the previous workday: one is a guide to smelting and
Floyd | egg farming in Realms of Realmland, the other is a webcomic about two
Floyd | guys who sit in a basement and complain about Realms of Realmland.
Floyd | NORTH and SOUTH from here are Jane's closest neighbors on the network:
Floyd | Grace Grant and Andrew Ma, respectively. WEST from here, you see the
Floyd | other code monkeys, closer to the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Watts' Inbox (empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Ma's Work Computer                                   4:09 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Ma's Work Computer
Floyd | Andrew's code monkey is hard at work. Back NORTH is Jane's spot on the
Floyd | company LAN. WEST from here, you see the other code monkeys, closer to
Floyd | the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Ma's Inbox (empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n.n"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                4:11 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > RK C
Floyd | Watts' Work Computer
Floyd | The code monkey that represents Jane sits still, hands in its lap, with
Floyd | its head lolling to one side - inactive. Two windows float in front of
Floyd | it, leftover from the previous workday: one is a guide to smelting and
Floyd | egg farming in Realms of Realmland, the other is a webcomic about two
Floyd | guys who sit in a basement and complain about Realms of Realmland.
Floyd | NORTH and SOUTH from here are Jane's closest neighbors on the network:
Floyd | Grace Grant and Andrew Ma, respectively. WEST from here, you see the
Floyd | other code monkeys, closer to the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Watts' Inbox (empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | Grant's Work Computer
Floyd | Grace's code monkey is hard at work. Back SOUTH is Jane's spot on the
Floyd | company LAN. WEST from here, you see the other code monkeys, closer to
Floyd | the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Grant's Inbox (empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put folder in inbox"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                4:12 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > T'S A NOTE CALLED "rYou put the My Documents folder into Grant's
Floyd | Inbox.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put virus in inbox"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                4:12 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | (first taking the virus)
Floyd |
Floyd | As you touch the virus it howls and burrows deep inside you. It pushes
Floyd | and pulses through your harddrive, then burns through to your
Floyd | motherboard. It screams or maybe you're screaming. As you die all you
Floyd | can think of is how frustrated Jane will be when she tries to turn you
Floyd | on. If she replaces your harddrive, will you still the same computer?
Floyd | Will she still call the impostor in your plastic body Morgoth?
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     ## *** The End ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 0 out of a possible 3, in 151 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                4:12 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd | Grant's Work Computer
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "I guess that's the best we can do."
genericgeekgirl says, "Probably won['t cause any damage, though."
genericgeekgirl says, "Might be better to hold on to it for now."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take folder"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                4:13 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | As you pick up the folder you feel something wriggle and squirm inside.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "An in-box is where things are delivered to. Like, I'd expect something else to put something in the in-box."
genericgeekgirl says, "I think the only thing left we haven't explored is the game."
Lionheart arrives, full of fun and funk. genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah, there are messages in the queue, but I'm not sure how to trigger them arriving."
genericgeekgirl says, "The robot in the other room was holding them, including one for Jane."
DavidW says, "I missed the details of that location."
genericgeekgirl says, "Someone suggested, though, that we put the virus in the inbox."
genericgeekgirl says, "And I was following suit."
DavidW says, "I suspect, that if we helped the mailing robot, he'd deliver Jane's message to her in-box."
DavidW says, "Then we could see the message."
genericgeekgirl asks, "Helping him how?"
genericgeekgirl says, "Helped, rather."
DavidW says, "As I said, I missed the details of that room."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      4:14 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Local Area Network
Floyd | The LAN at Jane's workplace resembles nothing so much as a late 19th
Floyd | century factory, complete with squalid concrete floor, metal roof, and
Floyd | dirty smoke. It's the sort of place where you might send orphans whose
Floyd | parents you particularly hated.
Floyd |
Floyd | You recognize Jane's particular monkey / typewriter representation from
Floyd | previous trips here. It's off to the EAST of the machine. To the WEST,
Floyd | you can see ProtectiTech's Central Server, separated from the rest of
Floyd | the machine room by glass windows and a glass door. UP from here, a
Floyd | wireless connection leads back to the satellite.
Floyd |
Floyd | The supervisor is trying to put the machine back together, crack his
Floyd | whip, and yell at the code monkeys to try and fix it for him - all at
Floyd | the same time.
Floyd |
Floyd | The remains of the machine smolder.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          4:15 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  i
Floyd | ProtectiTech Central Server
Floyd | To the EAST, you can see the code monkeys working. Here, the decor puts
Floyd | you in the mind of the ideal 1950s office, complete with wooden desks
Floyd | and rotary dial telephones. Processing paperwork and operating the
Floyd | phones are a set of robots - also 50s vintage - with dials for eyes and
Floyd | vacuum tubes for brains. NORTH of here is a room whose door says
Floyd | SECURITY CAMERA. On the WEST side of the server is a small maintenance
Floyd | closet marked: SODA MACHINE.
Floyd |
Floyd | One of the robots, the mailer-daemon, appears to be getting ready to
Floyd | head out of the server, into the LAN. It's holding a few letters in its
Floyd | mechanical claw - one of which looks like it's addressed to Jane's work
Floyd | email.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x daemon"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          4:16 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X DAEMON
Floyd | This mailer-daemon is responsible for distributing all in-company mail
Floyd | and memos. Its appearance is halfway between a 50s robot and a 50s
Floyd | secretary.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to daemon"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          4:17 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > VER
Floyd |
Floyd | > TO THE EASTThe mailer-daemon sighs audibly as you greet her. "I'd
Floyd | love to talk," she says, "but I'm supposed to be delivering these
Floyd | emails. I wish I didn't have to, you know. It's just so dirty, so...
Floyd | uncivilized, out there. All those monkeys."
Floyd |
Floyd |  You gracefully imply that you would be willing to take that onerous
Floyd | duty upon yourself. You suspect even James Bond wouldn't be able to
Floyd | match your elan.
Floyd |
Floyd |  "Oh! You would do that for me? Such a dear. Here, the recipients are
Floyd | written in the emails." With that, the mailer-daemon hands you three
Floyd | emails.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "You know, I didn't think to try talking to it."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x emails"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          4:17 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X EMAILS
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          4:18 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   an email for Grant
Floyd |   an email for Watts
Floyd |   an email for Ma
Floyd |   a My Documents folder (open)
Floyd |     a README
Floyd |     a virus
Floyd |     a bunch of other junk
Floyd |   a Realms of Realmland figurine
Floyd |   the search term 'Grant'
Floyd |   an email draft
Floyd |   an angry bird
Floyd |   Watts' Friendship Icon
Floyd |   a desperate fear
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x email for grant"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          4:19 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > ES ITS FEATHERS InYou read the email:
Floyd |
Floyd | From: Jim <>
Floyd |
Floyd | To: Grace <>
Floyd |
Floyd | Subject: URGENT: last minute client request
Floyd |
Floyd | Grace,
Floyd |
Floyd | You're a hard worker. Responsible. That's why I'm giving you this
Floyd | assignment. The EYEmedia guys have changed up their order parameters
Floyd | again - they need some more modifications to their Enterprise SafeSurf
Floyd | build. You're going to need to stay late to pull this off, but if you
Floyd | do, there could be a promotion in it for you. All the materials and the
Floyd | client specs are attached.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jim Snyder
Floyd |  Manager - Software Engineering
Floyd |  "A soulless worker is a better worker" - The Devil's Guide to Middle
Floyd | Management
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "If Grace works late, she won't go to the coffee shop or wherever the rendezvous is."
genericgeekgirl says, "Maybe."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x email for watts"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          4:20 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You read the email:
Floyd |
Floyd | From: Jim <>
Floyd |
Floyd | To: Jane <>
Floyd |
Floyd | Subject: RE: sick, coming in late
Floyd |
Floyd | Listen Jane, one more late day and that's it. Every time a new Realms
Floyd | of Realmland expansion comes out you're "sick" half the week. Don't
Floyd | think I haven't noticed.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jim Snyder
Floyd |  Manager - Software Engineering
Floyd |  "A soulless worker is a better worker" - The Devil's Guide to Middle
Floyd | Management
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x email for ma"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          4:21 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > E MY DOCUMENTS Just a routine work-related email, addressed to Andrew
Floyd | Ma.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl asks, "Shall we go put them in the correct boxes?"
DavidW says, "I guess so."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      4:22 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Local Area Network
Floyd | The LAN at Jane's workplace resembles nothing so much as a late 19th
Floyd | century factory, complete with squalid concrete floor, metal roof, and
Floyd | dirty smoke. It's the sort of place where you might send orphans whose
Floyd | parents you particularly hated.
Floyd |
Floyd | You recognize Jane's particular monkey / typewriter representation from
Floyd | previous trips here. It's off to the EAST of the machine. To the WEST,
Floyd | you can see ProtectiTech's Central Server, separated from the rest of
Floyd | the machine room by glass windows and a glass door. UP from here, a
Floyd | wireless connection leads back to the satellite.
Floyd |
Floyd | The supervisor is trying to put the machine back together, crack his
Floyd | whip, and yell at the code monkeys to try and fix it for him - all at
Floyd | the same time.
Floyd |
Floyd | The remains of the machine smolder.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 4:23 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > La
Floyd | Watts' Work Computer
Floyd | The code monkey that represents Jane sits still, hands in its lap, with
Floyd | its head lolling to one side - inactive. Two windows float in front of
Floyd | it, leftover from the previous workday: one is a guide to smelting and
Floyd | egg farming in Realms of Realmland, the other is a webcomic about two
Floyd | guys who sit in a basement and complain about Realms of Realmland.
Floyd | NORTH and SOUTH from here are Jane's closest neighbors on the network:
Floyd | Grace Grant and Andrew Ma, respectively. WEST from here, you see the
Floyd | other code monkeys, closer to the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Watts' Inbox (empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put email for watts in inbox"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 4:24 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | Too bad Jane never gets more positive emails.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                4:25 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Co
Floyd | Grant's Work Computer
Floyd | Grace's code monkey is hard at work. Back SOUTH is Jane's spot on the
Floyd | company LAN. WEST from here, you see the other code monkeys, closer to
Floyd | the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Grant's Inbox (empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put email for grant in inbox"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                4:26 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | Too bad Jane never gets any positive emails like this. It would do her
Floyd | ego (and yours) some good.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "hm."
genericgeekgirl says, "Hm."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take email"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                4:27 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > TAKE EMAIL
Floyd | (the email for Grant)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 4:28 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Watts' Work Computer
Floyd | The code monkey that represents Jane sits still, hands in its lap, with
Floyd | its head lolling to one side - inactive. Two windows float in front of
Floyd | it, leftover from the previous workday: one is a guide to smelting and
Floyd | egg farming in Realms of Realmland, the other is a webcomic about two
Floyd | guys who sit in a basement and complain about Realms of Realmland.
Floyd | NORTH and SOUTH from here are Jane's closest neighbors on the network:
Floyd | Grace Grant and Andrew Ma, respectively. WEST from here, you see the
Floyd | other code monkeys, closer to the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Watts' Inbox (in which is an email for Watts) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Sounds like we oughta switch 'em."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take email"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 4:29 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  HARD AT Wo(the email for Watts)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put email for grant in inbox"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 4:30 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | It is a plan worthy of Batman, you decide. In its cunning simplicity,
Floyd | it has all the subtlety of the Dark Knight. Quickly, you find and
Floyd | replace all references to Grace with Jane's name. The course of events
Floyd | seems clear to you: Jane will jump at the chance to get a promotion and
Floyd | right her stumbling career. She"ll become so engrossed she won't even
Floyd | notice when she stays late and misses her date. It's foolproof! Now you
Floyd | just have to wait for Jane to get to work and read it.
Floyd |
Floyd |  Your desperate fear has been replaced by a calm patience.
Floyd |
Floyd |  (Now, at any point, if you'd just like to wait until 5:00 PM, when
Floyd | Jane gets off work, you may type "wait around." Otherwise, you can
Floyd | treat yourself to a leisurely surf through the internet.)
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                4:31 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Ma
Floyd | Grant's Work Computer
Floyd | Grace's code monkey is hard at work. Back SOUTH is Jane's spot on the
Floyd | company LAN. WEST from here, you see the other code monkeys, closer to
Floyd | the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Grant's Inbox (empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put email for watt in inbox"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                4:31 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | Which do you mean, the email for Watts or the email for Ma?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put email for watts in inbox"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                4:32 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel a little bad replacing every instance of Jane's name with
Floyd | Grace"s. You're sure Grace doesn't deserve an email like this... but
Floyd | it's for the greater good.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 4:33 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Watts' Work Computer
Floyd | The code monkey that represents Jane sits still, hands in its lap, with
Floyd | its head lolling to one side - inactive. Two windows float in front of
Floyd | it, leftover from the previous workday: one is a guide to smelting and
Floyd | egg farming in Realms of Realmland, the other is a webcomic about two
Floyd | guys who sit in a basement and complain about Realms of Realmland.
Floyd | NORTH and SOUTH from here are Jane's closest neighbors on the network:
Floyd | Grace Grant and Andrew Ma, respectively. WEST from here, you see the
Floyd | other code monkeys, closer to the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Watts' Inbox (in which is an email for Grant) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Ma's Work Computer                                   4:34 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > E'
Floyd | Ma's Work Computer
Floyd | Andrew's code monkey is hard at work. Back NORTH is Jane's spot on the
Floyd | company LAN. WEST from here, you see the other code monkeys, closer to
Floyd | the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Ma's Inbox (empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put email for ma in inbox"
Floyd ]  Ma's Work Computer                                   4:35 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | He's got mail! You feel oddly pleased with your successful delivery.
