The Idea:To mark the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Michael Gentry's Anchorhead, Ryan Veeder and Jenni Polodna organized a massive multi-author tribute game: "A strong female character wanders the halls of a decrepit mansion. Her husband is in danger. She has to help him. Each room into which she points her flickering flashlight teems with arcane danger and unspeakable history. Each room has been designed and written by a different author."

In all, Ryan and Jenni seemlessly cobbled together the contributions of 84 different authors, including me. They cleverly ensured that puzzles would both be contained within individual contributions as well as sprawl across the massive (500k+ word) landscape.

You can read reviews of this game at IFDB, or you can just throw caution to the wind and either play it online or download it here.

If you're new to interactive fiction, I would recommend a visit to A Beginner's Guide to Playing Interactive Fiction before you download anything.