Floyd |
Floyd |  You don't understand why Jane goes chasing elven princes through
Floyd | cyberspace when there are real people right here in her office. He have
Floyd | snakes for hair and a glance that turns the unwary into stone. Or, you
Floyd | suppose, it's possible Jane doesn't even realize he exists. They only
Floyd | work in adjacent cubicles, after all.
Floyd |
Floyd |  You have an urge to try searching for  "Ma."
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "ha. I thought so."
genericgeekgirl says, "I guess we need to put the friend icon on his profile."
DavidW says, "We not only should break Jane from Grace, but also try to hook her up with Andrew."
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x draft"
Floyd ]  Ma's Work Computer                                   4:36 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > WORK. BaThe subject of the first email is "have the flu." Jane is
Floyd | emailing her supervisor at ProtectiTech to tell him she's sick and
Floyd | won't be going to work today.
Floyd |
Floyd | The subject of the second email is "play RoR with me?" and is addressed
Floyd | to oakthorn177. Jane is asking the elven prince to go on a quest with
Floyd | her.
Floyd |
Floyd | This is trouble. You need to stop her before she finishes up these
Floyd | emails and logs on to Realms of Realmland. If you let that happen,
Floyd | there's no way to know if you'll ever be able to get her attention
Floyd | again, much less stop the date.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x computer"
Floyd ]  Ma's Work Computer                                   4:36 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X COMPUTER
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 4:37 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Watts' Work Computer
Floyd | The code monkey that represents Jane sits still, hands in its lap, with
Floyd | its head lolling to one side - inactive. Two windows float in front of
Floyd | it, leftover from the previous workday: one is a guide to smelting and
Floyd | egg farming in Realms of Realmland, the other is a webcomic about two
Floyd | guys who sit in a basement and complain about Realms of Realmland.
Floyd | NORTH and SOUTH from here are Jane's closest neighbors on the network:
Floyd | Grace Grant and Andrew Ma, respectively. WEST from here, you see the
Floyd | other code monkeys, closer to the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Watts' Inbox (in which is an email for Grant) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "turn on monkey"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 4:37 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > PERVISOR AT PRoYou can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Hm, back to the web? and maybe a foray into the game."
DavidW says, "yeah, I'm not sure."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      4:38 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Local Area Network
Floyd | The LAN at Jane's workplace resembles nothing so much as a late 19th
Floyd | century factory, complete with squalid concrete floor, metal roof, and
Floyd | dirty smoke. It's the sort of place where you might send orphans whose
Floyd | parents you particularly hated.
Floyd |
Floyd | You recognize Jane's particular monkey / typewriter representation from
Floyd | previous trips here. It's off to the EAST of the machine. To the WEST,
Floyd | you can see ProtectiTech's Central Server, separated from the rest of
Floyd | the machine room by glass windows and a glass door. UP from here, a
Floyd | wireless connection leads back to the satellite.
Floyd |
Floyd | The supervisor is trying to put the machine back together, crack his
Floyd | whip, and yell at the code monkeys to try and fix it for him - all at
Floyd | the same time.
Floyd |
Floyd | The remains of the machine smolder.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x supervisor"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      4:39 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > RK
Floyd |
Floyd | > THE LAN AtIt probably won't notice you anymore.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             4:40 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UP
Floyd |
Floyd | Communications Satellite
Floyd | This satellite, orbiting high above the Earth's surface, is one of the
Floyd | great switching stations in the global network. Here calls and messages
Floyd | are routed and re-routed. Around you, data bees and web surfers hurry
Floyd | and scurry - all of them want to talk to the Router-Daemon.
Floyd |
Floyd | BENEATH you, you can just make out the white glimmer of The Cloud.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Router-Daemon is a robotic many-armed creature that points incoming
Floyd | data in the correct direction. Three levers - one gold, one bronze, one
Floyd | silver - protrude from its torso. Lost data packets talk to it to
Floyd | receive instructions on where to go.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "down"
Floyd ]  The Cloud                                            4:41 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > KS At
Floyd | The Cloud
Floyd | Here, all is calm and serene. You are floating. Blue sky. A lazy white
Floyd | cloud of data floats by. It smiles at you. The other clouds smile too,
Floyd | for they are marhmallow fluffy and secure.
Floyd |
Floyd | ABOVE you orbits a communication satellite. Far BELOW are the vast
Floyd | interconnected cyberplanes of the internet. Floating among the clouds
Floyd | is a flock of hot air balloons that have been tethered together to
Floyd | create a makeshift, bulbous sphere. You think could squeeze INSIDE this
Floyd | "Blogosphere."
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "down"
Floyd ]  World Wide Web                                       4:42 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > OUTH
Floyd | World Wide Web
Floyd | The Net. The Web. An endless sea of data, in which your hard drive is
Floyd | only a fragement, a mere raft bobbing among the mountainous waves. To
Floyd | the NORTH you see a towering search engine. To the EAST you can hear
Floyd | the chatter of a social network. To the SOUTHWEST there is a stately
Floyd | online encyclopedia. ABOVE you is the Cloud, through which you can just
Floyd | make out the glint of a communications satellite. Go back DOWN the
Floyd | ethernet cable to return to the desktop.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  The Cloud                                            4:41 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd | The Cloud
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]  The Blogosphere                                      4:42 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | The Blogosphere
Floyd | All around you are the hot air balloons, each decorated in their own
Floyd | bright colors and logos.  OUTSIDE the balloons is the Cloud in which
Floyd | they float.
Floyd |
Floyd | One balloon in particular is near to you. Its lone pilot is wearing a
Floyd | red cape and goggles - you immediately recognize him as Cory Doctorow.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to cory"
Floyd ]  The Blogosphere                                      4:43 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > OU SEE A TOWeCory Doctorow turns to look at you, red cape billowing
Floyd | in the data streams. He raises his goggles. This is what he says: "A
Floyd | bug in the program is worth two in the hand."
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to cory"
Floyd ]  The Blogosphere                                      4:44 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK TO CORY
Floyd | Cory Doctorow turns to look at you, red cape billowing in the data
Floyd | streams. He raises his goggles. This is what he says: "Never touch a
Floyd | hungry virus with your bare hands."
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to cory"
Floyd ]  The Blogosphere                                      4:45 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK TO CORY
Floyd | Cory Doctorow turns to look at you, red cape billowing in the data
Floyd | streams. He raises his goggles. This is what he says: "Always know thy
Floyd | master's soda preferences."
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd ]  The Cloud                                            4:46 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > OU,
Floyd | The Cloud
Floyd | Here, all is calm and serene. You are floating. Blue sky. A lazy white
Floyd | cloud of data floats by. It smiles at you. The other clouds smile too,
Floyd | for they are marhmallow fluffy and secure.
Floyd |
Floyd | ABOVE you orbits a communication satellite. Far BELOW are the vast
Floyd | interconnected cyberplanes of the internet. Floating among the clouds
Floyd | is a flock of hot air balloons that have been tethered together to
Floyd | create a makeshift, bulbous sphere. You think could squeeze INSIDE this
Floyd | "Blogosphere."
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "down"
Floyd ]  World Wide Web                                       4:47 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > DOWN
Floyd |
Floyd | World Wide Web
Floyd | The Net. The Web. An endless sea of data, in which your hard drive is
Floyd | only a fragement, a mere raft bobbing among the mountainous waves. To
Floyd | the NORTH you see a towering search engine. To the EAST you can hear
Floyd | the chatter of a social network. To the SOUTHWEST there is a stately
Floyd | online encyclopedia. ABOVE you is the Cloud, through which you can just
Floyd | make out the glint of a communications satellite. Go back DOWN the
Floyd | ethernet cable to return to the desktop.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  World Wide Web                                       4:48 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > RkYou are carrying:
Floyd |   the search term 'Ma'
Floyd |   a calm patience
Floyd |   a My Documents folder (open)
Floyd |     a README
Floyd |     a virus
Floyd |     a bunch of other junk
Floyd |   a Realms of Realmland figurine
Floyd |   the search term 'Grant'
Floyd |   an email draft
Floyd |   an angry bird
Floyd |   Watts' Friendship Icon
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Oh."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  World Wide Web                                       4:49 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd | World Wide Web
Floyd | The Net. The Web. An endless sea of data, in which your hard drive is
Floyd | only a fragement, a mere raft bobbing among the mountainous waves. To
Floyd | the NORTH you see a towering search engine. To the EAST you can hear
Floyd | the chatter of a social network. To the SOUTHWEST there is a stately
Floyd | online encyclopedia. ABOVE you is the Cloud, through which you can just
Floyd | make out the glint of a communications satellite. Go back DOWN the
Floyd | ethernet cable to return to the desktop.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Front Of The Search Engine                           4:50 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > He
Floyd | Front Of The Search Engine
Floyd | The mighty Search Engine towers above you. This pristine white obelisk
Floyd | is visible from almost anywhere on the net. SOUTH of you is an open
Floyd | expanse of cyberspace. It's possible to walk to the other side of
Floyd | Engine, by going around NORTHWEST or NORTHEAST side.
Floyd |
Floyd | A dark puff of data floats from the top of the Engine.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x search term ma"
Floyd ]  Front Of The Search Engine                           4:50 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x search term"
Floyd ]  Front Of The Search Engine                           4:50 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | Which do you mean, the search term 'Ma' or the search term 'Grant'?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "'ma'"
Floyd ]  Front Of The Search Engine                           4:51 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > 'MA'
Floyd | Andrew Ma
Floyd |
Floyd | A dark puff of data floats from the top of the Engine.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Awesome."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put search term 'ma' on pedestal"
Floyd ]  Front Of The Search Engine                           4:52 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  CODE MONKEY IS HARD AT WORKYOU aThere's nothing to put this on.
Floyd |
Floyd | You see a data bee whiz up to the text slot, dropping its payload - a
Floyd | slip of paper with a search printed on it - into the mouth of the
Floyd | tower.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]  Front Of The Search Engine                           4:53 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | You see a data bee whiz up to the text slot, dropping its payload - a
Floyd | slip of paper with a search printed on it - into the mouth of the
Floyd | tower.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ]  Back Of The Search Engine                            4:54 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | Back Of The Search Engine
Floyd | The Search Engine looks pretty much the same on this side - only now
Floyd | with more pristine smoothness. The only break in the whiteness is the
Floyd | barely visible outline of a door, leading INSIDE the Engine. It's also
Floyd | possible to walk around to the other side of Engine, by going SOUTHEAST
Floyd | or SOUTHWEST.
Floyd |
Floyd | A dark puff of data floats from the top of the Engine.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    4:55 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > ETh
Floyd | Inside the Engine
Floyd | A pedestal stands in the center of the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | The pedestal blinks in and out of existence, like a waiting cursor.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Awesome."
genericgeekgirl says, "Oops. Wrong one."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put search term 'ma' on pedestal"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    4:56 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | A puff of data. Your search term is replaced with a link to Andrew Ma's
Floyd | social networking profile.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x link"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    4:57 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X LINK
Floyd | Bring this link to the Social Network, and you will find what you seek.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take link"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    4:58 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > EE A DATA Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put search term 'grant' on pedestal"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    4:59 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | A puff of data. Your search term is replaced with a link to Grace
Floyd | Grant's social networking profile.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take link"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    5:00 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > TAKE LINK
Floyd | (the link to the profile of Grant)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    5:01 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a link to the profile of Grant
Floyd |   a link to the profile of Ma
Floyd |   a calm patience
Floyd |   a My Documents folder (open)
Floyd |     a README
Floyd |     a virus
Floyd |     a bunch of other junk
Floyd |   a Realms of Realmland figurine
Floyd |   an email draft
Floyd |   an angry bird
Floyd |   Watts' Friendship Icon
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | It's 5:00 PM. Time for Jane to head home from work. Only... Jane never
Floyd | made it to work. She never even made it out of the house. More
Floyd | importantly, she never became aware of the results of your
Floyd | machinations. As far as she's concerned, there's no reason why she
Floyd | shouldn't just head out to her date as planned. So she does - there's
Floyd | an empty look in her eyes when she returns.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Oh. Damnit."
genericgeekgirl says, "I guess we ran out of time."
DavidW says, "yeah, we weren't quick enough."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Inside the Engine                                    5:02 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > RkTime passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "To the webcam, I guess"
DavidW says, "But we haven't figured everything out anyway."
Ellison says, "it is nice to see you guys forge ahead with this game. I got confused about what I should try to attempt very early on and could not stick with it."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd ]  Back Of The Search Engine                            5:03 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > OUT
Floyd |
Floyd | Back Of The Search Engine
Floyd | The Search Engine looks pretty much the same on this side - only now
Floyd | with more pristine smoothness. The only break in the whiteness is the
Floyd | barely visible outline of a door, leading INSIDE the Engine. It's also
Floyd | possible to walk around to the other side of Engine, by going SOUTHEAST
Floyd | or SOUTHWEST.
Floyd |
Floyd | You see a data bee whiz up to the text slot, dropping its payload - a
Floyd | slip of paper with a search printed on it - into the mouth of the
Floyd | tower.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  Front Of The Search Engine                           5:04 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | Front Of The Search Engine
Floyd | The mighty Search Engine towers above you. This pristine white obelisk
Floyd | is visible from almost anywhere on the net. SOUTH of you is an open
Floyd | expanse of cyberspace. It's possible to walk to the other side of
Floyd | Engine, by going around NORTHWEST or NORTHEAST side.
Floyd |
Floyd | A dark puff of data floats from the top of the Engine.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  World Wide Web                                       5:05 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Bl
Floyd | World Wide Web
Floyd | The Net. The Web. An endless sea of data, in which your hard drive is
Floyd | only a fragement, a mere raft bobbing among the mountainous waves. To
Floyd | the NORTH you see a towering search engine. To the EAST you can hear
Floyd | the chatter of a social network. To the SOUTHWEST there is a stately
Floyd | online encyclopedia. ABOVE you is the Cloud, through which you can just
Floyd | make out the glint of a communications satellite. Go back DOWN the
Floyd | ethernet cable to return to the desktop.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Social Network                                       5:06 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Social Network
Floyd | Crowds of people jostle you wherever you go. Everyone seems to be
Floyd | talking to everyone else, all at once. You have no idea how they sort
Floyd | out what's going on.
Floyd |
Floyd | Back WEST is the great sea of information - the web. Further EAST,
Floyd | through the crowds, you can just see Jane's social networking profile.
Floyd | The link you found points the way NORTHEAST to Andrew Ma's Profile and
Floyd | SOUTHEAST to Grace Grant's Profile.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Watts' Profile                                       5:07 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Is
Floyd | Watts' Profile
Floyd | A monument to the individuality of Jane Watts. Jane Watts is female and
Floyd | single, interested in men and women. Jane Watts' interests include
Floyd | coding, Realms of Realmland, and Mountain Dew.
Floyd |
Floyd | Back WEST is the rest of the social network.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Social Network                                       5:08 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Social Network
Floyd | Crowds of people jostle you wherever you go. Everyone seems to be
Floyd | talking to everyone else, all at once. You have no idea how they sort
Floyd | out what's going on.
Floyd |
Floyd | Back WEST is the great sea of information - the web. Further EAST,
Floyd | through the crowds, you can just see Jane's social networking profile.
Floyd | The link you found points the way NORTHEAST to Andrew Ma's Profile and
Floyd | SOUTHEAST to Grace Grant's Profile.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ]  Grant's Profile                                      5:09 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > ITy
Floyd | Grant's Profile
Floyd | A monument to the individuality of Grace Grant:
Floyd |
Floyd | Grace Grant is female and single, interested in men.
Floyd |
Floyd | Grace Grant is currently employed at ProtectiTech.
Floyd |
Floyd | Grace Grant studied Computer Science and Philosophy at the Big U.
Floyd |
Floyd | Grace Grant was born on March 21st, 1981.
Floyd |
Floyd | Grace Grant likes to listen to Bob Dylan, Fleet Foxes, and Bruce
Floyd | Springsteen.
Floyd |
Floyd | Grace Grant's favorite movies are Airplane, and Memento.
Floyd |
Floyd | Grace Grant's favorite books are Red October, and Game of Thrones.
Floyd |
Floyd | Grace Grant's interests include coding, rock climbing, sky diving,
Floyd | dogs, and Realms of Realmland.
Floyd |
Floyd | Here is the individual behind the infamous elven prince - he even has a
Floyd | link to oakthorn177's profile on his page. It amazes you that Jane
Floyd | never even did a cursory search.
Floyd |
Floyd | For a moment you entertain the idea that Jane suddenly switch sexual
Floyd | orientations - Grace looks like an active and interesting person, and
Floyd | they'd bring some much needed ambition and organization into Jane's
Floyd | life. Not to mention that then you wouldn't have to call off the date.
Floyd | But of course, that's just a daydream. You'll have to find a more
Floyd | practical solution to Jane's love life.
Floyd |
Floyd | Back NORTHWEST is the rest of the social network.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Grant's Friendship Icon here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
zarf says, "guess that reference got missed in the edit"
genericgeekgirl says, "The pronouns? It's happened in quite a few spots."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  Social Network                                       5:10 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > TEr
Floyd | Social Network
Floyd | Crowds of people jostle you wherever you go. Everyone seems to be
Floyd | talking to everyone else, all at once. You have no idea how they sort
Floyd | out what's going on.
Floyd |
Floyd | Back WEST is the great sea of information - the web. Further EAST,
Floyd | through the crowds, you can just see Jane's social networking profile.
Floyd | The link you found points the way NORTHEAST to Andrew Ma's Profile and
Floyd | SOUTHEAST to Grace Grant's Profile.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ]  Ma's Profile                                         5:11 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | Ma's Profile
Floyd | A monument to the individuality of Andrew Ma:
Floyd |
Floyd | Andrew Ma is male and single, interested in women.
Floyd |
Floyd | Andrew Ma is currently employed at ProtectiTech.
Floyd |
Floyd | Andrew Ma studied Computer Science and Graphic Design at the Tech
Floyd | Institute.
Floyd |
Floyd | Andrew Ma was born on May 21st, 1978.
Floyd |
Floyd | Andrew Ma likes to listen to the Clash, Journey, and Bob Dylan.
Floyd |
Floyd | Andrew Ma's favorite movies are The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and
Floyd | Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
Floyd |
Floyd | Andrew Ma's favorite books are The Lord of Rings, The Hobbit, and
Floyd | Breakfast of Champions.
Floyd |
Floyd | Andrew Ma's interests include J.R.R. Tolkien, art, and computers.
Floyd |
Floyd | To think that such a perfect match for Jane could have been working in
Floyd | the cubicle next to him for all this time - they even both listen to
Floyd | Journey! More importantly, Andrew's a Tolkien fan. Never before had you
Floyd | considered the idea that Jane's knowledge of the Professor might
Floyd | actually help her in the arts of romance, but now... You
Floyd | imagine the scene:
Floyd |
Floyd | Andrew and Jane, walking through the city park, a few months from
Floyd | now. The sun has just set, and a full moon is peeking over the
Floyd | skyscrapers. They're holding hands. Jane stops, she holds Andrew at
Floyd | arms length. They look in each other's eyes.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Oh, Andrew," says Jane, falling to her knees. "Will you take my
Floyd | one ring?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Yes!" cries Andrew, eyes glowing.
Floyd |
Floyd | It will be just like that... or at least something along those lines.
Floyd | You take it upon yourself to make sure this happens.
Floyd |
Floyd | A link to the EAST leads to one of Andrew's friends, her cousin Edward.
Floyd | Back SOUTHWEST is the rest of the social network.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "drop icon"
Floyd ]  Ma's Profile                                         5:12 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > A ROUTINE You add Andrew Ma as Jane's friend. A connection, a thin
Floyd | line of light, is added to the network.
Floyd |
Floyd |  From Jane's Profile, you send a carefully worded message. From
Floyd | Andrew's you send its mirror. "A friend suggested I friend you..." they
Floyd | both start.
Floyd |
Floyd |  You feel a shiver of excitement for a plan well-constructed. You have
Floyd | no doubt that soon the follow up messages will be sent, and not too
Floyd | long afterwords, the texted invites to hang out after work.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You can practically hear the wedding bells.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
zarf says, "I meant the line about Jane switching orientations (rather than Gracce)"
genericgeekgirl says, "Oh. I missed that. But the pronouns are messed up in a number of places, referring to Andrew as she and Grace as he."
genericgeekgirl exclaims, "We have a point!"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Ma's Cousin's Profile                                5:13 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Ma's Cousin's Profile
Floyd | A monument to the individuality of Edward Ma:
Floyd |
Floyd | Edward Ma is male and single, interested in women.
Floyd |
Floyd | Edward Ma is currently employed as a sky diving instructor for XSPORTS
Floyd | Extreme Tourism Inc.
Floyd |
Floyd | Edward Ma studied Biology and Philosophy at Carlyle-Harding College.
Floyd |
Floyd | Edward Ma was born on November 5th, 1977.
Floyd |
Floyd | Edward Ma likes to listen to Violent Femmes, Johnathon Coulton, and
Floyd | Fleet Foxes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Edward Ma's favorite movies are The Dark Knight, and anything else by
Floyd | Christopher Nolan.
Floyd |
Floyd | Edward Ma's favorite books are the Da Vinci Code, and Moby Dick.
Floyd |
Floyd | Edward Ma's interests include sky diving, water skiing, rock climbing,
Floyd | and other adventures.
Floyd |
Floyd | Back WEST is a link to one of Edward's friends, his cousin Andrew.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Aw. We could also set Grace up with this guy.."
DavidW asks, "oh, put Grace's icon here?"
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah. Let me go grab it."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Ma's Profile                                         5:14 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Ig
Floyd | Ma's Profile
Floyd | A monument to the individuality of Andrew Ma. Andrew Ma is male and
Floyd | single, interested in women. Andrew Ma's interests include J.R.R.
Floyd | Tolkien, art, and computers.
Floyd |
Floyd | A link to the EAST leads to one of Andrew's friends, her cousin Edward.
Floyd | Back SOUTHWEST is the rest of the social network.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Watts' Friendship Icon here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  Social Network                                       5:15 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | Social Network
Floyd | Crowds of people jostle you wherever you go. Everyone seems to be
Floyd | talking to everyone else, all at once. You have no idea how they sort
Floyd | out what's going on.
Floyd |
Floyd | Back WEST is the great sea of information - the web. Further EAST,
Floyd | through the crowds, you can just see Jane's social networking profile.
Floyd | The link you found points the way NORTHEAST to Andrew Ma's Profile and
Floyd | SOUTHEAST to Grace Grant's Profile.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ]  Grant's Profile                                      5:16 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > D c
Floyd | Grant's Profile
Floyd | A monument to the individuality of Grace Grant. Grace Grant is female
Floyd | and single, interested in men. Grace Grant's interests include coding,
Floyd | rock climbing, sky diving, dogs, and Realms of Realmland.
Floyd |
Floyd | Here is the individual behind the infamous elven prince - he even has a
Floyd | link to oakthorn177's profile on his page. It amazes you that Jane
Floyd | never even did a cursory search.
Floyd |
Floyd |  After causing Grace's date to be cancelled, you have a nagging feeling
Floyd | that you owe them something. Not that it would have turned out well...
Floyd | nonetheless, maybe there's still something you can do to help.
Floyd |
Floyd | Back NORTHWEST is the rest of the social network.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Grant's Friendship Icon here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take icon"
Floyd ]  Grant's Profile                                      5:17 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > ALE AND SiTaken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  Social Network                                       5:18 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd | Social Network
Floyd | Crowds of people jostle you wherever you go. Everyone seems to be
Floyd | talking to everyone else, all at once. You have no idea how they sort
Floyd | out what's going on.
Floyd |
Floyd | Back WEST is the great sea of information - the web. Further EAST,
Floyd | through the crowds, you can just see Jane's social networking profile.
Floyd | The link you found points the way NORTHEAST to Andrew Ma's Profile and
Floyd | SOUTHEAST to Grace Grant's Profile.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ]  Ma's Profile                                         5:19 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | Ma's Profile
Floyd | A monument to the individuality of Andrew Ma. Andrew Ma is male and
Floyd | single, interested in women. Andrew Ma's interests include J.R.R.
Floyd | Tolkien, art, and computers.
Floyd |
Floyd | A link to the EAST leads to one of Andrew's friends, her cousin Edward.
Floyd | Back SOUTHWEST is the rest of the social network.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Watts' Friendship Icon here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Ma's Cousin's Profile                                5:20 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Go
Floyd | Ma's Cousin's Profile
Floyd | A monument to the individuality of Edward Ma. Edward Ma is male and
Floyd | single, interested in women. Edward Ma's interests include sky diving,
Floyd | water skiing, rock climbing, and other adventures.
Floyd |
Floyd | Back WEST is a link to one of Edward's friends, his cousin Andrew.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "drop icon"
Floyd ]  Ma's Cousin's Profile                                5:21 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > DROP ICON
Floyd | You add Edward Ma as Grace's friend. A connection, a thin line of
Floyd | light, is added to the network. You enact the same scheme you did with
Floyd | Andrew and Jane and once again you are filled with glee.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |  You can practically taste the wedding cake.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "woot point"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Ma's Profile                                         5:22 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Os
Floyd | Ma's Profile
Floyd | A monument to the individuality of Andrew Ma. Andrew Ma is male and
Floyd | single, interested in women. Andrew Ma's interests include J.R.R.
Floyd | Tolkien, art, and computers.
Floyd |
Floyd | A link to the EAST leads to one of Andrew's friends, her cousin Edward.
Floyd | Back SOUTHWEST is the rest of the social network.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Watts' Friendship Icon here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "score"
Floyd ]  Ma's Profile                                         5:22 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > SCORE
Floyd | You have so far scored 2 out of a possible 3, in 221 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  Social Network                                       5:23 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | Social Network
Floyd | Crowds of people jostle you wherever you go. Everyone seems to be
Floyd | talking to everyone else, all at once. You have no idea how they sort
Floyd | out what's going on.
Floyd |
Floyd | Back WEST is the great sea of information - the web. Further EAST,
Floyd | through the crowds, you can just see Jane's social networking profile.
Floyd | The link you found points the way NORTHEAST to Andrew Ma's Profile and
Floyd | SOUTHEAST to Grace Grant's Profile.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  World Wide Web                                       5:24 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Om
Floyd | World Wide Web
Floyd | The Net. The Web. An endless sea of data, in which your hard drive is
Floyd | only a fragement, a mere raft bobbing among the mountainous waves. To
Floyd | the NORTH you see a towering search engine. To the EAST you can hear
Floyd | the chatter of a social network. To the SOUTHWEST there is a stately
Floyd | online encyclopedia. ABOVE you is the Cloud, through which you can just
Floyd | make out the glint of a communications satellite. Go back DOWN the
Floyd | ethernet cable to return to the desktop.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Maybe we should have put the virus in the game earlier."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "down"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            5:25 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > ER Al
Floyd | Personal Computer Desktop
Floyd | Jane's desktop. The place is a disaster. Unused icons clutter
Floyd | everything, almost hiding the forgotten to-do lists (notably
Floyd | "dothisnow_Jan2_1999.txt").
Floyd |
Floyd | A webcam icon points NORTH. An e-mail icon leads NORTHWEST, towards the
Floyd | inbox.  ABOVE you the ethernet port goes out to the wider internet. An
Floyd | icon depicting a torch-lit dungeon leads DOWN into Realms of Realmland,
Floyd | the popular online game.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl exclaims, "I'm going in!"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf8"
Floyd | %% File to save:
Floyd | %% Save file: cf8
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            5:25 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "down"
Floyd ]  Realms of Realmland                                  5:26 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > DOWN
Floyd |
Floyd | Realms of Realmland
Floyd | As you load up Realms of Realmland, the familiar bombastic theme music
Floyd | plays. The words REALMS OF REALMLAND appears in huge metallic letters
Floyd | that look as though they were used as weapons in some ancient war - how
Floyd | the ancient warriors would have held on to them is an open question. As
Floyd | usual, Jane is already logged in, and you don't even need to re-enter
Floyd | her password before you enter the game.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are XXstonetalkerXX, the level 13 War-Fighter. You stand in a
Floyd | wooded glade. Through the pine trees, golden light filters - the light
Floyd | of an older, simpler age. A hare lifts its head above the underbrush,
Floyd | its nose twitches. All is pristine wilderness.
Floyd |
Floyd | How it stays that way is a mystery, since hundreds of newbie players
Floyd | are running back and forth through the woods, murdering every rabbit
Floyd | they can find in their hurry to complete the "96 bunny hides" quest. To
Floyd | the NORTH, into the mountains, is the Cursed Castle of the Banghrus. To
Floyd | the WEST, out of the woods, is a traveling merchant caravan. ABOVE this
Floyd | virtual world is the desktop.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a terrified hare here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x hare"
Floyd ]  Realms of Realmland                                  5:27 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > OMPUTErThe hare is so scared its become petrified and cannot move.
Floyd | You suspect this bodes ill for its longevity.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take hare"
Floyd ]  Realms of Realmland                                  5:28 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > TAKE HARE
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Exploring north, then west."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Cursed Castle of the Banghrus                        5:29 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Cursed Castle of the Banghrus
Floyd | A high road out of the forest takes you into the mountain castle of the
Floyd | Banghrus. Once they were a powerful and warlike clan, with a kingdom
Floyd | stretching from the river Moribund to the eastern shores of the
Floyd | Sarvhasa sea, but now the castle is empty, and only their wights occupy
Floyd | it. At night, they moan like a barbershop quartet of hungry cats.
Floyd | You're glad it's not night. Out of the castle and to the SOUTH is the
Floyd | mountain road which leads back to the woods.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hanging above the mantle in the drafty main hall, you see an ancient
Floyd | elven sword. Despite its obvious great age, it is untouched by rust,
Floyd | and the light of its blade shines out among the cobwebs in this dusty
Floyd | place.
Floyd |
Floyd | A tarnished gold coin lies in the dust on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x sword"
Floyd ]  Cursed Castle of the Banghrus                        5:30 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > ROFILE
Floyd | AA beautiful and deadly sword, clearly ancient. It's still sharp though
Floyd | - great for hacking things with!
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take sword"
Floyd ]  Cursed Castle of the Banghrus                        5:31 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > TAKE SWORD
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x coin"
Floyd ]  Cursed Castle of the Banghrus                        5:32 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X COIN
Floyd | One on side the face of a monarch is printed, on the other, a
Floyd | two-headed lion. Both sides are hard to read, as the years have worn
Floyd | the coin nearly smooth. It's gold, though, so it should still be worth
Floyd | something.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take coin"
Floyd ]  Cursed Castle of the Banghrus                        5:33 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > TAKE COIN
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Going far too fast."
genericgeekgirl says, "Sorry."
DavidW says, "I'm missing the entire dungeon at this speed."
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok."
DavidW says, "ok. continue."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Realms of Realmland                                  5:34 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Realms of Realmland
Floyd | You are XXstonetalkerXX, the level 13 War-Fighter. You stand in a
Floyd | wooded glade. Through the pine trees, golden light filters - the light
Floyd | of an older, simpler age. A hare lifts its head above the underbrush,
Floyd | its nose twitches. All is pristine wilderness.
Floyd |
Floyd | How it stays that way is a mystery, since hundreds of newbie players
Floyd | are running back and forth through the woods, murdering every rabbit
Floyd | they can find in their hurry to complete the "96 bunny hides" quest. To
Floyd | the NORTH, into the mountains, is the Cursed Castle of the Banghrus. To
Floyd | the WEST, out of the woods, is a traveling merchant caravan. ABOVE this
Floyd | virtual world is the desktop.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Realms of Realmland                                  5:35 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > To## Realms of Realmland
Floyd | You are XXstonetalkerXX, the level 13 War-Fighter. You stand in a
Floyd | wooded glade. Through the pine trees, golden light filters - the light
Floyd | of an older, simpler age. A hare lifts its head above the underbrush,
Floyd | its nose twitches. All is pristine wilderness.
Floyd |
Floyd | How it stays that way is a mystery, since hundreds of newbie players
Floyd | are running back and forth through the woods, murdering every rabbit
Floyd | they can find in their hurry to complete the "96 bunny hides" quest. To
Floyd | the NORTH, into the mountains, is the Cursed Castle of the Banghrus. To
Floyd | the WEST, out of the woods, is a traveling merchant caravan. ABOVE this
Floyd | virtual world is the desktop.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Eek."
genericgeekgirl says, "That was annoying."
genericgeekgirl says, "Exploring west."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Realms of Realmland                                  5:36 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > LlYou are carrying:
Floyd |   a tarnished gold coin
Floyd |   an ancient elven sword
Floyd |   a terrified hare
Floyd |   a link to the profile of Grant
Floyd |   a link to the profile of Ma
Floyd |   a calm patience
Floyd |   a My Documents folder (open)
Floyd |     a README
Floyd |     a virus
Floyd |     a bunch of other junk
Floyd |   a Realms of Realmland figurine
Floyd |   an email draft
Floyd |   an angry bird
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Traveling Merchant Caravan                           5:37 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Traveling Merchant Caravan
Floyd | On the edge of the forest, a caravan of traveling merchants have set up
Floyd | shop. It's like a carnival, full of bright tents and gypsy wagons and
Floyd | loud merchants. A big mustachioed man juggles fire, while a small child
Floyd | pick pockets the onlookers. Players, identifiable by the names hovering
Floyd | above their heads, are trading their hard-earned bunny hides for money
Floyd | for new and better bunny-hunting weaponry. To the EAST, a well worn
Floyd | path leads into the forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old crone dressed in colorful patches and rags has just read the
Floyd | palms of a young dwarfling. Now she stares at you, and her pale blue
Floyd | eyes seem to dig into your mind.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x crone"
Floyd ]  Traveling Merchant Caravan                           5:38 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  BIRD SqJust an old woman who tells fortunes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "talk to crone, I guess."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to crone"
Floyd ]  Traveling Merchant Caravan                           5:39 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | "No payment, no fortune," says the old crone.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "give coin to crone"
Floyd ]  Traveling Merchant Caravan                           5:40 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | The old crone closes her eyes, and begins to speak in a low monotone:
Floyd |
Floyd |  If to destroy this world, is what you seek 
Floyd |  Bring the disease from higher planes 
Floyd |  It feeds on thought and havoc it will wreak 
Floyd |  Until the whole world crashes and all life wanes... 
Floyd |
Floyd |  When she opens her eyes she's all smiles and business again, as if
Floyd | nothing portentious had happened.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl asks, "Virus?"
DavidW says, "yup"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "kill hare"
Floyd ]  Traveling Merchant Caravan                           5:41 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > L DRAFT
Floyd |
Floyd | >   You hack the bunny to death and take its hide. One down, only 95
Floyd | more to go!
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The My Documents folder wriggles disconcertingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Traveling Merchant Caravan                           5:40 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd | Traveling Merchant Caravan
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "I can't. Unless we have to."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Traveling Merchant Caravan                           5:41 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Documents folder almost jerks out of your grip, as if it had a life
Floyd | of its own.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Realms of Realmland                                  5:42 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Realms of Realmland
Floyd | You are XXstonetalkerXX, the level 13 War-Fighter. You stand in a
Floyd | wooded glade. Through the pine trees, golden light filters - the light
Floyd | of an older, simpler age. A hare lifts its head above the underbrush,
Floyd | its nose twitches. All is pristine wilderness.
Floyd |
Floyd | How it stays that way is a mystery, since hundreds of newbie players
Floyd | are running back and forth through the woods, murdering every rabbit
Floyd | they can find in their hurry to complete the "96 bunny hides" quest. To
Floyd | the NORTH, into the mountains, is the Cursed Castle of the Banghrus. To
Floyd | the WEST, out of the woods, is a traveling merchant caravan. ABOVE this
Floyd | virtual world is the desktop.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel something trying to escape the Documents folder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "drop folder"
Floyd ]  Realms of Realmland                                  5:43 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > 'S STILLYOU As you drop the folder on the ground, it spills open, and
Floyd | the virus hiding inside claws its way out into the open. It howls in
Floyd | fury and pleasure, and dives into the fabric of space, ripping and
Floyd | tearing as it goes. For a moment you're mesmerized by its frenzied
Floyd | destruction - watching as it burns through the information
Floyd | architectures and data protocols that make up this world - until you
Floyd | realize you too might be in danger.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Run away"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            5:44 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UP
Floyd |
Floyd | Personal Computer Desktop
Floyd | Jane's desktop. The place is a disaster. Unused icons clutter
Floyd | everything, almost hiding the forgotten to-do lists (notably
Floyd | "dothisnow_Jan2_1999.txt").
Floyd |
Floyd | A webcam icon points NORTH. An e-mail icon leads NORTHWEST, towards the
Floyd | inbox.  ABOVE you the ethernet port goes out to the wider internet. An
Floyd | icon depicting a torch-lit dungeon leads DOWN into Realms of Realmland,
Floyd | the popular online game.
Floyd |
Floyd | An error window, illustrated with a red circle crossed by a white X,
Floyd | floats above the desktop, demanding attention.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x error"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            5:45 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > OMENT YoThe error message reads: "This application has encountered a
Floyd | critical error: Realms of Realmland. ERROR #42 (0x0892309) Fatal
Floyd | Condition. Failed to open archive ****\realm-****.RLM: The system
Floyd | cannot find the file specified. Press OK to terminate the application."
Floyd |
Floyd | That was a close one. Hopefully it wasn't for nothing, and Jane is now
Floyd | on her way to work - but there's only one way to know.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl asks, "Webcam or office?"
DavidW says, "Webcam first."
DavidW says, "We might also check the phone's camera."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Webcam                                               5:46 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Webcam
Floyd | This is your peephole. The blinds have been lifted, so now the room is
Floyd | lit by more than just the glow of the desktop monitor. Once, you think
Floyd | you recall, the bedroom had a floor, but now all that is visible are
Floyd | socks, programming manuals, and computer game boxes. Out of this
Floyd | morass, a futon rises, like a whale surfacing to breathe. You can't see
Floyd | anything else, but this is merely worrisome, as you know anything could
Floyd | be hiding beneath the mess.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jane is nowhere to be seen. Maybe she's finally gone to work, though
Floyd | you'd need some other camera to look through to find out. Jane is a
Floyd | software engineer at ProtectiTech, a big computer security firm.
Floyd |
Floyd | The desktop is SOUTH of here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            5:47 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Or
Floyd | Personal Computer Desktop
Floyd | Jane's desktop. The place is a disaster. Unused icons clutter
Floyd | everything, almost hiding the forgotten to-do lists (notably
Floyd | "dothisnow_Jan2_1999.txt").
Floyd |
Floyd | A webcam icon points NORTH. An e-mail icon leads NORTHWEST, towards the
Floyd | inbox.  ABOVE you the ethernet port goes out to the wider internet. An
Floyd | icon depicting a torch-lit dungeon leads DOWN into Realms of Realmland,
Floyd | the popular online game.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is an error window here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok, up to the levers to get to the phone."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd ]  World Wide Web                                       5:48 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UP
Floyd |
Floyd | World Wide Web
Floyd | The Net. The Web. An endless sea of data, in which your hard drive is
Floyd | only a fragement, a mere raft bobbing among the mountainous waves. To
Floyd | the NORTH you see a towering search engine. To the EAST you can hear
Floyd | the chatter of a social network. To the SOUTHWEST there is a stately
Floyd | online encyclopedia. ABOVE you is the Cloud, through which you can just
Floyd | make out the glint of a communications satellite. Go back DOWN the
Floyd | ethernet cable to return to the desktop.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd ]  The Cloud                                            5:49 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > FOr
Floyd | The Cloud
Floyd | Here, all is calm and serene. You are floating. Blue sky. A lazy white
Floyd | cloud of data floats by. It smiles at you. The other clouds smile too,
Floyd | for they are marhmallow fluffy and secure.
Floyd |
Floyd | ABOVE you orbits a communication satellite. Far BELOW are the vast
Floyd | interconnected cyberplanes of the internet. Floating among the clouds
Floyd | is a flock of hot air balloons that have been tethered together to
Floyd | create a makeshift, bulbous sphere. You think could squeeze INSIDE this
Floyd | "Blogosphere."
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             5:50 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UP
Floyd |
Floyd | Communications Satellite
Floyd | This satellite, orbiting high above the Earth's surface, is one of the
Floyd | great switching stations in the global network. Here calls and messages
Floyd | are routed and re-routed. Around you, data bees and web surfers hurry
Floyd | and scurry - all of them want to talk to the Router-Daemon.
Floyd |
Floyd | BENEATH you, you can just make out the white glimmer of The Cloud.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Router-Daemon is a robotic many-armed creature that points incoming
Floyd | data in the correct direction. Three levers - one gold, one bronze, one
Floyd | silver - protrude from its torso. Lost data packets talk to it to
Floyd | receive instructions on where to go.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "pull gold"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           5:51 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > A ROUTINE As you pull the lever, you feel yourself dematerialize in a
Floyd | stream 1s and 0s.
Floyd |
Floyd | Smartphone
Floyd | As a phone its a bit of a bust. Jane has had the thing for a whole year
Floyd | and she still doesn't know how to hang up properly, much less put
Floyd | someone on hold. You understand it's very good for playing games about
Floyd | overly emotional birds, though. ABOVE you, a tenuous signal connects
Floyd | you to a communications satellite. To the NORTH is the phone's camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | A GPS app is currently running. Looks like its destination is
Floyd | ProtectiTech.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an alarm clock here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x app"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           5:51 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X APP
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x gps app"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           5:51 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X GPS APP
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         5:52 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Phone Camera
Floyd | The view from the camera looks up through some kind of glass window.
Floyd | Clouds rush by. Then you see the underside of a stoplight pass
Floyd | overhead. The phone must be on the dashboard of Jane's car - look's
Floyd | like he's driving to work. The rest of the smartphone is SOUTH of here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Odd that she's still going into work now, but ok."
genericgeekgirl asks, "Into the office?"
DavidW says, "I guess, yeah."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         5:53 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > T oYou can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird ruffles its feathers in annoyance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           5:54 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Smartphone
Floyd | As a phone its a bit of a bust. Jane has had the thing for a whole year
Floyd | and she still doesn't know how to hang up properly, much less put
Floyd | someone on hold. You understand it's very good for playing games about
Floyd | overly emotional birds, though. ABOVE you, a tenuous signal connects
Floyd | you to a communications satellite. To the NORTH is the phone's camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | A GPS app is currently running. Looks like its destination is
Floyd | ProtectiTech.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an alarm clock here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             5:55 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UP
Floyd |
Floyd | Communications Satellite
Floyd | This satellite, orbiting high above the Earth's surface, is one of the
Floyd | great switching stations in the global network. Here calls and messages
Floyd | are routed and re-routed. Around you, data bees and web surfers hurry
Floyd | and scurry - all of them want to talk to the Router-Daemon.
Floyd |
Floyd | BENEATH you, you can just make out the white glimmer of The Cloud.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Router-Daemon is a robotic many-armed creature that points incoming
Floyd | data in the correct direction. Three levers - one gold, one bronze, one
Floyd | silver - protrude from its torso. Lost data packets talk to it to
Floyd | receive instructions on where to go.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird squawks in a very insulting manner.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "pull bronze"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      5:56 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S SIGNAL COnAs you pull the lever, you feel yourself dematerialize in
Floyd | a stream 1s and 0s.
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Local Area Network
Floyd | The LAN at Jane's workplace resembles nothing so much as a late 19th
Floyd | century factory, complete with squalid concrete floor, metal roof, and
Floyd | dirty smoke. It's the sort of place where you might send orphans whose
Floyd | parents you particularly hated.
Floyd |
Floyd | You recognize Jane's particular monkey / typewriter representation from
Floyd | previous trips here. It's off to the EAST of the machine. To the WEST,
Floyd | you can see ProtectiTech's Central Server, separated from the rest of
Floyd | the machine room by glass windows and a glass door. UP from here, a
Floyd | wireless connection leads back to the satellite.
Floyd |
Floyd | The supervisor is trying to put the machine back together, crack his
Floyd | whip, and yell at the code monkeys to try and fix it for him - all at
Floyd | the same time.
Floyd |
Floyd | The remains of the machine smolder.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "It occurs to me that if Jane does pull an all-nighter at work, that's when she'll need the Mtn Dew."
genericgeekgirl says, "Hm, maybe."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 5:57 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Um
Floyd | Watts' Work Computer
Floyd | The code monkey that represents Jane sits still, hands in its lap, with
Floyd | its head lolling to one side - inactive. Two windows float in front of
Floyd | it, leftover from the previous workday: one is a guide to smelting and
Floyd | egg farming in Realms of Realmland, the other is a webcomic about two
Floyd | guys who sit in a basement and complain about Realms of Realmland.
Floyd |
Floyd | You guess Jane must still be in transit. At least that gives you some
Floyd | time to formulate a plan.  NORTH and SOUTH from here are Jane's closest
Floyd | neighbors on the network: Grace Grant and Andrew Ma, respectively. WEST
Floyd | from here, you see the other code monkeys, closer to the center of the
Floyd | LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Watts' Inbox (in which is an email for Grant) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird bites you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "close windows"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 5:57 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "n"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                5:58 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Grant's Work Computer
Floyd | Grace's code monkey is hard at work. Back SOUTH is Jane's spot on the
Floyd | company LAN. WEST from here, you see the other code monkeys, closer to
Floyd | the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Grant's Inbox (in which is an email for Watts) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks as if it wants to give you the bird. But it can't, since
Floyd | it's a bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x grace"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                5:58 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > REALMLAnYou can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "drop bird"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                5:59 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > DROP BIRD
Floyd | The bird flaps (angrily) out of your inventory.
Floyd | It flies away to parts unknown. Just as well.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                5:58 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd | Grant's Work Computer
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Hmpf."
DavidW asks, "Have we ever gone west from Grant's?"
genericgeekgirl says, "I thought it might attack her."
genericgeekgirl says, "It just goes back to the main room."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      5:59 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Local Area Network
Floyd | The LAN at Jane's workplace resembles nothing so much as a late 19th
Floyd | century factory, complete with squalid concrete floor, metal roof, and
Floyd | dirty smoke. It's the sort of place where you might send orphans whose
Floyd | parents you particularly hated.
Floyd |
Floyd | You recognize Jane's particular monkey / typewriter representation from
Floyd | previous trips here. It's off to the EAST of the machine. To the WEST,
Floyd | you can see ProtectiTech's Central Server, separated from the rest of
Floyd | the machine room by glass windows and a glass door. UP from here, a
Floyd | wireless connection leads back to the satellite.
Floyd |
Floyd | The supervisor is trying to put the machine back together, crack his
Floyd | whip, and yell at the code monkeys to try and fix it for him - all at
Floyd | the same time.
Floyd |
Floyd | The remains of the machine smolder.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to supervisor"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      6:00 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  COMPUTER
Floyd |
Floyd | > [PREVIOUs"No unauthorized programs in the LAN!" the supervisor barks
Floyd | at you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "repair machine"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      6:00 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lucea is gonna get back baby bad balls to you, love, cretin.
Lucea has disconnected.
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x bug"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      6:00 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X BUG
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x machine"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      6:01 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X MACHINE
Floyd | This complicated, ever growing monstrosity of a machine is the
Floyd | anti-virus program that ProtectiTech markets as "ProtectiTech
Floyd | SafeSurf." your master works on part of it, but he's never installed it
Floyd | on you, despite the fact that employees get a free subscription...
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "I wonder if we're supposed to fix this, or Jane will. Also, is there a way we can become an 'authorized' program?"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take machine"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      6:02 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > TS HEAD LOLLiThat's fixed in place.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird looks at the supervisor with great ire.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "drop bird"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      6:03 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > DROP BIRD
Floyd | The bird flaps (angrily) out of your inventory.
Floyd | It flies high into the air, then suddenly divebombs the supervisor. The
Floyd | supervisor tries to shoo it away, or attack it with the whip, but it's
Floyd | just too angry. It just keeps pecking at the hulking supervisor, who is
Floyd | forced to roll up into a protective ball to shield himself from the
Floyd | onslaught.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Hehehe."
DavidW asks, "oh, so we could've done this instead of using the bug?"
genericgeekgirl says, "Apparently."
DavidW says, "Which suggests we could use the bug elsewhere."
DavidW says, "I kinda want to look up EYEmedia and SafeSurf in the encyclopedia."
genericgeekgirl says, "Go for it."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             6:04 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Communications Satellite
Floyd | This satellite, orbiting high above the Earth's surface, is one of the
Floyd | great switching stations in the global network. Here calls and messages
Floyd | are routed and re-routed. Around you, data bees and web surfers hurry
Floyd | and scurry - all of them want to talk to the Router-Daemon.
Floyd |
Floyd | BENEATH you, you can just make out the white glimmer of The Cloud.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Router-Daemon is a robotic many-armed creature that points incoming
Floyd | data in the correct direction. Three levers - one gold, one bronze, one
Floyd | silver - protrude from its torso. Lost data packets talk to it to
Floyd | receive instructions on where to go.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]  The Cloud                                            6:05 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > ,
Floyd | The Cloud
Floyd | Here, all is calm and serene. You are floating. Blue sky. A lazy white
Floyd | cloud of data floats by. It smiles at you. The other clouds smile too,
Floyd | for they are marhmallow fluffy and secure.
Floyd |
Floyd | ABOVE you orbits a communication satellite. Far BELOW are the vast
Floyd | interconnected cyberplanes of the internet. Floating among the clouds
Floyd | is a flock of hot air balloons that have been tethered together to
Floyd | create a makeshift, bulbous sphere. You think could squeeze INSIDE this
Floyd | "Blogosphere."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]  World Wide Web                                       6:06 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | World Wide Web
Floyd | The Net. The Web. An endless sea of data, in which your hard drive is
Floyd | only a fragement, a mere raft bobbing among the mountainous waves. To
Floyd | the NORTH you see a towering search engine. To the EAST you can hear
Floyd | the chatter of a social network. To the SOUTHWEST there is a stately
Floyd | online encyclopedia. ABOVE you is the Cloud, through which you can just
Floyd | make out the glint of a communications satellite. Go back DOWN the
Floyd | ethernet cable to return to the desktop.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  Online Encyclopedia                                  6:07 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > OF
Floyd | Online Encyclopedia
Floyd | As you stand in the cool front hall of the Encyclopedia, you can see,
Floyd | stretching before you, all the knowledge of humanity - along with a
Floyd | fair amount of its misinformation, strange obsessions, and random
Floyd | vandalism. Behind you, to the NORTHEAST, leads back out into the tumult
Floyd | of the wider internet.
Floyd |
Floyd | A frumpy, bespectacled librarian - wearing a jetpack - watches you
Floyd | warily. If you dared, you could probably ask him to retrieve some
Floyd | information for you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask librarian about eyemedia"
Floyd ]  Online Encyclopedia                                  6:08 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | There is no reply.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask librarian about safesurf"
Floyd ]  Online Encyclopedia                                  6:09 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | There is no reply.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask librarian about enterprise safesurf"
Floyd ]  Online Encyclopedia                                  6:10 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | There is no reply.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "bah"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask librarian about code monkey"
Floyd ]  Online Encyclopedia                                  6:11 pm
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | > THE BIRD There is no reply.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I wonder if we're screwed or not."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask librarian about cory"
Floyd ]  Online Encyclopedia                                  6:12 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | There is no reply.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask librarian about mountain dew"
Floyd ]  Online Encyclopedia                                  6:13 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | There is no reply.
Floyd |
Floyd | It crosses your mind that Jane has probably arrived at ProtectiTech by
Floyd | now.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ]  World Wide Web                                       6:14 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | World Wide Web
Floyd | The Net. The Web. An endless sea of data, in which your hard drive is
Floyd | only a fragement, a mere raft bobbing among the mountainous waves. To
Floyd | the NORTH you see a towering search engine. To the EAST you can hear
Floyd | the chatter of a social network. To the SOUTHWEST there is a stately
Floyd | online encyclopedia. ABOVE you is the Cloud, through which you can just
Floyd | make out the glint of a communications satellite. Go back DOWN the
Floyd | ethernet cable to return to the desktop.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ]  The Cloud                                            6:15 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | The Cloud
Floyd | Here, all is calm and serene. You are floating. Blue sky. A lazy white
Floyd | cloud of data floats by. It smiles at you. The other clouds smile too,
Floyd | for they are marhmallow fluffy and secure.
Floyd |
Floyd | ABOVE you orbits a communication satellite. Far BELOW are the vast
Floyd | interconnected cyberplanes of the internet. Floating among the clouds
Floyd | is a flock of hot air balloons that have been tethered together to
Floyd | create a makeshift, bulbous sphere. You think could squeeze INSIDE this
Floyd | "Blogosphere."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             6:16 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Ly
Floyd | Communications Satellite
Floyd | This satellite, orbiting high above the Earth's surface, is one of the
Floyd | great switching stations in the global network. Here calls and messages
Floyd | are routed and re-routed. Around you, data bees and web surfers hurry
Floyd | and scurry - all of them want to talk to the Router-Daemon.
Floyd |
Floyd | BENEATH you, you can just make out the white glimmer of The Cloud.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Router-Daemon is a robotic many-armed creature that points incoming
Floyd | data in the correct direction. Three levers - one gold, one bronze, one
Floyd | silver - protrude from its torso. Lost data packets talk to it to
Floyd | receive instructions on where to go.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pull bronze"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      6:17 pm
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | > >ASK LIBRArAs you pull the lever, you feel yourself dematerialize in
Floyd | a stream 1s and 0s.
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Local Area Network
Floyd | The LAN at Jane's workplace resembles nothing so much as a late 19th
Floyd | century factory, complete with squalid concrete floor, metal roof, and
Floyd | dirty smoke. It's the sort of place where you might send orphans whose
Floyd | parents you particularly hated.
Floyd |
Floyd | You recognize Jane's particular monkey / typewriter representation from
Floyd | previous trips here. It's off to the EAST of the machine. To the WEST,
Floyd | you can see ProtectiTech's Central Server, separated from the rest of
Floyd | the machine room by glass windows and a glass door. UP from here, a
Floyd | wireless connection leads back to the satellite.
Floyd |
Floyd | The supervisor is rolled up in a ball, trying to escape the continuing
Floyd | attacks of the angry bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The remains of the machine smolder.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see an angry bird here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 6:18 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Re
Floyd | Watts' Work Computer
Floyd | Jane's monkey is typing on its typewriter. Looks like she's at work.
Floyd | Too bad her work computer doesn't have a webcam - you'll have to find
Floyd | some other way to check on her. NORTH and SOUTH from here are Jane's
Floyd | closest neighbors on the network: Grace Grant and Andrew Ma,
Floyd | respectively. WEST from here, you see the other code monkeys, closer to
Floyd | the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Watts' Inbox (in which is an email for Grant) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "hm. Phone cam?"
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok"
DavidW asks, "Or was there a security cam?"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      6:19 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Local Area Network
Floyd | The LAN at Jane's workplace resembles nothing so much as a late 19th
Floyd | century factory, complete with squalid concrete floor, metal roof, and
Floyd | dirty smoke. It's the sort of place where you might send orphans whose
Floyd | parents you particularly hated.
Floyd |
Floyd | You recognize Jane's particular monkey / typewriter representation from
Floyd | previous trips here. It's off to the EAST of the machine. To the WEST,
Floyd | you can see ProtectiTech's Central Server, separated from the rest of
Floyd | the machine room by glass windows and a glass door. UP from here, a
Floyd | wireless connection leads back to the satellite.
Floyd |
Floyd | The supervisor is rolled up in a ball, trying to escape the continuing
Floyd | attacks of the angry bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The remains of the machine smolder.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see an angry bird here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah, there was. Dunno if it ever changes."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          6:20 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Ys
Floyd | ProtectiTech Central Server
Floyd | To the EAST, you can see the code monkeys working. Here, the decor puts
Floyd | you in the mind of the ideal 1950s office, complete with wooden desks
Floyd | and rotary dial telephones. Processing paperwork and operating the
Floyd | phones are a set of robots - also 50s vintage - with dials for eyes and
Floyd | vacuum tubes for brains. NORTH of here is a room whose door says
Floyd | SECURITY CAMERA. On the WEST side of the server is a small maintenance
Floyd | closet marked: SODA MACHINE.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Mailer-Daemon has leaned on one of the other secretary's desks and
Floyd | is making chit-chat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Security Camera                         6:21 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Pi
Floyd | ProtectiTech Security Camera
Floyd | Currently the camera has settled on a grainy black and white image of
Floyd | the hallway between the cubicles and the elevator. The only furnishing
Floyd | is a Pepsi drinks machine.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the SOUTH is the only door out of the cramped room - through it is
Floyd | ProtectiTech's Central Server.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x elevator"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Security Camera                         6:21 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X ELEVATOR
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says, "phone cam. remember a phone cam."
DavidW says, "We did remember."
DavidW says, "I suppose we should check that next. (Please no hints like that.)"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          6:22 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Central Server
Floyd | To the EAST, you can see the code monkeys working. Here, the decor puts
Floyd | you in the mind of the ideal 1950s office, complete with wooden desks
Floyd | and rotary dial telephones. Processing paperwork and operating the
Floyd | phones are a set of robots - also 50s vintage - with dials for eyes and
Floyd | vacuum tubes for brains. NORTH of here is a room whose door says
Floyd | SECURITY CAMERA. On the WEST side of the server is a small maintenance
Floyd | closet marked: SODA MACHINE.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Mailer-Daemon has leaned on one of the other secretary's desks and
Floyd | is making chit-chat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says, "sorry, that was actually a bill & ted joke"
inky says, "I don't know what game you are playing"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to daemon"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          6:23 pm
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | > CURRENTLY THE The robot turns to you with a cross expression on her
Floyd | dials, clearly aggravated by the interruption. "Have you delivered
Floyd | those emails yet, dear?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      6:24 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Local Area Network
Floyd | The LAN at Jane's workplace resembles nothing so much as a late 19th
Floyd | century factory, complete with squalid concrete floor, metal roof, and
Floyd | dirty smoke. It's the sort of place where you might send orphans whose
Floyd | parents you particularly hated.
Floyd |
Floyd | You recognize Jane's particular monkey / typewriter representation from
Floyd | previous trips here. It's off to the EAST of the machine. To the WEST,
Floyd | you can see ProtectiTech's Central Server, separated from the rest of
Floyd | the machine room by glass windows and a glass door. UP from here, a
Floyd | wireless connection leads back to the satellite.
Floyd |
Floyd | The supervisor is rolled up in a ball, trying to escape the continuing
Floyd | attacks of the angry bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The remains of the machine smolder.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see an angry bird here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             6:25 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  d
Floyd | Communications Satellite
Floyd | This satellite, orbiting high above the Earth's surface, is one of the
Floyd | great switching stations in the global network. Here calls and messages
Floyd | are routed and re-routed. Around you, data bees and web surfers hurry
Floyd | and scurry - all of them want to talk to the Router-Daemon.
Floyd |
Floyd | BENEATH you, you can just make out the white glimmer of The Cloud.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Router-Daemon is a robotic many-armed creature that points incoming
Floyd | data in the correct direction. Three levers - one gold, one bronze, one
Floyd | silver - protrude from its torso. Lost data packets talk to it to
Floyd | receive instructions on where to go.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pull gold"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           6:26 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > PULL GOLD
Floyd | As you pull the lever, you feel yourself dematerialize in a stream 1s
Floyd | and 0s.
Floyd |
Floyd | Smartphone
Floyd | As a phone its a bit of a bust. Jane has had the thing for a whole year
Floyd | and she still doesn't know how to hang up properly, much less put
Floyd | someone on hold. You understand it's very good for playing games about
Floyd | overly emotional birds, though. ABOVE you, a tenuous signal connects
Floyd | you to a communications satellite. To the NORTH is the phone's camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an alarm clock here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         6:27 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Yo
Floyd | Phone Camera
Floyd | Your tiny low definition window into the world currently peers into
Floyd | Jane's cubicle. Whenever being stuck inside of the virtual world starts
Floyd | to make you feel claustrophobic, all you have to do is think about this
Floyd | grey prison, and suddenly you feel all better. The rest of the
Floyd | smartphone is SOUTH of here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jane, still bleary-eyed, is typing away at her work computer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x jane"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         6:28 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X JANE
Floyd | Jane Watts is 31 years old and unkempt. She's generally friendly, if
Floyd | sometimes not totally there. Also, she is the cause of all your
Floyd | problems.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "hm."
DavidW asks, "Any ideas on what to try next?"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         6:29 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   an ancient elven sword
Floyd |   a terrified hare
Floyd |   a link to the profile of Grant
Floyd |   a link to the profile of Ma
Floyd |   a calm patience
Floyd |   a Realms of Realmland figurine
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x calm"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         6:30 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X CALM
Floyd | Your plans are in motion. There is nothing to do now but wait until the
Floyd | danger has passed. (If you'd like to wait until 5:00 PM, when Jane gets
Floyd | off of work, type "wait around.")
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Too late for that~"
DavidW says, "yeah"
genericgeekgirl says, "Oh, why not."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "kill hare"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         6:31 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > KILL HARE
Floyd | You hack the bunny to death and take its hide. One down, only 95 more
Floyd | to go!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x hide"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         6:32 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X HIDE
Floyd | The skin of the rabbit you slaughtered. Deep inside you now realize you
Floyd | are a terrible person.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl exclaims, "Yay!"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wear skin"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         6:32 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > ABOUT THIsYou can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wear hide"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         6:33 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > WEAR HIDE
Floyd | You can't wear that!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Was there any reasonable place to put the plastic figurine?"
genericgeekgirl says, "I guess we didn't try giving it to Jane."
DavidW asks, "I suppose there's no way to tell if Grace or Andrew are at work? Did they have code monkeys in their workspaces?"
genericgeekgirl says, "I thought we saw Grace's? I tried to attack her with the bird."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         6:34 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd | Phone Camera
Floyd | Your tiny low definition window into the world currently peers into
Floyd | Jane's cubicle. Whenever being stuck inside of the virtual world starts
Floyd | to make you feel claustrophobic, all you have to do is think about this
Floyd | grey prison, and suddenly you feel all better. The rest of the
Floyd | smartphone is SOUTH of here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jane, still bleary-eyed, is typing away at her work computer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           6:35 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Smartphone
Floyd | As a phone its a bit of a bust. Jane has had the thing for a whole year
Floyd | and she still doesn't know how to hang up properly, much less put
Floyd | someone on hold. You understand it's very good for playing games about
Floyd | overly emotional birds, though. ABOVE you, a tenuous signal connects
Floyd | you to a communications satellite. To the NORTH is the phone's camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an alarm clock here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "turn on alarm"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           6:36 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > C, ALL YOU HAvThat's already on.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             6:37 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UP
Floyd |
Floyd | Communications Satellite
Floyd | This satellite, orbiting high above the Earth's surface, is one of the
Floyd | great switching stations in the global network. Here calls and messages
Floyd | are routed and re-routed. Around you, data bees and web surfers hurry
Floyd | and scurry - all of them want to talk to the Router-Daemon.
Floyd |
Floyd | BENEATH you, you can just make out the white glimmer of The Cloud.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Router-Daemon is a robotic many-armed creature that points incoming
Floyd | data in the correct direction. Three levers - one gold, one bronze, one
Floyd | silver - protrude from its torso. Lost data packets talk to it to
Floyd | receive instructions on where to go.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
borowski has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "pull bronze"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      6:38 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | As you pull the lever, you feel yourself dematerialize in a stream 1s
Floyd | and 0s.
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Local Area Network
Floyd | The LAN at Jane's workplace resembles nothing so much as a late 19th
Floyd | century factory, complete with squalid concrete floor, metal roof, and
Floyd | dirty smoke. It's the sort of place where you might send orphans whose
Floyd | parents you particularly hated.
Floyd |
Floyd | You recognize Jane's particular monkey / typewriter representation from
Floyd | previous trips here. It's off to the EAST of the machine. To the WEST,
Floyd | you can see ProtectiTech's Central Server, separated from the rest of
Floyd | the machine room by glass windows and a glass door. UP from here, a
Floyd | wireless connection leads back to the satellite.
Floyd |
Floyd | The supervisor is rolled up in a ball, trying to escape the continuing
Floyd | attacks of the angry bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The remains of the machine smolder.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see an angry bird here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 6:39 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > 's
Floyd | Watts' Work Computer
Floyd | Jane's monkey is typing on its typewriter. Looks like she's at work.
Floyd | Too bad her work computer doesn't have a webcam - you'll have to find
Floyd | some other way to check on her. NORTH and SOUTH from here are Jane's
Floyd | closest neighbors on the network: Grace Grant and Andrew Ma,
Floyd | respectively. WEST from here, you see the other code monkeys, closer to
Floyd | the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Watts' Inbox (in which is an email for Grant) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Ma's Work Computer                                   6:40 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Ma's Work Computer
Floyd | Andrew's code monkey is hard at work. Back NORTH is Jane's spot on the
Floyd | company LAN. WEST from here, you see the other code monkeys, closer to
Floyd | the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Ma's Inbox (in which is an email for Ma) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x andrew"
Floyd ]  Ma's Work Computer                                   6:40 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > K INSIDE You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x andrew's code monkey"
Floyd ]  Ma's Work Computer                                   6:40 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 6:41 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Watts' Work Computer
Floyd | Jane's monkey is typing on its typewriter. Looks like she's at work.
Floyd | Too bad her work computer doesn't have a webcam - you'll have to find
Floyd | some other way to check on her. NORTH and SOUTH from here are Jane's
Floyd | closest neighbors on the network: Grace Grant and Andrew Ma,
Floyd | respectively. WEST from here, you see the other code monkeys, closer to
Floyd | the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Watts' Inbox (in which is an email for Grant) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "drop figurine"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 6:42 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "I don't know."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 6:43 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Z
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 6:42 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd | Watts' Work Computer
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "score"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 6:42 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > SCORE
Floyd | You have so far scored 2 out of a possible 3, in 301 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I'm wondering how to deliver the soda to Jane."
genericgeekgirl says, "I suspect she needs to be passing by. There was no physical object."
genericgeekgirl says, "Like, maybe she'll get up for a drink."
DavidW says, "That, or someone/something else can deliver it."
DavidW asks, "Run back to the security camera?"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      6:43 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Local Area Network
Floyd | The LAN at Jane's workplace resembles nothing so much as a late 19th
Floyd | century factory, complete with squalid concrete floor, metal roof, and
Floyd | dirty smoke. It's the sort of place where you might send orphans whose
Floyd | parents you particularly hated.
Floyd |
Floyd | You recognize Jane's particular monkey / typewriter representation from
Floyd | previous trips here. It's off to the EAST of the machine. To the WEST,
Floyd | you can see ProtectiTech's Central Server, separated from the rest of
Floyd | the machine room by glass windows and a glass door. UP from here, a
Floyd | wireless connection leads back to the satellite.
Floyd |
Floyd | The supervisor is rolled up in a ball, trying to escape the continuing
Floyd | attacks of the angry bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The remains of the machine smolder.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see an angry bird here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          6:44 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Ny
Floyd | ProtectiTech Central Server
Floyd | To the EAST, you can see the code monkeys working. Here, the decor puts
Floyd | you in the mind of the ideal 1950s office, complete with wooden desks
Floyd | and rotary dial telephones. Processing paperwork and operating the
Floyd | phones are a set of robots - also 50s vintage - with dials for eyes and
Floyd | vacuum tubes for brains. NORTH of here is a room whose door says
Floyd | SECURITY CAMERA. On the WEST side of the server is a small maintenance
Floyd | closet marked: SODA MACHINE.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Mailer-Daemon has leaned on one of the other secretary's desks and
Floyd | is making chit-chat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Security Camera                         6:45 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Security Camera
Floyd | Currently the camera has settled on a grainy black and white image of
Floyd | the hallway between the cubicles and the elevator. The only furnishing
Floyd | is a Pepsi drinks machine.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the SOUTH is the only door out of the cramped room - through it is
Floyd | ProtectiTech's Central Server.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Security Camera                         6:46 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > E Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Security Camera                         6:45 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd | ProtectiTech Security Camera
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Maybe into the machine."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          6:46 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Central Server
Floyd | To the EAST, you can see the code monkeys working. Here, the decor puts
Floyd | you in the mind of the ideal 1950s office, complete with wooden desks
Floyd | and rotary dial telephones. Processing paperwork and operating the
Floyd | phones are a set of robots - also 50s vintage - with dials for eyes and
Floyd | vacuum tubes for brains. NORTH of here is a room whose door says
Floyd | SECURITY CAMERA. On the WEST side of the server is a small maintenance
Floyd | closet marked: SODA MACHINE.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Mailer-Daemon has leaned on one of the other secretary's desks and
Floyd | is making chit-chat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "ok"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Soda Machine Microprocessor                          6:47 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Soda Machine Microprocessor
Floyd | Stepping into the closet you feel yourself interfacing with the soda
Floyd | machine. You ARE the soda machine. You can feel the weight of the soda
Floyd | cans within you: Classic Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, 7 Up. Your
Floyd | only desire is to eject a can - you tremble in excitement at the
Floyd | thought of it.
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing your head, you disengage your own thoughts from the machine's
Floyd | microprocessors. Jane has a favorite soda, you think - but you can't
Floyd | remember what it is. Out of the closet, to the EAST, is ProtectiTech's
Floyd | Central Server.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "eject mountain dew"
Floyd ]  Soda Machine Microprocessor                          6:48 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > NG THE PHONES ARE aThe soda can drops with a satisfying thunk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Soda Machine Microprocessor                          6:49 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd | Soda Machine Microprocessor
Floyd | Stepping into the closet you feel yourself interfacing with the soda
Floyd | machine. You ARE the soda machine. You can feel the weight of the soda
Floyd | cans within you: Classic Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, 7 Up. Your
Floyd | only desire is to eject a can - you tremble in excitement at the
Floyd | thought of it.
Floyd |
Floyd | Clearing your head, you disengage your own thoughts from the machine's
Floyd | microprocessors. Jane has a favorite soda, you think - but you can't
Floyd | remember what it is. Out of the closet, to the EAST, is ProtectiTech's
Floyd | Central Server.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          6:50 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Ca
Floyd | ProtectiTech Central Server
Floyd | To the EAST, you can see the code monkeys working. Here, the decor puts
Floyd | you in the mind of the ideal 1950s office, complete with wooden desks
Floyd | and rotary dial telephones. Processing paperwork and operating the
Floyd | phones are a set of robots - also 50s vintage - with dials for eyes and
Floyd | vacuum tubes for brains. NORTH of here is a room whose door says
Floyd | SECURITY CAMERA. On the WEST side of the server is a small maintenance
Floyd | closet marked: SODA MACHINE.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Mailer-Daemon has leaned on one of the other secretary's desks and
Floyd | is making chit-chat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Security Camera                         6:51 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Security Camera
Floyd | Currently the camera has settled on a grainy black and white image of
Floyd | the hallway between the cubicles and the elevator. The only furnishing
Floyd | is a Pepsi drinks machine.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the SOUTH is the only door out of the cramped room - through it is
Floyd | ProtectiTech's Central Server.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x machine"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Security Camera                         6:51 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > CH SECURItYou can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x image"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Security Camera                         6:51 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X IMAGE
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          6:52 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Central Server
Floyd | To the EAST, you can see the code monkeys working. Here, the decor puts
Floyd | you in the mind of the ideal 1950s office, complete with wooden desks
Floyd | and rotary dial telephones. Processing paperwork and operating the
Floyd | phones are a set of robots - also 50s vintage - with dials for eyes and
Floyd | vacuum tubes for brains. NORTH of here is a room whose door says
Floyd | SECURITY CAMERA. On the WEST side of the server is a small maintenance
Floyd | closet marked: SODA MACHINE.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Mailer-Daemon has leaned on one of the other secretary's desks and
Floyd | is making chit-chat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x robots"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          6:52 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X ROBOTS
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x desk"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          6:52 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X DESK
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x robot"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          6:53 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X ROBOT
Floyd | This mailer-daemon is responsible for distributing all in-company mail
Floyd | and memos. Its appearance is halfway between a 50s robot and a 50s
Floyd | secretary.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask robot about soda machine"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          6:54 pm
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >The robot turns to you with a cross expression on her dials, clearly
Floyd | aggravated by the interruption. "Have you delivered those emails yet,
Floyd | dear?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "yes"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          6:55 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > YES
Floyd | That was a rhetorical question.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Security Camera                         6:56 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Security Camera
Floyd | Currently the camera has settled on a grainy black and white image of
Floyd | the hallway between the cubicles and the elevator. The only furnishing
Floyd | is a Pepsi drinks machine.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the SOUTH is the only door out of the cramped room - through it is
Floyd | ProtectiTech's Central Server.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wait around"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Security Camera                         5:01 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | Feeling as ready as you ever will, you wait around until Jane's workday
Floyd | ends, at 5:00 PM.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "buh"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          5:02 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Central Server
Floyd | To the EAST, you can see the code monkeys working. Here, the decor puts
Floyd | you in the mind of the ideal 1950s office, complete with wooden desks
Floyd | and rotary dial telephones. Processing paperwork and operating the
Floyd | phones are a set of robots - also 50s vintage - with dials for eyes and
Floyd | vacuum tubes for brains. NORTH of here is a room whose door says
Floyd | SECURITY CAMERA. On the WEST side of the server is a small maintenance
Floyd | closet marked: SODA MACHINE.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Mailer-Daemon has leaned on one of the other secretary's desks and
Floyd | is making chit-chat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      5:03 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Ou
Floyd | ProtectiTech Local Area Network
Floyd | The LAN at Jane's workplace resembles nothing so much as a late 19th
Floyd | century factory, complete with squalid concrete floor, metal roof, and
Floyd | dirty smoke. It's the sort of place where you might send orphans whose
Floyd | parents you particularly hated.
Floyd |
Floyd | You recognize Jane's particular monkey / typewriter representation from
Floyd | previous trips here. It's off to the EAST of the machine. To the WEST,
Floyd | you can see ProtectiTech's Central Server, separated from the rest of
Floyd | the machine room by glass windows and a glass door. UP from here, a
Floyd | wireless connection leads back to the satellite.
Floyd |
Floyd | The supervisor is rolled up in a ball, trying to escape the continuing
Floyd | attacks of the angry bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The remains of the machine smolder.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see an angry bird here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 5:04 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Watts' Work Computer
Floyd | Jane's monkey is typing on its typewriter. Looks like she's at work.
Floyd | Too bad her work computer doesn't have a webcam - you'll have to find
Floyd | some other way to check on her. NORTH and SOUTH from here are Jane's
Floyd | closest neighbors on the network: Grace Grant and Andrew Ma,
Floyd | respectively. WEST from here, you see the other code monkeys, closer to
Floyd | the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Realms of Realmland figurine and Watts' Inbox (in which
Floyd | is an email for Grant) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Ma's Work Computer                                   5:05 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  t
Floyd | Ma's Work Computer
Floyd | Andrew's code monkey is hard at work. Back NORTH is Jane's spot on the
Floyd | company LAN. WEST from here, you see the other code monkeys, closer to
Floyd | the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Ma's Inbox (in which is an email for Ma) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Ma's Work Computer                                   5:06 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Watts' Work Computer                                 5:07 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Watts' Work Computer
Floyd | Jane's monkey is typing on its typewriter. Looks like she's at work.
Floyd | Too bad her work computer doesn't have a webcam - you'll have to find
Floyd | some other way to check on her. NORTH and SOUTH from here are Jane's
Floyd | closest neighbors on the network: Grace Grant and Andrew Ma,
Floyd | respectively. WEST from here, you see the other code monkeys, closer to
Floyd | the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Realms of Realmland figurine and Watts' Inbox (in which
Floyd | is an email for Grant) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Grant's Work Computer                                5:08 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > At
Floyd | Grant's Work Computer
Floyd | Grace's code monkey is hard at work. Back SOUTH is Jane's spot on the
Floyd | company LAN. WEST from here, you see the other code monkeys, closer to
Floyd | the center of the LAN.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Grant's Inbox (in which is an email for Watts) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      5:09 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Local Area Network
Floyd | The LAN at Jane's workplace resembles nothing so much as a late 19th
Floyd | century factory, complete with squalid concrete floor, metal roof, and
Floyd | dirty smoke. It's the sort of place where you might send orphans whose
Floyd | parents you particularly hated.
Floyd |
Floyd | You recognize Jane's particular monkey / typewriter representation from
Floyd | previous trips here. It's off to the EAST of the machine. To the WEST,
Floyd | you can see ProtectiTech's Central Server, separated from the rest of
Floyd | the machine room by glass windows and a glass door. UP from here, a
Floyd | wireless connection leads back to the satellite.
Floyd |
Floyd | The supervisor is rolled up in a ball, trying to escape the continuing
Floyd | attacks of the angry bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The remains of the machine smolder.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see an angry bird here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to monkeys"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      5:09 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  TO THE CENTER oYou can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          5:10 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Central Server
Floyd | To the EAST, you can see the code monkeys working. Here, the decor puts
Floyd | you in the mind of the ideal 1950s office, complete with wooden desks
Floyd | and rotary dial telephones. Processing paperwork and operating the
Floyd | phones are a set of robots - also 50s vintage - with dials for eyes and
Floyd | vacuum tubes for brains. NORTH of here is a room whose door says
Floyd | SECURITY CAMERA. On the WEST side of the server is a small maintenance
Floyd | closet marked: SODA MACHINE.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Mailer-Daemon has leaned on one of the other secretary's desks and
Floyd | is making chit-chat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Security Camera                         5:11 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Ro
Floyd | ProtectiTech Security Camera
Floyd | Currently the camera has settled on a grainy black and white image of
Floyd | the hallway between the cubicles and the elevator. The only furnishing
Floyd | is a Pepsi drinks machine.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the SOUTH is the only door out of the cramped room - through it is
Floyd | ProtectiTech's Central Server.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Central Server                          5:12 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | ProtectiTech Central Server
Floyd | To the EAST, you can see the code monkeys working. Here, the decor puts
Floyd | you in the mind of the ideal 1950s office, complete with wooden desks
Floyd | and rotary dial telephones. Processing paperwork and operating the
Floyd | phones are a set of robots - also 50s vintage - with dials for eyes and
Floyd | vacuum tubes for brains. NORTH of here is a room whose door says
Floyd | SECURITY CAMERA. On the WEST side of the server is a small maintenance
Floyd | closet marked: SODA MACHINE.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Mailer-Daemon has leaned on one of the other secretary's desks and
Floyd | is making chit-chat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  ProtectiTech Local Area Network                      5:13 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Al
Floyd | ProtectiTech Local Area Network
Floyd | The LAN at Jane's workplace resembles nothing so much as a late 19th
Floyd | century factory, complete with squalid concrete floor, metal roof, and
Floyd | dirty smoke. It's the sort of place where you might send orphans whose
Floyd | parents you particularly hated.
Floyd |
Floyd | You recognize Jane's particular monkey / typewriter representation from
Floyd | previous trips here. It's off to the EAST of the machine. To the WEST,
Floyd | you can see ProtectiTech's Central Server, separated from the rest of
Floyd | the machine room by glass windows and a glass door. UP from here, a
Floyd | wireless connection leads back to the satellite.
Floyd |
Floyd | The supervisor is rolled up in a ball, trying to escape the continuing
Floyd | attacks of the angry bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | The remains of the machine smolder.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see an angry bird here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             5:14 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Communications Satellite
Floyd | This satellite, orbiting high above the Earth's surface, is one of the
Floyd | great switching stations in the global network. Here calls and messages
Floyd | are routed and re-routed. Around you, data bees and web surfers hurry
Floyd | and scurry - all of them want to talk to the Router-Daemon.
Floyd |
Floyd | BENEATH you, you can just make out the white glimmer of The Cloud.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Router-Daemon is a robotic many-armed creature that points incoming
Floyd | data in the correct direction. Three levers - one gold, one bronze, one
Floyd | silver - protrude from its torso. Lost data packets talk to it to
Floyd | receive instructions on where to go.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pull gold"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           5:15 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > RETE FLOOrAs you pull the lever, you feel yourself dematerialize in a
Floyd | stream 1s and 0s.
Floyd |
Floyd | Smartphone
Floyd | As a phone its a bit of a bust. Jane has had the thing for a whole year
Floyd | and she still doesn't know how to hang up properly, much less put
Floyd | someone on hold. You understand it's very good for playing games about
Floyd | overly emotional birds, though. ABOVE you, a tenuous signal connects
Floyd | you to a communications satellite. To the NORTH is the phone's camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an alarm clock here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         5:16 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Phone Camera
Floyd | Your tiny low definition window into the world currently peers into
Floyd | Jane's cubicle. Whenever being stuck inside of the virtual world starts
Floyd | to make you feel claustrophobic, all you have to do is think about this
Floyd | grey prison, and suddenly you feel all better. The rest of the
Floyd | smartphone is SOUTH of here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jane, still bleary-eyed, is typing away at her work computer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x jane"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         5:17 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > UALID cJane Watts is 31 years old and unkempt. She's generally
Floyd | friendly, if sometimes not totally there. Also, she is the cause of all
Floyd | your problems.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x work computer"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         5:17 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x computer"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         5:17 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X COMPUTER
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to jane"
Floyd ]  Phone Camera                                         5:18 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK TO JANE
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           5:19 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Smartphone
Floyd | As a phone its a bit of a bust. Jane has had the thing for a whole year
Floyd | and she still doesn't know how to hang up properly, much less put
Floyd | someone on hold. You understand it's very good for playing games about
Floyd | overly emotional birds, though. ABOVE you, a tenuous signal connects
Floyd | you to a communications satellite. To the NORTH is the phone's camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an alarm clock here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "turn off clock"
Floyd ]  Smartphone                                           5:20 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | You don't want to encourage irresponsibility, do you?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             5:21 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Communications Satellite
Floyd | This satellite, orbiting high above the Earth's surface, is one of the
Floyd | great switching stations in the global network. Here calls and messages
Floyd | are routed and re-routed. Around you, data bees and web surfers hurry
Floyd | and scurry - all of them want to talk to the Router-Daemon.
Floyd |
Floyd | BENEATH you, you can just make out the white glimmer of The Cloud.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Router-Daemon is a robotic many-armed creature that points incoming
Floyd | data in the correct direction. Three levers - one gold, one bronze, one
Floyd | silver - protrude from its torso. Lost data packets talk to it to
Floyd | receive instructions on where to go.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pull silver"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             5:22 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > ESEMBLES NOtAs you pull the lever, an error message appears: 404 Not
Floyd | Found.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x packets"
Floyd ]  Communications Satellite                             5:22 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X PACKETS
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Well, hm. We could, I suppose, check the email again back in the laptop, or the social network and blogosphere."
DavidW says, "But I suspect we're stuck in a sequence without any end."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]  The Cloud                                            5:23 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | The Cloud
Floyd | Here, all is calm and serene. You are floating. Blue sky. A lazy white
Floyd | cloud of data floats by. It smiles at you. The other clouds smile too,
Floyd | for they are marhmallow fluffy and secure.
Floyd |
Floyd | ABOVE you orbits a communication satellite. Far BELOW are the vast
Floyd | interconnected cyberplanes of the internet. Floating among the clouds
Floyd | is a flock of hot air balloons that have been tethered together to
Floyd | create a makeshift, bulbous sphere. You think could squeeze INSIDE this
Floyd | "Blogosphere."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]  The Blogosphere                                      5:24 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | The Blogosphere
Floyd | All around you are the hot air balloons, each decorated in their own
Floyd | bright colors and logos.  OUTSIDE the balloons is the Cloud in which
Floyd | they float.
Floyd |
Floyd | One balloon in particular is near to you. Its lone pilot is wearing a
Floyd | red cape and goggles - you immediately recognize him as Cory Doctorow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd ]  The Cloud                                            5:25 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > SSAg
Floyd | The Cloud
Floyd | Here, all is calm and serene. You are floating. Blue sky. A lazy white
Floyd | cloud of data floats by. It smiles at you. The other clouds smile too,
Floyd | for they are marhmallow fluffy and secure.
Floyd |
Floyd | ABOVE you orbits a communication satellite. Far BELOW are the vast
Floyd | interconnected cyberplanes of the internet. Floating among the clouds
Floyd | is a flock of hot air balloons that have been tethered together to
Floyd | create a makeshift, bulbous sphere. You think could squeeze INSIDE this
Floyd | "Blogosphere."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]  World Wide Web                                       5:26 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | World Wide Web
Floyd | The Net. The Web. An endless sea of data, in which your hard drive is
Floyd | only a fragement, a mere raft bobbing among the mountainous waves. To
Floyd | the NORTH you see a towering search engine. To the EAST you can hear
Floyd | the chatter of a social network. To the SOUTHWEST there is a stately
Floyd | online encyclopedia. ABOVE you is the Cloud, through which you can just
Floyd | make out the glint of a communications satellite. Go back DOWN the
Floyd | ethernet cable to return to the desktop.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Social Network                                       5:27 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Te
Floyd | Social Network
Floyd | Crowds of people jostle you wherever you go. Everyone seems to be
Floyd | talking to everyone else, all at once. You have no idea how they sort
Floyd | out what's going on.
Floyd |
Floyd | Back WEST is the great sea of information - the web. Further EAST,
Floyd | through the crowds, you can just see Jane's social networking profile.
Floyd | The link you found points the way NORTHEAST to Andrew Ma's Profile and
Floyd | SOUTHEAST to Grace Grant's Profile.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Watts' Profile                                       5:28 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Watts' Profile
Floyd | A monument to the individuality of Jane Watts. Jane Watts is female and
Floyd | single, interested in men and women. Jane Watts' interests include
Floyd | coding, Realms of Realmland, and Mountain Dew.
Floyd |
Floyd | Back WEST is the rest of the social network.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Social Network                                       5:29 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Social Network
Floyd | Crowds of people jostle you wherever you go. Everyone seems to be
Floyd | talking to everyone else, all at once. You have no idea how they sort
Floyd | out what's going on.
Floyd |
Floyd | Back WEST is the great sea of information - the web. Further EAST,
Floyd | through the crowds, you can just see Jane's social networking profile.
Floyd | The link you found points the way NORTHEAST to Andrew Ma's Profile and
Floyd | SOUTHEAST to Grace Grant's Profile.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ]  Ma's Profile                                         5:30 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > - t
Floyd | Ma's Profile
Floyd | A monument to the individuality of Andrew Ma. Andrew Ma is male and
Floyd | single, interested in women. Andrew Ma's interests include J.R.R.
Floyd | Tolkien, art, and computers.
Floyd |
Floyd | A link to the EAST leads to one of Andrew's friends, her cousin Edward.
Floyd | Back SOUTHWEST is the rest of the social network.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Watts' Friendship Icon here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Ma's Cousin's Profile                                5:31 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Ma's Cousin's Profile
Floyd | A monument to the individuality of Edward Ma. Edward Ma is male and
Floyd | single, interested in women. Edward Ma's interests include sky diving,
Floyd | water skiing, rock climbing, and other adventures.
Floyd |
Floyd | Back WEST is a link to one of Edward's friends, his cousin Andrew.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Grant's Friendship Icon here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Ma's Profile                                         5:32 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > Oc
Floyd | Ma's Profile
Floyd | A monument to the individuality of Andrew Ma. Andrew Ma is male and
Floyd | single, interested in women. Andrew Ma's interests include J.R.R.
Floyd | Tolkien, art, and computers.
Floyd |
Floyd | A link to the EAST leads to one of Andrew's friends, her cousin Edward.
Floyd | Back SOUTHWEST is the rest of the social network.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Watts' Friendship Icon here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  Social Network                                       5:33 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | Social Network
Floyd | Crowds of people jostle you wherever you go. Everyone seems to be
Floyd | talking to everyone else, all at once. You have no idea how they sort
Floyd | out what's going on.
Floyd |
Floyd | Back WEST is the great sea of information - the web. Further EAST,
Floyd | through the crowds, you can just see Jane's social networking profile.
Floyd | The link you found points the way NORTHEAST to Andrew Ma's Profile and
Floyd | SOUTHEAST to Grace Grant's Profile.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  World Wide Web                                       5:34 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | World Wide Web
Floyd | The Net. The Web. An endless sea of data, in which your hard drive is
Floyd | only a fragement, a mere raft bobbing among the mountainous waves. To
Floyd | the NORTH you see a towering search engine. To the EAST you can hear
Floyd | the chatter of a social network. To the SOUTHWEST there is a stately
Floyd | online encyclopedia. ABOVE you is the Cloud, through which you can just
Floyd | make out the glint of a communications satellite. Go back DOWN the
Floyd | ethernet cable to return to the desktop.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            5:35 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  N
Floyd | Personal Computer Desktop
Floyd | Jane's desktop. The place is a disaster. Unused icons clutter
Floyd | everything, almost hiding the forgotten to-do lists (notably
Floyd | "dothisnow_Jan2_1999.txt").
Floyd |
Floyd | A webcam icon points NORTH. An e-mail icon leads NORTHWEST, towards the
Floyd | inbox.  ABOVE you the ethernet port goes out to the wider internet. An
Floyd | icon depicting a torch-lit dungeon leads DOWN into Realms of Realmland,
Floyd | the popular online game.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is an error window here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Webcam                                               5:36 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Webcam
Floyd | This is your peephole. The blinds have been lifted, so now the room is
Floyd | lit by more than just the glow of the desktop monitor. Once, you think
Floyd | you recall, the bedroom had a floor, but now all that is visible are
Floyd | socks, programming manuals, and computer game boxes. Out of this
Floyd | morass, a futon rises, like a whale surfacing to breathe. You can't see
Floyd | anything else, but this is merely worrisome, as you know anything could
Floyd | be hiding beneath the mess.
Floyd |
Floyd | The desktop is SOUTH of here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x futon"
Floyd ]  Webcam                                               5:36 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X FUTON
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            5:37 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > St
Floyd | Personal Computer Desktop
Floyd | Jane's desktop. The place is a disaster. Unused icons clutter
Floyd | everything, almost hiding the forgotten to-do lists (notably
Floyd | "dothisnow_Jan2_1999.txt").
Floyd |
Floyd | A webcam icon points NORTH. An e-mail icon leads NORTHWEST, towards the
Floyd | inbox.  ABOVE you the ethernet port goes out to the wider internet. An
Floyd | icon depicting a torch-lit dungeon leads DOWN into Realms of Realmland,
Floyd | the popular online game.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is an error window here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          5:38 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd | Email Inbox
Floyd | You never enter here when you don't have to, and Jane doesn't enter
Floyd | here even if she does. Towers of digital mail and messages surround
Floyd | you, erupting from the floor, ceilings and walls in a dizzying
Floyd | Escher-esque pattern of complexity.  The desktop is to the SOUTHEAST.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Great Unread Masses form some kind of perverse city of unexchanged
Floyd | information. At night, sometimes, you think you can hear them
Floyd | whispering to each other .
Floyd |
Floyd | Floating nearby you see a micro model of the macro mess - Jane's chat
Floyd | logs.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x logs"
Floyd ]  Email Inbox                                          5:39 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > ERYTHInIt's Jane's chat log from last night.  It reveals her unwise
Floyd | intent to go on a date set up via Realms of Realmland. This must be
Floyd | stopped at all costs!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            5:40 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd | Personal Computer Desktop
Floyd | Jane's desktop. The place is a disaster. Unused icons clutter
Floyd | everything, almost hiding the forgotten to-do lists (notably
Floyd | "dothisnow_Jan2_1999.txt").
Floyd |
Floyd | A webcam icon points NORTH. An e-mail icon leads NORTHWEST, towards the
Floyd | inbox.  ABOVE you the ethernet port goes out to the wider internet. An
Floyd | icon depicting a torch-lit dungeon leads DOWN into Realms of Realmland,
Floyd | the popular online game.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is an error window here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            5:41 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > D
Floyd | This path just leads to corrupted data now. You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x window"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            5:42 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > X WINDOW
Floyd | The error message reads: "This application has encountered a critical
Floyd | error: Realms of Realmland. ERROR #42 (0x0892309) Fatal Condition.
Floyd | Failed to open archive ****\realm-****.RLM: The system cannot find the
Floyd | file specified. Press OK to terminate the application."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "press ok"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            5:42 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | >  A DATE sYou can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "hm. I'm really suspecting we need to restart the whole thing."
DavidW says, "I'm thinking, we use the virus on the email, the bug on the Realm, and the bird on the supervisor."
DavidW says, "And don't play with the soda machine until someone's in front of it."
DavidW says, "It's 1am, though. I kinda want to suggest adjourning this session."
genericgeekgirl says, "OK."
DavidW says, "Thanks for the game."
DavidW has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "quit"
Floyd ]  Personal Computer Desktop                            5:42 pm
Floyd |
Floyd | > QUIT
Floyd | Are you sure you want to quit?
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "y"
Floyd | debugcheapnitfol quit with exit status: 0
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"


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